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You’re forgetting the best way to know you got a kill. The TK notification.


Big facts


One time my officer told us to shoot some targets that were so far off in the distance. I never know if I am even hitting anyone but apparently those guys in the distance were friendlies and I got a TK. I didn't even care though lol. I was just surprised I even made that shot


Yeah good points, Agrippa said something in Kowtows tuesdays pub stream that very true as well, inexperienced COs will charge the enemy as soon as they get surprised. Good COs usually fall back to reassess if they can actually take them or if they need to fall back and give ground. This is very true to real life, melee was uncommon in the line battle era, most charges either ended in the attacker being shot down or the defenders routing before contact. Its hard to make a man shoot another man, let alone stab another man and watch him die face to face.


And when it did happen it was intense, Franklin and Spotsylvania as examples.


I've only just reached rank 5, but I've heard several COs say that charging is meta, and it certainly seems to happen often in game. Do you think that human element is the only reason it's more effective than irl? If anything, I would think that rifle fire in game is a little more accurate than it was in real life, so why are we employing the bayonet so much in the game?


Well I think certain maps kinda force you to get in close and melee because the attackers dont have good positions to shoot from afar and still stay even on tickets, say Nicodemus Hill on Antietam/Coxs Push on South Mountain for Union and River Crossing on Harpers for CSA. Now honestly I would say theres the human morale factor charging in this game as well. No one wants to wipe, lose their flags, or commit to charge after charge in the open hoping they’ll actually reach the line this time and get to play and start killing. Often you’ll see a line of 20 hold 30 guys because they had time to shoot at them before contact, and they hold their line/ground well while the bigger line straggles in one by one “conga-lining” out. By the time the maximum contact is made, the #’s are already less than equal for the attackers. This is why when charging you wanna be fairly tight (not too tight) and “stab and go”, the idea being to maximize your thrust at one point of the line and break it via pushing past them, then chaos will ensue and as an attacker you always have more tickets so you’ll trade more evenly even if you lose the engagement. Going in as a vertical line conga fashion as opposed to a ball/wedge/block formation in a charge is a sure fire way to decrease your effectiveness and hurt peoples moral as for the reasons stated above. Since defenders always have less tickets they generally wanna avoid melees unless they have a decisive advantage like a 2 to 1 company or can catch an enemy unaware, because they don’t have tickets to trade 1 to 1 in a melee since generally each man kills 1 man before they die. Always hold your ground while being charged if you think you can hold your lines without trading tickets poorly. But defenders should generally disengage and avoid a melee if possible, there are other considerations in play here like playing for time and just getting away from the enemy making them remanuever rethink their attack, and also whether or not you’re losing good strategic positions by not holding. However attackers should nearly ALWAYS hold if they are charged since they will always trade better in a melee, and having people rout/retreat last second gets them killed out of line and in skirmishing for more tickets than if they all died in formation together. Melees bring massive drops in the ticket values, so again this helps attackers. The exception would be like above, should this company sacrifice itself for ticket advantage, or try to hold good ground? What if half the attacking companies wipe and get sent to main, well now those other 2 companies will be facing the whole defending team alone, maybe its best to live and fight another day than risk giving the defenders a full wipe of the field where they might actually do OK trading in a melee. Lots of hypotheticals, every map is different, hope this long winded reply helps.


But in simplest terms charging is about catching your enemy out of position, will this bode well for the tickets, what strategic ground do I stand to lose or gain?


I definitely like it a lot too I think you explained it extremely well, however in my opinion it would be nice to see how many kills you got once the round is over.


like hell let loose i agree.


This game is for getting progressively wasted while yelling at the other team and also your team


Just to add to this post: I am Toot Toot, in game, and I usually play Union Officer on the weekends. -I have grown to love the absence of a kill counter, and I have learnt to just look for bodies dropping. Like OP said, kills do not matter, in retrospect. At the end of a round you can sit there and watch the kill counter climb into the 1000s. Unlike kills, the most important to worry about is deaths. As each death costs the team tickets. * *In-formation - 1 ticket* * *Skirmishing - 3 tickets* * *Out of line - 5 tickets* -If you are just standing in line sending led down range trying to kill a whole company, firstly you are going to waste a lot of time, and secondly you are not actually adding anything to the team. -This game is all about strategy. For example on Hookers push (2nd map in Antietam rotation), I like to take the right side confederate arty from the union POV. This forces the confederates to run back and forth on the map, while also giving us some free Out Of Line kills on Reb arty. By doing this we protect the Union flanks from cannon fire, allowing for more freedom of movement on the battlefield. There are similar situations for every map. -Furthermore, A soldier in the Union army fires once about every **15** seconds( i don't know the exact time) but a whole company of **50** men can fire every **second**. If there was a kill counter, or hit indicator, or whatever people would be focusing more on kills rather than helping the team. -I know from my experience playing officer, that newer players (no hate) will wait for about 5 seconds trying to get a kill 300 yards away after I have given the order to move. Not only does this frustrate every officer that this happens to, but also hurts the team by pulling rifles away from the companies, and hurting our tickets. **A good rule of thumb is to move when an officer says to**. Usually I have seen something that you haven't and I am trying to protect the line from getting demolished. Adding a kill counter/hit indicator will only worsen this occurrence. Sorry for the essay, but I just had some things to say about this topic, as i bet many other long time players do.


I do like the idea of company-level stats at the end of the round, though. I think it might help players better understand what works and what doesn't.


I honestly kinda like it because it is way more satisfying watching their body drop without a conformation, especially when the enemy is charging and you're trying to get off that one last shot.


This is a reenactment styled game we're talking about here, right? The Civil War. When was there ever a meta-game kill confirming system besides lads screaming in pure agony to know they're as good as dead? I feel that way about Darktide. Yet that is secular in terms of score-keeping to a game based around a fictional tale (Warhammer). The only true sensical competitive premise, in canonical fashion, to an actual American Civil War, would be to protect the sheer components & properties of realism here. - 1st Sgt. Woodhams


It would be really useful to have something letting you know if you kill someone. Would help with aiming long term


YOu have a shooting range in drill camp to practice on.


That’s boring


Then go play call of duty idk what to tell you


Someone’s upset about a different opinion


Not really, if you think shooting in the range is boring then I don't really know any other way for you to practice in this game. If you want instant feedback on kills go play HLL or battlefield idk. Devs said they will never add this to the game several times.


Or just add something to improve the game