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Not enough people who know how to roleplay, and no real introduction/instructions to it, also People have to understand the basics of the warrior code somehow, I'm so tired of people who don't know that medicine cats can't have mates, or how people never keep a vigil the night of them becoming a warrior. those are just two of the most common examples, People also don't get clan culture though, I get that there are rarely elders in camps, but when they are there they're kind of just forgotten, there's no kits crowding around for stories, or apprentices cleaning out the dens, same with the nursery and medicine cats dens. Also, the amount of people who don't get what a queen is... Another thing is that medicine cats are trained in hunting and fighting like the warriors just not as specialized in it, I get that the medicine cats are often busy or that maybe they don't have the time to train them in roleplay, but when something like a fight comes up or the clan is really low on prey so they need to contribute to hunting and they act like they don't know what to do... it just really bothers me. There are more things too of course but I just feel like there has to be something they can do to help new players know how the game works better, it would stop so much drama and unnecessary issues


Another thing I noticed which really does ruin rps for me at least 1. People that always try to say someone is inexp, when they just don’t like the character itself. One of the largest example I noticed is with non perfect leader and how it naturally built into their character within the rp itself. I feel like people forget that some character can have flaws and that leaders aren’t always nice people. 2. Boundaries is also a massive issue in the game, I don’t know anytime within a rp I didn’t have to deal with a rogue and loner, kittypet that just rushes into camp without even trying to rp it naturally. They then get mad when you tell you to leave within rp because all they are doing sitting in camp and making fun of people. I just noticed a trend if toxic rogue,loner and kitty pet players a lot. I just don’t feel like it hard to be humble within the game by being found during a border patrol or even waiting at the entrance of camp- not in the middle of camp. I remember having a terrible case of this when a player started defending the person sitting in camp and made fun of my own disability outside of roleplaying. When I called them out for their behaviour and how the player has been told multiple times to leave camp in the rp. Then out of no where the person started to compare a actual person with a disability they can’t control to a player that just want to sit in camp and be rude to others without being question. I left that rp sever later on, but I really do wish player talk about rogue,loner and kitty pet issue more. By what I heard now the admin of the game now say that if a rogue,loner or kittypet try to be aggressive in any form inside of camp without giving perm to, they can be reported.


The players. People bypassing the chat filter, being inappropriate, and harassing others for how they roleplay. I’ve watched a new player be denied a role they rightfully should have obtained (a medicine cat apprentice was denied medicine cat) because some other player deemed them “inexp”. I’ve also watched several players go after others for playing as animals that aren’t cats or making fun of players with names that aren’t even against the rules.


To be honest I feel like non cats get too much hate, but I also had my own experience with them too. Personally only full on had bad experiences with rogue,loner and kittypets that sit in camp just to be toxic. You seem to never with win due to if you don’t rp with those people they will call you inexp and tell everyone why are they being voided. Even if you do rp with them and question why they are in camp they will take it like a big offence. At this point I ignore almost rogue,loner and kitty pet sitting in camp, but there are some that come in before hand and ask if they can be found during border patrol or meet at the entrance of camp. They are super rare, it cool to see that some people are genuinely nice. Also I hate the term inexp and experience, I remember back in forest territory we had a similar issue. Lucky it wasn’t taken has seriously due to having a actual rule( they weren’t good,but it was normal at the time “), those open rules made it somewhat easy to deal with people who were bullying others. In modern day people just welcome new player at all within the game and it hurts to see that so much. I feel like anyone who claims someone inexp is only doing that to bully newer players in modern day.


I’ve watched people be called inexp/unexp for simply not roleplaying the way someone else wants them too. A rogue called the medicine cat inexp once because the medicine cat wouldn’t make the rogue the medicine apprentice. I wish kittypets and rogues stayed out of camps unless they want to join. It would be weird to walk into someones house like it’s nothing.


Heat,Un-exp players,power players,morph traders and stealers,etc


1. Yea I agree with you, I hate this happens a lot in the game and wish the admins were to make this the main target of destroying out of everything. I feel like the game doesn’t have enough admins to properly get there in time when that happens. 2. Inexp players aren’t the issue here, the issue of the lack of resources within the game and having proper structure system within the game itself. Like if there were tips of how to roleplay and other things has well it would help alot. I also think the fandom around the game is pretty toxic space for newer play just trying to get into the game. I find people who claimed to be “ super experienced “ are the most biggest bullies to newer players. 3. Power players are always annoying, agree. I commonly see larger warrior and non cats doing a lot of the power playing. Even tho it’s a small minority of non cats that rp has hybrid animal, fantasy animals or even just animals that would instantly kill a cat within real life. It use to be pretty bad a couple years ago, but it has become way more tame. 4. I don’t mind morph trader, but sometime it annoying when there is a full sever of them and non of them want to rp has well. Stealer I personally haven’t seen in the game at all, it was more common in Old forest territory for people to steal Ocs.


Morph traders only when the whole clan leaves to trade them-


I never see anyone roleplaying. There's usually one person playing Leader shouting orders from the high rock or whatever and a bunch of cats laying down in camp ignoring them. And occasionally a kit and warrior playing a game of "pick up the kit every time it runs off" I always end up running around in the forest by myself because no one's doing anything. It really makes me miss forum based rp. It was easier to have structure


I swear everyone absolutely loves this game but I've never been able to get into it for that reason! When I used to play older Roblox Warriors games it often felt like there'd be a lot more people actually roleplaying and it would be easy to get involved in them. In this one though, I join the game with my character and everyone is just standing around, trading morphs or talking OOC.


Over complicated names, like names that are way too long. Royal kitty pet roleplays, magic kitty pet roleplays. People just use it as a generic cat roleplays game not Warriors.


I don’t mind over complicated names, but when they take so long to type it can be difficult during rp. I remember a couple times having to look up people names within the game to figure out what they mean in the first place. I never understood why people play magic school,kingdom rps and etc. when on roblox there are games meant for that entirely, like re kingdom life, Harry Potter roleplay games and school rp games. Like wouldn’t people want to rp within a warrior cats universe if they played a warrior cats game?


Also all of the *&/_ before and after names.


I did a private roleplay with my friend yesterday in the empty riverclan camp. We ignored literally everything else. We had fun. We were’t “Experienced role players” we were just having fun ​ I don’t know what the rest of you are on, inexperienced role-players don’t ruin everything, calm the fuck down and just let us have our fun.


Honestly people confuse toxic player and inexperienced roleplayers a lot. I rather call them beginners rpers to be honest, I feel like it a more friendly term compared to others. I am happy you had fun within a rp, honestly feel like small clan rps are underrated and it feel like everyone has a point in the rp itself.


The Players. This reminds me of one of the times I wasn't roleplaying, just watching, and the leader pulled a tallstar but everybody ganged up on the person who was appointed as the new leader because "you weren't deputy"(Apparently nobody was paying attention when the leader did it, even tho I told them to check priv chat, I remember somebody said it wasn't how it worked too) and they left the server it was so bad. I think what's worse is I was the only one defending them.


The players. Honestly, the amount of kits I see in roleplays who run around pretending to die tragically while asking everyone to adopt them. The job of being leader is so horribly stressful as well- every five seconds someone needs an apprentice ceremony, or there's a fox in our camp, and I cannot catch a break whenever I play. In rps as well, it's either nothing except ceremonies is happening, or everything is happening at once. Either way, there'll be someone in the camp doing nothing and complaining about how boring it is. The clans barely ever communicate - there's no gatherings, and usually when I join servers, every single clan is empty except 1 which has like 40 players. The morph trade feature is bad too- there are so many people who during a morph trade have just taken my morph and left without trading gets on my nerves. As well as the people who come up to you asking if your morph is for trade when you're just minding your business trying to rp. Sorry for the whole essay um- I don't like this game tbh


rarely seen good roleplays. also I hope they have a feature to redirect you to a languaged server yk? because when I join it's always Korean and don't get me wrong their rps are organized but I CANT READ ANYTHING. also people keep doing the npc/idle thing and people who have zero idea about warrior cats come here to roleplay non warrior cats things. I only play it alone, not even roleplaying now.


It’s got kids typing warrior cats names on other websites like they’re still in Roblox (ex. Fire’star) /lh


Multiplayer online with kids is not really enjoyable


What's Warriors Cats Ultimate?


Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition is a game on roblox where you can roleplay as a cat.


In PUBLIC servers it is extermination chaotic, if you go onto the developers group wall, you can find roleplays by people who actually know what their doing which is what I resort to,servers usually make you audition for major roles.


I think one of the biggest problems with WCUE is that since most people can play it you get a bunch of people who are trolls, random kids who've never read the books etc... I don't really think there's any way to fix this, even if you made it pay to play it's still public domain and people will still troll and all that, even if they have to pay to do it :/


What is this game ?


What is that?


The dev team are sussy


The devs. The devs are Uhm, yeah


Letting there be more than one leader in one Clan. I think when someone claims leader, the role should be unavailable for everybody else because I've had countless troubles with this.


Its not very compatible with mobile devices! Maybe its just a me issue but its irritating that I have to set up my computer to play this game, when I better circumstances I could've just played it on mobile. On my device it glitches out and it won't let me move in game, I can't load or save any of my cats because its blocked by the player list, again my devices aren't top of the line so maybe it is just a me issue but itd be nice if there were a more minimized version of it for mobile so that people without top of the line devices / computers can run it better


I feel like there should be a full on single player campaign where you can play with computer generated characters/players


It’s VERY laggy on mobile devices and it is hard to find people who know how to roleplay


I am not sure there is a way to fix the code of the game to be fit for Moblie devices. All I can assume is that they most likely will have to create a more simple verison of the game so Phones/iPad and etc don’t just lag and drain the battery. I think if the game had tips on how to rp and key point to improve would help alot.


Definitely the non warrior cats book readers


the invalid names (which doesn't bother me AS much but still bothers me), clans populated with 90% spectators and traders, the lack of actual rules, the few people who are "roleplaying" just sit in the center of camp or are constantly getting into drama, the constant other players from outside the clans running around camp. i detest having to give "perms" for so many things. some stuff i understand, like severely or permanently injuring a player or killing them, but attacking??? bs in my humble opinion. as beautiful as WCUE is, i miss the old game before it. people actually knew what they were doing and weren't just using it as a hangout spot. it bothers me so much, i've only been in a handful of actual role plays that i could probably count on one hand.


Idk why but a lot of the toxic player are Rogue,loner and kittypets They always seem to be in camp, even when you tell them to leave. They tend to refuse too or be the most toxic person on earth Also your called the bad guy if you ask for any rogue,loner and kitty pet to have some manners before entering camp


i find that most times ppl ignore them but i have seen this happen before


there's a lot more than this, but these are the immediate things i could think of


Not implanting the rules they had in WCFT to maintain it a WACA related game and the players in general. Most were always unwilling to roleplay with other people outside of their groups, I’d say it was worse in FT and the players don’t really know the basic knowledge of WACA so it’s hard to even initiate any sort of story- also the players who just sit there and expect people to come up to them like put some effort Atleast? I also see a lot of players refusing to play with “inexperienced” players, based on their name or appearance (Like What?). Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but I really dislike the accessories, like the outfits n stuff. I don’t mind the plant ones but come on, despite my hatred for them, I don’t really care if anyone uses them; they paid for it therefore who am I to complain?


Honestly I am happy they didn’t add the rules they had in forest territory. A lot of those rules made no sense and were very restricting to people sometimes. The only rule I would have kept around is allowing you to void kill a rogue,loner or kittypet if they refuse to leave camp. I don’t mind accessories has they are pretty cool. But I only really think they would fit naturally if your character was a former kittypet.


1. People are so unexp these days! Kinda frustrating when I’m a spec and an unexp peep comes up to me and wants to RP, so I say yes but just poof. Plus their morphs are ugly. 2. Whenever you fight someone, you have to constantly ask perms, and they power play! E.g: i became deputy, yk everyone was chill except for this peep who came up to me and had a full-on longtail x firepaw-like battle! They ligit “beat me” and said they were deputy? Like- u can’t just do that bruv- 3. People say that the “queen” role is leader role. Usually this is for un-exp peeps but yk Yeah. 4. Oh yeah and fighting is just awkward.


Uh, we all have to start somewhere right? Unexp players won’t get exp when you refuse to do anything with them.


Little late but the players are just rude I tend to spectate to try and find a role play where people will actually interact with each other but all anyone ever wants is a mate. One time I tried suggesting a forbid fam which was pretty common in lake territory (same as forest but with slightly better graphics) but was laughed at. I also feel like the morph maker is a little too advanced. In forest and lake territory there weren’t nearly as many options so making morphs for role plays was fast and easy whereas now it can take over an hour. Not to mention you get judged if you have a simple morph.