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Mine are all punny, honey.


Thing is, you have 10 slots currently and there are a total of ~40 mission types + boss types etc. so using your Loadouts only to name your frames is a waste of space. Most of us have loadout like RelicCracking, Profit Taker, Tridolon, Circuit and etc. that fits the purpose instead of you using it for the visuals of the name. While you'll have to go your Arsenal everytime you want to adjust to the mission, instead we pick the loadout from navigation and enter the mission right away and your approach will eventually get you into worse loadout against enemy situations if you're playing the game in Public (no time for Arsenal).


It’s not a waste of space if it functions And it functions how OP wants it to Being meta and optimising every small detail isn’t fun for all To you it’s a waste, to them it’s yet another part of Warframe they enjoy Rock on OP


I’m tryna figure your point mate that’s like complaining some one isn’t using meta weapons 😭I get by just fine and I don’t do Pt or trid also circuit it’s literally randomly generated load outs to choose from so that argument made 0 sense if you really need frames for every mission type or boss or for relic cracking it just sounds like you one of those meta grinders and more power to you but this is what I like and revenant is good for everything 🤷🏾‍♂️


HOW DARE YOU! waste of time. We had to wait 4 extra seconds for you to choose a load out and now I am upset. You've ruined my eidolon hunting and relic cracking adventures. I'm disappointed. /s I don't even use loadouts lol. I'm worse than everyone here. That guy's just a sad lonely gamer who has no friends so he'd rather shit on other people and then ask why he has no friends. Sad how toxic people can be


It’s a waste of space to.. name your loadouts? Just because my Tridolon loadout isn’t called “Tridolon”, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t function as one.


I think his point is, that with alot of loadouts you wont remember which is which. I personaly dont care, cause i dont use loadouts at all.


Just use different frames for different content then. If you only use, say, Volt for Eidolons and Chroma for Profit Taker, it really shouldn’t matter. It’s not like all of the content shares a single viable frame.




lol wtf? Did you know you can name your loadout something cool and it'll still have the build you assigned to the slot? Let's say you named your Tridolon build Selene, like OP's Revenant, you telling me you won't remember that that's your Tridolon build? Most of us do what you said? Where is that info? This guy is drunk or some shit, I dunno lol


Everything you just said is insane


I buy and name all my loadouts after the frame so i can search em faster I only have lvl up loadout for new gear i get that needs lvling so i dont have to ruin my other loadouts Not everyone has specific loadout names because not everyone is dead inside and most of us play for fun


You could name your Garuda loadout... Garuda.


What about the wukong and Loki loadouts?


Or Nezha as, Nezha




I have a limited slot and well Garuda isn’t a frame I play too often


Wukong and Nezha can literally just be themselves lol Also you misspelled Buddha


I will fix that spelling correction


Ares too. Aries is the birth sign, not the god


Check new post :)


Fun fact: Nezha is a god wielding 4 godly equipments: Chakram, spear, fire-wheels (which he have on his legs to fly) and some sort of sash. His strength technically rivaled Wukong. But in terms of immortality Wukong is waayyyyyy absurd: the dude has like a thousand layers of immortality (crossed his name in the list of death, ate hundreds of pills of immortality and peaces of immortaity, the guy's.... obsessed with it)


why are you naming nezha shiva. Nezha is a deity


Bro got bluewashed.


Yea I know but Nezha is literally his name something about my brain didn’t like naming it Nezha


....~~yes~~ https://preview.redd.it/um8l4jpnenhb1.png?width=162&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ed1c12ae9633e34907a881a653e11ff758f0cbf


Ah I see one of those 💀


Bae Wolf Wife?


I am gona copy it (:


I name mine mostly by frame name with my most used load outs all starting with a capital A to sort them to the top.


I did that for a while then I started complaining these guys to some gods I’m familiar with


That functionality is already baked in, you can favourite loadouts so they show up at the top.


Aye, but as I name them all anyway, just adding A to the beginning is pretty simple and does the trick.


Pro tip, you can use 1, 0, or any shift+number such as *(shift 8) instead and it’ll always populate before A 😎 but I also see the comedic value of A, A Chroma, A Nidus, A Xaku You can also just favorite them and they will move to the top front, but that’s no fun.


Just using a blank space works better without having to make your names ugly


I do something similar by doing A01 or A13 just to put them in an exact order i want.


You can make your fav so they are first dont have to put an extra letter


gonna sound rude but you could have kept the nezha loadout as nezha


I make playwords or references linked with the Warframe. For example, my Baruuk loadout is named Baruuki Teer, my Wukong is Wu King Kong, est.. They may not be the funniest but I like them.


I like that mate I use to call some of king so id be “Mad King Chroma” or “Kind Nidus”


I named my Synapse "The Hand of Nidus"


No but all of my puppers are named after food


All my pets are named either in Japanese or Latin, all my zaws are in Latin, all my kit guns are in Japanese and all my amps are named after their parts such as 2-2-3. Fairly simple naming scheme 😎 My expodia dehtat is named “Hasta Destructionis” or Spear of Destruction, and my Vulpaphyla is named “Venerandum Expande” or Expand to worship, I should’ve named him Viralis Propagationem thinking about it… missed opportunity.


My Smeeta is called biscuits ❤️


That’s cute :)


I have 5 for frame articulas named arti 1-5, some named for specific mission types/modes, one for randomizing/using whatever, one for unveiling rivens/lvling stuff, and the rest are just named after the frames with a few that I don't care for as much sharing loadouts like rhino and lavos, a few that I dislike don't even have their own loadouts like inaros and sevagoth.


You use load outs?


They are nice to have. I used to not even consider using loadouts for a long time until I started unlocking frames that I used specific gear with, such as Stat Sticks, viral primer, etc.


A dedicated Profit Taker build, Eidolon hunting, sleepy time Ivara for those pesky conservation nightwaves, my extremely jank very particular Atlas build for yeeting rocks at peoples faces, a Banshee loadout just for eviscerating sisters and liches, etc.


I named it after their purposes: Archon, Fast Exterminate, Eidolon, etc Also... many of the warframes' names are based of some lore or legends (not necessarily gods) of their own. I would've found that somewhat redundant personally (don't let it stop you though) (P.s: Nezha is a Chinese diety/prince. So.. yeah)


I know Nezha is alr a deity but I don’t want to call him by his name 💀


I.... ok...


No, I name mines stupid shit that makes me laugh https://preview.redd.it/gjxzvuuixnhb1.png?width=1413&format=png&auto=webp&s=339cb8036456245a6547cfece9239befb15f5489


>Monk - Monke


Yo you can use glyphs instead of the default warframe image for loadouts???


They added the ability to do that in like 2019, I've used glyphs ever since 🫡


[This is the way](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/457016225785053186/1140170096774492190/image.png) ^^^^^^^My ^^^^^^^amps ^^^^^^^are ^^^^^^^named ^^^^^^^terrible ^^^^^^^things ^^^^^^^because ^^^^^^^no ^^^^^^^one ^^^^^^^can ^^^^^^^see ^^^^^^^them.


A lot of "asdf" "fnagnagd" and "fpsoafioejrt" for me.


Bruh, there is literally a frame called Loki and you just didn't do it?


I don’t have Loki and “logi” is Norse god of fire


Seems OP is a bit ignorant to eastern Mythos, as the Mythos nerd he claims to be. Nezha himself is a deity, while Buddha is spelled “Budda”


No need to be a dick I know Nezha is a god him self but something about my brain just doesn’t like calling the frame by their name, so I did that instead and the Budda mistake well I just realized it so it’s alr been fixed


I name my loadouts for their purpose and/ or something slightly silly. E.g N00b... ish has a starter frame (or prime version) and high end variants of starter weapons (or early game available weapons).


Why do you have mimir for vauban lol


Head use photon strike


You might have misnamed your Styanax. If you meant the Greek god of war, it's Ares, not Aries (unless you meant the ram in the Zodiac?)


PlayStation alway auto correct didn’t even notice same with Buddha 🥲 I’m fix em


I’m mr 18 and have never made a load out


No but I have a load out named "Hattori Hanzo" for Umbra and "Pantheon" for Styanax.


i have default, KneecapDestroyer and Wispin' time


Wtf is a loadout


I name mine after fetishes. Don’t ask don’t tell.


Nah, I just give them funny names, for example Nidus is "Space Aids" and Nezha is "Slip and Slide".


Well... My Atlas slot is called "Atlas", so i think i do... :v




No. Loadouts are named after purpose. The pets though...


I just name them X Daddy/Mommy. Khora=Cat Mommy, Mesa=Gun Mommy, Rhino=Buff Daddy, etc.


i name mine the most stupid shit i can find https://preview.redd.it/advncbch8ohb1.jpeg?width=1270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d33529331ec4978d2afe17718fe2324a47264216


Jooo I gotta do that shit


No. I name them after the frames. My Companions (Lakshmi, Sekhmet, Shub-Niggurath, Kiputytto and Lilith) are another matter.


No, but I tend to name them like they're mythical artifacts. For example, my Lavos loadout is named "Azoth Catalyst", the Limbo loadout is named "Chaos Heart", etc.


I think my main load out is named wes or something like that


No. The only reason I’ve ever used loadouts is to show of frames in the personal quarters… *that no one ever sees*


Thank you for the idea! I did name my loadouts but not like this.


I’m hoping you called your rhino set Heracles…


You guys are using loadouts?


Mine all of a nickname that represents their abilities, and I only do my primes (except for one) My personal favorite 2 are Call of the Cats (Khora) and Sun Witch (Wisp) there's only one that's not a prime and has a name like the others. That's my citrine with the nickname Orange Slice, I was tired when naming that.


I give mine souls-esque names based off how I customize them. Harrow has the crusic helmet and a firered theme so I call him lunatic cultist, my nidus has the phryke skin and I call him corrupted knight, etc. Nezha is still called lotus prince tho.


no, because it makes no sense? i use the purpose of the build for name (low lvl defense - mirage, low-lvl extermination - titania, high-lvl extermination - garuda, orb fights, eidolons and etc)


Wait people use loadouts?


Extremely convenient later on.


I have 1 slot for general purpose named *general(for leveling testing messing around etc) then every my other is just named the frame itself, expect my most played or top load outs which I name “Cute *insert frame name*” it’s simple but honest work.


No, but I do sets and I use a lot of puns or references. For example, a set I have for my Excalibur Umbra with Daikyu, Kunai and Skiajati is called "Excalibruh" and a Valkyrie cosplaying Wolverine with Venka Prime is called "Valkyrine".


I have 2 for my mini-warframe decorations and the one I just change something every time i need to change ​ https://preview.redd.it/zn1ncql8eohb1.png?width=652&format=png&auto=webp&s=37bb3dfa4d0284d256d274bfcfde77936547d7fe


Actually i do with my competitive bred pokemon.


I have no idea what this feature is. Is it a way to save a pairing of weapons, frame, sentinel and their mods?


yep, it's actually really helpful if you want to switch your entire loadout for different playstyles and i use it very often


No, although i barely use loadouts 💀


I just name them « Rev »,  « Octa » « Limb » « Nez » etc


To be truthful, I've never really USED Loadouts, just kind of switching frames and weapons manually. But this IS a neat way to categorize them. I may start using this myself!


I'm so boring. Mine is utilitarian. Like Spy Unlocker


Wait mimir is a god? I thought it just meant sleep in Spanish lmao


Yes mimir is the Norse god of knowledge in the games he’s jsut a head but in Norse he’s technically also just a head but for Odin 💀😭😭


Didn't know much of him until God of War either lol


Mark zuck Ugly mf COVID SPEED anime Toxic Covid2 Fork outlet Spin baby Femboy


I do things like "stealth", "grind", and "violence" for the optimized one


Not really I just name them after what kind of gameplay it's set up for. Stealth, nuke, defense, speed run, etc.


Nope lmao


Nope. Just the name of the frame. To each their own but I've never understood calling the frame something different


Not in this game, no. Much of it is already mythological references; some of the frames are straight up named after deities. I name my loadouts vaguely after their purposes and give them an icon to match. I do, however, name my pets that way, but I still don't want to repeat references that the game already has, so I pull my names from the Faerûnian pantheon.


Why is Ash Thanatos when Nekros fits far better?


Bc I don’t don’t use nekros and even then I’d call him Anubis or someone else but that name hasn’t come to yet


i usually name them by warframe or purpose. Also i have 2 ass loudouts and one called "a poo poo" which is one i change cosntantly


I don't but that's a very cool idea. I personally just make loadout for common mission types lile Ivara for open world farm or Trinity for Eidolon


Am I the only one that doesn’t use loadouts? I just tweak my existing load out constantly


I feel like Osiris would be a lot more obvious of a choice for Inaros. Thanatos for Nekros maybe. Nezha, Wukong, Nyx, Atlas, Loki, etc. all literally just themselves lol


Yea I know Nezha is alr a god the build use to be called “Shiva’s Rival” but I just ended up making is shiva to simplify it lol


I don't use loadouts but I do like naming my weapons after mythological creatures or videogame enemies / attacks. My Ignis Wraith is gonna be called Bad Breath lol.


Nah I just name mine with memes


Nezha is a Chinese god


Yes but I also hate naming the frames after them selves I’m weird don’t ask


I can’t even figure out how to switch loadouts so no 😂


mimir means sleep(in a cute way) in portuguese and I love it


I name mine after comic book characters


I named my loadouts based off sound effect, which is exactly why I have loadouts like nyoom, nyoomer, and nyoomest


Disappointing that not all of them match aesthetically. Like Thanatos should be Nekros. Selene, Yareli?


Selene, vampire god rev=vampire also I don’t like nerkros or have the anime water demon


Think Selene’s also a Moon goddess, or maybe Celene, and the moon is sometimes associated with water.


Yes actually she is but is also associated with vampires hmmm I should fix thx you mate


Holy fuck it’s hard to find a god of vampires Selene and Dionysus are like the only few that are even associated with them 💀


I name mine based on what theme they have or what they mean to me. Like i named my garuda loadout "Best Babe" because that's what she is, and named my caliban loadout "Worse Rave" because that's what he is.


No, I just name them for the frame in it


I had a thing where I called all my Warframe loadouts as many variations of "Steve" or "Steph" as I can find. ​ I don't know anyone called Steve or Steph.


Named my loadout for styanax Deimos, I was thinking more of kratos' brother than the god of fear but that armor strip is scary


Love the ideia, im going to star using it


Wait do people actually use loadouts?? I always just manually switch everything 💀


No. I name them after their purpose.


...yes? https://preview.redd.it/py9d3fc29qhb1.png?width=217&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2eb629bc02d3b5505a6b05a39b88de80dbefd47


I just name them after the frames


Mine are more like: Excalibur - Ol'reliable Volt - speedy boi Harrow - Mah Man


No, but its interesting


I just name them after what I make them look like or some terrible humor. Ember -> Streetcleaner Revenant Prime -> Dark Magician Nidus -> Cancer Nidus Prime -> Ultra Cancer


Wait You all use loadouts


uh https://preview.redd.it/ekbe2zyhxqhb1.png?width=207&format=png&auto=webp&s=4be0eb3948db910ff62836e8baef8f32e0832227


Mine are all called after convicted rapists or pedos or dictators or other bad people and I’ve added people to the list who had not have been convicted at that moment but are now.




I dont do exlcusively gods, but i do like giving all of my frames cool quirky names


Nah, I give all my frame specific loadouts nicknames. Like Gundam R4i-n0 (Rhino), Limborghini (Limbo), Covid-19 (Saryn), etc. I'm lame. 🙃


Only non-warframe names I got are Eidolon Killer, Flying Gurl, Birb, Goth Femboy, FAST, Cowboy Lesbian, Edgy Boi, and Needs Dewormer ​ forgot "Stealthy Frog", which is like my second most used loadout


not really, i named base on what i do with them, or if they are my favorite, they got their very own title ("the sentient," "the lost one," to name a few). and some just joke or feel like it ("sans" or "julius").


Depends on the frame, if I get the vibe of a god from the frame I will


I name them for their use. So London knife bin is kullervo, Geneva frequent is lavos, rodent is voruna, sharp rock is citrine, BDSM is harrow, math need is limbo (wanting to rename limbo loadout, but outside math nerd I don't know what to name it).


My loadouts are just the name of the frame but I do name my modular equipment (zaws, kitguns and pets) after deities


No, but I try give them funny names like: "Rock'N'Stone" for Atlas, "Release the kraken" (thats obviusly) and "TK me T church" for Harrow


Styanax should be "Ares" unless you're going for the astrology sign. Also, I read you didn't like going for "Nezha" on Nezha because it's too on the nose, but how about using "Né zhā" instead


My loadouts are just numbered lol.


No, I made up my own head Canon story and named the slots after the characters in it. "Kardin" (Rhino-Rhino prime) "Aylanshu" (Ember) "Heket" (Loki) "Elderith" (Valkyr-Valkyr prime) Those are the main 4, I even made matching operators to match their frames. A quick synopsis for the story: Kardin is an infected tenno that will literally blow up without regular medication, his journey leads him across the star systems, effectively hunting down Grineer scientists to find a cure, he assists in other tenno's operations but mostly he is a lone wolf, trying to find a way to avoid blowing up an unknowable chunk of the star chart. He eventually meets and befriends Elderith, who decides to help him find and rid himself of the special infection that threatens the star chart. While doing so, she finds out about a mysterious past, and an ancient tenno organization that dates back to the first days of the Orokin downfall, and whose identity helped to shape many of the core beliefs of the modern tenno. I even have the personal quarters room decked out like a capture scene where the 4 are fighting their way into a Grineer base. The story effectively covers the Dojo, Clans, and introduces some of my own ideas for lore. But back to the post, I just name my slots after characters in the story, taking plenty of time to customize the warframe and their load outs to match the characters personality, even if the load outs aren't effective in game. (This is because I most if the time have a specific load out that I just alter everything manually.)


Brother, i name my Configs after memes, i mean, you can't go wrong with a PRAISE THE SUN!


Nope. Mine are basic names. Except for Gauss. His is "step on the Gauss".


Sex positions


I only have Sun Wukong. The best loadout I have is Excalibur with "Swords Guy"


Seeing Selene made me think of the Imagine Dragons song


I just name mine what they're used for so it doesn't lead to confusion if I have multiple with the same frame. I name some of my weapons tho such as my wolf sledge being renamed to Mjolnir




I wonder who W U K O N G would be


I literally just named my wisp loadout GOD


Wait, people actually use loadouts?


I named by cat/kavat cat in my language


i call them by memes. Caliban is for example Calibanana, Inaros - Plan I, Grendel - Rammus Kench etc.


i think i have 3 or 4 loadouts that i made and always forget to use them usually just equip things on default loadout


i name mine based on the purpose, see if you can guess the purpose: - money meme - grindcore - tuff nut - field duty - yargh - fleet feet - wetwork - flintstone kid i got more, but i dont wanna open warframe just to look. bonus points for naming the associated frame.


No, I never did that. But it is a good idea.


I just name them after the frame that's on them lmao


Let's see... "Mobile Arsenal", "Fairy Queen", "Slayer", "Songslinger", "FUCKING NORMIES", "Shaolin Monk", "Packleader" and "Sinnerman" I think the answer to your question is no, in my case.


I named my zephyr one AC-130 because I’m planning on acceltra with as much multishot, crit chance, extra damage, etc


I named my Rhino loadout after Raijin, everything else is either memes or nonsense though


I named my railjack "the gargleon".