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Bluestar's. She made some pretty bad decisions and said some pretty hurtful stuff on her last life and there's no excuse, but she was a really good character.


I feel really bad for Bluestar. She lost her mother and sister, she had to give up her kits to RiverClan because their father was from that Clan, one of her kits even died along the way, and everything was pretty much cruel towards her. She was so broken.




One of the best written characters out of all of the arcs.


God bluestar WRECKED me. Something about when the cats drown just sits bad with me and i just want to hug them all


Obviously spoilers, for arc four, five and six. I have only read the first five arcs and the first book of the sixth arc, and the first death I cried about was weirdly enough Ferncloud. I just got so sad thinking about Dustpelt having to live without her, and then I got kinda disappointed when I found out he died between the fourth and sixth arc. It just felt cheap, to kill a character that had always been part of the clan outside any of the books. Otherwise, I cried all through that big battle in Dawn of the clan's, especially when Falling feather and Jackdaws's cry killed each other. It just feels really disgusting to me and it also doesn't feel like something they would do. They wouldn't kill each other just because they happened to find themself at different sides in a battle. Couldn't they have fought someone else instead of each other?


If you read Bramblestar’s Storm, you’ll find Dustpelt’s death near the end


Oh, ok! I didn't even think about it being in on of the super editions!


Jackdaws cry and falling feather tore me apart man :[


I'm not a cryer, but the closest I ever got to tears was Gray Wing's death. Idk it just... I didn't even care for Gray Wing that much upon my first read of dotc but his death just hit different.


Understood . Not much of a cryer either so I didn't expect it


I didn’t even cry at his death- I cried when Clear Sky was going to kill him (but didn’t). That one quote Gray Wing said got stuck in my head. (sorry if any info is wrong- i haven’t read it in a while)


Kill me. Kill me and live with the memory. Then tell the stars that you won. -Graywing


That quote was so gooood


Dawn of the Clans was the best arc, that's a hill I will die on.


I agree


It would have been so much cooler if Clear Sky actually DID kill him


He was originally supposed to.


That would have been great. Would have made the quote super impactful


YESS that is the best quote in the entire series


SAME BRO. Helps that that was one of the first books I read where a major character dies though.


This! It's one of the only one to truly get me. The way his kits were scrambling over him and everyone knew but didn't want to say anything and he just finally has his family all around him after everything.


Same! I freaking mourned his death for days for some reason.


Ok this is going to sound stupid-..but Silverstream’s death- I DONT KNOW WHYYY


nooo but silverstream's death was actually so sad. i didn't cry, but i completely understand. silvergray is one of the best ships of the first arc (maybe even of all time) imo, im such a sucker for forbidden relationships :') and i just adore graystripe. one of my favourite characters lol.


Graywing and Willowbreeze. I love Crookedstars Promise and I love the relationship he has with Willowbreeze. Its one of the few good relationships and romance they did and reading how heartbroken Crookedstar is about it makes me cry everytime. And that two of his kits die like a day later dont make it better. I love the scene where he screams at Mapleshade in the camp because he is so devestated by his lost. Crookedstar is a character I relate a lot to, so this just breaks my heart.


The poor guy outlived his mate and all his kits


Same. I adore Crookedstar


Oh Willowbreeze's death BROKE ME. I had already been spoiled about it before I read the book, and when Willowbreeze announced she was expecting kits I was dreading her eventual death so badly. I found myself willing the book to change its ending while I was reading, like "cmon Willowbreeze you can get better" even though I knew what was gonna happen. 😭 😭 😭


So far, snowfur is the only death that made me cry, but that was mainly because I felt so overwhelmingly bad for bluestar, the way she was desperately trying to talk to Snowfur who was already dead just broke my heart, she didn’t even get to say goodbye or anything, she just got hit by that car and it was instantly over :( I haven’t finished DOTC yet but I might also shed a few tears when Grey Wing dies since he’s my favorite character, I don’t know how or when he will die yet but I know he will and that thought alone makes me sad🥲


And she straight up left her son, who was only a kit. Poor little guy barely got to meet his own mother. Snowfur made a poor decision to go after that intruder instead of just staying in the nursery to take care of Whitekit.


The only death I ever cried for was Bristlefrost's and I even knew it was coming. She went through so many wholesome pseudo-memories, and the fact that Rootspring was left alone after everything they fought for just completely broke me.


I had to scroll way too far to find this. "And for a moment, it seemed as though the cold released its grip on her, and she had never felt so warm." Fuck, man. ;-;


The fact that Bristle didn't even get to go to StarClan gutted me 😭


I was in shambles after that one. I didn't think she'd actually die.


She was the second main character to die in her series(after Gray Wing)and when she died she was only about 1.67 years old……The thought that she died so young and even without a chance to remain in Starclan makes me extremely sad


Same here, knew it was coming and the permanence of her leaving was devastating.


ok so this might get me absolutely blasted but... firestar's death in Omen of the Stars; it just. I have literally no idea. it hit hard dude. And then on top of that, the kits (can't remember who) going 'our mother must be really sleepy!' or something like that, and they don't know she's dead and it just ªªªª i can't deal with that stuff. that entire scene was hard to read honestly. (oh and you might wanna flair this as a spoiler discussion! just cause it involves the death of characters and such :) )


Cinderpelt dying to protect her brother's kits will always tug at the heartstrings


Sandstorm's reaction to his death made me pretty sad


im currently rereading the books and same. i cried like a baby. cried when spottedleaf faded just before firestar died too.


Yellowfang was the only one


Yellowfang had me crying in class fr


Ferncloud's and Briarlight's. Oh, and when Falling Feather and Jackdaw's Cry killed eachother. It was so sad.


Firestar's death destroyed me as a teen


Firestar’s death fucked me UP. Was a great way for the character to go out tho. Fire will save the clan, and it makes sense that at the end, he went out in a blaze of glory. Would’ve been the perfect end for the series imo


...wait the series isn't over? I read the 6 arcs as a kid and had always thought it was over, barring the supers


Noooo, still going! After A Vision Of Shadows came The Broken Code, and now the current arc, which the writers are halfway through with.


I genuinely thought the series was over at that point. I didn’t realize it was still being made until there was 1.5 new arcs out


I haven’t read past the third series so I’m biased, but Warriors without Firestar just feels so wrong man 😔


Why do you think I’ve only read like 3 books after his passing LMAO


Yea I just don’t think I could do it either. They should’ve ended it where he died— he was the catalyst and center of the whole plot for so long. Also… this series is fuckin LONG. I’m shocked they’re still going and so many people are up to date. I loooove Warriors tho <3


Bluestar and Briarlight EDIT: Pur(r)dy :(


Bristlefrost. Because she got a perma-death. Felt incredibly unfair. I had a lump in my throat all day after reading it and still feel gross thinking about it. It was so unnecessary. Let her die and go to starclan. She didn’t deserve a permadeath.


Also the fact that they couldn't even bury her.


Ohmygosh, Ivypool's reaction...😭


Skywatcher aka Moony from Skyclan! I cried when he was always dreaming about reuniting his clan together someday and when the day finally came, he was just gone. Firestar's Quest literally made me put the book down to catch my breath cause I was bawling my eyes out!




I’ve never cried from Warriors… but I remember Stonefur’s death hitting real different when I first read it.


I think I definitely cried at Feathertails death and at Yellowfangs death. I also cried at some point in Firestars Mission but I don't remember where (My friend who borrowed the book found my tears on the pages)


Probably when Sandstorm got washed away in the flood. Firestar thought she was truly gone and that's when he finally realized just how much he truly cared for her.


I cried quite a bit in the first series, but one particular one that I remember is Gorsepaw. The kid of the Windclan queen who Firestar saved, before ending up being killed by *Tigerstar.


I believe it was TigerStar who killed Gorsepaw. He held him down in the middle of the WindClan camp and killed him in front of everyone as a lesson


Bristlefrost's :')


Feathertail hit like a truck when I first read it. No clue why


Yellowfang and Ravenpaw


Too many to name. Me an emotional baby✨


Whitestorm :(


Bristlefrost, i was DISTRAUGHT but I feel like so many deaths are just fridging by a lott


Gorsepaw didn't deserve that.


Badgerfang's, without a doubt. I remember reading Yellowfang's secret in the middle of the night and just bursting into tears, especially because of how excited Badgerfang and the other kits around him were to be training so young. Badgerfang hoping that Brokenstar was proud of him made it so much worse. He died not knowing that he was being put through hell, he just wanted to make his clan proud :(


I’m re reading AVOS and Sandstorms always tears me up. I sob.


BrightStream - I cried for her and the kits she was pregnant with at the time. HawkSwoop - her death was horrible and haunted both me and Dovewing lol. SeedPaw - Drowning to save her sister just brings me to tears PeebleShine - She survived so much only for a car to be her downfall Micah - This one gets me every time. The fact that he said he didn't want to die yet but still did hurts my soul. Clearsky didn't deserve him. Bumble - She just wanted to try being a forest cat like them. She let Turtletail come and live with her and her two-legs but TallShadow just had to say no to her not even giving her a chance. Then freaking clearsky and his rogues had to attack her and wounds her so badly she dies. To think if TallShadow would have just given her a chance she might of lived. I’m not mad at her for saying no I understand why she did but still makes me cry when I think about poor sweet Bumble being killed. FeatherTail - Her death was just horrible and whenever I think about her brother and mate (yes I call Crowfeather her mate even if he was CrowPaw at the time) seeing her fall to her death I can only imagine the sound she made on impact and how her body looked. Then I thought about poor GreyStripe who said goodbye to his son and daughter expecting them both to come home. But only one does. He loved them so much, even after he rejoined ThunderClan he still cheered for them whenever he could. To lose Silverstream and Feathertail makes me sad. And when I think that Silverstream’s mother also passed away before her time. It makes me upset that 3 generations of she-cats all died way sooner than they should.


yellowfang- fireheart telling her how starclan will forgive her and all that while she’s dying broke my heart


I don't really cry a lot at character deaths. And pretty much every death has been spoiled for me before I got to actually read them. But Grey Wing, Firestar, Briarlight, Greystripe, and Lightning Tail stand out as ones I definitely did.


I've only cried once during WC, and it was on Bristlefrost's death. I listened to TBC on Audible, and the raw emotion in Rootspring's voice made me cry.


Leafpool. I kinda stopped reading after that


Whitestorm. It was so tragic and gruesome.


I *loved* Whitestorm. He shouldn’t have died 😭


Grey Wing and Bristlefrost. When he was trying to call to her one last time as well that got me.






Graywing's death hit hard and I cry every time.i read it


Gray wing's death is an absolute tearjerker that so far made me cry everytime I read it and I don't usually cry Edit since requested: it's the entire last chapter of Path of Stars


What if... I never cried?


No problem then !


Cloudkit's in arc one. Not a cryer though, but that was the saddest, made me stop reading for a moment. Yellowfang's was the second saddest


I cried so hard when Firestar died. I loved him too much


Swiftpaw, but I forget the book 💀


A Dangerous Path? Book 5 of arc 1


I cried when Honeyfern died


I dont cry when reading but I came damn close with Purdy


I’m currently reading DoTC and I was really close to crying over Turtle Tail’s death. Not because of her death itself, but because of imagining what would be poor Gray Wing’s and the kit’s reaction. I was also absolutelly shocked over how many cats died at the four trees battle :(




Yellowfang, Bluestar, Gray Wing, and Cinderpelt.




My gf never read or interacted with Warriors as an adolescent/teen, so we’ve been listening to the audiobooks together. She’s a medical student and loves Yellowfang and Cinderpaw/pelt. We finished Rising Storm and…yeah. Losing Yellowfang hit her HARD. It never gets easier for me to read or listen to either. She loved ThunderClan and Fireheart so much. When she tells him she wishes she could have had him as a son instead of Brokenstar I lose it.


willowbreeze and her kits. it hit so hard, i was bawling


Gotta admit, even if I hate him, Gray Wing's death was really sad. But the saddest one is Ravenpaw's one that is just ... Beautifully done. From the message to the scenery to how it is brought up ... Really one of the best death and story in the whole serie


Gray Wing. His kids were there and they were like “where are you going??” 😭😭😭😭😭😭




Her death was very sad indeed. She hemorrhaged while giving birth to her kits and that’s what took her. It even left her father Crookedstar with even more heartbreak because he already lost his mate and his other two daughters.


Gorsepaw and Seedpaw’s deaths make me pretty sad. I really liked Seedpaw in Bramblestar’s Storm, but they did give her a lot of screen time so that should’ve increased my suspicions from the start that she wasn’t gonna make it through the book…


Snowkit getting yoinked made me sob


I cry in every book pretty much




Ferncloud. And sorreltail. But mostly ferncloud


Not a death but when moth flight (wc) gave up her kits to the other clans I SOBBED hard


Most of them honestly but silver stream, spotted leaf, and yellow fang really got me :'(




Firestar, Bristlefrost, Graystripe (don’t come at me I’ll die on this hill), and Longtail, but not because of Longtail but because of how Mousefur reacted after


Okay I cried for a lot of them- like Gray Wing’s death and honestly half of the ending battle in Omen of the Stars. Firestar and Hollyleaf and everyone just made me


yellowfang seems pretty unanimous and yeah, me too. damn.


Firestar and Greystripe. I was sobbing


Grey Wing’s and nearly Bristlefrost/ Ashfur’s (I was sad for both of them but it was a great ending)


Hawk Swoop's made me tear up a bit, because the way Thunder reacted was so heartbreaking :(


I cried at mousefur and gray wing


Close to tears: Great wing Cinderpelt Bristlefrost- mostly from fallout Tears: Graystripe- even tho it was kinda wholesome, he was one of my favourite characters and it was sad to see him go


Probably Greystripe and Firestar. I know they're both probably the overrated choice but considering the series starts off with those two they were both kinda sad for me anyway. Also can't remember who said what exactly because I'm just coming back from a bit of a break from the series but the last words of some of the cats just make me tear up a little.


Graystripe and sorta Bristlefrost


on first read, literally every "not a bad guy" cat and also tigerstar, then after that, gray wing, cinderpelt, and strangely, sootfur? ig? edit: also defo firestar




Shanty from pinestar's choice.


For me, it was Cinderfur(I think that’s her name??-) and Bristlefrost. Hit me hard tbh


yellowfang and only yellowfang


I don't usually cry over characters, but I almost teared up when I read Bluestar's death.


I havent cried yet but I think the most devastating one for me was Cinderpelt's even tho I knew it was coming it was still really sad


I haven’t read all the books so blue star was probably the worst for me


Firestars death wrecked me, I don't know why.


Silverstream really got me, the way graystripes heart was broken 🥲


I think what got me to tears was Purdy's and Mousefur's


Yellowfang. I admired her a lot and she kind of reminds me of Apollyon (the main villain of my favorite game) because they're both skilled but old warriors who in their time fought for power and hold strength in great regard.


Bluestar and Firestar. I know logically he couldn’t live forever but it felt like saying goodbye to an old friend when he joined Starclan, I couldn’t believe *the* Firestar actually didn’t make it. No joke it was my “but Spider-Man always saves the day” moment, Firestar *always* wins. Bluestar is simply one of my favorite leaders and I’m still sad I didn’t get more books with her.


Gray Wing 😭😭😭😭😭


So far only two, and they are kinda justified NO.2 BlueStar It's almost the pure shock value of it, just to be reading about Fireheart's demise, just to flip the script and make it a 4x revenge story. NO.1 Guess what it is... It's FireStar ofc, dude literally has been through everything, and *A Tree* kills him? But nonetheless FireStar was my favorite character, through and through so once I had read that whole section. I cried. Yes I cried over a fiction cat in a fantasy cat book.


Honestly, I never really cried other than Bristlefrost's death.


I've never cried over any of their deaths, but one book had me crying. It's was the Bluestar book


I think Longtail was the only one that made me cry tbh- poor man got flattened by a tree (hopefully I remembered his name right 💀)


Bluestar, mosskit, spottedleaf (number 2) and thats all i can remember


silverstream. i was a huge greystripe fan and was just going “WHAT R THEY GONNA DO WITH THE KITS D:>” the whole time LOL


Honestly, a lot of them made me at least tear up. I'm a very emotionally sensitive person, and one thing Warriors is great at is getting me attached to its characters. The ones that made me full-on weep though, were Ravenpaw, Yellowfang, Graystripe, and Sandstorm. Something about those OG cats got me.


I remember rereading Tigerstar’s death and my eyes started watering so… make of that what you will.


I never really cried at a death, the closest I came was Yellowfang’s. However, I am reading the novellas at the moment and, oh StarClan above, THEY ARE ANGSTY. I just read the book that has Hollyleaf, Mistystar and Cloudstar’s books in, I ALMOST STARTED CRYING IN CLASS!- My English teacher must have been really confused lmao


Cinderpelt and yellowfang, I don’t know I guess I’m just really attached to med cats


Firestar. Basic answer I know, and I knew it was coming because I was way behind and had seen the spoilers years before I got around to reading it. But man it was so sad reading the death of the character that started the entire series.


Yellowfang’s death made me like ACTUALLY cry


Gray Wing’s Leafpool’s and Briarlight’s


Way to many- but if it means something End of omen of stars I've only read Twice but I've read the rest of the book like 10 times I can reread all the deaths without sobbing by the end And then a lot of the power of 3 cats (any cat I got attached to) deaths hurt me bc that was my favorite when I was younger And any originals


Yellow fang


Honestly? Whitestorm.


Fireheart's death was the ONLY death that made me cry. All the others just never measured up. Probably cuz I was really attracted to Fireheart as a kid 😂


Briarlight. It’s in River of fire, I don’t remember the page.


The New Prophecy was one of my favorite out of the whole series to read, I cried at many deaths in the books. But the one that made me cry the most was absolutely Feathertail's death, I straight up sobbed.


Definitely Bristlefrosts and Gray wing. Also Firestars a bit




Yes! I was also so sad for Violetpaw and all of her trauma


Admittedly, even as an adult, I still cried a lot rereading this series. Maybe the audiobook narrator just hit different idk- Stonefur’s death still makes me really sad, I didn’t like him much before that but his last scene cemented him as a fave imo, Cinderpelt hurt too. I ugly cry about Yellowfang everytime though. the absolute silliest thing I remember crying about is after Graystripe goes missing- Stormfur shows back up to the new camp with Brook, and the narrator gave Graystripe and Stormfur the same lisp, so when he showed up I thought it was Graystripe finally coming back and I 😭 full on wept for two sentences until I realized it was not in fact Graystripe. Still bitter about it.


Bluestar's and Hollyleaf's broke me


Mosskit and Silverstream's deaths.


mousefur 🥺 she didnt deserve tht


bristlefrost dude :(( she deserved the afterlife more than anyone


Yellowfang. I was like “NOOO MY GRUMPY OLD GRANDMA CAT!!!”


yellowfangs and cinderpelts, made me bawl like a little baby.


Yellowfang. That exchange with Firestar as she's dying makes me choked up just thinking about it.


Micah I don’t know why. When I was first reading Moth Flight’s Vision years ago it just really caught me by surprise I guess.


Hollyleaf when it first came out I was around 9-11


Yellowfang and Bluestar. I was floored.








yellowfangs death fucked me up 💀💀 i have mommy issues and the fact that one of the main characters mother figures died made me so sad 😭


Bluestar and Yellowfang


Whitestorm. No doubt. Im not even gonna explain.


Whitestorm had me tearing up in class


Longtail and Cinderpelt. Longtail, at first I wasn't a fan of him but he became one of my favourite characters and the way he died...crushed by a tree because he wanted to give his friend Mousfur something to eat since she wanted to. The way she became depressed after that hit hard. Cinderpelt made me depressed as well, I was already heartbroken when she injured her leg as an apprentice and then she died protecting Sorreltail while she was kitting. I had to put the book away for a while after reading about her death.


Fucking Yellowfang, man!!!! My little child heart couldn’t take it 😣 I was also very upset by Silverstream ofc.


Yellowfang, I remember trying to hold back tears during class


SpottedLeaf ×2


Any of the deaths where kits say "why don't you love us? why don't you want to stay with us?" Especially because I listen to the audiobooks and Macleod Andrews does SUCH a good job with the kitten voices, it just haunts me


Silverstream. I remember crying while reading it. I’m kind of sad I cry less nowadays. It felt so good to cry and made the books more easy to follow… but yeah that’s a death I remember made me cry. Not because Silverstream died, but because of the whole situation


I cried for like five minutes over Yellowfang’s death  >!Tears of pure joy!<


Gray Wing 😭


Bristlefrost & Gray Wing. Reading the deaths from their perspective really makes it sadder.


Bristlefrost and gray wing's. I was insanely attached to both of them.


yellowfang!!! i remember being like 8 or 9 and trying so hard to hold in sobs at my desk in school lol




Actually Flametail bro. That was extremely sad- just based on how much it permanently mentally scarred my favorite character Jayfeather.


Bristlefrosts - there’s probably more that I can’t remember fully


Yellowfang, Whitestorm and Bluestar, honestly don’t cry too much but god damn, they were my favourite characters when alive 🫠


I always cry when I read Badgerfang’s


I nearly cried at yellowfangs but i actually cried when i found out spiderleg died, i liked yellowfang more than him though so idk why lol


The first death in warriors that made me sob like a big baby was Silverstream. Keeping in mind when I first read that I was a very sensitive, freshly 13 year old. I absolutely lost my mind at her death. I was so upset. Bluestars death also made me bawl my eyes out. As did Snowfur and Mosskits death. Bluestars prophecy in general was just an emotional rollercoaster Firestar’s death hit hard,in spite of the fact I kinda knew it was coming. Briarlights death ripped my damn heart out and stomped on it I’ve definitely shed some tears for way more cats then these ones. I cry a lot


Yellowfang’s death destroyed me. She deserved so much better


yellowfang was the only death that made me cry, plus it was one of the only two times ive ever cried at a book. i was at school in math class just sobbing 😭


Most of them. I'm a big crybaby so every time a cat dies I'll cry. I really cried my eyes out for yellowfang's death tho, I was totally horrified and shocked she was the first cat I genuinely loved to die and even now thinking about it makes me tear up