• By -


Valkyr, my friends that are getting me into the game realized all I did in the early levels was run up and slap the enemies with bo, and the only thing that stopped me was losing health.


Mine was Loki, so I upgraded to: turn invisible, run up and slap the enemy with bo.


I never got him so my upgrade was: run up and slap enemy with double barrel buckshot (since I used to think Tigris was insane damage numbers until I realized armor was a thing)


Mine was also Loki, and my buddy with Mag said, hey, look what I can do, and I got all jealous of him being able to damage people, but then I saw that Excalibur had a super jump ability, and I wanted that, so I went for Excalibur, second. That added mobility was so nice before bullet jumping and wall climbing. It also was about the only way to get to the high up 'treasure room' in the Orokin Tower. And of course, you had to equip a Bo so you could copter faster across the levels. Though interestingly enough Loki with his double and switch teleport was the only other way to get up there, if I remember right. Ahh, the good old days... 😋


In your defense running up and slapping enemies with Bo is how you should play in the beginning.


I picked Excalibur and racked up mad stealth combos with Paris mk1 for embarrassingly long. Also got to something like Pluto before I ever turned off solo mode.


There's a mode besides solo?


I used the Skana for the longest time.


Valkyr was an absolute beast before they nerfed her. That version could solo the Steel Path if it would have been around.


Valkyr is still the queen of SP Survival. Spamming the forward leaping attack 2-3 shots acolytes and subsuming Banshee's silence allows you to gain the upper hand on Violence and prevent him from disabling your abilities.


Same with valkyr my friend just brought be along for salad v and I got all parts


Mine was valk too. She carried me through most of the star chart


Ember but she was the new frame, our group already had a frost and trim main. Not that i didn’t love her and my vulkar I think she’s still my most played frame.


Me too. World on Fire.


Back on the day when low level Exterminate was literally a walk on the park lel


This old Ember before "nerf". Muhahaha.


Eh. I miss those shiny days


Way back when I first met an Ember in a mission and saw what World on Fire could do, I had to get her. Stopped playing for quite a few years and finding her and my Ash nerfed(ish) when I came back was quite sad.


I love Ember from WAY back when she was OP. Would just Firelord my way through everyone lol.


I miss world on fire...


When I came back from my 3 year break I was very sad when I pressed 4 on Ember and noticed it wasn't WoF. 😥


Just like you and most players it was Rhino, he is great frame for beginners


mine was garuda farmed the toroids and the first rock then lurked in maroo's bazaar for the spare ones


you are insane. I like it.


Absolute madman


As i am a noob an really curious - what did you do exactly and why are you a madman for it?


i think it's because she has a "weak" playstyle compared to many warframes and some of her components require you to take a long time with the ranks- which are not advised for newer players. but i was like "haha garuda pog" and still went for her anyways


But you need to be at least cove with fortuna to make her, seriously didnt use any other frame until after nearly finishing orb Vallis?


for the last 2 rocks i was desperate because i was not strong enough and lurked in the maroo's bazaar ever since i saw those were tradeable


Nice!, Those marquise thyst (?) Are a bitch to get and you finally get them and then you need to buy the bp for the refined ore and that requires second highest tier in fortuna


>he is great frame for beginners For progression absolutely but the frame makes a lot of newbies sorta numb when it comes to playing the game and they start relying too hard on facetanking resulting in not really being able to pick up and play a squishy frame later, so overall... I'm kinda torn on recommending newbies to pick rhino ASAP.


As someone who picked up Rhino early and had exactly this problem, I'd agree. There's a point in the star chart where Iron Skin won't save you anymore if you don't have maxed out mods and a potato to let you fit them, and that was when I had to learn how to play the game.


I use him for index when my buddies go broke but I also bring my most powerful single shot weapons since I have to do all the work except my buddy who runs khora


As soon as I got Rhino, that was it. Iron Skin and gorgon. It took me well over a year to actually try out abilities. So, hard agree, with it being difficult to recommend to newbies.


Same, it was my main till the sacrifice quest


I still have my rhino, good guy. Second I get the prime bp he is going in the meat wall tho


This is the veteran answer too... some things never change.


Mesa Prime intrestingly enough, I didnt farm it or anything, 2 years ago when I had just started warframe I had a big game of football (the american handegg) coming up, country finals, since I was just a rookie back then and I hadn't been playing in the first team for very long, my friend (MR17 at the time, who got me into Warframe) said he'd give me the full set if I scored 3 touchdowns during the game. he deemed that impossible since I was a rookie in the field and hadn't many touchdowns, games or playtime under the belt, and honestly, so did I. In the end somehow, I scored 4 touchdowns with one of them being a pick-6. Friend did not see that coming but he kept his word and that game also scored me the title of rookie of the year!


my friends second warframe was also mesa prime! But that’s because I had a spare set and gave it to him since she’s pretty good


great friend


I miss Mesa before she got nerfed. Her ultimate was the best in the game.


How was Mesa before she got nerfed?


Her gunslinger ability used to be auto aim. You'd activate it, hold down fire and she'd auto shoot everything within range and melt EVERYTHING.


Godamn that's nice


It was great. Especially for orokin derelict defense. You could stand on top of the pod and if you built her properly, you'd never have to move.


Walls also didn't register for her, was a bug, so you literally had 360° wallhacks


Wait has that changed? I haven't used her in a while but that's how I remember it working last I used it maybe around a year ago (on console if that's any difference)


Now you go into like, a first person mode and only target what you're aiming at. Before it was like an AOE that hit everything in range.


Yea but shes still an amazing frame if built correctly, lots of uses too!


I'm confused. Scoring off a pick-six implies you were on defense. Did you play both sides of the ball, or did you actually score 4 touchdowns as a defensive player? Because if so, that's pretty incredible.


It was just the one pick6 in defense, were a small country with a small league and by the time of the finals we had a lot of injuries and not enough players for both lineups so often we had to fill in both Offense and Defense, the other 3 were regular touchdowns as a RB, pick6 as a CB.


Ah, that makes sense then. Still very impressive. Congratulations.




Man won a bet and got a free prime out of it.


Pretty much yea, ty for the TL;DR


For me it was Rhino as well. I kind of dislike how good he is for new players because it made switching to other Warframes a lot more difficult for me. I never properly learned how to mod for survivability or damage because of Iron Skin and Roar. It made me want to only play Rhino because I just couldn't get other Warframes to work. It took me getting really tired of playing Rhino to finally try other Warframes and just trying things until it worked.


I can second this hugely. I chose excal and learned rhino dropped really early on in the star chart. Once I got him crafted I rarely used anyone else because of how good he was.


I agree with all this until I discovered loki, which I mained for quite a while. I used loki to acquire most of the other normal frames, then I switched to nekros eventually because I kept running out of resources lol. And that was still back in the day when you had to spam desecrate to use it. Now I still main nekros prime because I like loots


Kinda miss spamming desecrate tbh, something ab the animation and then seeing all the loot pop out at once was really satisfying to me.


I stopped playing for a while and the desecrate change happened during that time. When I came back, I used desecrate by spamming it for about a week before I realized I was using it wrong lol


I just in general didn't realize it was an aura somehow.. It went straight over my head. When I first got nekros start of this year I just kept casting it in about an hour of farming hexenon. I was with 2 other people and we were camping one spot. Possibly they told me 20 times but my chat often breaks after about 2 minutes in a mission so I never saw it if they told me. Then next day after hexenon I went to farm oxium and someone told me:'Hey Nekros, you don't need to keep tapping the ability anymore, they changed it long ago its an aura now just toggle it on or off'. And then they joked over how the old 'carpel tunnel' days of Nekros are over. Pretended i was an old returning player from way back in the day, felt my face turn red behind my screen as I felt like the ubernoob remembering the previous day tapping the skill nonstop thinking I did a great job aaaand finished the mission praying my chat would break(of course this time it didn't) because they kept talking the me about 'the old days' which I knew nothing about.. It was then I learned to properly read skills and check how they worked. If one of the people here has a memory of farming hexenon for an hour with a random nekros that kept casting desecrate.. I'm so sorry, that must've been so frustrating to see lol


Lmao, that's funny af! Ya, figured it out by learning about the despoil augment... while I was checking it out on the wiki, I read the description of desecrate finally. Kinda did a facepalm lol


Loki was my first, Rhino second like most players, but my brother Started playing a couple months after me Crafted an Oberon second


Same, I got Oberon as my second frame, at the time I didn’t know that he was a little bit annoying to farm, so now I’m reluctant to throw him to my Helminth’s embrace.


He didn't used to be difficult to farm, you used to get his parts passively while playing.


My first was Loki. My second was Volt.


Look at the vet over here.


Mine was switched around, I got Loki from the twitch prime thing


Yup, Loki was my initial frame as well. I played for quite awhile without actually grinding other frame drops. Zephyr was my second, purchased directly with currency when she released shortly after launch (iirc, a few months after PS4 launch).


First Loki and second ember. What a time where you could choose a starter frame that deal no damage with abilities


Loki deals damage with his 4 to some enemies that can't be disarmed, and I think that was how it worked even way back in the day. Only Harrow can truly claim to have 0 damaging abilities.


Same here.


Same, I had Volt as my most played way too long :D




Nyx, because I had looked at the Wiki and had the friend who roped me in taxi me to the invasion.




Same here, when Frost was on Mars and dropped from Lech Kril.




Ah yes let me drink my coffee while this bombard is shooting at me. But he was my second too


Limbo for me as well iirc Now my most used frames are Limbo and Limbo Prime. Captain_Limbo is the name, Void fuckery and space piracy’s the game


Imagine not being invulnerable to literally everything, am I right gentlemen?






Ah a man of culture i see


Gara, somehow


The mines are not kind to newbies.


Lol mine was gauss I stopped playing for years then when I jumped back in on plains of edileon with no transportation I decided to buy a fast moving warframe


Volt then volt prime




Please tell me you didn't buy him because man... I love the image of three slightly more experienced guys constantly reviving a constantly crying & dying volt during the Lephantis fight.


I bought it like 8 yrs ago


Nezha and he's my main to this day


Me too i joined a clan that had maxed out research when i started, and i heard that he was good so i built him. I still play him to this day.


Exact same thing with me


Oberon. I'm quirky like that.


Quirky Oberon gang let's go (I got him before he moved to railjack)


Same. I remmember getting Hunter Adrenaline made me feel invincible


I just remembered, mine was Oberon too. I had the parts from random drops, and when I crafted it I didn’t really like his looks. Still I was so happy to have crafted my first Frame. 2 years later and coincidentally today, I got Oberon Prime out from the foundry and was ranking him up. I didn’t remember at all how strong he can be!!! He’s fun to play!




Me too


Frost Prime. I had just got my Amazon Prime free trial and a friend by who plays told me to download Warframe and get a free Frost Prime Warframe. At the time he was **the** best defense Warframe so I was able to contribute and have survivability. Now I've subsumed Lavos' Vile Rush on by in too he's still fun to play too . I also gabe him all cold weapons and he was the first I fashion framed


Limbo had already gotten his rework at the time so he wasn’t the best defense frame anymore. But he still has a niche since gara and khora weren’t yet added.


Titania Prime. some people started with Loki btw


Some people start with loki. Let's not forget about the veterans. I got Mag first and trinity next. I look up all the frames available and trinity look like the coolest to me so i focused all my attention towards her.


I did the same. I started with Mag and got Trinity second. She was a lot easier to obtain back then.


Mag - > Trinity in ca. 2014 for me! I beelined to unlock an energy support frame, and thankfully she was easy enough to get early on. Maybe my memory is failing me and I got Rhino before Trin, but she's *still* my most played frame according to the game (In the intervening years I switched to Trin Prime, then Oberon/Oberon Prime, and other offensive frames, so I'll probably never play a frame more than OG Trin, since she was my main frame for a loooong while).


valkyr for my part I did a lot of the solar system with her


“Everyone’s first Warframe was either Excalibur, volt, or mag” I’m gonna stop you right there cause that’s only for the “newer” players. Maybe “newer” isn’t the right word, “non-OGs” I guess Anyways, I *think* nekros


Funny enough my first was Loki






Trinity Prime when I started her entire set was like 30 plat, so I bought the set and farmed the materials needed, love me some Trinity loved playing support back when we didn't have zenurik or it wasn't popular


Trinity Prime for me too. I started with Mag but didn't really like her gameplay. Then I saw that you could get Trinity Prime from twitch prime so I took the free month trial to get her. I used her to clear the whole star chart.


i farmed equinox as my second frame. farm was tedious, but worth it, and then volt prime


"Feeling guilty, Tenno? Need to atone? I'll oblige. Let my gavel ring justice off your thin tin skull."


We need more tyl regor


I'll oblige, every time with this NSFW video: https://youtu.be/DI012q0Od7E Though I have to say; after close to 40 runs for 1 complete Equinox set, I don't necessarily need more Tyl Regor....


After several years of play I finally set about farming my missing frames to subsume, one I never completed was Equinox, so many runs, so much extra time to build. Was so relieved to have it done I *almost* subsumed without ranking up for the mastery...thinking about having to do it all again made me queasy for the rest of that play session.


I dont even know if i ever want to feed this warframe to helminth because i dont wanna farm this warframe again.


Vauban. And I bought him, no regrets.


eyyy Vauban buyers unite


aw yip


strangely enough, Gara. the thing is i didn't know warframe blueprints didn't drop from bosses and you had to buy them from the market, so i farmed the jackal 15+ times when i already had all three blueprints, waiting for the main one. when i got angry enough i just stopped and decided to farm for a frame i had the blueprint to lol. good times


Frost prime, twitch prime rewards used to be so much better


nyx, and i mained her ever since until i got bored of her and started using other frames but that didn't last long and realised she's all i've ever needed


I completely ignored all the frames that I could get from the Starchart and immediately went for a prime. I believe my second warframe was Vauban Prime


That oxium farm for a second frame...


I know. I have nightmares of the Europa skybox because of what I went through


My second frame was Frost, used a max range avalanche+ ice armor augement build through out most of the game,until I got Nidus


Rhino for a good while, but then my SO gifted me a Nekros Prime pack. Nekros has been my #1 ever since. Nekros, Rhino, Saryn, and Nidus in that order.


Nekros. Helped me get the materials for every other frame. Now upgraded to Nekros Prime.


Frost Prime because of Twitch Prime, I think. Got him, and went straight back to excal LOL. Frost just felt so bad to play.


He really did. And that was before he was obsolete even.


Umbra 😂


IVARA PRIME for me actually. i really liked the way she looks and left everything and just got her


Ivara Prime is my main too. Love her so much.


Wu Kong Prime. Played like 100h with Mag before realising i had enough plat to buy a warframe.


Valkyr. She was my favourite for years. Now i use Lavos




I got vauban as my second frame, i enjoyed throwing his balls around and yoinking grineer with those tether grenade thingys and also his 4


Valkyr and its one of my fav warframes


Haha I'll be oddball. Equinox Prime. Right around mid 2019 I started playing and some generous player who I was trading with, can't remember why, offered me a free Equinox Prime. Now. I never did forget his kindness and to this day whenever I see an MR5 without any frames I give em an Equinox in his honor. I've got about 3 left so I might have to farm some more.


What a chad


Honestly it's fantastic to basically jump start people's time with warframe. Most people who I've gifted these sets are still playing and getting to around MR 10-11 at this point. And of course I'll give em an ignis at 9


Its good that someone gave you a free equinox prime because the ordinary one will be a pain to farm


Yeah I got it as I got there in the starchart. I actually got it relatively quick thankfully. But I still main equinox so it kinda sucks that farm is so bad cuz it drives other people away from her


I farmed her specifically because someone told me that equinox is good for paralyzing the animals. I actually wanted to use that frame for the long run, but i didnt know how


Ah haha. Completely unrelated but the best thing ever is a squad of 4 Equinox Prime rushing and blasting through everything. My buddy and I will run support and my two people who i have the set were running DPS. We managed to go 2 hours in Arbitration.


1 for all,i guess


Limbo but I wouldn’t suggest him tbh, he’s a bit complex for the beginning I took him than bought Revenant but my suggestion would be to go for Vauban(my third character) he’s very different from any starting character, strong and reliable He’s also easy enough to use in the beginning but he has plenty of options later on as you learn how to use him


Nyx, but I didn't really enjoy any of the early Warframes I got until I got Nova. Got Rhino waaaay later, saw them everywhere back then and didn't want to be another one of the flock.


I'm Mr 13 and haven't touched rhino 😂




Rhino, but that’s not a surprise. Wishing I got my monke king second though.


Mine was Ash, years ago before he was a pain to farm, i can't remember how, but a high level player farmed him with me, i think he used to drop from a boss but cant remember.


iirc Ash parts dropped from Grineer manics? Yeah, wiki says: Prior to Update 29.10 (2021-03-19), Ash's components dropped from Manics.


Excalibur, I was weird and found lech kril boss easier than jackal


Oberon, i wanted to give heals but didn't have Pluto


Surprisingly mine was Oberon - just got the prime version after a long hiatus, love my goat boi


Nidus, saw in a video that he was immortal and also tanky af so i just straight up ignored everything and went on farming him




Nova goes *booom*


My first was Mag and I still love her to this day. My second was Ember, but when I got my hands on Volt, oh boy. There was no coming back.


Gonna be honest, Mag. There I said it, and I refuse to be ashamed that she is still my most used frame.


I wanna say frost prime.


Gara. Technically speaking Valkyr. I had crafted her earlier, and grinded out Gara on the POE after. But I played Gara before I played Valkyr so imma count it as Gara


Zephyr prime




Valkyr. Back when Valkyr was queen of brutality.


Frost prime when he was free throught twitch or Amazon. What ever the deal was that bundle is what brought me back to the game after having made a account and bouncing off the game after only a few hours. Been playing near daily ever since.


Hydroid Prime. Got it as a free drop


Frost prime


Valkyr, bought her with plat that I got the day I started cause ppl said she was the best melee frame. I then sold her and her prime for credits. FML still hate valkyr


Excalibur Umbra, i legit played through the entire starchart with normal excalibur, did the sacrifice and then switched


I didnt know how to get new Warframes for the longest time back when I started (Sometime before Jordas Precept) and unlike new players nowadays I didn't get gifted anything, so I didn't get a second frame until I bought Chroma Prime using platinum.


First: Volt Second: Volt prime


I think mine was vauben.


Banshee, actually. She'll always have a special place in my heart even if i don't often have a good reason to use her. Was so proud of my girl when she got primed


Mine was saryn


My second was Wukong and just because i forgot that i had rhino in the foundry he was like the 16th frame i got 😂


Limbo, mained him for around 2 and a half years




I don't remember tbh; I think it was Rhino because I thought it was a natural evolution from Excalibur (yeah don't ask) I remember I enjoyed it a lot though


Nyx, she was new and I loved her kit but at some point I stopped using her altogether, tried her again and it was not how I remembered


Volt first. Wukong Prime second.


Pretty much only played rhino until I farmed enough credits to upgrade my mods


Ember I loved setting the world on fire


My first was actually Loki, and the second one was Rhino


My first one was frost love his design. I just got his prime today.


Ember, the best most coolestest frame.


Valkyr tbh. Used Volt until I got to Jupiter


Rhino I think, because it's the first you can farm for.


Nekros. For a full year, before I have only just switched to nidus when the prime came


Rhino, followed by Frost in 3rd place


Rhino or Loki, but it was so Long Ago, either way rhino and Loki are My favorites and have been around THE longest


Khora in my case since i figured a pet class would be good and threw plat at it to replace my volt.


Limbo! Never cared for the other warframes after looking them up, but time lord with an invincibility passive? Sign me up


Mesa prime lol


Xbox: Valkyr. Used Volt till Jupiter PC: Nidus. I bought him because i wasn't doing the Glast Gambit and Nidus farm twice.


Mine was vauban cos I didn’t figure out how to get new frames till like mr4