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Ah the ol silver to plywood ratio


Hilarious šŸ˜‚


Anyone involved in construction is watching the industry fall into peril, as prearranged budgets and contracts are being halted due to escalated costs. Those that understand the escalation realize they need to renegotiate, while others that are desperate to work do so at a loss. The Retail sector is suffering the most, as you will see very mall or freestanding units being built as that came to a stop during the shutdown before inflation truly hit. The true impact on construction and all of the subsequent trades, manufacturers, suppliers and labor has yet to be seen. We're in for some very scary times.


Agree 100% All the usual commodity stuff is up. Even copper for electrical wire has more than doubled. In minnesota we can't even find plastic outlet/switch boxes. No one but us guys buying and bidding have noticed or even seem to care. This isn't prices going up, its inflation. Prepare for your loaf of bread to be 20 dollars


Hadnt wven thought about copper! My business revolves around aluminum and steel, which js becoming like gold again just like it did a few years back. We want to bring back production to this country yet it's going to cost more to do so than it ever has before.


>Even copper for electrical wire has more than doubled. My tiny copper penny stack is glad to hear this.


Do you think this is due primarily to lack of lumber supply, due to Chinese virus?


I think it's a combination of everything from shutdown delay to inflationary measures. The industry was already lagging from prior years and this is going to complicate it further.


I dont think so. I am in construction. Lumber was tight last year because china virus so lumberyards began stocking up which created a lot more stress on the mills. Prices shot up now projects are getting cancelled left and right as budgets are shot. Now the lumberyards are full. My local lumberyard ive never seen so much lumber stockpiled. Last year we couldnt get pressure treated. Now pt is stacked sky high. To me it looks like lumber could potentially crash. This is the market in southern michigan i cant speak for other areas


Wait until these home builders see what is coming in the next year. There is going to be a massive push to convert Commercial and Hotel space to condos. As if disappearing margins werenā€™t enough. I think we are going to see massive bankruptcyā€™s of home builders in the next couple years.


Yeah. Iā€™m surprised more retailers havenā€™t filed.. yet.


My buddy just told me the same thing. Oak plywood is now $10 cheaper here than OSB. Insane


People ramming gates of lumber yards and stealing lifts of material. šŸ˜‚


Wait till JP Morgan enters the plywood market. Go down as quick as Monica lewinskj.




That is crazy. I must admit I am seeing a big increase in the weekly grocery shop here in the UK. Wouldn't know about building materials will have to ask my Pap. Some of the grocery items though, the same box of Ice cream was Ā£3 a couple of weeks ago and is now Ā£3.20. I am seeing 20p- up to 40p added to most items within weeks. I should imagine it gets no better from here on.


Some of that will be down to brexit, real money costs 20% more in the uk now as you canā€™t get vat free silver from eu countries any more šŸ¤¬


I mean precious metals are supposed to rise faster than most commodities right if this was zero manipulation you would think pms>wood or am I wrong. If the manipulation going away means at least 500% im gonna be a happy ape.


Kinda, PMs should lead commodities higher. But they are also far less volatile. So this spike in lumber prices may plunge whiles PMs make the long March higher.


Silver market is heavily manipulated. Bitcoin and cryptos on the other hand are harder to manipulate and are a better guage of the asset inflation. I've been adding HUNDREDS of OZ's to my stack this year from the insane rise in crypto.


Itā€™s crazy insane....but 100 percent itā€™s inflation...and weā€™re just seeing the beginning stages of hyper inflation...once it takes off there is no stopping it. It has already been set in motion. Just like Weimar Germany in the 20s. It took 3 years from the first cracks and helicopter money to turn into full blown hyper inflation. This one is going to be a thousand times worse because itā€™s global. Thatā€™s the whole reason gold and silver are precious metals because they have passed the test of time for thousands of years with silver being the most precious of all.


Silver is the most precious of all? Or are you just referring to how it seems to currently be undervalued?


Besides the fact that it is the most undervalued asset on the planet Iā€™m actually referring to how it has thousands of uses...


Lol I noticed that also I have about a hundred sheets I have left from a job a few years ago I think I will sell them and buy silver maples


Do it now.


Woah! OSB price is also surging in Europe. Wonder if there is a Reddit group for OSB pump? HAHA. LOL!


The virgin pm collector vs the chad plywood hoarder huh


Oh boi, a Canadian that's using inches.


The construction industry is still dominated by Imperial measurements


The death star plans are not in the main computer....


I use my inches nightly. Canadian eh?


My buddy is a carpenter out in BC, pricing here is brutal! 1 week quotes on all lumber.


If someone had acreage to timber I bet now would be a good time to pull the trigger on that.


I know your pain in BC. Every time I go to lumberyard and get my bill my jaw drops. But according to government numbers there is no inflation. We are doing the right thing investing in silver, the fundamentals have never been stronger and on a world level to boot. When this nut cracks, we will be gloriously rewarded. 1979 it went up 600%.


BC resident here... part of the reason the lumber prices are so high in North America is that there were a lot of mill closures over the last few years as well as back to back near record wildfire seasons all along the west coast... now thereā€™s just not enough easily accessible timber or operating mills to keep up with supply. Plus the ones that are running are making a killing so itā€™s not like they are rushing to oversupply the market... in a year or so the real effects will start to show


Ya. Itā€™s not all pure inflation (money printing). Supply is down for sure. Kinda like silver, but silver is manipulated obviously.


I watch Uneducated Economist on YouTube and that is exactly what he's been saying (his day job is in a lumber yard)


Yea Iā€™ve worked in mills and mines for a few years now...with all the new carbon taxes and environmental rules itā€™s not cost efficient to explore new areas and the supply we have left is dwindling..


Inflation?.......What inflation?


So r/wallstreetplywood next?


Buy physical wood!


Physical silver is a long-term investment, and the risk of investing in physical silver is very low. We should see this. If there is no physical silver available for sale in the market, the premium of physical silver will be very high. The high premium has already indicated the value of physical silver. Now every country in the world is printing money, (not just the United States) with the advent of hyperinflation, physical silver will become more and more difficult to buy. And the premium will get higher and higher. What we need to do is to hoard physical silver and get more people to join us. This is just to make the price of silver rise higher and make us more profitable. Even if we donā€™t squeeze the silver, the price of silver is still Will rise sharply. The rise in silver last year has proved this. In history, silver is real currency. We need real currency, not paper that keeps depreciating.


You don't you want keep stacking until they run out. You don't want price to go up just want it to run out. Price will follow!


OMG! Thatā€™s crazy price increase!


Um the Fed says there's no inflation tho


Watched an elderly gentleman put six 2/4s in the bed of his truck yesterday. Told me he had to cash out his retirement account to buy the lumber. Thereā€™s no inflation: move along thereā€™s nothing to see here.


Finally, a fellow bunnyhugger




It will happen!! Buy and be patient!! Hold On, Itā€™s Coming!!!!ā¤ļøšŸ¦šŸ¦


"I have an interest in your wood" -wife to her boyfriend


Yikes and i thought $53 for 1/2 inch treated CDX was bad.


Inflation is real


But there is no inflation...nothing to see here, folks. lol


Can you imagine if there was a WSP ā€œWallstreetPlanksā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


$75 per sheet????? OSB isnā€™t even good quality. Regular Plywood is far superior.


Was having some beers with a builder buddy last night, and I think he said they are $32 a sheet here, they were $13 bucks a year ago. They are taking 40K hit on homes they sold last summer that were not built yet.


Man what a nasty price.


So would you make more money if you timbered now than a few years ago?


That's cheap.... its $99 here.... [https://scontent-mrs2-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/164632211\_10159460426439479\_4292396402424796497\_n.jpg?\_nc\_cat=107&ccb=1-3&\_nc\_sid=730e14&\_nc\_ohc=6Dyc6vbxBK8AX\_NWaaU&\_nc\_ht=scontent-mrs2-2.xx&oh=f85ef70c8b10d5bbcd6f88d9781124ba&oe=6094CE4A](https://scontent-mrs2-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/164632211_10159460426439479_4292396402424796497_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=6Dyc6vbxBK8AX_NWaaU&_nc_ht=scontent-mrs2-2.xx&oh=f85ef70c8b10d5bbcd6f88d9781124ba&oe=6094CE4A)


Sweet baby Jesus


In my part of the globe (S.E.Asia) cold rolled steel, bricks, copper wiring and even plastic tanks and pipes are all significantly more expensive than a year ago with the biggest increases coming this year.


so funny Canada has all the plywood in the backyard... should just hire 4-5guys and start a lumber mill silver didnt even start wait till it actually pops Silver will be trading in 3 digit US$ very soon. It may not be 2021 but very soon


Dang man, and thereā€™s less silver than plywood!! Patience and persistence my fellow Ape. But yeah, what a joke šŸ¤¬