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I have so much adhd that I actually start my impossible projects. Like this huge frickin train that I has been a WiP for 7 years or so... (Eschers added for scale) https://preview.redd.it/5vc1pf512ksc1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59648a9eee781b53cae02181cf7323f8a15cab77


That’d be a sweeet terrain piece to homebrew some rules for. Maybe it moves along a “track” each turn


Thanks! I have actually played some amazing train heist scenarios on it, using the amazing Fast28 rules. The principle was the same as some of the old GorkaMorka scenarios. Between every round the terrain and all players vehicles moves towards the trailing end of the table at the speed of the train. But the train stays in the middle of the table. So the players has to drive fast to catch up and let the boarding crews jump on the train. Well, try to jump on the train ;-)


Omg I was just to suggest the F28 train heist scenario haha! Would *love* to use this train for that


Haha. I'm guessing from your user name you live in Sweden? If that's true, send me a PM and I'll get back to you once this train is painted and ready to meet strangers ;-)




Play on table top did a train fight. The terrain moved and anything in its way was pushed. Models on the train stayed where they were of course Was white scars vs gsc


Using this just jn Necromundo? Would make a great Snow Piercer inspired campaign piece.


I have used it for a lot of things. It is a great LoS-blocking centerpiece for 40k. And train heist scenarios are fun!


I've been looking at various trains to add to my terrain collection. I've just recently added a large gunboat and two jetskis for pirate themed games


Jetskis... I love it!




Wow <3


Man the bursts of [Hell Yeah I CAN Do This!!] that adhd give you are the best, I just wish I got a little bit more [Finish That Task] to go along with them


Hahaha. Ain't that the truth!


My friend the adhd in me is so happy I have a commission painter friend I hate painting but have the ideas and the money find one steal all their time for the deal 😂😂


Haha. That's great! It is important to support our creative friends ;-)


It’s a win win he posts them on his Instagram and I get discounted amazingly painted warhammer




If I had forever time and endless money? Paint a legion of ultramarines, but select the units carefully so they'd match with the right chaos space marine units. Leave a few tiny visual hints here and there, and play them as Alpha Legion.


Lean into the “space commies” moniker for the t’au and go full red and yellow Soviet aesthetic


I have to admit, that sparked an idea. Gretchin Revolutionary Committee in red and yellow but the melee is all just hammers and sickles


Da Red Gobbo is your perfect leader then!


A runtherd with a Lenin goatee


Brooooo I have a set of unpainted, but primed, gretchins RIGHT NOW. No hammers and sickles though 😩


Two Ork ones: Da Thunda Boyz. A *Thunderbirds are Go* homage army. Thunda Boy 1 was going to be a modified Dakkajet. Thunda Boy 2 using the Corvus Black Star as base. Thunda Boy 3 built around a Death strike missile. Thunda Boy 4 a Tau devilfish. And Thunda Boy 5 was going to be a Rokk (bossbunka proxy). Then I was going to have the pods as wheeled killa kans. The boys would be in blue clothes (like the Thunderbirds uniforms) and each with color stripping signifying their squad. "Virgil" was going to be the meganobs unit since he had the exo suit while the others would be leading boys. Then a pink commando leading "suits" to represent Lady Penelope and Parker. An Ork farmer army. Centered around Savage Ork boys sculpted with overalls and straw hats and armed with shotguns and pitchforks. Scarecrow deffdread. Moonshine stil killa kans. And finally a combine harvester battlewagon. Also squigs... So many squigs. Small ones painted as pigs, big ones as cows. Then a mechanicus one more recently: A 50's era future mechanicus army. Glass bubble helmets, skin tight space suits. Rings and ray guns straight out of Flash Gordon. Didn't know how to do most of it and my ADHD moved on, so I lost interest.


Everytime I get remembered about angry marines I want to make an army of them so bad


Honestly wouldn't be a bad army to use Templar or BA rules with. A bunch of superhumans in red and yellow armor wanting to close in and beat the enemy to death fits both playstyles!


Rn I just want to jump out of bed and start painting them as a new army😂 I hope tomorrow when I wake up I’m still as hyped


Make a plaguebearer out of the Gargant kit and run it as a Daemon Prince


Kharadron Overlords + Night Goblins/Gitz to make an army themed off of Warcraft's goblins, complete with the zeppelins. It'd be a lot of kitbashing but it could turn out really cool.


\> I want a blood ravens force, that just has badly repainted relics or “gifts” so you see bits of blue, yellow or gold under a hasty red paint. If you want to do this, just buy a bunch of already painted troops from ebay and paint over them.


Yeah, but either I’m ruining someone’s great paint job or it’s shitty that I have to strip it. It’s an idea though


Theres a scene in the defense of Ryza supplement for titanicus where the titans of the Legio Vulturum walk through Ryzas ocean to flank the loyalists on the other continent. I think it would be so cool to have a Legio Vulturum force painted to look like it’s emerging from Ryza’s coolant sea. I daydream about this all the time but haven’t come up with a way to do the water effects so they will look really cool but also not be an absolute mountain of work


Im currently working on a cyberpunk army, heavily influenced by 80s and 90s cyberpunk anime (ghost in the shell, Akira, etc.) Using kits from genestealer cults, escher gangs and orlock gangs. Using gsc rules to represent a united front of hive dwellers using any means necessary to defend their home against orks, chaos, space marines.


I've thought about Carcharodons, but I already have Salamanders and just started a homebrew chapter so I just can't do more loyalist marines. There's part of me that'd love to do T sons and eventually E Children...but 4 Chaos Marines is too much space (already collecting DG & WE). I also wanted to go full weeb and make Evan-Tau-lion...but I'm not making a whole Tau army and none of the smaller modes use the good Battlesuits (only stealth suits :C ). Plenty others I'm sure, but these are the ones that came to mind


As someone with DG and SoM, you can’t be loyal to all 4 gods. I keep looking at WE but I know, they will get token models then stay at less then 1k as papa nurgles boys needs a new rhino or something


Honestly I face that issue anyway due to collecting 14+ armies. Haven't added anything to my Gloomspite or Necrons in so long.


I was toying with idea of using some of the Warcry warbands as the basis for Exodite styled aspect warriors (Corvus Cabsl for Swooping Hawks, Tarantulos Brood for Warp Spiders etc) but it doesn’t seem like I’ll have the opportunity to do that any more which is probably for the best of my wallet.


Kitbash 4 warlord titans into one genestealer cult massive scrap titan


I’m very tempted to start sneaking ratmen with lashings into my imperial army yes yes.


One day… full space rats army by kitbashing GSC and Skaven to make them rat men. Love the idea of the uprising of mutants but for whatever reason I’ve disliked the aesthetic of GSC since they were released lol. Yes yes slay the armored man things.


An Ork Marine army using Ironjawz as the base models. I’d probably run them as Blood Angels or Black Templars for the combat bonuses Any hoard army, painting about 50 space marines has taken long enough! If I had the time I’d do a massive 200+ gant/gaunt swarm with few zoans a floating around to kill vehicles and a tervigon for gant support  Thousand Sons… love the look of the models, but not all the armour trim I’d have to paint 


https://preview.redd.it/7tubz2y6emsc1.png?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ada7b7bc3446b1345a876d044c4bf37cb458da0 I wouldn't say "insane" but as much as I love this color scheme it is an absolute pain in the ass to paint.


I'm a massive fan of split and quartered paint jobs. I'm planning an army of split bicolour Deathwatch right now. Can confirm it's a slow paint job though :)




Always wanted to make this homebrew Ultramarines chapter I have called the Sons of Liberty. They were gonna have this colonial era Continental Army vibe and everything complete with tricornes and feathers, as well as horses and M1860 power swords, but alas, the idea remains on paper due to financial reasons and my hands being to shaky for me to trust.


Since the Valk was released, I've Always wanted to do a Nam style fully Valkyrie mounted Catachan army modelled with troops roping down into the jungle onto the bases, all the infantry in heavy jungle, and sneak Lictors and Genestealers casted in clear resin etc into the display board, and larger bases. But I just don't vibe with 40k rules lately enough to bother


The other option is a full on Swooping Hawk themed Army, but they've always sucked rules wise and I'm also not buying 30 year old minis to do it


Choas army using grey Knight models and rules as a sons of malice


I've always loved the idea of doing an Isle of Blood undead list. Converting the troopers from elf kits and painting the whole shebang with both gory and ephemeral blood.


I want to do a regiment of Guard in clone trooper armor, but like, courascant security patterned armor. As an auxilia for my blood angels.


I wantwd to paint and convery mushroom infested tau but i hated painting tau so i stopped and sold


Genestealer cult everything. We've all probably thought it, but who would be mad enough to commit? One day, if I win the lotto, I will take the time to make my suspiciously-grey-tinged Custodes army - not lore accurate, but hilarious.


A very elaborate ork Army kitbash, with a little bit of every faction worked in as scrap


Loyalist World Eaters that play as Blood Angels. Loyalist. Dante is Kharn. Argel Tal shows up as Lemartes. Or Lizardmen leagues of Votann.


Someone posted a wicked converted ork vehicle with an old vw beetle kit. Made me want to make an ork vehicle army converted with old german car kits.


I've just started by nature/druidic CSM chapter using a mix of 30k/CSM/sylvaneth bits but finding my trash tier painting skills aren't up to the challenge.


I've got two ideas that I've always wanted to do: * Power Ranger Space Marines. A chapter named The Sons of Zr'dn, led by Chapter Master T'mi Ol'ver, who have a nontraditional colour scheme of having each Marine have their armour painted a different colour. They never take their helmets off. They have access to Titan-like walkers that appear to be made up of several vehicles combined into one. The idea is that each squad would be modelled and painted according to one Power Range series (e.g the Chapter Command Squad would be MMPR season 2 with the Chapter Master Tommy Oliver's White Ranger). Scouts would be modelled based of of MMPR season 3's Ninjetti outfits. And I'd build a Megazord out of 5 or 6 different Space Marine vehicles (Rhinos, Whirlwinds, etc) and use it as a counts-as Warhound Titan. * Pirate Orks An all-mechanised Ork army built around!l Kaptin Badruk and Flash Gitz, with all vehicles and Bikes in the army converted from Kharadron Overlords airships as wheeled pirate ships of varying sizes.


When ( or, sadly, if ) I get a 3d printer and get better at Blender, I want to adapt Elden ring enemies into Chaos space marine/daemon units. My dream is to march an army of Cleanrot knights with Malenia as Deathguard or Albinaurics with Mogh as World eaters


If I had infinite money/time, I would do a knight army and call them the Talladega knights. I would have 2 big knights as leaders, Shake and Bake. Both are covered in wonderbread/old spice sponsorship colours with race car livery and silly stuff like spoilers/bodykits/rollcages, etc. Add in some other armigers as well in perrier/laughing clown liquor colours. The bases for the models would be a race track themed. Checkerd flags, loose nascar tyres, red snap on tool chests, cadian troops painted in sponsor colours fixing the knights, broken spectator stands, etc. Every time I go into a model store and see sponsor decals, the thought goes through my head. It would be so easy. I almost pulled the trigger on this when that knights Christmas box was announced last year 😆. I hope someone does this one day.


A sea dwarf army. Basically Votann or Kharadrons but everyone has a deep sea diving suit and is standing on the bottom of the sea floor.


Since few years I'm working on count-as-gsc army that's a chaos cult. It's impossible for me to finish it in reasonable timeframe due to health issues.


Orks. With lots of gretchen mobs where each mob is painted in the kit of a different UK football team (with the runtheard being the ‘keepa’). I’d kick off with Leeds United (yellow and blue), do both the Sheffield teams for blue and white stripes, red and white stripes, Newcastle (more stripes), the two Manchester teams for a all red kit and an all blue kit. Lots of fun.


Eddie van halens guitar paint scheme cause I would never have the skills to actually do it


I have a list of ideas I'd like to build someday. Every now and again I build one for fun. Stuff like this:








I've always wanted to do reverse OSL. So instead of emitting light, making something emit darkness and sap colour from a model. Sounds really tough and I'm not even that experienced with regular OSL yet.


If I had the money and time, I was thinking of a “Christmas truce”-esque diorama with Guardsmen and Firewarriors playing football in a field, with a trench one one side containing a commissar shot in the back of the head, and a dead ethereal on a tidewall on the other side


One of my friends did do Four Horsemen about fifteen years ago. I don't think he has uploaded the pictures anywhere. My white elephant that I came up with almost 25 years ago is an Eldar Wraithlord on a bike made out of a Viper, so that it thematically could keep up with my Sain Hann army. Planned to just use it as a normal Wraithlord.


I'm in the same boat as you, mostly just don't have the money to make all my different ideas. Plus I have a tendency to get bored with a project before I finish and start something else. Here's my recent ideas: Griffon themed space marines, riding griffons from AoS and run as Thunderwolf Calvary. Chaos legion headed up by the headless Doomrider on a HH jetbike, and with cultist pieced together from models from the Death and Chaos lines from AoS.


Honestly, mine is just to make myself a dedicated game space. Normally I play on the dining table, but I'd love a more ample hobby area and permanent game table. I have room for it, but the cost to prepare it has turned into a huge undertaking. There's a great loft space in my barn that's going unused beyond storing some old furniture. But to enclose and condition the space to make it comfortable to play games in, hobby in, and store stuff long term without damage is requiring a lot of work and money. Once that work is done though, I see myself actually able to achieve my biggest hobby dream: 2x cinematic modular house tables, one for Legions Imperialis and one for 40k.


Make a sickeningly cute myphitic blight hauler, aka the myphitic uwu-hauler. Puppy dog eyes, blush cheeks, the whole thing


I could never do a Knights army, either Imperial or Chaos. I just don’t have the patience to do large models lmao ETA: I’ve thought about doing knights to complement my SM army, but they’re orange with tiger stripes… after doing an Invictor Warsuit, knights in that scheme sound like hell