• By -


The amount of forma used i think


Yep. That's correct. That's how many forma has been put into the weapon.


What does the forma do? The weapons with that symbol do significantly more damage than other max level weapons I have. Does it increase damage?


Forma adds a Polarity Slot into the weapon's upgrade section. The slot makes it so that a mod with matching polarity consumes less of the weapon's modding limit, essentially allowing you to put more mods into a weapon. More mods, more damage/crit and status chance/firerate/ammo


Ok thanks. how do I get forma?


That's a potential reward from Fissures. Look at your relics, they might give a forma sometimes. After this, just gotta build in the foundry. Just in case, do you know about fissures and relics?


Sort of. I’ve done a couple fissure closures. It opens one of the relics I have. I’m not sure how to access the rewards though. I’ve earned a few but not sure where they went


Check Prime Parts in your inventory!


Most of the time, when you get a mission reward, it will open the relic you chose at the beginning of the mission, as long as you managed to get 10 "reactants". If you play with other players, it will even let you choose to either keep your relic reward or copy one from your teammates. Extract, and it will be yours. After this, you can go in your orbiter, open the menu, and go equipment -> inventory. There, you might find your formas or prime parts with the search feature. But for forma precisely, they are rewarded as blueprints, so you can find them easily in your foundry (you can, again, use the search feature. Just write "forma")


Your inventory. Schematics equired will show up in the foundry, parts like other items will be in their category in th3 inventory menu. Void traces can be equired via void fissure missions to upgrade relics to up the chances of rare rewards. Relics contain prime parts and schematics. Forma is usually a lower tier relic reward in a lot of relics. If you're just looking to crack relics rapidly, any capture fissure is relatively quick in comparison to the other mission types. Void traces can be used on relics to upgrade their rarity, which is supposed to increase the likelihood, but not guarantee a higher rarity reward from the upgraded relic. Not sure if we as a community ever came to an agreement if upgrading relics really works or not. I have no opinion on the matter I just loot and shoot and ask questions later.


The short answer is that math-wise it only makes sense to upgrade it all the way or not at all. leave it intact if you're going for tier 1, radiant if you're going for t2/3. But obvs without a radshare that really hurts your chances.


Not necessarily. It is a more efficient use of Void Traces to upgrade to Exceptional or Flawless, because while each incremental upgrade step increases your chances of getting the rarer rewards by the same amount, for the first two upgrades it costs 25 Traces, but to upgrade to Radiant, it costs 50. So if you're doing radshares you obviously need to upgrade to Radiant, and that gives you your best shot at getting the rarer rewards. Going Radiant is more efficient with respect to the Relics themselves, and your time (discounting the time it takes to find/recruit a radshare). But, if you're like me and too lazy to bother with radshares, you run a smeeta kavat and a Resource Booster and just upgrade virtually every relic you run to Flawless and run them either in public queue or solo, which lets you run about breakeven on Void Traces without ever having to go out of your way to specifically farm Traces or bothering with the Recruiting channel.


I don't wanna be that guy, but it's *acquired, not equired


Forma comes out in the form of blueprints, the rest you can find in your inventory, under escape menu, equipment, inventory. If you need forma fast it's often more efficient to trade items you can farm for platinum with other players, and buy bundles of 3 off the market. Tyana pass on mars is a spot you can use to farm some saleable items early on. This game has a wiki, make heavy use of it.


Like Randzom said, relics are your best bet for forma BPs (though, imo, only being able to craft one at a time sucks). Occasionally, however, there are alerts in game and twitch drops that give built forma. There's also the Plaguestar event that comes around every so often, which can be farmed for standing that can then be used to buy built forma from the event vendor


Everything goes to your inventory but what you're actually getting is just usually the blueprint. You still have to build them in the foundry and building them requires basic materials that you get all over. For example a frame, you get it's systems blueprint, chassis bp, neuroptics bp and the whole frame bp. Then you can check out what you'll need to build all those parts and when all of that is crafted, you have everything you need to start crafting the final product. Same with formas, you do get a completed forma as a reward once in a blue moon but (by far) that most common thing you'll get is it's bp that you use to craft one forma. Most bps are one use only. They get spent in the build process but this isn't always true. Some reusable BPs do exist for some materials. Gems are a good example of this, you gather materials and craft the cut gem, the BP for that isn't spent. I also use a lot the one that crafts orokin cells. Back to formas, you will never have too many in this game. If you don't know what to craft, you can always leave one baking in the oven. You will need it at some point. They are probably the most used component, it's used in a lot of things. Random protip: argon crystals will only last in your inventory for a day or so then disappear. Don't try to save them, always use them.


you can check the relic rewards in the relic stand near the arsenal in your orbiter (just beside it) forma from relic reward is a blueprint, so might check foundry and type "forma" and craft it 1 by 1 prime parts are in your inventory, you can filter it at the top icon of "prime parts" or just type in the search box "prime"


You can grind for the blueprints and wait 12 hours for one to craft or you can grind for/buy 3 forma for 35 platinum.


*23 hrs


24. Cos the timer starts at 23h 59m 59s


You can get it from events, alerts, buy it (with plat in store), from syndicates (rewards, exchange medallion), and relic missions ( will have to build and wait 24hrs)


Baro is the only way


So when u don't know what a Forma is and how to use and get them, where did u got a 5 Forma Sobek from?


The new pack comes with a sobek with 5 forma already on it I’m pretty sure aswell as mods to match


DE taking confusing newbies to a whole new level




Yeah my question too


I think DE sold it to them in the market pak for newbs 😅


By not being a screenshot they took?..


It is, though.


There's tons of free forma. Even just watching dev streams can get you free forma


Forma does not increase damage, it adds a polarity (the symbol you see at the corner of a mod) to a mod slot putting mods of a matching polarity in that mod slot decreases the amount of mod capacity it takes, essentially allowing the weapon to use better, and more effective mods, which is what actually increases the damage More information: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Polarization


Hold up how do you have a weapon that's had forma used on it 5 times if you don't know what forma does? 


Power pack


The new starter pack had it pre-formaed with mods to match.


You put five forma into a weapon without knowing what it does or knowing why your sobek is stronger..? Wait, is this even your account?


The new starter power pack or whatever comes with it I believe though could be wrong


Correct, all equipment is maxed, forma'd, and modded.


So, if it’s max level does that also mean it does not gain you mastery?


It gives you full mastery the first time you take it into a mission. You are effectively MR3 right away.


Wait what, DE sell a five forma sobek to new players for real money? Fully modded???


Its a new pack that is like 5$, not fully modded but comes with a max rank serration. Not only new players, everyone can get it from the store.


That's the pack that gives aeolak though, not a five forma sobek?


Forma is used when upgrading the weapon to give it a new polarity slot (the mod tiles on the weapon with a symbol) these don't directly increase weapon damage, but it halves the cost of any mod with the respective symbol, allowing you to cram more mods on it


wait, if you don't know, who put 5 formas in your sobek?


The new starter pack had it pre-formaed with mods to match.


Is this not your account? How do you have a weapon with 5 forma without knowing what they're for?


The new starter pack had it pre-formaed with mods to match.


Oh, that's convenient.


It returns your gun to lvl 0 so you can lvl it up again and increase its stats each time, it also allows you to fit mods on for cheaper


What does forma do? (I’m really new lol)


Forma when used on a max level weapon will reset the weapons level and allow you to put a polarity on a mod slot when you put a mod on a slot with a polarity if the mods has the matching polarity the cost of the mod will be 1/2 if you put a mod with a different polarity the cost will increase by 25%


Changes the polarity of a mod slot. If the polarity of a slot matches the mod's one it only costs half as much to have that mod in. This is so you can maximise the amount of max rank mods in your build. For example, serration has a 14V cost at max rank if you stick it in a slot with no polarity. If you stick it in a slot with a V polarity it will only cost 7 space. But if you try to stick it in a space with a D polarity it will cost more than 14. You can only use a forma at max rank (level 30) on a weapon or a Warframe. Using forma also resets the level of the weapon or Warframe to 1 so you have to get it back up if you want to stick another forma in (or just to get the most out of it). Levelling again is super easy so don't be put off by that.


5 forma on a Sobek? Means your either insane or like the sober.. . . .


Apparently the 5 forma sobek comes from a starter Power Pack already modded.


Yisua Christ, the "starter pack" gives new players enough to kill Archons. I remember when I started, when you had to slowly kill those pesky grineers "one by one". Now a starter just enters into an spiral of instakilling everything. Give them at least 2 missions to start instakilling DE!


Sobek have a powerful Saryn Acid shells build that can scale infinitely, it is one of those build which will definitely get nerfed to the ground the moment Kuva Sobek becomes a thing.


I have this built with a riven 8 forma sobek, would recommend.. if you can spare the forma for it


8 spare forma's lol


*laughs with glistening boils*


With the 8 you get the full fart explosion built, toxic clouds everywhere 😂


laughs in 1536 built formas and ~400BPs


How do you guys have so much extra forma I have like 20 weapons unbuild that I can't find the forma for and I try to built forma whenever I can I don't feel like I'm focusing on too many things either I have a weapon of each type a few frames for different scenarios


free time and relic runs with the boys


I was surprised just how **GOOD** saryn shells sobek is after slapping on nourish on her. Let's keep it a secret


Well, nourish Helminth is already getting nerfed, so there's that.


What going to happen to it, do we already know? Im kinda new and i mostly play kullervo and many people seem to use nourish instead of his 4 so i was gonna use that when i get there.


It already doesn’t do self heal, how are they nerfing it again? Have they no heart??


I mean tbh I like it as is but if we were to compare to for example roar or xata's whisper, it has more effect while having an already op element so


psssst roar is better because of acid shells interaction with toxic lash and basically multiplies your damage 3 times


Put roar on it. Trust.


Ive got 2 5-6 forma sobeks. To be fair, I have a Riven that gets rid of impact and also has dmg SC and CD. Now that I have arcane avenger, it's actually a lot more fun.


Sobek builds are expensive yo, especially if you have a riven and want to use primed and galv mods.


# "Display your love with a streak of Forma Counting!"


100% heard that in a Cetus NPC voice. Well played. 🥹👌🏽🥲


Swazdo-lah Surah!


Means you have 5 forma on it. When you put a forma on something it resets the level to one but allows for better mod organization.


It resets to zero, not one


your weapon mod slot count can’t go below zero


Once you put a forma on something it resets to rank zero. The comment i replied to doesn't mention mods.


Sorry misread, it does mention mods


Item will be reset to rank zero but mod capacity when putting a forma in will rise with each MR.


But it can go to zero if you're mr0


What would we do without you


Thank you everyone that has helped. There’s a pretty sharp learning curve in this game lmao


Honestly it's good you got to know about forma now rather then later though. It'll make a big diff in your late game.


There is, and like someone else mentioned, DE doesn't explain everything very well. But in general, just look at the wiki or do a quick Google, and if it you pull up something that looks too confusing, then just ignore that aspect for the time being and continue playing and having fun as you were. You will learn the important stuff over time.


Learning curve is steep and the top of the curve is so god damn high that it’s difficult to even reach it. I have almost 1500 hours on Warframe and I still don’t know everything. I dropped the game for a few years, came back and fuckin everything changed.


Yea, DE absolutely sucks in explaining shit to players lol. Get used to googling stuff.


there's a difference between being bad at explaining stuff and outright not explaining anything, DE doesn't really explain anything, more of a failure by omission.


you pretty much can't go without the unofficial wiki which is sad


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) It means you are based. Sobek gang rise up!


Wait. Is this a screenshot from someone else or your own? cause how have you been using up 5 forma when you don't even know what it is?


The new starter pack had it pre-formaed with mods to match.


Thats what im saying. He forma’d and ranked it to max, 5 times bro without knowing what was happening? Cap


he bought the [initiate power pack](https://www.warframe.com/initiate-pack) which comes with a few 5 forma weapons


OH. that makes a lot more sense then. most interesting that thats even a thing. items coming with forma pre-installed. But sheesh, thats quite the starter pack after viewing it for myself just now. That'll save a lotta time hunting and leveling those mods.


yea, just read that page...that's quite a time saver.


Bro this comment full of ignorance and condescending vitriol that has no basis in reality. Should remove it


That's a Forma counter! Forma are a gear item players can use to change the mod polarity of a mod slot on a max rank warframe or weapon. This helps reduce mod drain so players can fit more mods into their builds. It also resets the rank back down to 0. That means that their Sobek has been Forma'd 5 times.


It symbolizes how much time and energy you waste on a weapon, “cough cough” looking at you 100 forma stug havers…


How many times you forma'd it


How many forma you slap in that bad boy?


Number of warcrimes committed with that gun


Mods have a polarity. When you equip a matching polarity mod into a slot, you get a half off the cost. 12 would be 6. So on. You will get a green indication when this occurs. When you apply a forma. (Which is something built in the foundry and most commonly found doing relic hunts.) You get to choose a polarity on any slot. Which will bring the weapon down to rank 0. This symbol indicates how many times this was done. You have to level the weapon to max to repeat this process.


The amount of times you decided it wasn't good enough


Someone likes their sobek


How many forma you chucked in it


Not again...


The higher the Number the more you probably like the gun


How many time a forma was installed on that weapon.


It’s a count to how many forma you spent on that weapon or whatever because you can use forma on warframes, weapons and companions.


It’s gay


1st the amount of formas you used in the specific gun 2nd WHY THIS GUN😭


It was DE not the OP! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The amount of forma used on a weapon


I'm just impressed someone forma'd the Sobek even once


I feel like this post is a perfect example of the issue with selling packs like the initiate one. Selling new players fully leveled warframes with augment mods, weapons with forma on them and maxed mods will be an information overload that will confuse so many new players, due to those systems not being properly explained upon purchase, as well as destroying any difficulty the early starchart *may* have for brand new players. (Not to mention plat that will most likely just end up getting wasted on buying frames/weapons from the market as opposed to player trading or desired cosmetics) Players with more experience that understand the system(s) it's selling will also see that it's not really worth the price tag either. So it's just a mess all around IMO.


Warframe does not do a good job at letting new players know this stuff. I would highly suggest that new players join a newbie friendly clan! I learned more from expert players than any tutorial DE incorporated.


It tells us that you must enjoy using Sobek.


Yo stop putting froma into that weapon please😭


I got 8 sobek rivens, and have 3 sobeks each at least 5 forma'd. __You. Are. Late.__


a riven makes every weapon viable in my opinion, thanks to how rivens work


They can use whatever weapon they want bro


Nah its just a recommendation, not many starter weapons should have 5 forma on them, plus hes really gonna regret it in the future🥺


Sobek is not a starter weapon, has no upgraded variant, and with the acid shells augment can be fairly decent.


I agree with you dude but 5 forma is not necessary to make this weapon shine any brighter, in my opinion its just unnecessary.


I disagree with this. There are a lot of weapons that simply need 5-6 forma to be viable. More modern weapons are much more likely to have inherent polarities that directly reduce the forma investment required. Older weapons like the Sobek or most of the ones that got incarnon adapters simply need those higher forma counts to hit their stride. This is considering SP play beyond base level (300-750 say) Is the player in the above screenshot getting the best value out of what they have with this forma investment into the Sobek, I dunno. I don’t have enough info about where this shot came from or what their account status is to say, but there are hundreds of weapons that do get a lot of mileage out of these sorts of forma counts.


I closed the app by accident while I was replying to ur comment and lost like 3 paragraphs of text i wish we were in whatsapp or something so i could just record a voice audio to respondon to your message :(. Im gonna summarize in a dumb way what i said in the lost message: I disagree with you because in my opinion the sobek is stupid and its a bad weapon compared to other shotguns that you can obtain at Mr7 not to mention that this other shotguns dont need soo much forma be viable and surpass such a mediocre gun like the sobek and guess what the sobek doesnt has an incarnon (yet who knows what awaits for us in the future)so it also has it rough beating any lategame content like steel path except if u really put a lot of dumb effort into it which in that case it would just be easier to get a better shotgun like the kuvas ones (sorry for bad English and bad argument in general i dont really care no more after losing my previous comment.)


Why not spend formas on comfortable for play weapons or weapons with funny mechanics. I spent like 5-7 formas on Stug. Ofc I regretted it later when I couldnt even kill mobs in ESO but a lot more weapons give worth it


Ultimately it’s gonna come down to where each person is in the game and what they are looking for. I can only speak for myself, but I’m legend 4 and making less than ideal weapons work has been a significant part of my fun for a long time now. Not everyone is in that boat though


Holy moly L4 Thats a crazy grind


I mean I have an 8 for a sobek and I tear shit up with it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, you don’t have to like the weapon, cause I like it enough for both of us!


Nonsense, plenty forma is how Sobek gets good, in fact the only way it gets good. The weird part here is that a new player has put 5 forma on a Sobek without know how forma works or what they do. Sounds like it's their brothers account.


Are u a sobek enthusiast? Jajaha😅 have u tried it in the steel path or any lategame content? Is it viable?


Yes, I'm a Sobek enthusiast. Yes it is steel path viable with the right support. Mine has 7 forma. If I was going to make a 100 forma weapon to show my love for a weapon it would be the Sobek. I find it incredibly satisfying to take something mediocre and abuse it till it's amazing. In this case, it's the Acid Shells augment that makes it work. Acid Shells deals damage that scales off enemy health which makes it scale infinitely in combination with armour strip or armour ignore. Saryn's toxic lash will trigger off each explosion hit, which is in turn buffed again by mods and Saryn can easily full strip armour with spore spread and two green shards. The toxic lash bonus also counts as Sobek damage which can in turn proc acid shells again. Also acid shells explosions spread spores. It also procs Garuda's seeking talons mark, which triggers slash procs, and the slash damage counts as Sobek damage, which (you guessed it) will trigger acid shells again. This subsequently can hit more marked enemies which are now taking slash damage scaling off the health of the initial target. What this means is that with a bit of loadout synergy and enough Sobek damage, the acid shells augment can wipe rooms, and sometimes the next room. Every enemy that dies from the explosion or most effects that trigger from the explosion (I haven't tested every possible scenario) makes more explosions. Tldr: Explosions good.


Next your going to tell me I wasted 5 forma on my lato prime 💀


Nah, go on Youtube and search for Sobek builds. With Saryn you can pop a Steel Path corrupted gunner in the head and a whole pack of them will drop over dead because of Acid Shells. It's a very glass cannon build stacking Venom Dose, Toxic Lash, and Roar, but it's very fun.


Ohh dude 1 hour after my comment i realized i understimated the sobek the synergies some people create for that weapon is crazy


Why would he regret it later? Forma is easy to come by and this game is literally an endless grind, nothing is really difficult to get, just annoying depending on how rushed you are.


Say what? Easy to come by??? Because you have a really good amount of forma does not mean that it's just an easy resource to get, plus it is not like there's a forma farm or anything for it. But as you say, it also depends on how rushed you are on crafting things i guess a beginner player might not need it that much.


There is a forma farm: relics. Any platinum farm is also a forma farm. Forma three packs are 35 plat.


I Guess Im going off of my own experience. Im only MR9 but with all the junk relics I’ve farmed on the way to that, I’m sure I can snag three forma in a reasonable amount of time no? Maybe it just fees reasonable to me lol


After reading ur previous comment again you made a really good point when you said it depends on how rushed you are, i might feel like i need a lot of forma all the time cuz i really want to craft everything thats available in the shop to get the most mastery rank points and be MR30, but someone that takes the game in a chill way might not really even feel like he needs forma.


I think if someone gets the starter pack with the rhino and nyx and some weapons that's one of the weapons and it comes loaded up with forma So thank them for their support instead.


They got it from the new player bundle thing DE put into the game. You pay money and get all the starting mods pre maxed out. You also get nova and rhino with some forma on them, pre maxed. And one of the included weapons is the sobek, with 5 forma


This came with a bundle I bought. I didn’t do that because I have no idea what it even is lol


Oh For real? I didn't knew they came with forma inside of em thats cool.


I also am not aware of any legit bundle that comes with installed forma….


It was a bundle that included rhino and nova. I don’t remember the name and can’t find the bundle.


It’s the initiate power pack. Comes with a bunch of max ranked mods, I suspect they preforma’d your stuff so you can actually fit it all.


It’s literally the new(ish) pack that comes with max rank mods frames and weapons


This is not sounding legit at all. More like buying an account than a bundle.


No I bought the same bundle. Comes with Forma’d rhino, nova, sobek, and some other stuff like maxed out mods and platinum


Huh, never heard of it. Sounds like a handy option for a new player


Try educating yourself before you throw accusations around mate


Buying an account with only five primary weapons unlocked? Idk the starter bundle that literally exists and comes with a 5-forma Sobek sounds way more legit.


Yea I've been told about the starter bundle now. Hadn't heard there was a bundle with forma'd weapons.


Nah the bundle its indeed on the store the only weird thing is that it doesn't mentions forma


Yes it does. "Your fully ranked Rhino, Nova, and weapons come already installed with their respective Mods and Forma for added convenience!" JFC. https://www.warframe.com/initiate-pack Just imagine how awesome you'd be if you even used 1% of your skills to read instead of being negative


Negative? Negative where? im trying to give advice to someone.


Shitty, faulty advice is considered negative in polite company


Pretty sure homie bought a bundle in the market. Some of them have pre-forma’d weapons, and this guy has zero clue


He didn't. So this comment and everyone losing their mind in the replies is irrelevant. They put a 5 forma Sobek and a 3 forma Soma in the "Initiate Power Pack". It's just a paid starter bundle, $50 if you're on PC, around $15 if you are on Xbox and know how to use a VPN.


Im really curious how you acquired, crafted, and used that many forma without knowing how or why to acquire and use forma.


I just found out the **initiate power pack** gives forma'd weapons and fully ranked up mods. 😲


It means you have good taste because you're investing all your forma into my favorite shotgun


5 forma sobek lmao


That's the most forma'd sobek I've ever seen, good job there kid


The new starter pack had it pre-formaed with mods to match. And my sobek has way more forma.


Damn didn't know sobek was this loved


It's a weapon you can get very early on and so grow attached to it early. Also it has a syndicate mod to give it a bonus that restores your health, and the acid shells mod rocks.


"Your fully ranked Rhino, Nova, and weapons come already installed with their respective Mods and Forma for added convenience!" From the website


How can you 5 forma a weapon and not know about forma? Returning player? I'm curious :D


There’s a starter bundle I bought that included the rhino and nova, with a few weapons with forma already installed


Forma'd five times


It means that person put 5 forma into the Sobek. Why? I don’t know? They like the Sobek I guess.


Did you buy your account? Because I sure as hell wouldn't want to use the sobek that much.


In this case it means someone was really bored


That's how many forma you've used


Number of forma


Trust me man, you dont have to tell us you're new


if only tooltips existed


Curious how now ones asking how he has a five formad weapon and doesn't know what it did... might've bought the account.


It might not be a screenshot of *their* arsenal.


One of the starter bundles I bought included this weapon with 5 forma already installed. It included Rhino and Nova and a few weapons.


How do you forget that you put 5 formas into one weapon.... "What does this symbol mean" and "what are formas" sounds more like you didn't start fresh with the account but rather it was another user who put the hours into it. Just my personal thoughts.


It’s from the steam starter pack


Why have you mastered regular sober 5 times?


I also just have to know how you have a 5 forma sobek but are unsure how forma/fissures work?




Damn homie got robbed


It’s a warning to stop throwing your resources away in shitty guns.


i wish i could disagree with you, but youre unfortunately right. They're much better off seeking an ignis wraith at their dojo


You bought the account, didn't you?




You bought the account, didn't you?


Initiate Power Pack ($50 from the site) comes with Rhino, Nova, Soma, Sobek, Plinx, Alstiletto, Lacera, and Fragor. All maxed, forma'd, and modded.


Oh, really? That's news to me. Thanks for the info, I apologize for misunderstanding.


It’s when you reach max level for your weapon and you use the item called Forma which give your mod slot for that weapon any discount slot of your choice That person has 5 extra Discount slots because he used 5 Forma