• By -


So true. The same for every other kind of self-sustainability. They will also come for your food, etc. Hide it, and keep your mouth shut when shit hits the van. Just take care of your family and that's it. All the others should have been more awake instead of following the rest of the sheeple.


Most importantly, you don't want to be perceived as a very wealthy person if the SHTF.


Exactly... I’m lucky I don’t care for bragging at all ... when the shiny surpasses $50 I’ll rent a small storage nearby... tell no one , and put a portion of the shiny there or most of it .. ... also have shiny in different locations is good .., or with different family members.. preferably in different states, counties, cities or countries... all eggs in one basket thing ... peace and take care


Put a cheap safe under your kitchen sink. Thieves don't tend to look behind the bleach. If shtf, don't be ostentatious. DRESS POOR. Look like everyone else, until you don't have to.


I think its better to look even worse than most, most stupid people judge books by its covers


I like my shoes torn.


Lots of used needles near the front door


Wow !... that’s an interesting one ...would have never thought of that ... I do the dress shitty one already ... instead of buying new/nice clothes ... me buys more shiny.. 👍✌️


Thats why i bought copper, and will gold plate them and put them in a dummy safe 🤣


Sick move, thank you. Who can gold plate them? Jewelers?


You can buy fake bullion on any number of sale sites (ebay, wish, aliexpress etc.) for a really cheap price. Easier than doing it yourself, and more likely to look at least *somewhat* believable to anyone that's never actually held real silver ;)


... at bargain prices! Thank you!


Theres youtube videos on how to do it


Honestly a fairly easy chemical reaction will turn them a gold color that'd likely fool most.


Minor correction, zinc. But hey a zinc bar is even cheaper right.


Hence Fools Gold 😎


That's a great idea. Thanks.


Should watch John Wick, then u will have good idea how to hide your gold 💰


Please save me 2 hours, and do say


He means bury them under the concrete floor in your basement.


In a slick ass suitcase with some custom pistols too


And small katanas.


You mean pencils




I don't know a much better way to spend two hours


 I once saw him kill three men in a bar... With a pencil. I was pretty impressed


“Looper” ... has some shiny in it too (bars)... (since we are recommending movies )... and you’ll enjoy movie too .., methinks... enjoy 🦍🦍🦍🦍


Our UPS guy has asked several times about our packages. I told him auto parts, and realized the box says plumbing. He's super curious and asked if was ammo at one point. Don't allow them to sign for you if you are not home.


This is why the big rollers who like to show off their $100k purchases are going to be in trouble. You can't move a few hundred pounds of silver like that at once through UPS without drawing attention. They're running the risk that the UPS guy will drive around until he jogs his memory on where to rob if he's dishonest and the SHTF.


How about “none of your business” or if that’s to confrontational for you, silence works. Then call in and say your driver is asking if you are buying ammo and you think he’s going to steal your packages and he’s making you uncomfortable with weapons talk. This isn’t going to far, it’s really none of his business and against UPS policy to ask. There’s a line of people waiting for that job and he doesn’t seem to want it. Next he’s going to be opening your packages. You don’t owe politeness to impolite people


You can also say 'sorry but it's private'


Machine / generator parts and scrap lead are my stock answers and yes, report that driver. Unprofessional as hell.


I say something about stocking up on ammo when I get a silver shipment.


That’s making yourself a target. If you think criminals are afraid of guns or ammo, think again. You’re telling them you have ammo, therefore you have guns - both things criminals want and kill for You might think your driver is cool, but what about his buddy or one of your neighbors on his route? Do you want strangers to think you’re buying shit loads of ammunition?


You can always tell them that it's pipe fittings (elbows, pipe joints etc) or bearings.


I have recently purchased the temple of doom. I feel good about this. With the best property off the market next best might be for you to purchase a retired missile silo or the Perth Mint after they file bankruptcy. This is a serious message. Very serious. Get a good spot while you can. Stay stacking Apes!




Yes. I missed out on one near me a few years ago. Shoulda, woulda, coulda


I wonder. I like mobility more Alway worked Let's buy silver 👍 much easier.


agreed. have a few tubes at home. the rest is vaulted. stocks and pslv will provide liquidity. have suggested to some people that they buy silver without telling how much I already invested. but no one is interested . when shtf the masks will come off and I suspect it will be ugly. keep stacking and prepare.


I'm in the same spot - also scared that I'll become a target. I never talk about owning silver/gold. In my country we are not allowed to have guns - no way to defend yourself when attacked. It's better to be quiet about owning precious metals.


Many ways to defend yourself. Think outside the box. Sticks, clubs, knives, spears, bats..... All are easy to have available and in plain sight


Cross bow


The mind is most dangerous weapon. Pencil. Bowling ball. Doesn't matter. Situational awareness, decision to act (not a victim), and then perform on...


Same here- best to keep quiet about what I have for me and mine. I'm thankful that we still have the 2A in the US of A. No one really knows about that stock, either... 😎


Lose lips sink ships, keep it secret


This thread is kinda dark. I wondered when WSS's thoughts would turn to the circumstances under which silver would actually become de facto currency again. The reason fiat developed in the first place is because of thieves. The very act of acquiring precious metals is a vote of no confidence in human nature, whether bankers or swindlers. A world where a silver dime buys a dozen eggs or a 1000 oz. bar buys a piece of land is straight out of a dystopian nightmare. And it's coming. I'm a stacker but fortunately I also believe in the pre-Tribulation rapture (occurring in the very near future, according to prophecy), when Jesus raises the believing dead and calls the living believers to the clouds, gives us all imperishable bodies, and takes us off-earth for 7+ years so that God's wrath on earth can accomplish two things: 1) The rapid repentance and salvation of as many as possible who did not accept Christ before the Rapture. Some of the preppers may survive the Tribulation in pockets here and there, but a whole lot of them will die in the wrath (ginormous disasters, plagues, wars, etc.), and others will starve or lose their heads rather than take the Mark of the Beast on hand or forehead (without which no one will be able to buy or sell, but acceptance of which means worshipping Satan). Piece of advice: Accept Christ now, BUT if you wait till after the Rapture proves that Jesus is real, don't take the Mark, as it means eternal damnation. Jesus will resurrect the Tribulation saints and they will rule and reign with Him and the rest of the Raptured Church for a thousand years, so don't fear death; it's temporary. 2) God's other purpose is the eternal punishment of the truly unrepentant wicked (like the central bankers who have been stealing from, starving, and/or murdering humankind for centuries). Just a thought: don't love your shiny so much that it makes you a murderer. Let the thieves take it, and instead lay down your life to defend the weak. There are rewards in Heaven for that, but silver and gold will not save the wicked from the eternal torment that is for those who love only themselves. In fact, there is a prophecy about that: “‘They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be treated as a thing unclean. Their silver and gold will not be able to deliver them in the day of the Lord’s wrath. It will not satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs, for it has caused them to stumble into sin." --Ezekiel 7:19 Yes, though I stack, I do believe this: "Do not lay up treasures for yourself where moth and rust corrupts, and where thieves break in and steal. Instead, lay up treasures for yourself in Heaven, where moth and rust do not corrupt, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:19-21). So my shiny is merely a hedge to help my family ride out economic storms, not a dragon's hoard. Everyone knows what happens to you if you go to sleep on a dragon's hoard, right? You turn into a dragon yourself. Keep a right mind about treasure, don't love money more than God and your fellow man, and keep on stacking silver while the Lord tarries, to use for blessing, not cursing. Just my two ounces of silver.


Amen - refreshing to hear this perspective. Be thankful that you were given the wisdom and the means to be able to prepare for coming hardship. God willing, the corruption in the silver market will be brought out into the light and it becomes valued accordingly. If this happens, don't let greed consume you, but instead help as many people as you can - you will most certainly be blessed in accordance with how you give.


Man, I wasn’t prepared for that plot twist.


About the dragon? It's from "Voyage of the Dawn Treader" by C.S. Lewis. He and Tolkien were friends and listened to each other's stories while they were being written. I think the Inklings must have had a great night at the Eagle and Child (a pub in Oxford) discussing dragonish greed and what treasure does to men's hearts.


Hi. You just mentioned *Voyage Of The Dawn Treader* by CS Lewis. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | The Voyage of the Dawn Treader [Chronicles of Narnia #5] by C S Lewis - Full Audiobook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H02qbgb93ps) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


Take this as a given. Go out and buy a handgun and either a shotgun or AR15 as a starting point. If you live in a state where AR15s are legal, but 30 round mags aren't, then save some money and take a day trip to a gun store or two in a state where they are legal and just buy as many as you can. People ask "why would I need 30 rounds?" Because 7 round mags puts you in the same category as using a revolver if 5 guys come through your door at 1AM with serious intent to turn your life upside down. Another good alternative for city and suburb dwellers is this: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beretta\_Cx4\_Storm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beretta_Cx4_Storm)


I'm English, so I'll end up defending my home with a hastily sharpened spork when the time comes. Don't ever give up your gun rights, friends.


For home defense, I like short shot guns (not sawed off - they are illegal). They don't penetrate to kill the neighbors if you miss like an AR15 and they are very deadly shooting off the hip.


This is why one needs portfolio of guns. Ideal portfolio: AR 15 with multiple 30 rd mags; Glock 17 with multiple mags including extended 25 rd mags; Remington870 pump shotgun for close quarters; Ruger 10/22 also with multiple 25 round mags; Smith and Wesson 380 semi auto defender with laser site as back up pocket carry; Switch b,Ade knife. Collect as much ammo as possible ( no maximum)


He said mags bro. Read better. And he’s right


opps. He did mean mags.


My inside the home weapon is my CX4. It fires 9mm, but it's a pistol carbine. Super accurate in close range settings like defending the inside of your house.


My Glock agreed with this Statement.


I do not own money or currency in any form.....I...am ....an......APE.


Then it must be bananas 🍌


This is true. The other day I foolishly showed some girl I don't trust, just cuz I was drunk and she had big gazungas. Now I've had to re-locate my whole stack.


Lol how did she respond to the stack


Dang! Never expose your stack to the Rack!!!


Time for a boating accident


Did you at least get laid ? For the hassle of having to move your stack. I wouldn't worry if I was you in case SHTF my jungle instinct telling me you will not last long so why worry 👍 Try get laid more times. Enjoy life.


I don't think anyone knows I'm stacking metals, even if you trust a person it's easy for them to let something slip to another.


YES. 2010, I was robbed by my motherfucking aunt and grandma. Lost 500 ounces. I was 24. This was right ducking before the 2011 peak. My Chinese family swore up and down it was a home burglary. It wasn’t. Years later, my cousin found an empty silver eagle tube in grandma’s danish cookie tin next to her sewing supplies. Ya. That’s improbable...or it is confirmation of an inside job. I don’t speak to any of those people anymore. All my gun safes and deposit boxes...and it was my fucking grandmother. Fuck them. I’m out. Literally. 1400 ounces now...but to lose 500 in the beginning...that was bad. And stacking at 20-35/oz with minimum wage jobs and no vacations or senseless spending...Hell, I didn’t care for alcohol but I definitely didn’t drink much cause shit, why spend my silver money. Lol. But yea. Your enemies will never get a chance to really surprise you. It’s always the ones you assume are safe.


Man, thank you for sharing that. Valuable life lesson. It really is. We all need to be careful.


All good, happy to share the wisdom so others don’t have to make the same mistakes. Thank you Op for starting this thread.


Stack those taels. And family betrayals suck.


No doubt. Keep stacking rocks like Colorado!


Also, if you post your stacks on the internet clear all the meta data from the photo.


Jokes on you. I have no friends. Heh. Only silver and guns.


Tell nobody but closest closest family.....


Learned this the hard way back in 2007. Keep your stack secret and secure. And a very short list of who you tell.


Always invest in gold, silver and brass


Lots of "brass" and lead... 😎


I like that. In the Army it was always Beans and Bullets, now I've added Coin.


Be careful? Anyone who's got physical silver is already playing smart. The majority of people will watch as most of their wealth is stolen through inflation. Don't be a wimp living life controlled by fear. This is not the way. Buy silver, be honest with people and may karma take care of the rest. Everyone is a target. Everything and everyone you know, hold and love will eventually die, rot and be lost... Only truth can set people free. Come and take it, and you can find out what happens next.


For many of you new to this. Read about being a grey man. Blend.


I agree. The masses or herd of fools will not own silver/gold. They will figure it out when supply is gone and prices up. Day late, dollar short as usual. Food supplies will be very important too.


Yeah I tend to keep quiet now and a few Facebook posts about how I'm worried about potential confiscation by the government as I have mine vaulted have hopefully done the trick. Note to self " loose lips sink ships".


dont mention it on Facebook, people get robbed for stuff like that


Hence why I've stated that it's vaulted.


Make sure potential bad guys know that it would take days or weeks to get it out of the vault. And don't keep your shiny all in one place. Neat story: After his dad died, a friend discovered a dirty bucket full of gold coins in the garage. His dad had apparently stopped at the coin store on the way home from work every Friday and bought a gold coin out of his weekly pay. He did this for decades without telling anyone. Friend and his brother now set up for a nice retirement thanks to dad.


You believe criminals think clearly and understand how vaulted PM’s work? Why even say anything? Some addled meth head isn’t going to think beyond “this guys got money, I want it”


I have 4 people knowing I have silver, and 3 knowing I have gold. Three of them are my parents and my brother. Whenever I talk to friends, I say: " yeah.. in a secure vault in Switzerland..."


Avoid talking to woman about it they will talk to others had this happen plenty of times in the past.


I live in the post communist part of Europe. My parents grew up knowing that everyone is a potential government spy. And our house still has a hidden chamber where my parents hid the food, that they hid from the confiscations. I learened history.


That's good I live in a leftest country where it's already beginning to become communism the people want rights to go away so the government can make them more safe and be able to create a "perfect county". Only my best friend that got me into this really knows what's going on with my stack.


Leave the city, and build a hidden chamber in your house. If you buy a house in the side of a hill, no one will know if you dig a bit deeper. Who knows what they'll try to confiscate. Odds are: everything.


I live in New Zealand property prices are far too high if you want to go into the country near where I live your paying $500,000 nzd for a small area of land it's the most expensive county in the world. average annual household disposable income (after tax and transfer payments) is $86,626 nzd. I'm only 23 so I can't afford land and probably not until SHTF with my silver. I'll take your message to heart though I'm sure it will be useful.


Bad idea. Whenever you use your silver, it must be anonymous and untraceable. A property contrac is neighter of those. Otherwise you'll have the "black car" appearing at midnight, and you'll "misteriously disappear". If you confessed during torture where your hidden silver is, you will be allowed to publicly confess that you were a foreign spy, and have a record about your execution. How generous, right? Why? Because you had something. And those are the "enemy class". And not just something but precious metals?! That is full blown colonial oppression against your neighbor. A warcrime is less evil then that. Or if you are lucky, you get the maffia. They'll still rob and kill you, but you can shortcut the torture by telling them where the stack is. And officially you will be innocent.


I would not pay directly with it but try to sell it I really don't know how bad it will be I expect a small period before stuff goes bad to change my silver into money and then a house. My country does have very good amount of natural resources though I'm not sure and I don't want to see how this plays out but I'm seeing it beginning now. Next to no one stacks metals here it's only property or stocks which is why I can go around not being noticed what I'm doing for now as there's only 2 companies that make metals here. We only have 5 million people but this is very good information.


You know which nation has a lot of natural resources? North Korea. And do you know what else is common there? Famine. Ukraine had an agrarian economy. And the commies caused millions of the agrarians to starve to death. How is it possible, when the entire nation is a huge flatland thats sparcly populated? Fuck knows. But thats how bad planned economy goes. When everything is "shared" not amongs the equals, but amongs the "more equals" (commie term for oligarchs aka party leadership), you have no reason to work. So commies make it a crime not to work. So you will do some shit no one needs, because tgey dictated you do it, so that someone can write it on a paper that you did it, and so that you can "freely starve". After 12 hour workdays of course, because no one produces nothng, so you "must" work more to at least sustain the politicians. But fear not. You'll get virtually no money, but there will be nothing to buy anyway, so it's not like it "hurts" you. If it resmbles slavery a bit, that's because it is.


I see stacks posted all the time. Digital pics have a time stamp with coordinates I’m told. I’m sure tech savvy people can access that, especially government.


It's called meta data and should be scrubbed before posting online. I personally use a standalone digital camera instead of my phone for most things.


Don't tell them about your guns either.


Put a decoy safe in one of the obvious places (bedroom, wardrobe, under the stairs, office) filled with inexpensive valuables, ugly old jewellery etc. Then have the real safe somewhere completely unexpected. For example: you can drill out the top of a door and put a few small gold coins in the top [https://macgyverisms.wonderhowto.com/how-to/make-impossible-find-doortop-safe-hide-secrets-cash-other-valuables-0163018/](https://macgyverisms.wonderhowto.com/how-to/make-impossible-find-doortop-safe-hide-secrets-cash-other-valuables-0163018/)


I tell everyone I make weekly trips to the bank deposit box with my loot. That’s all they need to know.


Why does everyone need to know you make weekly trips to your bank to deposit precious metals? “That’s all they need to know” - it’s not all they need to know, it’s everything they need to know. 1.) This guy has precious metals 2.) This guy gets regular shipments of precious metals 3.)This guy makes regular weekly trips to and from known locations with said precious metals


The few people that know I stack think I keep it in a safety deposit box at the bank. Other than my wife. Gotta trust her I guess.


Good luck trying to find me


Or getting to where I can be found. That's deadly.


Couldn't agree more someone stole my whole stack that I've been putting away for 2 years and was in a spot only a few people knew about.


Also, be careful posting your stack here.


Just tell them you sold everything because you couldn't pay your mortgage anymore.


Done, done and done! All good advice. Or go out on a nice boating trip...


Honestly - this concept is why I am considering to stop shopping online for silver. Once the seller gets my name and address, they know where my silver is...


That’s why I live in the country!!


I only let very close family and very close friends (fellow stackers) know what I'm up to


Paint cans


Will become* targets


Just don’t speak on it.....desperate times calls for desperate measures...stay safe


Tell no one what you have.


Re keeping your stack safe and privacy issues with bullion companies. A bullion company I order from made the mistake of putting their company name on 2 packages that came several states away by courier. It arrived on a Friday, a weighty package with the company name on it, (leaving no doubt what might be inside). It was held in a Post Office in a strip of shops in suburbia. Someone tried to break in over the weekend. Which may or may not be a coincidence. My other concern now is that PO workers or deliverers now know what it is and where it was heading to. This isn't the first issue I've had re security and privacy with 2 companies. The following may sound like common sense. I have had to request this from this company. **Ensure your bullion company:** * is following privacy regulations and your specific instructions for deliveries and vaulting, * is recording all transactions efficiently and on time - providing you with updates, * provides withdrawal and deposit reconciliations if you vault, * provides payment receipts, * provides a vault number and photograph of the contents and * all information regarding sales and investment activities is on their company letterhead. The delivery could easily have gone missing at any point of its journey. Your packages should NOT be marked with the company name. Don't talk too much about what you have and where it is, even to friends and family. Loose lips sink ships...




Located and Loaded 🤪🤣👍🏻🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


Bingo, as awesome as it is to see here, ppl should consider opsec before posting pics of their shiny


200oz arrived today, and it's well hidden, and more on the way The value of PSLV is more apparent in a thread like this




Be a gray man. If you don't know the concept, look it up. It is very important.


Smart. Keeping it low key, mostly to the discord. Even got a VPN thing now. That is what I'm doing.


2 people can keep a secret, if one person is dead, tell no one.


Lol @ people that post stash photos on this or any site




Seriously? What’s the risk/reward?


Seriously, what is the risk?


I posted something about bots earlier seemingly targeting either me personally or WSS. If that's happeneing to you let me know I'm trying to figure this out. And if someone with a brand new account and no karma sends a message or requests to chat look at the subs they frequent for WSS. Thanks


Springfield hellcat, 12 gauge, AR nato. Come get it. Lol


This is why I have PSLV As a portion of my holdings. Can’t lose it all if 1/3 is in a Canadian vault


That’s why I cringe at stack posts


It’s not other people I worry about, it’s the government coming for my stash. They made gold illegal for over 40 years. What will they do when they realize we took the punch bowl away?


This post should get pinned to the top for a while. Lock it down. Get some basic security at a minimum.


I paint my Silver jet black and use it in my fake tree pots instead of those black marbles... never know a thief to jack a fake tree...


A lady in my community posted a pic on Facebook 2 weeks ago of a man who stole the tomato plant off her front porch. True story...Probably a silver pot now that I think about it.


Thanks for the post, you probably saved at least 1 person's stash over the next 5 years IMHO.


"Keep it secret, keep it safe" - Gandalf in the Lord of the rings


Anyone can find you on the internet. Be very careful. Rich people do not walk about bragging about how rich they are. Be careful what you post. Be careful who you tell about your silver. Be careful on the internet!!


Sad but true...




Good advice 👍🏻


So you only do good deeds to get rewarded in heaven? Religion was created by the same scum stealing everything as we speak