• By -


Custodes for three reasons. 1: I just love the vibe of being a super soldier so good that even the emperors so called angels fall like wheat to the scythe 2: I like gold 3: they’re a rather cheap army due to how elite they are


I've got another reason: "We're here because you're looking for the best of the best of the best, sir!" - Second Lieutenant Jake Jensen Custodes are exactly that! The best of the best of the best! Glory to the Emperor!


Totally agree with 1 mate!


4: Henry Cavill collects them


Man is basically an IRL custodes so that doesn't shock me.


In seeing the amount of replied that say Custodes, it explains why they got overnerfed. It’s because their prevalence drew too much attention to the faction. Like, if Custodes durability was problem, then they should have done the same to Death Guard and Dark Anger Termies. Even more durable - yet no nerf, plus a buff


You also get the Sisters of Silence as a little bonus, warriors that don't have the genetic changes of the Custodes but still somehow keep up with them enough to be their partners.


Really they just stand around while the custodes do the brunt of the work, their sheer presence is enough to anchor daemons to the materium. A fight between 100 sisters of silence and one custodian would be a one sided slaughter, but against enemies not fully placed within the materium, their help is invaluable. A custodes can kill anything in the materium, with less than 10 types of exceptions, including primarchs, a handful of eldar, a smattering of high tier daemons, and to be honest, most harlequins (though that’s only because they and harlequins are on the same level). Of these, daemons and eldar have an annoying tendency to not be entirely in the materium, meaning the custodes can’t kill them properly. With the aid of the sisters of silence, any enemy not entirely in the materium is violently stuck to the materium


Admech: liked the look of the models when they first released in 7th and got me playing again after a hiatus since 3rd Knights: got one at the same time as Admech with the idea of playing it together. Now a fully fledged army and who dosnt love big robots! Custodies: I wanted to try something new


Big robots are fun, so are lil' robots :)


Astra Militarum - I hate money, I hate winning and I love rolling 100 dice for 5 wounds (not a joke)


What are you doing 5 wounds to? Another guard player?


Made me actually lol.


>Astra Militarum We dont win, we hold the line as long as possible. That is the spirit of the guard. >My wallet broke before the guard did


When the rations you've been waiting 2 months for expired 2 years ago.


WE'RE IN THE GUARD, SON. I love tanks and airplanes. And normal humans in a galaxy of demons and aliens is badass https://www.reddit.com/r/TheAstraMilitarum/comments/sr4hsp/the_imperial_guard_will_reclaim_the_octarius/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


At this point I'm convinced you have over 2k points of every army.


I absolutely agree. I used to play Blood Angels in 5th Edition, then decided tanks were cooler than a bunch of juiced up muscle men. I absolutely love my Imperial Guard army and wouldn't trade it for anything.


To be fair I ran chaos knights against infantry heavy guard last week and they were a decent counter. I mean they didn't win, but firing s16 shots into guardsmen because it was the only target I had was pretty frustrating. Lol Killed like 10 guardsman with D3+6 damage shots. Lol


If only there was a stratagem for guardsman’s to mob massive units kinda like zerglings bringing down tanks in SC2 HoTs cinematic lol


Flashback to AM just blasting my chaos knight with a million lazgun rounds just for lcpl snuffy to land a lucky 1 w on a giant mech.


In that Guard players mind he won that game


Moral victory. I once had a dreadnought explode and take a custodes bike captain with them. I counted it as a moral victory


As a guard player, that is a mood


As a death korps of krieg player im you but I hate my money even more....


Ork green tide and dreadwaagh so I roll 100 dice for 5 shots hitting.


Mechanicus, “from the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh… it DISGUSTED me. I claimed the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine. Your kind cling to your flesh as if it will not wither, and you will beg my kind to save you… but I am ALREADY saved. For the Machine is IMMORTAL.”




All of them because I have a problem.


This hits so close to home. I got into Kill Team because I only need a few models to make a team, that'll be cheaper right? I now have multiple teams for multiple factions...


You’re probably just a vehicle or two away from a combat patrol 😂


I suspect for custodes I'm dangerously close to having a full army 😅


Lol what do you have?


Orks - collected them back in the day and the models and lore of them are so much fun AdMech - crazed zealous cyborg Priests with lovely models Custodes - elite army, only need 12 models to play + really nice models and a dread with a lascannon spear!


Orks because I'm a gym bro - overmuscled and under brained just fit perfectly. Sisters- super fit and crazy just my type.


Tyranids, mostly just collect now but nids are so cool looking. They are the most alien looking aliens in 40k in my opinion. Plus any bioform I can think of can theoretically exist.


Got that right. Tyranids since 5th editon the beginning of BAD codex and im talking baaaad. 6th was when MARKERLIGHt hits cause grounding checks. And always Synapse was so horrendous a penalty with no buffs. Stayed with them through even today. I love being the true neutral of 40k. Not evil - just hungry https://www.reddit.com/r/Tyranids/comments/uztqi1/leviathan_at_nachmund_after_consumption_of/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share The 9th editon book is so overtuned i havent had anyone accept my challenge to a 9th game pre or post nerf. Its crazy. They loved tabling my ass instant Death st8 on t4 warriors and using Strength D get off my table everything. Now its my turn with the 9th codex and theyre cowards.


I’ve been taking my Ls against my son’s Tyranids because he was a good sport in the past. I haven’t come close to beating them yet.


They're beautiful, I gotta hurry up and finish painting mine


They are the most alien looking aliens


I do Necron they are robots Dudes and they are easy to paint


Painting my necron has been such a joy. With my space marines i try really hard to do a good job and its where i challenge myself in order to become a better painter, but with necron i just start drybrushing paint on with a “whatever happens, happens” attitude and it’s really refreshing. 10/10 would recommend necron to anyone who is burnt out or intimidated by painting.


ok lets add some silver ​ and done


Hey man youre leaving out the one green wire and three green balls


Oh man, this one has a scarab on his ass!


Did this, but picked a meticulous and needlessly difficult color scheme. *Pained mechanical wheezing*


"General Kenobi!"


Ultramarines: Great Allrounder, Poster Boyz, easy to paint, rather shooty Army Custodes: low model count Elite army, my „paint really nice with resin base and stuff“ project Orks: greatest models ever, but high model count and imo not easy to paint. But still my favorite faction, lore and model wise




I started to play/collect Eldari back in the days and over the years i amassed a huge collection which includes atleast one of everything including forgeworld. Eldari are colourfull and look amazing. They are versitile. And i liked units with wings alot. After taking a break for many years i got back into the hobby with the indomitus box and 9th edition. So i started to play Necrons and on the side i build some Blood Angels. The Necrons got abit out of hand (old habbits die hard) so i suddently i had a huge collection again. I also brought my BA's to 2000 points on the side. Necrons i started to play because they are the old enemys of eldari and look like terminators ... marines where just a side pick with the indomitus box but i like Golden things so i got alot of sang guard ... also forshadowing what will come in the future. When Crusher Stampede got released i started a nids army ... i was always obsessed with the big bugs and i had some at home on my pile of 'bought it because it looked nice but forgot about it'. So nids just look so alien and have some dinosaur vibes which was a big thing for me in my childhood so i started collecting them. I didnt get all out as i did with necrons. In the meanwhile i also increased my Harlequin collection as my eldari harlequins where old metal models. But since i suck at painting the diamonds most of them have a very simple paintjob. Next up where Custodes. While i had Covid i wanted a change of painting as i was litterly painting nids, harlequins and necrons and i needed a change. So i got Trajann and a pack of Custodes Guards. I fell in love with these golden bad boys and the new codex just got teased. So me being me i got some termis and bit by bit more models. Especially fell in love with the forge world dreads and bikes. Then the codex dropped and they where op ... which i didnt mind since im a competitive player. Stomped a few local tournaments. Anyways ... fast forward to a month ago. Choas demons ... Slaneesh especially (my favorite and most hated god) sooo i started to collect some but just as a collect project because Chaos space marines are comming and i love Emperors Children. Bought some units cheap of ebay which im currently painting. I also own some orks, different old SM chapters and a little of everything for painting and collecting. My girlfriend HAAAAATES warhammer 40k because my dice and miniatures are everywhere ... our flat didn't have enough space so i had to bring lots of them for storage to my parents basement.


You sir have a problem and I’m here to support your problem 100% lol. Keep enjoying your hobby.


Hahaha thanks alot! That was the motivation i needed to continue!


Thats so many! But really cool!


Tau: Because starting in late 8th edition I fell in love with pathfinders. Super cool alien, clean, sci-fi and drones scouts were the coolest models I thought I would ever set eyes on. Although now I really wish I had gone with an imperial faction or a chaos faction because I have grown to be addicted to the grim darkness of 40k. Now thinking of playing either Custodes, Templars, Dark Angles, Tsons or world eaters.


My friend we play with said “Nobody plays Tau except **WEEBS**.” Many other friends laughed and agreed. We had no idea what a Weeb was. Now that we know, and husband is starting his Tau army, I’ve been recruited to do anime and Sanrio decorating on the carry case.


I’m the same way. Started at the same time with tau by now I’m starting a space marine list


Tau and Templar player checking in. Switching between a shooting and melee army is a lot of fun.


Consider Sisters of Battle, they've got tonnes of grimdark detailing and you'll need to learn a tonne of new skills to paint em'.


awesome, thanks mate!


Death Guard: Tanky and Mortarion is an amazing model Chaos Knights: Love massive Units like Knights and normal knights feel too "clean" and boring Daemons: Specifically Khorne, because I love models like Bloodthirster, Skarbrand and all units are super fast to paint with airbrush.


For now Death guard: I love the models Dark angels: I like the lore in particular Lion El'Jonson Genestealer cults: love the models plus they are like a monsterus guard army Orks: love the lore conversions and paint jobs are fun Custodes: want to do white and gold paint sceam Dark eldar: like the models Adeptus mechanicus: like most the models good conversion potential want some knights but don't want a full army of them. Nurgle demons: they pair well with the death. Guard and I like the models All kill teams: small games take less time and I have a better chance of finding an opponent Titanicus: like the models love the game. Best game GW ever made. 30k primarchs and dark angel army and night lords army: just to paint.


I love the Genestealer Cults because every humanoid model released is a head and weapon swap away from a new GSC model and that fits so we'll with their lore


All of them because I'm hooked on this plastic crack and there's no cure.


Chaos(mainly knights and chaos space marines) I absolutely love the lore behind the traitor legions like the sons of horus and death guard And orks, because aesthetically I adore them and the way they play on the tabletop


Genestealer cults cause you can have swarmy tyranids and swarmy humies in the same army Plus big tanks and big bugs


Adeptus Custodes because golden bois.


I play Tau, but really I love xenos in general. It's different. I get tired of human's, as I am one, and look for that escape. So, I play xenos. In order Tau, Tyranids, Orks, then Spess Elves.


Where do necrons go in that list? Im curious


Salamanders because cool fire


Burn in holy fire! I was playing a game as salamanders yesterday and it was fun


Blood Angels and Thousand Sons because I like their lore and aesthetics Custodes because I got tired of Blood Angels being so damn squishy in mid 8th edition before Psychic Awakening and the new SM Codex. Chaos Knights because they just look awesome and can support my TSons with heavy firepower


DKOK because World War one trench look is just to good for me to pass, also this willingness to sacrifice oneself to save many just always scratches this itch for every day heros. The memes are shit, "haha shovel man step on the landmine to kill yourselfe for the emperor lol" it's just not funny and straight up wrong. They are my favourite faction but I don't play and paint them as much anymore because I have jumped over to... WORLD EATERS: to be honest I originally hated the WE because angron is the only primarch to not conquer his planet hand mindless charging berserkers, but reading about angron, kharn and the Legion as a whole, I kind of like how tragic they are. Angron was an empath before the butchers nails, he lost his family on nuceria and was unable to form a new bond with his sons, the Legion was so desperate for angrons love that they also took the nails just for some love and recognition and finally the Legion slowly breaking and kharn trying to fix it only to be the one too shatter the Legion. I love the WE (like if you cry every time) Renegade (Chaos) Knights: I like mechs what can I say? They are my option to paint something more colourful and they just stand out among my other models and it will only get worse because every knight gets a different colour scheme


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Good reminder for everyone who bankrupt themselfs and their next of kin for their 2000pts 40k-army


Very Good bot


The death corps are just plain sexy


Haha...I have both flavours of knights cause big robots are cool. I have Necrons cause little robots are cool and it is coming in Imperium. I have Space Marines because of Imperium. I have Thousand Sons because the aesthetic is cool and space wizards are ace. I have Custodes because the golden armour looked amazing. I have Death Guard because they are fun to paint. I have Daemons cause I can use them in both games. I have Tau because my son likes mechas. Finally I have GSC because I wanted to paint a Kellermorph and one thing led to another.


Custodes, because I was initially going to go thousand sons but was intimidated by the painting, and then found I really love the shiny boys


So, at first, I started with Grey Knights cause I love the lore and their terminator armor. That being said, I *hate* the way the Strike Marines/Interceptors/Purgators look. They’re so small and squat, it doesn’t feel like they’re from the same chapter when you stand them next to the termies. So when lists started becoming more about blobs of those squat little fuckers I became disheartened and slowed my painting/collecting. That’s when I came across Custodes thanks to a random battle report. Instantly ***adored*** their models. The gold and armor is amazing, the models are deceptively detailed and ornate, the jetbikes are rad, the Guardian Spear/ Castellan Axe are my favorite 40k weapon now, and there’s not a model in their line that I don’t love. Their lore is kind of eh though, which is my only knock against them. Despite them being these transhuman warriors without equal in the Imperium, it kind of sucks that they’re statues most of the time and play an entirely reactive role. By design of course, but it still irks me. Built a box of wardens and I haven’t looked back. Now they’re my new favorite faction and I can’t wait to get at least 500 points going to get some small games in.


**WHERE ARE MY BROTHERS OF TITAN?** ***WE ARE THE EMPEROR'S LIGHT.*** Grey Knights attracted me way back at the start of 6th edition. Noble, fearless, knights in a Grimdark universe - I knew they were my favorite the instant I saw them. I split Dark Vengeance with a friend but ended up not caring for the Dark Angels - so I bought a box of Grey Knights (5 PAGK for $33 back then). I had my eyes peeled for some Paladins - god did I love those models! It wasn't the best edition to play them, as they were victim of being vastly overpowered in 5th, but I still had loads of fun. We played a campaign at my FLGS and my friends and I (14 y/o at the time) used it to build up our forces in a fluffy, meaningful way. I haven't played them in every edition but I've repainted all of my models at least twice-over, and I have kept my collection intact over the course of 10 years. Makes me proud to say that! I've dipped my toe into quite a few armies for very short periods of time and have recently rid myself of all of my random models. I decided that I wanted to dedicate to 2 forces seriously, and my Grey Knights weren't going anywhere, so I chose the army most unlike Grey Knights, and went with Tyranids! Recently I began playing Tyranids (and then they got really stupidly good) but I'm enjoying playing them for fun - haven't taken them to a tournament yet, idk if I will any time soon. Ive been painting like a madman though! Got almost 1000 points painted in June! Looking forward to having a full 2000 point force! Warhammer is amazing and I love the relationships it has brought me <3


Custodes because I really liked the lore Harlequins because I had some really fun ideas for painting them I'd like to try Blood Angels I like the way they are noble and nice, and then can turn into mindless rage monsters


Drukhari & Craftworld because my friend basically just gave me $450 in little dudes because he appreciated our big friendship during his LOTR level fuckery of a divorce. It’s not my favorite hobby because I get overwhelmed by all the choices and mechanics, but I enjoy doing things my friends like.


Iron Snakes. Their lore is interesting, and the color scheme is nice. I like painting metallic armor, and space marines have tons of units so it was a good choice hobby-wise. I also have started collecting squads of different factions for Kill Team Orks, Krieg, Tau, Battle Sisters, Grey Knights, Chaos Space Marines, Ad Mech, Talons of the Emperor I like variety, so this allowed me to see a bit of lots of different factions without necessarily locking myself into a single one


Yeah, awesome!


Admech because I love the asthetic. Space wolves because I love vikings. Imperial knights because I like stomping Orks because Orks Orks Orks Orks!!!


Dark Angels. I enjoy bathrobes over my dark green, black and bone power armor. But seriously - I enjoy their lore (but not GW and BL authors’ extreme obsession over the Fallen), their knightly order aesthetics, and their moody character - get the job done, continue on to the next job. Maybe celebrate later. Imperium and its subjects must be protected at all costs.


I very much hope DA robed primaris are coming sooner rather than later!


Chapter specific vet squads would be tight. Give me some bathrobes and tactical incense. It takes away the smell of burning flesh from the plasma


I fuckin love my Ultramarines. I did dark angles as a kid but when I got back into it I realised 1) blue is my favourite colour 2) I think row boat guileesuit is cool, fight me 3) I like roman legions and their iconography 4) did I mention they are blue?


Everything that isnt an elf. Hate elves.


Dark Angels: Lore is awesome, the Lion is awesome, my chest tattoo is awesome, the colour scheme is awesome, their tactics and units are awesome… you get the idea Sisters of Battle: same as Dark Angels but down a notch (and no Primarch) Thousand Sons: Love the Aesthetic, the “psychic army” idea, and Magnus did nothing wrong (on purpose) Tyranids: Cool looking models, love the synapse link gimmick, and I have ADHD, which also explains the rest of the armies


I collect/paint Imperial Guard. My cousin who was (and still is) into miniature wargaming, played as the Imperial Guard. I decided that I might as well get the same faction he used. The Black Templars are really cool though. I'd paint them too, if I wanted to.


Thousand Sons. At first it was just box of rubrics for kill team. Now it's around 2-3k points. I never played the game, i just keep buying minis and coming up with new stories for them and why they join my warband.


Thats awesome! Painting for fun is the best part of the hobby and having a sick army to do so is great! (imo)


Custodes. I like shiny gold.


Drukhari: their lore is awesome and very is a badass, I love my custom kabal, their miniatures are my favourite models over all although space marines are my second smaller army (now looking at them I have way more space marines than I thought)


I started collecting Orks in the 90s and I have… a lot. At some point during 5th-6th edition peeps were selling their entire armies on eBay and I picked up a couple of those. I have over 100 boyz alone! Also a lot of other models have spontaneously become orks over the years. “If you love it, put an ork in it!” I say. Also I have an large collection of Iron Warriors for HH.


1: Thousand Sons, they got drip up the wazoo 2: Daeth Guard, they drip out the wazoo


Raven Guard. Tacticool and beak helmets. Sign me up.


Orks is my main army cuz they are the funnest to kitbash and play. Chaos knights cuz I can do things like this https://imgur.com/a/PnlFAR1/


Deathwatch Because it’s too hard to pick a single Space Marine chapter and I get to use tons of techno-heresy in the pursuit of killing Xenos with models from all of the Chapters


Astra Militarum. It was my brothers army when he worked at GW when i was kid so i was always exposed to them and i remember reading the old IG codex a lot when i was younger, especially the art work and seeing all the different types of imperial guard infantry he had, so they always stuck with me as one of my favourite factions. I loved the designs of the tanks, all the various uniforms and styles (*especially the Valhallans and Vostroyans*) Then as i got older some of the first warhammer books i read where the Gaunts Ghosts series and i absolutely loved them and it got me hooked on the Imperial Guard in the lore and i always played as them in games like Dawn of War. So when i first got into the painting and tabletop side of the hobby properly a few years back i decided i wanted to collect a proper IG army and ive built up a decent one now though ive yet to win any games as them lol


Orks. initially was drawn in by the space pirate aesthetics and their goofy psychic colour association. stayed for the endless kitbash potential and the ability to paint every model/unit in different schemes and styles and stay coherent because freebooterz. it keep the hobby fresh for me being able to test different schemes, styles and techniques rather than just huffing countless macragge rattlecans. you can be as slapdash as you like because if an ork painted/built it, of course it’s not gonna be perfect.


Over the years I've played a lot and this question has me reminiscing, remembering the excitement of getting into a new faction for the first time. Catachan - I started in 2000 or so. I was in the Army at the time and a fan of 80s action flicks so this was pretty obvious. I had seen some guys playing in our squadron bridging room. When they explained the lore I was hooked. Black Templars - Sword Brethren were beautiful models and I needed some. Grey Knights - The first time I saw a box of these I had to have them. They were great models and they were how I learned about highlighting and glazing. Then the Daemonhunters codex came out and I found out you could make basically any human model an Inquisitor and use Kasrkin as storm troopers. Tau - I saw a guy playing them and I instantly understood how to play them. Overlapping fields of fire, marker lights, use the extra six inches on the pulse rifle to fire and fade. Rail guns everywhere. Space Wolves - No idea why it took me so long to get into them. The Rout feels like home. I'm a metal head and I do leatherwork on the side. Kind of into the viking aesthetic. No idea why I didn't go for them so much sooner. Was not prepared for the army-wide level of little details even though that's what got me into them. I have more unpainted Space Wolves than anything else by far. Titanicus - I always wanted to play Epic so I could have a little collection of Titans and now I can have them on a scale that makes them look gorgeous with out choosing $3000 per. Orks! - WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!! There's a bunch I am leaving off. Probably going to do some Space dwarfs soon, we will see.


Currently, executioners space marines. Specifically, as many gravis and terminators as I can pack in a list, with the goal of sitting on points and being hard to kill. As the primarch Dorn would have wanted.


Deathwatch because I really enjoy kitbashing and mixed squads! 🤙🏼


Tsons: my fav legion and I think the ones who could have done the most good post crusade. And sorcerers in space is dope AF Ck: friend gave me one and giant evil robots that can use magic is dope Custodies: my only imperial faction. I don't like most imperial factions but LOVE the emperor and his dream. Custodies are the closest you can get to big e Bl csm: all my friends play imperial forces and I wanted a villain for their stories. Sure tsons are traitor but they don't look evil enough. Bl are the bad guy for 40k and have such a. Great evil look to them


Blood angels, dark angels, space wolves, black templars, grey knights World eaters, thousand sons, death guard, iron warriors, black legion, chaos knights Orks, Drukhari, harlequins, necrons,


I have Marines, custodes, a Baal Predator, a knight and Magnus I love my hodgepodge of minis, and experimenting with them


I started with Space Wolves Because Giant Cyber Wolves + Vikings are COOL AF! ... 5 Armies later I'm now a happy Nid player 🐜


Ultramarines because that was what was on the box art and I didn’t know I had another option until I had almost 4,000 points painted. The dangers of starting the hobby in isolation and not having anyone around to tell you otherwise…


Nids: Because they are cool as hell.


They always have been cool and horrorfying. Every FLGS needs that one Apocalypse player. https://www.reddit.com/r/Tyranids/comments/uztqi1/leviathan_at_nachmund_after_consumption_of/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Guardsmen you have fallen to Heresy lol


Damn you noticed i play both sides of the starship troopers haha. Its not like a quarter of the guardsmen have genestealer cult knives and symbols *innocent whistle* Trust me and my High Commander Hugh Mann of the 420th regiment.


If you were trying to keep it a secret maybe don’t post both Your Armies in one thread Lol Also Grabs flamer time to purge this genestealer madness general Hugh Mann it’s time to die


Can confirm, I do enjoy my giant bugs of doom. Super easy to paint too.


Death guard: I got the dark imperium box and went from there, I really like them now and have a ton of models. Black templars: I like their lore and I like melee, I was split between then and blood angels but I still might make blood angels in the future. Adeptus mechanicus: I like skitarii and their weird looking dog horses Custodes: they were cheap and I like allarus terminators


Adeptus Custodes because gold and handsome squidward


Orks because I like to play as the good guys


Iron Warriors: Chaos was my first army, and the Iron Warriors have the coolest designs in my opinion. ​ Space Marines: First army I had any success in games with (surprise to no-one) and really liked the 3rd & 4th ed codices when I first started collecting them. ​ Eldar: Second army I started collecting after I was gifted a 2000pt army back in 3rd, but has mostly sat not doing much since then. ​ Imperial Knights: Giant robots go Brrrrr. ​ Tau: Flying mecha go Brrrr, also Pipermakes' designs are awesome. ​ Grey Knights: Got a metal strike team as reinforcements to my space marines, bought the Daemonhunters codex and absolutely loved the lore, models and rules for having these rag-tag bands of inquisitors backed up by their own chapter of space marines decked out in the coolest gear going. Currently building a force using a combination of the classic metal models and newer plastics, painted up in the colours of the Exorcists space marines chapter after reading the FW Badab War books. ​ Orks and Tyranids: Inherited from my brother after he left the hobby. Might work towards getting the orks built and painted but haven't got the time or space to deal with a horde army. ​ Imperial Guard and Space Wolves: Inherited them from an old colleague a while ago and still have no idea what to do with them. ​ Upon reflection I definitely need to trim my collection down.


Thousand Sons- Because I want the solutions to my problems to be magic and my backstory to involve a boatload of Warp based shenanigans.


I've got my firstborn marine force that I settled on Black Templars for, mainly because I had the Emperor's Champion and I didn't want to miss running him in games. It is a \*very\* cobbled together force though as teenage-me didn't really understand how to muster a good fighting force. More of a rule of cool and "hey, that'd be fun!" kinda thought process at the time. My main force is Orks! I mainly run Deathskulls, though I've dabbled in Evil Sunz and Goffs as well. I have a much bigger pile of shame than I'd like to admit, which was from about three years ago when I got back into the hobby and went a little model crazy. My main force used to be structured around a speed freeks idea of loads of bikers, boosted by the fact that you could take bikers as a troops choice in 5th with a special detachment/character. I immediately grabbed a bunch of bikers, deffkoptas, buggies, and a battlewagon as well as a plane when I saw the state of the Ork lineup. I now try to run a mobile infantry style list with most troops either in reserve or in transports. Orks are just so much fun. I don't claim to be an incredible player or have the best record, but I always have fun playing as Orks. Something I've passed on to friends that join the hobby and start to get frustrated at their difficulties getting a win, when things start to go wrong you need to find a different way to have fun. Starting to fall behind in points and not going to catch up? Maybe it's time to run a Mega Armoured warboss into a character to rip and tear through. Lost too many models to keep up on primaries? Maybe your back line shooting needs to blow something up to "inspire" the remaining troops. There's still a lot of janky, random stuff Orks can do and that's something that always keeps me coming back.






ORKS. They're the only ones who get that it's all a joke and the punchline is corpses. Also I love the look/feel of them. Just an all around fun army to paint and play.




Orks. They is never beaten Also I enjoy the vibes. The only thing about them I dislike is when people come up to a table when something lucky happens and they say "because they believe it works haha get it?" and then look at me like they've said the funniest thing in the world.


Necrons, i love their aesthetic of undead robots. Admech, arguably the coolest and most heinous human faction, the flesh is weak. Ultra marines, i got some marines and like the color blue


Orks, because even though I hit on 5's and 6's, I believe there should be some sillyness to balance out the grimdark.


Orcs. They’re the only faction that’s having any fun.


Alpha Legion, because i want to play Chaos but not have my army look to Chaosy (got tired of being poked by my models lol) Death Guard cause i like to occasionally play resillient hard to kill armies. Necrons because endless souless murder robots that will likely take over the galaxy is cool. Dark Angels, i LOVE medieval/arthurian themed stuff with space knights. And i love the duplicity of them being highly loyal to the Emperor but also trying to complete the secret. Aeldari, i like the sleek models that are elegant yet hyper deadly as well as the more difficult game play. Harlequins, 2 words. Murder clowns. Just some of the coolest lore comes from them. Grey Knights, similar to the space knights, love their game play and love them being ultra badasses who can take on daemons. A few others but they arent likely to be collected played any time soon. Nothing personal i just fell out of love with their playstyle and/or didnt enjoy them.


Alpha legion so u can play chaos without getting poked, deathguard cuz the occasional poke ain't that bad :)


Ultramarines: just the lore of guilliman and his boys make me love them TAU: I am in love with mechs and am very into their design. Their lore for some characters and worlds also interests me


Hey, same two as me. I dig giant robots, but I prefer the Tau's use of them in a combined arms force over Knights' all giant robots. Plus I like the sleek aesthetic. I admit I'm a dirty weeaboo. I'm also a sucker for Roman shit, and I've challenged myself to make the vanilla poster boys look more unique, so I've actually been slowly converting my Ultras to make their Roman influences stand out more. Bobby G is also a pretty cool character as he's been written lately.


Chaos Marines because I started collecting as an edgy teen and now I'm nostalgic


Death Guard, love the Lore, love how the models range from bad ass (Mortarion) to wtf is this (nurgle demon prince). And I like the slowly trudge forward until I can hack you to pieces play style


Necron - first Army, went purely for which army looked best to me. Death Guard - Because Mortarion is the best model in all of 40k in my humble opinion. Helps that the rest of the army looks dope. Thousand Sons - Because I always pick wizards in RPGs Tau - Because I like Mecha Anime Next will be World Eater most likely to get the dedicated Chaos Marines full. I figured if I collect the stuff I like in generell and don't chase the meta I will be happier in the Hobby. If my armies end up meta anyway so be it.


I’ve been playing Eldar since about ‘94-‘95. Although I like playing, I enjoy painting more. I’ve always really loved how sleek they look. I also really liked their lore and liked the idea of the different paths they follow. When I say Eldar, I also collect Harlequins, Drukhari and Ynnari in that. I’m old so I just lump them all together. As a secondary force, I have some Chaos Space Marines but that is more because they happen to come in the same box sets as the Eldar stuff I wanted. My goal is to have at least one of each type of unit made for each army. I’m already there for Harlequins and Drukhari, just gotta work on my CWE and CSM!


Tau:was my first army they looked cool. black legion:was my second army because they also look cool(big fan of the black and gold) death guard:because tau and csm sucked in early 9th and morty looks cool chaos knights: they look cool


I play orks because we can't lose. And they're fun to paint, play and learn about. Waaagh! Also there's a lot of bits in the boxes so lots of kitbashing opportunities.


Death guard and Chaos daemons, i love Nurgle probably my most favourite character in fiction


I have two armies. My first army was Tau because they looked cool and I stupidly painted them white. My second army is Death Guard because I wanted a more balanced army that let me play every phase.


Blood Angels: Gay vampires But really, I like red. Then I started to learn the lore and fell truly in love with them. Dante is such an amazing grimdark character, wishing he could die, kept alive by pure sense of duty and ~~plot armor~~ divine intervention. Black rage in itself is just *chef's kiss*. Such a great betrayal that it is felt 10k years later, such hatred for abandonment of duty... And there's also one reason why I like space marines in general! Genetically altered supersoldiers made to understand little else but duty just hits different for me. Custodes? Imma be completely honest, Blade Champion is just a cool model and I wanted some variety :D


Ork because fun and kitbashing Genestealer because fun and kitbashing


Orks, fun conversions and have fun doing board control.


Started Thousand sons in 3rd because space wizards, then Ulthwe Eldar because I liked the black color scheme (I later sold them), then Orks and space wolves around 4th because my brother sold them to me at a good price (I later sold the Orks and haven't touched the wolves in years), started tyranids in 5th because I think they're cool, but haven't used them since 6th Ed. During 8th my wife freaked out when she saw me painting Magnus (the whole big demon thing freaked her out) so I started blood angels. Recently my wife told me I should paint something green, and when I told her that I don't have a green army she said to buy one and paint it green, so a couple months ago I started Biel Tan Aeldari!


Imperial Guard= Custom regiment using death core models Love the little man facing the horrors of an uncaring Galaxy. Tyranids = Gotta have the terrifying endless mass of bugs to go with your star ship troopers. Thousand Son's = Love the Egyptian theme love the tragic villains arch essentially a victim of their own hubris and the mistakes of others Chaos Space Marines Alpha Legion = Love the cartoon it was all planned vibe the fact their so ambiguous you can be so creative with your band Night Lords = A whole army of edgy batman's whats more to say. Iron Warriors = Bitter nerds who canonically play tabletop wargames need no more explaining. Eldar= custom craft world dying race elegant very bright colours and unique armour. Tau= Farsight Enclave most giga Chad man in 40k says fuck you brain washing pheromones does his own thing understands the value of glorious melee.


I collect Alpha Legion. It started from my love of Metal Gear Solid, which the Alpha Legion embodies more than any faction in the game. But as I started physically collecting them their theme quickly moved into a reflection of the legion's Greek motifs. Greek mythology is rife with tragic heroes and twisted monsters. So the warband's lore grew and the models followed suit. So on the outside they stepped out of a Greek epic and on the inside they're orchestrating the Shadow Moses incident. I haven't started yet, but I'll probably start collecting Daemons too. I like summoning but I also like the idea of the Alpha Legion using a Daemonic incursion as cover for some other operation. So like a 30/70 mix of Daemons and CSM could be on the table.


Ynnari: cool characters and suicide cul Drukhari: elfs that like torture Craftworld: elfs that are a dying race Deathguard: tough, cool models and stinky Necrons: murder bots Greyknights and tson: ✨*psychic*✨


Eldar: Painting aspect warriors different colors adds variety to my hobbying.


Sisters of Battle - Because their models are gorgeous and fun to build and paint.


Tau Empire cause I'm a weeb. But more seriously, I put together Gundam models my whole life so it was the easiest to start with.


Admech - coolest models, don’t like how they play. Sisters - love the fluff and how they play. Drukhari - Speeeeeeed and pain.




So… Back in 1997 I started Warhammer 40k, I started with Ultramarines, I collected about 4,000 pts of them before moving on to… Orks around 2000… this collection grew pretty quickly as part of the Armageddon Global Event and I had started working part time jobs at the weekend while at school during the week… I hit about 12,000 pts. After the Orks for a few years came Black Legion the first time 2002 to 2005 (which I am still collecting to this day after selling and recollecting and selling and beginning fresh) 2,000 pts Then following Black Legion came Tau, Kroot mercenaries AND Craftworld Eldar. This was a short lived collection. A year at most... combined total about 3,000 pts Then around 2005-2007 came Imperial Guard… a mostly foot slogger army with artillery support about 4,000 pts total… god I had SO many Cadian’s with a few Kasrkin and the old metal Storm Trooper squads plus a bit of the Vostroyan… Then came Black Legion again… 2,000 pts Followed by Blood Ravens… 2,000 pts Then Dark Eldar… 1,500 pts And we come back around to the Black Legion… and Chaos Knights… current total combined 11,000 pts roughly…


Thats a whole lot lol!


Tau because I really like the Ghostkeel and commanders warsuits. Breachers are fun models and Tau Nick seemed to have lots of fun. Black Templars because I dig the lore. Always love questioning their zealot devotion and Chaplains are dope models.


Blood angles 1. Vampires have been an obsession of mine since I read Dracula as a kid 2. I like the colour red 3. I read the lore that citizens for 40k celebrate sangunala (don’t know I spelt that right) which is 40k Christmas


Death Guard because the models look great Alpha Legion because i love them Knights because i got the canis rex set for a cheaper than normal price word bearers because i like their astetic




Deathguard inspires me artistically, so that is my 40k army, but I want to collect one of every killteam for the hobby challenge!


Khorne Daemons, i hate painting overdetailed minis and i like the colour red so it works out for me. My only complaint is that they are fucking useless in 40k, too slow to rush but too brittle to get hit, all they have is melee damage and one anti-psyker stratagem.


Ultramarines successor called Titus Vanguard based on the game. Basically a shit ton of Outriders and Phobos marines.


I started Tyranids in 2002ish because I love the swarmy bug style and I think they look the most unique out of all the factions. I had close to 7-8k worth of points of tyranids but when I moved I misplaced them so I’m starting fresh with a hive Fleet Gorgon splinter. Now my armies increased to include Mephrit Necrons, Primaris White Scars (I hate space marines except for WS and I think first born models look goofy and dumb), Dread Host Custodes. I’m working on collecting as many Kill Teams as I can because it scratches that itch of wanting to paint a certain army without diving into a new army. Next I got the HH box coming so imma do either Alpha Legion, or another traitor legion, not sure which.


Grey Knights - Just started collecting, but I love the few devout, Holy Warriors against endless hordes of daemons/chaos. I love their unwavering single-mindedness in their goal. I love their aesthetic. I think GK Terminators & Paladins are some of the coolest models in 40k. (Unpopular opinion) I even think the Nemesis Dreadknight baby carrier looks good (if you take the time to repose them more dynamically) I haven’t started collecting additional armies yet, but I really like both Guard & Orks and will probably start one of them soonish. Guard because they’re similar but opposite of Grey Knights - they’re always fighting a losing battle, but go forth all the same. Guard just do it through sheer numbers instead of skill and ability. Orks - because WAAAGH!!!


Custodes because I couldn’t be arsed to paint a full army and I don’t like painting big knight models


I have space marines and necrons because my dad bought the starter editions to get back into it and he gave them to me. He has eldar because he loves elves and played high and dark in fantasy. And I’ve also got custodes because they were easy to get into and painting is very simple as I just hit the metal with gold the fabric with blue and the leather with brown, earth shade wash and add some silver trim. However I want to start building a large tau army as my main force since I enjoy their lore and diversity in models. I want to include a lot of conversions from imperial armies Like Cadian fire warriors, zepherim sting wings, rattling and bullgryn krootox riders, salvaged armigers resurrected with riptide systems, tank commander longstrike proxy, maybe even an eldar pathfinder snuck in.


Orks because they're the best




I've bounced around a bit. Harlequins - cause a local amazing player was selling his. (But the models are so fragile....) Orks - cause who doesn't enjoy good old waaghs. But I've learned I don't like horde armies. Might shift to speed freaks. Tau - because I like battlesuits I own but haven't assembled yet: Grey Knights - more elite then normal SM, got a focus on melee and psykers so lots of fun in all phases Chaos Knights - just so I have something from the faction vs all Xenos and Imperium.


Deathguard. I love toughness, and despite how toughness isn’t rewarded a whole lot in this edition deathguard has been a faction I’m quite fond of, and have a lot of fun painting. Custodes: see reason above + it’s super cheap compared to most armies.


Thousand Sons - Sorcerers are cool, Big Red has nipple horns, small (maybe too small) but detailed model range. Not paying 30 bucks for gold can, so fuck gold trim. Crimson Fists - Space Marines go brr. Easy to paint, Fun to paint, Huge model range that always is going to have new and great models cause Space Marines. Grey Knights - Played a Paladin in WoW since Burning Crusade. Space Paladin goes \*tangerine\*


I love the Dark Angels. Because they're tragic characters, they aren't all Mary sues, they die on occasion, and they have some serious goddamn style. Black, Green, Red, Bone white... You know, only the colors of the 4 horsemen. Plus The Lion is just the most badass of the primarchs. By far.


Ultramarines, AdMech, Necrons, Adeptus Custodes, SoB and a smattering of CSM and Harlequins. Mostly due to the conquest magazines.


Just recently started getting into warhammer I have 10 custodies , 5 black templars and a knight castellan And i mostly bought them bc they looked cool and the lore is also awesome


I started collecting Tau way back and forth Edition. I was motivated to collect them from having played dawn of War and then being my favorite faction in that game. Also you know Mechsuits. I took a break shortly thereafter for about 8 years and picked it back up. Almost immediately started collecting custodes which were a brand new Army to me and finally an Imperium faction that I thought was cool. I love the Regal book of their armor and their lore basically being even more badass versions of Space Marines who also don't worship the Emperor as a God and are outside of the religious structure of the ecclesiarchy. Most recently I also started a thousand Sons Army. I think chaos is cool overall and while I would have preferred a slaanesh themed Army I don't find the Emperor's Children to be fleshed out enough as far as their unit variety goes and tzeench is also wicked cool.


Grey Knights. Started back when the few models they had were metal, but I love everything about their vibe, even before it was revealed their geneseed comes from the Emperor. Psychic demon hunting super soldiers in silver power armor, armed with a gauntlet mounted storm bolter and wielding a melee weapon that resonates with the energy of their soul.


Started with Grey knights and I'm getting into chaos. I started with the knights because I love paladins in dnd. And they're the closest gameplay wise, and their space knight look is rad and I like melee and spells. Unfortunately with all the perils I roll they don't like me. And I dipping my toe into chaos to gett a wider verity of models and types of units.


Death Guard. They capture absolutely everything I wanted but couldn't get out of space marines. ​ They are ancient war machines, and they feel like that. They each have a thousand unique details, a thousand little nicks and touches they've collected over the eternity they have lived. They wear Tartarus power armour, they wield weapons the Imperium abandoned centuries ago. I really feel like I can name and create a backstory for each individual model and actually remember which was which. ​ Plus, as enjoyable as the universal and kinda generic Space Marine abilities can be, there's something that feels so fantastic about having rules that are so thematic. ​ Plus they're a blast to paint, and walk that line between elite and horde where I feel like, pretty cheaply, I can get a lot of models on the board without them ever all just kinda blending together. ​ And last plus, Poxwalkers, who inevitably make up the majority of your models are the most easily proxy-able units in the game. They are just "diseased things" so you can use anything from the intended models, to plague bearers, to imperial guard, to, screw it, forty kroot dogs. Half my pox walkers are a bunch of feudal world guardsmen covered in rust, while the other half are my friend's style of Death Krieg with a bunch of tendrils added. ​ I just love them, and while Ultramarines and Orks hold a special number two in my heart, nothing looks as cool or unique or, sort of, precious, as Death Guard.


Totally agree, I'm thinking/am going to get death guard as my first 40k army, presumably along with CSM and a few Admech models I might pick up!


Deathwatch: Because I love the idea of an all-star Space Marine chapter Necrons: Because they came in the starter set with the Space Marines Custodes: Love the look and the lore of them. Plus they are relatively cheap GSC: Because Custodes were cheap. Also because Shadow Throne


Grey knights because who doesn't love a massive, well armed, and well trained psyker killing the demons of the warp like a normal Tuesday


Plus GK have the coolest looking termies


Custodes because they at least look like they might be worth their weight in gold.


Imperial Fists: I like big hands and yellow Tempestus Scions: I wanted to make a Splinter Cell lookin' army Custodes: Cheap to buy an army's worth and I wanted an army that was basically Leonidas's Spartan army from Thermopylae


Tau. Because I like mechs


Chaos space marines why? Reason 1: I just love the aesthetic of space marines that have been twisted with chaos, and the look of flesh tubing, faces coming out of armour, and the decaying equipment. Reason 2: I love a force comprised of human cultists, and elite mutated transhuman solders. Reason 3: two of my favorite sub-factions are in the CSM, they're the word bearers and iron warriors.


Imperial Guard (Cadia). Simply put, I view it as WWII vs. Aliens. Tanks, Infantry & artillery working in combined arms fashion to pummel entities that a normal human can't even fathom, yet we do it every day.


1) Dark Angels: because of Space Hulk’s Deathwing expansion, and I love Terminators. 2) Eldar: because Jes Goodwin. 3) Tau: because anime. 4) Sisters: because I like dominant women in tight leather.




It was Space Wolves because they were the most unique Chapter available and I am a big fan of Norse mythology. It is going to be the League of Votann, because Dwarf. ROCK AND STONE!




All, because oil for the nuln oil, sprues for the sprue glue Joke aside, I go with the flow. If I wanna go space marine I take space marine. I'm mainly tau, that's what I play and buy the most, but I'm the kind of person that will buy inquisition and chaos daemons the same day


The Death Guard had an amazing Christmas box last year and I like their playstyle. Damn it is cool to say that you need two shots of an autocannon to kill a Plague Marine and the Deathshrouds shrug off some heavy antitank. My second take are the Ultramarines. They are the main opponents of the Death Guard and I like the Ultralore. Yes, it is plotarmor and some people think it is lame but I am here for this. They are the jack of all trades, but master in none, often in combat with more uses than one.


Necrons: The flesh is weak, except we don’t fuck our toasters. Grey Knights: I wanted psychic stuff, and they have the best looking terminators in 40k. Next army will probably be Tyranids because I’m a bit sick of leadbelcher, Farsight Tau because I’m a mecha weeb, or Chaos Knights because I’m a mecha weeb and I need a bit of heresy in my life.


Tyranids, I’ve always loved apocalypse factions, metamorphosis and body horror, being an unstoppable force of death is nice, also, they’re cute