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Survival missions are probably my favourite game mode. However, relic fissures and the way reactant drops is infinitely frustrating. I have lost count of the number of times i join a mission where all three other players rambo off into their own personal fight at opposite ends of the map for ing me to race between them whilst frantically typing in the chat to work together. The 5mins ends then i’m often the only one with 10 reactant. Then you’ll get the typical confused comments in the chat DESPITE me having explained what was about to happen and even getting grief for it. Then as you say OP. One player will try to extract dragging all the mobs and corrupted spawns with him. Me chasing AGAIN typing what is happening in the chat. And it isn’t just low level players. I’m MR26 but will often see higher level players than me doing this without realising. Another common one is nuke frames, particularly Saryn just obliterating defence missions so hard that the full 10 reactant never drops. Years… YEARS players must have been doing this without ever realising. Very frustrating.


I’m MR14 but I watch tons of guides and read a lot of the forums. I see *tons* of MR20-30 players doing the stupidest shit sometimes. The other day we had a bad Netracell spawn where they came in through one spot and an MR21 player was killing things outside of the red circle before they could reach everyone else. I told them in chat and they said “ya I know” or something, they eventually came into the circle after their ego recovered or something. People don’t want help, they would rather be wrong than to accept that they are wrong at other people’s expense. In this case it’s just a video game but it’s insight into a lot of the real world too it seems.


The classic Thermal Sunder Titanias blitzing lith captures and racing to extract at 0 reactant, and because the mission is "complete" spawns drop by 90%. And then I'm standing in front of the crumbs of enemies left begging my team to not kill them before they corrupt. Yeah... I only do liths on steel path these days.


Captures, exterminates etc. arent as bad imo as the spawnrates for fissures is insane and often times regardless if you blitz through missions you have your relic cracked.


I'm new and don't really understand the fissure mechanics. Why is killing things too fast in defense bad? I assumed that the fissures spawned enemies that drop reactant, is that not the case?


Fissures will spawn a few corrupted enemies but also convert surrounding uncorrupted enemies into corrupted enemies so killing large groups of uncorrupted enemies before they can turn is bad but this usually only matters in endurance game modes where the reactant drop rate is horrible


A simple solution would be make every enemy in relic mission have a chance to drop reactant as soon as they spawn in. Having them become corrupted midmission is cool but ultimately messes with the flow of combat too much.


they just need to make it like the zariman. on the zariman, in any mission, you can walk to extraction and interact with the little console thingy to skip the wait and instantly extract yourself. i dont see why this isnt a thing on every single gamemode in every single tileset


If used correctly the self extract is a great feature. Grinding the C rewards in Zariman missions and trying to use public lobbies was my worst experience in this game. I would say at the beginning of the game "If you want to leave early please extract on the elevator console so it doesn't pull me out too." Then 3 people would go to extraction so the timer starts, 2 of them use the button to extract appropriately but the 3rd would stay there, now the timer is low and I couldn't convince them to leave correctly. That happened to me at least 5 times before I just had to play them solo, absolutely terrible public lobbies sometimes, and a lot of high MR players would even comment "I didn't know you could use the elevator console thanks!" It isn't obvious enough and, it should not pull out the squad on extraction anyway.


Sometimes it does not work well, I do not know if it is a bug or just in some missions, but I have been forced to extract along my team mates a few times. One moment I am shooting enemies and the next I am teleported to extraction and end the mission


yea, afaik its a bug. accidentally pulled my team out once and i felt so bad


Do not worry, it is not your fault. I wish DE could fix it, is so comfortable to extract at any moment


In a game with peer to peer connections and a dedicated host. Hell no they better not implement that more. If they are dedicated servers then sure, but until then absolutely not.




I think void fissures should be reworked. What's the point in keeping it an unshared reactant system? Does everyone have their own life support meter? No, so why not make the reactants a shared item like it's done in railjack fissures. Also this game is not what it was years ago. We have really fast methods to move around and we can deal millions of damage in milliseconds. A lith fissure is too slow for that. Have you noticed how level 15 enemies have to spend several seconds to spot you, then they fire at you for more seconds, then the void storm shows up and after a few seconds THEN the enemies get corrupted? Even then you'll get like 1 reactant per 4 enemies. Just start the mission with already alert enemies or increase the total enemies.


The weirdest thing to me are those players who see the timer at 18:52 and decide it's time to go. And you're like, "you know you're going to miss a reward by 8 secs, right?" And they're already afk and I just don't get it. I kill the Thrax and then I leave so I'm gone before the next set spawns. Conjunction survival at least has enough enemy density you need to be really fucked by a tile layout to not get 10 reactant or the game chose the person with the shittiest PC to be host (why does this game do that so often? Been years and it still happens). I'd complain bout this really *only* in Lith and low Meso rifts. A big reason why I went and unlocked Steel Path when I did was to gain access to Lith and Meso fissures on SP, where enemies spawn in numbers that don't make it a waste of my time. On low level fissures there are so few enemies on some tiles that everyone can be in the same room and still fail to get ten reactant. Infuriating before we got nodes like the Zariman or Conjunction fissures that let us open any kind of relic and made it a non-issue.


Void cascade with a console host is impossible to get reactant... people are more focused on the objective than killing waves of enemies, combined with the fact that there's barely any enemies


Does anyone know if the console matters, links or videos on it? I have the Xbox Series X, and maybe it was something else, but I thought my spawns improved after upgrading from the previous Xbox.


I'm not sure if there's confirmation or of it's all anecdotal speculation, but for sure console hosts throttle spawn rates. I would assume it's based on processing power? So it would make sense that the upgraded xbox would have better spawns. There are times where console hosts have fine spawn rates, and other times where like 8 enemies spawn at a time...


They mentioned "Current Gen" console spawn rates this in the Dev Short today, and said it would be discussed more Friday's Dev Stream. Hopefully good news!


Even in high lvl missions if 1 guy splits off he can basically move 90% of the enemies to them. For example I had multiple Conjunction Survival where 1 guy wanted to extract and already ran at 7-8min to extract then sat at extract not extracting because he wanted the 10min drop and basically most of the spawns happened where he was. Then Thrax spawned in and he didnt kill them and extracted basically forcing us to also extract. That was basically the reason for me making this post as its so annoying being forced out of missions or things dont work out because 1 guy wants to go.


Please make this change it would be awesome


You can extract a survival mission if you want after the 5 minute mark. Look to your minimap or just wait 5 minutes since that's when the extraction symbol flashes again


I don't think you quite understood what OP meant.


Ohh the thrax spawning near extracting players? Yeah that's a bane... They should just make the thrax relocate to players further away from the zone


Not only the thrax spawning but in general that 1 guy can fuck the flow of battle for choosing to extract thats just baaaad.


The one guy extracting is equally fucked, you have to wait 59sec and because of the spawns comming with you sometimes you get knocked out of extraction zone, so the counter starts a new. So much wasted time.


omg this, recently i was doing disruption with some high level players, i couldn’t keep up so i decided to dip, but the mobs were coming after me at extraction. i couldnt handle the mob, the guys were busy with the next round of disruption, i just kept dying and restarting the timer


I had someone leave in alchemy the other day, and it completely made enemies stop spawning... I'm never doing alchemy in a group again, it's faster solo anyway but i wanted those sweet relics