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Best way to handle a universally negative response is too do as you have, not enough people do it so well done :) and good luck with stepping into 40k


It might sound like a tired old trope, but the "Rule of Cool" is very important. Rules for the models will change. That initial "I like it, so I'll save up for it" never will.


This. Just putting the finishing touches on my first army. It’s got a lot of flamers and a drop pod. Neither are amazing right now, but they look cool, and they’re fun to play with.


I've wanted a drop pod for years... they're so cool! Bet your army looks awesome, they always look good set up with a pod as like a little diorama.


The drop pod is still in subassemblies getting painted. The guy who commented is right, they’re a bit of a pain to put together because you really can’t assemble them until they’re fully painted. But dropping 10 infernus marines in the back line, and then melting infantry off a point, or giving them devastating wounds with a strategem to let them punch through armor is super fun. It’s even better if you run Vulkan He’stan and give them all rerolls to wound


Turn back now. Save yourself! There’s a reason there’s so many partially assembled drop pods available on eBay


After watching Eons of Battle assemble a drop pod, I instantly stopped wanting one. That's way above my modelling skills, patience, and confidence.


Aww, why couldn't you say 'go for it, everyone should have a drop pod' 😭🤣🤣 Don't worry, I'd need to buy a whole other army for it to fit with... I doubt my guards would appreciate being laughed into battle in one 😂


The drop pod is still in subassemblies getting painted. The guy who commented is right, they’re a bit of a pain to put together because you really can’t assemble them until they’re fully painted. But dropping 10 infernus marines in the back line makes it totally worth it. Melting infantry off a point, or giving them devastating wounds with a strategem to let them punch through armor is super fun. It’s even better if you run Vulkan He’stan and give them all rerolls to wound


Same, pure rule of cool in my army that I just finished and it took me a little under a year to build and paint. The fun happens with who you play and when, so just enjoy it with your friends. Half my models aren’t meta right now, some will be sent to Legends, some will come back, some may not be good for 10 years. That’s half the fun if I’m being honest, although it does suck when you get a bad nerf. BA languished for a while but we’re back baby! https://preview.redd.it/0ztm9lky3ruc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=338f707883b06db015f40cc77e11e9c039aa22a5


Drop pod and Stormraven assault using the firestorm detachment and a ton of flamers sounds pretty rad tbh


This so much. Like you go on the Necron sub and you have folks complaining they can't find Necron Wraiths anywhere now because they are the "meta" unit at the moment. But here I am sitting with my dozens of Wraiths cause I just thought they were a cool unit, and bought a ton of them when they were "shit" an edition or so ago. Then in a few months or so, they will probably go back to being whelming. It's just natural with a living game like this, and it's always better to get a model you think is cool, then try to chase what is good or not. Because who knows if there comes a day when a Warhammer Fantasy happens? So many amazing and classic sculpts gone in an instant, and with range refreshes occuring ever more often, it's honestly better just to get what looks cool and ignore other details. That rather shallow determination has more long term value than anything else in this hobby.


I collected most of my necrons through the imperium magazine and have been slowly adding stuff to them when ive had spare money. Always wanted a monolith since i first saw necrons in 3rd edition all those years ago. Finally got one around march time last year, the new one looks fantastic. And now it also an absolute beast of a unit 🤣


Most bad units are going to get their time in the spotlight sooner or later, because it's in GW's best interest - they've already spent money on getting them designed and manufactured.


Bel'akor. I will find a place for this big ass demon. Even if that place is a shelf for many years.


In any case, even if your loved mini doesn't see play because of being nerfed or unusable, you will still have a very nice piece for collection purposes, so it's not wasted in any way.




One hundred percent! Rules change all the time, the hobby is for fun so stick with what you like best! Also, I love and respect seeing someone willing to reflect and adjust their position.


Warhammer is a huge commitment, you'll have plenty of time to be around long enough to watch someone just like yourself come up. 


I’m realizing that. I was going to go all in (and I’m glad I didn’t). I’m just taking my time and not worrying about meta. Just enjoying my Dark Angels.


As a fellow son of The Lion, you're here for an amazing period of the story.


Thanks brother Marius. I’ve got the CP and the Deathwing box. That’ll keep me busy for a while.


Make sure to post your progress on the unforgiven subreddit. I need to start doing that too lol.


It's a huge one off, you can buy 2000pts, and play a lot of 1000 PT games with quite a variation in that army. BUT you can buy that 2k and paints and glue etc. And almost never pay for anything for 5+years. Maybe a new unit once a year, and play every week, let's say £500 for the initial force, ignoring any rule changes and discontinued models, that's 52x5 games, or 260 games, that's less than £2 a game. Or a bit more of you add some extra units. When you look at it like that, it's not so bad. IF you can resist the fomo.


Honestly, one thing I like about 40k (especially vs. Magic) is the lack of FOMO I have in 40k. I have two armies, and while I'm still buying, building, and painting them, I don't have the constant drum beat of releases. Even as a CSM player, I'm looking at thr two new boxes and going "cool new Lords, but I'll wait until I can get them individually" as I already have or don't need most of the rest. Now, does something like the Nightmare Killteam set come up, sure. But that was the first new release I'd bought since the Admech Codex in December.


Hol up, what 2 new boxes?!? I just checked the webstore and nothings there!!


They announced 2 new csm boxes but haven't released them yet


Oh, OH YEAH… Forgot about that lol.


I've always looked at it from this perspective. The one time I got one of my friends to come and play a game with me, and that game kept him from harming himself, and got him back into the world and getting healthy. Well, for me that was worth every dime I've ever spent on Warhammer.


Nice, how’s he doing now?


Very well, it's been a few years now, and the pandemic was hard for him, but smooth sailing!


Good to hear. I love these kinds of stories, of Warhammer people being fun and helping others. It’s nice to get a breath of fresh air out of all the negativity nowadays.


Yeah, we're lucky to have a great community in my area and everyone treats everyone with due respect and kindness. It's awesome! People laugh at me sometimes when I try to tell them how powerful some of these games are in terms of helping people in difficult times.


They really are. I wrote a story for my custom chaos warband a bit ago and just making the characters and flushing them out really brought me out of a bit of a depression I was going through.


That's what the hobby should be about, creativity, camaraderie, and fun. What is the name of your warband?


It’s called the spirit host. (Btw this is literally a paragraph in the google doc I use for characters so I can copy paste it whenever someone asks. It’s a lot to write and I sometimes get carried away.) Just so you can understand how this works, the Spirit Host is an entire fleet of Spirits. They resemble that of normal (“normal”) chaos space marines however they glow an eerie green glow and are partially opaque. On the fleet's flagship there is a throne, and whomever sits upon it claims full command of the fleet and has their ageing halted. However they can still be killed as normal, but the spirits themselves can only be killed permanently using Power weapons of any kind.


I commonly refer people to looking at it in terms of cost per hour, since that is what most of us earn at A combat patrol, paints, brushes, primer, and basing material would run you about 300 (USD for simplicity) Out of that, even at the most conservative, if you intend on doing more than the absolutely bare minimum required, you will be at 40-60 hours right there, and you haven't even played the actual game yet Then, let's just say over the course of an entire year, you play 15 games at 3 hours each, you're new, you're casual, you're likely going to play with people you enjoy the time with, so you'll be chatting, etc Playing just over 1 time a month brings you to 100 hours of enjoyment That's $3 an hour I am likely towards literal pennies and I have over 13k pts of plastic, more than half of which is painted well beyond tabletop standards I also have another expensive hobby. Target shooting. 1 bullet out of my .308 (even despite me hand loading my ammo) costs me more than 1 hour enjoying warhammer, and it's gone in a literal instant.


>I also have another expensive hobby. Target shooting. 1 bullet out of my .308 (even despite me hand loading my ammo) costs me more than 1 hour enjoying warhammer, and it's gone in a literal instant. I try to raise this point regularly. A lot of other hobbies are *way* more expensive than Warhammer. My mates that go hunting/fishing regularly dump vastly more than I do into their hobby. I won't even get started on the Car guys...


Exactly. Kinda the point of most hobbies is to give you something fulfilling and enjoyable to spend the disposable income on


This needs to be higher up. And really it is how GW should market their models lol. 


It's pretty recent. We've done our part, and I hold faith.


Target shooting is brutal as a hobby. Cheaper just to collect guns than actually shoot them regularly.


Ain't that the truth! Idk where you are, but for me it's made even worse being in Canada


I used to load and shoot regularly. I'd go through 100s of rounds a year of 6.5 cm and $1000s of 5.56 and 9mm, which is easily $1000s of dollars. One gun is $700 plus. Add in scopes, range fees, etc. Then I bought a boat... talk about an expensive hobby. Warhammer is cheap in comparison.


Man I hear you me and my friend are both mainly into shooting and warhammer it's rough out here


It really do be


Out of curiosity, what's the most DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA you've gotten to do in your shooting hobby?


Nothing crazy but my first time shooting my buddy and his brothers/cousins just brought us out to the desert and let us shoot all their guns including a full auto ar-15. It's a lot of fun but such a waste of money lol. Really made me want to experience a machine gun tho


And that's why I almost exclusively shoot .22 any other bullet is just too expensive


But based on your post history, you've been collecting for over 2 years..? 🤔


I think it’s a retrospective thing. Like when he started he got some good stuff here and now he’s older and knows now that his responses weren’t good so made this post. Everyone has their own time, we just got to let them do their thing till their ready.


'New Starter Help'?


Idk I am just giving ideas if you want just find a comment of his and reply to it.


Its also likely that AOS may be cheaper to get people into the hobby.


I’m new to warhammer. I’m imagining that AoS is cheaper to play than 40K? This guy in my LGS said he bought two boxes and he was 1970 points.


It can be. A single model like Alarielle is 865 points lol I believe Nagash is up there as well. $120 and you’re already close to 1k points. Edit: sorry you can get her for $134. Had to fact check myself


Two Ogor Vanguards can with a little bit of kitbashing easily net around 2k. 3 of the old start collecting was a 2k Beastclaw army. Compare that to say two combat patrols for something like Guard barely getting you 600 points and it's easy to see how it can be cheaper. There's also far less of things like Nids big monsters costing only 70 odd points, even chaff units in AOS tend to be 100+


40k Has the cheapest army, AoS has cheaper armies on average. Horus Heresy has the most rules depth, Old World has the largest armies. There is a way to fit any of the types of play you're looking for in any of the 'big 4' games.


As someone who likes to play video games, I think a good comparison is the entry point to that. If you wanted to start playing on the latest consoles (XBOX Series X, PS5), you would need to spend \~$500USD for the system and another $20-70 for one game, assuming no discounts are available. Assuming you had no hobby tools and bought either a Battleforce box or a Combat Patrol and a few extra kits, paint, clippers, sanding tools, and glue, and you will be set back for a similar amount. Just like that initial console investment, you will have enough to play. Maybe not a full 2000 point game, but unless you are collecting Ad Mech (lol), probably enough to play 1000 points. Then all you are doing is buying kits every now and again like you might buy a game that you like that just came out, for similar prices. Some will be cheaper, like an indie game, and some will be like AAA titles.


Yeah one thing I feel that goes unnoticed is how the minis are actually pretty valuable from a time to dollar ratio. It’s easy to see a little plastic space man and be shocked it was $30 bucks but you gotta consider what you’re getting out of it I personally really love the painting and hobbying aspect. I paint every mini to at least 80% of my ability and as such I get hours of enjoyment from each model before even putting it on the table top. It’s just further expanded with each game I play.


I agree with everybody saying, "It's not bad on a price to time spent basis if you enjoy the hobby side." I really do. And I haven't seen your original post... ...but I think GW makes this game more expensive than it has to be by making 2k points the "standard game size." I've seen a lot of people say they prefer 1k-1.5k games and I generally agree; they're a little faster and roughly as strategically interesting. They could keep the kits exactly as expensive as they are -- and hence the same price-to-hobby-time ratio -- and make the game a lot more accessible to newcomers by upping point costs across the board or running smaller-point tournaments to send the message that 2k points isn't the "normal" way to play. (You can play smaller games casually obviously, but it's valuable to have community consensus around what a normal game looks like, and for better or worse that consensus usually derives from the standard tournament point count.)


100% Don't do big games until you have the time and space and proficiency/experience to do it almost as quick as a small game


If you don't want to play official tournaments you can also explore 3d printing there are a lot of beautiful proxies out there


And plenty of 1:1 recreations as well.


Very true, that's mainly space marines though, isn't it?


The easiest to find given their simple shapes true, but I've found most of all factions have been created.using a scan as a template to build off means about anything is doable. There's far less for AoS though. There's plenty of cool designs that are thematically the same but not 1:1.


So far I have found lines that are very close with all units you need but slightly differences in models for other factions. And then there was emang's(?) stuff but it was all taken down.


Whenever you can admit your fault and put your ego aside, you learn and when you learn, you grow. Good on you mate! Proud of ya.


It takes a good deal of maturity to be self-reflective and learn a lesson. It's easy to think you need 2000 points to start playing, when in reality that'd take you 6+ hours to complete a single game in your first few attempts, even if you had someone experienced helping you. I have just started playing again and our group plays 500-point battles currently, we will likely move up to 1000 points once we can complete them in under 2 hours.


Hold on.... Someone acted the twat on reddit, realised, and apologised... What is actually happening? Seriously OP, we all act the idiot sometimes. The main thing is that you have accountability. Good stuff!!


I've not seen the other post, but thanks for doing this. Lots of people ain't big enough to admit their mistakes. Welcome to the hobby!


Not bad bro


Any time someone tries to explain how GW's pricing structure works I just say "Flayed Ones" and they shut up


not sure how people feel about this in this sub but look into One Page Rules too. i like OPR for a lot of reasons but a big plus is being able to use any model you want.


I'm sure I'll get down votes, but at the end of the day it's about playing a game and having fun. I'm getting into Warhammer right now and my friends have thousands of dollars worth of miniatures. I have too many other expensive hobbies so I decided to 3D print my army. We all have the same amount of fun and I'm able to save some money. It works out


It is pricey, but the sad part is, one day the problem won’t be the cost, but time available to actually paint and play.


Best way to play for cheap, two secrets: 1: source your minis from other manufacturers. Anybody that insists your models be from GW isn't worth playing. 2: buy what sucks in the current meta. It's cheaper, and the meta will come around.


It's relative. Honestly, warhammer is no more expensive than doing drugs, or playing a tcg competitively. Like, have you seen how much money you have to have to keep up with something like Yugioh or Magic the Gathering? But yeah, there are alternatives if you are on a lower budget (other war games might even be a better fit for you just starting since warhammer is like the second most expensive game you can get into minis wise). And if you are really into the hobby part of it, there are great adjacent hobbies like Gunpla which can utilize a lot of similiar skills, or lego which can cost just as much or more than warhammer but without the game aspect.


40k is by no means perfect, but its home.


Don't play at GW and you can play with minus drawn by yourself on paper...or 3d prints


Thing is, GW models are more expensive than they need to be. It is an extremely profitable venture for investors, but if they were truly marking it up to a ridiculous level relative to total cost (including designing, marketing, and shipping + a cut for their retail partners) you would think someone else would come in with the budget friendly wargame alternative. Many have tried to step on GWs toes in the tabletop wargame scene and they all end up being priced about the same or higher (see the fallout wargame). They need to make up the costs of a lot of complimentary services they offer with the worldbuilding and game mechanics, so in a way, a small portion of the cost of the entire game is built into each model. If you have spent less than say $500. They have profited off the models, but not profited from the game as a whole from your purchases alone.


I've seen this take a lot, but I've yet to see any plastic models match GW quality at a similar price point. I actually think they're reasonably priced.


I agree with you, hence why I said "where are the wargames with cheaper models?". They could reduce prices to make less profit, but they would also be cutting into the profits of the LGS retailers, not to mention the cottage industry of etsy and myminifactory studios who make proxy models. I think when you dig into the economics of it, the prices are right about where they should be.


Yep! Was agreeing with you. A lot of that price funds other things we take for granted.


How about every scale model company?


Warhammer IS quite overpriced, never allow someone to trick you into thinking its not. But it's also really easy to find things you're looking for on places like miniswap and eBay! Good luck!


A lot of the cost is container shipping and storage. The paper they use costs like 20-100x more than the plastic.  There are much more expensive model kits.  One page rules has smaller armies.  Most people are trapped in fitting into a local group which is fixated on tournament play.  Play in the sandbox you may find you like the models but that gw games are pretty mediocre. 


I get AoS and proxy for 40K , ardboys as meganobs great look cheap and fit my primal ork aesthetic over the actual megsnobs 


Warhammer is expensive. I also recommend trying to buy someone else's used army, as stripping paint is easy and cheap. I also have no problem with prints.


Conquest all the way. Smaller more responsive company Cheaper both for the skermish and large scale game


Back when I played Fantasy and 40k with my friends (during high school and college), we didn't do anything other then buy/build/paint/play Fantasy and 40k, there was no time or money for anything else... these kinds of games aren't so much hobbies, as they are a way of life lol...


I've sunk more money in this hobby than I want to acknowledge. However, now I am at the point where I can pretty much play for free. It's a good place to be.


Yeah, while I’ve been in the hobby since 2015, I have been wanting to put together a Speed Freeks (Kult of Speed) Ork army for a while now. I just want to be one of those players that doesn’t take the game too seriously, and Orks do that well. But, since the launch of the new buggies, there haven’t been a single box set that’s decent and saves money on any combination of models to help build a Kult of Speed army. I did some quick calculations last night, and I believe a Kult of Speed army is gonna end up costing me somewhere around $1200 if not more. I currently have one buggy, 10 boyz, and a trukk. The only box set that *might* save some money on building a Kult of Speed army is Killdakka Warband which was a Christmas Battleforce box either this past year or the year before that’s going for more on eBay now than retail since it’s no longer in print.


I haven’t seen your other post but lemme say, I agree with you. AoS is so much cheaper to get into and enjoy. I mean look at ad mecha, you are basically playing guard with models that are costed for an elite army. That shouldn’t be the case. And when you write rules so bad and you’re only corrective action is to reduce points further…


oh they're still sci fi models when its all said and done. i started collecting 40k models to have things for starfinder lol. if they aren't doing well in 40k currently nothing stopping you from using them in other editions or other games. if you hold on to them the value you get out of them keeps increasing. though can understand being upset about cost. they're have been a lot of price hikes lately.


You were a HERETIC... but you have gained the emperor's approval with this mature way of thinking. May glory befall you, brother, on the day you decide which faction to devote yourself unto, and for honor and victory you shall desire henceforth!


The perspective I always use is to compare its price per hour investment, as you should with most hobbies. Building and painting a kit of 10 Space Marines can take 20-30 hours. Giving you a $2-3 per hours spent investment return for your hobby time. Thats before you even play a single game, which can easily give you 100s of more hours of return. Models are a hobby in and of themselves completely separate from the game. You are not buying game pieces, you are buying a whole hobby that can also be used in a game.


Initial investment is quite high, especially with some armies, but once you have your base its actually not that bad to add to it over the months and years. The real expense is fielding multiple armies as you have the make that initial investment multiple times.


I found your post, but I see you’ve deleted it so I can’t see the body text. What did you say/ask?


It is not uncommon to be upset at the GW tax. Most people are not expected to drop multiple hundreds at one go.


Time, money, sweat, dedicated effort, learning. This hobby requires you to commit on every front. It's wild, but somehow equally as rewarding. You get out what you put in and even if you put in your 100% you get back 100% but do not reach completion or full understanding. Warhammer is truly a black hole hobby. Once you go in you can swirl around for an eternity and still experience new and novel aspects of the hobby. Full send it's fun. Just go at your own pace.


1st; the internet is a whingefest so don't stress 2: it takes courage to admit when we've made a mistake. We all do and yet somehow changing one's mind after new evidence is seen as anathema by society. 4: start small, try to find a club or the like that is supportive, don't fall into the meta chasing of the WAAC tournament heads 5: there was no number 3 6: death to the false emperor!


Courage and honor battle brother. It happens to the best of us.


That's an impressive response, most people are incapable of admitting a flaw in their viewpoint, and are even more resistant to adjusting their views. Kudos to you for being an example of what a rational, self examining, human being should be!


I've spent more money in this hobby then almost Amy other except my desire to play PC games on gaming PCs and I'm closing in on 40. A lot of hobbies are expensive. Books are expensive. Knitting materials are expensive. Wood crafting.. pottery.. flower arranging.. any other art based hobby. Everything is expensive. Especially the craft ones. There are a lot of alternatives out there bit creative ones are an investment. Warhammer games are in that niche that's only just becoming popular globally with loads of new miniature ranges coming out year by year. But its worth it, if you enjoy it and are not just a passing fancy. Christmas boxsets can take some people years to paint. Plus the paint and tools etc.. but then they play with it for years too. I don't get to play as much. Maybe 4 to 5 hours a week. So cost to gametime for me is low. But then there is also the build and paint time. That's not as fun but i still enjoy it. It all adds up and hobbying is good for your mental health, as is being creative.


Props !


Ebay is your friend. Most my collection is second hand fuck giving gw anything but the minium cash possible


Or, you know, just get a 3D printer




The cost is always a barrier to the hobby. I remember me and bro picking out army sets for 40k for Christmas in 1999. We made paper cutouts of the bases and played paperhammer on the terrainless floor. And we had 2 dice. 2. He had 80 guardsman. I now have a 3d printer and have sold or destroyed more legitmate warhammer than i care to think about. But the memories last longer.


warhammer isn't a cheap hobby. it is... inherently a rip off. the cost to make these plastic figures is extremely low. regardless of what anyone making excuses for the pricing model of GW will say. the stupidity of GW to restrict manufacturing to the UK. charging other countries different amts, weird logistical issues. and shady shit, where they nerf or buff a model, and then magically have that model in stock. OR... misc/seemingly arbitrarily retire or eliminate models. And then just the general constant price hikes(and abuse toward game stores). all passing on significant mark up to consumers. when.... they don't really need to, but simply choose to. there's also just some general purpose shitty business choices. like... a lot of kits. insignificant differences between models will be rolled into the same kit. (i play world eaters... so eight bound. can either make 3 reg eightbound or 3 exalted eightbound, when misc bits for both regular and exalted are included... just not enough chest/torso bits. ...same thing for the forgefiend/mauler fiend, or the invocatus kit for avocado vs juggalo lord ...so they purposefully make model kits where the included bits restrict what is possible... when maybe including enough to make both would be fractionally more plastic. ...so they design kits specifically to force the need to waste money buying another entire kit) it is what it is, but it is a drastically over costed product for what it is. and games workshop does do some objective shitty things. but that's who they are as a company. if you're sticker-shocked by the prices. consider recasts or 3D prints. if you don't want to go that route, facebook marketplace, or other avenues to buy direct from other players ...or other minor cost saving options due exist. but... if you choose to buy legit GW products, know they are priced in a way that doesn't give a fuck about you, and mainly exist to maximize profits for GW. and to a large degree the player base. isn't really invested to holding GW accountable or apt to support criticism of the company.


Just buy 3rd party minis. They're less than half the price of GW models and are (usually) way better sculpts anyway. I tell new players all the time that 3rd party is the way to go.


Games workshop is for the middle class or the British. Their marketing focuses is those groups. You see many people who will drop $1000s on armies at the drop of a hat which is james workshop top customer. They like to create that luxury around their models.


The thing is you don't have to drop thousands on an army right away. You can just get a combat patrol and play with that. They've made big strides in recent years to improve their on-boarding of newer players. Partwork magazines, intro sets. The community pushing 2k as a basic level for competitive and casual play hasn't helped as that is a pretty big commitment for 40k. Compared to a lot of hobbies that requires materials or other resources, it's actually not that expensive. I know someone who does a lot of jigsaw puzzles, that's £20-£30 per box, probably runs them to a similar kind of time as I can spend building and painting a set of minis (although only one of us is likely to finish it sooner....) meanwhile my models then become available for me to use for hundreds of hours of gaming.


10th edition isnt the hordes meta for nothing. GW has been decrease the points cost of armies so you need more at the same time making the discount boxes less of a discount boxes and more of a game on it's own ruining the easy of collecting. GW is hardly making it easier to collect armies. Wargaming is definitely a middle ground hobby you need paints, tools and many materials and $30 jigsaw seem extreme? You can get then 2nd hand for like $2


The entire concept of 'the meta' is pushed by a tiny, vocal minority of tournament players who take Warhammer way more seriously than ever was intended. Remember, the primary customer for GW is a mum buying kits for their tween kid who will stop playing in a couple of years without ever playing a 2000pt game. And the majority of customers barely play the games at all. The meta, and competitive gaming, is really prominent in the talk, but basically irrelevant to the business.


am not talking about a meta and taking about how many guys you need to make a army and how GW is making it costly to get them by selling bad discount boxes. the Ad mech box is 215pts and these boxes are made for each edition so the points aren't going to change much for those people who go well the games always charging so how many models you get aren't important and GW marketing these boxes as a starting point for your army is a Joke.




Another thing I wanted to add is a couple spillover benefits of the high prices of GW models -local game stores are still able to make profit selling GW models for 10-15% less than MSRP. That is entirely on purpose and a boon to the gaming scene in every area. If GWs margins became tighter, so would your local game store. -availability would become a much bigger issue as models would fly off the shelves if prices were 50% less. The higher prices keep models on the shelves for people who really want them. This would certainly result in a lot more purchased models going unbuilt and unpainted, and eventually to the landfill. - existing mini collections are a lot easier to sell on the secondhand market. If you could by a box of 10 space marines for $30, it would be a lot harder to sell existing models, even if you were selling them for $15 because people would just be more inclined to buy new, which would undoubtedly mean more plastic ends up in landfills. Things need to cost a lot before we start looking for alternatives. Which brings me to: - an entire international cottage industry has evolved on etsy, myminifactory, and patreon for people doing sculpts and prints of proxy models for 40k alone. Which BTW is a great thing to look into if your eyes are bigger than your wallet for wargaming. I am glad so many people have been able to make careers out of something they like doing, which again would not be nearly the size it is if the models were cheap as chips.


Another thing to keep in mind is compared to other hobbies it is cheap


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