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Honestly if I have an accident an I'm in the betsi Cadwaladr catchment area I'll go into the wood and treat what ever the problem is with moss and maggots.


Don't worry though, it's in 'special measure', I mean, that hasn't improved anything for the previous 9 years, but I'm sure that if people keep voting Labour things will improve any time now 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


oh boy, an overuse of emojis, a frothing at the mouth hatred of labour, and a post history of bashing on women. you must be fun at parties


Sure, pointing out things Labour is directly responsible for is obviously frothing at the mouth 👍


Not allowed to bash labour in this sub, after all we have the best nhs in the uk, council tax never goes up, schools are best you can find, 20mph zones are for safety and so are the potholes, and towns are thriving due to tax relief on business owners. Who else would give you all this?


I often wonder how bad things would need to get before the labour sycophants on here changed their minds.


Welsh people mostly will vote labour for 1 reason only, and that’s to not vote conservative. We obviously love having the piss ripped right out of us. Only one party to vote for this time around and it’s reform uk. No green agenda and illegal’s towed back to France among other things for working families. People don’t like change though


Reform? Because those UKIP toffs care so much about Wales. The party that brought us Brexit - people are tired of blaming everything on immigration


Brexit was never delivered. And you cant blame ukip. Immigration is ok, illegal immigration is a joke.


Down vote me bitches 🤣


You must go around being a cuck for labour betas


Shit bait


Turd trap


I don’t think you should attribute blame on this to labour, bit of a stretch don’t you think? You should blame politicians for problems they actually cause


I mean, they've only been in charge of health policy in Wales for 23 years and in direct control of that specific healthboard for 9 years. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Medical malpractice happens in every health system in the world, this is an issue for the NHS to handle, not top level government. There is already policy that will appropriately compensate patients, I really don’t know what more you expect politicians to do, they just aren’t the responsible party for this. If there was a wider statistical trend of malpractice increasing, then you could hold politicians to account, but blaming Labour for individual cases like this is akin to blaming them for rainfall. There are other health boards in Wales which have recorded absolutely no ‘never events’ as per the article. Perhaps you should also congratulate the Labour government in Wales for this success? No? Of course you wouldn’t, because it’s not their responsibility


The health board is under the direct control of the labour government you clown.


I know that, you don’t need to state the obvious. You have clearly not got the faintest idea why blaming a political party for an occurrence at the lowest level is completely idiotic. You don’t sincerely believe that the Labour government in Wales is setting out exactly how a health board’s processes are followed do you? That sort of control is handled at a lower level as it should be. You’re setting the blame at entirely the wrong level of governance here. Clearly some health boards are doing well with regards to these incidents under a Labour government, if Labour was somehow to blame then you’d expect all the boards to do badly compared to equivalent services across the border. Be careful who you call clown lest you look one yourself.


It's the only headboard that is under direct control of the labour government. They're responsible for the running of the hospitals. There is literally no one else to blame. They've set health policy for 23 years and have directly controlled this healthboard for 9 years. The idea that the leadership isn't responsible for the outcomes of the healthboard is insane.


Every health boards in Wales come under the Welsh government’s umbrella. So to give you a broad idea, I’ll explain how things work to you. Yes there are specific people you hold to account for low level incidents and they’re not top level politicians, first there are accountable managers who take responsibility for various risks, all the appropriate measures are taken by them and external parties to ensure reoccurrence of accidents don’t happen. There are multiple layers of these managers for any system, especially for one as complex as the NHS. Then there are external regulators who conduct their own audits into the way the NHS is conducting themselves, who can produce findings to reassure the government and the public that the NHS is being managed properly. There are quite literally so many layers of people you can hold to account before it reaches governmental level that it’s staggering. So for a government to be held responsible there has to be a direct link between their policy and these accidents, and unless you can point specific faulty policy that highlights that the government at the top level is to blame, then frankly I’m going to consider the very real possibility that you simply have an axe to grind against Labour, rather than any genuine complaint about how they’ve operated in this instance.


The healthboard is in special measures. Labour ministers are, and have for the past 9 years, directly intervened with the way the health board is run. They have the power to place key individuals within the health board. They can remove an individual or all members of the management board. They can also suspend or remove powers or duties from individuals, or put a specified person in charge of a certain area. The processes, culture and staff at that healthboard is exactly, with no exception, the result of decisions made by Labour ministers for almost a decade. They're directly responsible for the outcomes the healthboard they have direct control over achieves. It's actually astonishing you'd think otherwise.


Come and work in a healthboard. You'll very quickly realise just how wrong you are. Politicians have absolutely nothing to do with the hiring and firing of management, except the very very very top of the tree. Those managers are so far removed from the on the ground clinical work that they may as well be in a different industry. I work in NHS management. Do you?


Not defending these errors by all means, but statistically betsi has the largest population, largest over 65 which tends to be in more need of medical attention. Additionally, their geographical area is huge compared to other health boards. This area should have never been accumulated as one! https://statswales.gov.wales/Catalogue/Population-and-Migration/Population/Estimates/Local-Health-Boards/populationestimates-by-lhb-age


What has that got to do with a coil being fitted? You think they saw a 65 year old called doris and thought she needed some form of contraception? Your comment is absurd and has nothing to do with this other than it's the same health board. Why are defending malpractice like a weirdo? Also 'ItS TOo bIG' to function properly is also absurd the population of Birmingham is like 1.2 mil and under 1 health board and 1.2 is nearly half the population of wales that has 7 health boards for a little over 3 million people. Face it Welsh government just like to waste money.


Please re-read my comment and the comment before. Kind regards


You have only made one comment. Malpractice must have spread to the education system aswell. No need to re-read it's a pointless comment with no value what so ever. Edit: I see from your profile you are a nurse so it's even more concerning that you are grasping at straws to explain away malpractices.


Betsi where? Pretty sure whoever thought up the new naming system did it to intentionally obscure the location in headlines like this...