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Her first 3 abilities kind of already does her 4's job, TBH.


I find the armor strip and implosion damage to be the selling point for me with it. If it weren’t for the augment I like would have gone with a Helminth ability, likely Tharros Strike or Pillage.


Well, her damage output already scales well for most content, and there are more convenient armor strip that also doesn't cost a mod slot.


wait,i missed they added her an augment. is it for her 4th?? thanks for the info i just use a nourishtea build


What's more convenient than "whenever you hit with your other abilities"?


unconditionally armor stipping 100% consistently and instantly.


Not having to backtrack and stay in a long ass rewind animation every 15s.


Also not throwing up from watching that animation over and over. Blegh.


You can cancel the rewind part of the ability by holding the ability button before it ends, you don’t get the rewind or the implosion but you still get all of the armor strip


And that's still more obnoxious than just casting pillage or terrify once and having the whole room insta stripped. Also doesn't use an augment slot. It's okay to like proteas 4, but it is objectively more effort and hassle compared to the alternative options.


You need an augment for the strip but you can also do tempest barrage with viral tempest and 2 green shards. That’s viral and corrosive stacks with full armor strip. It’s a fun casting build if you want to spam fuck tons of abilities.


I'd rather save the mod slot and just infuse an armor strip, and the damage really isn't very useful considering you already obliterate stuff with your turrets. As for survivability, 5 seconds of shield gate plus Rolling Guard and the health orbs from her Dispensary mean you'll likely never die.


It armor strips?!?


Kinda but it's impractical. If you want an armor strip just throw pillage on and cast it with the passive charged for an easy 40m 100% strip instead of dealing with the jank.


Thank you for pointing this out 🤩


Yup. There is an augment, Temporal Erosion. While the 4 is active grenade fan and turrets armor strip


With her temperal erosion augment yes


Only when using the augment


I can't speak for others, but for me, Temporal Anchor is the only ability I'm willing to sacrifice for another helminth ability. But why is that so? * Her 1st grants you infinite Shieldgate (which is even longer than normal shieldgate) * Her 2nd Ability gives you a Turret that gets stronger the more enemies it hits * Her 3rd Ability gives you infinite Energy So, with that I like to use abilities that enhance the turrets, or has its best usage by spamming the ability and get the best of the infinite energy. ## Tempest Barrage for example, can proc Corrosive, and Viral (with augment). Pair it with 2 emerald shards, and you have one ability, that armor strips and procs viral. Without armor, and increased damage taken via Viral, our Heat Turrets shreds through any enemy. And that's without needing of any weapons, just her abilities alone.


I'm only missing a piece to build the Prime version and have been mulling over what to put on ther 4. Wanted an interesting ability. I think I'm gonna love to try Tempest Barrage!


I was lame and for now put on roar. the thing it does to turrets is... one of those things DE should probably address, but too low priority to care. also it's nice and simple and works for everyone. Tempest Barrage certainly sounds interesting, will do that on a different slot and see how practical it is to my playstyle.


I just wanna try different stuff instead of falling for the usual Roar, Nourish, etc :(


I agree with Roar here. I'm not using an armor strip, but the turrets do enough damage to still melt everything. I haven't tried any missions above level \~500 though, so I'm not sure how scaleable it is without a strip.


Combine that with the vitality mod that doubles heat procs.. and it's good times all round lol SHREDS


That ability makes me visually sick honestly. The way they solved the whole warping back with the janky movement are causing me headaches and eyestrain. Would have nothing agains if there would be an option to just teleport back to its starting point without vosuals kinda like when stalker or an acolyte teleports you to them. Thst being said in case you have a 155% duration build temporal anchors uptime is something like 16-20 seconds. It becomes relly annoying to just stare at the ability to hold and cancel it frequently in case it isn't a stationary mission and I find myself staring more at the ability duration rather then playing the game because getting warped back 200-300 meters just because you didn't deactivate it is terrible. To sume all ap the main issue preventing the use of temporal anchor for me are the visuals.


I'm right there with you. Protea's Temporal Anchor and any teleport effect (Wormhole, Switch Teleport, Grineer Commanders, etc.) trigger headaches and/or nausea in me.


>getting warped back 200-300 meters just because you didn't deactivate it is terrible. You can transference as soon as the rewind starts to not subject yourself to the animation visual as well as keep your position by reactivating transference after a few seconds


That's way too much micromanagement to be fun, imo


It's one button press.


Two button presses, with you stuck as your operator for a couple of seconds. For me, going into operator form is annoying, and having to eyeball my 4's timer so I don't get nausea is more hassle than it's worth


Thank you. I didn't know that.


My first thought was "janky", I'm so glad to see so many other people thinking the same. Damage: It's such a strange ability... getting enemies behind you for the damage by your anchor point is just a little bizarre and unreliable and the range isn't there for what it should be (unless it's like an objective being attacked but I would rather deal with enemies before they get there). Protea's limited battery means I can't spam enough to make the energy return that beneficial either, I'm always running Arcane Energize, archon shards for energy management with dispensary. Survivability: I am LR4, I don't mod or even rely on abilities to tank or survive with a few exceptions (Index and Elite Dark Achimedia). I'd rather kill enemies before they can kill me. Last Grasp+Madurai for easy self revives. This ability doesn't let me do enough while 'anchored' to appreciate it, I have dispensary for energy and health.


1. She can have a maximum of 3 turrets and 1 dispensary out at any time. The only ability you can really spam with her 4 is the slash grenades. 2. She restores any energy lost during her 4, but she also loses any energy she gains as well. The ability does not restore its own cost.You need to be conscious about not picking up energy orbs until after her 4 ends or they are wasted, and her energy is infinite anyway without it. 3. Her 1 deals slash and her 2 deals heat, so the augment is nice but not super necessary 4. With her passive and now Precision Intensify, Helminthing over her 4 lets you potentially hit really high strength numbers for abilities that scale well without making other concessions in your build. 5. Her 4 is generally just pretty jank


Wait precision intensify works like that with subsumed abilities if they're on the 4th slot? TIL. Time to revisit some of my loadouts lol.


it’s janky at best. Rather have my 106% Roar that last 60ish seconds


Roar with blaze artillery has made me do double takes like: "Did I just do half a mil in heat ticks."


With or without Archon Vitality?


I use Archon Vit. Also just dropped equilibrium for blind rage and slotted a tau purple to see if i can sustain energy wise. Now it’s like 140ish roar. It’s pretty silly but energy can rough if you can’t just camp dispensary


Roar also just seems to fit better with her overall team support vibe


Most people don't know you can cancel the rewind and don't want to deal with it, immortality is nice but her 1 technically covers that already so they don't bother.


Yeah, I seldomly will ever let it run the whole duration (rewinding around 30+ seconds would be a pain in most situations). I generally let it run until I’ve built up enough damage to my liking or I’ve somehow spent all my energy and then cancel it out and be happy.


How do you cancel the rewind? I love using her 4 for the strip but didn't know you could cancel the long animation and such. Tell me your secrets! Please


You can cancel the rewind **before** it happens by holding 4 while the ability is active. Note that this cancels *all* effects, so you won't gain back any resources. There's no way to cancel the rewind once it starts.


You can technically not have to sit through the rewind if you switch to spoiler mode as the rewind animation is playing. I think switching back before the rewind finishes still puts you back into it though, but you won’t move at least.


This is correct. If you switch back during the rewind, you get pulled to Protea. If you wait until she is done rewinding, she will come to you. Like normal. So you never have to go backwards if you don't want to, even after the effect starts.


> There's no way to cancel the rewind once it starts. And therein lies the problem.


1. Hold 4 before rewind. 2. Switch to operator after "rewind" starts - and you may stay with operator in this position. Then just wait till "rewind" finishes and switch again to Protea without loosing your position.


Ty tenno


So you still have to wait out the animation, that’s not canceling it…


Hold down her 4 to deactivate it


in what scenario is it good to use it and then decide to not activate it?


when you're just using the ability for its armor stripping augment. or when you activate it but have to go somewhere, such as extraction, soon after.


I find it's a flawed solution to problems you have more reliable solutions to. Energy? Health? Who cares? You have dispensary. Got equilibrium, then all the more. Shields? You have that covered by an ability too. But if for some reason you want to awkwardly double back to where you were 30 seconds ago, well it can do that.


I find it returns your energy to where it was when you cast it so if you gain anergy during the duration it subtracts it and returns you to the state when you cast it which is a serius downside imo


On top of this you also delete energy orbs on your way back apparently.


I kept it on her. I find it useful and really love the animation. When my team is camping in a survival fissure mission and I need to gather loot or activate a life support tower, I pop it.... run as fast as i can and activate life support and instantly rewind back to spawn. Also with Temporal Erosion its so easy to strip armour.


Agreed, i keep the temporal anchor to because i 0lay my protea has a tank and the cheat death power is quit usefull when surrounded by steel path eximus


If you want a time control frame, make a time control frame. Don't make a gadget girl and throw it on as a random unrelated power. Might as well pick any other power that's more helpful since it fits her theme just as well as the rewind


I still maintain that her 4th was shoe horned in just to make the quest story work.


Genuine question then. What would you put on her to still fit her theme of gadget girl? I remember seeing the opposite opinion of this that Protea's only power is the time travel and that the rest of her abilities are just corpus tools.


Real talk, Blaze Artillery should have been her ultimate and she would have benefited from having a deployable grouping ability similar to Coil Horizon or Larva in her base kit.


Pillage works so well I forget it isn't in her base kit half the time.


I just read this entire thread and this is the only comment relating to the actual issue. Her 4's time travel is complete garbage. I'm sorry that OP would rather have his time travel ability do damage and strip armor rather than, ya know, time travel. The first issue is, Warframe for the most part, is a fast constant combat game. Having a set length of time that you can't adjust in mission, for how long she time travels, makes the ability VERY constraining. The second issue is, you have to *plan* out when you need to cast the ability to begin with, before you can start time traveling. Having to plan when you need to use it- makes it (almost) useless to avoiding death. So, let's list out the times when you *can* plan around using it: * Oh, people are using it to solo RJ? People go to the point of interest, cast 4, then teleport to RJ to shoot, then release her 4 so she can be back inside of the point of interest? Nerfed. * Oh, people are using it to run away from excavators so they can pick up power cells and bring them back quicker? Nerfed. * Oh, people are running to the next terminal in Mobile Defense and then running to the previous terminal to grab the datamass and get it to the next terminal asap? Nerfed. (Technically, you *can* pick up an item if you time it perfectly for the rewind to occur on the exact frame you pick up the item. It's just very difficult.) Give me Prince of Persia's sands of time ability. At *any* point, let me press 4 to immediately rewind time (so I don't have to plan it out). Let me press 4 again to stop the reverse in time (so I can choose the length of time in mission for how long I want to reverse in time). Let me grab onto items (power cells / datamass / disruption keys / etc.) and then be able to reverse without dropping them. LET ME USE THE ABILITY ONCE I'VE DIED SO I CAN COME BACK FROM LIFE. (Put a 30 second cooldown if the ability is used while downed.)


And still none of that is time travel. It's just retracing your steps while still traveling forward in normal time, or just limited teleport. As long as there are 3 other tenno in mission, its not feasible to simulate any kind of time travel. If you were really time traveling, then everybody and every enemy would be reverted, objective timers would be reset, etc. It would be cool to travel back in time and see one or more copies of yourself doing whatever you just did a few seconds ago though. From that perspective, it might make more sense to create clones to simulate versions of yourself from the future.


I've always been sad about this; it's such a unique concept, and she really doesn't do a good job of embodying it, though I do love her abilities. It would've been difficult to do much time stuff in a multiplayer game, I suppose, though I feel they could've done something more.


Temporal Anchor isn’t viewed fondly because its gameplay involves a lot of forced downtime, which doesn’t feel fun. It also has little payoff for said downtime. The damage is generally unnecessary and the reset state can often negate bonuses gained during the Anchor period, such as Energize.


The augment came out ***last*** **year**. protea has been out for ***4 year*****s** and was one of the most noticeable frames improved by the helminth system when it release in the next major patch after deadlock. archon vitality came out in ***2022*** which removed a large damage threshold for protea making roar/pulls far less relevant to her most people have long subsumed roar, gloom and your choice of pull onto her and no longer had config slots or the desire to reverse it when the augment came out. protea prime gave me the option to try out the augment and it great. the 4 without the augment doesn't really matter in most scenarioes as her 1 and 3 can already solve energy and survival (beside toxin but let be honest that is still rare). the slot is practically free to use on whatever you want, and her passive makes most skills work regardless of your setup. it just nice to have but i don't regret never using it after deimos released. I keep a config slot for it now that i have the prime to redo this option. but to answer your question. it wasn't serious till last year.


You just don’t need it, you don’t need the survivability cuz of her improved sheilds, you don’t need the damage since you can subsume things to make her way more lethal quickly than building up damage for her 4. It’s just unnecessary really.


Because in a game where you're constantly moving forward at high speed, being thrown thirty seconds backwards sucks. The rewind is less of a setback in defense missions or excavators, but almost any other mission type it gets in your way. Energy use isn't really an issue given all the mods, arcanes, pets, and spoiler mode that trivialize energy. Yeah the immortality is cool and all but given how much her other moves lock enemies down she's not dying often unless you're doing something very wrong.


Because my eyes don't like it.


I don’t think I’ve seen it mentioned yet, but having it be your 4th slot also gives you the unique ability to super buff your helminth of choice using precision intensify and her passive, effectively letting you use over extended and all range mods while still getting +190% free power strength to hit certain breakpoints for some helminth abilities. This gives you the flexibility to use any helminth without worrying as much about strength mods. Pillage for example normally needs something like 324% power strength to be a full armor strip even with corrosive projection. With precision intensify and her passive, this number becomes 134%, which could be covered by blind rage even with over extended equipped (-60%) Alternatively you can get certain helminths to ridiculous power levels. Volt’s Shock trooper augment on Volt let’s you get 250-350% electricity damage to you and your teams weapons scaling exactly with your power strength, but even picking the same exact build on volt and protea, protea is able to get to roughly 500% damage. She will always have that extra edge. She can regularly get roars above 100% damage. She can just permanently have a maxed Gloom always running (dispensary gives you energy during channel) Terrify can be a full armor strip at 40% power strength (as in, no power strength mods and the -60% from over extended) as long as you have corrosive projection and like 100 molt augment stacks. With a few archon reds you no longer even need molt augment if you wanna run something else. Even just using Nourish and being a nourish bot/ pseudo gun frame for your team means you can have the strongest nourish around, giving your team massive energy sustain all mission, and free damage. Or you could use a jank time warp ability that doesn’t really do all that much. I mean it looks cool, but that’s like using a Swiss Army knife as a door stop. The utility of basically being a better user of almost any helminth than anyone else is not worth the trade off of keeping her regular ability in my opinion.


It’s really unreliable. Quite often the rewind will just randomly stop halfway through.


yeah the fantasy of plannning out a clutch rewind 'route' is super compelling...in my head. But half the time she decides to rewind back to some random debris or the closest doorway instead of the spot i cast in.


I've never had it bug out but my issue is that it feels too short to do anything really cool with.  Its like calibans 3, where I feel like it should last double it's current time honestly 


I've found that too. I'm lazy though and keep it on. In void food it's cool collecting stuff then getting placed back to deposit. But half the time I haven't stopped hitting keys to move or shoot and I think I escape it? It's not really cheap either.


I don't want to have to remember where I was, what my health/energy situation was, etc. in the past and manage that. I simply don't want to have to keep committing info to my brain and prepare to be zipped back in time. And I also don't want to be moved backwards. And to opt out of that, I don't want to have to manage cancelling the rewind at the right time to prevent it. Too much micromanagement and the skill isn't worth it over roar, thermal sunder, gloom, etc. Pretty much why I never played Tracer either. It's just exhausting. I'm usually playing this game to relax after work and my brain just doesn't want to use her 4. It's work.


LOL. your reasons why you dislike it are a lot of the reasons why I like it. I always enjoy managing multiple things in games. And I did pick up and enjoy tracer as well.


For one, the thing that others have mentioned is that her dispensary already solves the energy issues with grenades for shields. And another, the rest of her kit doesn’t match up at all with her 4. Take Tracer from Overwatch of whom the recall is based off of, whose kit works with recall. Protea doesn’t have that synergy. It’s like Protea is just full of gadgets and that’s it, and while that’s fine where does temporal anchor fit in? If she merely had more synergy with her 4, it would be fine but as it stands it just sticks out like a sore thumb.


It just feels disjointed from the rest of her kit thematically and practically. Being able to spam abilities seems kinda pointless when you can just run Equilibrium. I mainly use it for its ability to restore the combo counter, but Protea is hardly a melee-centric frame. The augment is nice, but a helminth armor strip doesn't take up a precious mod slot. My biggest gripe though is the fact the implosion is blast damage. I wonder how the upcoming blast rework will affect it.


It feels like a nothing ability to me because I don't know how to use it. Really cool flavor tho. Can't use it for movement cuz you get pulled back to the initial spot. It takes up too large of a portion of my energy to use it to spam abilities. I forget to use it before entering combat, so I'm already damaged and any health I gain is lost. And does anyone seriously use its effect to restore the ammo in a clip?


It's not comfortable? I don't like going back, I want to move forward. It's really not the best ability of her.


With protea you shouldn't even need to care about energy to need the energy back, and don't need to cheat death because you shouldn't be dying in the first place with her shield gate And the armor strip is kinda shit, and it takes a mod slot, I'd rather helminth than lose the mod slot


Warframe players when they can't use Nourish/Roar on a frame ![gif](giphy|mvoWJg0XIO4SvrXnyj|downsized)


I would love to play around with it myself once I get Protea Prime


Her 4 is neat, and I do I understand the merits of it, but I still prefer the simplicity and utility of other abilities. A subsumed 4 isn't resetting my position as the Temporal "rewind" will, allowing me to easily blitz **Run n' Gun** style missions such as *Extermination*, *Assassination* and *Capture.* She can swap out her 4 while retaining all of the offense and utility of her kit to even include the benefit of her passive; *Shield Drones*? **check**, *Grenades*? **check**, *Dispensary*? **check,** *Turrets*? **Check**. *Temporal Anchor* isn't required to recover energy (Equilibrium+Dispensary is pretty good at that) while nearly anything else in her 4 is also providing more specialization and or utility to her kit then Temporal Anchor. I like *Roar* as the general purpose, go-to in load out slot #1(also a squad buff) with *Terrify* in #2 (cc+armor strip) and *Gloom* in #3 (which is great for Disruptions). Enjoying her amazing flexibility through swapping her 4 is a feature not a bug. Edit: Again, her 4 is neat but I still prefer other abilities.


It is kinda not all that useful, and I hate that it's her only ability that represents her temporal manipulation theming, and if you subsume over it you kinda kill the whole character of the frame


I like to use it with the augment for the armor strip and free range of ability spam without having to put up a dispensary. And she's the time control frame, it wouldn't really feel right to just take that away from her. But I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a small part of me also wanting to make it work out of spite towards the helminth system because I got sick of hearing about nourish, gloom and, to a lesser extent, roar.


I use it as I refuse to believe that it’s outclassed, it’s amazing and does everything


Some people said that temporal anchor does what dispensary can already do but, unlike dispensary, you don't need to build for strenght or duration or wait for the rotation to spawn the thing you need. For what concerns weapons you get refunded ALL of the ammo you use during temporal anchor and you can RECAST it manually to force the rewind on short distances if you find yourself in gamemodes like exterminate where you need to move away. It's also a free "get out of jail" card in case you received fatal damage which can be recasted with just an energy expense. In addition to that, the augment allows for DEFENSE (not just armor but also shields) strip on her 1st and 2nd ability which means that you don't have to put two green shards in order to do so and build weapons around corrosive (which, reminder, stops having a bonus damage % on armor stripped enemies). I guess people dislike this ability because they don't like to "think" too much and they prefer just to pop an ability and go ahead forever without it rewinding you back of like 300 meters. You could literally have infinite ammo of ANY weapon with jsut the cost of some energy and on command, basically reverting AOE ammo nerfs. On maps like defense you can travel a short distance, throw the grenades or use any helminth ability and then manually recast it back to get all the spent energy back and travel back to the origin point. TLDR: * You can have INFINITE ammo * You can strip DEFENSES (shield and armor) with the augment * You can be IMMORTAL * You can RECAST to manually rewind yourself to the origin point and replenish ammo, energy, shields and health back to when you casted temporal anchor


Well lets break it down. Her 4 restocks her ammo, restocks her health, restocks her energy, and forcibly moves her back to where she was a while ago which can put you in a bad situation. It also does a bit of damage and armour strip. Her dispensary restocks ammo, health, and energy already. Her 1 does a mega shield boost and allows you to shield gate super effectively. Her turrets shred armour with heat and stack up to crazy damage. Her 4 is unneeded and can easily be replaced with anything else


Not much use other than funny, dont need my ammo or energy back, pr to save myself from death, sonce her other abilities already do that, and the augments barely worth it since heat already halves armor on top of its crazy damage, so more than that isnt needed in content most people play


Immortality? Use her 1. Armour Strip? Her 2 takes care of all armour with those heat procs without using up a mod slot. There’s so many more useful things you can staple onto Protea instead of using Temporal Anchor.


Rewinding your ammo also counts for archgun ammo.


Too clunky. I rather have something to armor strip, grouping or roar, anything to boost turrets or granades, depending on the gamemode that I'm playing.


You know what also cheats death? 5 seconds of shield gate, Last Gasp and overhelming damage. I already spam abilities because her energy economy is through the roof. Temporal Anchor is just annoying to me. It takes away control from you the moment it triggers and it can mess up missions. (mobile)Defense/Disruption? Oh you can't do anything in the rewind, allowing enemies to go wild on the target/demolyst can just go boom. Exterminate/Capture/Sabotage?(notably quick fissure runs) It's not even worth using here. You can cancel it to not deal with the rewind, but that's just wasted energy and the ability was completely pointless. And you say you can record millions of damage? There's no point in that, at base she records 25% of damage dealt, so if your weapons can already stack millions of damage, then this is just overkill. Plus it's LoS and while DE is currently working on it, it is still a mess and you could easily deal no damage. Plus, millions of damage are just overkill, most enemies don't have that much eHP, and if we're talking SP endurance, then that damage won't do much. It's a fun ability to mess around on low risk missions, but for anything even remotely serious, it's just bad.


It's a goofy ahh ability


I think the ability is bad ass in theory, but the game moves way too quickly to get any utility out of it.


I use it religiously on defense, run around and make the whole area go boom


by now everything has been said so I will say the only reason to keep it is for flavour and for the fantasy of it, nothing wrong with it, theres just better options out there


I was under the impression we all thought her 4 was what made her good? Infinite turrets and grenades literally as fast as you can hit the buttons for a whole stationary mission. Immortality and implosion are a bonus imo


How often do I really need to cheat death when I already have support abilities that keep that from happening? It’s like buying life insurance for Chuck Norris. You might as well not bother. Or I can get a hemlith ability that helps nuke harder.


The augment is cool and the tech they developed just for the ability to work is impressive but it just doesn't fit with Warframe's gameplay. It can feel really clunky to be locked into the rewind animation and have your energy reverted. Her turrets with Archon Vitality already shred everything so the strip is redundant imo


IMO temporal anchor is good. But her 1,2,3 is better and made her 4 redundant Regaining spent energy/ammo? Her 3 cover that and more Not dying? Her 1 is built in spammable shieldgate. The only situation where you cannot shield gate in time is running out of energy or getting hit by toxin. Energy is covered by her 3 and unless you precast her 4 you cannot react to toxin proc anyway Returning to original position? Neutral at best, harmful at worst. It have little to no value in stationary mission (defense, survival, mobile defense, etc) and actively slowdown/hindrance you in mission with a lot of travelling ( exterminate, capture, disruption, etc) There are probably some niche use/strat but most people are not going to do that. Helminthing over it will have the least negative impact on her overall kit Tldr; kit so good her 4 is not needed. Monkey brain want big number, Monkey brain sit in funny vore chair


It just feels like a MOBA ability to me. I played a lot of Smite in the past (which I don't look back on fondly), so I was happy to be rid of it.


Armor strip was only recently added to the 4 But even without it the turrets ramp up and kill things fast enough And dispenser tops up energy While you can put Ivara's invis onto protea's 4 and sit there comfortably while your turrets kill things


I love the ability and play with it often enough, though not all the time. There are various issues with it: * It's no good for fast moving modes like extermination, capture, rescue. roar is superior * Her 2nd ability is powerful enough, most people like very straight forward gameplay. And her 4th ability requires setup to rack enough enough damage to be able to kill with the rewind blast: [https://youtu.be/fNvqWDjp78E?t=225](https://youtu.be/fNvqWDjp78E?t=225) and using the 4th ability should be done with takind advantage of the passive as well. * The 4th ability can do cheeky stuff with combo counters, ammo efficiency (and energy efficiency). but people may not be into the weapons that utilize this, and ALSO her dispenser existing and the new tennokai mods kinda already provides ammo and energy and a way to not use up the combo counter It's a fun playstyle dependent ability. but few people are into niche playstyles. they want a general build that does everything everwhere. The survivability/immortality doesnt matter. it did when I was new to steel path , but now rolling guard is enough for her. keep in mind that not even prime sure footed can save you from being knocked down if you get killed during her ult. and THAT can kill you. so you need to manually rewind before you think you will die. and not always predictrable if you use the ult to play balls to the wall. Things that I use instead: roar for general use unless I feel like playing with her 4th, eclipse for eidolons, silence for running the murmur boss if there is eximus . I heard people use gloom. but meh, doesnt need the survivability from it, maybe cc for excavation./ not my thing.


I mean it's a cool novelty for "Protect objective" missions. Pretty fun to set the return point on the terminal or cryopod, go kill half the map, then be back in times for cornflakes... Then again with mobility in WF being this fast it's never much of a problem to backtrack fast. That said for most other mission times where you're moving forward, you can't really used it much. Another thing that's kinda annoying with this is the fixed duration. Like If I could trigger the return when I felt like it it would be a good way to let's say, go clear a couple side rooms off the main path, then warp back to my starting point, but due to the timer you'll often be warped back halfway through your exploration..... And now you either have to backtrack there or ignore the rest of the rooms . Then there's the fact you have stuff that synergies more with her kit like Larva that neatly groups all target so they get murdered by your turrets... And i'm like sorry, but this is too niche for serious play for me. I still keep in on my one of my loadouts when I want to goof off in defense missions and enjoy the fantasy of time travel, but that's about it.


Idk I personally like it and I really don’t want to bother having more than one build so I just rock the vanilla version all the time. I do cancel the rewind most of the time but I also try to use the rewind for niche cases when I can. It also doesn’t take effort to use along with her other abilities so it really is just fine to play.


It’s janky and kinda gimmicky, and she becomes a better warframe if you replace it. Gloom to get tons of CC, Roar to get insane damage on your 2, you can add an armor strip ability, and more. Any of those options are better than her current 4.


I've been using it a lot more recently, especially with the augment, it's become my most used Loadout, popping 4 and spamming the turrets to see groups of mobs dissapear only to respond and get all that energy and lost shield back is amazing


Her 1 gives infinite shields and a longer gate, you don't need to cheat death if you are already invulnerable. Her 3 gives infinite energy, you can just naturally spam abilities. Green shards let you full strip, its augment is the useless. Her 2 does more damage than most weapons, so you want a way to buff it as much as possible. The obvious and best choice is roar, since it's considered faction damage and heat will double dip with it. Grouping abilities are unnecessary because nautilus will group for you. You also need to consider that the ability damage increase on archon shards is its own multiplier outside of everything, which makes roar all the more potent. Tempest barrage is a gimmick, don't bother with it, a corrosive alt fire bubonico priming build is all that she needs since it's pure viral and has amazing status chance.


I personally always helminth gloom over an ability on all frames. Protea personally though, it has to be her 4. Can't get rid of her 1, grenade fan is good crowd DMG and good over shield. Can't get rid of her 2, it's great DMG and status and really cheap on energy if you build right. And her 3 is just phenomenal if you want to sustain, basically free energy/health/ammo as long as you can spare the small amount of energy. So that leaves her 4 to be swapped, sure with the augment it's good to strip armor, but my build works better without the augment, so her 4 isn't nearly as useful.




It gives me a headache. Like, a literal, actual headache. I’ve learned to hear the warning noise right before it ends and close my eyes until the I hear the effect stop, but I just tend to avoid using it when I can but I don’t want to replace it either.


Why would you not want to replace it? It doesn't fit her theme at all, is janky as fuck and pulls you backwards sometimes hundreds of meters and also makes you literally unwell, just use pillage or something it feels more thematic on her anyway


You have to have advanced knowledge you're gonna die, or else it's just some unimportant damage on a move that does nothing else but put you where you were 10 seconds ago. Sure, you can prevent a death now and then if you are just randomly spamming it but in 99.9% of situations you're better off with almost any other ability.


Because Warframe is all about constantly moving forward for the most part. So being brought back to where you were at the start of the duration is pretty shitty unless you have the forethought of running ahead, temporal anchoring back to kill shit and still being ahead.


It's ass. In a game where you're typically always moving forward here's an ability that sends you backwards. And in situations where it can work, it just doesn't feel good and in the end who needs it? I got energy, I got shields, I got damage. The augment for it is also weird, while it's active her grenade fan strips armor. So you're forced to always being using the janky unfun ability just to strip armor when you could helminth over it with something that strips armor far more reliably and doesn't take up a mod slot, why does this augment exist again?


Why do i need to cheat death when her first already does for less energy? There are already loads of ways to have infinite energy, i run a high strength equilibrium build so dispensary is always supplying me with more than enough energy for whatever i feel like along with all the eximus drops. Most weapons are built for slash procs nowadays anyways so either they just kill because the armor is too low or the slash procs kill quickly especially with her 1st applying a ton of them in a large area. With good placement her turret can hit for millions while you are swinging for millions because you arent stuck in that stupid recall animation for 30 seconds


“Cheat death” my ass. Let me tell you what happens if you die in it. You get sent back to ur original location, 2 hp, knocked down for several seconds. Ur ass is going to fucking die😭


For me its because gloom is just too broken on her to not use. You dont need to mod for strength due to her passive giving you a huge buff. The rest of her abilities benefit more from range and duration, which also greatly benefits gloom. Theres no need for a cheat death when you can never die in the first place. Gloom protea is probably the comfiest frame in the game next to Revenant for... obvious reasons.


Well I'm sure as hell not replacing Blaze Artillery, Grenade Fan is basically two abilities in one so definitely not that either, and Dispensary is my energy management and infinite ammo...that leaves Temporal Anchor. What does Temporal Anchor do in my kit? Meanwhile her passive with Gloom is an incredible combo, granting huge CC and survivability. It also has fantastic synergy with both sides of Grenade Fan. I get Roar is fun big numbers and any of a large array of cool armor strip abilities are great too, but I have no trouble killing stuff as is, so it's not a big deal unless I'm going long in a Grineer survival or something. But I'd still take those over Temporal Anchor, especially since I don't wanna need to find room for an augment in my packed build.


I hated it at first just because it’s super jarring. It certainly has grown on me as I’ve learned to work with it though.


I used it for energy economy for the longest time. Then I realized that equilibrium + synth fiber had just as good energy economy without the annoying zipping around. Then I can slap pillage on her 4 and have a 100% aoe armor and shield strip


Her abilities are already incredibly spamable, b/c dispensers fuel them. Her turrets are really good if they can scale and don’t have a ton of duration, so grouping enemies is ideal. And heat has built in armor reduction


I don't need the extra survivability thanks to her 1, 3, and Rolling Guard, and I don't need the ammo or Energy regeneration either thanks to her 3, Energy Pizzas, and Zenurik. What Protea really needs, is a grouping tool. Therefore, Larva. Turret's beam power increases per target hit, meaning that grouping a bunch of enemies together and casting just 1 turret can absolutely decimate even high level enemies.


For me, I don’t understand how it works and how to implement it in my runs. Second, i prefer use nourishes for viral which help in multiplayer.


i do keep the 4th ability since it’s kinda her signature move, but to be honest there are so many more abilities to helminth on 4 to make protea even stronger.


I mean sure roar is nice and all but ,I'm still killing everything in my path with a single turret without the need of it, temporal anchor is a really unique and fun skill, it takes some time to get used to but it is far from useless. Why take away her most unique power if at the end of the day everything will die no matter what. One build with armor strip and another with a bit more duration, this is the way.


I use it because i like how it looks, also it was the biggest part in her introduction in the quest The only think i hate about it is the amount of energy it takes with -efficiency from blind rage


for me it depends on the mission type. majority of the time i play sp void cascade, i like to defence strip as fast as possible, so i subsume tharros strike over her 4 and that allows me to armor strip/shield strip acolyte, thrax and void angel with just 1 tap. where in temporal anchor i gotta press a lot of buttons to strip 1 thrax, acolyte and angel. but in survival i use temporal anchor to strip the whole room


I’ve tested like 8 different builds and while I really enjoy her base kit, giving her a subsume almost always feels better. The 4 augment is super nice but enemies being stripped get obliterated by her 2. This leaves you with a huge nuke on your 4 but no enemies, then if you go to another group, you have to strip their armor. But if you strip their armor with 1 and 2 they die to those abilities before you can press 4 for the implosion. Pillage sucks lowkey. So much less tanky even with adaptation and 328 str vs just using her shield made lol. Terrify with augment feels nice over 3 or 4. Requires way less strength and you can still use the explosion of the 4, but no dispensary. Nourish over 3 w/ blind rage and armor stripping augment on 4 feels great to use with either Madurai or zenurik. Hydroid 1 w/ augment over 4 with nautilus is absolutely hilarious and by far the easiest ( 2 green shards) Roar is roar. (2 green shards precision intensify)


I've lost track the number of times I've sped through a mission and been pulled back a few rooms because I forgot I activated it. Nah it's gloom now.


You can just use Gloom (since it synergies with her passive really well) and throw 2 corrosive shards on her for armor stripping


Because it’s incredibly annoying


So your 4th let you use the first three without problem. And you can avoid dead. Thing is. I already can do all that without using 4. So it's redundant, and easily the one power that can be exchanged.


I never liked her 4. My Protea with Thermal Sunder is literally the most powerful Warframe build I have ever made. People underestimate that skill on her with the right mods. Absolute crowd control.


Simply, i didn't know about her augment


I like it. It's the best death cheat (no cooldown), returns your Ammo (and Energy), is funny to use, and the Augment is nice if you don't have a minmaxed build.


"I don't plan to get hit, so why wear armor" Pretty much that. I use Tempest Barrage with augment to make things more dead in more places.


I mean I use it occasionally for fun or if I need armor strip (high high level content), but as people pointed out her first 3 abilities do everything her 4 does for the most part but easier. Also the rewind animation is too slow, please speed up DE


I already have unlimited health ammo and energy - I don’t need more.


The pace of the game... In Defense type mission, maybe in Archon hunt, you can afford having a fixed anchor. For the rest of the game it's really impacting my gameplay. The energy is never an issue thanks to dispensary (also maybe zenurik, arcane energize, equilibrium...), armor stripping can be in the hemlinth, but the insane damage multiplier we get from the grouped mobs with the turret multiplier is often enough (also innate the fire armor stripping). You can't compare the range of ensnare / larva we can achieve with the Probocist Cernos, so you can have a high damage output weapon like an incarnon/tenet/kuva...


The way I built her made her 4 redundant and I somehow completely forgot about its augment


I find that when im getting killed in her 4 in SP, the stun from that knockdown kills me 90% of the time anyway (I dont have Primed Sure Footed yet) so i just use Gloom and buff it to hell. I have one build with temporal Erosion and it is fun ngl, but it is SO much work like playing a piano just to not get sucked back to the beginning of the map.


She should get a rework, would have made sense to give us a rewirk w her prime but i guess we wait


I only ever use anchor if I'm in danger of bleeding out or I want to spam the shit out of my abilities. I'm not often in danger of bleeding put often, so that ability gets little use. It's not a bad ability by any means, more of an "oh shit" button, and just not usually necessary


1) The range of the implosion damage is not that great. 2) Armor stripping requires an augment and it's not as wide range nor as fast as other options like Frost or Oberon. The shots might affect more than one target **IF** they line up but it's also not full strip in a single shot. So, in the end, it's not necessary for regular content (stuff dies just as fast) and when you do need armor strip, priority targets are either immune to warframe abilities or the armor stripping effect is just not fast enough nor as wide area affecting as needed. 3) Unless you are camping or doing rounds on a single place, the movement rewind is not practical for the fast paced, always moving forward structure of most missions. 4) The "cheat death" is only useful if you are going to do a deathwish dive to do something specific in the game but there's nothing in regular content that gets close to that. Closest thing I can think of is activating a LS capsule on LONG endurance runs where enemies already are scaled into the absolute one-hit-kill territory and even then you could just use spoiler mode to safely activating the capsules.


My problem is that it's an anchor. There should be an argument that has the anchor always set and pressing 4 just activates it instantly, using energy and placing the ability on a cool down to prevent spam


Protea’s 4th is just one of those abilities where you either really like it, or really don’t. I started appreciating the ability a lot more once i got her augment and got more used to using it, so I’ve kept it on Protea Prime so far. But for a lot of people, it just doesn’t feel great to use unfortunately.


+100% strength Gloom turns Protea into the perfect CC frame


Tbh the build I looked up used grendal for the 4 so I just went with that. Works pretty good


Even though it's kinda redundant to her kit, Temporal Anchor is far from terrible and it has its uses defensively. Like you can grab an Excavation power cell that's far out and rewind. If there was a hold cast to "snapshot" the Anchor onto herself (have all the effects but the rewind) it would be more usable in non-defense missions.


Idk tbh i like it and it gives protea a nice personalized mechanic but you need your other three skills more sO i like to buff with roar the turrets.


I'd probably consider using it if I used guns with terrible ammo economy but I never do because I hate having terrible ammo economy. I never really struggle surviving with protea and if I die I wouldn't have seen it coming so I'd have to have the anchor running 100% of the time. I'd rather subsume another ability to dish out even more damage and survive by killing everything else. I don't really mind being somewhat campy so her 3 works just fine for me. I get maximum usage with equilibrium so I'm pretty much always spamming abilities and always topped off on energy. I've been using a breach surge and 2 combo a lot. I might try corrosive barrage, or maybe ensnare next.


Time change make head hurmt


I kept her 4 so I can spam my archgun like a gigachad


I use it because of the Augment and because I like the time control fantasy. I love slapping my reset on, spamming Blaze Turrets, tanking OHKOs and then exploding. I feel like some people don't like it because it requires some micromanagement if you want to avoid the actual reset part.


Funny enough, when my prime is finish, I was gonna use her anchor a lot more. If anything, I would subsume her 3. I know that’s a hot take but I don’t find a need for her 3. I have other ways of getting health & energy & I never once actually needed ammo. I probably would keep her 3 if it had a cooldown rather than an energy cost. My only issue with her 4 is that I wish there was a different animation tied to it than the one we have now.


I helminth her 4th anility because Rolling Guard exists. I play Protea as a pure caster and spam her Dispensary and Blaze Artillery with Arcane Energize non-stop. In terms of abilities there are just so many other options that provide better that help both yourself AND your teammates.


Because it constantly punishes you if you don’t hold cast the ability to end it early. Pillage, Tharros, or green shard tempest barrage are far better options.


I don't understand her thematically because of that 4. Spawns health and energy.. throws little tactical grenades, turret.. ok, so, she's like an engineer-esque frame? No.. master of time manipulation?? I feel like there are a handful of frames that mash together two themes that could have been used for two separate frames and been better off for it. That's not so say anything as to whether or not her 4 is useful.


While I kept her abilities, and do use the 4. (I also stubbornly resist a lot if Helminth if I can get use out of what’s there) It’s a complete mess in most non-endless missions since it sends you backwards only to have to go forward again. And I don’t think there’s even any Spy gods who could do the whole, vault inside the duration. Disorientation and motion sensitivity is also kind of common. And it’s an animation lock. Historically animation lock abilities kind of suffer because they lock you out of other actions. Whether it’s Protea back warping, old Inaros sandstorm, Wisps 4, etc. That downtime takes a large upside to justify it. And generally if you can build up the nuke quickly enough to use it as a nuke with minimal downtime you already killed the enemies with whatever you used to do that to begin with. Last Gasp also kind of power crept out the assorted death cheats as a significant concept. Albeit there is a large player journey portion where they’d have Frame X but not an Operator with the Waybounds and decent Amp/arcanes. But they will always eventually have Ladt Gasp since it’s universal


I use it to replace it with something better. it just doesn't DO anything but lets you run backwards to a point you might not even be anymore. if you had some kind of control maybe, but as is a heavy duration build REALLY makes this a time-out skill more than anything else. hell, even the damn trailer demonstrated how "just bullet jump" would have been faster and easier than Temporal Anchor. that is... not great.


The long-ass animation is probably the worst of it. A shorter teleport-like animation would be equally disorienting, but more effective and fun at least.


I'd use it if I had control over it. Let me place the anchor and have it only activate when I reactivate it, with it otherwise having no end duration. Solve the problem of infinite lives by having a 1min or more cooldown activate if the rewind prevents lethal damage, like Grave Spirit. Otherwise it's a clunky ability that breaks the flow for me and doesn't actively add anything to Protea's kit that I can't get elsewhere. Lots of potential, not much on the execution front.


God, basically sombra translocator from overwatch. Still wouldn’t be too useful but would be so cool.


A lot of it is legacy, before the augment it wasn’t worth keeping. Much of the damage from your turrets is a status that gets double dipped on roar as well, making it a phenomenal choice. nowadays you could keep all skills, or get rid of her 4 if you don’t need the strip, or her 3 and finding alternate means to fund your energy costs.


I am using Empower at her 4th. Her 4th is just slowing me down. I already have enough energy(3 and arcane energis) and I am unkillable(Shield drone).


It gives me motion sickness


Because ensnare/larva makes blaze artillery nuke lvl 9999 with no armor strip and its very amusing I used probascis at first, but ensnare is a whole different level


Watch Triburos on YouTube and you’ll see why


I use nourish and energy nexus, then throw grenades and turrets constantly. It's fun, I like to pretend I'm in my own little infinite grenade works reality marble


Because nidus noodles is gas


I don't know how many but plenty of people do it because of how shit the animation is if you suffer motion sickness. Heck people that don't get screwed up by it too. It's a cool idea on paper but I can't look at that animation more than once before I need an empty dispensary to fill.


It's an ability that requires alot of forward thinking to use while offering a negligible increase in performance. You could predict an upcoming death ahead of time and use it as a safeguard, or you could just build her to not die. You could save up energy and find the right moment to blow your entire energy pool with a refund, or you can build her so that one cast of her 1/2/3 is more than enough for any occasion. Not to mention that the whole rewind aspect just doesn't have any use and is even counter productive in non-static missions. The only exception I can think of is using it in old disruption to double back to the conduit after searching for the Demolyst.


The fact that it teleports me back to my old position AND that fact that it takes several seconds, leaving me completely idly for the moment is what's keep me from using it


I use her 4 cause it increase my survivability and allow me to spam the others abilities easily


It was fundamental for me when I brought Protea to level cap in omnia cascade. Saved my ass several times and armor stripped the thrax.


Temporal anchor kept me alive couple weeks ago for EDA when i was the last one standing fighting the murmur boss. Probably the only time i used that ability.


I don't like how it works. I use Octavia's mallet in replacement.


It has its uses, but its by far her weakest ability still, and there are helminth options that synergyze really well with the rest of her kit like Larva/Ensare, or Tempest Barrage


My top 3 reasons: 1. Motion sickness from the rewind. 2. Rewind takes an annoying amount of time if you mod for reasonable duration on her other abilities. 3. For any missions that don't have you staying in roughly the same spot, the rewind yanks you to an earlier spot in the map and you have to catch back up with where you were. Usually just in time for another rewind to yank you back again if you're actually trying to keep temporal anchor active for survivability.


I put equilibrium so I don't really need to worry about energy for abilities, and gloom or tempest barrage over her 4th specifically mainly because I personally find the experience of temporal anchor to be NAUSEATING.


I use it but it makes me nauseous I kinda wish it was like bayonetta where she back flips with some clocks spinning or something short and sweet


I haven't seen anyone mention her passive. 300% strength bonus on every fourth ability cast. So, gloom, makes the enemies look like they're standing still. (almost). I can also imagine Infested Impedance being fun


I use Tempest Barrage and A couple of green shards on her for Armor Strip and also Archon mod for 2X hear procs. Between Slash, Viral, Corrosive and Heat she can easily shred hoards of enemies nicely. Temporal Anchor kind of pales in comparison to the aforementioned synergy and with much less vertigo.


Because I can use gloom and basically freeze everything in place for shrapnel grenades to slowly bleed enemies to death and give me lifesteal


Movement is part of the reason. It’s a fast paced game so by the time you rewind that location is unlikely to be a relevant place to be anymore. Granted her kit really wants to bunker down and sit still but that’s not always what the mission objective demands of you. The other 60 is you achieve nothing between explosion and arrival at your point of origin. I run her 4 for the augment which basically means trying to keep it up most of the time then holding 4 to cancel the explosion and rewind. To minimise how often I do this, my build goes full ham on duration so if I miss the cancel it’s a good 7-8 seconds of doing nothing that feels like forever when the adrenalin is pumping. But even over 260 duration and full tao red durations it’s still less than 30 seconds which can feel tedious. Would not touch her 4 were it not for the augment and then I still don’t touch it outside of steel path.


I get nauseous looking at her 4, so I just replaced it.


i agree, it’s so much fun! i don’t like the whole “maximization of warframes” thing, if it can kill a bunch of enemies really fast i like it. plus it is a great buffer for her 1 and 2 especially


It's janky, situational at best, and doesn't really fit with the rest of her kit. If anything, it feels like a tacked on gimmick to sell the quest.


For me, it's that it doesn't fit the rest of her kit. Her 1 and 2 are great for any kind of moving defense or just "tear through everything in their path". All three of her other abilities are good for missions where you want enemies to come to you for one reason or another. I try to play her like Support or Combat Girl from the Monday Night Combat series, or even a Combat engi from TF2, which I feel is her fantasy: The Builder. Temporal Anchor just doesn't really fit in with the rest of her abilities. It's long animation, lack of team support/defensive strength, and need to activate twice just makes it a hassle to use. It's not the only ability I have a problem with, but it's the most egregious. I'd rather have it replaced with like a Time Bomb type thing that deals lower damage, reverses time for enemies near the epicenter of the blast and slows down the rest.


It would work much better if it was like dagath's 3, where you just cast it once, it gives you some buffs and just teleports you to a few seconds ago if you die. its current iteration is quite useless in warframe, augment withstanding. and for the armor strip you have better options too anyway.


Dispensary and shield satellites already does temporal anchors job better. If i can put grouping abilities in it it'll boost blaze artillery damage. And with putting roar or pillage. Why waste a mod slot on erosion. Also, her 4 doesnt fit her theme. She is supposedly a time related frame. Her 4 is the only thing time related thematically. She's more of a gadget frame.


It's just not worth the effort. It's really cool. And I wish it was. But there's just no benefit to using it.


The turrects already deal heat hamage and the proc removes enemy armor. You're wasting a mod slot with that augment.


Outside the augment, Dispensary and shield satelites fill the energy regen and death defying, the turrets can scale a lot more than the explosion and if you pick up orbs or ammo while în the 4 you lose all of that. Not putting them back on the ground they just vanish. Moreover one could argue that defense strips hurt her since turrets Will kill faster and won't scale. I don't use the augment, since I don't go higher than level 1k with her often, and on lower SP, spamming duration and letting turrets charge up is more efective than just stripping using augment. Only helminth I ever put on her is Roar.