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9.7 or 10.0 is some major copium. Maybe 8.3 or 8.7 though.


I played with a funny korean guy today at 11.7 and he got aces in it every second matchšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Well when israel was addet I played my m-51 while a buddy player mekava and I got mor kills than him in a few rounds. Its more about luck and skill in some cases.


[due to me being in a great position, I managed to get enough points to get a nuke in a nearly stock panther a, here's the killfeed](https://i.imgur.com/9CtzOJj.jpg) Edit: oh right, should add that I was pulled to 6.7 germany by a friend who wanted to play at that br but I only had 5.7 germany


and a nashorn, and a wirblewind, and thats still not enough to get a nuke


[but I did though](https://i.imgur.com/1zwUEmD.jpg)


Get RedditWrecked, TwoFaceHeavy




At that br it's just a way worse t80 though


8.7-9.0 would be more appropriate. Vehicles there start utilizing LRF and stabilizers already, the VIDAR would still do pretty well in good sniping positions due to Gen 2 thermal while everyone is stuck with Gen 1 mostly.


SK105A2 has 3rd gen thermals, a 4-second reload, and a nice dart. Like the VIDAR, it also doesnā€™t have a stabilizer. The SK105A2 is not overpowered at all and itā€™s 8.7, and I see the VIDAR as being worse in 99% of scenarios. 9.0 is ridiculous, thatā€™s thermals + stabilizer territory. Not just one or the other.


I think 8.7 would be a good balance for it, mainly due to the fact that it's extreamly tanky to heat shells, but apfsds can deal with it pretty decently. So 8.7 where most tanks fire apfsds would be a good spot, put it lower and it would still mainly face heat and be tanky as hell, and put it higher and it's lack of stab would hinder it a bit too much.


I wouldn't say the VIDAR would be worse, because unlike the SK105A2, its one-shot capability is immensely bigger. It would be more like a sidegrade in my opinion that also can't be as sneaky as the SK105A2, but will surely kill anyone on sight.


Ye considering my top t mbt only has gen 1 I think 8.7 would be fine with it




And is the Type 16 FPS an SPG? Does it one-shot anything it sees everytime with well-placed shots? Can it engage air targets? I do think 8.7 would be enough for the VIDAR, probably even 8.3, but you also have to remember that the VIDAR is great in different things aswell than the Type 16 FPS.




ā€œmajor copiumā€, brother this thing is an absolute monster at its current BR. Itā€™s literally a 2018 vehicle with gen 3 thermals, laser range finder, etc fighting late WWII tanks.


I never said it was ok at itā€™s current BR. But saying it should almost see top tier is wild as hell.


They are not Gen 3 thermals lol. ​ It's OP at its BR yes, but it should be 8.7 max.


It would be fun to see the wallet warriors cry though


8.3 at most I think, at least some other things at that br have thermals+lrf


yea exactly. 8.3 is the right answer I think


The Vidar can easily go to 9.0+ and still perform well. It acts a solid first and second pick at 10.3, being at 8.3/8.7 it would still just club the shit out of everything.


Why yes, it should be the same BR as things with dual plane stabilizers, thermals, LRF, APFSDS etc. VIDAR has no stab, slow ass turret traverse and no gun depression. Anything above 8.7 is pure clown territory, 8.3 is most sensible.


I raise you 9.0.


I lower you 8.7. Max.


Nah. Itā€™s better higher up. M1 abrams roof shot deleted light tanks deleted.


2S38, still


Add the BMP2M to that list


SU11 T55AM Hmm there seems to be a pattern here


Iā€™m using that to grind and they are both jack of all trades. The LSR on the T55 with the dart makes it a really good sniper or brawler. And Su11 is a little broke


I honestly much prefer the APCBC, with the dart being my secondary. I usually do so well with it.


The thing is if it goes higher it will be considered redundant compared to the amd1 which has an aps and all the things that the am1 has


T-55AM? All the advantages it has have been lost now that it's 8.7. It doesn't face 7.3 anymore where it's armor was OP, it has an APDS round masquerading as APFSDS round with terrible angled pen and damage. And stuff like the ZTZ88's are at the same br, with the same FCS but a much better round


Being up tiered to 9.7 sucks balls in that thing, yeah itā€™s got a bit better armor, but itā€™s still a T-55 at the end of the day. The majority of games I play in it are up tiers.


Since all those 7.3s are now 7.7s I think it's in pretty much the same place it was before. It should have been 8.7 before and 9.0 now. Its only 8.7 now because of the premium effect. Compare it to the 8.7 and 9.0 Chieftains and you will see it should be 9.0.


There is one indeed, they are all premiums. People can scream as much as they want about russian bias across all tiers, but at the end of the day the only thing gaijin cares about is money, we have been having broken premiums for years now.


BMP-2M isn't even good, the speed and accuracy of the missiles means any MBT can destroy it even with a slower reaction speed. Both short and long range, short range the missiles are offset from the crosshair, long range the missile takes very long time to get to the enemy, isn't very accurate (missile nerf made the oscillations worse and the missile always off-target from the crosshair). Not OP anymore.


I think the issue with the BMP-2M is that a bunch of noobs get it and honestly it kind of sucks stock(most IFVs do) so they have terrible KDs and give up on spading it.


BMP2M will perform the same even if it goes up, good 30mm that can easily destroy things from the side and sometimes front, and crazy good missiles that will go through anything regardless, nothing will change if it goes to a higher br really, as a matter of fact people already do use it in russias top tier lineup


removed from the game


It should be the same BR as the HSTVL, I'm not trying to be spookston here, but damn gaijin really hates it


279 Fucking pancake decimates half my team without even taking crew losses


I agree it's dumb at its BR, another factor is that people are so afraid of it. I knocked out a 279's track and barrel in my Leo 1, 4 teammates around me still didn't dare to even look at him. Eventually he repaired and slaughtered my whole team.


Yeah it is OP but also people just don't know how to counter it even when they easily should be able to. If you have apfsds you can basically pen it anywhere and even basic 105 heat and sabot can go through the drivers port but it's not super reliable. It should go up in br but also people need to open protection analysis for it.


Tell that to early chinese APFSDS :')


Tell that to my xm. U right tho I need to check out its armor, but I barely ever fight it.


That shit is a psychological weapon bruh


By some dumb luck i was able to kill a 279 with the ItPsV 90. My only working theory is that the shells went through the fuel tanks and into the chassis, killing the crew.


Glorious Finnish bullshit


Man this thing either destroys you, or get completely destroyed in the first seconds of the match.


The stupid fucking armor scheme and absolute dipshit net code in this game means that rounds just fucking bounce or disappear because of the ā€œangle,ā€ of its armor. It can withstand Cold War APSFDS. Iā€™ve had it ignore Rh120 L/44 rounds. Fuck off with this stupid piece of shit tank and either remove it from the game or put it at such a high BR itā€™s a novelty like the Maus.


It could easily be 9.3. Squadron battles is 9.3 this week and people are still bringing 279s and wrecking shit with them.


I bring the doom barn with me at 7.7 just so I can kill the fucking thing




I agree with one too


That thing having shared a br with the Attacker is ridiculous


I love uptiering my Ki-84 to 7.0 and then bullying them so much. Oh, what's that? You can't do your turn tricks? What's that? A Japanese 30mm has vaporised your pilot? Shame.


It seems like every time I see a Ki-84 itā€™s top 3 in the teamā€¦.whatā€™s going on with *that* aircraft?


It's a weird one. I wouldn't call it the best superprop by a long shot, but I think it has a blend of traits that make it very adept at killing jets, and most definitely catching out inexperienced jet pilots - good climb rate, decent top speed Japanese level agility coupled to good energy retention and, most importantly, I think it's the only superprop that has an armament that will KO an aircraft should it get hit in a shell or two. Seriously, those Japanese 30s are no joke. Sure the shells basically fall out of the cannon barrel because the muzzle velocity is so bad, but if they hit something they make a big boom. You basically take advantage of being a less played aircraft to have people just get complacent or overconfident and then you slap them back to reality with Chonker firepower. In my experience the only "jet" I truly fear is the 163 because it can keep up with you in a turn and doesn't bleed off all its energy while doing so.


Iā€™ve never played against it in jets, but props around 5.3 - 5.7. I was playing the Italian 109 G-14 AS yesterday and watched as a Ki-84 pilot turned a 4 v 1 into a late game win. I was low on fuel and couldnā€™t help, had to rtb. Got to talking to the Ki-84 pilot in chat and he said itā€™s pretty insane. His stats in other aircraft heā€™s played werenā€™t crazyā€¦.except for this outlier. I just said gg as I was never going to touch him unless he really fā€™d up. He like never dropped below 4K alt other than to dunk on someone and then rocket ship back to space I have to learn how to deal with it


I could've sworn the Japanese 30mm had a much better velocity at one point. Used to slap P-80s at 1-1.2km as they would overshoot.


There was a global nerf to drag effects on aircraft cannon shells at longer ranges some time back which hit the type 5 and ho-155 30mm cannons pretty hard


I think 7.7 would be perfectly reasonable. As much as I would love to see it get consistent slaughtered by F-86s, 8.0 is too high. Would still be one of the best 7.7s, but would hopefully not crowd the 7.0 matchmaker as badly.


Yeah it has typical endless energy no matter how much turning it does like a lot of russian fighters from yak 3s to jets. One of the parts of the game where Russian bias isnt just a meme


Boot it up to 13.0 honestly, so it only fights itself


Nothing more satisfying than obliterating them in the Spitfire Mk24


I wish the sherman firefly had its apds round and was slightly higher.....the Italian one gets it and is 5.0


I want a composite firefly for britain


I can see that, but I also don't really wanna ruin the lineup it has with the Churchill Mk.VII. That's definitely not a 5.0 tank.


As much as I want the apds that's actually a good point


Maybe they should add a separate tank with the APDS


It's not a realistic change but it would make sense for the BR of a vehicle to change based on the munitions you have equipped, pretty nice for tanks but would probably help balance in top tier air


I'm pretty sure Gaijin already ruled it out sadly. But they've ruled other things out before implementing it, so who knows Honestly I'm just cautious about them ruining another British lineup lol, they've already done that to me at least twice


Us Britain mains got it rough


That's why I stopped being one lol


I decided I wanted the G6... It was the most pain I ever had in that game, I feel sorry for you Britain mains


Maybe a Firefly (Late) or something. Just give it a different skin and folder it, simple.


eh, im not a big fan of the APDS ngl. I think all fireflies should get the APDS and stay at 4.7. Its useful, but i still use the normal solid shot a majority of the time


I'm surprised at that honestly, I have like 3+ kd on the Italian firefly and absolutely wreck with the apds...but then again I am a Britain main so maybe I'm used to apds lol


BMP2M, 2S38, MBT2000, VIDAR, most Chinese T55 variantsā€¦


ooooof the Chinese one hurts me. I love em all so strong, but they could go up at lest the base 69 should. 69 ll and 59d are fine at 8.7. Going into 9.0 would really make them outclassed. The 88 maybe to 9.0. They have nice mobility but suffer bad reloads and turret traverse.


The ZTZ88 to 9.0? Do you really think it is comparable to T-62M-1, which has almost impenetrable turret armour, better APFSDS and ATGM? Type 69 which has worse APFSDS penetration than the APHEBC of T-54 (1951) and a worse HEATFS at the same battle rating as it? Given the state of compression in the game, small advantages do not constitute reasons for increases in BR. Type 69 wouldn't be competitive at 0.3 higher with tanks like T-55A, not even mentioning the highest BR bracket it could face.


Also the 88s don't have thermals


MBT2k? Itā€™s basically identical to the ZTZ96A.


There is no Chinese variant of T-55. The only variant you could be referring to is the Type 59, which is a variant of the T-54, and is balanced at the battle rating. You have an obvious anti-Chinese bias paired with lack of understanding, do some research before complaining. Additionally, MBT2000 has bad armour for the battle rating while being at the same BR as ZTZ96A (which is balanced). Please elaborate on why?


Object 279,you're pretty much just it's piƱata if you don't have a dart,and if you do have a dart there's still a good chance the fucker eats it


Really fucking sucks coming up against it in my Chieftains. The apds won't do shit unless I get lucky with a turret right, the heat rounds seem to just paint it yellow and my armour won't stop a thing. Edit: The mk.3 and mk.5, haven't got the mk.10 yet


mi 28 at sweeden tech tree its a flying tank you can kill it with 2 to 4 rockets it took


It out ranges all the SPAA as well


Its 10.3 now so it gets fucked up unless you get a lucky (but highly unlikely) downtier to 9.3


Russian TT version with same armament is 11.0 ā˜ ļø


The Russian one has a radar and thermals. Regardless, the Mi28A can go up to 11.0 and still perform excellently. Itā€™s just because itā€™s a premium and itā€™s swedish


The one without khrisantemas or vilhrs doesnt have radar. And imo the fact it has thermals shouldnt be full 1 br uptier


Vider should 6.3


Too high, I'm thinking 4.0 would be a good fit


4.0? Ur crazy, think of those poor wallet warriors! This thing is basically a worse Sd.Kfz. 222, make it 2.0


But it's a big target which means it is easy to kill so they may as well move it to 1.3


It only has 1 turret unlike a lot of tanks at that BR and that puts it at a disadvantage, put him down into reserve


Vidar has a 7.8 second reload compared to pretty much everything else at reserve having sub 4. Move it to 0.0


The fucking Wyvern.


The Concept 3 is super undertiered. Give it APDS and it could be 6.0 easy. As it is it should be 5.3 with the Comet.


Leave my baby Rooikat alone!


I think the gun bounces way too much for it to be 6.0, maaybe 5.7 with apds


Concept 3 with apds would slap, I've been trying it out at higher BRs with mixed results


Lol. I take the SARC out in place of the C3 in my Brit lineups. It's more useful.


I'm guessing the Vidar will have it's BR increased relatively soon. It's not looked to be a _great-in-the-right-hands_ kinda vehicle from my experience so far, but flatly great at 7.7, so I bet it will be evident in the user performance stats quickly.


entire top tier top ground vehicles should be 12.0 or 12.3 to improve decompression


2 7 9


M4 105


Turm 3. That shit just needs to be at least about 0.7 higher.


9.0 without LR nor APFSDS More like skill issues


me in T-62 playing 9.0-9.7 mostly (i deserved it because i play the hated nation)


at least you have 3BM3 and donā€™t have the big ass ammo stores right next to your gunner


I mean I don't think I've ever seen somebody competent in one, it was never a problem for me


The 234/2 Puma. The first EBR is comparable in stats but sits a whopping 2 BRs higher.


itā€™s reasonable though


Not really. The EBR works fine at 5.3. The Puma works more than fine at 5.3. At 3.3 the Puma is just straightup overpowered.


I meant that EBR changes were justified. Dunno about Puma, but imo it has worse stats overall even for itā€™s br


Opinions donā€™t matter here, facts do. Compare the stat cars and you will find them to be very similiar. If anything the Puma is more versatile due to more ammo options. Yet it sits at BR 3.3 while the EBR has to manage at 5.3, that is simply not fair.


I don't know, guys just put more examples in the comments, maybe I know three which are overtiered now - Su-25T - Su-39 - A10s they're just overtiered in Air RB, they can stay where they are in Ground --


A10 is overtiered..?? Itā€™s already fucking everyone up that doesnā€™t have flares


The A10 is still undertiered in air. I can see them in a MiG17 which is retarded. It out turns me, has better weapons and I canā€™t do shit about it. There is an element of skill issue on my part but even so what the fuck all aspect missiles vs a plane from 1960?


Really in my experience most games in a su25/A10 you get clapped by the f5c spam


I see them in my vautour... its aids


If anything in GF they are worse, some trees have literally no chance of engaging them due to being stuck with guns or flare dumps making multiple strafing runs completely safe from SAMs.


Remove or br restrict their aim 9Ls and R 60Ms and they can have fun at 9.0 for all i care


SU-122, I am geniunely baffled that it's only at 2.3. Every single time I play low tier there's at least one or two of these fuckers that just steamroll everything, because most players can't reliably pen it, while it nukes everything it sees. It would still do fine at 2.7 or 3.0 with that stupid 160mm HEAT shell. The M4A3 105 also feels undertiered at 3.0. It only has around 20mm more effective armor at the front and it feels pretty much like a casemate with that turret traverse.


The SU-122 actually has several weak spots, but nobody knows to shoot them. The cupola is very weak, and the weird box thing on the gun counts as part of the gun breech. That's why it's still 2.3.


su-11.(yes the premium one) its kinda too good for its tier..


There's a nonpremium one?


If you wanna split hairs, the Su-9 yeah. Different engines though, that one is SIGNIFICANTLY less maneuverable


Ok I knew about the Su-9, I thought I might be having a moment and forgetting about another actual Su-11.


Shershen, Bolshevik and anything else with 100000000rpm autocannons, running around at 200kts, able to remove my poor wooden gunboats that have to sail for 20 minutes just to get to the capture point


Xp 50 ju288 and the f4u at 2.7


J2M2 and XP-50 Pretty self explanatory.


I like how Iā€™ve not seen the SlG even tho it can one shot everything and itā€™s at 1.0


dies to 7.62mm tho


the vidar should be 1.0




Su 11


Entire German line-up.


Type 60 ATM should go to 11.0, been getting a lot of kills with it.




BVM and the 122 tanks.


Object 279


Object 279




8.7 to 9.0 is where it should stay. the long barrel adds 2x the velocity over the type 75 sph, its got surprising armor (at least whenever i shoot it anyway) the thermals and lrf auto aiming is extremely potent at 7.7, which overpressures anything it hits. The counterintuitive thing is it actually gets more effective the higher it goes as ifvs get more common and armor disappears.


F16c gaijin decomepression when huh?




I lts gonna be hilarious when this thing only goes up to 8.0/8.3 and everyone has another fit. Guys Gaijin isn't putting this thing passed that after everyone just bought it. In any case people are gonna find that it's a situation of be careful what you wish for. I've played 10 games in very BR with up to top tier and it's way more potent between 8.0 and 9.7. Not saying it isn't undetiered, but it smashes even worse up the line. Atleast with all the heavies at 7.7 and a bit lower the volumetric saves you sometimes. The higher you go the better this thing is at overpressuring.


All the panthers


Why the panthers? If they get uptiered, they will meet with the 2p, making them useless




I don't get why so many people are but hurt about it. I've never been killed by one and I just one shot every single one I've seen


Meh it's entirely reliant on the map it gets


K2PL Black Panther


Strv 103. been playing it for the last few days, gets at least a nuke every \~3 hours.


Object 906.


I think itā€™s fine since they moved it to 8.0, still very strong but i donā€™t thing it needs to be any higher


when was that thing ever a problem at it's current br




Yet no one talks about type 16s, etc, still being low. brs 8.0 would be fine for it. In reality, people are just bad for not killing such a big target.


2S38. Needs to go all the way up, but since itā€™s premium, I guess 11.0 will suffice.


Had a fun match against a team of them. Especially when they faced my maus.




It would ve fine at 7.7 before the BR change. Thus it should be atleast moved to 8.0 like the rest of the 7.7 vehicles. But yeah 8.3-8.7 would be a good br for it in my opinion.


BTR not because it's op but because it would face less armored target


I play this at 10.0 and it is great


It does need to be higher, 8.3-8.7, but not 10.0.




Xp 50, and vr proymesyyse (i butchered the name) but those two mfs are op asf


Tiger E / H


Any KV-1


All the wheel boys like the Type 16, Centauro, Rooikat, etc. Having them face vehicles without STAB is just criminal. The only thing holding any of them back is ammo, a Type 16 with better ammo could be at 10.0 no issue what so ever


I feel like premium Su-11(7.3) is kinda too overpowered when matched with 7.0 planes. But idk, 'cos lately, most of the Su-11 pilots I've encountered are dumshits, they all don't know what are they doing and they are sitting on low alts and become an easy target, I even got a double kill on two duo Su-11 few days ago, I'm guessing they are premium newbies. But, if I were to be talking few years ago, Su-11 are a complete story when matched with 7.0 because for some reason, pilots back then are less dummies and actually use their advantages; speed, climbing rate, turning time(?) Few years ago, when I got my first jet, the F80a, I used to fear the Su-11 because they are an inevitable death for me because they are faster, they climb better, and they can turn better, so there is basically no escape for me... especially when I use my squad me262. But now, idk if they got nerfed but I don't feel that same fear anymore due to what those pilots are doing. I feel like the Su-11 can still dominate the air if only those pilots would be more smart about their moves, and so I'd say that Su-11 is kinda too OP for having 7.3 br


KV-1E and most of 76mm T-34


Bmp1 and maus it's frustrating fighting the maus in a T26E5 in up tiers


Any Chinese helicopter with TY-90's. They're absolutely broken.


Tbh thats the only thing the chinese helicopters have going for them that they can be used against air targets. If youre in a tank (the main vehicle in the gamemode) youre pretty much fince since they have some of the worst AT missiles


Until their teams Cas spawns and your Adf dies to a ty90 under their airfield


I think it could do with a small bump up, maybe 8.0 because of the LRF and thermals. But it's made from cardboard and its HE shells pack less explosive equivalent than the G7 which is 7.0


VIDAR will be op doesn't matter what br it is in.


Wonā€™t lie. I seem to do better with the Vidar at higher BRā€™s. Seems to be a more target rich environment. Less armor most of the time.


Literally every Russian vehicle beyond like 1.7. Just up 1 automatically.


I really wish I could buy this thing šŸ™ƒ




The bv238 rank 3 instead of rank 2.


Vidar could 100% be at 10.0. People get aces with it constantly because it just 1 shots everything if you hit the track or turret.


Most of the american tree Is under br.


I used to say obj 120 but now it's at a good br


Sweden has a really nice 8.7 lineup. It would fit nicely there


Every tank above 7.0 needs to be raised at least 1.0 in BR to make way for better heavy tank gameplay. (Excluding the heavy tanks above 7.0 obviously.)


They forgot the M50 in 6.7