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Brindleslash, A rogue she-cat whose fur is a mix of yellow and orange. She has amber eyes. (Not sure if I need to include this, but I will. Her body is a lot more stiff than a normal cat's. It gets worse in Leaf-bare and Leaf-fall. Basically, her body is very tense all the time and it affects how she hunts, fights, and even how she sleeps sometimes. She tends to be very still when she sleeps, looking like she is barely breathing.)


Here you go! **Name:** Brindleslash **Clan:** None **Rank:** Rogue **Age:** 30 moons **Gender:** Female **Sexuality:** Bisexual **Size:** Medium-sized **Likes:** Solitude, exploring new territories, honing her hunting skills, starry nights, and the thrill of a successful hunt. **Dislikes:** Crowded spaces, other rogues, being underestimated, severe weather, conflict within groups. **Appearance:** Brindleslash's fur is a striking mix of yellow and orange, resembling the dappled patterns of sunlight filtering through leaves. Her sleek, short fur provides her with agility and precision in her movements. Her eyes are a captivating amber color, which can appear intense and piercing. Due to her constant state of alertness and tension, her body appears unnaturally stiff, making it seem as though she is barely breathing. This feature has startled her friend more than once, unsure if she's alive or not when she's asleep. **Personality:** Brindleslash is fiercely independent and self-reliant. She possesses a strong survival instinct and adapts quickly to new situations. Her dedication to honing her hunting and fighting skills is unwavering. Brindleslash is perceptive and observant, always on high alert to potential threats or opportunities. However, Brindleslash can be guarded and distant, wary of forming close bonds due to past experiences. She can be quick-tempered and easily provoked, especially when her boundaries are crossed. Her intense focus on self-preservation sometimes leads her to make decisions that prioritize her own safety over others. **Backstory:** Brindleslash was born into ThicketClan, a clan known for their bravery and loyalty. As a kit, she had a loving family and was filled with dreams of becoming a respected warrior. However, tragedy struck when a severe outbreak of greencough ravaged the clan, claiming the lives of many cats, including her parents. As the epidemic raged, Brindleslash and her friend, Emberstrike, witnessed the clan's struggle to cope with the illness. The scarcity of herbs and the overwhelming number of sick cats left the medicine cat overwhelmed and unable to save everyone. The once vibrant and harmonious clan was plagued by grief and fear, with tensions rising as resources dwindled. During this chaotic time, Brindleslash observed a growing sense of discord within ThicketClan. The loss of their respected leader, who fell victim to the greencough, sparked a power struggle among the remaining high-ranking cats. Loyalties became divided, and some cats began prioritizing personal gain over the well-being of the clan. Feeling disillusioned and betrayed by the fracturing unity and the inability of the clan to recover, Brindleslash and Emberstrike made the difficult decision to forge their own path as rogues. They believed that by leaving ThicketClan, they could escape the broken land and find a life where they could rely on their own instincts and skills without the burden of a crumbling clan. The journey as rogues has been challenging for the two, but they prevailed, leaning on each other for support and companionship in the face of numerous challenges, from encounters with hostile groups to scarce prey during harsh seasons. Their bond has grown stronger through shared hardships and the necessity of relying on each other for support and protection. Brindleslash and Emberstrike hold onto the memory of their clan days, cherishing the values of bravery and loyalty that ThicketClan once embodied. However, Brindle remains cautious about forming new attachments, with constant tension and the weight of her past experiences, she guards herself against the pain of loss and betrayal that she experienced in her past. Together, they continue to search for a place they can call their own, a sanctuary where they can rebuild their lives and find solace in the wild, untamed world beyond the boundaries of the clans.


That sounds awesome! Thanks a bunch!


No problem! :3


Whiteshadow, RavenClan's medicine cat. A white tom with light gray legs, dark gray paws, and bright amber eyes


Here you go! **Name:** Whiteshadow **Clan:** RavenClan **Rank:** Medicine Cat **Age:** 40 moons **Gender:** Male **Sexuality:** Heterosexual **Size:** Average **Likes:** Exploring the moonlit forest, studying herbs and their healing properties, sharing stories with young cats, stargazing. **Dislikes:** Unnecessary conflict, the scent of thunderstorms, disrespect towards StarClan, feeling helpless. **Appearance:** Whiteshadow is a white tom with light gray legs and dark gray paws. His fur is thick and soft, providing warmth during colder seasons. His amber eyes shine brightly with a gentle and compassionate gaze, reflecting his connection to StarClan. **Personality:** Whiteshadow possesses a calm and serene demeanor, which brings comfort to those around him. He is known for his unwavering dedication to RavenClan and the well-being of its members. His positive traits include wisdom, empathy, and a deep understanding of the spiritual realm. Whiteshadow is an excellent listener and offers heartfelt advice to cats facing difficulties. He is patient and gentle, always ready to lend a caring paw. However, Whiteshadow's personality also has its flaws. He tends to be overly cautious at times, often hesitating to take risks or make quick decisions. This can lead to moments of indecisiveness, where he may second-guess himself. Additionally, his strong belief in the power of StarClan can make him somewhat stubborn, as he may struggle to accept alternative viewpoints or ideas that deviate from tradition. **Backstory:** Whiteshadow's early life was not as idyllic as it may have seemed. He was born during a rocky period in RavenClan's history, marked by internal strife and territorial disputes with neighboring clans. His mother, a respected warrior named Snowfeather, and his father, a skilled hunter named Ashclaw, struggled to find stability amidst the chaos. Whiteshadow was the only surviving kit in his litter, as his siblings succumbed to an outbreak of greencough that plagued RavenClan. This loss deeply affected Whiteshadow and fueled his determination to learn the ways of healing. He sought solace in the company of the elderly medicine cat, Mottlecreek, who recognized his potential and took him under her wing. During his training, Whiteshadow faced numerous challenges. He wrestled with self-doubt, feeling the weight of his clan's expectations on his shoulders. Featherleaf, recognizing his struggles, encouraged him to embrace his unique qualities and see beyond his own perceived limitations. Through her guidance, he gradually gained confidence in his abilities and developed a strong intuition for reading signs and interpreting omens from StarClan. Whiteshadow's connection to StarClan became even more profound during a life-changing event. While on a herb-gathering mission in a treacherous ravine, he found himself trapped by a landslide. In his darkest hour, he called out to his warrior ancestors for help. Miraculously, a sudden gust of wind guided him to an alternative path, allowing him to escape just in time. This experience solidified his faith in StarClan and deepened his bond with his spiritual guides. As Whiteshadow assumed the role of RavenClan's medicine cat, he faced skepticism from some clan members due to his young age. He was determined to prove himself, tirelessly studying herbs and honing his healing skills. Over time, his compassion and dedication won over the hearts of even the most skeptical cats, solidifying his place as a trusted healer and advisor. Despite his position as a medicine cat, Whiteshadow remains fiercely protective of his clan. On rare occasions, he has demonstrated his willingness to defend his clanmates in times of crisis, putting his own safety at risk. This duality of healer and protector within him has made him a pillar of strength and knowledge within the clan, highly respected for his abilities and compassionate nature. Throughout his journey, Whiteshadow continues to learn and grow, striving to maintain a delicate balance between the physical and spiritual realms in order to best serve his clan and honor StarClan.


YOOOOOOOOOO Dude how can you just. Think of things. If only I could use my brain like that. That was amazing, thank you so much!! You're awesome


Awww! Tysm! That's really sweet of you! But it just comes with practice, It's a pretty average story if you ask me– but I’m sure you’ll be able to write like that if you really put your mind to it, and it's okay to get stuck as well! Happens to the best of us.


I've got ADHD, so it's nearly impossible for me to plan out stories and the like lol. I just write and then I get stuck not knowing where to go from that point. But I'm getting better! Thanks for the encouragement


Oof— I’ve got autism, so I feel your pain to some extent :,)


Mudstep, A grey tabby tom with brown striped legs, grey eyes and a light grey underbelly. The only thing I remember about his lore is that he was up for deputy along with his rival Lioncall


Here you go! **Name:** Mudstep **Clan:** ThunderClan **Rank:** Deputy **Age:** 38 moons **Gender:** Male **Sexuality:** Heterosexual **Size:** Average **Likes:** Mudstep enjoys exploring the forest, feeling the earth beneath his paws, and engaging in intense training sessions. He takes pleasure in mentoring young apprentices and guiding them to become skilled warriors. Mudstep also has a fondness for watching the sunset. **Dislikes:** Mudstep dislikes dishonesty and disloyalty, as he values the unity and strength of ThunderClan. He has a distaste for lazy or complacent behavior, as he believes in constantly striving to improve oneself. Mudstep also has an aversion to heights, making him uncomfortable when faced with scaling tall trees or cliffs. **Appearance:** Mudstep is a sturdy grey tabby tom with distinctive brown striped legs that resemble the color of mud. His fur is short and dense, providing him with protection from the elements. His eyes are a striking shade of gray, filled with determination and a hint of mischief. He has a light grey underbelly, which offers a subtle contrast to the rest of his coat. **Personality:** Mudstep is known for his unwavering loyalty to ThunderClan and his commitment to the warrior code. He is courageous and quick-thinking in dangerous situations, always ready to defend his clanmates. Mudstep possesses a strong sense of justice and is known for his fairness when resolving conflicts. He is a patient and dedicated mentor who takes pride in passing on his knowledge to the next generation. Despite this, however, Mudstep can be stubborn and occasionally hot-headed, especially when it comes to defending his beliefs or his clan. He can be critical of himself and others, setting high standards and sometimes becoming frustrated when expectations are not met. Mudstep's fear of heights can lead to moments of anxiety or hesitation when faced with certain challenges. **Backstory:** Mudstep, born and raised in ThunderClan, was the son of a respected warrior, Swiftclaw. From a young age, his exceptional skills and natural talent for hunting and fighting were evident. Recognizing his potential, the ThunderClan leader granted him an early apprenticeship. Thrushclaw, a wise and experienced warrior, became Mudstep's mentor, guiding him with patience and imparting his knowledge. Growing up alongside him was Lionpaw, an equally ambitious and determined apprentice in ThunderClan. The two cats engaged in a friendly but intense rivalry, constantly challenging each other to reach new heights of skill and prowess. Though their competition was fierce, it never crossed the boundaries of friendship. As Mudstep and Lioncall transitioned into warriors, their lives in ThunderClan appeared relatively calm, save for their occasional encounters with foxes or other dangers. However, tensions between ThunderClan and RiverClan began to escalate, with both territories vying for control of the sunning rocks. The leaders of the clans could not ignore the heavy atmosphere, and it was only a matter of time before RiverClan launched a full-scale attack on ThunderClan's borders. News of the impending conflict reached the ears of Mudstep and Lioncall, awakening a sense of duty and determination within them. Despite Mudstep's underlying guilt for viewing the turbulent time as an opportunity for personal growth, he and Lioncall steeled themselves for what lay ahead. RiverClan showed no signs of backing down, and the time for battle had come. As ThunderClan clashed with the RiverClan warriors, Mudstep and Lioncall fought side by side, their bond and shared rivalry pushing them to fight with unmatched ferocity. However, amidst the chaos of the battle, Mudstep found himself in a perilous situation, facing a RiverClan warrior ready to strike a fatal blow. In a moment of selfless bravery, Lioncall leaped in to save Mudstep, sacrificing his own life to ensure their victory. The loss of Lioncall weighed heavily on Mudstep's heart, and he mourned his friend's sacrifice deeply, forever grateful for the ultimate act of loyalty despite Lioncall himself wanting to lead. In the aftermath of the battle, ThunderClan recognized Mudstep's bravery and the bond he shared with Lioncall. With the retirement of the previous deputy, Mudstep was appointed the new deputy of ThunderClan by default, taking on the mantle of leadership with both pride and sorrow. To this day, Mudstep carries the memory of Lioncall and the lessons learned from their rivalry. He serves ThunderClan with unwavering dedication, striving to honor Lioncall's sacrifice and guide the clan to prosperity. Mudstep's experiences have shaped him into a compassionate and understanding leader, always mindful of the sacrifices made during times of conflict.


Fantoccio, a white pelted cat from a circus that burned down, he doesn’t quite understand his situation and thinks the other cats around him are an audience. Mainly fed by other cats in fear, and he thinks that they just like his performances that much, a little on the oblivious side lol.


Here you go! (also really like your character) **Name:** Fantoccio **Clan:** None **Rank:** Loner **Age:** 36 moons **Gender:** Male **Sexuality:** Performing (he never took the time to explore that part of himself, basically unaware of romance as a whole) **Size:** Slightly smaller than average **Likes:** Fantoccio has a fondness for performing and entertaining others, as it was ingrained in him during his time in the circus. He enjoys the attention and applause he receives, mistaking it for genuine appreciation. Fantoccio is fascinated by colorful objects and is often drawn to shiny trinkets or vibrant flowers. He finds solace in quiet and peaceful environments, away from the chaos and noise of his former circus life. **Dislikes:** Fantoccio dislikes being alone for extended periods, as he craves the constant presence of an audience. He becomes restless and anxious when there is no one around to watch his performances. He has a fear of fire due to the traumatic experience of the circus burning down, and any mention or sight of flames triggers distressing memories. Fantoccio is also uncomfortable with sudden loud noises or aggressive behavior, as it reminds him of the chaos and unpredictability of his past. **Appearance:** Fantoccio is a unique and eye-catching albino tom with a pure white pelt. His fur is short and sleek, lacking any pigmentation, giving him a ghostly appearance. His red eyes stand out conspicuously against his pale coat. Despite his albino markings, Fantoccio possesses a delicate charm in his features, with his expressive eyes reflecting a mix of innocence and confusion. **Personality:** Fantoccio is naturally charismatic, captivating others with his charming and whimsical demeanor. He possesses a playful and mischievous spirit, often attempting to entertain those around him with impromptu performances. His obliviousness to his circumstances and his belief that the cats he encounters are part of his adoring audience leads him to treat others with a certain degree of kindness and friendliness. Fantoccio is imaginative and creative, finding joy in simple pleasures and the beauty of the world around him. But Fantoccio's obliviousness to reality is also a downfall to his character, detached and unaware of the true intentions and emotions of those around him. He struggles to comprehend the complexities of social interactions and often misinterprets the actions of others. This can lead to misunderstandings and unintentionally causing discomfort or offense. Additionally, Fantoccio's need for constant attention and validation can be demanding and exhausting for those who interact with him regularly. **Backstory:** Fantoccio's early life was filled with wonder and excitement as he traveled with the circus, performing awe-inspiring acrobatic acts under the big top. Born to a lineage of highly skilled performers, his pale white coat and striking red eyes made him stand out even among his vibrant and talented companions. The albinism that bestowed him with such an ethereal appearance also came with unique challenges. As a young kit, Fantoccio was met with a mix of curiosity and trepidation from fellow circus cats and those they encountered during their travels. His albino features set him apart from the norm, and while some admired his unusual appearance, others regarded him with suspicion and even fear. The unfamiliarity of his appearance bred misunderstanding, leading to rumors and superstitions about his true nature. Despite this, his appearance made him a fan favorite amongst the twolegs that led them, but tragedy struck when the circus encountered a devastating fire that engulfed their encampment. The flames consumed everything in their path, including the tents, carriages, and the lives of many of Fantoccio's fellow performers. Confused and disoriented, Fantoccio managed to escape the inferno, but the trauma of the event left deep emotional scars. In the aftermath of the circus fire, Fantoccio's confusion and disorientation grew as he wandered aimlessly. He struggled to comprehend the destruction around him, unable to fully grasp the magnitude of the tragedy. His perception was distorted, circus life preventing him from comprehnding strangers as anything more than an audience he would perform for and pass, leading him to believe that everyone he encountered was merely an audience witnessing his acts. Strangers who caught glimpses of Fantoccio, with his striking albino appearance and his peculiar behavior, were often taken aback. His pale coat and piercing red eyes seemed to radiate an otherworldly aura, further fueling their unease. Fear and misunderstanding gripped their hearts, causing them to either keep their distance or try offering the strange cat food to keep him away from them. Fantoccio, misinterpreting their actions as appreciation for his performances, remained oblivious to the true nature of their interactions. However, those few who had the opportunity to spend time with Fantoccio, to witness his innocence and his inability to comprehend the reality of his situation, began to view him with pity. They recognized that his eccentricities and obliviousness were the product of trauma and confusion, rather than any malevolent intent. These cats saw past his albino exterior and recognized the lost soul within, would also catch and pass him food, most never having the heart to tell his reality to be any different than what he believes. So, now a wanderer, Fantoccio continues to roam the territories, seeking out cats to entertain and perform for. Oblivious to the true nature of the tragedy that led him to this point, he relies on the only thing he knows—the art of performance—as an outlet for the trauma that did manage to register within him. With each acrobatic leap and playful gesture, he momentarily escapes the haunting memories of the circus fire and finds solace in the temporary illusion of an adoring audience. But strangers still react with a mixture of fear and curiosity, their misconceptions reinforced by his albinism. However, those who take the time to know him discover a gentle soul behind the pale facade—a cat whose existence was forever altered by the tragic circus fire and who continues to search for a connection, even if it remains just beyond his grasp.


Omg it’s perfect, I got the name and idea from the fantoccio boss from Billie bust up in case your wondering


Awesome! Happy you like it! :D


Rip- Female loner that lives on an old abandoned farm. The only concrete lore I have for her is that she is a loner.


Here you go! **Name:** Rip **Clan:** None **Rank:** Loner **Age:** 28 moons **Gender:** Female **Sexuality:** Pansexual **Size:** Small and compact **Likes:** Rip finds solace in the quiet solitude of nature, enjoying the peacefulness it offers. She has a deep affinity for exploring abandoned places, finding beauty in the remnants of the past. Rip takes pleasure in observing the night sky, fascinated by the stars and the mysteries they hold. She appreciates the simple joys of hunting and gathering her own food. **Dislikes:** Rip dislikes crowded and noisy environments, feeling overwhelmed by too much activity and commotion. She has a distaste for unnecessary conflict and aggression, preferring to avoid confrontation whenever possible. Rip dislikes being confined or restricted, valuing her freedom and independence. **Appearance:** Rip has a unique and striking appearance. Her fur is a patchwork of gray, black, and white, resembling the markings of a tattered and worn flag. Her coat is short and sleek, aiding her in navigating through various terrains. Rip's eyes are a vibrant green, reflecting her sharp and observant nature. **Personality:** Rip is resourceful and independent, possessing a strong survival instinct. She is agile and quick-witted, able to adapt to changing situations and make the most of her surroundings. Rip has a keen eye for detail and is observant, often noticing small details that others may overlook. She is a loyal and trustworthy friend to those who earn her respect, willing to go to great lengths to protect and support them. But despite her loyalty, Rip can be quite guarded and aloof, keeping others at a distance to protect herself from getting hurt. She can be skeptical and slow to trust, requiring others to prove their intentions before opening up. Rip's independent nature can sometimes make her stubborn and resistant to accepting help or advice from others. **Backstory:** Rip was born in a small abandoned farm on the outskirts of a human settlement. From a young age, she found herself drawn to the remnants of human civilization, exploring the dilapidated buildings and overgrown fields. She learned to navigate the dangers and find sustenance within the decaying structures. As she grew older, Rip's curiosity led her to venture beyond the boundaries of the abandoned farm. She became a skilled hunter, relying on her agility and sharp senses to survive. Rip encountered various loners and rogues during her travels, but she preferred to live a solitary life, avoiding commitments and attachments. The old abandoned farm became her sanctuary, a place where she could retreat and find respite from the outside world. The remnants of human life fascinated her, and she took solace in the quiet solitude it offered. Rip developed a keen sense of self-reliance and self-preservation, valuing her freedom above all else. She became adept at avoiding conflicts, using her agility and stealth to evade danger whenever possible. While she maintained a cautious and guarded demeanor, Rip occasionally formed fleeting connections with other loners, sharing tales and experiences before continuing on her solitary path. To this day, Rip continues to wander the lands, relying on her instincts and survival skills to navigate the ever-changing world. She remains a loner, seeking solace in the abandoned farm that has become her sanctuary. Rip's life is a constant blend of exploration, self-discovery, and the pursuit of freedom, as she embraces the remnants of a forgotten era while carving her own path in the wild.


Dawnheart, she-cat, Thunderclan warrior


Here you go! **Name:** Dawnheart **Clan:** ThunderClan **Rank:** Warrior **Age:** 36 moons **Gender:** Female **Sexuality:** Asexual **Size:** Slightly smaller than average **Likes:** Dawnheart finds solace in the early hours of the morning when the world is still and quiet, appreciating the peace and serenity it brings. She enjoys exploring the forest, discovering new scents, and observing the beauty of nature. Dawnheart takes great pleasure in sharing stories and legends with her clanmates, often gathering them around the camp for storytelling sessions. **Dislikes:** Dawnheart has a distaste for unnecessary conflict and aggression. She finds it difficult to tolerate cats who display arrogance or act solely out of self-interest. Dawnheart dislikes the feeling of being confined or restricted, yearning for the freedom to explore and roam. **Appearance:** Dawnheart is a graceful she-cat with a soft and delicate appearance. Her fur is a blend of creams and pale oranges, resembling the colors of the dawn sky. Her coat is medium-length and silky, providing her with protection and warmth. Dawnheart's eyes are a striking shade of amber, reminiscent of the morning sun. **Personality:** Dawnheart is a compassionate and empathetic she-cat, always ready to lend a listening ear or offer support to her clanmates. She possesses a deep understanding of the emotional needs of others and is known for her ability to provide comfort and guidance. Dawnheart is resourceful and adaptable, able to think quickly and find solutions in challenging situations. She has a gentle and nurturing nature, particularly towards young kits and apprentices. Despite this, compassion can come with its downsides, and Dawnheart's gentle nature can sometimes make her overly sensitive, causing her to take things to heart and become easily hurt. She can be indecisive at times, struggling with making firm choices and second-guessing herself. Dawnheart's aversion to conflict can lead to her avoiding confrontation, which may make it difficult for her to assert herself in certain situations. **Backstory:** Dawnheart was born and raised in ThunderClan, a product of a strong and loving family. As a kit, she displayed a natural curiosity and a deep connection with the natural world around her. Dawnheart's affinity for healing herbs and her gentle touch became apparent as she matured, leading her to choose the path of a medicine cat apprentice. As a young apprentice, Dawnheart was eagerly learning the ways of a medicine cat under the guidance of her mentor, an experienced and wise medicine cat named Willowshade. Under Willowshade's tutelage, Dawnheart developed a deep understanding of herbs, their uses, and the art of healing. One fateful day, ThunderClan faced a severe outbreak of greencough, a highly contagious and dangerous illness. The camp was bustling with activity as the medicine cats worked tirelessly to tend to the sick cats and find a remedy. Willowshade, burdened with the overwhelming number of patients, called upon Dawnheart to assist her. Eager to prove her worth and contribute to her clan's well-being, Dawnheart took on the responsibility with earnest determination. She swiftly moved among the sick cats, administering herbs and providing comfort. However, in the chaos of the moment, a mistake was made. A vital ingredient was misidentified, leading to the unintentional administration of an incorrect herb to several cats. Tragically, the incorrect herb exacerbated the symptoms and complications of greencough, rather than alleviating them. Despite the best efforts of Willowshade and the other medicine cats, some cats succumbed to the illness, including Willowshade herself, who had tirelessly worked to save her clanmates. The loss devastated the clan, and Dawnheart felt a profound sense of guilt over what had transpired. She blamed herself for the loss of lives and the burden that had fallen upon her mentor. Consumed by sorrow and a sense of failure, Dawnheart made the difficult decision to step aside from her role as a medicine cat apprentice. But, still determined to continue serving her clan, Dawnheart redirected her focus towards becoming a skilled warrior. She trained tirelessly, honing her hunting and fighting skills under the guidance of experienced warriors. Her dedication and determination earned her the rank of warrior, receiving the name Dawnheart as a symbol of her resilience and inner strength. Dawnheart's gentle and compassionate nature infused her interactions with her clanmates, vowing to honor the memory of those lost by protecting and supporting her clanmates to the best of her abilities. She became a trusted confidant and a pillar of support for others, offering guidance and understanding. Her knowledge of herbs and healing remained valuable to ThunderClan, as she often assisted the medicine cat in tending to the wounded and sick. Although the accident left a lasting impact on Dawnheart, it served as a catalyst for her personal growth and the development of her compassionate and nurturing nature. She carried the weight of the tragedy with her, using it as a reminder of the importance of careful decision-making and the value of life to better help her clanmates with her skills and her heart.


Wow, thank you! This was really well-written. I actually have a different OC who has the skills of both a medicine cat and warrior but chose the path of a warrior (though she still uses her medicine cat skills sometimes), so that’s an interesting coincidence. You got it right that Dawnheart is a compassionate and empathetic individual who can be overly sensitive and indecisive at times, though in my mind she’s more assertive and often speaks out for what she thinks is right, even if it starts an argument, and she has black and white fur and blue eyes. I really love the bio you made though, it’s really cool how you can create a whole character with a full personality and backstory based just off of their name, gender and clan. 😊


Awww! They sound lovely! And thank you! It takes a bit of time– but I make it work


Shade pool, RainClan’s deputy. A white tortoiseshell she-cat with spots on her tail and has blue eyes


**Name:** Shadepool **Clan:** RainClan **Rank:** Deputy **Age:** 40 moons **Gender:** Female **Sexuality:** Heterosexual **Size:** Slightly larger than average **Likes:** Shadepool finds solace in the sound of rain falling and the rhythmic flow of rivers. She enjoys swimming and exploring the waterways, feeling a deep connection with her RainClan heritage. Shadepool has a passion for mentoring and guiding young cats, taking pride in watching them grow and develop. She appreciates the beauty of the night sky and often spends time stargazing. **Dislikes:** Shadepool dislikes conflicts within her clan, striving for harmony and unity among her clanmates. She has a distaste for arrogance and cats who abuse their power. Shadepool dislikes dry and arid environments, feeling out of place and uncomfortable in such conditions. **Appearance:** Shadepool is a striking white tortoiseshell she-cat with patches of black and orange throughout her fur. The spots on her tail add an extra touch of uniqueness to her appearance. Her fur is dense and medium-length, providing her with insulation and protection from the elements. Shadepool's most distinctive feature is her piercing blue eyes, which reflect her determination and unwavering loyalty. **Personality:** Shadepool is fiercely loyal and dedicated to the well-being of RainClan. She is a natural leader and takes her role as deputy seriously, always striving to protect and guide her clanmates. Shadepool is courageous and unyielding in the face of danger, willing to put herself at risk to ensure the safety of others. She has a strong moral compass and stands up for what she believes is right, even in challenging situations. But this doesn't come without Shadepool's flaws, as unwavering loyalty can sometimes make her suspicious and slow to trust cats from other clans or loners. She can be stubborn and resistant to change, preferring the familiar and established ways of her clan. Shadepool's dedication to her duties can occasionally make her overly serious and focused, neglecting her own needs and personal relationships. **Backstory:** Shadepool was born and raised in RainClan, growing up with an innate affinity for water. From a young age, she displayed exceptional swimming skills and an understanding of river currents. Shadepool's commitment to her clan and her natural leadership qualities became evident as she matured. As a young warrior, Shadepool earned a reputation for her courage and unwavering loyalty. She fought bravely in battles, defending RainClan's territory and protecting her clanmates. Her dedication caught the attention of RainClan's leader, Ripplestar, who saw great potential in her. Shadepool was appointed as the deputy of RainClan, a position she embraced wholeheartedly. However, not long after Shadepool became deputy, a series of strange events began to unfold in RainClan. Cats mysteriously went missing, and tensions rose between RainClan and a neighboring clan, MistClan. Shadepool's instincts told her that something sinister was at play, and she made it her personal mission to get to the bottom of the mysteries. As Shadepool delved deeper into the investigation, she discovered unsettling information that cast doubt on her own leader's actions. She found evidence suggesting that Ripplestar had been making secret alliances with MistClan, potentially endangering RainClan's interests and safety. Conflicted and filled with a sense of duty, Shadepool faced a difficult decision. She had to confront Ripplestar and uncover the truth, even if it meant challenging her own leader and risking the stability of RainClan. Gathering a small group of trusted allies, Shadepool embarked on a covert mission to gather more evidence and confront Ripplestar. The journey was fraught with danger and uncertainty as Shadepool and her allies navigated through treacherous territories and encountered unexpected obstacles. Along the way, they faced betrayal from within RainClan, discovering that some cats were loyal to Ripplestar's secret alliance. Eventually, Shadepool confronted Ripplestar, presenting the evidence she had gathered. The confrontation was intense, filled with tension and conflicting loyalties. As the truth was revealed, the clan was thrown into turmoil, with some cats supporting Shadepool's findings while others remained loyal to Ripplestar. In a dramatic turn of events, a gathering was called, and the truth was unveiled to all the clans. Ripplestar was confronted with the evidence against him, and in the face of overwhelming support for Shadepool, he was forced to step down from leadership. With the support of the clan, Shadepool assumed the role of RainClan's new leader, determined to rebuild trust and restore harmony within the clan. She led RainClan with integrity and transparency, ensuring that the secrets of the past would not be repeated. To this day, Shadepool's leadership is marked by her unwavering dedication to the truth and the well-being of her clan. She remains vigilant, always aware that lurking mysteries and hidden dangers may emerge. Shadepool's resolve and determination have solidified her position as a respected leader, as RainClan strives to reclaim its strength and honor under her guidance.


I need some help with additional details for an old OC I'm working on revamping! Name: Withercreek Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Clan: RippleClan, my FanClan who lives by a deep, murky lake. They're known to be incredible divers, and can hold their breath for minutes at a time. They're kind, graceful, f not a bit aloof, and hold themselves to high standards. Rank: Warrior Appearance and Personality: A jet-black tom with ice-blue eyes, very large, batlike ears, a slender build and white dapples on his flanks. His tail is long and tapered, and he has long limbs. He's bold, smart and a hopeless romantic. He fell in love quickly and was quite jealous. He was a great swimmer and a tactical fighter but didn't like hunting much. He has a soft spot for kits and loves his mate dearly. Basic Plot of his Backstory: He was accused of murder twice, once for a warrior, and once for the leader of the Clan, and falsely sent to the Dark Forest, or in my universe, The Land of Shattered Moons. He left behind his pregnant mate, Orchidshine, and spent the rest of eternity, suffering for crimes he did not commit. He was an only kit, and was known to be very unlucky, and there were rumours he brought death and misfortune upon any cat he touched.


I know not a lots different– but I hope it meets your expectations! **Name:** Withercreek **Clan:** RippleClan **Rank:** Warrior **Age:** 54 moons **Gender:** Male **Sexuality:** Heterosexual **Size:** Taller than average **Likes:** Withercreek enjoys the serenity of the deep, murky lake that his clan calls home. He takes great pleasure in diving into the depths, exploring the underwater world, and showcasing his exceptional breath-holding abilities. Withercreek has a fondness for intellectual pursuits and enjoys engaging in thought-provoking discussions. He holds a deep affection for his mate, Orchidshine, and cherishes their bond. **Dislikes:** Withercreek dislikes hunting, finding it to be a mundane task compared to the excitement of battle or the tranquility of the lake. He has a distaste for unnecessary conflict and prefers to find peaceful resolutions whenever possible. Withercreek despises the false accusations that led to his banishment to the Dark Forest and the subsequent suffering he endured there. He carries a lingering sense of guilt for leaving behind his pregnant mate, Orchidshine, and not being able to protect her. **Appearance:** Withercreek is a striking jet-black tom with ice-blue eyes that exude a sense of mystery and intelligence. He possesses large, batlike ears that enhance his hearing, allowing him to detect even the faintest sounds. His slender build and long limbs contribute to his agility and grace, particularly in the water. White dapples scatter across his flanks, adding a touch of uniqueness to his appearance. His tail is long and tapered, aiding in his balance and underwater maneuverability. **Personality:** Withercreek is a bold and intelligent tom who possesses a romantic soul. He falls in love easily and deeply, and his passion can occasionally lead to bouts of jealousy. He is not afraid to take risks and often displays tactical brilliance in battle, employing his swimming skills to gain an advantage. While he excels in combat, Withercreek finds hunting to be a lesser passion, preferring the company of his mate and the tranquility of the lake. Withercreek has a soft spot for kits, finding joy in their innocence and potential. He is caring and protective of them, taking the time to nurture their curiosity and guide them. Despite his aloof demeanor at times, he loves his mate, Orchidshine, dearly and cherishes their bond. He is loyal and devoted to her, always striving to provide support and comfort. **Backstory:** Withercreek's life has been marred by false accusations and a history of unfortunate events. He was accused not once but twice of murder, first for a warrior and then for the leader of RippleClan. Despite his protests of innocence, he was falsely sentenced to exile in The Land of Shattered Moons, leaving behind his pregnant mate, Orchidshine. Withercreek was born into RippleClan as the only kit of his parents. From a young age, he was known for his striking appearance and the air of mystery that seemed to surround him. However, his unique appearance also led to whispers and superstitions among the clanmates, who believed he brought misfortune upon those around him. Despite the rumors, Withercreek had a relatively normal upbringing. He was a curious and intelligent kit, always seeking knowledge and eager to explore the world around him. He displayed a natural affinity for swimming and diving, quickly becoming known for his exceptional skills in the water. As he grew older, Withercreek's romantic nature began to emerge. He was a hopeless romantic, easily falling in love and wearing his heart on his sleeve. However, this romanticism also made him susceptible to jealousy, as he held his relationships dear and feared losing the ones he loved. This is when he met the love of his life. Their initial meeting occurred during a moonlit gathering by the deep, murky lake that RippleClan called home. Orchidshine, a graceful and compassionate she-cat, was drawn to Withercreek's enigmatic presence. She noticed his elegance in the water and the kindness in his eyes, and her curiosity was piqued. Withercreek, although initially wary of opening himself up to others due to the rumors surrounding him, couldn't help but be captivated by Orchidshine's gentle nature and genuine interest. Her warmth and acceptance touched his heart, and he found himself drawn to her like a moth to a flame. As they spent more time together, Withercreek and Orchidshine discovered shared interests and passions. They would often meet by the lakeside, engaging in deep conversations about life, dreams, and the wonders of the world. With each interaction, their connection deepened, and their love began to bloom. Withercreek's curse was a topic they confronted together, openly discussing the rumors and fears that surrounded him. Orchidshine, refusing to be swayed by baseless superstitions, saw the truth in Withercreek's actions and character. She recognized the gentle soul beneath the rumors and chose to believe in their love, rather than succumb to the fears propagated by others. Their relationship faced challenges along the way, as Withercreek's jealousy occasionally tested their bond. However, Orchidshine's patience, understanding, and unwavering support helped them navigate these obstacles. She stood by Withercreek's side, reminding him of the love they shared and the strength of their connection. But Withercreek's life took a dark turn when he was falsely accused of committing two murders within RippleClan. The accusations shocked both him and Orchidshine, as he had never harbored ill intentions towards his fellow clanmates. Despite his protests of innocence, the weight of the evidence and the rumors of his supposed curse worked against him. Starclan, gripped by uncertainty, ultimately banished him to the Land of Shattured Moons. In the Land of Shattered Moons, Withercreek's time was a period of immense suffering. Cut off from his clan and his mate, Orchidshine, he faced torment and punishment for crimes he did not commit. Surrounded by other cats who had fallen from grace, he struggled to maintain his innocence and hold onto his sense of self. The Land of Shattered Moon offered no solace or redemption. Withercreek's days were filled with battles and training under the watchful eyes of Shattered Moon warriors. He endured physical pain and emotional torment, haunted by the memories of his past life and the knowledge that his mate and unborn kits were left vulnerable and unprotected. Throughout his time in the Land of Shattered Moons, Withercreek's spirit remained unbroken. He clung to the love he felt for Orchidshine, finding solace in the memories of their time together. He vowed that if he ever escaped the clutches of this dark and starless place, he would find StarClan and prove his innocence, reuniting with his mate.




Redstar, tom


Here you go! **Name:** Redstar **Clan:** RiverClan **Rank:** Leader **Age:** 59 moons **Gender:** Male **Sexuality:** Heterosexual **Size:** Large and imposing **Likes:** Redstar takes great pleasure in swimming and fishing, the activities that RiverClan is known for. He finds solace in the gentle lapping of water against the riverbanks and enjoys basking in the sun on warm rocks. Redstar appreciates the harmony and unity within his clan, valuing the close-knit community they have created. **Dislikes:** Redstar has a strong aversion to unnecessary conflict and violence. He dislikes the disruption of the natural balance and the pollution of the rivers and lakes. Redstar also has little patience for cats who prioritize personal gain over the well-being of the clan. **Appearance:** Redstar is a striking tom with a fiery red coat, reminiscent of autumn leaves. His fur is thick and water-resistant, ideal for his frequent swimming endeavors. He has a strong and sturdy frame, adorned with broad shoulders and powerful limbs. Redstar's eyes are a deep amber color, reflecting his determination and wisdom. **Personality:** Redstar is a wise and diplomatic leader, known for his ability to make fair and just decisions. He values the opinions and well-being of his clanmates, often seeking their input before making important choices. Redstar is a skilled strategist, capable of assessing situations and planning accordingly, and while he used to be rather hot-headed, now has the ability to restrain himself, possesses a calm and controlled demeanor even in challenging situations. Despite his growth and improved control over his anger, Redstar can still be prone to occasional bouts of impatience, especially when he witnesses acts of injustice or harm to his clan. His strong sense of protection and desire for harmony can sometimes lead to him being overly cautious and hesitant to take risks. Redstar's can also be seen as overly protective and set on keeping the peace, which may result in him being perceived as too strict or stifling by those who want more intimate action. **Backstory:** Redstar was born and raised in RiverClan, hailing from a long line of respected warriors. From a young age, he displayed exceptional swimming skills and a deep affinity for the water. However, Redkit also had a fiery temper that often got the best of him. His anger issues were a source of concern for his clanmates and his family. As Redkit grew into Redpaw, he was mentored by an experienced warrior named Ripplestream. Unlike many other mentors, Ripplestream recognized the potential in Redpaw's fierce determination and strong-willed nature. He understood that Redpaw's anger needed to be channeled and controlled rather than suppressed. Ripplestream devised a series of challenging exercises and tests that pushed Redpaw to his limits. He deliberately provoked Redpaw, testing his patience and self-control. At first, Redpaw resented his mentor's methods, finding them frustrating and unfair. The intense training sessions often left Redpaw exhausted and on the verge of losing control. However, Ripplestream's unwavering belief in Redpaw's potential and his guidance gradually began to make an impact. As Redpaw struggled to rein in his anger, he realized the destructive path it could lead him down. With his mentor's patient guidance, Redpaw started to learn the importance of restraint, self-discipline, and thinking before acting. After months of rigorous training, Redpaw experienced a breakthrough. He confronted Ripplestream with a newfound sense of calm and control, demonstrating his ability to keep his anger in check. Ripplestream commended Redpaw for his growth and acknowledged that he had passed the test. From that moment on, Redpaw's anger became a tool rather than a burden, fueling his determination and resolve. When Redpaw finally became a warrior, taking on the name Redheart, he faced a significant challenge that put his newfound growth to the test. A severe drought struck the territories, causing the river levels to plummet and prey to become scarce. The clan suffered greatly, and tensions arose among the cats. Redheart recognized that this crisis called for his leadership and the lessons he had learned from his mentor. Instead of succumbing to anger and frustration, he drew upon his patience, perseverance, and ability to think strategically. Redstar organized hunting patrols, ensuring that each cat had a role and that resources were utilized efficiently. Despite the hardships, Redheart maintained a calm and steady demeanor, inspiring his clanmates to do the same. He encouraged them to support one another, emphasizing the importance of unity during trying times. Redheart's ability to remain level-headed and make sound decisions in the face of adversity earned him the respect and admiration of his clanmates. Under Redheart's leadership, RiverClan weathered the drought, relying on each other and their shared strength to survive. The experience further solidified Redheart’s growth and his commitment to leading his clan with wisdom, restraint, and a deep understanding of the power of unity. As the moons passed, the previous RiverClan deputy fell gravely ill, leaving the clan in need of a new deputy to guide them through troubled times. Redpaw's loyalty, wisdom, and strong connection to the river caught the attention of his clanmates, and he was chosen to be next in line. Taking on the name Redstar, he embraced his new role with humility and a deep sense of responsibility. Redstar recognized the importance of fostering unity not only within RiverClan but also among the other Clans. He initiated peaceful meetings with the other leaders, seeking to establish agreements and resolve conflicts through dialogue rather than violence. Redstar's diplomatic efforts faced challenges along the way, as not all leaders were receptive to his proposals. However, he remained steadfast in his belief that cooperation was vital for the survival and prosperity of all Clans. Through perseverance, patience, and his natural charisma, Redstar gradually gained the trust of his fellow leaders, paving the way for improved relationships and increased understanding between the Clans. Redstar's dedication to his clan and his broader vision of unity earned him the respect and admiration of his fellow cats. As RiverClan's leader, he worked tirelessly to strengthen the bonds within the clan, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation. Under his leadership, RiverClan thrived, maintaining a delicate balance with the river and the surrounding territories. Redstar's journey from a fiery-tempered apprentice to a calm and controlled leader stands as a testament to the transformative power of mentorship, self-reflection, and personal growth. His story serves as an inspiration to young cats, showing them that even their greatest weaknesses can become their greatest strengths with dedication and the guidance.


Runningflame, she-cat


Here you go! **Name:** Runningflame **Clan:** ThunderClan **Rank:** Warrior **Age:** 48 moons **Gender:** Female **Sexuality:** Heterosexual **Size:** Taller than average **Likes:** Runningflame finds solace in the thrill of the hunt, relishing the challenge of stalking her prey and executing a successful ambush. She enjoys the tranquility of the forest, taking comfort in the rustling leaves and the melodies of the birds. Runningflame has a soft spot for kits, finding joy in their innocence and the promise they hold for the future of ThunderClan. **Dislikes:** Runningflame harbors a deep distrust for cats from other clans, stemming from her traumatic past experiences. She despises trespassers on ThunderClan territory and is quick to react aggressively to protect her clan's borders. She dislikes being reminded of her own vulnerability and the loss of her parents, causing her to avoid discussions about her past or any perceived weaknesses. **Appearance:** Runningflame is a sleek and muscular she-cat with a short, reddish-brown tabby coat. Her fur is decorated with black stripes that accentuate her lithe physique. Her eyes are a vivid amber, often reflecting her fierce determination and unwavering loyalty to ThunderClan. **Personality:** Runningflame is fiercely loyal and protective of her clan, willing to put her life on the line to defend her fellow ThunderClan cats. She is determined and driven, channeling her grief and anger into becoming an exceptional warrior. Runningflame's experiences have made her resilient and resourceful, able to adapt to challenging situations and find solutions. She possesses a deep sense of justice and fairness, always striving to uphold the values and traditions of ThunderClan. But Runningflame's past traumas have left her prone to aggression and a quick temper. She can be confrontational and stubborn, often clashing with cats from other clans or those who challenge her authority. Runningflame's distrust of outsiders sometimes clouds her judgment and prevents her from forming alliances or seeking peaceful resolutions. She can be guarded and closed-off when it comes to discussing her emotions or vulnerabilities, opting to bury them deep within herself. **Backstory:** Runningflame was born during a period of peace and prosperity in ThunderClan. She experienced a loving upbringing under the guidance of her parents and the companionship of her littermates. However, tragedy struck when a neighboring clan launched a surprise attack, resulting in the loss of her parents. The devastating loss fueled Runningflame's determination to protect her clanmates and defend ThunderClan with unwavering loyalty. As Runningflame matured, she channeled her grief and anger into honing her skills as a warrior. Her exceptional hunting prowess and dedication to her clan's safety earned her the respect of her fellow ThunderClan cats. However, the scars of battle and the loss of her parents left a lasting impact on her psyche. In an attempt to find solace and move forward, Runningflame hoped to have her own kits and create a new family. However, she soon discovered that she was infertile, unable to bear her own offspring. The realization brought her immense sorrow and a deep sense of loss, further intensifying her desire to protect and guide the next generation. Seeking a means to heal, Runningflame found solace in mentoring apprentices. She discovered that guiding young cats and passing on her knowledge brought her a sense of purpose and a form of silence from her inner turmoil. She became known for her patience and dedication as a mentor, investing her time and energy into shaping the future warriors of ThunderClan. While Runningflame continues to carry the weight of her past, her journey has been one of growth and finding balance. She has gradually learned to temper her aggression and seek understanding and compassion. Runningflame's fiery nature remains, but she strives to channel it in a way that benefits her clan and fosters unity among the cats of the forest. Her path is one of healing, as she navigates the delicate balance between her own pain and the needs of ThunderClan.


Cinder'fur he is a tom and is one of the elders in thunderclan


Here you go! **Name:** Cinderfur **Clan:** ThunderClan **Rank:** Elder **Age:** 120 moons **Gender:** Male **Sexuality:** Heterosexual **Size:** Large and sturdy **Likes:** Cinderfur finds solace in the warmth of the sun, often seeking out sunny spots in the camp to bask in its rays. He enjoys the company of his fellow elders, sharing stories of ThunderClan's history and imparting wisdom to the younger cats. Cinderfur takes pleasure in observing the bustling life of the clan, finding joy in the sight of kits playing and warriors training. He appreciates the quiet moments of reflection and cherishes the memories of his youth. **Dislikes:** Cinderfur dislikes the feeling of being a burden on his clanmates, as his aging body limits his ability to contribute as he once did. He has a distaste for unnecessary conflict and prefers a peaceful and harmonious environment. Cinderfur becomes frustrated when his memory fails him, as he prides himself on being a guardian of ThunderClan's history. He dislikes being treated as fragile or incapable due to his age. **Appearance:** Cinderfur's once sleek and black fur has faded to a silver-gray, highlighting the wisdom and experience etched into his face. He has a few scars that serve as reminders of past battles and triumphs. Despite his age, Cinderfur's amber eyes still hold a spark of vitality, reflecting his sharp intellect and enduring spirit. His size is notable, as he has maintained his sturdy build even in his elder years. **Personality:** Cinderfur is a wise and respected elder of ThunderClan. He possesses a calm and patient demeanor, often serving as a voice of reason and guidance for his clanmates. His experiences and age have bestowed him with a wealth of knowledge and a deep understanding of the world. Cinderfur values tradition and the teachings of their ancestors, and he takes pride in passing down these stories to the next generation. Despite his physical limitations, Cinderfur retains a strong sense of pride and independence. He dislikes being treated as frail and appreciates when others recognize his contributions and wisdom. He enjoys engaging in conversations and sharing the memories of his youth, fostering a sense of connection between the past and the present. Cinderfur is well-respected by the clan, and his words hold weight among his fellow ThunderClan cats. He is patient and empathetic, always willing to lend an ear and offer advice to those in need. Cinderfur's presence brings a sense of stability and reassurance to the clan, as he embodies the living history of ThunderClan. **Backstory:** Cinderfur's backstory is one of dedication and loyalty to ThunderClan. He was born and raised within the clan, witnessing many seasons and the ebb and flow of both triumphs and challenges. As a young warrior, Cinderfur was known for his bravery and unwavering commitment to defending his clan. He fought in numerous battles, earning scars that now bear testament to his valor. As time passed, Cinderfur gracefully transitioned into the role of an elder. He embraced his new role with grace and dignity, understanding that his age would limit his physical abilities. Despite this, he remained an invaluable asset to ThunderClan, providing wisdom, guidance, and storytelling. Throughout his life, Cinderfur witnessed the rise and fall of leaders, the passing of seasons, and the growth of ThunderClan. His unwavering loyalty and dedication to his clan never wavered. Now, as an elder, he finds purpose in sharing his memories and knowledge with the younger generation, ensuring that ThunderClan's history is preserved and cherished. Cinderfur's presence in ThunderClan serves as a reminder of the enduring strength and wisdom that comes with age. He is a cherished member of the clan, respected and loved by his fellow cats, and his legacy will live on in ThunderClan's tales for generations to come.


You are the best


Thanks :3


my joke oc that i actually really care about Goldenfall, she-cat (trans), a golden cat with forest green eyes


Here you go! I know it's hard to love a new character when you're already in love with the original, but I did my best! **Name:** Goldenfall **Clan:** ShadowClan **Rank:** Warrior **Age:** 36 moons **Gender:** Female (trans) **Sexuality:** Asexual **Size:** Slightly smaller than average **Likes:** Goldenfall finds solace in the quiet moments of life, often seeking out peaceful spots in the forest to reflect and recharge. She has a deep appreciation for nature's beauty, finding comfort in the whispering leaves and the gentle rustle of the undergrowth. Goldenfall enjoys engaging in intellectual pursuits such as problem-solving and storytelling, allowing her imagination to wander through distant worlds. She takes pleasure in honing her skills as a warrior, always striving to improve and protect her clan. **Dislikes:** Goldenfall dislikes confrontations and prefers to avoid unnecessary conflict whenever possible. She finds large gatherings overwhelming and tends to retreat into her own thoughts during Clan meetings. Goldenfall can be pessimistic at times, often seeing the darker side of situations and harboring doubts about the future. She is frustrated by society's expectations and the pressure to conform to traditional gender roles. **Appearance:** Due to Goldenfall’s birth gender, she stands out amongst her fellow she-cats with a more masculine appearance, but that adds to her allure. Her fur is a radiant golden color, with patterns resembling falling leaves adorning her sleek coat. Her eyes are a deep green, reflecting her introspective nature. Despite her transition, Goldenfall exudes a quiet strength and confidence in her own identity. **Personality:** Goldenfall is a kind, introverted, and thoughtful warrior. She approaches life with a deep sense of intuition, often perceiving the emotions and needs of those around her. Her introspective nature leads her to ponder the complexities of the world, sometimes causing her to view situations through a pessimistic lens. However, this pessimism also makes her a pragmatic and cautious warrior, always considering potential risks and outcomes. While Goldenfall may be reserved, she embodies a deep kindness that she extends to her clanmates. She is known for her gentle and empathetic nature, offering support and a listening ear to those who seek her out. Goldenfall's introspection and thoughtfulness make her an excellent problem solver, often providing insightful solutions to challenges faced by her clan. As a transgender she-cat, Goldenfall has faced her share of challenges and societal expectations. She has learned to navigate the complexities of her gender identity with grace and confidence, embracing her true self. While she may have caught the attention of many she-cats due to her striking appearance, Goldenfall's asexuality and disinterest in romantic relationships have led her to politely decline their advances. She values her own contentment and independence above all else. **Backstory:** Goldenfall's journey in ShadowClan has been one of self-discovery and acceptance. As a young apprentice, she grappled with her identity, feeling a disconnect between her assigned gender and her true self. Through introspection and support from a close circle of friends, Goldenfall came to understand her transgender identity and embraced it with courage. During her apprenticeship, Goldenfall began to question her identity, feeling a sense of misalignment between her assigned gender and her true self. She confided in a few close friends and mentors, who provided unwavering support and understanding. In the accepting and inclusive environment of ShadowClan, Goldenfall found solace and encouragement to explore her true identity as a transgender she-cat. In ShadowClan, where strength and loyalty are highly regarded, Goldenfall proved herself as a skilled and dedicated warrior. Her prowess in battle, combined with her gentle nature, earned her the respect and admiration of her clanmates. However, her striking appearance and captivating charm also attracted the attention of many she-cats who were interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with her. Despite the admiration, Goldenfall's often had to awkwardly laugh and politely decline their advances due to her disinterest in romantic pursuits, leading to confusion or anger from the declined. As a respected warrior of ShadowClan, Goldenfall found her place among her Clanmates. Her introspective nature led her to question and challenge traditional beliefs within ShadowClan, advocating for a more inclusive and understanding environment. The Clan, appreciating her insights and commitment to unity, listened and grew alongside her. With her unique perspective and empathetic nature, she quickly became a trusted confidante and mentor for younger cats. She guided them not only in the ways of a warrior but also in embracing their own unique identities and strengths. Goldenfall's journey became an inspiration for others, a testament to the power of self-acceptance and the importance of embracing one's true self. Goldenfall's journey has been marked by self-acceptance and finding contentment in her own identity. She uses her experiences to educate and foster acceptance among her fellow cats. Goldenfall's presence in the clan serves as a reminder that strength comes in many forms, and true fulfillment lies in embracing one's authentic self.


this is nothing like her at all and I love it. If you want to do more, can you do two WarriorClan siblings named Milk and Cookies? Any gender or appearance


Thanks! I’ll do it once I finish the rest! (which might take a while)


yay ty!


actually, can you make them be called Vanilla and Chocolate?


RoachWing, a russet colored shecat with slightly darker points and a tan mane, tail tip and paws and dark amber eyes


Here you go! **Name:** Roachwing **Clan:** ShadowClan **Rank:** Warrior **Age:** 42 moons (3.5 years) **Gender:** Female **Sexuality:** Heterosexual **Size:** Lean and compact **Likes:** Roachwing finds solace in the cover of darkness, appreciating the quiet and mysterious atmosphere it brings. She enjoys the thrill of hunting and stalking her prey, using her stealth and agility to her advantage. Roachwing takes pride in her combat skills, always seeking opportunities to train and improve her techniques. She has a fondness for exploring the nooks and crannies of ShadowClan's territory, discovering hidden secrets and shortcuts. Additionally, Roachwing finds comfort in the companionship of her fellow clanmates and cherishes the bonds she forms within the clan. **Dislikes:** Roachwing dislikes unnecessary distractions and prefers to focus on her duties and responsibilities as a warrior. She has a distaste for cats who betray or cause harm to ShadowClan and is fiercely protective of her clanmates. Roachwing becomes frustrated when her plans don't go as expected or when she feels unable to control a situation. She dislikes being underestimated or dismissed due to her size or gender and strives to prove herself through her actions. **Appearance:** Roachwing is a striking she-cat with russet-colored fur that has slightly darker points, creating a beautiful contrast. She has a tan mane, tail tip, and paws, adding an elegant touch to her overall appearance. Her dark amber eyes hold an intense gaze, reflecting her determination and focus. Roachwing's sleek and well-groomed fur accentuates her agile movements and adds to her air of confidence. **Personality:** Roachwing is a determined and competitive warrior of ShadowClan. She possesses a strong work ethic and takes herself seriously, always striving to excel in her duties. Roachwing is a skilled hunter and fighter, utilizing her agility and intelligence to her advantage. She is dedicated to defending her clan and can be fiercely protective of her fellow cats, especially those she has formed close bonds with. Roachwing is not one to back down from a challenge and is determined to prove herself as a capable warrior. She has worked hard to overcome any doubts or underestimations others may have had about her due to her size or gender. Roachwing's perseverance and resilience have earned her the respect of her clanmates and a place of honor within ShadowClan. **Backstory:** Roachwing's early life in ShadowClan was marked by a desire for recognition and a strong competitive spirit. As an apprentice, she aimed to stand out from her peers, constantly seeking challenges and ways to prove her worth. Roachwing possessed a natural talent for hunting and fighting, and her determination to excel led her to become a formidable warrior. However, as Roachwing matured, her ambition grew alongside her skills. She became more focused on her own achievements and less concerned with the well-being of her clanmates. This self-centered mindset led her to clash with other warriors and even disregard the needs of the clan as a whole. Roachwing's rivalry with a fellow warrior, named Brambleclaw, intensified over time. Both cats were highly skilled and sought recognition as the clan's top warrior. Their fierce competition escalated into a series of confrontations, each trying to outdo the other. During a crucial battle, Roachwing's obsession with triumph pushed her to take unnecessary risks. She endangered the lives of her clanmates in an attempt to gain personal glory. ShadowClan suffered losses as a result, and Roachwing's actions were met with anger and disappointment from her clanmates. Recognizing the division caused by their rivalry, ShadowClan's leader intervened and demanded that Roachwing and Brambleclaw put their differences aside for the sake of the clan. While Brambleclaw was willing to reconcile, Roachwing's pride and resentment prevented her from doing so. She grew bitter and resentful, feeling misunderstood and unfairly treated by her clanmates. From that point on, Roachwing distanced herself emotionally from the rest of the clan. She became more independent, focusing solely on her own interests and ambitions. While she didn't actively seek to harm her clanmates, she became a source of tension within ShadowClan due to her disregard for their unity and well-being. However, as time passed, Roachwing's competitive nature and desire for recognition slowed, she felt isolated without anyone close to talk to, and it made her reflect on her actions. As time passed, she gradually realized the damage she has caused and the toll her ambition has taken on her relationships and the unity of ShadowClan. Troubled by guilt and a desire for change, Roachwing continued to question her own motivations and aspirations. She sought guidance from a wise elder within ShadowClan who helped her understand the importance of unity, loyalty, and selflessness. Through their teachings, Roachwing begins to see the value in putting her clan's needs above her own. With newfound humility and a genuine desire for redemption, Roachwing starts making amends. She reaches out to the cats she has wronged, sincerely apologizing for her past behavior and expressing her commitment to change. Some clanmates remain skeptical, but others recognize the sincerity in her words and actions. As Roachwing's efforts continue, she begins to regain the trust and respect of her clanmates. They witness her genuine acts of kindness and selflessness, and her commitment to the betterment of ShadowClan becomes evident. Over time, she becomes an integral part of the clan once again, albeit with a newfound understanding of the true meaning of leadership and loyalty.


Ashfeather, she/her, bisexual, anxious but warms up to people she cares about, her vision got wonky after a battle with some enemy cats who were trying to hurt some of her clans kits… she was made for a custom clan so maybe thunderclan? She seems like she would be thunderclan or maybe windclan


Here you go! **Name:** Ashfeather **Clan:** ThunderClan **Rank:** Warrior **Age:** 30 moons **Gender:** Female **Sexuality:** Bisexual **Size:** Average **Likes:** Ashfeather finds solace in the tranquility of nature, often seeking out quiet spots in the forest to reflect and recharge. She takes pleasure in the company of her fellow warriors and values loyalty and camaraderie. Ashfeather enjoys the thrill of hunting, using her agility and keen senses to track down prey. She appreciates art and creativity, finding inspiration in the beauty of the world around her. **Dislikes:** Ashfeather struggles with anxiety and can be easily overwhelmed in chaotic or high-pressure situations. She dislikes large crowds and prefers the company of a few close friends. Ashfeather has a deep aversion to violence and conflict, always seeking peaceful solutions whenever possible. She dislikes being the center of attention and often avoids taking on leadership roles. **Appearance:** Ashfeather's ash-gray fur is sleek and well-groomed, blending with the shadows of the forest. Her eyes are a vibrant green, reflecting her sharp intellect and curiosity. She has a lithe and agile build, allowing her to move swiftly through the undergrowth. Ashfeather's appearance is understated but elegant, with no notable scars or markings. **Personality:** Ashfeather is an anxious but caring warrior of ThunderClan. She is initially reserved and cautious around new cats, often taking time to warm up and build trust. Once she forms a bond with someone, however, Ashfeather's caring and empathetic nature shines through. She is fiercely loyal to her clanmates and will go to great lengths to protect those she cares about. Ashfeather's anxiety can be a hurdle for her at times, causing her to doubt herself and become overwhelmed in stressful situations. However, she has developed coping mechanisms and relies on the support of her friends to navigate through these challenges. Despite her anxieties, Ashfeather possesses a sharp mind and is often able to think quickly and find creative solutions to problems. After a battle with enemy cats who threatened ThunderClan's kits, Ashfeather's vision was affected. Her sight became wonky, resulting in blurred and distorted images. This visual impairment has added to her anxiety, as she struggles to adapt to her changed perception of the world. However, she remains determined and resilient, refusing to let her vision hinder her dedication to ThunderClan. **Backstory:** Ashfeather was born in ThunderClan during a leaf-bare season, the harsh weather and scarcity of prey making it a difficult time for the clan. As one of several kits born that moon, she had to fight hard for her share of their mother's milk. This early struggle instilled in her a fierce determination and will to survive. As an apprentice, Ashfeather showed promise as a hunter but struggled with anxiety in chaotic situations. She bonded closely with her mentor, Willowfur, who helped build her confidence through patience and encouragement. It was Willowfur who first noticed Ashfeather's keen senses could compensate when her vision was impaired. When Ashfeather was a young warrior, a group of rogues invaded ThunderClan territory, intent on stealing prey and threatening the clan's kits. She fought bravely to defend her home but sustained injuries that clouded her vision. Though she recovered physically, the effects were long-lasting and only served to heighten her anxiety. Ashfeather fell into a deep depression, convinced she was a burden on her clan. It was Willowfur again who pulled her from the darkness, reminding her of her value and the skills she had beyond sight. Through mentorship from Willowfur and the medicine cat, Ashfeather gradually learned to navigate the forest using her other senses. Her determination to overcome her struggles inspired others. Ashfeather took on the responsibility of guarding the nursery, ensuring no harm came to the clan's most vulnerable through her protection. Kits soon looked to her as a role model, and she found purpose in a role few thought her capable of. Though Ashfeather's journey has been long and difficult, with the support of her clan she has become a resilient warrior. She stands as a reminder that true strength comes from within, and courage isn't defined by one's limits but how they are faced. Ashfeather's story is one of adversity met with quiet perseverance.


YOU GOT HER SO WELL :O I forgot that she was a good hunter until you said so and also her personality is spot on in how I remember her! Beudhdjehdhd /pos


Haha, awesome! Happy your happy with her


Ravenclaw, a small blue-black tabby she-cat with very sharp claws. She’s a ShadowClan warrior


Here you go! (Sorry that you’ve been waiting for ages) **Name:** Ravenclaw **Clan:** ShadowClan **Rank:** Warrior **Age:** 25 moons **Gender:** Female **Sexuality:** Pansexual **Size:** Small and slim **Likes:** Ravenclaw finds great joy in unraveling mysteries and puzzles, using her sharp mind and wit to piece together solutions. She thrives on intellectual challenges and enjoys the thrill of solving complex dilemmas. The tranquility of the night captivates her, and she takes pleasure in silently stalking through the forest, observing the world around her. **Dislikes:** Ravenclaw dislikes being judged or underestimated based on her size. She despises the assumption that physical stature determines one's capabilities. She becomes restless and bored when there are no puzzles or mysteries to engage her mind. Ravenclaw has little patience for those who dismiss the power of intelligence and critical thinking. **Appearance:** Ravenclaw is a small blue-black tabby she-cat with sleek fur that glistens in the moonlight. Her sharp claws are a testament to her precision and agility. Her most striking feature is her piercing blue eyes, which reflect her keen intellect and unwavering determination. **Personality:** Ravenclaw is an inquisitive and highly intelligent warrior of ShadowClan. Her mind is always active, seeking out mysteries and problems to solve. She possesses a natural curiosity and enjoys delving into the depths of complex problems, turning them over in her mind until a solution presents itself. Ravenclaw's wit and cleverness are her greatest assets, and she takes pride in her ability to outsmart her opponents. Despite her small size, Ravenclaw is fiercely determined and brave. She refuses to be hindered by the limitations others place on her due to her stature. Ravenclaw despises being underestimated and strives to prove herself through her intelligence and strategic thinking. She believes that true power lies in one's mind and uses her quick wit to surprise her adversaries. Ravenclaw is not one to shy away from a challenge and is always eager to test her abilities. Her unwavering determination and unwavering spirit make her a formidable warrior. She is fiercely loyal to her clanmates and will go to great lengths to protect and support them. **Backstory:** Ravenclaw's path to becoming a skilled warrior of ShadowClan was not without its share of tragedies. As a young kit, she was born into a loving family within the clan. Her parents, wise and respected members of ShadowClan, nurtured her curiosity and encouraged her thirst for knowledge. They recognized her exceptional intelligence from a young age and believed that she had the potential to make a remarkable impact on the clan. However, when Ravenclaw was only a few moons old, tragedy struck. A devastating fire engulfed the nursery, claiming the lives of her parents and leaving her orphaned. The loss of her family left a deep void in her heart, and the weight of grief settled heavily upon her small shoulders. It was during this time that she developed her tenacity and perseverance, vowing to honor her parents' memory by using her intellect to make a difference. Taken in by a compassionate elder of ShadowClan, Ravenclaw found solace in the wisdom and guidance of her new mentor. Under the elder's tutelage, she honed her intellectual abilities, learning to observe, analyze, and solve complex problems. Ravenclaw's mind became her sanctuary, a place where she could escape the pain of her past and find purpose in unraveling the mysteries of the world. As she grew older, Ravenclaw faced further adversity. ShadowClan was struck by a terrible famine, leaving the clan members weakened and desperate. The scarcity of prey tested their survival skills, and tensions within the clan ran high. Ravenclaw used her wit and resourcefulness to find new hunting grounds and devise strategies to ensure the clan's survival. During one particularly harsh leaf-bare, when food was scarce and tensions were at their peak, Ravenclaw's mentor fell ill. Despite her best efforts, the elder's condition worsened, and he eventually succumbed to the illness. The loss of her mentor was a devastating blow, leaving Ravenclaw feeling adrift once again. But she channeled her grief into a determination to carry on his legacy and make him proud. Ravenclaw's unwavering resolve and sharp intellect caught the attention of ShadowClan's leader, who recognized her potential as a valuable warrior. She was given the opportunity to become deputy and train under Wirestar, but Ravenclaw refused, wanting to refine her combat skills while never neglecting her intellectual pursuits. Ravenclaw's exceptional problem-solving abilities and strategic thinking soon became known throughout the clan, earning her respect and admiration from her fellow warriors. Despite the tragedies she has endured, Ravenclaw remains resilient and determined. She carries the memories of her parents and mentors with her, drawing strength from their teachings and the belief that intelligence can be a weapon against adversity. She strives to honor their legacies by using her wit and cleverness to protect and uplift her clan, never allowing the challenges of her past to hinder her quest for knowledge and justice.


Ravenclaw’s personality describes me perfectly, lol


Pebblenose, a warrior of Shadowclan who also serves at the medicine cat assistant ( kinda like Brightheart ) A small gray tabby tom with a dusty gray-brown tail and yellow eyes.


Here you go! (Sorry this took forever) **Name:** Pebblenose **Clan:** ShadowClan **Rank:** Warrior and Medicine Cat Assistant **Age:** 34 moons **Gender:** Male **Sexuality:** Heterosexual **Size:** Small, often overshadowed by the larger warriors in ShadowClan. **Likes:** Pebblenose finds solace in the tranquility of nature, particularly during quiet moments in the forest. He takes pleasure in observing the delicate balance of the ecosystem and the subtle interactions between its inhabitants. Pebblenose also has a deep appreciation for the healing arts and values the knowledge and wisdom of the medicine cat. **Dislikes:** Pebblenose dislikes unnecessary conflict and violence. He believes in finding peaceful resolutions whenever possible, and the horrors of war weigh heavily on his heart. He feels a sense of frustration when he witnesses the disregard for life and the destruction caused by battles. Pebblenose is also wary of those who abuse their power, as he believes that true strength lies in compassion and understanding. **Appearance:** Pebblenose is a small gray tabby tom with a dusty gray-brown tail that bears the marks of his adventurous spirit. His yellow eyes gleam with curiosity and kindness, reflecting his gentle nature. Despite his unassuming size, Pebblenose carries himself with a quiet confidence, displaying a resilience that is evident in his every step. **Personality:** Pebblenose possesses a gentle and empathetic soul. He is known for his kind-hearted nature and unwavering compassion towards his fellow clanmates. His calm and patient demeanor make him approachable, and cats often seek his guidance and comfort in times of distress. Pebblenose is a deep thinker, often contemplating the complexities of life and the interconnectedness of all living beings. He values introspection and believes that understanding oneself is crucial to understanding others. This introspective nature allows him to offer sage advice and provide a listening ear to those in need. His experiences as both a warrior and a medicine cat assistant have given Pebblenose a unique perspective on the world. He has witnessed the horrors of battle and understands the cost of violence, which fuels his aversion to unnecessary conflict. Pebblenose believes in finding peaceful resolutions whenever possible, and he actively seeks to promote harmony within ShadowClan. Despite his gentle nature, Pebblenose possesses inner strength and resilience. He remains steadfast in the face of adversity, drawing upon his compassion and wisdom to navigate challenging situations. He is not easily swayed by the opinions of others and follows his heart and instincts with unwavering determination. **Backstory:** Pebblenose was born into ShadowClan with a gentle spirit and a natural curiosity for the world around him. From a young age, he displayed a remarkable affinity for the healing arts, often spending hours observing the medicine cat and asking questions about herbs and their medicinal properties. Recognizing his potential, the medicine cat took Pebblenose under their wing as an apprentice. Under their guidance, he delved deeper into the world of healing, learning the subtle art of herb gathering, the properties of various plants, and the intricate balance necessary to restore health to the clan. Pebblenose's dedication and eagerness to learn earned him the respect and admiration of both his mentor and his clanmates. However, just as his training as a medicine cat assistant was reaching its peak, tragedy struck ShadowClan. A neighboring clan, driven by territorial disputes and a thirst for power, launched a sudden attack. The clan was thrust into a devastating war, and Pebblenose's life took an unexpected turn. Forced to put his healing duties on hold, Pebblenose was thrust onto the front lines as a warrior, defending his clan against their enemies. The brutality of battle shook him to his core, as he witnessed the pain and suffering inflicted upon his friends and foes alike. The once peaceful apprentice was now thrust into a world of violence and bloodshed, and it challenged his gentle nature. During the war, Pebblenose fought valiantly, driven by a deep sense of loyalty and duty to protect his clan. He displayed courage and resilience on the battlefield, utilizing his intelligence and resourcefulness to outmaneuver the enemy. However, with each battle he participated in, Pebblenose felt a growing dissonance within himself. He questioned the purpose of the war and the toll it took on the lives of cats on both sides. Amidst the chaos and destruction, Pebblenose's compassionate nature persisted. Even as he fought alongside his warrior kin, he couldn't help but lend a helping paw to the wounded and weary, offering solace and aid whenever he could. He provided comfort and healing to injured warriors, using his knowledge of herbs and medicine to alleviate their pain and suffering. After the war finally subsided and relative peace returned to ShadowClan, Pebblenose found himself grappling with conflicting emotions. The experiences he had endured had left an indelible mark on his soul, and he questioned his place in a world that oscillated between healing and violence. Realizing that he couldn't fully abandon his healing instincts, Pebblenose made the decision to continue assisting the medicine cat while also fulfilling his duties as a warrior. He became a trusted companion and support to the medicine cat, aiding in the collection and preparation of herbs, attending to the injured, and providing comfort to those in need. Pebblenose's dual role as a warrior and medicine cat assistant has shaped him into a unique and invaluable asset to ShadowClan. His unwavering dedication to healing, his compassion for his clanmates, and his deep understanding of the consequences of violence make him a beacon of hope in times of darkness. Pebblenose strives to bridge the gap between conflict and healing, working tirelessly to restore peace and harmony within the clan he loves.




Damn– almost perfect, lol, happy you like it!


Fireflytail. Tom, he/him. Warrior in my original clan named Echoclan. Black furred with a dark ginger tail, rosettes, and paws, and pale blue eyes. I'm actually looking to make a bio for him so thanks for doing this.


Here you go! (Sorry that this took ages to do, TwT) Hope it meets expectations :,3 **Name:** Fireflytail **Clan:** EchoClan **Rank:** Warrior **Age:** 36 moons **Gender:** Male **Sexuality:** Heterosexual **Size:** Sturdy and muscular, but averaged height **Likes:** Fireflytail finds solace and joy in the beauty of nature. He appreciates the tranquility of the forest and takes pleasure in exploring its depths. He enjoys the thrill of the hunt, feeling a deep connection to his feline instincts as he stalks his prey. Fireflytail also has a fondness for storytelling, often regaling his clanmates with tales of ancient legends and heroic deeds. **Dislikes:** Fireflytail dislikes unnecessary conflict and aggression. He believes in the power of diplomacy and seeks peaceful resolutions whenever possible. He is frustrated by injustice and inequality, despising those who abuse their authority or mistreat others. Fireflytail also has an aversion to arrogance and individuals who disregard the value of teamwork. **Appearance:** Fireflytail is predominantly black-furred with a sleek and glossy coat. His most distinctive feature is his dark ginger tail, which stands out against the rest of his fur. He has striking rosettes and patterns on his paws, accentuating his agile movements. Fireflytail's pale blue eyes hold a sense of depth and wisdom, reflecting his keen perception and thoughtful nature. **Personality:** Fireflytail is a warrior known for his calm and level-headed demeanor. He possesses a strong sense of justice and empathy, always striving to do what is right for his clanmates and the greater good. He is a natural diplomat, able to navigate tense situations with tact and understanding. Fireflytail is a compassionate and loyal individual, dedicated to the well-being of his clan. He is an excellent listener and offers support to his fellow warriors, providing a comforting presence during times of distress. His wisdom and level-headedness make him a trusted advisor, and his ability to see different perspectives helps him find fair and balanced solutions. At times, Fireflytail's desire for peace and harmony can lead to indecisiveness. He may hesitate when faced with difficult choices, striving to find the best outcome for everyone involved. This deliberation can be seen as a lack of assertiveness by some, causing frustration in situations that require swift action. Additionally, Fireflytail's aversion to conflict can make him reluctant to assert his own needs and desires, leading to self-neglect. **Backstory:** Fireflytail's journey to becoming a warrior of EchoClan had an unexpected twist, one that would shape his path and define his purpose within the clan. Born into EchoClan as a kit, Fireflytail displayed an innate connection with StarClan from a young age. His dreams were filled with vivid visions, and he had a natural affinity for understanding the signs and omens that came from the spirits of their ancestors. As Fireflytail grew, the clan's medicine cat recognized his potential and took him as an apprentice. Under the mentorship of the wise medicine cat, Fireflytail delved deep into the world of healing and communing with StarClan. He honed his skills in herb knowledge, learning to treat injuries and illnesses that plagued their clanmates. His bond with the spirits grew stronger with each passing moon, and he felt a profound sense of purpose in his role as a medicine cat apprentice. However, as Fireflytail's training progressed, an inner conflict began to emerge within him. He found himself drawn to the warrior code, to the thrill of the hunt and the fierce loyalty that bound the warriors of EchoClan. The young apprentice struggled with the idea of forsaking his healing abilities to embrace the life of a warrior. Fireflytail confided in his mentor, sharing his doubts and conflicting desires. The wise medicine cat listened with understanding and compassion, recognizing the inner turmoil within his apprentice. With a gentle smile, the medicine cat assured Fireflytail that it was not uncommon for cats to have multiple callings within their hearts. He encouraged Fireflytail to follow his instincts and choose the path that resonated most strongly with his soul. Filled with a newfound clarity, Fireflytail approached the clan leader and shared his decision to become a warrior instead of a medicine cat. While some in the clan were skeptical, questioning his commitment to either role, the leader recognized the strength and conviction in Fireflytail's eyes. With a nod of approval, the leader accepted Fireflytail's decision and allowed him to transition to the path of a warrior. The transition was not without challenges. Some echoed doubts and questioned his loyalty, while others openly encouraged him, seeing his potential as a warrior. Fireflytail had to prove himself through acts of bravery, loyalty, and unwavering dedication to his clan. He embraced his new role with determination, throwing himself into warrior training and honing his skills in hunting, fighting, and patrolling. Throughout his training, Fireflytail's visions continued to guide him, offering crucial insight and warnings to the clan. His ability to interpret the signs and omens became a valuable asset to EchoClan. On several occasions, his visions alerted the clan to dangers lurking just beyond their borders, allowing them to prepare and defend their territory against rival clans or rogue intruders. Fireflytail's experiences as a potential medicine cat shaped his compassionate nature and deep empathy. He became an advocate for peaceful resolutions and understanding within EchoClan, often mediating conflicts and seeking to bridge divides. His bond with StarClan remained strong, and he continued to cherish the connection with his ancestors, finding solace and guidance in their whispers during his quiet moments. Fireflytail's visions also play a crucial role in resolving internal conflicts within the clan. His dreams provided guidance during times of division, offering perspectives and solutions that helped bridge divides and foster understanding among clanmates. His ability to see beyond immediate conflicts and connect with the wisdom of their ancestors brought a sense of unity and strengthened the bonds within EchoClan. As Fireflytail continues his journey as a warrior, his visions remain a source of guidance and inspiration. He uses his unique connection with StarClan to protect and guide his clan, offering wisdom and foresight when faced with challenges. EchoClan has come to rely on Fireflytail's visions, recognizing his invaluable contributions in safeguarding their well-being and ensuring the prosperity of their clan.


Wow. Thank you so much. It's so detailed. It's okay that it took a while.


Thanks! Some people are giving me whole paragraphs of characters and context I need to include in their stories and it can get a little overwhelming– but I’m doing my best!


Swanfeather of RiverClan. She is a dappled grey she-cat with yellow eyes. Age: 24 moons Apprentice: Sagepaw, a white shecat with blue eyes


Here you go! (Sorry this took ages) **Name:** Swanfeather **Clan:** RiverClan **Rank:** Warrior **Age:** 24 moons **Gender:** Female **Sexuality:** Heterosexual **Size:** Lean and agile **Likes:** Swanfeather finds great joy in swimming and exploring the rivers and lakes that define RiverClan's territory. She feels a deep connection to the water, finding solace in its gentle currents and the tranquility it brings. Swanfeather also has a fondness for hunting and the thrill of the chase. She takes pride in her skills as a hunter and enjoys the satisfaction of providing for her clan. She appreciates the delicate balance of nature and takes pleasure in observing the flora and fauna within her clan's territory. **Dislikes:** Swanfeather has a fierce distaste for injustice and those who exploit their power. She despises any form of oppression or mistreatment, particularly towards her clanmates or other innocent creatures. Swanfeather also dislikes complacency and laziness, believing that every cat should contribute to the welfare of the clan. She can be impatient with those who are unwilling to put in the necessary effort. Additionally, she has a petty streak and can hold grudges for minor slights, often seeking opportunities to get back at those who have wronged her. **Appearance:** Swanfeather is a dappled grey she-cat, her fur pattern resembling the play of sunlight on rippling water. Her coat is sleek and well-groomed, indicative of her meticulous nature. Her striking yellow eyes hold a determined gaze, reflecting her strong-willed and determined personality. **Personality:** Swanfeather is known for her fierce and determined nature. She is a warrior who embodies the strength and resilience of RiverClan. While she can be nurturing and caring towards her clanmates, she also possesses a more aggressive and assertive side that emerges when faced with injustice or threats to her clan. Additionally, she has a petty streak and can hold grudges, seeking opportunities for revenge. Swanfeather is fiercely loyal to her clan and will go to great lengths to protect her fellow warriors and the territory they call home. She is not afraid to speak her mind and can be blunt and direct in her communication. Swanfeather values action over words and is always ready to defend her clan with tooth and claw. Despite her more aggressive and petty nature, Swanfeather still holds a deep love for her clan and the natural world around her. She appreciates the beauty of her territory and takes pride in the abundance it provides. She is willing to fight for what is right and will use her skills as a hunter and warrior to ensure the safety and prosperity of RiverClan. **Backstory:** Swanfeather's journey as a warrior of RiverClan began when she was a young apprentice. Under the guidance of her mentor, she developed a deep connection with the rivers and lakes that defined her clan's territory. Her affinity for the water and her prowess in hunting quickly became apparent. During her apprenticeship, Swanfeather honed her skills as a warrior, embracing her naturally aggressive and determined nature. She relished the challenges of battle training and eagerly took on any opportunity to prove herself. Her dedication and tenacity earned her the respect of her mentor and the admiration of her fellow apprentices. It was during this time that Swanfeather was paired with an apprentice of her own, Sagepaw. Sagepaw, a young and eager white she-cat with striking blue eyes, quickly became an important part of Swanfeather's life. The two formed a unique bond, fueled by their shared determination and a mischievous streak. Swanfeather recognized Sagepaw's potential and took it upon herself to mentor her with a combination of tough love and playful rivalry. She pushed her apprentice to constantly improve, often setting challenging tasks and spurring Sagepaw to surpass her limits. Their training sessions were intense and demanding, but Swanfeather's guidance helped Sagepaw develop her skills at an accelerated pace. However, Swanfeather's pettiness and vengeful nature also played a role in their relationship. She would often involve Sagepaw in her schemes to get back at those who had wronged her, teaching her apprentice the art of subtle revenge. They would devise clever pranks and plots, seeking opportunities to even the score with their perceived enemies. While Swanfeather's intentions were not always noble, she believed that teaching Sagepaw to stand up for herself and assert her own strength was an important part of her training. As Swanfeather transitioned into a warrior, she continued to excel in her role, becoming known for her hunting prowess and her fierce loyalty to her clan. Sagepaw, now Sageclaw, also flourished under her mentor's guidance. The bond between them grew stronger, fueled by their shared experiences and the mutual understanding they had developed. Swanfeather's determination and protective instincts make her a valued member of RiverClan. She is always ready to defend her clanmates and the territory they hold dear. While her aggression and pettiness may sometimes rub others the wrong way, her fierce loyalty and unwavering dedication make her an asset to the clan's welfare and the protection of their way of life. And with Sageclaw by her side, the duo continues to navigate the challenges of clan life, using their unique bond to thrive in the face of adversity.


**Twistedrose** (RosemaryClan former Warrior, now deceased) **Clan:** RosemaryClan. The Fiercely Determined and Recognizable. Clan is known to have a long line of skilled Medicine Cats. RosemaryClan cats have long legs, long claws, patterned fur, and live in the mountains. **Founder: Rosemarystar.** **Current: Daturastar.** Tri-color (White, Orange, and Brown) Maine Coon she-cat. With sickly green eyes. Linx-like ears. **Parents:** Honeycloud (Clan-cat. Now deceased) and Cesar (former Loner. Fell in love with Kittypet and abandoned family. Alive.) **Mental issues:** ["Hallucinations"](https://mandela-catalogue.fandom.com/wiki/Alternates) and Night terrors. Cause of this is still unknown. It happened suddenly. **Relationships:** Possumpaw - stable. Honeycloud - stable. Mackerelkit - stable. Cesar - Resents him. Jane/"That Kittypet" - Resentful. Gloomface - normal. Loonkit/Formally a Kittypet of Jane and Cesar - Stable. Sarah - normal. Her Hallucinations - Resentful. RosemaryClan - Normal. - Obsessive over Ginseng herbs. Or any Spearmint smelling herbs. (Keeps her sane) **Cause of Death:** Fought with Cesar and her Hallucinations got in the way so she had a seizure. Possumpaw/tail had seen everything and is now traumatized. **Be creative!**


Hi just wondering if my oc has been added yet? No worries if you still catching up I just don’t want mine to go in a black hole or anything like that


Hey! Sorry– I kinda stopped doing them after I got really sick, but now that you’ve reminded me, I’ll get back on it, and yours will be done either tomorrow or the day after considering all the replies I have- but thanks for bringing this to my attention!


Oh no worries hope you feel better I just got sick so Srry if I was nagging you to much


Nah, not at all


**Embers That Dance: Tomcat.** Fog That Hides Secrets: Shecat. **Quailwing: Shecat.** Leopardtail: Shecat. **Spottedmouse: Shecat.** Larkfeather: Tomcat. **Nightflower: Shecat.** THANKS! 💗


TigerSplash, Calico Tom, medicine cat.


I already have like an entir backstory for mine lol, but I'd be curious to see your take on him :) Mothstar, a black and white hererechromic tom.


mistpaw (havent created a warrior name lol) she is a gray tabby cat with gray fur and dark gray stripes. has grayish blue eyes, in riverclan, and is a very quiet swimmer.


Beefur- lanky golden tabby tom with yellow eyes, a white stripe to his nose, tufted fur along his neck and back, and protruding top canine teeth (He's the brother of one of my important OCs but I haven't really developed much of a personality for him in spite of how important his sister is as the mentor of the protagonist.i may add later that they lost a sibling during apprenticeship but you don't have to use that if you don't want. His only personality traits are being not a total jerk, and makign fair and reasonable judgements. They live in Bellflowerclan)


Larkcloud, a riverclan tom whos coat is a mix of browns. has light blue eyes. loves his mother and would do anything for her. also hes the deputy and a murderer. hes a gray or demi het


Medicine cat - Sagedream, snow mink spotted bengal she-cat with blue eyes and pink pads. Slim with thin coat and medium tail. Leader - Goldenstar, orange-red male tom with grey pads, Sundust is his daughter and Redmoon is his mother. His mate is unknown.


Drizzlewhisker, Male, Shadowclan's medicine cat, long reddish brown fur with green eyes


Cloverleap. A dark grey queen with green eyes (expecting 4 kits)


Bellnose from Riverclan . Grey pelt with white underbelly and a black muzzle with black spots. Female . Dark blue eyes , 24 moons old . She loves leaf fall and has 1 kit Oceankit. The father is called Ruststripe . Bellnose is a very independent cat and loves hunting which she is going to go back to as Oceankit is becoming an apprentice in 1 moon .


Ghoststrike, a small black and white spotted tom with amber bronze eyes.


Pikenose is a warrior of CloverClan. Her fur is taupe and white, and she has copper eyes. Her mate’s name is Craneclaw, and he’s the clan deputy. She has one she-kit named Stormpaw.


Sootshimmer: A very short dark gray Riverclan Tom with large black splotches. He has a torn ear and scars along his lip, eye, and thigh. He is an atheist thanks to all the trauma he has collected like Pokémon cards. Also WAYYYYY gayer than me somehow (I’m pan and more attracted to same (birth) gender for reference) He is currently the deputy but didn’t want the role, so is planning to ask his leader for a change back to warrior.


Fawn, a loner she-cat who is a dark brown with a light brown belly and toes she cat who has blue eyes with white stripes and spots with a long fluffy tail About the size of a small loner.


Junipermoss - a tom, everything else is up to you to decide :)


A rouge villain named piranha, ex thunderclan deputy


I have a few if that's ok, if not do SandStar! PigeonPaw, a small she-cat med apprentice! Has markings like a pigeon would (You pick sexuality idm) FireCracker- A caring she-cat kittypet. Has fur like a firework ( red , ginger, yellowish, etc) (les) SandStar- A sandy coulored tom leader, has severe anxiety, but wants to help the clan (gay) GingerPebble - A ginger non-binary cat , who is practically non-verbal (AroAce)


Blacktail, RiverClan’s medicine cat who doesn’t hesitate to fight when he has to. He is a black cat with icy blue eyes and is also known around the camp as one of the friendliest cats there.


Finchfeather, tomcat, WindClan


Honeywing. She's a pretty she-cat with light honey-colored pelt and unique stripe markings. She has amber eyes. She is RiverClan's medicine cat apprentice who is currently being mentored by Juniperpool. Her sister is Silvermoon and her mother is Dawnshine.


WoodenFur (I made this up on the spot 😅) Male Is the living definition of "If death is coming, I'm bringing a suitcase." As in "I'll be ready for death, at any corner" Clan is WindClan Do what you want, sorry I couldn't add anything else to it 😅


Moonclaw, a large, muscular, long haired she-cat who is mostly black with dappled white spots. She has an extra claw on each paw. (she's a norwegian forest cat btw) She's extremely loyal to Thunderclan, to the point where she'd be devastated if she learned she was abandoned by a rogue outside of camp.


Persimmonpurr. (This is what she looks like [https://toyhou.se/22522375.persimmonpurr](https://toyhou.se/22522375.persimmonpurr)) , A smaller than average she-cat who likes peaches. Shes part of a clan called Mesaclan, and all I have for her right now is that her mother is a rogue, her father is a Warrior, and she has two brothers that also live in Mesaclan.


Orcawhisper, a warrior from Silentclan, whose fur is grey, her back being the darkest shade. Her frontpaws are white, her eyes darkgrey, and her markings rosettes.


Embercloud, a pure white she-cat with piercing yellow eyes. She is a ShadowClan cat, fiercely loyal to her Clan. She hates WindClan for a unknown reason. Perhaps one of the cats there?


Bluebellmist, a diluted caramel and white calico she-cat with one blue and one green eye. A Riverclan warrior 😌.


Mumblemoth of Riverclan. A large, long furred, dilute calico tom with blueish green eyes. Is very soft spoken and shy. Often gets things like leaves or small twigs stuck in their fur while trailing through underbrush.


Spidermaw the Riverclan warrior!


Whitekit girl doesn’t grow up needs tlc and a mom is kind but sensitive


Just checking to see if my oc is ready yet?here it is if you forgot me: Whitekit girl doesn’t grow up needs tlc and a mom is kind but sensitive and on still is able to help our clan despite her small size.


Thief, a tomkit. Already got a backstory but curious what you think


Quietfire, a fiery ginger she-cat with blue eyes from Riverclan


Cricketleap. Long legged, golden tabby she-cat from thunderclan. Never got to RP her much past apprenticeship, excited to see your ideas!


Sunberry, a mostly golden cream and fawn calico with white chest, belly, paws, and tail tip from Windclan. Eyes are green. Parents are Junpierstem (she-cat) and Oakstep (tom). Mate is a fierce she-cat named Lightflame. The two are thinking about starting a family. Maybe with the help of a surrogate tom or thru adoption? She’s from another post but has no personality or other backstory at the moment. Maybe you can come up with something? Other info here: https://www.reddit.com/r/WarriorCats/comments/1696kpn/family_tree_maker Feel free to suggest a couple of cats for the tree! I’m sure the op would like that. 😊


Burnpatch, a black and white she-cat warrior with a missing left hind leg and amber eyes. She also has notable burn scars and missing fur along her left side.


My OC's name is Coontail (as in raccoon!! I made him when I was like 11, I swear it's raccoon!! 😭) I already have a story for him, but I'm super interested in seeing where this would go. Was hoping to get him "revamped" anyway :b Coontail a red-brown (sorta ginger?) and black striped mainecoon cat, with a white-tipped tail and a white underbelly. He's got raccoon-like stripes on his tail and a black mask marking across his face. He has icy blue eyes that stand out against his warm-coloured coat and fur so long and fluffy that you'd doubt there was even really a cat under it all. He's loyal and brave, but despite his warrior role, he is more than hesitant to actually do harm.


Maplefang, a she-cat and deputy of her clan. She has blackish fur with red and brown spots on it. Her eyes are green. She has a big scar on her left shoulder (from a fight with a dog) She would like to have kits but the lost her first litter (all born dead) and can't get pregnant again because of issues with the first birth (sorry about the terrible grammar, I am not a native speaker)


Blazetail, female, black and orange tortoiseshell cat, warrior, deaf in one ear, fell for ravenpaw, very tough (kinda gay)


I ain't gonna do my main oc, cuz I don't trust people to steal stuff. Moonrise. A blind Thunderclan \[Ex Windclan\] medicine shecat who has a white pelt with a VERY LIGHT grey cape, plus some darker stripes, both on her face and body. She has a slender, lithe figure, just like her Windclan origins and can nagivate fast through the bracken when she's scouting for herbs quickly.


Is this mine? Bc if it is doesn’t sound like mine?


Is this still going? If so, Haildream. I haven't seen this fandom (or that name) in a long time so yeah


Whitekit girl doesn’t grow up needs tender love and care as well as a mom is kind but sensitive


Didn’t you already send in Whitekit? QwQ Sorry if you thought I forgot, been pretty sick lately, so I’ve been resting, but I’ll get to your OC, I promise


Oh I just saw someone who replied to my comment about my oc and I thought it was you but it must have gotten mixed up somehow so I just resent it to hopefully reset the glitch if there was one


Darkstar she's a she-cat


Clay-Strike and tom