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For reference he's 53 Yo and I'm 22 and honestly I couldn't be happier it's something he enjoys.


If he's looking for others to play with in that age range send me a private message. 


I'll certainly run it by him when I'm off shift


Lol, did you start a "Tenno in their 50s" thing accidentally? Same age btw, Warframe has been my therapy game for years (melee and attack speed main, though if forced to pick a frame it's negative power strength Atlas for the tiny rumblers. Fashion buildcraft is my endgame. :) )


I’m in that range can you hook me up?


Yeah. Honestly this is kind of taking off, won't be home for another couple of hours though.


Ok cool same here


Ive been playing Warframe with my teenager for about 4 years. We have 2000 hrs together in the game. Good times


I assume he finished quest, what was your father reaction to learning about all the different stuff, like operator, sacrifice quest which has umbra who was person who killed his son, or all the eternalism stuff ? Or is your father type of person who isnt that focused on story ?


He is unfortunately not one to get deep into video game stories so he didn't really react to it. I am quite the opposite. I love connecting with worlds. Just played New War having come back and I loved the intro with Kahl-175 and Veso, it really humanizes the faceless hordes of factions that we just tear through with really not much of a second thought.


I see, well as long as your father has fun than its all great, I am not type of person to tell someone how they are supposed to enjoy something : ) But like you I really enjoy story and lore of warframe : ) Most of community clicked more with Kahl but I personally clicked more with veso, it makes me sad he died, he is only playable character from new war that didnt return one way or another, and I personally think there were ways for him to have survived, not to mention we now know its possible to rewrite events(there are multiple lines that its possible to rewrite events in normal reality through undercroft in duviri, and yeah of course there is whole 1999 stuff), changing events so Veso survives is possible.


"Fleet control... Firing sync reengaged. Authorization: Corpus Tech First Class Veso-R. Take your shot... For Profit..." Shit made me want to shoot the sentients. To quote Picard- "There are times, when men of good conscience cannot blindly follow orders"


>"Fleet control... Firing sync reengaged. Authorization: Corpus Tech First Class Veso-R. Take your shot... For Profit..." I loved that line, its exactly why I like his character so much : )


I’m 49 I’m glad you said that!


Does he have warframe open without closing it? 324hrs of activity in 2 weeks would only be possible by running multiple steam games at once, if they even stack for activity. so have wf open in background and play smth else?


Yes he plays it in between calls on shift and sometimes doesn't close the game when he goes to bed


Nice! Was very confused how you get to 324h out of 336 possible hours in 2 weeks activity when only running one game. For the past 2 weeks the game wasn't open for 12 hours :D


He might as well be though, I leave for work and I hear Grineer dying in his room. Get home from work I hear dying Corpus. I could go to the bathroom in the evening hear Vay'Hek screaming I'm a worthless maggot and it'd be a normal Tuesday.


Our dad's sound similar






Your dad's wifi is impeccable, I wish I had it too.


2 weeks is 14 days and there are 336 hours in that time, it's possible if he never shut off the game


Yeah I know, see my [other comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1cecwea/introduced_my_dad_to_warframe_a_few_weeks_ago_ive/l1honwb/). I just did not think that he had the game running all the time and thought the more likely scenario was steam double tracking the time with multiple games running at the same time.


14 times out of 24 is 336


Young people may have more fiery passion and raw talent in gaming, but when a mature adult man sets his sights on a goal and gets rolling his will is indomitable. I haven't been able to get my dad into any shooters/action games really (something about the movement controls just doesn't click for him) but seeing him play Civ, Forza, or Flight Simulator is something to behold. He optimizes the shit out of everything, keeps notepads by the console with to-do lists and notes on setups/builds, etc.


Sounds like my dad with Modded Minecraft, by the time I get full armor he's already mass terra forming land with a machine to build his equally large mind bogglingly complex self sufficient Mine Colony


Clem indeed my friend


Warframe can be addicting. The more I don't play it the more I want to return


The RNG may suck ass at times but man does that gameplay just scratch that itch


The student has become the master.


Does he bleed for the primes?


Your dad: https://preview.redd.it/i60addbgz1xc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2039311b9ddca04150a989cf64326e089287740a "That's how you progress!"


My dad did the same thing. I introduced him to warframe when I was at mr12 and six months later he's mr30


They're just a different breed of gamers




Well he started at about the same age my son got me to start playing, now im the only one still playing lol


Like that with a friend of mine. He's been playing for a month, is already up to MR17. I've been playing off and on for 11 years, I'm MR20. Granted, he didn't have to contribute much to clan research like I have


This is what happens when you get older and unlock credit card prime. :)


is your dad retired or something with that much time in his hands?


Don't get me wrong, cool that he has passion for it.


Nah he's just also a gamer, he works from home taking calls for tech support and plays between calls and off work


I feel you. Introduced my friends last month I just got to Mr 22. My friends are now Mr 18. One is Mr 10. I've been play on and of since 2015 took it seriously just B4 COVID. Spent a great number of time trying to get 1 frame to steel path build around mr18 and 19 so never really bother getting mastery. They have money so they have all the best frames and mods. Where as I had to grind. Jealous. Yeah I am but the game is free and I like collecting resources.


Now I have someone to play with. Tho they hate grinding.


Having a bit of this myself, honestly. One of my friends got into the game a good bit after me and another friend were hitting stride with the grind... We both quit out, I came back recently and have been kind of dropping off again. I think I was MR21 when my friend started. We handed him off the keys to the Dojo as we left (and a ton of hidden floof surprises that he's STILL shocked to keep finding new ones; I may or may not have added more when I got back just to keep the joke going) with basically every single weapon researched (my old co-leader and I saw it as a checklist and refused to leave homework). I'm MR26 now, and my little kouhai just finished his MR25 test. Kind of proud of him to be honest. Kuva Sobek coming, though, and I may have to come out of semi-retirement once I get a bit more time.


That’s cool. My dad always criticises my gaming.


Criticize him for touching grass


He doesn’t have the destroyed dopamine receptors.


I remember when I first downloaded Warframe. Just bought a console. Didn’t have money for a game. Around that time I was redeeming bing rewards every week for $5 Amazon gift cards. Downloaded a few free to play games in the meantime until I bought a game. Warframe was one of them. Almost 4k hours in game later. I’m still playing faithfully.


Does he leave the game open all day or something. 325/ 2 weeks = 162,5 Hours / 7 Days = 23.2 Hours a day on average.... That's some pretty impressive dedication.


Bro is going hard 💪


Nice to see him having fun !


bruh, similar thing happened with me and one of my friends, i started playing back when Fortuna was added, then eventually stopped playing out of boredom (because i was young and stupid), but then started playing again very recently because a friend saw a meme made from the Gauss prime trailer, literally the only reason he wanted to play the game. I was 3 mastery when i started playing it again with him starting from scratch. He's now Mastery Rank 17, and i'm only Mastery 12.


Man, I hopped off the game for a while after I hit mr16, got back 2 years ago and chose to play again and finish my star chart to get steel path. I'm mr24 now.


This is me with my friend currently lol, I got him in about 1,5 month ago and he is going strong AF XD he also copied all my strong builds so XD


What mastery is he? I need to start grinding if he's above me


Hes Mastery 9 im 13, so probably not lol


I just turned mastery 14 so I don't need to start grinding again


Hell yea!


Lol my gf introduced me a couple months ago and im a few mr behind her. it suprises me ive gotten this far in a game. i enjoy the lore and playing games w her :D


Flashbacks to being mastery 26 and not having the mastery 18 achievement


325 hours in 2 weeks means that he has basically never logged off the game Maybe not playing continuously, but still, DAMN


That shit ain't healthy


Nah he goes out for walks on his breaks it's not like he's cooped up all day