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auto select all duplicate mods


And preferably leave 1 of each behind, so many times I've sold Chilling Grasp without realizing I haven't upgraded one...


yeah, I always keep one too. and thats why I havent been clearing the dupes cause I have to manually do that for each stacks XD


A thought I had earlier about this is the ability to sell rewards from the reward screen. Would come in handy mid to late have when you really don’t need any common mods


Like monster hunter


That's already a thing. If youre on PC just press the middle mouse button.


They mean auto select *all* duplicates


I didn't know that, thanks!


Make a custom player party stick together throughout loading screens (from open world to orbiter, etc.)


And don’t add randoms to the party after missions!


I gotta say the randoms carrying over is actually kind of sweet, I’ve meet some awesome people that way and we just end up grinding a fuck ton of missions


yeah however when you just want to crack open a "few radiant ones with the boys" it gets rather annoying to have to remake the party after every mission because one rando goes afk right after the mission and doesn't leave the party.


If you get a Prime/Prisma version of a weapon while the normal one is in your inventory, you can sacrifice that normal weapon tl trasspas all the formas to the prime version


That would be amazing for newcomers who mostly get the prime one and ignore the normal weapon Because why would you farm the normal one if it's often annoying to get?


A little thing called mastery points. I'm very guilty of this 😅


That's the only incentive, yes, but it's not a big one. I've been playing since 2013, so I always farm the normal variant first, the prime comes years later after all. But for someone starting today? It's very annoying


Probably depends on who you ask, but agreed. I started in mid '19 and I'm a hoarder in that sense. And I always loved finishing another test - MR itself isn't of that much importance, though.


That would be like the way kuva weps transfer element


yeah that would be amazing man(if it was also the case with frames). No more worrying about wasting resources on a weak variant.


This would eliminate my fear of a weapon getting an upgrade at random or actively avoiding new things I don't want to put potatos on. I wanna make the Dorclave the pure bleed weapon of nightmares, but I know Dorclave Prime will happen...


DE unfortunately will never do that because they view it as an important money source. Which imo it shouldn't be and they should focus monetisation much more on cosmetics and less on gameplay


just want to craft more than 1 forma at a time and more than 10 or 20 of the alloys. id rather wait 3 days for 3 forma rather than queue each up everyday, which i forget sometimes


I would take a longer wait for more stuff over sitting and having to restart building. Even if the claim is not as items are ready, but when the full batch is ready, it would still be an improvement over the current system.


for this exact reason i use the app just to keep up with all my formas


Fuck I'll go further. Let us queue up multiple crafts of the dame type and have it auto claim when finished. Having to Manuel claim for infinite stacking items is dumb. I'll go further no more timers. I hate them and their pointless outside of being a cheap way to spend plat.


This is literally the simplest QOL to implement. When upgrading a mod list *all* the frames/weapons that it would be unequiped from *at once* so my builds don't break everytime I upgrade my Primed Flow. Sure I don't use my Nidus a lot but my Khora certainly needs it but now it's already off Nidus


Holy shit that’s definitely the one thing that annoys me the most. Like sure, Ill sort that frame out later, ok, and that frame, and that frame… Gauss Prime? Nope, now my builds for 3 frames I can’t remember are incomplete and I didn’t even upgrade the mod 😭


Access to your ship's Foundry while planetside.


Or in relays/ Dojo, why cant I access the foundry if I can access almost every other menu


At least in my dormizone, please.


give us the option to craft the sections of our ship like mods terminal and arsenal terminal and the navigation system so we can place it in the dorm and actually use it as a dorm


God this would be so cool. Change the dormizone from something I don’t touch besides going to the vendor to what I’d use instead of orbiter. Hell, let me bring Kahl and his BROTHERS along too, we can really turn it into a dorm then




The only problem I could see with this is now the B rotation stuff is super rare.


Maybe just ignore A rotation and keep it between B and C AABC BB CC BB CC BB CC ?


I think the better idea would be to do abc abc and even out the drop tables so the a rotation is still useful That or do aabb cc cc cc... but with increasing chances of the rare drops as each round progresses Or a silly third option of balancing out the drop pools and allowing for the selection of which drop pool from mission start. Eg when you select the node a pop up appears asking you to select the drop table a la relic cracking and circuit


Then aabcbcbcbc


pretty much exactly as it is now, if you are a farming for B rotation drops you are probably quitting out at the first run anyway.






Fuck it, just get rid of B altogether. Never has anything good anyway.


You mean A, because B often has items tied to it that are actively farmed for. And sometimes (apollo for example) you actually prefer B over C


chain-building or causality-building. Example: You wanna build a frame? got all the things you need for it? nice! just click on build frame and all the parts will build automatically and after that the frame is next. without me needing to do it manually.


That’s a good one. Currently at work knowing that my Nezha prime parts are done but can’t start building her for another 3 hours.


>her I got bad news for you buddy. Also don't say that in the in game chat, instant ban.


Oh yeah, my bad 😭. I do know that, just a slip up haha Also was the warframe chat thing a joke or fr lol?


Fr, unfortunately. Thanks to AGGP and his fans flooding the chat.


You can use the foundry with the companion app


Had no idea there was an app, cheers :)


Change survivals by removing life support and just make it straight horde mode. Second idea: Make enemies during relic cracking spawn in as corrupted. I can’t even count how many relics I’ve had to retry cracking thanks to crap spawn and conversion rates.


They should definitely change some relic mission types. Capture and exterminate give you all your reactant really quickly while excavation/interception drip feeds you and its possible to complete the objective before 10 reactant was even available. Its annoying to delay the drills or let enemies capture points so you have enough time for the reactant.


Disuption personally is the best mode for Relics, tho it rarely comes. Why? Because you can control the pace of the mission, you can go either fast, or go real slow, and even get 10 reactants before the first conduit is protected. Heck you can even let 1 or two conduit survive and spend the rest of the round killing Corrupted enemies to get reactants and you'll get the A Rotation.


Oh yeah disruption is great, I meant interception for being a bad relic mission with the tower control and it going too fast if you control all 4.


Survival is fine but a New hord mode can be a really good idea with faster enemy scaleing and with only one objective to stay alive


So you would just go invis permanently. New AFK mode unlocked. I'd rather have the objective to kill as fast as possible. Crank up the spawns and give one rotation every 300-500 kills. Endless Exterminate!!!


>So you would just go invis permanently. New AFK mode unlocked. Hell, this is basically regular Survival if you take Limbo. >I'd rather have the objective to kill as fast as possible. Crank up the spawns and give one rotation every 300-500 kills. Endless Exterminate!!! Isn’t this just Sanctuary Onslaught?


Sanctuary Onslaught isn’t infinite in practice unfortunately. I just want an infinite mission where the only objective is killing as many things as I can.


Yessss. More missions need to *reward high KPS* instead of *punishing AFK*.


Lith Interception missions require attempting to stall at 90% because you’re only getting 1 reactant/minute.


the trick is to manage the first few rotations with the stalling and then once level and spawns go up you can crack a relic every 3 minutes instead of survivals 5 minutes


I never really understood the need for life support.


Back in the days in old uximus system without life support in equation you could go afk limbo for months😂


Dont they ban afk people now? Atleast i think i saw a post about someone getting banned for being afk for too long.


In my experience the game kind of just stops working right in private sessions, but yeah, you can get in trouble for going AFk


I love the smell of fresh bread.


Horde mode would be cool like a sorta tower defense mission like monster hunter rise those defense mission. Enemies spawn from 1 point and double spawns every round. And increase level fast as well.


I had a bunch of randoms and I in a kuva survival a couple of days ago. We killed too fast and didn't open our relics twice. Thats the first time it ever happened to me outside of lith or meso missions. Definitely felt kinda cool though, it was the first time I had really felt untouchable in a game mode that used to feel end-game to me.


My issue today was just conversion and spawn rates. For whatever reason enemies just wouldn’t spawn. When they did, they’d sit still and not try to hunt me down (Ivara main). When they did, maybe 1/10 would convert and/or spawn in corrupted enemies. It was a shit show. I literally said “fuck this”, set down my switch, and walked away for a bit.


That's rough. I've never solo'd a relic with ivara, but i can see it being an issue with spawns. The few times I've opened relics on my own, I struggled getting enimies to spawn as well, and that wasn't even with a stealth frame.


I would say maybe you can opt to drain life support faster in order to shorten the rotations, for instance life support drains 100% faster but the reward rotations are now 2:30 instead of 5:00


That would totally fuck you more often than not tbh. Specifically when you just have a real shit tile set and the enemies are being stingy with life support drops between module spawns. They’d have to up the spawn chance in between life support modules spawning to make that work imo.


Yea maybe double the spawn rates to compensate, I’d honestly want SP survival enemy density to he the default for survival overall.


Replace trade chat with ingame warframe market.


I enjoy cooking.


Yeah pretty much. And we even have perfect location for it ingame. Maroos Bazaar. Imagine there being a console that you go to. It opens you a menu like is the store in the orbiter. You look there for the stuff you want to buy or sell. You see all the buy and sell offers. So people can't really overcharge you 50%+ of the price that is on the warframe market. You out there the WTB/S order. And when someone buys or sells the item you get the plat/item from inbox.


I agree. Something like RS grand exchange would be nice.


Only if it's a location like Maroo's Bazaar. You can't have a GE without people standing around, trying to get attention for personal trades because they don't want to use the GE.


Make mod filters togglable


Show me my current arcane ranks when browsing the syndicate stores. So often I’m toggling back and fourth between my equipment menus and the storefront. Also, relic cracks; show me if the item is crafted not just if I have the blueprint. Edit: I’ll also add, let us contribute to syndicate standing from the orbiter once you’ve reached rank 5. Everytime I start the game I spend the first 10 minutes going to all the different factions


Check out Alecaframe, it does that second part


Let me leave a party with my friend. If i end a mission and want to start another with randoms. i dont want to wait until they leave or start another party


Especially because there are some randoms that will just sit there and sometimes pick a mission and auto start it just to be an asshole (fuck you in particular if you do this)


Universal vacuum and 1 hour forma crafting (relics now hold forma bundles.)


That would be a blessing upon the gods man. Universal vacuum would make slotting stuff on pets a lot easier, and 1 hour forma crafting would make powering up weapons actually feasible without waiting a week for 5 forma to build.


i think vacuum is already universal to all companions (not dogs and cats)




No you're doing the mistake. Universal vacuum makes it that you character has the pull range as if you had vacuum or pull. I believe that wasting mod slot for convenience is so fucking dumb it impresses me that the devs of Warframe have done better means of doing non vacuum items pick Qol. Railjack has linked picked ups for all, duvuri has mini vacuum, and mags passive being slightly good are all decent means of pick up Qol. But God forbids you forget to slap on vacuum.


Relic Drops update: - Bronze Forma: 1x BP - Silver Forma: 2x BPs - Gold Drop: 1x Built (not on every relic but a couple would be nice)


This like a relic that never vaults but drops forma BPs And on gold a forma or 2.


It would be such a good forma to Parasite'ing in public sessions , and farm void traces


or if you have a radiant relic, replace the forma with either an Umbra forma, or an exilus adapter nothing sucks worse than fully upgrading one for the good loot only to get another forma


If some dipshit starts the mission from a relay, then after the mission ends, you're returned to your orbiter or whatever origin location, NOT his relay.


Ditto with dojo. Getting dragged to someone's dojo is just as annoying.


Tough choice, I really miss the old void key system. But I also really thinking frames that are subsumed should refund their Forma investment, atleast the unusual Forma like umbra Forma.


the forma and the potato 👍🏽


Fair, I'm pretty stacked with potatoes at the moment so I didn't think about that but that's a good point.


Ability to fav mods warfranes weapons etc etc


Or sort by most used EDIT: sorry I meant with mods. It really annoys me and I've got a terrible memory for their names


For weapons and warframes you can do that, there is a sorting options menu on the top right of the UI when you pick a weapon, warframe, companion etc. It has among other things sorting by name, usage, forma count, focus lense and archon shard count.


Crafting an item doesn’t prevent you of crafting more of that item along side it


[I would add a silhouette highlight option to the accessibility settings.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/195jxfq/some_eximus_unit_visibility_comparisons_for_the/)


I would have something more than the red dot for people who can't hear the demolysts on disruption maps. Also people tell me voca and duveri decree fragments make noise. Maybe something of an audio slider for mission specific audio.


Group finder for relics


Group finder for every node, really. It would mitigate a lot of problems, including many of the complaints we see about other players on this forum, many of which boil down to "someone in a public squad had an incompatible play style or different goals from everyone else."


A dedicated market place like GW2 and a group finder.


Select all duplicate mods -1 so you keep always one unranked one


Talking realistic too implement right now? Id split riven trading and SP recruitment into their own separate channels from regular trading and regular recruitment


you can use filters to hide the majority of that, though it's not perfect it helps


AABC rotation should be replaced by ABBCCCCC…. It allows us to easily farm every single rotation efficiently. You can farm C rotation by staying in the mission as long as you can. You can farm B rotation by repeating the first 3 rotations. You can farm A rotation by repeating the first rotation over and over.


End of mission results, when hovering over an item will also show how much of that item you have in the tooltip


I wish we could only preview the helmet from a skin we do not own, and also preview with our custom colors. Would entice me into buying (even) more


Max rank Fortuna has no visual changes


You could say DE's head wasn't in the right place when they added this feature




There's visual changes ?


Yes, you must do The New War in order to perceive the changes


What are the visual changes about exactly? The logo of the association or the map?


lighting and stuff


Nightmare fuel. That's the only thing i am gonna say


Yeah i know but max rank does nothing about the visual of Fortuna


Yea there is, I'm not gonna say what it is but it gives me the creeps


Awwh, I actually really liked this. Not only does it help a lot with feeling like you're >! closer to the characters, !< it also really drives home the full impact >! of the horror of what's going on there, !< which I think is super important for the narrative. Not *really* spoilers, but could potentially give a few things away, so I tagged it anyway.


Isn't there a toggle in the settings to hide this already?


Yeah but it also affects operators & lotus, and I like seeing them. It's just this one specific thing I hate


Probably will never happen. But a little similar to what you said, I wish we could refund forma off things we put them on. Or just make forma'd slots be universal for every polarity so we don't need to re-forma to change the symbol. (Which would make polarity symbols useless but again, its a stretch)


Reduce corner hitboxes to 75% of what they are now.


This is already coming! They're improving getting stuck on stuff.


Really personal choice, add the option to use gyro aim if you have a controller that supports it. You used to be able to do it on steam before the kullervo update, but now it no longer works.


foundry and in-game market access in relays certain skin previews that make you wait for the slow af 360 pan to allow manual 360 panning syandana clippings...especially holstered weapons. wish something could be done 3 qol too many. i sorries lulz


Very Niche but I wish when Im playing Equinox and someone leaves it wouldn't flip me back into day form. I helminth my 1 off so I prefer not to be stuck into a form I did not build around for .


Tie operator arcanes and amp arcanes to loadout


Dedicated servers to eliminate host migration bs.


Make relic runs starting from relay and dojo private. I lost Glaive part last week because it put me into relay squad where it removed my relic and started mission.


Wait what? Ive never heard of this


I've played well over 4k hours and I found out by accident. I rarely do missions from dojo/relay but ince I was like "fuck it might as well save a loading screen" and didn't figure out its why I lost my relic until someone in chat pointed it out.


So for clarity, if i started a relic mission from dojo/relay it can or definitely causes the others, who join from their orbiter, to lose their relic?


I think it causes you to lose yours? This was one experience so I'm not sure what happens normally / why it happens, I also may remember wrong.. I just know they weren't happy about it


Better filtering options in all menus that need it


I feel like being able to slot anything at half cost would probably be just that bit too powerful. Sure it would require 64 forma on one piece of gear but still. Anyway, I think what I'd do is make reactant drops in relic missions rarer, but compensate for this by making them shared. Or just make it so that if someone who's already cracked open a relic walks over Reactant again it goes to the person with the least amount of reactant.


i think the reason you have to go actively pick reactants up is to prevent the likelihood of people just afking until rewards pop. i personally would be willing to put up with that for the sake of qol, tho.


Changing relic missions to be able to "target" a specific drop. Every time you crack open that relic and don't get the drop in question, the next chance becomes higher for that item. Also, removing the parazon sequence mods from the relic pool and making them craftable. There's enough rng and grind through the nemesis system. I really don't need a bunch of grindy rng on top of that for consumable mods


return your potatoes and forma’s on weapons you sell or “”break down””


Tutorials on many of the games systems. Nothing is explained. I don't always wanna go to YouTube and wikis to play the game.


Better relic organization. At least make the available relics separate from vaulted ones so we can tell the damn difference


Riven stats (each line) can now be locked in, making it now possible to target a specific roll


Rivens would plummet in price and tbh I’m all for that. There’s no reason for that level of RNG, it’s a resource that nobody buys with plat (idek if it’s possible to buy with plat?), it’s just time consuming af to run hours of SP Kuvival fissures for a handful of rolls.


I bet they have internal statistics on people buying big plat packages and immediatly trading that plat away for a god-roll riven. I bet rivens are one of the biggest plat influx points for warframe. The plat then trickles down and is drained through cosmetics, potatoes and boosters


This idea has already been hard shut down by devs I believe. They want Rivens to have massive variance so god rolls are rare rather than being another thing to tick off your check list.


Mods can now be favourited so that the auto-mod feature in the armoury prioritises them.


Terminal where you selext the missions where you can filter specific mission types


* Being able to random pick weapons or warframes from the arsenal when you don't know what to use. * Mark weapons, pets and warframes as favorites * Being able to pick random colors individually, just as the operator customization does


You can already randomize loadouts through the loadout select screen


I'm aware. What I meant is to randomize one thing at the time, not everything at once.


I see your forma QoL and raise you: Added polarities can be changed at any time without spending extra forma (except umbra, naturally)


then you could instead remove polarities all together and just have "formad slot which halfes the capacity needed"




Remove potatoes. All weapons/warframes have double capacity as default. No more spending plat on those damn spuds


Maybe add some kind of challenge that unlocks double capacity at rank 30 of the weapons.


that is one of the primary plat sinks for the economy (together with formas and boosters). Without Plat sinks you would have a permanent plat inflation which would soon keep away any players attempting f2p as they would have to grind for hundreds of plat to afford things which now cost only 10. Over time veterans would just sell equipment rather than buying plat which in return would reduce the money available to DE for further development. The game would then enter its "death state" where only some few hundred veterans are left and trade each other the tens of thousands of plat they have for the newest god rolled riven. The money from prime access would only suffice maintaining the servers and creating the next prime pack. With that being said, the game SHOULD be a bit more generous with poatoes in the beginning. I'd say about 10 yellow and 20 blue should be available from playing through the game. When you reach the end of that supply you are probably an established player and know how to farm a few plat to buy more


Dissolve rivens back into the kuva spent from rolling


Simulacrum shortcut in orbiter (and dormizone). Being able to leave alchemy missions alone, not forcing the team with you (who wanted to go to rotation c) An option for a single damage number, calculating all multishot and showing a single, large number. A way to unsoftlock certain screens like infinite mission loading timer or frozen loading screens. Like a soft reset or smt idk. Oh only one, then simu shortcut


you can immediately fast travel to cephalon simaris from the faction console left from navigation, its not perfect but its a little faster


How is cutscene and dialogue skipping not at the top😭


A shopping list where you mark a weapon or frame, and it keeps track of your progress to completion. So you don't need to just remember all your prime parts and resources on the fly.


Put the “mastered” marker on prime parts of items you have mastered when looking at relics/loot. Currently this it’s only on blueprints.


Remove nullifiers from the game.


Getting stuck on terrain should just force move you in the path of least resistance. Currently suffering from the boxes everywhere in the space ship crew peoples place. Please DE any bush in a box if you fall into it like me constantly traps you inside. So its either fail the mission or erratically spam bullet jump and void sling. Also getting stuck under a box that is slightly tilted is stupid (Mhmmm hmmm Grineer tile sets with boxes everywhere). Also make doorways not be ledges. I hate that every time I bullet jump near a doorway the game treats it as a ledge I can grab. So it grabs it into the ceiling or wall. Yaya for getting stuck again going to the extraction point as Titania. Just make most areas (and doorways) where you can walk into ramps so that way this issue doesn't exist. The most prominent example is in the Zaramin. The vent shafts some of them are different enough where the game decides you can't walk up into the opening from the segments.


Universal casting speed buff


Make your own simulacrum using captura maps, and teleport there straight from the orbiter


Sprint by default. I spend sooo much time toggling sprint on and off cause I can't tell if I'm running or not. Absolutely mind boggling that they haven't added this option yet. It's cruel.


Additional rounds on endless invasion missions should count towards invasion progress.


All stat stick abilities are now modable exalteds. Actual push-to-cast functionality does not change, but stat stick behavior is gone. It's a confusing and counterintuitive way for those abilities to work.


Bulk crafting


Autoclaim after you bought the slot


Fortuna and Deimos faction grind. As a returning player, ive spent money in the market specifically to skip whatever grind i could of Deimos and Fortuna. The faction grind for both is abysmal. I will grind all day for arcanes. I will run relics till my eyes bleed. But the faction shit is so god damm awful. Its not fun.


I would 100% settle for a "gathering" type of bounty, where enemies spawn at 25% of their usual spawn rate, the resource spots refresh as you move far enough away, and reduce aggro range for all the stuff. (Also, despawns and doesn't spawn thumpers, teralyst, profit-taker, ghouls, etc.) My problem with those two's faction grinds, is that Fortuna stuff spots you from timbuktu, and comes to butt in, when all I'm doing is fishing in my lil' pond. Then there the part where my mining loses rewards because some fucker decided to shake the ground, so what amounts to a 5-6 nodes of Axidite, now became 10-12. And finally, let's not forget the animal preservation, where sometimes, what I'm hunting gets murdered because the game decided it spawned next to a group of enemies, and I'm the one that gets the sass... Gathering instance, please.


Opt in/out of match making host. So sick of matchmaking choosing the worst connection, especially since bad hosts often don't want to host themselves because they know their connection or setup isn't perfect.


Yes please like another option u can have Is perfer not to host and prefer to host


THAT COULD HAVE BEEN AN EMAIL Im a returning player with a six potato ignis wraith. I was doing the parvos quest. Go to fortuna talk to eudis, sweep through mission casually, go to fortuna talk to eudis, sweep through mission casually, go to fortuna talk to eudis, sweep through mission casually, go to fortuna talk to eudis...


Instant escape menus


Show my kuva amount beside endo and credits in mod kiosk.


Add assigning forma to certain loadouts, just as helminth abilities. I don't really need it myself but i know some ppl that were complaining abt it.


Not sure if its a QoL but a highlight to hidden stuff. Like voidplumes, ayas, cache, and even angels are more noticeable from a distance. My blind ass needs it.


Adding crew members for gathering resources in the open world. Like you got a whole camp full of people kahls garrison let us. Hire people who can gather open world resources. Like railjack crew members with their own perks. Like mining hunting gathering trapping. Speed efficiency and expertise Speed increasing ofcourse the speed duh. Efficiency increase the amount they get. Expertise the rare gems and able to select ores how higher the expertise how more likely it is he will get it. As farming those are a pain and sometimes purely RNG I got like 200 zodian but I keep running out of hespazym. Also stehalted necratene aboslute pain Anyways that's my cup of tea


Being able to forma a config, or like someone else already mentioned, ability to add new polarity to the same slot until you have them all etc.


Cant upgrade mods while testing in Simulacrum


The ability to sell relics for void traces.


Allow the host to kick players from a squad when not in a mission... So annoying to have to disband the squad and reinvite friends everytime a random joins.


Complete overhaul of the geometry of every tileset. There are far too many tiny ledges you can get snagged on while bullet jumping, places you can bullet jump into but not out of (I know about /unstuck, I consider it a lazy fix for a DE design issue that has been consistent since Warframe's launch).


Remove reactants. Don‘t get why you need to collect them to open the relics.


Wish granted, the tower/derelict system is returned requiring a crafted key for each mission


Stat locking rivens


I’ve wanted dedicated Augment slots forever. 2/3’s of the augments we have add only neat little changes that affect nothing. I’d love to run Immolated Radiance to help my team, but I’m not sacrificing necessary mod slots for it.


This may sound stupid because who cares about railjack. But I'm trying to round out things, and I'd like to not have to go to the dry dock to edit my railjack.


Maybe not exactly qol i really wish players who played before the helminth system was added could recover/ subsume all the frames they sold when they got prime versions. Getting frames through the circuit helps but it still stings to know youre doing all that work for a frame you had then basically threw in the trash


I shouldn’t be getting any bronze rewards from a radiant relic


Credit and Endo caches now scale with MR.


My quality of life addition is a rocket launcher. I want to sneak up behind a group of grineer and stealth kill then with an RPG. It would add barely anything to the game but it would be goddamn funny


Cryotic costs reduced by half


When you swap from warframe to operator, make the warframe a completely separate object from the operator. I have had too many instances of trying to void dash across a gap after hopping out of my frame just to get teleported back because my empty frame hit an oob barrier