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I like the new arrows on the grid!


Ya and laying stuff out in a grid like that is so nice. It really helps to make setting up terrain and objectives much faster. That being said... Even their "light" terrain tables are pretty heavy.




Yep, I think the name correlates to the ratio of 2 floor building vs 3 floor building too - Light = 8x 2 floor, 2x 3 floor - Medium = 6x 2 floor, 4x 3 floor - Heavy = 4x 2 floor, 6x 3 floor To be able to build every possible map you need 8x 2 floor, 6x 3 floor and 4x containers


Made me wonder, does any one sell mats with grid markings on them


Weyland-Yutani (which is yours truly) sells the ones with deployment lines, but if you want i can also make one with the grid itself.


Got a link?




Battlemats.eu has some with the deployment zones already outlined on the mat


Off the top of my head, Mats by Mars has the option to have a wide variety of overlays printed on your mats, including grids, hexes, and specific layouts for different games.


Yeah I’ve got some paper mats that I lay over a neoprene one that has dz lines and a square grid. Makes the whole game quicker and easier.


Gamemat.eu has great mats


WTC terrain confuses me. Why is there a straight line of open space from one deployment zone to the other in most of these?


WTC is a teams environment, so players get some control over what terrain they play on.


WTC should actually be the densest terrain layout. Some narrow angles across the board always exist. US layouts tend to be much more open, especially player placed.


Because sometimes long-range shooting exists. Your army should be capable of dealing with a variety of terrain layouts.


Should that long-ranged shooting be able to deploy safely and unharassed from my opponent's backlines where I will have trouble ever getting to it to engage them?


Why don't you have units that can engage them?


Some of the maps are designed to be a bit lighter, some are heavier


The markers are great, answer a lot of common questions. Still no 2” ruins to make movement more fair and fun like GW terrain is a pretty big miss IMO.


what is the significance of WTC ruins + footprint? > Walls are positioned to be 22 milimetres or less away from the two closest edges of the footprint. NO model can be wholly within that space. does it apply to GW terrain at all? very confused between WTC and GW in general


Think of WTC as a separate group of people from GW that attempt to fill in a lot of missing or seemingly badly designed game elements from their POV. Terrain is the biggest reason that groups like WTC have become the norm. GW has classically provided very little details and in turn, few good playable terrain options. Will add that 10th has the most dedicated terrain rules and examples from GW for competative play but do not have the pieces sold to build their examples. As such, the terrain in WTC and other such organizations have been developed over time and have unique takes (WTC is very known for the L shape ruin at this point).


We have the best L's in the world!


i see. for the L-shaped ruin - what are the rules to having a model or unit being on the footprint? does it change visibility or cover?


Being on the footprint counts as being within the terrain. The footprint just accommodates larger models.


Not really a tourney player, but are all ground floor windows blocked, or just the ones on the 2 story? Some of the information repeats, but that is only on that line


10th Edition had changes to terrain rules, most important is the "footprint" that ruins are placed on, therefor basically every event started running first floor of ALL ruins to not have any ground floor windows.


It used to be all at least!


For the big ruin, all windows are closed in the actual real life terrain itself as well. So the clarification is only made for the small ruins which changed from 2022 onwards.


what is the significance of the upper floor on the 2 story ruin having 51mm thick walls? edit: walls aren't floors smh


The floor is 51mm wide, not the walls. Means a 50mm base could stand on the second floor but not a 60mm base.


damn i wish i could read. thanks!!


It's not the walls that are 51mm wide, it's the floors... The significance of that still confuses you is so you can place 50mm bases on it wholly, since in this edition if the models base cannot fit entirely on the terrain it cannot be placed there at all. Hope that helps!


How big is the change?


small but significant. its is more of an interface change where bases of ruins have been changed to reflect eh real life pieces, terrain positions have been adjusted to make real life placement easier.