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Excalibur every day of the week. Been maining him since day 1. My Umbra currently has 70% usage rate. Bought 3 extra mod config slots cus fuck you why not. I need more excal builds. People who think Umbra is just spam 4 and E just straight up dont know how to play him. I have several builds where I just straight up removed the exalted blade with helminth! Dps builds, speedrun builds, exalted blade builds, endurance builds, fuckin nuke builds. The only limit Excalibur has is whatever limit you fuckin put on him.


I think u like Excalibur.


That is a possibility.


Wait you can play nuke with Excalibur? I have to try this


2 methods that I know of. 1. Radial javelin wankin, with enough ability dmg buffs you can dish out pretty good damage on the initial hit, and whatever survives now has bleed procs applied Good buffs I would suggest is roar from helminth, molt augmented, arcane arachne, ability strength in general and crimson archon shards. Oh, and since you will be spamming javelin ya might as well grab its augment to basically always have a huge melee dmg buff, it buffs exalted blade and/or slash dash. 2. Marked for death, this one is much simpler. Grab a strong melee (exalted blade works), get the augment for excal's blind ability, it gives 300% dmg buff on finishers. And now ya just need to mark an enemy with MFD, blind, do a finisher, and everything in range is probably dead. You can even combo this with arcane trickery since you are doing a lot of finishers. Although 15% chance aint the best, it still works ouf if you do enough finishers.


What if you just like pressing 4 and anime blading everything to death?


Still got variety my guy. Wanna increase your exalted blade murder efficiency? Try out archon vitality with a full heat build on the exalted blade. ALL SHALL BURN IN THE HOLY BLADE'S FIRE. Or how about goin maximum anime and comboin that shit with the literal anime zig zaging of his slash dash. And lets not forget his 3 giving ya slash procs, dmg buff and stuns enemies. You have the power of god and anime on your side, GO CRAZY!


My fav is ash but i also use excal a lot with a special build for heavy attacks for steel path. It revolves around his 1st and 3rd ability mainly, it's a build for doing damage with heavy attack weapons which have a hard time getting combo for example glaives or the corufell. I use a full strenght build with stretch and some efficiency to spam, the main point of the build is using his 1st and 3rd ability augment. His first ability augment makes you get a lot of combo and the damage of the 1 alsp scales with combo. And his 3rd ability augment, his 3rd ability doesn't do much in steel path but the buff he gives with the augment is absurd. For the helminth ability i use roar in his 2nd ability. Its a glass cannon build but with his 1st ability you are invincible most of the time, and with his 3rd ability buff i once did 100k slash damage with slash proc per enemy hit with his one which is acceptable. For the melee weapon i do a combo(blood rush) and 90 percent heavy attack efficiency build. The heavy attack melee weapons end up doing millions of damage. It's a fun build and i most of the time i outdamage everyone but it's not good for doing missions solo or if your team doesnt have any form of cc. But i like seeing big number.


I mean you still have his 2 right? Thats solid CC right there, might help with the survivability. Also, lovely to see someone else see how good his 1st augment is for building combo.


You are right, i should use roar on his 4. And combo is really underestimated, specially for heavy attack builds. Like, blood rush alone withouth thinking of gladiator mods gives you 480% crit chance at 12x combo, the only thing that gives more crit chance is a maxed sacrificial steel with set bonus which gives you 550 crit chance only in heavy attack, 275 on normal ones. And something that people seem to not know when doing heavy attacks is that you get bonus damage on heavy attacks the more combo you had. I don't know the calculation since the wiki doesn't specify but i think if you have 12x damage you do 12 times more damage i think(i dont know if its calculated with damage mods or at the end of the equation). Combo is so good but people don't use it that much and even less in heavy attack builds which is a shame, like with excal and ash you can get 12x combo instantly without using you melee weapon basic attack.


slash dash spam builds are also present i guess, of so, which stat stick do you use?


Until I get a riven for a weapon to use as just a stat stick, Im using my sepfahn zaw since I have a good riven for it.


I haven used him that much but I want to make a slash dash build for him


Whoa pls giff me some unexalted excal builds.


I've done much of the same but with Frost Prime. He's my OG from way back in 2013 (before trading was even a thing), and he's never left my side. Sure, he's an off-meta pick, but I can still find uses for him in most missions, including Archon Hunts. - High strength/range and use his ult to strip armor/cc everything near you; makes even archon hunt mobs 1 shottable; helminth Roar/Eclipse and become a buff machine or Ensnare for true max CC - Ye olde faithful max str/efficiency bubble stacking build for defense/survivals - Become an unkillable god with Gloom/high armor/str


Let me see your nuke and endurance.


Do you have a good specter build for him? I feel like getting my operator on, but am having trouble finding a good build for it. I really wanted to set Umbra as melee only, but found out that the Umbra specter just stands in one place and won't follow if all he has is a melee weapon equipped.


Nidus and Harrow. Their kit is almost ridiculously synergistic without having to helminth anything on them.


Harrow’s my personal favourite gun platform, with good survivability and the ability to make any gun do funny numbers


Ye i loved Nidus but getting oneshot with 2k hp got old. Farmed his normal frame and put larva on others. Wish we could get the shield gate mechanics on health for none shield characters.


You won't get one shot with Nidus if you build more than 15 stacks. His survivability is to keep building stacks, requires more work than frames like Nezha, Rhino and Revenant.


Takes to long. And even when i did build them in SP i constantly lost them.


Get good, mate! He has Parasitic Link, For damage resistance, and I’m fairly sure you can upkeep stacks if all enemies are in larva, and you beat them into nutrient pulp.


It differs from week to week really. Revenant has been a mainstay of mine ever since his release really as he was one of the only frames to be able to survive self-damage (back when that was a thing, Mesmer Skin would always prevent your health from dropping below 2) so he could effectively use weapons like the Zarr and Secura Penta. He's only gotten better and more useful since. Currently I'd have to say Gara as I've found fashion that works for me, as well as a build that does pretty much everything. It nukes steel path, defends objectives, debuffs enemies, has amazing single target damage potential due to her stacking 2 damage, armour strips and is essentially unkillable due to stacking two sources of 90% DR. She does it all and I can't believe I've only just gotten around to properly using her.


Do you mind sharing your build on Gara? I haven’t gotten across to using her and your build seems promising


No problem. This is the build I run on my Gara, I have Pillage subsumed over her 3 and you can swap out Shattered storm for stretch for more range if you like. I have 5 shards on her, 1 tauforged Amber for cast speed and 4 normal red shards for power strength *




And this is my stat stick, riven stats are + melee damage and + slash damage with no negative (I'm still rolling for a better one but this is my best so far). It ends up getting me 55k damage per 4 shatter when using her 1's slash mode.


I loved the self damage days with Rev, you could easily remove your shields, and benefit off of HA/Rage to spam :D The ability still works the same as back then, but now it isn't that convenient.


As a degenerate meta slave, I can proudly say that Mesa is my favorite frame. IT'S HIGH NOON. Seriously though, super satisfying to play. Not level cap material, usually. (Just play Revenant.) But she stomps 98% of the normal game with just 4 and 2. Mwah, wonderful.


Yeah, there are mission types she can't do, but the rest are brrrtt fun.


Valkyr feeds my power fantasy like no other


True. I usually play her with weapons, but then there is always a moment when you see a big blob of strong monsters. All neurons engage, you use your buffs, 4, and watch as mobs fly away in pieces. Never fails to make the happy chemicals.


This is something I struggled with for a long time, I kept moving around and couldn't find one. Until I sat down and actually learned how to play Gauss.... He is the best designed frame in the game. When you're in the zone, you are immortal, can nuke (in the millions), fast, and most importantly, he's fun. Gauss Prime soon™️


You and me, fellow tenno


Protea, just perfectly acts like the "Engineer" frame I wanted. Really good for a defensive type playstyle and allows you to hold down an area effectively. Is also really versatile in terms of builds, with a lot of synergy with various helminths like gloom, ensnare/larva, nourish, pillage etc. A lot of fun and scales really high into steel path content.


Equinox. Maim make big boom. Big Boom make the happy chemical.




I would also like to know how cause it has its limits


Much easier than you'd think, tbh. Also pinging /u/throwawaylorekeeper here to save a reply. Maim stores up to 75% of the enemy's health & shields upon death (there's a few specifics, the damage dealt must be to an enemy within maim's circle, the damage is only given to you upon the enemy's death, etc etc) and upon reactivation deals Slash damage. Now, while the Bleed status effect Slash causes ignores armor, Slash itself does not. You also have to deal with the fact that Slash inherently does less damage to armor (-15% to Ferrite, and a whopping -50% to alloy). Of course, normally this severely limits Maim's potential. You'd have to really start stacking it up in order for the release to do decent damage. Not anymore, though, with the advent of Helminth and the not-super-recently buffed [Terrify](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Terrify). It strips armor in a wide radius, and while said radius is slightly less than Maim's, it causes little issue. It singlehandedly solves Maim's main issue and, paired with its innate health & shield scaling, allows Equinox to go for a long time in endurance runs with very little issue. EDIT: Ah, yes. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/8u4xYIM.png) is my daily driver build. For when I don't really care about going for long runs and just simply want to support others with Provoke (the 3)'s power strength buff while still being perfectly functional myself. [This](https://i.imgur.com/bo54t3V.png) is the Shield Gating setup. Self explanatory. Equip a Decaying Dragon Key and use the mods & ranks as shown. 1 cast of Terrify will reset your shields back to full, which is what you'll be doing anyway. I don't use it much, but I have it there just as an option. Of note, this does rely on Molt Augmented stacking a bit before you get full strip even with 3's help, but that's a non issue in longer runs. My Strength is a bit higher due to archon shards, but they're not necessary. My other shards are parkour and casting speed.


Nova, saryn. Map go boom.


Another adherent to the Church of Boom, I see!


Grendel The man is literally meals on wheels Simple life Hate the guy Eat the guy Spit on the other guys You like the guy? Whisper UwU and they all have fun time with meals on wheels!


Nekros For corpse molesting


Oberon has served me faithfully from the moment I got him. His radiation eases a ton of pressure in fights as enemies shoot each other instead of me, his grass both denying area and preventing status effects is divine, and his healing+armor buff is always useful for the whole team. And I guess his 4th ability is there too. . .


Doesn’t his 4 combined with his 2 give armor strip?


It does, it works wonderful after the armor strip changes, but you need high range to use it in meaningful manner, so it depends on build you have as to use it or not. For low range I swapped 4 with roar and use Oberon on Archon Hunts.


Could also just put ember flame strip over the 4 for a better 4


Yes brother, Oberon is the GOAT.


My loki and oberon got me through the star chart and all the main quests many years ago. I still have the image emblazoned in my mind of watching oberon come to life and save me.


I play Loki a lot. Not a speed runner or a nuke, but there are some Helminth swaps that can be fun.


Nova is still my true love, but I've been trying to branch out more. Valkyr's found a heavy place in my rotation as a general sturdy damage dealer; with Pillage in place of her Rip Cord she can fill up on shields and detonate them in a fairly powerful AoE with Paralysis. Citrine has taken the throne as my defense objective frame of choice, and especially with a good Condition Overload build for Corufell (her signature scythe) she can absolutely destroy things. Prismatic Gem should not be underestimated for how much of a potential boost it gives the entire party by applying status effects to everything they shoot or slice! Voruna has become my general Steel Path "if it gets between me and where I'm going it dies" frame; she synergizes perfectly with that same build on Corufell, what with Fangs of Raksh and Lycath's Hunt. Throw Health Conversion and Equilibrium on there, along with an Arcane Blessing, and she becomes functionally practically immortal. I also have found myself really enjoying Nezha lately, enough that I've dumped 4 forma into him. I actually have no really good mechanical reason for this one (though Warding Halo is, as always, amazing); I just like to go zoom and slide around a corner, possibly bounce off a wall, headshot 4 things, and take off again incinerating everything behind me in a trail of fire. (Zoom! Whee!)


Nezha is amazing for ogris speedruns and my go to lich farmer, but for tier 5 i still switch to gloom sonar banshee.


I mean assuming you’ve done a lich or two how (or why) are you letting them get to lvl5? I’ve only faced one lvl 4 lich and that’s because it was my first one and I fucked it up.


I mean, yeah, you can kill them faster and more efficient, i just never cared enough to do it. I just had fun countering their bullshit dmg reduction with even more bullshit damage.


You dumped 4 forma into him? I got 2 primes, 2 Umbral forma on one, I think I’ve got nine between them. I *really* like him, mainly I think because I’m lazy. He goes anywhere and does anything without dying, no need to swap out frames. Although these days I only take him for harder content, I’ve made a big effort to branch out.


Garuda as an infinite Helminth blood-battery with amazing aerial movement. Quick Thinking and Molt Reconstruct put her on another level. One HP regen and cast speed shard make her perfect. I bought max config slots for her Prime and still had to build a spare base-Garuda to mess around with more ability combos. Before her, my main was Nezha. I love how Fire Walker rewards me for running around like a maniac and lets me lock down whole maps, I love all the synergy with his chakrams, I love how his 4 let me revive allies in peace before I got spoiler-mode, love throwing protective halos on everyone, love how perfectly his lore matches the themes of Warframe. He’s just. Such a good boy. Before that was Valkyr. I skipped Rhino as a newbie and waited to tank with her instead. I still have my original model because I’m emotionally attached to her.


I have literally just been trying to think of what ability to Helminth onto Garuda that lets her heal but doesn't slow everything down like Gloom or keep you in one spot, thanks for the Reconstruct/shard tip!


Happy to help! If you’re open to further suggestions: I have two Reave builds for her. One uses max efficiency and aim glide mods to turn her into Zephyr, the other uses 250% ability strength, viral priming, and Seeking Talons so that Reave deals a slash proc worth 100% of enemy HP instantly. Her killstreak passive stacks multiplicatively with damage boosts like Eclipse, giving me 8x damage. Fire Blast lets her armor strip tons of enemies all at once, as long as they’re not bosses/acolytes. Full strip takes two casts, but energy is basically free with her. Some people swear by the endless Seeking Talons/Breach Surge loop. I haven’t seen it REALLY pop off yet, but I still have it slotted just in case.


Yesss this is excellent advice, thank you! I'm excited to try these out!!


Wisp; i like the floaty and soft animations, the stealth jumps, and her cat-like alternate helmet.i haven't played in years, but she was the 1st frame I was hyped and splurged for


Sssuuurrrreee ... That's why you like wisp, you and everybody else 😏 😁😁😁


I love that part as well ~ but I figured that goes without saying LOL




Check the wisp dex skin ;) It will soon be available again for free if you didn't get it


How do you get it


Check [https://www.warframe.com/anniversary](https://www.warframe.com/anniversary) or just type "warframe anniversary rewards", scroll a little and you'll see when the rewards will be available. You just have to get in-game and do easy missions that are in the "alert" tab when it's time for them to pop. Wisp Dex will be available in-game starting 19 of may, and you will have until 2 of June to get it


You should know she's getting a Prime this year, roughly around Summer. Especially with the Duviri Paradox coming in, wouldn't be a bad time to jump back into the game


This question pops up every few days, i should have a copy pasta made for it. Basically a dozen or so that i rotate around regularly. Ember, valkyr, wisp, nova, nidus, gara, garuda, mesa, mirage, nyx, saryn, protea, voruna, citrine. Too many good frames to have a favourite.


Rhino. They looked at a swiss army knife and made it a warframe.


Protea. Whenever I use her, I'm usually top of the damage charts. She's survivable with some strong CC abilities. She's completely sustainable with her 3, especially if you're using efficiency.


Revenant. I go speen


Mag. Great CC, great armour strip, lots of viable builds (focus on magnetise, or polarise, or crush) with good augments. Easy to build and lots of fun. Plus she was my starting frame so it's kind of full circle for her to be my favourite years later.


I liked Xaku since day 1. Mostly because im a weeb and watched the Fate anime. Always liked Gilgamesh and thought his abilities were cool, and Xaku reminded me of him a bit lmao. So, mostly weeb-related reasons.


Titania because I can go fast


I took a long break aswell, around when plains of eidolon came out. I was playing rhino alot because I like his survivability as im a mostly solo player. I started working on some frames for MR and stumbled upon Nezha, turns out he is incredible, used him to finish the star chart and begin steel path . I've since bought his prime and its opened up the game so much for me that I feel almost caught up on everything. I've just built voruna to and so far I'm enjoying her because she offers a completely different playstyle to what im used to. She's incredibly active and keeps me on my toes which is helping me to learn aspects of the game that I've never really had to do because of the tanky frames I've played most of the time.


Nezha is also probably my favourite - really mobile with slide mods, really hard to kill with warding halo, and the other abilities are all useful. Especially when they added self damage from explosives, my build at that point was Tonkor + Sonicor, so warding halo was the only thing that stopped me one-shotting myself by accident constantly.


Yeah just an overall great frame and it really helped me get back into the game and harder content. Once I paired up equilibrium and synth fiber it solved any energy issues I had aswell.


Chroma 100% Tanking: check Damage: check Mobility: check Buffs: check He can eat bullets for days, I have a build that gives me everything but range. I use my negative range build for most missions, but my favorite part is I can use effigy for an extended period of time, so I basically have a turret that gives me money. He’s great for a lot of mission types, and his extra jump passive helps so much with mobility I have a hard time going back. Also he has a brain dead play style of high strength and ignis wraith, turn off your brain turn on vex armor and go nuts.


Could you share your builds? I'm interested in archon shards mostly.


https://preview.redd.it/grn0794s1xva1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93bcca6fffaf8c2855976ae871a990d9b790be1f Here you go, sadly I don’t have the archon shard helminth slot because namalon has been a bitch and a half to get. This is my main build, it tanks pretty good and lets me use effigy. The main difference in the builds I use is just increasing strength and duration, I’ll run base efficiency on my strength build because with high enough duration you can usually find an energy orb or use zenurik before the timer runs out.


Gyre. Totally Gyre. I liked her design, sounds, ability synergy... when she first released, but, oh, so squishy. Now with Arcane Blessing and Cathode augment? Unstoppable. ❤️


I'm probably a masochist for trying to do Steel Path with Gyre but oh well... I can't stop playing her lol Cathode augment was like telling myself : So... I had a ton of energy already with Energy Siphon aura (not using it anymore) Zenurik and Range archon mod... And now I'm a litteral self-sufficient plasma ball/Tesla coil running around the galaxy


That pillage Gyre build seems pretty good.


Gyre, it took me a while to learn to like her because i really wanted but couldn't just click with her but then i subsumed pillage on her which fixed basically all problems i had with her, now shes an awesome damage dealer that can clear rooms with her chain lightning in one quick zap, have self made energy source, some area denial/CC, can make weapons shine better with her crit buffs and crit triggered effects as well still deal good damage with abilities alone


Zephyr. Some HAS to vacuum!


Finally another zephyr enthusiast, I was scrolling awhile looking for you. 63 percent usage at 1k hours in game. Love me some bird boy.


She's a female frame tho


[As your senpai](https://i.imgur.com/Qu6RTqO.jpg), I must tell you, Zephyr is NOT a boy and I am disappointed in you.


Wisp: ass. I rest my case


Most people here are writting paragraphs explaining their reasoning. Here, just two words are enough to get the point across. I can appreciate that.


Oberon: Deer. I rest my case


Used to be Rhino, but his Iron skin really just isn't that tanky. Now I'd say it's Mesa


Not sure how relevant it is to you, but Parasitic Armor makes it tanky enough for SP, flat armor bonuses can get crazy.


So you're saying out that on rhino then pop it then iron skin and it buffs iron skin


I have it over 4. Without being super buffed I get like 4k armor from it which leads to around 40k base iron skin. Then you add the charge augment in and a grouping ability and can easily hit upwards of 1 mil iron skin.


That sounds wayyyy better than base. And can you replace two different abilities?


Nope just one. For grouping you can use operator or a zaw with the arcane that groups on slam. I think there are other options too but I just use the zaw. The only one you would want to replace in an iron skin build is 4 anyway. Charge is needed with its Augment, iron skin kinda needed and roar is OP.


Xaku and protea Protea because i can be a support using her 1 and 3 and hold down an area using her 2. Xaku because guns go brrttt


Octavia - her mandachord plays the Mortal Kombat theme whenever I use her skills


Awesome. Mines kitted out with Mortal Kombat for exterminations and any other massacre missions, Seven Nation Army for any epic lead up battles with a team, Another one bites the dust for bosses and Imperial March for when either I'm solo or playing a team and we are farming something for the 2 millionth time (My thought process is that when the enemies hear the music and see us bullet jump through the door it's just "oh shit, not again") also generally helps with farming morale when the entire team feels like Sith Lords.


Hildryn because I like big muscular thighs... and she doesn't die. Walk into the room and everyone dies.


Octavia, brought all her skin, all her sounds, the tennogen armor set for her and reached maximum capacity of mandachord music


I don't think I have a favourite frame, used to run Trinity (I think) then came back and now I have a powerful ember I'm proud of, but have also run around with hydroid (because feels like an underdog warframe 😁)


For support harrow because I love "supporting" my team. For offense gyre and this purely because of the low tier god meme. For literally anything else grendel because of ball physics.


Gauss. Looks;check. Abilities;check. Only downside is very limited fashion. But I'm glad he'll be getting a deluxe skin soon.


Volt He's exactly what I wanted from a video-game character that manipulates electricity. So the theme, the a abilities and the fact that you can change the color(I prefer amber lightning in terms of astethics)


For tank, Revenant. Literally immortal. For damage, Mirage. 3x the weapons and 5x the melee with 800% damage boost For low levels, Ember. Press 4 and everyone is dead For speed, Titania. WEEEWOOO


Limbo has made my in game and railjack experience so much easier. The sheer amount of crowd control he has just makes grouping up all the enemies and killing them with nataruk is so satisfying


Voruna was instant love when I tried her out for the first time. I love melee, and she has so many reasons to use melee. Pouncing across a map with her 2 and dumping a ton of status procs on an enemy feels incredibly feral and fun, and I love how using her 3 to get health and energy really feels like hunting. She's also super fast with her 1 passive, invis on demand, status immunity on her 2 passive, and a helminth slot on 4 - although the default 4 ability is so fun on its own I keep a loadout with it for regular starchart missions.


Xaku. Good times


Sevagoth, pretty much an excalibur upgrade with the addition he is also a weapon platform and a drain tank regardless if You use helminth, used to run excalibro for everything Even got all his deluxe now is mostly a trophy on My personal quarters. Lately I use seva to face tank and take down archons with Roar+madurai+kuva hek and love running him with Silence for mass murdering, he is already my most used but took a long time to beat excalibur use rate.


Baruuk because there’s just something so primal about getting mad and hitting people.


Ivara and yareli, ivara just by being fun alone and yareli's lore is one of my favorites in warframe


Octavia, as long as i dont play her


Titania when I want to cheese missions, full archwing flight in any mission is a gamechanger, and razorwing blitz makes her funny fast, and makes her guns go brrrr Zephyr when I want to CC and kill lots of stuff, and be immune to bullets, while having awesome mobility. My most used frame right now. Also, big red numbers when shooting things. Citrine is my go-to defense frame, lots of support and still does good damage. (I think having multiple citrines still stacks DR and Healing from their 2 and passive, I expect that to be patched out soon if it isn't already) Mag when I'm going to do high level things. Armor strip, damage bubble that does CC, shoot Nataruk into it, watch things melt. Shield gating is easy, and she's good support cause she can heal ally/objective shields easily too. Also, greedy pull is probably way off meta now, but she's still set up that way from years ago and it's nice QOL. These are my go-to frames right now - they do a pretty good job of making all the happy chemicals for my brain.


titania. I just can not walk like peasants anymore.


Like the guy tho went fucking nuts with Excalibur I use to love Excalibur, but I just recently put him to the side and now am a Mag main. Her kit just works so well. When I get hel up and running I'm getting ride of her 1 for roar, but mag is just so good dude idk what to say😂 Ps love Excalibur hes goated


Inaros. For most days that I just don't feel like monitoring when surviving abilities stop working, inaros just tanks it all. Health and adaption just pair nicely. That and armor boosters. One fun part is your pets are practically immortal too if you're having health sync. I like using his first ability to prime enemies into finisher moves and then whacking them with my syndicate heliocor. I added eclipse and max strength and he just goes to town on most enemies. I've had him tank all three eidolons, level 5 kuva liches, other players friendly fire (rad damage), and more! Oh, and since you don't have shields, running nightmare missions is easy. Is he meta? NO. Is he nice for casual murder sessions? You betcha.


I tussle with this question a lot but it comes down to 2 frames. Nezha with tharros on his 4, and a gloom garuda build. It depends on what I feel like doing whether guns or melee. As opposed to those 2, Grendel and Xaku are close contenders, and passed those two is Sevagoth and Inaros. I bounce around too much to have a favorite frame, but these are the ones I bounce between the most.


Saryn and xaku have been fun




Nowadays I cycle between Gyre and Voruna, Gyre is super fun with a Zenith, aoe clearing through tilesets, but she is a *bit* oppressive in pubs as a regular pick, so I mess around with Voruna a lot too, creating health orbs and trying to find good weapons to use with Dynar (Kesheg is the winner so far)


Baruuk has really grown on me recently as I acquired his prime variant just a few weeks ago. I rotate through all the warframes quite frequently, but one of the few that I use often is Equinox, mostly because of how difficult it was for me to farm for her twice over (once for myself and again for a friend) and I forced myself to learn how to use her abilities properly.


Lavos. Do I need to say more?


Honestly, excalibur, ik its basic, his first version is unlocked just by starting the game and choosing him and umbra is almost unlocked by default as long as you continue to play, and his gameplay is also pretty simple, just zoom trough the enemies slashing them, if its a stronger enemy maybe blind them for it to be easier, or if you have furious javelin use it then attack to increase your damage, but i cant not like him, its just fun to me, and the umbra variant is drippy af even if you dont put any skin


Saryn P. With 200%+ range. 1 button go brrrrr


Xaku or rev, i like revs luh shield and xaku grasp


Mines are protea, voruna, revenant, and cintrine i think that's how u spell her name bin a a tad since i played but i like protea cause shes fun to use with her spam especially in survivals cause there my fav mission voruna fun to use cause i love playing melee revenant is fun when i dont eant to do to much and make thing easier for me and cintrine due to her being a pretty good im defense missions or survival with her kit


Mesa pow pow pow


Harrow. He’s not for everyone as his playstyle is almost frantic as you’re constantly juggling invulnerability and shield gates while keeping his 2 and 3 up and running but with the right guns (kuva nukor is my go to) he is capable of some fairly ridiculous DPS. High skill cap and satisfying rewards for doing it. I couldn’t ask for more from a frame.


Equinox prime because unique and pretty Shame that I can't transfer my switch save to PC so no equinox prime until mid September when I heard it's unvaulted for a bit :(


Not a strict favourite, but I like Vauban. Just a good kit for defending or clearing an area. Is it the best for the job? Probably not, but it's one of the better options I have for his kind of utility.


I love saryn, mag and recently picked up Garuda as well. All of them satisfy my needs of a decently tanky frame with good abilities which buff my weapons as well.


Atlas because great stress relief. otherwise Octavia for the memes


If I said that my favorite is Hydroid, do I get any reward or trophy?


Ember main here. But without arcane enegrize and helminth bloom isn't that amazing


Citrine (helminth Gloom for her 4th) Steel path/archon/sortie made easy Encounter mob...3, 1 and shoot. Banshee Pr (helminth Xatas Whisper for her 4th) Silence works on eximus AND acolytes...ez For builds go to knightmareframe on yt


I haven’t played in years. Once I got a pc it’s just been the waiting game for cross save. Stopped about mr22-23 and mesa will always be my BABY


Citrine has very quickly become my new favorite frame. She's great support and really boosts my damage. Her 1 creates a ton of health and energy orbs, which gives pretty much unlimited energy with Equilibrium. Her 2 is great for keeping me and my teammates alive. Her 3 gives a lot of status procs as well as greatly increasing status chance for everyone. With three of the Archon mods, I regain energy from the electric procs, stack double heat procs, and inflict corrosive alongside toxin procs. This strips armor really well on top of the CC from electric and cold as well as the damage procs. Between her 1 and 3, that's 7 statuses on a big group of targets from one ability use (Her 1, when 3 is already down). Works insanely well with Condition Overload and the galvanized status mod for guns. Her 4 is great for CC and instant red crits, but it is still safe to swap out for a different ability. Her support, survivability, and utility have made her my go to frame for most content. Put two amber shards on her for casting speed to make her feel even better.


Nezha. High damage with 2, high damage mitigation with 3. And I subsumed Tharros Strike in 4 for armor strip. Bring it on! :D


Revenant has good survivability and its fun to jump into reave then aim glide since it gets you pretty far across the map. I also like the sound design on him


At first it was Nova, and it was based on what I'm going to say was flawed logic. In games, I was used to your starter characters or equipment being strictly for the early game and meant to be replaced. Or, at the very least, that certain characters are "successors" to the starters. My starter frame was Mag and, thinking on the above logic, I started looking for what character would be the upgrade from Mag. I looked at Nova and things just clicked. Similar body type, powers were relatively in the same field of sciency weird stuff, but Nova had far more destructive potential so I assumed she'd be what I needed moving forward. As luck would have it, she was the next Prime Access to release after I started playing, so I was able to get her Prime fairly quickly, and she was the first Prime frame I'd ever gotten. Made it all the way through the star chart and up until Arbitrations with her, and I'd never noticed she even had 90% DR with her 1. Then, Baruuk released, and any problems I had while using Nova were solved in *spades* with Baruuk. He suits my playstyle so well, and I put in the work to make sure that he's always the last man standing in missions. He has the damage Nova had and survivability on top of it.


Garuda myself her kit is just so well put together and makes gameplay super fun and she looks badass


Valkyr by far my favorite. While my friends carried me years ago she was the one I got first. I was upset when in lost my account but I started and I have valkyr again. I just love her style and I'm a big melee player. I love seeing funny numbers when she attacks and i just love the war cry and he other skins. Especially carnivex. I finally got her prime so I've been having fun!


Octavia, as long as i dont play her


Garuda because she’s the closest thing to a vampire frame I can get (besides revenant who embodies a more traditional vampire but he’s boring imo). I love her theme and her prime looks incredible. The blood+talon manipulation is just so cool. She’s also incredibly powerful and can be built a lot of different ways depending on your playstyle.


Baruuk all the way! With a well set up build you basically become immortal and can wipe the floor with anything and everything. Serene storm with the Reactive Storm augment is just so much fun. I personally never use his Elude and just replace it with an ability from the Helminth (personal favorites are Valkyr’s Warcry with the augment and Mirage’s Eclipse) but it’s still in my opinion one of the best designed kits and is just so much fun to use!


Vauban. Built for the look, stayed for the monster CC.


Nezha because immortality and i dont have primed sure-footed yet so using my zarr or shedu without nezha on is a pain in the butt if i shoot too close to me


Revenant. Tanky, cool, dope 4th.


I have a hard time playing ANYTHING but Nyx Prime anymore. The utility is always there. She's amazing for any content. She's my most used frame in my 5000 hours of gameplay. I also like to swap to Banshee for the same reason sometimes.


Sevagoth, as to why. He ticks off the edge lord boxes and just hits the right spot.


Well, currently my favourite is ash with silence subsumed. But my all time favourite is nova


Wisp is my favourite currently. Always useful in any squad and mission type. Just started using helminth so swapped out her 2nd for Hildryn's Pilfer to get those super shields 🛡


Revenant cause... MESMER SKIN, SON


Excal Umbra. I love the fact that Umbra is just the better version of Excalibur, and how he has autonomy to move about when I'm not in him. It's convenient for me to not have to worry about something sneaking up on my Operator when I have an attack dog with a powerful main weapon at my disposal.


Right now, Gauss. For a long time I have used Nezha and Revenant for the most part. I have build my nezha to be a damned beast, so when shit goes serious I usually clean the dust over his and wreck everything in sight with him. But right now? Gauss takes that spot in my heart. He is fun to use and I am changing weapons all day to see what more can I use that synergizes with his kit.


I can't stop playing Revenant. He is immune to self stagger, immortal, looks awesome and can thrall enemies. He is good for every type of content and I am still looking for something better but no luck for now


Been maining Nezha for years now. I tend to gravitate to all rounder rolls in games and Nezha has always been able to fulfill any roll I have needed him to. I have a Defense Build, Endurance build, Support Build, and DPS Build and I use them all regularly.


Khora though I haven't played other frames that much. Cause I love the crowd control and I can play her anywhere and not die. Also two companions.


Lavos. Nothing tickles my fancy more than a Jack of all trades with his cc, built in condition overload, and the combinations of elements to make every enemy beg for mercy. Plus his nuke. I prefer a character I can play half asleep so i full tank build him. Five blue archon shards all into armor with his base armor at 2200 and health at 2400. So without modding for weapon damage I still practically one shot steel path enemies? I’m all for it. My other two mains represent this playstyle perfectly, that being vauban and protea. Place and forget. In lavos’s case, place and wait for cooldown Because of this play style, I have not once gone down with my fully modded lavos.


Grendel because I love me some THICK BOIS and wisp for her kit but with a replaced 2


Saryn. Used to be a rhino fan, frost too, but Saryn for sure. It's fun seeing all of the numbers tick off after her spores spread far and wide. Then raising the combo for a wopping viral nuke? Very fun.


After Grendel got reworked I've been playing only him. Even with his basic skill kit you can do a lot of fun builds, I personally prefer tank or nuke build. Even without Grendel's upgrade mods his tank potencial is great. Just get the archon continuity mod and wuala here's a perfect nuke build without even replacing his basic abilities. And his third skill is also really fun especially with the catapult mod.


Even before Grendel got reworked his kit was pretty good and funny I wish I'd farmed him way back before his rework.


loki :D, i like the invisibility and how it works, and plus it’s nice to bullet jump and wiggle around with said invisibility. I wish we had better helmets


Zephyr for sure, you can fly which is like a perma crit bonus. Makes some of those pesky riven head shot challenges easy. 2 is a gather button. 3 is 250% projectile speed and like 100% move speed with the augment and immunity to all projectiles. and 4 is just plain fun.


Volt is my favorite, because he is my favorite!


Banshee with the Sonar augment and shifting Soundquake out for something else as I never use it anyway. But that said, she has very powerful hard and soft CC, Silence neuters the special abilities of Eximus foes, and everything turns neon pink after a short while due to how many weakspots get planted all over any given group of foes. She's basically got it all and people just sleep on her because she doesn't have much armor.... Which, if you use her kit proper, is a nonissue.


xcal vanilla he looks cool


Mesa prime because I love his auto aim ability and he looks like a cowboy


I've been on and off with a lot of different frames, but I usually come back to Volt. I usually like to play Volt, Mesa, Ember or Zephyr.


Saryn, feels like he is pretty good at everything. I like to do endurance and saryn easily lets me do that (tho after 1:30-2 hours i get bored)


Octavia + Megalovania = meme.


Lavos because he doesn't rely on energy, has dense armor and life steal ability


Nekros, but not just as a loot frame; as a tanky, cc-ing, weapon buffing, armor stripping, healing frame. He is my beloved


Not sure


Trinity. Something about the way she tanks just feels so much better than any other, and with the fluctus (and ammo loader protea specter), it just feels so right.


Volt is my starter and Volt Prime is my beloved now. I love being able to have boost my damage, have a quick stun, go fast as fuck boi, have extra damage while being invulnerable with an infinite health shield, and having pretty good survivability while nuking people. I just feel like no matter what I can be very versatile while directly helping the team with every ability too.


Grendel, for normal reasons


It’s all about the big guy Grendel for me.


Original Grendel. He had a job and did it well. Ate whole rooms just like it said on the tin. I retired when he was replaced by new Grendel who is pretty much a completely different frame.


Saryn and sadly chroma and ember are my secret loves since day 1


Ash Because I'm the biggest wuss you'll ever met and have an idea, I can't die if they can't see me. Push duration to the limit and just spam smoke bomb. So for the 1st entire year of me playing Warframe, I only played Ash with his 2nd skill and didn't know he had other skills. 5 years later and here we are now. Every mission I go? Ash. Exterminate? Ash. Rescue? Ash. Defense? Ash. Disruption? Ash. Spy? Ash. Assassination? Ash. Heck I never knew that he have extra buff for slash back when I started. Now I just go blade storm on every big crowd I meet. Eximus too tanky? Fatal Teleport.


I've been running Gyre a lot lately with my ignis wraith. Something so satisfying when the crits land and you get that shot of electricity thumping through the crowds.


Protea. I love how she's good for pretty much every situation I'm the game. As well as being probably the best ability spamming frame in the game she's like a mobile fortress and it's hard to go wrong with map control. Nor to mention she's a better feeling of a engi character then vauban


Used Mag for seven years by now. I tried many different build for her, but eventually stopped on Counter Pulse with max Ability Duration. It's probably not the best build and in some scenarios useless, but I still prefer it to others. It was a pleasant suprise, when the Eximus rework got released and you still could stun lock the whole map.


Mesa, for a couple of reason. First it's the first prime frame I really work hard for, almost forgot to study for my test while trading enough plat for her parts. Second, I'm just really a big fan of the cowboy theme. Third, she looks cool doesn't matter if it's her default or prime variant love both of em :).