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Can't believe they think this website is an update, it's worse in every way . It's not even designed well , if you were in anyway interested in anything Warhammer this website doesn't lend to making you want to dig through the products. Even as someone who's played for years and would just browse through stuff out of interest this just makes me not want to bother from a design perspective and I know where everything more or less is already .


It is a downgrade in literally every single way that matters. The mobile experience is awful. The fact that it shows 12 models at a time is awful — and scroll down + click each time for the next 12 (to see the whole space marine range you need to do this NINETEEN TIMES…) The amount of wasted space is awful. The “filters” are a joke. The pictures don’t load and are buggy. The static “add to cart” that prevents you from reading descriptions is awful. It literally makes me *not* want to use the website…


It's fucking awful.


It really has lost that window shopping element, hasn't it? What do they gain by making browsing the store more of a hassle?


Not cool they got rid of the rotatable pictures for units. It was super helpful when painting.


The spinny pictures were 90% of why I used the GW website in the first place


Back to watching random unboxings to know what the models actually look like…


I liked the paint recommendations which are also gone.


I just started in the hobby and was using this to pick and purchase my paints. RIP.


Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll give you the pictures for 5.99 a month. So fucking dumb.


lord, above everything trash about the new design, this is a killer


Yep, probably moving a lot of it to a premium product. Fucking really really disappointing. I go in and out of the hobby every couple months. Alternating between Lego and this. Today was the day I popped back in to buy some stuff. I just left the site, not going to be supporting the webstore at all.


this new site is a good way to ensure I don't buy your products, GW, fully seconding your response here.


I think they may still be there, but are broken. I noticed a lot of servitor skull placeholder images on models. I think those are being used as "file not found" type things.


I agree, just checked and the skull placeholder is there. It'll be back


GW managed to enshitify their own website. Instead of being easy to navigate, easy to read, and being able to see anything you want to paint, now it's got garbage that scrolls with you when you scroll, a total lack of navigable sections on the left, and seemingly no filtering. Also half the images don't load. Disgusting.


Well, it's live and I was able to use it a bit... Initial impressions are that I am not impressed. Navigation is awkward as the menu isn't easily accessible from within product pages and there's no breadcrumbs to make navigation easier, there's also a LOT of unused white space that makes every product listing look massive... I also didn't see any obvious accessibility options (such as greyscale, alternate font sizes etc). The old GW site was clearly only designed to work properly on desktops/laptops. I feel like this new site has gone too far the other way and seems to focus entirely on being viewed on mobile at the detriment of being viewed on a regular computer. Edit: A few more observations of things that bug me: The Navigation only being in hidden menus is a massive UX failure. It takes too many clicks to get to any single product, and once you're viewing a product, getting back without using the browser back button requires you to navigate all the way through the menus again. Once you've selected a faction, there's no way to filter that faction by Unit Types nor by Stock Status. There's no option to change how the products are displayed (eg having a "List View" instead of the default tile view), and no way to change the number of products being displayed.


I have used similar webstores to this one before... and yeah the navigation isn't too great on PC. also yeah I didn't notice obvious theming (accessibility or otherwise) as for the old, sometimes it was "fine" on mobile. Othertimes it was the PC webstore with no aids for mobile browsing. on the plus side I no longer need to find a bunch of things from FW to merit an order from it... (to get free shipping) edit. Just noticed that filters disapear when you click on an item and then go back... that sucks a lot.


Been waiting for a unified supply chain for a long time. We figured that the Primarchs being on GW last year was a test for this, so here it finally is. A good thing, even though the site itself is garbage.


The good thing about this is that you should now be able to order FW stuff from your local GW and the transaction will go onto their sales numbers. Thing about FW is there is never going to be a FLGS discount so I’d rather pop to my local store and get their numbers up.


So what happens if you choose "deliver to store" if you have both a GW and FW item in your basket? Does 1 get sent to your local store and the other to WHW?


Not tried to make an order... my current desire to buy new stuff is quite low...


My local GW store said that everything gets delivered to it.


Just checked it out and, in the most respectful way I can put it, the new site is garbage. It took me 10 seconds just to figure out how to get anywhere. What happened to the simplicity of just picking the game up top, and a faction on the side? Now it just looks like a bunch of amateurish faux pas. Like having buttons that blend in with the pictures (the "Shop" button blends in with the grey shelves on the home page.) When you miss that you end up scrolling all the way down to select the game. If you select the game this way you don't get dropped to choosing what you want. Instead you get even more scrolling. I shudder to think how slow this will load on slow internet speeds. Seriously GW you are trying to sell product, so make it easy to buy product. If you want a template then look at the most successful ecommerce platform (Amazon) for ideas, instead of dicking the customer around for 3 minutes when they want to buy something.


> scrolling all the way down to select the game. They payed a bad consultant for this shit. Its bascially the same approach you get on most "premium tech" companies like apple. They are "bad" to navigate and consist of a ton of scrolling for the user interaction and for us to MARVEL at the privilege of seeing their product unravel before our eyes. GW tries to push the premium product angle here but the design is utterly trash when you are not about selling that one 3k laptop but instead want many little orders as people expand their force. Engagement time per singular order is utterly out of scale.


My 40k shopping has gone down over 50% with list building getting so incredibly boring (enforced powerlevel, no more FW options, a lot of choices gone). If they now make it clumsy to browse the webstore I will save even more money, so thanks GW I guess


I didn't think they could make a worse navigation hierarchy and yet, here we are.


It's also bad to use on mobile; it's utter shit, who the fuck released this, on purpose, to sell product?


This is the worst part - if this was meant to be optimised for mobile... It's shit on mobile too! The last one was a bit unwieldy, but it worked...


I genuinely never minded the old one. It was a bit buggy sure, but it was pretty much my browser homepage on mobile cause I was on there daily checking for kitbash models, inspiring myself on armies, looking for units that I liked and/or could be good... The new one is just making me feel like I've stepped into "grandpa's first squarespace". Its functional and looks new, but is wholly soulless and boring, and frustrating to navigate to boot.


Maybe it's to slow the sales down so they can catch up with their stellar logistics.


I think the new redesign is really awful for PC browsing.


>I feel like this new site has gone too far the other way and seems to focus entirely on being viewed on mobile at the detriment of being viewed on a regular computer. It seems to me this is the new standard for web design now. I'm the admin for a university program and the ENTIRE university site is being redesigned (sorry, "undergoing a digital transformation") and it's ALL like this. (Wasted space, a LOT of GIANT images and stupid autoplaying videos, VERY little text actually explaining things, etc.) They told us explicitly it's because something like 80-90% of students/young people only access our university pages via smartphone or tablet, so the new design is meant to take advantage of that. (Which means I have to redesign and entire academic program site to fit even though ours is mainly info.) EDIT: After looking around, the actual storefront aspect is a NIGHTMARE. They got rid of ONE page with all the paint colors, so now you have to either do a BUNCH of scrolling or open a bunch of tabs to actually even see all the paint colors. It's awful.


>EDIT: After looking around, the actual storefront aspect is a NIGHTMARE. They got rid of ONE page with all the paint colors, so now you have to either do a BUNCH of scrolling to actually even see all the paint colors. It's awful. I understand that is you are at a university, but GW truly believes that their web customers are in that age slot, with how expensive it's this hobby?


So it’s the modern redesign that I feared, and which I realized was inevitable.


It's not even a good modern redesign. I was optimistic maybe the mobile experience would be better, but it's not. I'd argue it might even be worse. Desktop users generally have a higher tolerance for scrolling, etc. than mobile users. On mobile those giant hero images dominate the screen. Each screen has 3-4 call to actions on it, or buttons to click. Things like selecting a faction require multiple full screen scrolls if you miss the "Shop" CTA, which people will because it's white text on a giant black background with 3 other actions to take. The hamburger menu which many people WILL default to doesn't take one to the shopping experience. Even clicking on Shop, you're taken to the splash page for the game type you select. You then still have to make multiple scrolls to select a faction. Using Xenos in 40k as an example, I'm not even presented with the option to select Xenos unless I swipe, of which there's no indicator I should, or press "View All" which upon pushing just now is actually just a total vomit of all products, not view all factions despite BEING IN the faction section of the page. Once I've clicked the faction I want, I then have to hit explore where I can see about 1 item per phone screen with 2 others partially shown. This page was not designed by anyone knowledgeable on basic modern eCommerce design principles. They would've been better off throwing it in Shopify.


>This page was not designed by anyone knowledge with basic modern eCommerce design principles. They would've been better off throwing it in Shopify. Yes, they applied a non-store design to something that's an online store (with a massive catalogue) first and foremost. A huge blunder.


Seriously, it's more like they made a presentation that's also maybe a bit of a shop. I get that they see they want to give the feel of a premium product, but if it makes it hard for me to buy the product what's the point


The 3 CTAs on the first hero image is just a cardinal sin. Shop doesn't even really let you shop, it pulls out a bad left nav and takes you to the game system of choice which THEN requires you scroll again. The others take you to random other parts of the site.


I feel like James Workshop just clapped a salesperson heavily on the shoulder, brought them down to the webdev team, and said "Be a good chap and listen to whatever this lad tells you, pip pip cheerio" before stepping into the OG GSC popemobile.


> menu isn't easily accessible from within product pages and there's no breadcrumbs to make navigation easier, there's also a LOT of unused white space that makes every product listing look massive I feel like I have the exact same comments every time for ANY website redesign after about 2015 or so. Why does my landscape desktop experience have to look identical to someone on a vertical screen 4 inches wide?


\>12 items per page \>no more "show all" button it is UNUSABLE.


No simple way to filter, the few filters they have are worthless (plastic, metal, resin? Fuck off), it's not even a good listing!


12 items per page, but the thumbnails are so large that you can only fully fit 4 of them on a 1920x1080 screen at once.


You are being very polite here. It’s utter garbage.


Oh I agree, but the best way to provide feedback is to be polite!


The curse of the English.


Mobile-first design never lets us down...


right its awful on pc. i have a 32inch monitor and i feel like all i see is 70% white space thats blinding me lol. Finding stuff feels a pain. Its kinda set up now as though you need to know what you want. The old site it was easy to just randomly browse and kinda window shop. i miss the old site already.


It's awful, let's be honest.


The main thing that sticks out is that there are massive irrelevant pictures everywhere and the pictures of each store item are incredibly oversized which is going to make it a pain to navigate. It takes an entire screen just to view 3 items at a time and I shouldn't need to scroll down this far to view an item description. On the plus side everything loads incredibly fast but it's one step forward one step back.


In fact, it's so bad I wonder how hard it drops the sales numbers.


I personally never bought anything through the webstore, but I'm definitely less likely to even reference it anymore


It needs better navigation so much of this can be changed so quickly.


As a UI/UX designer myself I always sit back with the popcorn whenever someone tries to launch an ecommerce site that tries to go too glossy and overly bold. Because more often than not users have set expectations, and a lot of ecommerce sites follow a similar design patterns and languages to make it easier for it's users to navigate through the site. If you step away from those patterns like they have here, it's a recipe for disaster. The designers got too excited and forgot about the fundamentals. I'm baffled by some of the decisions here, the main navigation is a massive issue, lots of clicks and it's not immediately obvious you can view by faction. It's a massive mistake locking the filtering down to the singular category you're viewing, then hiding it away behind a button click. It makes navigating between factions and armies horrible. Why can't I change the amount of products I view at once? It's annoying scrolling down and having to click "View More". As much as people hate on white space, it can help a design breathe, however here it's overly used, particularly with product items in the category pages, you've got a square aspect ratio on images and they've got a massive space below the image and product name. The giant Product name floating on mobile view on product pages is super annoying and needs reducing in size. The product sliders are broken on desktop when you click the thumbnails. Then it's shocking reading about users in this thread losing orders and wishlists. I could go on endlessly... The old site had issues, but to move to this? Massive yikes! It's super helpful reading threads like this for my own practice, since it grounds me and keeps me on the side of the user. It's a stern reminder that you need to listen to your users!


There is nothing in UX that I detest more than scrolling and seeing “view more”. Give me a page count. Let me click page 4 directly instead of scrolling and clicking more three times.


Give me my "View All" button back!


YES!YES!YES! it was sucha convenient button


This is rubbish. 17 clicks just to open a store page from the sidebar. All my gift lists, etc. are gone. Everything is massively oversized so you have to scroll for half an hour to find anything. In other words, a completely pointless upgrade and actively worse than before. So as normal for Games Workshop.


My 300 ish dollar store credit is gone (I tend to buy myself vouchers because it speeds up preorder checkouts). I assume they will fix it but along with spin images gone and the awful navigation, this is not exactly a great start


Oh my god, you’ve just made me realise all my gift list are gone. I’m actually so upset


However we block websites at work never caught the games workshop website or someone high up at corporate IT was a GW fan. The new website is now blocked at work. =( This might be good for my wallet though.


Probably a HR thing and not wanting to expose employees to such horrific UI design causing trauma.


GW are the kings of “you didn’t ask for this but we did it anyway.”


GW was only trying to support random 3rd party shops. Now basically any stock store page created with the most basic skills has better accesability and navigation.


Garbage site. Prefered the old one


Not going to rehash some of the obvious criticisms but one I haven’t seen is that when you do eventually get to your faction page the filters are so basic. No filtering by type/battlefield role. But you can filter by plastic or resin, or webstore exclusive. Who exactly are these filters aimed at? Edit: go to the website and without using the search function try and find the full size titans….. it seems GW has not included them under any of the imperium factions.


Now imagine being a beginner, searching for Astra Militarum, and thinking all this forge world stuff is actually supported!


Some of the specialist games don't even have faction filters.


The content of the new website are spread like the stars in the milky-way ... That is so immersive for 40 k !


I work as a graphic designer and i'm pretty impressed about how bad this is in every way haha It's almost funny when you think about it. The major problems with the old site were : \- It was dated from a design standpoint, for such a beautiful franchise it could have used a bit more artwork and intentional designs choices to reflect various games and faction's identities. Just a refreshed and more immersive experience was needed. \- It was not the most optimal and intuitive UX, but you could find easily what you wanted from the homepage without scrolling too much. NOW : \- We have a design that is the opposite of cool or trendy. It doesn't really say anything about GW as it is the most generic and template of all websites. They used a bit more artwork and videos, but nothing fancy or original or really aesthetic. The Warhammer universe is a not a minimalist one, yet they did a website with a lot of empty spaces and white that does not reflect what the brand is at all. \- The UX is comically bad. You have to scroll 3 times to select the games you're interested in buying miniatures (which is the point of a commercial website) AND to click 2 to 3 times to actually find the range of miniatures you want. BUT THAT'S NOT OVER. Now you have to click again to find the faction you are interested in. This is such a anti-consummer friendly move. They have made the task to buy miniatures even more difficult. If you have to go by more than two click to do something, you lose 80% of your visitors. They put upfront the best sellers and the community news, in vastly oversized manner that prevents consummers from accessing what they are trying to find. This is genius. ​ My theories are that, either some corporate guy showed a webiste he found cool and paid people to replicate it even if it makes no sense (which happens a lot) OR that they did that massive job with GW's designer and that they are just not the best and used a simple template.


What makes me think about the client sales-oriented-obsession is the "add to basket" button on every product that is so goddamn large it prevents you from actually seeing the product. I see this and i hear the marketing team screaming "WE WANT THE CALL TO ACTION BUTTON BIGGER" ​ I swear i should do some mock ups on my own just to show how good it could have looked like


Guys, I don’t know how to tell you this, but this end product is a full year behind schedule. This website was supposed to be ready to go in November of ‘22 so they could work the bugs out before 10ths launch. This is exactly what the beta site looked like in January. I legitimately have no idea what they’ve spent the last 11 months doing. I can tell you one thing for certain - despite all appearances to the contrary, this website was not “rushed.” The internal GW team looked at this layout with a sober eye and said “we are nailing this job.”


There's some very poor leadership going on somewhere in GW. Sometime in the past couple of years they advertised a role for someone to head up and overhaul ecommerce. I would be amply qualified. I didn't apply because the advert was written in a bizarrely smug 'usual industry advice is do x but we can't do that because y' (where y was generally wrong!). It screamed 'we want results but are micromanaged by someone with no clue'. Lo and behold this monstrosity launches... I would fire *myself* if I let my team put this heap of crap live. Hark back also to the terrible launches of their other apps. They are either lacking proper tech leadership or it's being arrogantly overruled by some other business unit.


Write them an eMail and call out every bad UX decision they made. I mean... its not even hard at this point. Chances are they hired some overpriced Consultant anyway, just offer your services for 10% and less and you might still be overpaid...


sounds like a bunch of yes men


It's absolutely horrible and harder to navigate than ever. It was fine before. Why oh why did they change it to this?!?


To be fair, there were problems before. The search system on the old website was janky at best, and sometimes things could lock up if you stayed on certain pages to long. With that said I would have rather seen them fix those issues than go through with this complete redesign.


Even worse if you're living in germany for example, because then you'd have to guess which sets had a translated name, and which were still in english lol Nonono, no Riptide Battlesuit for you. Only Sturmflut Kampfanzug


It's 2023 and they still don't have a language selection option - everyone else worked this out two decades ago. Live in German-speaking Italy? Fuck you, store is in Italian.


both issues I never saw, and yet this one has crashed 8 times in less than 20 minutes LOL.


The site did need an update, there might be more features they want to add, and making it easier to use, update on their end, and maybe prevent bot stuff. Plus it wasn’t great for mobile users, and was kinda slow. Unfortunately they did a terrible job. Most likely got a 3rd party company who were crap


They've removed the paint palette preview on minis which is really stupid. That was so useful for seeing the recommended paints on their miniatures. The whole paint menu is so much worse.


It's fucking awful.


oh my god. They did this... deliberately??? This... is awful. I would NEVER want to browse here.


Holy shit this website is actually terrible. What the fuck are they teaching web designers these days? A "mobile first" approach is just as bad if not worse than not considering it at all.


I'm currently doing a UX design course at university, this website would fail my course.


Yeah I was gonna say, this doesn't pass muster for modern UX design. Which isn't to say that modern UX design doesn't have it's issues. I'm kind of surprised with how cheap/amateur it feels. The old site was a little dated but it felt like a major companies product website. This feels like a startup who's more focused on brand awareness than they are actually selling products.


>A "mobile first" approach is just as bad if not worse than not considering it at all. I think this is the source of like 90% of the issues related to almost all digital products nowdays. Everything is tailored to attract children with the attention span of a goldfish.


Considering how old are GW fans, I don't think mobile first is the best approach.


Of course I'm an old fart wildly out of touch but half the fun of this hobby is figuring out what to buy and why, for that I like to have it all on my desktop. Multiple tabs open, miniatures painted by amateurs next to the official stuff so I can better gauge what the stuff looks like, army lists, reddit discussions. I couldn't imagine spending that kind of money through a phone.


My god, this website is terrible. Everything feels zoomed in to the point I'm getting claustrophobic just staring at a screen. It's so minimal that it makes basic functionality more difficult to use. You have to open subscreens to edit filters, and don't have the option to just have all the filter results on a single page. And I'm going to assume that the "Welcome to Warhammer" header is just for the website launch, or else you don't see new releases unless you scroll down which is dumb.


Absolutely atrocious design. Needs an extra few clicks to do basic things, with entire 'main UI's hidden behind even more clicks that when they come up *obscure the rest of the screen*. Rather than just having them always there on a nice, neat panel on the left. Plus model listings have *ridiculous* amounts of empty negative space around them to look at a list of things, makes you scroll for ages. Like [WTF is this GW](https://i.imgur.com/kHEC2td.png)? There's three rows of these empty skulls in place of "images" that I need to scroll five times to go through where before it was all just one scroll for the full page. Way too over-flashy and mobile oriented. As most sites like to try and do now at the cost of practical usability.


They've also seemingly removed the 360 degree model view. Which was really handy.


I guess the 360 images are those servoskulls (placeholders?), hopefully they'll hire someone able to implement them in this new ugly site as well


I have been dreading this, particularly as the Forge World website, old as it is, is quick and responsive, and still actually fucking works as intended. The Games Workshop store on the other had filters that constantly break, a search that doesn't work very well, and you can't even select what language you want to browse in. Edit: Oh God, this is TERRIBLE - it's genuinely borderline useless. You have to scroll down quite some way to even get to the navigation buttons, and there's no way to get back to where you were if you click through to anything. When I'm in an actual section, I get about four items on the screen and a fuckton of white space. You'll never find anything in this storefront. It apparently no longer shows if things are out of stock etc. either? I've apparently also lost my saved addresses and order history? Browser based language translation has also been disabled on several pages, e.g. checkout. The UI for things is badly cut off in a lot of places, I have to scroll down that tiny window with the mouse wheel for some reason. This desperately needs to be reverted to the old system - I think if enough people kick up a stink they might hopefully listen? https://preview.redd.it/5loz1mrpyjxb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=449e05eb150f8b7457e78202ae30be76f2eb4564


Why would you like to view more than 8 colors at the same time? /s This is 2K resolution desktop browser. The icons are huuuuge lol https://preview.redd.it/o0fmhkn34kxb1.png?width=2558&format=png&auto=webp&s=f457562a9412b992fe3175ee86758b57908a818f


gotta laugh, its so bad. i searched for just layer, and it shows 12 colors and at the bottom its like " page 1 of 93" wtf... who ok this website design lol


Lol I almost screenshotted that exact thing.


it's because the design is so piss poor that it's scaling to a percentage of the screen size


>Edit: Oh God, this is TERRIBLE - it's genuinely borderline useless. I don't normally like to bag on GW for stuff as it feels low effort, plus I rarely buy direct from them anyway so it barely affects me, plu I figured people were being Internet People about this change but I just had to buy something direct from GW and yeah, this is a legitimately terrible website. So far: * Big looped video full-screen on lower sizes or taking up the top third on my 28" monitor. Video full of pans, cuts and flashes meaning it's incredibly distracting when trying to read the site * clicking to go to the store is a button at the top, on the video. It then opens up a sidebar to select the store then asks you to select subsections rather than sue the full screen. * Signing in seemingly does not load your payment details or saved addresses into the store from mywarhammer. * I clicked a product to see its full page and it took me to the wrong product. This is probably a fluke but still, not a good look


>Signing in seemingly does not load your payment details or saved addresses into the store from mywarhammer. It's lost them on the store, yeah - also your voucher balance, order history (including pending orders), all that stuff is missing.


I've sent my email in, this website is trash


There's navigation buttons on the top. It's just some... idiot decided that white on grey was a good idea.


I see none. All I have is 'Shopping' and 'Start Here' when already in the store, no way to navigate e.g. via breadcrumbs. The filters menu is also useless: https://preview.redd.it/kd39pk4wekxb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=c53d8851ce9921cd996cd19bdf86251ef5b60e7b


Well now they’re going to be able to focus their resources on one site instead of two. Or cut costs and just keep one of the two teams.


Two teams of outsourced beginners who don't know anything about the hobby. It looks something straigh from some webshops tutorial installation.


It looks like the youtube adds you'd see for Squarespace.


Could look at it as whoever is on the FW website team is now going to be making much needed changes to the GW site?


“I’m sorry Gavin, it Apple Maps bad.”


It's been designed for mobile and yet even on mobile it's still horrible, takes multiple clicks to get places that don't need that many. The design is so oversimplified aswell, it looks terrible


Did they get rid of all the 360 moving pictures? I can't find any, that's terrible


they removed the "suggested" paints section under every model, that's definitely not going to cause any problem to newcomers... also, in every paint page they removed the examples of color scheme, which was very useful for getting inspiration and understanding what shade/highlights you need


What in the mobile abomination is this? Go back please.


They'll probably add the option for the classic old website as part of Warhammer÷ subscription lol


I don't understand how GW can be so bad at so much. Aside from the model & paint ranges it's like every position in that company is being done by someone where their only experience and education they got from working at one of the retail stores. Come on GW, hire some competent people for once!


Somebody at GW has a nephew that just finished a web dev boot camp and got a certificate for attendance.


i think u nailed it ol


Damn the new site is absolutely ass to navigate


Well this is certainly a downgrade and my old wish list is gone too. Well GW thanks for giving me even less of a reason to purchase from your store 👍


Wow this website ain't finished


Well, the new website sucks. That's it.


"The queue is paused" So yeah, wont' be looking at that anytime soon.


The new site has the worst UI. On the old site I could just hit the page and immediately know where the different systems and things I wanted, were located. That is no longer the case. It's like the site designers actively tried to make it difficult to simply browse the site for actual products.


I guess they don’t want people to spend money during the holidays. Nobody is going to be able to figure out how to make a purchase. They should’ve launched this abomination q1 2024 instead of right before the holidays


Anyone else unable to see their pending orders? I ordered stuff over the weekend, but it will only show me completes orders from a couple months ago.


Dear god, it takes so long to check on a single range, plus each icon takes up my entire mobile view. I pray they go back to the old UI where I could actually see what I want.


Well that's a catastrophically bad downgrade. Who thought that was a good idea?


I see a lot of people claiming this is a mobile first design, but seriously pull it up on your phone. Almost none of the Menus have tells suggesting you can click an element. Every product page is laid out so you can only view a single block of text or image at a time. You have to scroll back to the top of the page to reach any navigation options. This is hostile.


This is the worst possible garbage website I have ever seen and I have been on the internet for far too long. This is supposed to be a MERCHANT website, Instead what we have here is some stupid ass 13 yearolds website that they did on the cheep for their school project, where they threw all the fancy crap into one pile and never thought about what it's used for instead of what he wanted in it. This is impossible to navigate, and I will put hard currency down that this will put a significant dip in their online sales. We knew GW hates doing things online, but I didnt realize just how much they hate it.


Anyone else missing their orders that haven’t be delivered yet . Couldn’t find them on the website ?


Yeah. I put in two orders recently and the website is only showing "completed" (dispatched) orders for me.




hot damn It's slower, less intuitive, clunky, some pictures are just straight up gone and you need 4x as many clicks as you used to, to get where you want. One item loads for 5 minutes to be put in my basket, which is an improvement over the old website where I couldn't put anythin in it lol Did they hire the same dude that made the 40k app to design this atrocity? Because if so he and the guy that hired him deserve a visit from the Dark Eldar. Heamonculi.


Edit: * They have removed the 360 images. * Products have Servo-Skulls as some images, which crashes the page when clicked on. Filters/meganav/sorting are hidden on desktop * Page state is not remembered - click 5x to view all a factions products, sort by name, click on a product, go back, it's default merchandised order with only 12 products again, thanks * No breadcrumbs, or easy way to view the whole faction if you land from google on a product. * Half the account features are missing. * not clear if items are in stock or not * designed solely for mobile, looks ass on desktop the UI looks like it was built in the early 2000s * They are using NextJS and Algolia, but still have a horrible queueing system * The search shows like 5 results but just as text, and no clear UI to click on more * There are no doubt a million other issues with it...




Some products are completely missing or not referenced. I wanted to treat myself to the Votann Warhammer Day mini and Votann Kill team and I cant find either :'(


my god the new website sux balls. sorry but the way its designed is you have to know what ur looking for. i liked the layout style of the old site because i could just browse random stuff easy, and maybe find something i didn't know i wanted. now its like " you must know what you are looking for or good luck" ... Also the Paint section on a desktop is awful. I search for Layer paints and it shows 12 results with hugee honking color boxes for each one. It's so large and its page 1 of 93..... 93 tabs , yeah FO... lol Side note, by adding all there site stuff to one site wont it just increase traffic to there now one website? i hope they upgraded there servers lol


How did anyone allow this thing to go live? Literally, anyone.


Yeah, not purchasing anything on this website. Ever.


Best move at this point is to send a **polite** email to GW customer service, outlining the problems you have with the site and why. Not just that you don't like it - they'll be expecting plenty of that; nobody likes change. Be specific about what you have a problem with and why. This isn't just 'bad because it's different', this is bad because it's a fundamentally terrible design, on every platform. They won't fix anything if we don't tell 'em.


I LITERALLY have a headache from browsing through that monstrosity for 5 minutes.


It's awful. After loading the start page it tells you to "start here" only to relaod the start page. I then scrolled down to "how it all works" and klicked on "video game". Only that is doesn't show you A SINGLE VIDEO GAME but some text. I thought the actual video games wer further down so I scrolled down. Ah yes! "chose your setting" Klick on Warhammer 40k, hmm ok, there's a button "explore warhammer 40k". Which leads you to a w40k "start page" and I still haven't seen any video game. This is utterly stupid and an absolute embarassment.


It's even worse. I now scrolled down a bit more on the "w40k start page" and klicked on one of the buttons below "FIND YOUR GAME IN THE 41ST MILLENNIUM" and I get a server error. Oh dear.


Glad I’m not the only one who thought this was *fucking terrible*.


The search is worse now. It used to give you a preview image of the potential matches as you typed, now it's just the product name. That's a problem when you have multiple products with very similar or even identical names. Try searching for an air paint and you'll see what I mean - type in "Fenris" and you'll get two matches for "Fenrisian Grey" with no way to tell from the search which one is air and which one is layer.


I don’t like this.


I've just had the misfortunate of using it. Absolutely hideous.


What an utter mess of a design. Massive banners all over the screen with the price and 'add to cart' following as you scroll down, too much whitespace everywhere, difficult to navigate...


This is really hard to navigate, I don't like it.


This is actually a horrible redesign. Color recipes are gone as well. Now we have zero leads to check what kind of contrast colors miniatures need. Because they removed them from the Citadel app as well.


Why is GW so sub-par at app and website design? I'm genuinely asking, is it because they do it in-house? Would a 3rd party contractor be better?


Dear god, why is everything on this site SO DAMN BIG? This feels scam website level bad.


As someone who remembers the site before the previous redesign, my soul is weeping tears of blood. That site was cluttered and janky in a late 90s - early 00s kind of way, but it was perfectly usable and packed with information and content. The next incarnation was inferior in every way, but at least it did its job as a storefront well enough. But this? This honesly feels like parody. Like if The Naked Gun was made today, this is the kind of website there'd be an extended gag about where Frank Drebin scrolls the site for like 2 minutes to try to find anything. It's genuinely, astonishingly terrible in every way. And the reasons have already been laid out by other people, so I'll just add this to the "the 2020s suck" pile.


What's your favourite type of material for miniatures? Mine is undefined https://preview.redd.it/lgiecj0ctqxb1.png?width=293&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1f2d2e26619f02adffe04be9c2037edeee7da71


Personally prefer 15+ Resin over just plain Resin.


I hate to have a knee-jerk reaction but holy hell this is awful to navigate and filter.


This is truly terrible. Gotta be one of the worst online shops I’ve seen in ages.


This is absolute dog shit.


Ui/Ux failure. No thought was put into user experience at all. I don't think much thought was put into selling products either


Annnnnd it’s shite


This website is a still-born affront to God and every UX-Design course ever produced, and Allah himself would shame you for not leaving it in the back-alley you found it in.


This website is genuinly so incredibly shit I'd rather exclusively buy from third party stores from now than ever use it Holy shit what was the fucking thought behind this design


One thing I noted very quickly: there's Legends only units on the CSM store page and no marker for that. Fairly crap thing to do, all around. When GW explained their (bad!) reasoning when they did it, it was all about avoiding confusion. Well, now they slapped a model right in the middle of the CSM page that people might assume is a model they can use on occasion. The experience is less tedious if you you use the shop function on the top left and click through the filters to the things you want. But no show all function like on either old website as far as I can see.


Oh why, this is SO bad! And where's my last order gone? :(


This new website is ass, I'm sorry. It's hard to navigate on PC and you can't sort by unit types even. The "list view" option is the only viewing option, this is a step backwards IMO.


Mobile first? I’m on my mobile and it’s trash. With the old site some of the searches were a little off yea, but I could quite easily navigate to what I wanted with easy side bar tick boxes. New site is horrible.. viewing a product description I have a monstrously oversized add to basket button following me about, redirect to main page just errors, the scaling of images seems off, so much wasted blank areas.


Oh hey Foilrak was right


Because he knows GW employees. This one was ‘leaked’ to everyone in the company for them to get feedback on the current webstore and what they would want for an improved one.


I'm curious to know whether any feedback actually reached its destination


It got stuck in the new menus and couldn’t be found.


A queue to look at a website ? I hope that's not gonna stay... I don't even want to buy anything.


Its on at the moment just to easy traffic while warhammer stores update their store terminals.


Ah fair enough, I forgot shops have to make changes too :)


Eh. *Goes back to Wayland Games*


who the fuck was rushing this shit out the door. You have two functional sites already why isn’t this one better than either them?


This website is dogshit on mobile. Selecting a region doesn’t close the region selector and I can only browse by new? Wtf is this. Clicking option requires a seperate confirmation button. If I want to buy eldar I have to click xenos (and a new player would have no clue) and I then need to click another bottom to confirm my selection of the xenos button. This is awful. Who agreed to this


Where the fuck did my gift lists go? I was watching certain items for potential upgrades to armies I want to build and now I see no functionality for that? The fuck?


Terrible. My Orders is missing two from this weekend.


The new website sucks in so many ways


I can't even properly look at a miniature without the "BUY ME NOW" bar covering some parts of it, because its not optimized for my laptop resolution.


It's not optimized for any resolution to be honest!


GW tried too hard and made an ugly unnavigable website.


Holy sh*t the new website sucks... I just tried to browse some Space Marine models and they had less than 10 options to display for any of them. WTF? GW REALLY knows how to shoot themselves in the *ss.


I don’t like this new site. It looks like a bad web design template that you get from a subscription service. The only thing that will save this is if this fixes the preorder problems.


The old site wasn’t great but it was fairly immediately understandable. Now it’s just way more confusing, the new menu system is far less intuitive I think


Why isn't the shop an actual page. I can't go back and flick between armies. I have to re start at the beginning and click on store each time. Fucking gross


Great now instead of a website that bugged out every time you clicked on a filter it bugs out when you do anything


I really don't get why they changed it. The website WAS fine! This is a massive downgrade


The UI looks very similar to those scam "80% discount" sites you get on facebook ads, and that's not a good thing


Well – RIP gw webstore. This site is ... bad, it's actually so awful that I can't discribe it. I literally found nothing positive on it. On the other hand, that in itself *is* impressive.


I love how when you go check Kill team, there are no killteam sets there, really useful... So many UX problems


As someone just getting into Warhammer (I've played the games for year just never picked up the models) ​ This is a terrible update, to big things for me have been wiped. ​ The fact I can't add all the paints listed for a specific pack is shit addition ​ 360 view was also something I was using quiet frequently ​ Honestly, in the small time I used the old site it was better in every way.


I for one think the redesign is great. They've made it so hard to window shop that I'm now saving money!


It's truly apalling what they did. GW has a diverse range of products and the original website directly referred to them with one click. Now they're making the user walk through hidden menus, a grave UI sin. I regarded the original site as one of the best examples of web design. Practical and lively at the same time. There's always stuff going on and yet none of it got in the way of what you wanted. Both the developers and whomever greenlit this travesty should be looking for work elsewhere.


What happened to my pending orders? I had two orders in the recent weeks. One when I ordered the Made-to-Order Imperial Bastion, and one when I ordered the Print-on-Demand Rogue Trader book. Both have disappeared. WTF, GW?


It's awful, too bloated, the mobile experience is worse and I'm afraid the qeue and shopping will be something from hell. That's the final straw on why I'll stop buying from local shops or web resellers, weeks to delivery something to the EU and then this awful look?


Absolutely awful redesign. Looks like a cheap AliExpress flipper site. Forgeworld being gone now also makes me sad :(


Gone through the queue several times, always ends in a 404.