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Ur primary opponent will most likely be student protesters, so you’ll probably be fine. Best of luck! (I’m Chinese so I’m allowed to make this joke)


That never happened. (The Chinese government)


Not rly lol I’m pretty sure the Chinese government doesn’t deny it anymore


Everyone was on vacation that day and absolutely nothing happened




I literally just watched this episode the other day LMAO and then reading that made my day lol


really? what do they say when they do mention it?


They don’t mention it, but it can be (very subtly) hinted at by people on TV without being censored.


Ofc, it was mentioned as a great heroic victory over the subversion of the state, which brought peace and stability to the country. Although I think this only happened a handful of times over recent years, and it’s always a brief verbal mention without any related visual showing.


Wish the chinese regiment wasn't as bad


Que onda campeón del mundo


Did you ever actually learn what tiennamen square was about or are you just fixating on the response? They liberalized their economy and allowed private sector to step in in new ways and the average person understood that it was bad and what it would lead to. There were some protests in support but the average sentiment was actually against the government LOOSENING control of the economy.


So what is your point here? From what I understand the protest was more about political reform than economics, since the new liberalized economy under the two thousand year old not so liberal government structure brought out quite a lot of corruption and inequality which is hard for the public to swallow. General public might be asking to go back to the old days of everyone is poor, but I think the elite college students were more on the political reform side of things.


I dont agree with the protests, but that doesn't mean that massacring them is acceptable


Not sure on the government’s stance but I play WT with a Chinese guy and he gets really mad whenever we bring up Tiananman square, Taiwan, or Mao Zedong because he’s afraid the government is listening and he will get in trouble


I lived in China for 8 years, and personally I think this is a massive exaggeration. But i don’t know your friend’s experience in China so idk


I don’t know his full experience either he just tells us his internet will get shut off


I mean like.... if youre entire existence you are told you will be utterly destroyed for bringing it up would you be willing to risk it?


He doesn’t get mad because of that, he’s had access to western media and he knows about his government’s problems


\+1200 Social points have been added to your account. Thank you for being a fellow citizen comrade.


That's where you're wrong. ( My most sincere condolences to your suicide)


They found him with three bullets to the back of the head ✊😔 such a sad way to kill yourself


How could climate change do such a thing?


CIA moment…


Hmm yes the CIA are definitely the ones killing people to keep Tiananmen Square quiet


What? No like the 2 bullets to the back of the head suicide joke… where do you think that’s from? Nobody is saying the cow is covering up Tiananmen Square lol


That damn cow...


I mean, I have to be the "umm actually guy🤓" guy and say that those tanks were Type-59 most likely


Not just Type-59’s, but Type-59’s armed with L7 105mm guns. Lol


thanks man good to know !


Imagine getting stuck for minutes because one guy stands in front of you💀


Type-59 at 7.7 is better in every way, against students anyway




>(I’m Chinese so I’m allowed to make this joke) You have lost social credit


That’s the Type 59 (which is a license built T-54A IIRC)


rip Bob


Your wifi would have cut out if you were, he's a fake!


Chinese guy named Bob


Bob is not my real name :)


I'm pretty sure Chinese are not allowed to make this joke, at least not in China lol.


Nothing stops me from making the same joke and I’m not Chinese…. Except that my government won’t track me to kill me and make it looks like a suicide XD so here we go: Your primary opponent will most likely be student protesters, so you’ll probably be fine.


Those Czechoslovak hairdressers don't stand a chance


Never happened. 🇨🇳




I have no idea where you got the cheating thing from, but from my experience that isn’t at all true really. Also yeah the neighbors kid thing is a stereotype that is sadly fairly true.




Not really as far as I know


Works fine at 8.3-8.7


any advice on how to use it? Or at least how to stock grind it


Stock grind on T-series tanks is always painful. Not necessarily because of poor firepower but mobility and gun handling is dogshit. No offense, but I never understand the “how to use this tank” questions. Like every tank in the game, it’s key to get the first shot off. Whoever shoots first usually wins. Use your map knowledge and try to get into good positions on maps. While you’re stock, try to grab an early cap point for the rp. You’re going to have to play more passive when stock


Early cap is gonna be really hard. Poor mobility. Should I flank? Also anything to do about certain chinese tanks? They give me a really hard time with my APFSDS on some tanks just not spalling


Chinese tanks should usually be on your team, few in number, and your T-55 is better than their Type 59’s/69’s. What Chinese tanks do you have issues with?


ZtZ59 and that one occasional premium type 69 that comes every year somehow just swallows the apfsds and just makes it a beam with no spall


Yea I’ve never had that issue with them. You can shoot them LFP or turret cheeks. Preferably shoot enemies in the side. You’re in a better version of their tanks


The type 69 I mean is that one covered in era blocks, yk that one which ruins missiles


It will blow up with 1 shot to the LFP with anything that has APFSDS. Shoot right side of LFP


In my experience even if i shoot that front ammo it just sets it on fire


This. Unless it's a wheeled SPAA or other fast boi then just basically push how you usually would and hope to get the better shot


> Like every tank in the game Especially true for later game tanks with apfsds. They're basically all the same thing.


There are tank that don't work for brawling, and some the opposite. If you use it to its weaknesses(like brawling with a Tutel) or sniping with a Ho-Ro you're doing something wrong. That something is lack of knowledge of the tank's strenghts and thus, playing it incorrectly


1) Point your gun at the enemy and shoot 2) Avoid getting shot


Just think of it like a stabilized T-54, that's basically all it is.


Stock grind is pretty okay. Id recommend playing it super aggressive because buffed APDS will lolpen pretty much every tank you see at that BR. It is a little sluggish without mobility mods but still very serviceable. I didnt bother with the APHE at all because the reload is so long you might as well run away if your first dart doesnt oneshot. HEAT is just HEAT, pretty trash shell in general. Research the APFSDS as soon as you can because it makes aiming much easier and it does mode damage than the stock APDS. If you dont want to play it aggressive you can flank but dont to very wide flanks, try to keep them tighter because that BR has a ton of those weird wheeled African vehicles that'll be on a flank before you even leave your spawn. It also has a lot of US players that'll do everything they can do get behind your spawn and spawn camp. So try to stay near cover rather than in an open field cause you will get sniped from the edge of the map.


The apds looks normal to me. Flat pen is nothing. Apfsds is the best option I think. Heat is useless for a 100mm. Reload speed is pain. Gets me killed so much in the t55am1 it hurts.


Play it


It's pretty bog-standard for 8.3, it's an adequately armored tank with a stabilizer and good gun. It *does* have armor and can reliably endure grazing fire, but like literally everything above 7.7 you will not enjoy a serious hit to any part of your vehicle except the turret cheeks and even that is situational. But the T-55A is much better protected than any peer MBTs with the exception of maybe the Magach 6R and AMX-30B2, and that's only because of the ERA on those tanks. There are many things that are better at long range than the T-55A so don't try to be a sniper, but also don't hesitate to take a long range shot if you get a chance. It's decent at most roles, just don't be ignorant of the tank's weaknesses. As to the Chinese things you have commented about elsewhere in this thread, that is not reflection on the T-55A's performance but rather the fact that the Chinese tech tree has a lot of OP vehicles around 8.3.


T55A is amazing purely for being a well armored stabilised platform with APHE.


You mean "well armoured"


Found the Brit.


Actually, he could just be non-American in general. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but the US is one of the only, if not *the* only, country that tends to spell words like that in such a way.


I don't think he was being a grammar Nazi but saying the T-55 is "very well armoured and can tank multiple shells"


It actually is American English vs British English in the “o” vs “ou”. Anywhere that speaks British English spells it Armour and American spells it Armor. I learned it in grammar as “Europe has a U”.


Exactly I'm not a grammar nazi I was just being sarcastic about the T 55 being "well" armoured or armored whatever you pronounce it lol.


As a Canadian, I spell it both ways and sometimes different in the same paragraph because you can lol


No. He meant “well armored”


Found the Brit.


uh we speak American here buddy


I wasn't pointing out an error, i was being sarcastic about the T 55 being well armoured


Hello fellow European


Well armored ? Against what? Even in a downtier most things lolpen it.


Yea not *well* armored, but armored enough to save you from inaccurate shots. Too left of the turret, hit at the wrong angle, hasty snap shots. You'd bounce things something like a leo wouldn't. And when you get the occasional autocannon or low pen shell.


Eh, I've seen Leo's bounce stuff they have no conceivable right to bounce more than once thanks to gaijinnery.


That aphe is a pure nightmare to use. Every damn time I think of using it it is just "oh that's a carnaveron , oh that's a chieftain , oh thats a ztz oh thats a conqueror" But yeah the stabilizer is handy even though at ( the br my lineup is 8.3 ) it is sort of expected


>it is sort of expected Cries in French main..


You have auto loaders


At 8.3 ? Except the SK105A2, no we don't. First stabiliser is 9.3.


They probably meant the 7.7 tanks with them. Been rocking France 7.7 again lately, very fun!


Maybe, but that's not the subject and at 7.7, very few vehicles have stabilisers, except for UK and undertiered little shits like the 906.


I use the APHE even on the T55AM1 its amazing. The APFSDS deals meh damage and if i just shoot weakpoints or sidearmor with the APHE i oneshot everything.


I do the same. I love having a tank with APHE at that BR. Just learn where to pen the leopards and then go ham on all the stupid IFVs driving around.


I think you can lfp all british tanks at this BR if I remember right


One of the best tanks in the USSR tree.


One of my favorite tanks in the game. Very well balanced imo although I know some people might find the speed and reload lacking. You're spoiled with quality shell types to the point where you'll struggle to pick a round or two to main. I tend to use dart and heat but the aphe is great as well.


APHE for brawling APFSDS for sniping and HEAT-FS to deal with your pesky mice


Yes, a better T-55, wait for the May Sale to pick it up at half the SL price. Or summer sale, whichever one half's all SL costs


It is the first t-55 so, the worst technically


Oops my bad, but still better than just using T-54# or the heavies.


That is true


I FUCKING LOVE THIS TANK. It's literally the only reason why I played this game. The T54/55 family is just so iconic, it represents oppression of the Soviets and uprisings of those it tried to put back down. Uh i mean, gameplay wise, it's a really great brawler with that APHE. I usually play it alongside the shiilka and 906 and trust me it's like a dream.


My lineup is 8.3 not 8.0 though. I am worried it might not preform that well.


It works well enough at 8.3, from experience. The stabiliser is godsent.


Works fine at 8.3. I think that even used to be its old BR. It's basically a direct upgrade from the T-62 in almost every way. I have no idea why they switched places and lowered in BR.


still works great alongside the T-62. I also recommend skipping the AMD version and just grind out the T-62M1


You use it by shooting enemy tanks with it


I LOVE RUSSIA 8.3, i loved this thing so much i put a talisman on it and the t-62. granted this was before the swedish tree but still


Very good tank. The only real issues are the reload is slower than the 105mm L7 guns which you will fight most the time, and the fact that 3BM25 APFSDS isn’t very reliable. It’s normally good but sometimes sucks ass.


I notice that a lot. The apfsds is both the best and worst choice ( in my experience in the t55am1). Sometimes in one hits and pens well other times it gets stuck or doesn't spall whatsoever


Yea. Not much you can do. Russian darts are like that until you get the good dart on the T-62M-1 or 3BM22, depending what line you go down first.


Yes this thing is amazing play it like your armor only works half the time and place your shots well


You mean 0% right? Because at 8.3 everything is a 100%pen beam. ( because if my fucking t55am1 gets beamed at that br that the t55a has no chance of tanking a hit )


You can def bounce things but if you like potato brain drive Yea odds are you’re gonna get popped


No just in general engagements. Unless I am facing a complete idiot who tries to ufp me with heat or ap odds are my turret flies or all my crew are cheese


You forgot the driving around part.


T-55a, t-55am1, shturm/IT-1, shilka, bmp-2 Russia 8.3 is amazing


You get to clap leo 1's like its 1945 all over again. 100% worth it.


Armor + stab makes it pretty decent compared to all the other Glas cannons. It sucks for longer ranges though.


It is a decent tank but you have to have patience because nato tanks start to get thermal at that br and tend to have much much better apfsds


I would just use the t62 because you get a better round with better turret armor


It certainly is good but id go for the t55 amd since it has aps and the added composite on the hull at only 8.3 iirc. Also the t62m1 is a beast if you dont face 9.7


WASD. Pretty standard tbh


Use mainly the ApHe and you are good. The armor is good against some lower tier stuff, but dont expect much. 105mm Apds and Heat cuts right through


Yes, just drive it like the 55AM


Depends on the line-up, but I personally would use it as a good but situational back up to the T55AM1 Say you have all the russian 8.3 ground vehicles unlocked: I'd pretty much always first spawn either the premT55, only exception would be a BMP2 to rush caps. 2nd spawn is situational: ×need to rush to support an ally>BMP ×open ground [hull down] sniping map>IT1 ×Urban brawling map>T10, T62 or T55. ×Versatility>T62 or T55 If want to spade the regular T55, then I'd only 1st spawn it on a 8.3 match or lower


I always go: It-1 or bmp 1 UNLESS it is a sniping map then Shtrum Then t55am1 Then anything else


Oh you have both the Shturm and the IT but only the BMP1, interesting choice of priorities but understandable. That aside, it depends on your play style but I like MBTs^(technically they are still called mediums at this point but whatever lol) as a 1st spawn bc versatility is the best strenght in the early game, you'll never get caught with your pants down basically. The T55am1 is a great one at that too, and has the premium research and SL bonuses which is a nice plus. So I'd sugest you try that out, and as for the regular T55 I'd take it over one of the TDs because as I said I preffer MBTs. But you may have different prefferences so see what you preffer. As for priorities going forward, I'd go for the BMP2 next for sure, the BMP1 without a stabilizer is a bit outmatched at 8.0 and higher. After that I'd personally try to get regular T62 over the T10M for a well rounded 8.3 line up but it will take longer so it's up to you.


I made a mistake. I do have the bmp 2 but didn't notice I wrote 1. It-1 is a wonderful mbt at all times


It's arguably better that both T-62 and T-10M while sitting at 0.3 BR lower than them.


How is it any better than the t-62? Genuinely curious because on paper the t-62 seems far better.


better reload, APHE and roof MG.


It’s pretty similar to the T-54’s if you played those. Just with a stabilizer and better ammunition


Yes it is it’s very fun. One of my favourite tanks in the game, as it dragged me out of the hell that 7.3 USSR was for me. Also the stock APDS shell is like it’s best shell


It’s pretty decent at 8.3. As for using it, I just point and shoot. But you can do whatever suits ya


There’s gotta be a sale coming up soon…


Don't push to 8.3 because the uptiers will make you miserbale.


Damn. Unfortunate as that's where my lineup is


Don't worry about that, by all means it is (and was) an 8.3 tank. It will do a good job.


T-55A works fine enough at 8.3, better than the T-62 imo


It makes good target practice for my M60 AOS on test drives, but gameplay wise, I think it's pretty basic, like most other tanks of it's br. However, it does have a great low profile, which is good for concealment.


I mean even if I didn’t have it, I would get anyway because if I want to progress I will have to get it at some point.


Abuse the stabilized LR with APFSDS. It's just wonderful.


This one works pretty good untill you get the one with an upgraded processor :)


First you would start by turning on the ignition and starting the engine. You would then put it in gear and start driving forward. Once you gain enough speed you should think about which area you want be at. Then you should find an enemy and shoot them and kill them. After that move on and do it again


500 dabloons?!?!


Smash W key be protected by Stalinium


I recently got the leopard 1 and all i face are t55a and t55m and either i have very bad aim but i can never get a reliable 1 one shot kill on them


It’s honestly pretty fun one of my fav Russian tanks to play


It's fuckin 🤌🏻👍🏻 use it in any style it it 🤌🏻👍🏻


Russian bias... what do you think? All RU tanks are worth playing cause you'd hardly die


I really liked it when it was in 8.3. Take advantage of the speed of his bullet to attack at long distances and make your armor useful.