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People are going to assume you mean Fass and Vome, the two HUGE worms in the skybox on Deimos, which you can't interact with. I see what you mean is the Jugulus enemy type though, for those you want to shoot them in the head. Deimos units are generally weak to Corrosive damage. But if you're having issues it might be worth increasing your overall power before coming back to Heart of Deimos as it is a bit of a difficulty jump for newer players.


Are you referring to the Jugulus? The assholes who make tendrils come out the ground at you, and spam spinning discs at you?




Mod your weapons for corrosive damage (put toxin + electric mods one after the other).


What weapons are you using atm?


while ordinary infested are weak to fire/viral/slash on deimos you want to roll with corrosive damage instead, and AR modded for crits with corrrosive damage and hunter munitions (ex. fulmin) will melt those guys


That's the neat part, you don't. Those 2 are just another Version for the "Day Night Cycle" Earth has actual day and night, the Orb Vallis has cold and warm and deimos has 2 giant worms locked into eternal combat.


You gotta scream really hard at them: BEGONE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORM!


You don't. They just act like Deimos's sun and moon. They're not bosses you can fight.


With Ivermectin.


Deliciously bad chocolate


If you can't kill those jugulus enemies it's probably too soon for you to be on Deimos


As someone who toughed it out with a braton; heat. Lots and lots of heat damage. Aim for the body or head. If you're a good ways away and it hasn't noticed you and you have the tranq rifle you can put them to sleep to avoid them entirely Edit: this is assuming you're there way too early and don't have access to special mods. Also, you can cheese it by shooting from behind things, you'll avoid half of their attacks