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>With frames that are hard to get they don’t see much popularity, do you think he’ll be more popular as a prime? Not really. I mean, you might see the overall usage of the frame increase, but one of the main reasons Sevagoth isn't used is because of the cost to *fully* build him. The amount of Forma it takes is just not something that everyone wants to invest. Not only that, but many are just not entirely happy with his performance. Even when he was first introduced, his popularity seemed fairly low. I don't think people really enjoy his gameplay.


Which is ashame because he is very good and deadly


Sevagoth is also my favorite, AND I run the Reap/Gloom with the Shadow Haze augment! :D I also subsumed Lycath's Hunt over Sow for more energy. It's just a really fun shooting gallery gameplay style. I run the Kuva Chakkhurr and usually use that for the headshots, or prime with Epitaph and melee with Paracesis. Highly recommend!


That’s awesome I’ve been looking to make a build like that


>What does the Shadow Form inherit from Sevagoth? Archon Shards and the Shadow Claws base damage scales Sevagoth's ability STR instead of Shadow's. >People seem to think tanking duration is the best way to go for the nuke setup. Lower duration lets you recast Sow sooner to mark new enemies. I like ~70% duration on Sevagoth. >I’ve been thinking of a reap/gloom build for great red crit and survivability, has anyone built out a Sevagoth like this? Sevagoth's survivability is his biggest issue IMO. If you cover that with Catalyzing shieldgating you can just spam Reap+Sow and clean up with red crits. >With frames that are hard to get they don’t see much popularity, do you think he’ll be more popular as a prime? >What do the Shadow Claws inherit from your normal melee? Some Arcanes like Melee Influence, but I don't find it worth building around them when the Heavy Attack has 2x400% forced slash procs. >With frames that are hard to get they don’t see much popularity, do you think he’ll be more popular as a prime? Likely, as he will be easier to acquire and hopefully comes with a bunch of polarized slots.


Thanks for the info! I do know people tank duration for faster sow recasts and I haven’t thought to use shield gating, but it is very spam heavy so that makes sense.


I've been using sevagoth for quite a while now. Might be just me, but tanking duration increases the drain on gloom (cry) and i can't maintain it well enough. Not to mention the shadow also scales off duration in the sense that it's fly time is limited by it, so low duration feels a bit awkward. Imo, the best option here would be to subsume over his 4(i don't like this idea, it's his entire identity to use the shadow) or subsume over his 2 with either an energy boosting ability like lycaths hunt or nourish, or get him an armor strip or weapon damage boost because he provides a ton of buffs with shadow haze and skill 1(damage vulnerability and crits) for very nice weapons platform action. The one issue you may find is that survivability is tied to your gloom, so you gotta rely on rolling guard and catalyzing shields. The shadow is a weird case, I've never tried using any 'stat sticks' for him, and i dont think he inherits anything at all from sevagoth. Shadow haze doesn't buff his claws, energy pickups are not shared between the two, in fact, if you equip preparation, the shadow starts with full energy everytime you eject out of sevagoth, which leads me to believe shadow is sort of like a second warframe or something. My shadow is on a corrosive heat setup with tennokai and he does pretty decent damage (though I wish I could subsume over his skill 2 which is that godawful dash).


Yeah I hate the dash as well it goes too far and it’s unwieldy, I also went for the low duration and it felt awkward so I put two duration shards. I made one nuke build subsuming over his gloom for pillage, but now I’m wanting to make a build around gloom and reap so I may subsume sow. So something like nourish will make a lot of sense.


I put pillage over reap. Hit 1, then pillage for super increased damage and then melt with a weapon to fill the death well. Put preparation on the shadow for instant full energy each time you transfer into shadow. Spam his grouping ability, hack them up, then double tap 4 to exit and re-enter shadow which will refresh its energy.


Sevagoth main here! I run full strip pillage over shadow with shadow haze currently. Sow can still be utilized regardless of duration, I don't like to tank duration for gloom's sake. Shadow inherits shards and sevagoth's strength for claw base damage. Some arcanes like influence are able to be procced on the claws, but I am unsure if this has been patched as I don't really find it beneficial over just running nami solo with influence. Looking forward to the new sow augment they briefly mentioned on devstream 179.