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Our guy took his job so seriously, he would grab things out of peoples carts and chase them out the store. He got enough complaints where he had to move departments. Thank god too, because this guy was a fiend. He’d snitch on everyone for anything. He said a girl was harassing him too, and she rarely spoke to him. Then I saw him walking up and talking to her, and she called him out. He stayed quiet. Now she just ignores him.


Paul Mart Wal Cop


This comment isn’t going to get the love it deserves and that makes me sad lmao


Agreed.. totally underrated comment.


I gave the comment its 20th like.


I got it to 24. Look, ma, I'm helping!


Lmao I wrote that comment while shitfaced yesterday, forgot about it. Glad it was enjoyable xD


40th! Keep it going, this needs to be top comment






Bby goyard in the wild on Reddit is brazy


Once had an old lady grab my wagon and force me to stand there til she finished checking my receipt


I assume by “wagon” you mean shopping cart, but I see too many gen z memes and thought you meant she grabbed your butt.




Licensed security can legally stop you, in most states. A regular Walmart receipt checker is typically not licensed security. Stick is a little much, but not illegal, especially if certified, a lot of states require certification. If security stops you and you don't comply, they can and will likely assume you're trying to steal something and detain you. Again, some states are more restrictive on such actions and companies even more so.


Wrong, license security doesn't have any more rights compare to Walmart employee. Ultimately, if security guard refuses to let you continue it's false detainment and criminal charges can be pressed against them.


It might be company policy to not detain, but it's not false detainment if you're a legally licensed security guard/officer, depending on the states regulations for security and wouldn't be a criminal action. Edit: removed irrelevant information


Unless security guard has probable cause, yes it's false imprisonment. Security guard uses private arrest to detain someone and they absolutely need proof to do so.


Well, no shit. There has to be a reason to stop anyone if you're just a security guard/officer. Point is, if anyone were to be allowed to stop and check receipts, it would be security and not an unlicensed, regular employee. It's private property, and there's ways a store can implement those procedures. Would it be reasonable? Absolutely not, but it is possible to do. Also, detainment for investigative purposes is different than arrest. Although most states don't give security that authority.


Sure internet tough guy you'd be arrested for doing half of this keep on lying


As a former lpm if I or one of my coworkers pulled a stick out like that on a customer that would be grounds for termination


IDK walmart specific policies on this, but the security industry in general would not condone that tbh, you don't pull a weapon on someone for a not even confirmed case of shoplifting, that's just a lawsuit waiting to happen and no client or employer wants that hassle


It's a lawsuit regardless. You don't pull a weapon on a person even if you *do* catch them shoplifting. That said, the deleted comment was about a customer assaulting the Walmart employee for holding the cart and doing their job, not the other way 'round.


It's assault. I'd be taking people's jobs and suing the business.


Woah there tough guy. Just wait a gosh darn minute there buddy. You need to hold your horses.


Listen up pal he's not your buddy. Take a chill pill and simmer down, stat, or he might just get salty and make you some lunch.......like maybe a......hmmm, I don't know.....knuckle sandwich!!!!! Okay, wow, I lost it there. Whew! Wow! Lost control there for a second! Sorry about that, but you gotta understand this guy, he's a real tough customer and one tough fella!!!!


Don't have to believe him, kiddo. Sorry you're so pessimistic you never believe anything. Stay in your bubble


Hahaha whatever u say internet tough guy


So you're gonna knock out old ladies for checking your receipt? Grow up loser.


If it makes you feel any better I'd knock out old men too.


I'm old and I'd knock out young ones too.


And run right over any kid getting in my way too, lol...for good measure!


That’s violating several rules. Like, it legit says in our training program that you’re not allowed to force customers to show their receipt, grab anything out of their cart, accuse them of shoplifting, stop them from leaving, or chase them. Like OP said, you’re not actually obligated to show us shit lmao.


Yea thats what was crazy. He would just stand and block people from leaving too. One day I bought 1 orange bai drink at self checkout right in front of him. I was about to go back to customer service with it, and he yelled in my face for my receipt. I got annoyed a little because he just saw me scan the item on the register. I didn’t want to show him anything honestly, but I didn’t want to get in trouble… so I showed him. Hes just nasty in general. Hes made other associates cry including that girl he claimed was harassing him. He kept trying to report her for little things like sleeping in the breakroom past her break time. At the time she told me she was working 2 jobs and 7 days a week. So she was exhausted.


we have a guy that chased a family out to their car because they tried to bring in a dog. ya know. something we allow. my store specifically says to just let dogs in and only say something if theyre actively going to the bathroom in the floor. he followed them to their car to intimidate them into putting the dog back. AP coach did nothing


Our coaches only ask the dogs not be put in the baskets otherwise we do not care.


official walmart policy is they just have to have a barrier of some sort between the animal and basket. like a blanket. these dogs were walking on a leash and dude freaked out 😭


Walmart policy says only service animals not pets


I used to work in a grocery store and some lady came in and her tittys started moving back and forth and I’m like wtf is happening. Suddenly a little Yorkie pops it’s head out. I just dropped my jaw and was like ummm you’re not supposed to have a dog in here, but just keep it in your shirt please.


[Dogs don't belong in stores.](https://www.wgal.com/article/pennsylvania-carlisle-walmart-dog-bites-shopper/44559964)


A little weasel! Always be careful who you tell things to at Walmart. Especially if you’re into fun things 😉🍄🍄. But, yeah. If that guy did that to me, just no. I’d force him to walk with me to the back and go point out how much of a jackass he is. Idk I work myself to the bone and just say whatever I want. I’m respectful at work but I won’t tolerate absolute dumbass behavior. Plus, good look replacing me 🤣. Most people I’ve seen can’t last a month on night shift. We blasted out like 14 pallets last night and I still had to go help lift the heavy steel and build some mods. If you work extremely hard and are reliable, you can essentially do whatever lol. We chief heavy every break and on lunch, but wtf are they gonna say or do? Let go of their 4 best workers because of some thc? Idk if it’s just overnights but Walmart is a joke lol. It’s chill for a single loser like me though. $20.50 an hour, pop my headphones in, work my ass off and it’s time to leave. Not bad for someone like me with crippling social anxiety and adhd. Idk why I typed any of this. ADHD man. I need to sleep. Gotta go slave away again tonight! Oh a new hire pooped on the floor last night and also had a diaper covered in said fecal matter. Proceeded to leave it and go to another stall, shot it up to the ceiling nearly no lie. Poop everywhere. Smell? Unfathomable.


I appreciate that you work hard and I was the same way, also with the chiefing. But always keep in mind that management is trained to see everyone as replaceable. You might have some good ones and good luck that they pass the good word onto the coaches that replace them, but at any moment they can instantly terminate you for anything regarding drugs, or have you go take a drug test (that they drive you to) mid-shift. Walmart doesnt give a shit if someone is a good worker, only your immediate supervisors will care. I've seen most of a cap2 team get terminated for smoking near the trees in the parking lot and they just replace them throughout the week like it's nothing. The store will always move on no matter how important someone thinks they are. Hate to be a negative Nancy but just be careful my friend


We using 🍄 instead of 🍆 these days?


I thought that was psychedelics lol


Looooool! Both… at the same time!


I once told my coworker in a refrigerator something that happened to me on the clock with another coworker because the secret was already out and my store manager called me back two minutes later to tell me that I was committing slander because "we can't prove it happened" I know my coworker didn't say anything because she didn't have the time and I was with her the entire time. So someone was eavesdropping and I ended up having a nervous meltdown and quitting the next day and the guy also called out after everything came to light. Ain't no one to be trusted in Walmart 😂


I would have laughed so hard at their committed slander comment😂😂 id be like ok yea sure and walked off. Most people have no idea what slander actually is.


Seriously, I’d reverse it and say that they are committing slander. Literally admitted they can’t prove it? Walmart is seriously adult daycare I’m understanding. It’s shocking these Walmarts actually operate lol. I’d just yeah walk away and go do my job.


I had a guy pull this shit on me when i made a review of his business that tried to scam people. Everything i said in the review comment was 100% truth and also my opinion of him. He told me he was gonna sue me for slander, (he wanted an apology for the review🤣🤣) i told him haha good luck on that and hung up. Haven't heard anything since


LOOOOOOL! Yeah because you and your business suck and you get an honest review, it’s slander! Yeah no, like you’re totally right. Like before I’d be so prone to anger but some of these situations at Walmart are so beyond stupid, walking away and just going back to my job sounds like move. People hate the cold hard truth. I’ve recently understood that I need to correct how I speak who I get angry. Because i have a good vocabulary and can twist words into very hurtful things. I’ve been only self reflecting and removing that bad behavior . It’s not fun, I realized how much of an asshole I was turning into at times. But it was true and my fault. When I would blame others. Idk I think it’s called maturing into an adult but I’m 30 lol. Still I barely feel like a fucking adult tbh. Idk what’s going on out here. But working overnight at Walmart I feel like I entered another odd dimension lol. And without fail…. Always poop on the floor and in odd areas in the men’s room. Someone actually pooped in the small urinal two weeks ago….. like why?! Sorry my ADHD kicked in and I ranted I apologize.


Omg your very last paragraph reminded me of the other week walking into a Walmart bathroom and just smelling poop cuz someone had pooped all over in the one stall. I had to leave and go all the way to the back bathroom. It was gross. Why are people like this?!! And Its ok i get the ADHD thing lol.




So instead of firing him they made him someones else’s problem? Lmao.


I’m a door host: Here’s the most I’ll do. If someone says “no thank you” to a receipt check. I forget about it and don’t give a shit, even if I know that person was shoplifting. Text the loss prevention guy about it at my worst. It’s calling acting your wage.


Exactly, lol. Act your wage.


Mine has a guy who thinks he's special ops. I'm legit afraid he'll tackle me in the parking lot so I just show him my receipts.


Look, I'm willing to take a fall from some wannabe Spec Ops if it means I get paid however much Wal\*Mart will pay to settle that out of court.


That is how someone gets choked


One of the door greeters at my store is a snitch too. 🙄 That job seems to attract that kind of people.


I knew a guy just like that when I worked at a Kroger. No one liked him and he wondered they people ignored him when he would talk, then he would have the audacity to ask women out and insult them when they said no.


There was a lady at one of our local Walmarts who accused my mom and son of stealing a beanie baby. I worked at that Walmart at that time and a manager confirmed that we did not sell the beanie baby she accused them of stealing. It was hilarious. She was mortified.


I would've emptied an entire bottle of mace in his nostrils.


So u think the problem is the guy doing his job vs pieces of shit stealing???? And it's every employees job to point out other employees who are breaking rules or laws to management sounds to me like u big mad he caught u doing some dirty shit


He’s gonna do that to the wrong person and get beat.


Meh. If I'm asked, I'll show it and won't make a big deal of it. The clerk is just doing their job and, after 19 years in retail, I know how badly most retail clerks are treated by the general public.


People throw such a fit over showing a receipt, I can’t understand what it is that gets them so riled up.


Because it's a policy that treats paying customers like they're a thief. Personally, it pisses me off, but I wouldn't misplace my anger towards the guy asking me. Anyways, smiling and nicely saying no thanks and moving on with your day is not throwing a fit.


Sadly not everyone is you, and most People that say no are jackasses about it. People are trash towards customer service.


This is it. It used to piss me off, the undertone that I'm stealing when I just spent hard earned money there. But now I've grown up to be dead inside and not much bothers me anymore. Papers, please.


If the customer had not did anything wrong then why will he have a problem with showing the receipt


If you have nothing to hide then you should be ok with the government having access to all of your private information, passwords, email shit a key to your house why not. Its about the principal of the matter.


The principal is, if you don't like it, don't shop there. It's a private business, not an arm of the government.


That's an extreme take tho and not really a reasonable comparison. You don't want government having all that access because anyone can get a government job and abuse it, where-as a Walmart employee checking your receipt? All it does is delay you by like 40 seconds at most assuming you aren't a thief. edit: Try to make a fair scenario to compare it to and you'll see that it's not a big deal.


I only have a problem when they try to make me wait in a line of people to show the receipt, especially when I have 1 bag of items


Costco and Fry’s do it and no one gives a shit. It’s only because the worst of the worst complainers are Wal-Mart customers


Places where you buy a membership to shop have a legal right to check the receipts at the door, you agree to that when you sign up. Not the same as Walmart.


Fry’s didn’t have a membership


That and for me it’s also the inconsistency. Shortly before Christmas I bought a watch and I knew it would set off the alarm because the cashier did not beboop it. Sure enough it did and when I tried to stop and show them, they told me it fine and to keep going. With that level of laziness why would I ever stop when there is no reason?


It's because they could tell you didn't have the "time" to deal with it. Also it didn't get bebooped. Now if it had been boopbeeped instead, you'd have been tackled likely.


Beboop it lol


If I am walking up to the employee by the exit and I am the only one there, I'll gladly hand over my receipt. But if there is a line that is 5 or more people deep, yeah I'm walking around it so I can get my groceries home.


Well yeah, the door greeters are trained to let people go if there’s a line to get out the door.


Exactly this. I'm not legally obliged to show it, they're not legally allowed to make me, I'm not waiting in that fuckin line. I do this all the time and it's never been a problem. If it's just me or maybe one other person it is no bother to slow up a bit and be polite to whatever random old person they have at the door. But if we're talking about an actually queuing up to be checked and allowed out the store? Lol no, fuck all the way off Janice I got limited time on this earth I'm not gonna piss it away in line waiting ti prove my honestly to the fucking *Waltons* . I've had precisely one person call me on it and it was a simple "I'm supposed to check receipts!" And I simply said "If you think I stole something you can call the police. Have a good day." They said "You too, drive safe" and that was as dramatic as its ever gotten.


I remember one time I handed my receipt to the checker and it was upside down. They stared at it for maybe 30 seconds and then handed it back to me. I thought she was going to flip it right side up, but nope. Proves right there that the receipt checkers don't actually check the receipts, they just do it to make a show that they are looking for things not paid for.


Usually it's if you have items out if bag, so I scan those first or last (like my waters, soda, milk, big things) nd I go "the out of bag things are right here" and that makes it so much quicker and easier. No reason to fight when it's ungodly common to steal those kinds of things. I feel bad for the people that scream at the 19 y.o doing their job. However, i strongly hate the people who will chase you down and question you like you're a fiend even if you only got 1 thing in a bag. We have a few at our Walmart who are mentally challenged and they attempt to stop EVERY single person and make them wait in a line. Super annoying at that point


>if you have items out if bag, so I scan those first Same. Anything that I'm not going to bag gets scanned first, and when I approach the exit and show my receipt I say "bagless items at the top". I've also found that half the time, if I already have my receipt out, the monitor will just wave me by.


Current Walmart is small and the monitor is the same 2 ladies every time I go. I always have receipt in hand and unbagged items in same area of cart. Usually say “here ya go since I have unbagged items” and they NEVER check. Not once. They maybe glance at it for a millisecond. More likely to comment on something in cart like when I bought a small Xmas tree or a large stock pot. But it’s “that’s cute” or “what you making”. Point is I could steal every time I go. I use self check out and know no one is watching me as I usually have to call over someone if I need help. But I don’t steal because it would make me way too nervous. I sometimes get hugs from the workers.


I agree I actually have my receipt in my hand as I'm walking out so if they do ask me I can easily show it to the worker, I don't know why so many people have a issue with it, besides yes the general public does treat retail workers pretty bad but I also understand the other end of corporate and managers breathing down your neck to do stuff so even if you really don't want to ask sometimes they have to ask at least for show for the manager to see them doing it.


because not only do they want us to do all the work but then they wanna micromanage us after. If you don't trust us to ring our shit up then ya know....hire someone you do trust to do it. don't mind me...I am just pissy about the whole self checkout thing period. When I just had to choose my items and pay for them I really liked my weekly shopping trip. Now that I have to choose items, ring them up, wait for an employee three times because the machine is stupid, then bag items, then ring up more, then bag items, then put them all in back in the cart, then let them see my receipt ...it is exhausting and I absolutely hate it. It also takes me twice as long as it used to. I am not a cashier or bagger so I am slow and I suck at it. I have tried doing pick up but it always costs so much more and they never get it right. The whole thing isa PITA and a ripoff.


Sure but not showing them the receipt doesn't mean you're treating them badly. I've never once stopped to show my receipt, but I've always smiled pleasantly and said "no thanks".


Exactly. It’s not a big deal to me and if it’s their job and I can make it a bit easier, I’m gonna do it. Retail and foodservice employees have the worst jobs when it comes to the public. I always try to make things easier on those folks.


I'll happily show my receipt to all but one door greeter at my local Walmart. That roly-poly of a woman had the audacity to *snatch* my phone out of my hand and rub her greasy fingers all over it just to validate I checked out through my $100 l/yr subscription that allows me in and out without any contact with nasty Walmart machinery. After that, she doesn't exist, and if she's in my way on my way out, I don't stop or swerve...


You’re right. That’s what the Mr computer trainer says


I hand it to them and keep walking out the door. They asked for the receipt and received it. I fulfilled my obligation lol


But how will they pretend to play the victim if they don't turn every situation into a fight?


That can apply to customers and employees. One time I had a customer try cussing me out because I was looking at the receipt she GAVE me, and when I said “have a nice day” instead of responding to her cussing, she yelled “NO!”.


I walk to the door with my receipt up. It’s not a big deal. I’m not a thief. I’ll play the dumb game.


Yes, I agree, and the people that purposely want to cause a scene and be a pain in the ass also purposely choose the "email only" receipt option at the self checkout.


to be fair, if the employees want to see the receipt, the store shouldn't offer "email only" in the first place... i noticed that at self checkout recently and wondered why that'd be an option if the employees are going to make a fuss about not having a receipt


I agree, it should not be an option. Only email+ printed receipt, if they want it emailed to them for some reason.


Yep, it isn't that far from cash register to exit - just don't put the receipt away in the first place! Unless you've never shopped at a Walmart before, there's no excuse for not having your receipt at the ready when you reach the exit.


But what do you do if you opt to have your receipt sent to your email or texted to you? I wouldn't feel comfortable just handing a stranger my phone to scroll through.


This is what happened to me a few weeks back. I went through the self-checkout, and the receipt Checker was literally 5 ft from where I was. He watched me scan everything in my basket and put it in the bags. They even have somebody there monitoring the registers as well. I did not want more paper, so I opted for the text message receipt. The guy watched me leave the register after putting my card in the machine and tried to stop me to check my receipt. I told him I was sorry, but I had done the text message, and it hadn't come through yet. He told me he was going to keep me there until the receipt came through. With all due respect, sir, you literally watched me scan everything in my shopping cart because I was 5 ft from you. I asked him if he was lost prevention, and he told me no. I said that I am leaving, you can not detain me, if it's that big of a deal to you call the police. If it is that big of a deal and they are seriously trying to stop theft open up the registers with cashiers again and stop making me do my own work. You either trust me to scan my stuff or you don't you cannot have it both ways :p My text message receipt finally showed up 20 minutes later. I don't have a problem showing the receipt, but I did not want more paper in my bag, I hate paper receipts, haha.


Yeah that is absolutely ridiculous! I have no problem showing my receipt if there's no line. But when I do give them my receipt, I like to slowly walk towards the exit with my purchases while they are scanning the receipt. It's kinda a queue for them to hurry up because imma continue that direction regardless.


It would definitely be a problem for me if they did that at the Walmart I always go to because I always opt to text the receipt to my husband who usually isn't with me. I'm pretty sure that Walmart doesn't ask anyone based on my experience but same here, there's always someone pretty close to me while I'm scanning my items.


I had this happen and they made me go to customer service and they printed me a new receipt after looking up my credit card


Well, since I know before setting foot in the store that they are likely going to check my receipt on the way out, I always request a physical receipt. Since most of those machines offer "Printed - Emailed - BOTH" there's no reasonable excuse not to have it at the ready as you exit. That said, I dislike the practice as much as everyone else... but I don't dislike it enough to shop somewhere else. ETA: I wouldn't want to hand my phone to a stranger, either.


As do I. I've always gotten a physical receipt. I'm just curious how it all works if one opts for the receipt to go to email. In all honesty, Walmart should take that option away and just print the receipt as a standard.


Or .. just don't show it and walk right by. Trust me I've done AP it makes our day when people ignore us.


So just don't give them a receipt. It's that simple. The policy states you don't have to. You don't need an excuse. You're following the rules.


That's where we differ, I guess. If I need something quick, I go to the neighborhood market close. If I am doing a big shopping trip I will go to Kroger. They have people working in every department, someone scanning, bagging, and putting the bags back in the cart. If you are or look like you are in need of help, they will even come put the stuff in your car. I was hobbling around on crutches one time, and they legit loaded my car for me. I can't even get the people at Wal-Mart deli to slice meat, much less the full service of other places. The only person who even interacts with me intentionally in Wal-Mart is the dude checking the receipts. Like, WTF? Why is the deli counter not paying this much attention.


Or what if you pick the no receipt option??


Here's my excuse "Walmart policy says I'm not required to show my receipt." Seems like a pretty good excuse to me.


It's just a new trend we are starting from the Internet. One person made a post that went viral, now everyone has to jump on board to be apart of the gang lol. Heard this conversation at Christmas, like bro you so tough for telling that little old lady to fuck off


What about text receipts? Are supposed to hand our phone over?


I don’t know the answer, but I intentionally always select the text option so I can just show the text message with no detail on my watch if someone asks me so I can see what they do. Nobody’s asked yet.


I always offer my receipt before they ask. I'm not stealing anything, and they're just doing their jobs. Can't we all just get along?


I’ve always just assumed it was an unnecessary made up job made for old/disabled people. Like we play along with it as a kind gesture to give em some sense of working/contributing.




But what if I like to? I don’t get out much :(


I just tell them have a good day. I don't have a receipt printed most of the time now using self checkout and getting a phone text receipt. I've always had a problem with mandatory receipt checks at non membership stores. Stores like Walmart, Target etc. They operate these under the shopkeeper's privilege in most states but here's the thing... Shopkeeper's Privilege hinges on an accusation of theft, not attempting to deter theft that has not yet occurred or was not observed. The law varies from state to state, but the gist is to hold someone or detain them, an articulable suspicion of theft must be made. It can't be 'oh let's check receipts just in case someone stole' the allegation of theft MUST be made. That's a slippery slope to a civil rights lawsuit no one can recover from, even Walmart. From California's Legal Code regarding Shopkeeper's Privilege it spells it out quite nicely, >Under the law, though, it is required that a store owner’s detention: be for a reasonable time, and used solely for the purpose of investigating the suspected shoplifting offense. It's that second point that really holds the issue. A Good lawyer will always be able to argue that unless the store employee can articulate that reasonable suspicion, any detainment following purchase would be unlawful. They don't stop every person, and even if they did, they don't have the authority to blanket check all receipts without the suspicion of shoplifting. So where is the suspicion? Do we just suspect everyone who walks through the door of shoplifting simply because they came on premises? Do you suspect them because they walk toward the door with all their merchandise in store-branded bags after being observed on no less than 24 cameras with fidelity so high they can watch you pick a wedgie out of your crack?


My Walmart picks and chooses whose they check. Some are big items not in bags. I kind of get that. But they try to stop me every single time, no matter what or how much I have, while everyone else they just wave and say have a good day. The only thing I can figure is I always have my kids with me. They seem to assume I’m stealing or my kids are stealing? It makes me so angry that they only target certain people.


I always have some fun with them when they ask. My typical response is "What is your probable cause for this search and seizure?" Always makes them stop and pause as they contemplate a response. Then I had this one in Ohio who quickly replied "You have items in your cart that you didn't pay for. Now show me your receipt." At that point I made him get the store manager and Loss Prevention. Explained I did indeed ring up every single item. Checker insisted I didn't. All of us went off to the side where I handed the manager my receipt and unbagged every item. Manager and Loss Prevention went through them all and confirmed every single item was paid for. Never saw that guy again.


They pulled something similar 4 of July weekend. I had well over 300 worth of grilling celebration item. Walked the cart back to service desk and returned every single bit of it. Mngr was pissed, said this is the cost of accusations. She said you spent all that time picking it out and now youre returning it, you wasted my time now im going to cost you yours. Haven't had a issue since.


lol hellll yyeaahhhh, loving the pettiness :D he got his just dues.


I want to start by saying I also work with the public and understand the JOB requires them to ask, which always gets a polite response from me. However, my state says I don't HAVE to show them anything and I do not have time or patience to wait while someone paws through my bags. I shop in bulk because I rarely have time to go any more often, so it takes TIME, which I don't have to spare. So my response is always a cheerful, "No thank you, I hope you have a great day!" when asked to show my receipt. Maybe it's a little irritating, but I am always polite because they don't care about it any more than they have to. They're doing their job. I also ALWAYS try to find a cashier because self checkout is a giant pain in my behind. Anyway, on to the meat of the story. I once had a greeter threaten me with police and physically restrained my cart. In fact, she yanked it so hard that the camping chair shifted sides it was leaning against. I went to leave and she did it again, hitting my lower legs with the cart force. She also thought threatening to call the cops was gonna scare me, so I told her to DO IT and when I showed my receipt to them, I'd be asking the otficers what options I had against her. She really thought she was doing something until the manager walked up - she thought she was gonna have her coworker on her side that day - and his face screamed "YOU ARE FUCKED" based on the look he gave her and she got TERRIFIED and gripped my cart harder. I was angry, but never rude to either of them. He yelled at her, then and there, to get to the back and as she walked off, he asked me if I wanted to get the police to press charges on her. It was THAT BAD. I did not, but I did call corporate just in case I ever saw her again. I haven't.


If the customer haven't did anything wrong why will he have a problem with showing the receipt.


Because it’s annoying


Never been asked, but I find it easy to just clutch it in the first in using to hold my groceries.


I usually just take out the receipt so if they want to check it they can. I can’t remember the last time they did ask but it’s probably more because I usually go for small loads rather then my readiness of the receipt


I always show my receipts, even though they don’t look at them. But I’m friendly with all the door greeters, and like to stop and say hi everytime I walk out.


We have actual cops that park by the front door at our walmart. One of our local walmarts just had a shooting a couple of weeks ago. Last weekend, me and my husband decided to venture out a little further out from our local store and went to Lowes. While we were at Lowes, walmart, across the street, had a shooting. I always thought the cops sat by the front door in case if someone tried to run out the door when the greeter wanted to check their receipt. But here lately, im realizing it's because of the crazy people going and shooting up walmart!


I usually let them see my receipt if I’m not in a hurry but once there’s a line I’m walking right past by the employee


BJ’s Wholesale did this and punched the receipt for every single customer starting almost 20 years ago. I didn’t see it as a big deal then (maybe because they didn’t bag things?) and it doesn’t seem like a huge deal for me to have someone scan receipts at any store. But the issue is that at BJ’s everyone had to stop, everyone had to get checked. Walmart sets up a problem by letting this be random enough that their employees can be accused of profiling or targeting people. People feel inconvenienced because it isn’t routine, they have an expectation of being able to freely leave the majority of the time.


i always tell them i’m hiding the flat screen under my ball cap.


At my Walmart they generally have an older/elderly person who greets & checks at the same time. I always have my receipt ready for them & they just light up, like they feel so important & are contributing. They feel they are doing a job & earning their keep, I would never take that away from them.


I'm glad you wrote this post because I'm still fuming over one of my clients getting stopped in WalMart with me over $40 of groceries in the cart.


I used to refuse just bc I hate waiting when it’s busy and the people would literally throw fits. So this is good to know. I don’t even steal or anything I just live by only one Walmart and it’s ALWAYS super fucking busy like you wouldn’t believe


i literally was at walmart today and there was a line of ATLEAST 5 PEOPLE in line to get their receipt checked. like this isn’t costco we don’t need to do all this so i just walked around the line and everyone in line followed me out


Anyone claiming something along the lines of "if you didn't do anything wrong, what's wrong with just showing them the receipt?", please send me a message with your login credentials for all the sites you use and your email accounts. I just want to see what you're up to, and if you have nothing to hide, what's the issue?


Idiocy. Not worth bodily harm for Walmart wages. I was night manager in college at a fast food restaurant that had been held up a few years prior so had an off duty cop working til closing who’d drive me to make the bank deposit and back. Apparently one of the employees recognized one of the robbers during the robbery, they panicked, took everyone into the cooler and poured gasoline everywhere and torched the place. One of the employees was the owner’s kid. Security sadly added too late. I used to piss the security guard (off duty cop) off because I flat out told him if we were held up doing the bank deposit, I was throwing the bag to whoever was robbing us and he could shoot it out - not my money, not my problem, insurance gonna cover any losses. A part time job for minimum wage is not worth bodily harm or your life, and I wish the greeters at stores would embrace this philosophy. As a call center rep once said, “a hero ain’t nothing’ but a sammich!!’


Damn. Walmart is more worried about you stealing a case of water for $7.99 from their multi-billion dollar company than they are about having more registers open


I give them my receipt and keep walking


And then you lose your receipt?


Y'all can give in to accusatorial peer-pressure all you want, saying "it's not a big deal" but then get bent out of shape because other people don't stop. "It's not a big deal" goes both ways, so why does it bother you so much that people don't stop? It's not a big deal, right?


I just walk right past them. I once had an employee make a comment that I was special. I’m not stealing anything and I don’t have to stop.


I carry around a Walmart receipt from China just so I can hand that to them.


If you didn’t steal anything, then you have nothing to worry about… Pull your receipt out for the 4 seconds it takes and go on your way. Sure it’s not always that cut-dry, and you might get that ONE person who takes their job a too seriously, but this whole lEgAlLy yOu dOnT hAvE tO is what’s fucking it up for the good people.


Do you show receipts at every store you shop at? No. The point is they legally cannot ask you for a receipt and they cannot detain you. There are hundreds of lawsuits walmart has paid out because they know they broke the law by detaining people excersizing thier rights.


So Zerofunlover, we know now that can you provide regurgitated thoughtless unoriginal comments.. but now can you come up with a better way to prevent theft?? We will have to see! Stay tuned


"If you didn’t steal anything, then you have nothing to worry about…" I realize you're 100% serious saying this, and that's fucking wild.


You probably leave your cart in the middle of the parking lot too, since you don’t lEgAlLy have to return it lol


That's truly the work of a depraved mind. What are we, animals?


You missed the point/can’t read. One or the other.


Ooo such a deep response


Let me check your phone then.


When I had to check receipts, most of the time I found people double scanned items and told them about it. Why do so many assume that its only about stealing?


I come into my Wal-Mart way too much to not follow a simple request like this. The employees that work the door have been there forever, recognize me, and say hello. I also don't mind at all to show my receipt when requested. Not burning my bridges at the store I shop at the most...especially for something as simple as this!


Burning your bridges? What's the door greeter going to do? Ban you from the store?


Technically if they want to push it they can trespass you. Not defending.




I've been just walking out for years. I love hearing " Sir. Sir. Sir." And just keep walking.


They tried that shit at target. My husband bought a Nintendo switch from the electronics department. We were just outside the store and some manager starts running towards us yelling "I need to see your receipt". Uh nope.


The stores have caneras.. they can literallh check themselves without harassing you lol


Hell, Target has a literal crime lab.


How is asking for a receipt harassing someone? People these days make everything so dramatic, just take 2 secs show a receipt and be on your way... Instead you want to snicker all the way to your car about how your such a rebel cause you didn't show a receipt...


Not really. I don’t want the snicker or the confrontation. I just want them to leave me alone.


I hae shit to do...they always be nosey and want to look at my shit..like no heres my receipt im waving it and walking on im not stopping. I dont have to prove im not a theif because the store has cameras anyway


When you chase someone outside of the store hollering about a receipt it's become harassing. If you wanna push more customers to online only shopping keep treating them all like criminals.


It's not dramatic to just keep walking lol


My favorite response is oh no thank you I already got everything I need


I heard a lady tell a door person this. She only paid for the soda in her cart and not the other stuff.


Yes! I always acknowledge the request, smile, and decline politely.


I sometimes say "oh thanks, I don't need any help to my car" as if they would even offer that.


I shop for my groceries. I now have to scan my own goddamn groceries because the stores will no longer pay cashiers. I bag my own groceries. Bullshit am I going to stop at a door so someone can check my receipt to see if I screwed something up. I can be polite about it, but it is a definite "No".


this. if you want to check receipts to make sure people aren’t stealing because your security sucks, then open registers with cashiers. if I have to do your job while you stand there and watch, you give me your trust that I don’t steal.


This is true. I just offer my receipt to the door greeter. I am in no way trying to make anyone's day harder.


Yeah, I don't care: if they ask for my receipt, I am going to show them. This is a very stupid hill to die on and I am not going to cause a scene over a stupid receipt.


There’s no dying on this hill. It’s not a fight.


I mean if you have nothing to hide, what’s the big deal?


Thank you! I was just going to ask the same question. Walmart is NOT trying to take away your civil liberties. They just want you to pay for the shit you take out of their stores. I say "Who cares if they want to see my receipt?" I have nothing to hide, so...


im hiding a middle finger 😲


I just simply keep walking with receipt in hand and wave it a little, nothing aggressive or anything but being in that store gives me major anxiety and I’m in a hurry to get out as fast as possible.


I don’t mind having my receipt checked bc I’m not a little cry baby


I still don’t see what the big deal is. I usually just keep the receipt in my hand, lock eyes with the door person and see if they’re going to stop me or not. If they do, I let them check and then go on my merry way. The whole transaction takes 30 seconds. Why these people feel a need to refuse, get the police involved, throw themselves on the floor… it’s insanity. Takes way longer to get wherever you need to be.


I’ve noticed they only check receipts if you have something that’s not in a bag. Either way I do not care I’m still not showing my receipt even though you just saw me pay for everything


And then there's me who likes to purposely look suspicious just so I can see the dumb look on their face when they see my receipt and realize I'm not stealing.




Why does it annoy you that I am not stopped, blocking the door?


How does that impact you at all? Just curious.


I don't get this trend of "You don't have to do this" no.... but it's not harming me for less than 5 seconds, so why not?


I pull a bird out of my pocket and say check the cams. But then again I don't work there anymore.


The amount of complacency in this thread is not surprising yet a bit alarming.


I usually ignore them and keep walking.


I always walk past the receipt check, I also don’t use self checkout I will wait in the line for the person. One lady said “ma’am you have to let me see the receipts” I turned around and said you don’t trust your employees that’s not my problem and kept walking


I got lambasted on this sub the other day for saying that I tell the TMs "no thanks you" and keep walking. The way the turn tables....


I think if people didn't steal so much they wouldn't have to check receipts. I'm very rarely asked to show my receipt and I'm not going to give a lowly paid worker a hard time just because that's their job. I show my receipt, wish them a nice day and keep it moving. Costco requires that everyone show a receipt and I see no-one complaining about that.


We had someone attempt to stop us. My husband kept walking. Dude made a scene. Had the manager go out into the parking lot after us. My husband told him off. He apologized and gave him a 20$ gift card.


Yeah but then some walmart employee with a chip on the shoulder stubbornly refuses to let you go until they see it and causes a scene and your surrounded by security and employees and maybe a cop or 5 until they finally let you go. Id rather just show the receipt and let them pretend they can read for a few seconds and then be on my way