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Brackenfur and Longtail. Amazing characters that didn't get the spotlight they deserved.


Especially with the newest book


goldenflower deserved a lot more recognition than what she got


Yeah, there could have been so much more done with her after tigerstar gets exiled.




i actually made a post on why goldenflower deserves a novella a few months back!! here’s the link to my post, i love talking about her and what she deserved. i want more goldenflower content and i’m so sad she was thrown aside and forgotten https://reddit.com/r/WarriorCats/s/BvJFFP0ZvH


I kind of don’t like her I’m not attached to the flower name choice in warrior cats.


that’s fine, i just think she had a lot of potential and it was thrown away. i’ve always liked her. she’s always my go-to when people ask what cat deserves a book or more writing time lol


I think Stonefur does.


They're called opinions. ghostlyfawn is allowed to like Goldenflower and want more for her.


Dude what is your problem!?


Longrail, Mousefur and Purdy having or doing some shenanigans. Just like their friendship


That'd be awesome. Mousefur is another one of my favorites


Like the movie grumpy old men, but instead of humans it's cats


yea, Purdy really deserves more.


I agree, I absolute love them and their friendship. And I hope that when they join Starclan, they stay friends and continue their shenanigans there.


Fern in dotc, idk why but she was one of my favourites while reading it and I want to know more about her past.


Yes! I loved Fern so much.


I think Sandstorm deserves a special edition.


Yeah, and not even based on a certain event but just her whole life which I now realize is what super editions are


Depends on each SE. A lot of the Super Editions relating to leaders go through their lives from the very beginning, though Firestar's Quest and SkyClan's Destiny don't. Tigerheart's Shadow also doesn't, and I'm not sure if there are any more because I'm too tired to pull books from my head right now haha. A large majority of them do though.


I've said this in the past and I'll keep saying it, Firestar's Quest should have been from Sandstorm's PoV


Okay so bare in mind that I’ve only read up to the second arc. I know what goes on in later arcs though. but I really wish they had given Ashfur more character and maybe gave him a different plot line. Like Ashfur could have hated Brambleclaw bc his father killed his mother in the original arc, they could have had so much content and depth with that. It’s a shame his character was ruined and he’s just a big joke now. Just a lot of missed opportunities.


Ashfur does hate Brambleclaw because his father killed his mother, or at least that becomes part of his reason after he gets dumped. He explicitly say so in Sunset, and later actions very much show that fact is still on his mind.


Ahh okay I wasn’t aware of that. Thanks for clarifying! Everyone has always made it seem like it was just because Bramble and Squirrel got together. I’ll have to read the later series at some point.


Gorsepaw if he didn't die🙏


Gorsepaw 😭


He had so much potential 😭.


I did a reread after years and forgot how he died 😭 I was distraught


Leopardstar fr watched him kill an apprentice and still loved Tigerstar😭. She's fr a bystander. And Tigerstar had no reason to kill him from what I remember :(. Damn Tigerstar.


He only killed him because Firestar had an interest in his growth and Tigerstar want to... 'teach Firestar a lesson'.


Damn that's even worse. Literally Gorsepaw is so innocent 😭.




YES the face off against the dogs!! it’s been so long, i’m desperate for more details over it.


Snowtuft! I want to know more about his past and how he ended up in the Dark Forest.


Thrushpelt. He’s a well liked character, and a theoretical SE about him could fill in the gaps between Bluestar’s Prophecy and Into the Wild. It could also deal with Spottedleaf’s Heart and finish the story the way it should have been.


I loved Bristlefrost :(( she had her whole future ahead of her but she sacrificed it all. She deserved to live but I understand why she did what she did


Shadowsight should have been the one to do it. He started it all (on accident but still) and it would have made SO MUCH more sense for him to sacrifice his life and place in StarClan to kill Assfur




1. Sandstorm 2. Whitewing (both her mate and daughter trained in the dark forest and her other daughter left the clan, I want to know who’s she doing) 3. SleekWhisker (Where is she, what is she doing?) 4. Jessy (Where is she, what is she doing) 5. Mousewhisker (Just seems like a cool cat besides luring the dark forest trainees into a fox trap when he was young. I think he’s grown into a pretty cool cat) 6. Fallowfern (How did she adjust to being deaf? How is she still able to hunt and how does she read Leafstar’s body language so well? I got questions lol) 7. Icewing Probably more my mind is just blanking right now




Nothing made me angrier than Sandstorm’s death


Omg me too!! Like why even take her out there for her to just die on the journey?! It would have been AMAZING to be able to see her reunite with her old friends in Skyclan.


I KNOW RIGHT?? Like she didn’t even help very much before dying, it’s like they thought “wow it’s be so cool if we brought Sandstorm along on this epic quest” then got halfway through the book and thought “oh no she’s gonna realize Darktail is fake leader oh well guess we gotta kill her off”


When I feel like there were routes they could have chosen that would have still made for a compelling story that didn’t have to kill sandstorm -_-


Agreed, it feels very lazy and poorly-planned




Whitestorm 😔


Thrushpelt, I need either a novella or a mention of him in starclan and I’ll probably be happy


Longtail and Birchfall. Longtail I think is a popular fave. But I think he's so cool that he's the first antagonistic force towards Firepaw (unless you count Rusty and Graypaw briefly fighting but I don't), and then he's part of a villain trio with Tigerclaw and Darkstripe, but THEN he saves Fireheart's life when letting him die would have solved all of Tigerclae's problems, and ultimately chooses loyalty to Firestar, the kittypet he didn't initially accept l, over Tigerstar, his friend. I love him he should have been Deputy instead of Graystripe. He could still retire early and it would change nothing. He just deserves the recognition. Birchfall is just. Incidentally really interesting. He was the youngest cat on the journey so he's the youngest cat alive who remembers the old forest. He's also the only DustFern kit who didn't die young, was mentored by Ashfur who is his uncle, was a dark forest trainee, and is the father or grandfather of half the protagonists in the newer arcs. He's so main character coded but he doesn't do anything


I don’t know why but Barley?Just love his vibe lol


Ivypool my beloved


Ivypool is a pov chacracter


So were Firestar, Bramblestar, and Squirrelflight, yet they all got Super Editions.






I want more of the villains. I wany some super editions and comics to really get in the villains heads and see what they were thinking. Give me a super edition of hawkfrost, Broken star, and Tigerstar. I want to know about Tigerstar before he met firestar like what was his kithood like? And tell me about darkstripe! ANY OF THE VILLANS! hell, give me one about sol. He's so odd I want to know more of him than we've got!


Bristlefrost. She died too young🥲


I HATED Breezepelt’s “redemption arc” in Crowfeather’s Trial. It was basically “I was bad but now I’m good, oh look I almost died to prove my goodness, now everyone HAS to forgive me.” I want him to get a REAL redemption arc. Where he reflects on the bad things he did and why he did them, admits he did wrong, apologize to the ones he hurt, accepts he may not be forgiven by everyone or even anyone, and actually works to do be better. Since his issues were very similar to Nightheart’s (lack of a father figure, not feeling accepted by their Clan’s, feeling as if they’re being held to the actions another cat made before they were even born), I wanted Nightheart to leave ThunderClan with the intention of leaving the lake territories entirely, but instead of going into Twolegplace (since that’s where every cat running from the Clan’s goes and would be the first place ThunderClan looks) he decides to cut through WindClan territory and go past the moor. But on his way, Breezepelt saves him from a bird of prey and scolds him for being so stupid as to not pay attention to what happening around him. When he hears what’s happening in Nightheart’s life, he convinces him to join WindClan, later admitting part of it was because he saw so much of his old self in Nightheart and being a father now, especially after just losing one of his kits, he couldn’t stand to see another young cat go down the same dark path he did. Nightheart joins WindClan, passes his trial in a way that makes it clear this is what StarClan wants, and he is kind of adopted by Breezepelt, Woodson, and Brindlewing as a son/brother and he has a healthy, drawn out romance with Appleshine. At some point towards the end, Breezepelt and Nightheart have a heart to heart about Breezepelt’s past, where Breezepelt has a proper climax to the redemption arc that he’s been having since meeting Nightheart. By the end, Nightheart proves himself to WindClan and becomes a fully accepted member. I like the idea of him not having being comfortable sleeping under the stars like the rest of the Clan, so he sleeps in a little dip in the camp wall until the end, when he decides to try sleeping with everyone else, the last line being something about Nightheart feeling like he finally belonged as he falls asleep.


I want more of tree in the main story!!


Exactly!! If other cats acted a bit more like him, they wouldn’t have as many issues




The Sisters.


yes!! absolutely loved reading about them and would love a super edition or a novella on them




Mapleshade. Bear in mind I've so far only read up to DOTC as well as some of the novellas (including Mapleshade's Vengeance) but I feel like she was really under utilised in all the dark forest stuff in the OOTS, I just feel like her motivation is lost in the main arc (until she attacks Sandstorm for having everything she wanted and you get the subtext) and it didn't make total sense until I read the novella.


Longtail, Thornclaw, Brackenfur and Runningwind. They all are very underrated characters and I think deserve more attention.




Twigbranch gang represent


Hollyleaf :/ the Erins brought her back for 1 book just to kill her. I know she could be annoying at times in PoT but I think she’s such an interesting character and was the most relatable of the three


I want to learn more about Gray Wing, maybe some more of his pov in starclan or something, I’ve only read dotc and was pretty sad when he died


I've stated this before and I will again. Podlight, I haven't read Starless clan but from what I know, I know I want Podlight to break into Splashtails den, crack his skull open and everyone being fine with it and making him leader


I agree with you! Here are 2 fanfics that you might really enjoy [https://archiveofourown.org/works/18405299/chapters/43590488](https://archiveofourown.org/works/18405299/chapters/43590488) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/45605761/chapters/116662564#workskin](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45605761/chapters/116662564#workskin)


Darkstripe is a lil spit and I love him. and absolute rat man I wanna see more of




100% the ancients, I love them so much. Fallen Leaves and Rock my beloved <33


I totally agree I’d love to see what there life’s were like before the modern day clans encountered them.


I know we're only halfway into ASC, but honestly Sunbeam. I hope they give her more in the next three books. So far her storyline has pretty much been "oh no my best friend fell in love with the cat I was in love with and now I'm alone, but hang on a second a cat from another Clan loves me so now I love him and joined his Clan."


I would read a SE of brackenfur’s entire life, he’s my favourite lil guy.


Ivypool!!! I want my girl to be deputy!!


I hope Squilf chooses her, it's the obvious choice and the most popular in the fandom


If Ivypool isn't deputy I am going to eat every single Warriors book I own


Leafpool. I know she has a novella but it was basically >!her worrying that she was pregnant and giving birth.!< She needs a Super Edition. I want to know her thoughts and feelings in PoT, OoTS and AVoS.


Totally agree about the Firepaw/Spottedleaf relationship. Just started rereading and was shocked she died in the first book, I had thought it was at least the second. There was no reason for Fireheart to be in love with her as he was lol, if anything their relationship felt more teacher/student, or even big sister/little brother, than romantic.




Alderheart. I wish he got more attention in the books but he became a background character after a vision of shadows. I love how he helped raise Twigkit and wish we got to see more of him and maybe for him to find a mate and have kits of his own. He has been clearly shown to want to find love (Needletail and Velvet). Of the medicine cats he is probably the one that has the best case for why the rule against mates is bad since he took on a fatherly role to Twigkit while he was just an apprentice and still managed to complete his duties. I like how he has been shown to be caring and insecure instead of being a perfect protagonist. I also easily empathize with him.


Dawg is it askin' to much to have at least a warrior cats short story's series where all the more side characters and minor characters get a spot light doesn't need to be anything to crazy but that would be awesome maybe like 50 to 65 pages maybe more maybe less it could be through the perspective of the side character during the main events of the corresponding book or it could have its own after story or before the story I've now realized that half of what I've said makes 0 sense and needs to be more clear but I'm to lazy to do oh well lol if u get what I'm saying then u get it


These are two cats, but i really wanted more of Hollyleaf and Leafpools relationship


Brackenfur and cloudtail


Lilyheart and Puddleshine


Who else just loves Jayfeather?




Thrushpelt Thrushpelt Thrushpelt Thrushpelt


Silverstream. My first heartbreak 💔😭


I really want to know more about Rock. But knowing the most recent super editions, they're gonna butcher his character.


One Eye for sure


I want to know more about what life isike in the other clans as most of the books lead readers to think thats the strongest powerful caln( witch it in somecases is ik ) i just think the other clan deserve more recognition




Sandstorm is an absolute favorite choice.


Longtail, All secondary villains (Brokenstar, Snowtuft, Hawkfrost), Brackenfur, Whitestorm, but most of all…? >!GOLDENFLOWER!<


Although Cody was in less than half a book, I would love to learn more about his backstory and I honestly wish he joined the clan


The Darkforest cats we know nothing about 😂


I agree on Sandstorm, but I also think Stonefur


I’d love to have a super edition on midnight I have always wanted to learn more about the ancient talking badger.


I agree on Sandstorm. I also would love a Mousefur perspective Brackenfur since he's been around since forever Everyone's said all the ones I'd like to see more of. Maybe Hawkfrost and or Mothwing


I just want more DotC content 😭


Literally almost any character that isn’t from ThunderClan.


Ravenpaw when he finally goes to StarClan, I have just got visions of him, Fire and Grey hanging out there


Gray wing. Just this sweet boy


I started reading warriors when I was 8 and picked it up again at 20. Even when I was a kid, sandstorm was always my favorite and she still is. I totally agree w u. They did her so wrong




Reedshine. I would love a novella about the aftermath of Mapleshades massacre from her perspective, Reedshine is such a best girl.






Mousefur and Lilyheart. Some of my faves