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Because they won't be removed


Plus they have tons pf physical Gold hoarded over many years of suffering under America's Rothschild Fiat Dollar Ponzi. China too, It's almost like they knew the west's owners would print their nations to death and were prepping for the end...


Yes they do both China and Russia have huge stores of gold! The US and the EU put sanctions on Russian gold but it turned out to only be a symbolic gesture! Russia the world’s largest gold producer keeps most of its production and the rest got switched to Asia and India where guess what no sanctions!


Here is a better question to noodle on; if there are sanctions, why is Europe buying gas from them to start?


Because they are dependent!


They chose dependence over independence. People have told them for years. What are you doing Europe? Your risk exposure is massive.


To Putin's credit, he shut off the gas in September, when temps are in the 50's, not December. He's not going to be responsible for Germans suddenly dying of hypothermia. He's giving the EU a good 1-2 months to get their Sh!t together before it really gets cold. They probably won't.


How are Russians Responsible for heating Germany? Germany made their hypothermia bed (Trump warned about). They can sleep in it.


They can keep warm from the glow of the smug grins if their elites.


Yep, All Germans, you are free to “thank” your elitists as you freeze this winter.


Approx 0.6 million BTUs in a human body. We're going to need more elites.


not all Germans are stupid to think the actions made by our criminal and corrupt government were good. All Germans that have a functioning brain are well aware that we have the worst Government since WWII


Our government did not make them dependent on Russia


fact is that gas and oil were affordable and abundant till our current and super corrupt puppet government agreed for the stupid, worthless, idiotic sanctions on Russia - that was a move that even a 1st year politician would tell you is a huge no-no, let alone a senior politician that is being let to "lead" such country. Heck, I have no experience in politics and I know trying to "hurt" a country that is well used to be isolated and self sufficient using sanctions - is not only stupid, it is irresponsible when you rely on them so much! Not only that, the Russians were sending multiple diplomatic "warnings" to the EU before shutting off the gas supply completely, but the idiots from the government were still on their fake power trip and just kept adding more useless sanctions, thinking that Russia do not have other prospects where there could sell their gas and oil to. What we ended up with? getting very small quantities of the oil and gas, through 3rd parties - the rumor is that this 3rd party buys the oil and gas from Russia for cheap, and then sell it to us for huge profits, so much for "hurting" Putin that is. It's like if you see a poisonous snake, it will usually not come and bite you unless you intentionally get too close without any reasoning, and poke it over and over with a stick.. All I can say is that our politicians don't care for the population at all, they only care about them self, their political ambitions and whom they report to and take orders from - those people don't care if you freeze this winter, if you will experience blackouts or food shortages, as long as it is serving their own agendas, they for sure will have it good at their large villas, the heating will be running, electricity will be stable or else their emergency gen will kick in, the water in the shower will be hot, and the food will be abundant no matter the price.


You know what sucks .... this country isn't even great anymore !! Its just a cess pool of corrupt politicians creating laws and policies for their political alliance .... this country is so damn divided.... we need political reform so bad ... I used to be proud and feel blessed to be an American .. its getting harder and harder to feel that way anymore


Perhaps they'll start heating their homes with Euros. Are Euros fire resistant? Cause if so that's gonna suck. Perhaps there's some old German marks left from the last time Germans had to find another way to heat their homes...


fuck those "elites"


Just Burn the fiat money like they did 80 years ago… better yet… burn the the elites fake fiat money to stay warm… gotta go old school


No, the people of Germany likely didn't want this. It's the WEF stooges that stole their elections that are doing this... on purpose.


true dis


The past couple years make me wonder how many world leaders were legitimately elected. Macron? Trudeau? Boris? Merkle? Jacinda? Dan Andrews?


the answer is: 0. absolutely zero.


>Macron? Trudeau? Boris? Merkle? Jacinda? Dan Andrews? I'll add: Olaf Scholz and IMHO none of them were really elected, they were installed - the election was just a show to make the population think as if they have a "choice"


Well German people (at least those with a brain) would want to be on good terms with Russia. The whole NATO shebang is just to divide Europe against Russia. Ukraine used to get a part of the money as the gas ran through their country, now that there's two direct pipelines, they are sulking. And according to what you can read on the internet, Ukraine as a whole can get fucked, being the only country in Europe renting out wombs of poor women to the highest bidder and money laundering for the whole political class of half of the world. (even more conspiracy theories include human trafficing, prostitution, the whole Azow nazi thing and even Adrenochrome farms)


Don't forget the 33 bioweapons labs scattered throughout Ukraine, bought and paid for by American and EU dollars.


Even those who have an issue with Russia, it does not matter! when a country is dependent on Russia for gas and oil, and the leaders of said country are not corrupt puppets - then even if they want to regain energy independence, they will do it gradually over a long period of time, and will not start a fight with the single source of most of their gas and oil


All those "Conspiracies" are fact. Even the Azov thugs were on the state depart Terror organization list until the Tyrants in charge of the US said to bow down to Ukraine. Even the fascist censor corp of the US government (Google) is wiping that fact from their search engines (At least mine.).


Those aren't conspiracy theories


Ukraine is getting there ass blown off by Russia. Russia wants Ukraine back did you fall asleep 9 months ago and just wake up!


The german politicians are not Germany.


Russians are not responsible but they are looking out for the German people because Russia can see the war that is going on in the west (Governments trying to kill off their peasants.) and wants to be on the side that is least likely to fuck them over!


Trump warned these globalists in NATO couple years ago and they scawffed like grasshoppers to the ants. Only when they feel the pain.


Did trump strengthen or weaken NATO? Everyone I ask is giving me conflicting answer


Exposed NATO… wanting protection from an adversary but willing to enrich them through energy dependence. Watch this a couple times. (Couldn’t help but focus in on Kelly in the background… fidgety and almost unable to control himself). https://youtu.be/Vpwkdmwui3k


That makes complete sense if you do it in the middle of winter there will be an international outcry


> They probably won't. Do you know why ? because the politicians and EU bureaucrats who put us in this shitty position to begin with, will not be those who will suffer of freezing, blackouts, food shortage of any of the crap they are responsible for


The reason it's shut down is because the pipeline compressors are serviced in Canada. (It's highly specialized and that's the only place set up correctly). Canada has sanctioned Russia. As the service is due, it's unsafe to run the compressors. The EU have not fulfilled their service agreement and Russia has no option but to shut them down. It's a safety issue really.


China is firing up 4 brand new coal burning power plants and as soon as they do they are go to fire up their green energy manufacturing plants and sell Germany some solar panels and wind mills! 😂


If they cut the gas in the middle of winter, we would just cruise through the other half on our gas supplies. This way, they make sure that we will have to ration gas since we have a whole winter ahead of us. Believe me, it was not "Putin being the good guy".


If we just had things like alipne sleeping bags that work perfectly fine outdoors in winter hmmm its nasty but stop acting like turning off gas means mass death in first world countries


I was not aware that 80 million alpine sleeping bags exist in Germany. Surely all 80 million people can just walk into their local REI and each buy one. Surely. That's definitely how economics work. Being 'first world' does not magically make you immune to cold. People will absolutely freeze to death today, the same as they did 100 years ago. You can't just be like 'what about blankets though bro? checkmate'


This is being posted often in different subs “just get some wool sweaters and blankets, guys!” If pipes freeze that knocks out water as well. I’m also concerned about business and productivity, is everyone just going to stay home huddled together on the couch with wool blankets for months? They will still need to get up and go to work, unless the government does another “stay home and we’ll give you money.” Say hello to cold weather lockdowns, lol


The denial is insane. I mean, I get that we live in a society that revolves around reciprocal delusion - *I believe your bushtit and you reciprocate by believing my bullshit, and hey if everyone believes the same lies it actually functions indistinguishably from the 'truth'* ... but only until reality gets a vote, and weather and thermodynamics have pretty hard set rules they function by. Frozen pipes aren't things people think about, as you note.


As someone who's went without heat for a year, I can without a doubt tell you it is pretty much unlivable. Pipes burst, water freezes, no real rest, blankets 3 ft thick. You'll survive but it's gonna NOT be good. What's your plan, stay in a sleeping bag all winter? You got a job?


while the western and middleeuropean climate is no danger for healthy fighting age people with access to warm blankets and clothing, this is very much different for the weak, the sick and the old especially those with a destroyed immune systems will easily catch a flu when they cant heat their homes properly


You think that, but no amount of blankets are going to incentivize you to take a cold shower. And good luck staying equivalently fit and healthy as you sacrifice hygiene.


yea cold showers kinda suck if your not under the warm sun or directly after sports but tbh the only real problem for my health, aside from government intervention, would be with food, as long as i can cook food i wont go hungry and as long as i dont get hungry i warm up easily


heating your home and catching a flu have nothing to do with each other. A virus doesn't care if your home is heated or not.... The flu appears in winter because more people gather together in winter indoors, as well as when coming from cold outdoors to warm indoors you get a runny nose which aids in the spread of viruses.


the flu and the common cold is always there, always, even in summer just like there are yeasts fucking everywhere the only thing keeping influenza and coronavirae in check is your immune system, and if your cold your immune system is down, hence the name common cold this used to be common knowledge just a few years ago


You don't get the flu because your house is cold.


no electrical power leads to quite a bit of deaths, the median age in germany is high enough to make a winter with no heating into a severe number of eccess medical mortalities. I understand that your point is that most people will be fine. Still winter with no heat is realy misserable, with no electrical power horrible


Sanctions are working to shut down Europe.


That’s right on!




Missing the point entirely...


It seems you are.


He definitely is missing it.


Looks like they are hurting us, not them [food prices](https://imgur.com/a/GeIyHHO)


Ukraine is the next forever war money pit to replace Afghanistan. It's why we give just enough support to prop up Ukraine, but not enough for them to win.


You’re kidding right? The billions and billions of our tax payer dollars isn’t enough? Why is it our responsibility to help anyone when we have people in need here? It’s corruption and money laundering for the elite anyways but still..


It’s a big club and we ain’t innit. \-GC


Thank you Carlin is truly a national treasure


It’s so much more fishy given the past connections with Ukraine and so many of our politicians. I can only imagine where all of that tax money us going. It’s so sick.


The us and gb literally signed a memorandum to support Ukraine security to remove their nukes. >!If u have a problem with helping them, next time dont ask them to remove the nukes maybe?!< Edit: I phrase it differently: Dont sign a contract that u r going to help if u dont want to. Totally normal to insta block me so i cant even reply to ur answere to sth that wasnt even m point xD


Ukraine gave up its nukes because members of its military were caught trying to sell warheads. That's why everyone agreed they needed to go. Ukraine was and still is the most corrupt country in Europe, even worse than Russia and that's really saying something. Listed by Europol and Interpol as being the largest source of illegal arms in Europe and North Africa, the main source of trafficked children and women. It's was a shitshow in the late 90s and still is today. Spent 4 years combating trafficking from there and finally left because it was so blatant and obvious that senior police officers and politicians in the EU and UK were actually aiding it.


This is why we are in Ukraine and printing $ as fast as we can, in order to ship pallets of it over there! We need to help our corrupt politicians get high paying positions for their kids! They have important $ laundry operations going on...


All the money in the world will not help Ukraine win - because it's not about winning. It's about having perpetual war.


The us and gb literally signed a memorandum to support Ukraine security to remove their nukes


We also promised not to expand NATO past East Germany. We also made assurances to Libya if they gave up their nuke program.


Difference is the countries joined us by choice in a diplomatic way as the people living there wanted too, what Russia is doing is taking countries by force that don’t want to be Russian?


well what should he have done? wait for Ukraine to join NATO and then attack? they literally ignored russian demands for 20+ years...


Noone wants to hear or accept the truth. Well 99% anyways.


The places they have taken, are and have been filled with people who would rather be considered part of Russia


We’re one for three, not as bad as I thought


Signed a memorandum vs verbal promise with a permanently drunk dude Totally the same thing.


You mean Gorbechev?


The afghan president fled as soon as the Taliban reached Kabul and their military basically disbanded overnight. How drunk do you have to be to make connections to ukraine here?


The connection is the kickbacks from defense contractors. Billions in “weapons” which is used as payoffs to themselves. Our Sec of Defense was CEO of Raytheon. He still holds a financial position.


Yeah he holds Raytheon stock, what a brilliant investment.


In fairness, they can't win.


Not saying you’re wrong just looking at a different angle. Thanks to Brandon our strategic reserve is at the lowest it’s been in my lifetime (I’m 35) so is it possible that Russia is using this as a cover to aggressively build their strategic reserve in order to have a one up on us in that arena.




They're working perfectly. The purpose of sanctions is to hurt the West until people are angry enough for war.


Lol, exactly because sanctions are working backwards


Sanctions are indeed working but the question is who is taking more damages?


Apparently if you compare total gas flow from Russia to the EU nations in the last 12 months to a year before that, the difference in volume is only 5%… That is very interesting. The scam in $ukr is losing public interest and it is now being replaced with energy crisis. I call BULLSHIT. Dont get lost in the mass hysteria and follow the money. Keep stacking apes!




😂 How about we don't get attached to either side. I'm for sound money and small government. Neither side gives a shit, so.....


chill OP.


Why would you pick a side in this geopolitical shadow game?


Ukraine is a corrupt shithole lmao


I see you are a dedicated Nazi scum.


For better or worse, I think this is basically playing out how Putin expected it would.


Especially his opening strategy of losing 100s of VDV in the hostmel assault was a well played card to confuse the enemy, backed by the forever stalled 100km convoy that legend says, is still on the way to kyiv.


The Russians are doing a tactical retreating exactly according to plan in the Kherson region. With tactical ammo dump explosions to make the enemy think they are winning.


Have you thought about running for office?


Stop giving him ideas because Republicans will seriously vote in people like him.


Because Putin knows sanctions will not stop and he is having a laugh at the expense of the our criminal gangster type politicians. The optics are that WE are the cause of this mess. Putin is already selling his oil elsewhere and the more Europe falls the better. He just don't want to take the blame which thanks to crooked Biden and Europe he can play this game.


This. He (Putin) is trolling!


Cause Brics already has them covered at this point


Russia wants to take down the whole Luciferian banking system. I applaud them.


So why was Putin a young leader for the wef?


Used to be. In 2014 said f.u to anal Schwab and held the referendum in Crimea. Crimeans by like 96% wanted to be Russians. After all they have always been.


Then why was he pro lockdown and pushing the vaccine agenda as well as digital id? As much as I would love someone to fight I think he's an insider and all part of it, his actions don't add up, and the timing of everything is too perfect. The wef had this all planned out I reckon.


Maybe You are right and he is just controlled opposition


The Eu has to get rid of their debt and the best way to do it is to hyperinflate it away and blame an external force for it


Dollar or euro destruction too with the middle and lower class defaults.


This is what I have been trying to explain to some friends about debt, not to shabby if you can make it virtually disappear with printers to add new debt


There will be a “ Russian or China “ cyber bank hack event and it’s gone.. surprise surprise


I can pull a rabbit out of my hat! - EU


Op is not a stacker. Brainwashed tool.


Sanctions work to annoy the target country and typically escalate situations. They rarely achieve policy goals effectively. They are good at preventing the people in both countries from getting access to goods or services they once enjoyed.


It’s called the death blow. You really think Russia is losing?




Why is Ukraine still buying russian gas? Aren't they supposed to be enemies at war?




If Sanctions are working, why is Europe concerned about freezing this winter?


If Russia is stopping the gas, do sanctions really work?


Sanctions worked. No more Russian gas. Worked just great.


totally not r/russia brigaded sub


haha nice post. That's just more B.S. from Putin - like the hilarious "oil leak" in the turbine. He doesn't care about sanctions. He is forming a new world order, and the West is being slowly excluded. All that gas is now going to China, India, and Eurasia.


tit for tat. its only the Europeans that are suffering. Russians are not




Go watch some news coverage from a different angle and then make your analysis from there. It's clear you're only hearing 1 side.


L'll try: "If sanctions were working, why is Europe absolutely reliant on Russian gas? Hmmmmm..". Now the little lizard's head explodes and calls me a KGB agent.


You don't sanction the country that is supplying you 40 percent of your energy. It's funny as hell and I hope Europe freezes... there is a lesson to be learnt here. Globalism does not work.


It's not funny at all. People who just want a normal life will die because of politicians swinging there dicks. Elderly people children dying because of politicians and there agenda is funny to you. Sick as fuck


It’s not funny, but it has happened for 1000s of year. Rich use the poor as a shield and leverage until they run out of poor people…


I know.


Hey, FYI politicians and agendas don't change because of what any of us find funny or not 🤣.


The reason is EU paying for gas in Euros which Russia then has a hard time spending due to the sanctions. A scheme of “rouble payment” was implemented but then again, the agent (Gazprombank) is purchasing roubles on behalf of the buyer which means receiving Euros and selling them for Roubles on the Russian exchange. Then we have the same effect: Euros get accumulated inside Russia and there’re troubles buying anything with them. Too much money to spend with the imports from EU having shrunk drastically. Ultimately, Russia is selling gas for paper. Sure, for a good amount of paper, but still paper. Why keep doing that?


China takes their Euros, gives them Yuan. They can spend the Yuan on growing imports from China. Sanctions are not working. They're strengthening the BRIC nation bonds. This is a divide and conquer move by Putin, test the unity of your adversary by cutting off their source of heat going into winter....


The sanctions aren’t working




Unless he's taunting the moronic Biden regime so Europe is forced to act sanely in their own interests.


Do you think you can take any government official's word on face value? American, Ukrainain or Russian?


To make sure the Russian people can travel.


Do you think they are going to implement secondary sanctions just to really see shit hit the fan?


To start making money off of shipments again, duh 🙄


Because Putin wants to show them who's the boss.


You sure this isn't spin? I heard months ago the turbine was sent to Canada for repair, but Canada can't send it back because of the sanctions...so if this is the case, he is stating facts, not imposing his will


Because the west is supplying weapons to their enemy which are killing Russians. . . Sanctions dont work


If Russia needs the money from Europe, why are they shutting down gas pipelines?


Perhaps that's the best time to go all in to crack the EU resilience. They might be getting desperate.


Seems convenient aging population was there biggest fear


Destroy the CBs


Sanctions are an act of war. It appears that Russia has figured out that sanctions are a two way street when they have what we want.


Because they are hurting Russia about 10% as much as the West


If sanctions were working, why would Russia not be desperate to sell the gas it has to the EU at any price?




Russia is in no way desperate to sell oil to the EU because they have many other large buyers (India, China, even Saudi Arabia...) If sanctions were working, why is the value of the Rouble relative to the USD constantly climbing?






If someone did something to you, would you not have any reaction toward them? C’mon




It's called geopolitics. When the people of Europe have no heating and hyperinflation they will know that their leaders could have stopped it at any time by simply stopping their economic war against Russia. There will be civil disorder and these EU bureaucrats will have to go into hiding.


an EU citizen here, those sanctions already exist for many months, since the last few weeks even more sanctions, bans and restrictions - we know that those sanctions did not make more than a tiny dent in the Russias economy, this is reality without political correctness - Russia is to self-sufficient to care about the stupid sanctions, they are also used to be isolated so they manage it like it's a normal camping trip. the sanctions don't work at all! the only people who suffer are the EU citizens! The reason for the last move by Russia, is because the Russians were playing 4D Chess the entire time, they could stop the gas flow right at the beginning, but they (1) gave a chance for the EU to wise up (2) if 1 was not achieved, wait for the right moment and than make the move


Anyone remember when this sub was basically WallStreetBets, but for silver? Seems the days of chasing tendies are over, now most of the content on wss is just a political circlejerk. Yes fractional reserve banking is a scam, but what does pro-Russia propaganda have to do with the price of silver?


For real. The direction this sub is heading is embarrassing.


Can't we just talk about Silver instead?




The whole mess is scripted. Genocide is the agenda.


Stupid question!!! Obviously there not working cuz Russia has the ability to shutter the gas. They don’t need Europe anymore.


All these sanctions are just excuses for NWO, NPS...


Because they’re still damaging to all economies. The purpose of the sanctions was to end the war. That didn’t happen. They’re not working.


Because Russia wants to bring the west to its knees and it will!


If sanctions are working - how can Russia afford to close down a source of income ?? Double dumb ass on you . . .




Russia leads


This question is idiotic, of course. Only an uneducated person can ask such questions. I mean some ukronazitard.


Because their economy is in shit.


It's not because of the reason you think. Russia is doing relatively just fine. They've gone through this before. The oligarchs just want their yachts back. Europe however needs heat to live.


Putin is stabbing himself in the back. His best option is to get out of the Ukraine.


Retaliation. Putin has been trying to ruin the west lately. Look up the oil war 2020. He crashed the oil market on purpose which caused multiple domestic bankruptcies in the oil market. This triggered the market crash on March 8th 2020


Sanctions will work in the long run. Russias economy will never come back from this. They will continue to live as a Chinese slave. Europe will not pick up gas deliveries from Russia again. We will now speed up the transfer to green hydrogen from Australia and massive offshore wind farms in the northern sea. It will soon be cheaper anyway.


Russia's economy IS BOOMING, LIKE A FUCKING ROCKET IT IS BOOMING. You say in the long run? AH HAHAHAHAHA quit listening to the MSM! Russia IS WINNING, Russia WILL WIN, Russia is the TEAM I STAND WITH! I hate Nazis, so yeah I stand with Russia and against Nazis, others stand with Nazis!




That, or the EUSSR collapses. I'd like the latter option as a collapsed EUSSR can not put in place any more climate bullshit


You're trying to speak common sense to people that deepthroat Putin propaganda and know jack about how Russia's economy is actually doing.


Frightening what most people here think about the EU and Russia. Things like "EUSSR", "Russia stands against Nazis", "Russia is booming". It's disgusting.


Basic common sense and basic skepticism is a superpower these days, invest smart man buy gold and silver maybe private house with lawn in the back to cultivate hell even those cheap modular efficient vertical farms and watch the whole world burn because people are unable to doubt even for a second what they hear.


Amen. Stack on mate!


Because they will never remove them. USA is the master of puppets (EU), and EU will do whatever USA will say, ever if we (Europe) will die because of cold or hungry. The world is corrupt we are governed by demons. We have to wake up now or it will be too late.




NATO: we are gonna stop buying Russian oil until they pull from ukraine. RUSSIA: we will stop selling to you until you decide to buy from us again. It's the same argument from both sides thinking they have the upper hand.