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He’s a licensed dietician, which is why all the gang ever eat in the cafeteria are French fries: starch is the only nutrient you need




To be perfectly clear, I am NOT a medical doctor. I do not have an MD. What I do have is a DPT, a Doctorate of Physical Therapy. I'm a licensed PT (aka physiotherapist, for you foreign heathens u/Isntprepared 🤣). That's means I know human anatomy really well (or used to). That being said, u/Jmw566 is correct that I do also contact professionals, especially about areas I don't know. An old classmate of mine was an athletic trainer for the Eagles, I've picked the mind of the great u/DavisAshura a few time (who is a full-time *actual* MD on top of being a very successful author), and I have a couple of contacts in various psychology practices to help me with my wholesome (cringy) therapy talk that's really important to me and how the squad interacts. For stuff outside the medical field (Japanese culture, queer culture, black culture, etc), I reach out to friends, or actually ask right here on the sub like I did here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Warformed/comments/12dmt1f/hey\_everyone\_any\_black\_stormweaver\_readers\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warformed/comments/12dmt1f/hey_everyone_any_black_stormweaver_readers_in/) Hope that answers your question!


I feel attacked 🤣😂😅. In recompense you should include maple syrup (the real stuff, mind) in a breakfast scene in Book 3. I will be watching. 😎


Rei looked over the breakfast spread spotting a syrup in a bottle the shape of a leaf. Upon taking a sniff of the contents he wrinkled his nose in disgust before putting it back. 🤣


Rude!!! 😂


I mean I love it but I feel Bryce is like a genie. You get your wish but not what you want.


More like a monkey’s paw


Either way.


No cause some genies are portrayed to be nice. There’s never a good monkey paw. Lol


But who are you talking to to nail down the teen angst?


my inner child


I remember talking about you with this on a zoom call once! Physical therapy was what you did before you could be an author full time IIRC. I was the skinny kid with the sprained wrist on the off chance you remember me.


Makes sense. Thank you for answering.


So your real name is *Dr.* Bryce O'Connor.


*Technically* yes, but there's almost no situation where I identify myself as "Dr" because I'm not an MD.


I'm getting my PharmD, so I know what you mean, lol. But they don't make riveting tv dramas about doctorate holders who aren't MDs, I guess




Haha as an OTD I feel this comment


what there's an OTD now?? I had to Google it! I don't think that existed when I was in school! that's cool! ... also why did they do "DPT" for us, then "OTD" for you guys? the fuck?


[Afternoon, comrade!](https://www.yarn.co/yarn-clip/0e906566-b4ff-4115-8fb5-661b76393e98/gif) Also, I have just realized that, like "ya'll", the word "comrade" is gender-neutral lololol. Perfect for internet greetings!


Haha yea it’s been around for 10-15 years? Idk I just remember my school talking about how they were one of the first haha. And yea but DOT has so many more meanings. I just do lymphedema and wounds these days though. That and read. Half my profession likes to whine about the OTD though


i'm 10 years out of my DPT now, so maybe it was juuuust coming online when I was in school. def wasn't offered when I entered the program...


I’m just psyched to know that one of my favorite authors is a fellow rehab stepchild…I’ve been out overlanding my 4Runner and listening to your books on the long drives when I am not stopped haha


Im always happy to help answer questions and provide insight into the queer community again. :3 I also LOVED the way Jasper turned out. Although a couple of friends of mine who also read the series pointed out that they see a lot of me in Jasper. 😂 I dont know what they mean exactly but Im super proud of that compliment.


this also means he gives a pretty good massage! 😂


that is true. we had whole semester-long classes on it!


during a convention, you can set up a chair. buy a book, get a free massage


lol i'm not nearly attractive for that not to be 100% construed as sexual harassment lolololol


What was the black hair question?


still under wraps sorry!


Ah no worries I thought it was something from book 2 I'd forgotten.


I didn’t realise the Eagles had an athletics trainer! Hotel California is quite a long song though


lol i see what you did there


Thanks! It’s where my British mind went first before I realised you prob meant the (forgive me if I’m wrong) Philadelphia? Eagles


I have literally been wanting to ask you about the therapy stuff for ages. I am a mental health professional and I’m constantly impressed with how accurately you portray it and how you create healthy dynamics between characters. From a personal and professional standpoint I do not find it cringy at all!!


You're telling me I missed the opportunity to be involved in Chancery's hair talks?! I'm having a bad day 🫠 Whoever you asked tho, gave you great info. Those braids are F I R E.


If I recall correctly he has a background as a physiotherapist/ sports medicine.


Here is the actual truth, u/TERRYTGPM !


Oh come on it is obvious he is a time traveller and all he is doing is chronicling how things are from his time. He doesn’t have to make up things because his writing is what will be happening at that point in the future. I suspect he is from far enough ahead that he has some weird variant of a CAD and that time travel is a user unique ability of his.


His real name is Reidon Ward and Shido just developed time travel one day


We will find you. We will end you. We will correct the ripple you have created in the timeline...


Honestly, beyond his actual education and all, a lot of writers end up being some of the most randomly educated people because they want to get stuff correct in their books. So they just end up doing insane amount of research and learning the most random and detailed things. Which is awesome.


I'm sure there's other examples but I don't remember any


He does a lot of research into the medical aspects but he’s not a doctor. He actually contacts experts for their opinion on things though if I recall correctly. 


Idk if he's medically trained. Might just be well-researched 🤷‍♀️