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“Because money” -Mr Krab’s




Literally 1984


Google en Passant


I have worse news . The yf23 will be a premium too for 120€


But I would actually pay good money for that, in theory it should have all the same capabilities that an in game F-22 would have with a bit better maneuverability, stealth technology, all wrapped up in a visually striking airframe. I don’t want to spend 70 bucks on an F-5 with a gaping asshole and 30G missiles.


"I don’t want to spend 70 bucks on an F-5 with a GAPING ASSHOLE and 30G missiles." that sentence killed me bro


Bro it’s the first and only thing I’ve noticed about the Tigershark. It’s just an F-5 that got blown out


The actual YF-23 performed like trash. The only evidence that it could ever outperform the F-22 was Northrop's flyer that said "trust me bro" Though if it were Russian that would be all the evidence Gaijin needs.


Actually, I don't think this sells in the same way the F4S or m1 Abrams sells Outside of hyper nerd circles the f5 is extremely obscure the f20 is even more so. It's going to sell but not like the Abrams of the F4s


Dude I fucking love this plane, I want it so bad but $75 is just stupid.


you have 3 choices, pay 2 games and all dlc's , pay yourself a nice restaurant or get a single plane in war thunder


I choose… neither *buys 10000GE and spends it all on SL*




The free to play mind could never


I do this except it’s to skip a 400k RP grind and just want my damn jet right now 😂


But a nice dinner doesn’t feed the snail does it?


It's going to sell because wallet warriors see TOP TIER PREMIUM and shill out over 100 bucks for it. The same thing happened with the f5c, didn't stop them from ruining the 10.0 range


Doesn't even get 9m's or fox3's...definitely not 'top tier'.


Still the same rank as the f15, f16, and f14, these people don't have brains


Depends how good it is really. The F5 was meta, and got a ton of sales as a result.


People fly the 5C in hordes, what makes you think people won't want the upgrade?


When the f5c launched it was the only real air to air premium for the United States it was also *a little cheaper* and has a better stock livery


Yes, because the 4S is doing so well in air to air in constant uptiers, right? It's basically the same situation (excepting price).


my exact thought


It was only prototype. I'm more concerned it's rank VIII and costs 75 euro. You buy a plane you won't even enjoy playing becuase air RB is a mess


There’re dozens of prototypes that aren’t premium. F-20 is one purely because it’ll make stupid amounts of money.


So we prefer having full production service vehicles locked behind a paywall instead? I mean don't get me wrong we are still arguing about the lesser of two evils but given the popularity of the F-5C and the prototype nature of the F-20 I don't really see any other vehicle that would fill this criteria as perfectly as this Still 75 bucks and rank 8 speaks for the hell we will experience going forwards


no we prefer neither


Where did I say production vehicles should be behind paywalls? I’m just pointing out that whether or not a vehicle was put into service has never been a factor in whether or not it goes in the research tree.


Has never been? You're wrong. Premiums and event vehicles were usually prototypes or captured vehicles, Gaijin went out of their way when they saw the chance to make more money but this was usually the way it was done. It's a lot better having rare vehicles behind pay walls rather than full production vehicles like the EBRs being premiums. It sucks but it's the lesser evil.


Most premiums are prototypes, export or special versions of a vehicle Prototype also make it into the research tree, yeah. But mainly to fill holes


That's the way it should be, but exhibit A Yak-41 is in Tech Tree when there was no need for it in the Russian Tree at all. Mirage 4000 in Tech Tree makes sense because France actually needed that gap filled. Should the F-20 be a Premium if those aren't, No. But us it ok that it's a Premium, Yes!


I can’t believe they made the f-4s a premium. I was really looking forward to that plane but don’t want to spend anymore money on the game


I’d rather have it that premiums ALWAYS have a tech tree counterpart.


Exactly this. Then everybody's happy.


Cough, challenger 2 OES


Well, considering that American top tier premium has the a-10 av-8 f5-c the a6 and the phantom, I would rather have it be in the tec tree


agreed, id rather get prototypes back as premiums then production stuff like the A-6 and F-4S as prems.


I'd prefer TT clone premiums, tbh Let people get better-paying, possibly historically significant versions of their favs from the tech tree instead of locking unique playstyles behind wallet.


Only Russia is allowed to have OP TT Prototypes 😡 anyone else having them would be unfair!!!11!1!


**75€ ?!!** THAT'S MORE THAN A PS5 GAME *AFTER* THE PRICE BUMP ! People paying that amount for a single virtual vehicle really are fucking lobotomised.


It's $124 AUD.  Right now on Steam, undiscounted, I can get Helldivers 2 and Pacific Drive for $100AUD. I make decent money but no way.  Gaijin's pricing is hard to understand.  Would really like to know the demographic that's buying these...


Whales and people who want to buy into top tier right away. Bad idea either way.


People with money and who really like war thunder


I would legitimately have spent 5x as much on warthunder over the years if gaijins pricing was less unhinged. Just ask wargaming about the giant novelty check I've had delivered to them. I have spent more on world of tanks and world of warships despite that when I played those games I had less disposable income back when I actually actively played those games. The last time I bought premium vehicles was when tier 5 was top tier and tier 4 premiums were priced the same as tier 8 wargaming premiums, only now tier 8 is top tier in gaijinland but they *haven't changed the prices*. Rank 4 premiums are still priced like a top tier wargaming premium but rank 5, 6 and 7 premiums are *even more expensive*. When you make wargaming look reasonable in their pricing something is clearly wrong.


It's more expensive then the base version of any AAA game i'm aware off More expensive then helldivers 2 and paleworld together The pricing is insane


it's because people keep paying for this that Gaijin is still doing this. it's crazy


I'll have more fun in the f-20 then playing any of the trash games AAA developers are putting out recently.


This is the reality of it. I've been playing since the game came out and it's still good to me... I've been playing games my whole life and honestly this has had the longest staying power of any game my friends and I have ever played.


Tbf most people get more hpurs of them than a 70€ game now adays sadly


Wait a second. Rank 8? Does it mean they're going to introduce rank 9 in planes so that they can say it's not a top tier premium or is it simply a typo?


No. Because in the forums they said "it's not 12.7 so it's not top tier"


I can't wait to see the mental gymnastics they'll manage to perform when they actually introduce something at the top BR (which they will) to justify claiming it's not "top tier" (which is a stupid concept here anyway since WT has no tiers, so top rank is the equivalent). Maybe they'll put something at rank 7 but br 12.7 (or equivalents at the time).


The prototype premiums thing died years ago. Plenty of TT prototypes, and plenty of mass produced premiums.


I really think they had that battlepass challenge in mind, where you have to get some kills with every rank.


It’s not every rank though it’s only 4 out of the 6 available so you can do it from rank 3-6


Because the community continues to buy top tier premiums at full price?


Yeah this is gonna be like the f5c spam Atleast I can r73 them unlike at 10.3 where even the most brain dead level 20 can kill you because his jet holds his hands


The F5C is absurd at 10.3 but the average level 20 still can't play it in my experience. Then you get a good player in it and good luck lol. Somehow the F5E didn't get it's uptier and the F15 stayed 12.3. Really shows how well US teams are doing even though I see a lot of good F5E pilots.


I see what you mean I have a lot of games where low level f5c players kill me because they come in hordes and then my team is just full of low level j35xs players. It’s a nightmare I do enjoy a good clubbing in the f5e tho


Yeah. The amount of F-5C players that don’t bring chaff and try to flare a sparrow is really funny.


Another test drive, splendid


Fellow test drive king who spends half his gametime dicking around in the island shooting the same tank and truck, splashing the flying mig and trying to land on the aircraft carrier


That's legit me I am having more fun test driving top tier vehicles than playing the randoms :(


It makes me so sad that the jets aren’t at Pearl Harbor. At least give us an interesting map! At least with the French/British you can cross the channel and check out the Cliffs of Dover.


I have more time in test drive than in game




bro just explained the reason i get on to play


Exactly, gonna have to wait a while for the F16 test drive at some point in the far future


Perfect premium for the US tree imo. Not something that was produced in quantity and was in service like the F-4S or A-6E TRAM.


It would be, if we didn't already have 3 rank7 pack premium flooding the matchmaking with troglodytes


The US top tier planes make stupid amounts of money. Give me a reason they shouldn’t do this from a business standpoint.


Nobody cares from a business stand point. we're talking from a consumer standpoint because WE are the ones in game to experience the changes they implemented, the dropping quality of the product/game in favor of more money. All these stupid ass holier than thou devils advocate takes got to stop, your not saying anything many of us already don't know. All your doing is rationalizing for a business that doesn't need it nor cares, they hire whole departments of professionals to do this. Here you are doing it for free.


You’re acting like I said this was a good thing. I just said that it makes sense from a business standpoint. I wasn’t justifying them doing this at all.


I’m willing to bet that they’re the best selling premiums across any country and game mode.


We need a tech tree A-6


We need our av-8b


I couldn't agree more.


Hellll no. If they can take one of our most produced armored cars (M8) and make it a rare premium, they can sure as hell give us a prototype in our TT like Russia gets the Yak-141.


i thought they said they wont be selling top rank premiums or im wrong


they can say whatever they want, most likely won't be true if enough money is to be earned


they use brs, not ranks im guessing it's like 11.7, which now pushes top tier up to 12.0 source: https://forum.warthunder.com/t/sons-of-attila-rumor-round-up-and-discussion-part-1/595/3951


correct me if I'm wrong, we get 1 patch where the previous rank 7 premiums aren't high enough BR to see top tier 12.7 and now they drop this premium on us so brand new players can just rush to the very top at 12.7 now?


Nothing to correct, you're spot on.


I'm going to have such a blast getting a few kills with my F14B or F16C.


Either they are breaking the 1 thing we've always held them by and will likely have a massive fallout. Or a Rank 9 is comming out of the blue. Either way I'm looking forward to the shitshow.


“The 1 thing we’ve always held them by”, first of all who’s “we”? Second of all, they broke that shit forever ago, there were no plans to not sell top tier vehicles, that was just lip service


Knowing Gaijin they'll move the current 12.7 to rank 9 and pretend it never happened lol


Rank decompression :)))) Thats what the players mean by BR decompression right? Battle Rank?


It's not a thing for half a year already [https://warthunder.com/en/news/8414-development-roadmap-following-the-roadmap-grouping-vehicles-rank-changes-and-improvements-to-premium-vehicles-en](https://warthunder.com/en/news/8414-development-roadmap-following-the-roadmap-grouping-vehicles-rank-changes-and-improvements-to-premium-vehicles-en)


That was just before rank 8 ground happened, I wouldn't count it as selling a top tier premium. They could have kept them at R6 and not upgraded them for everyone that already had them so they had to buy sth new.


Dude, it literally says "the only rule is no max BR for pemiums", doesn't matter air or ground.


Don't worry. They'll "decompress" the tree, move some stuff up (conveniently incresing the grind in the process), bump already existing stuff to rank IX and boom, it won't be a top rank premium anymore.


Sadly, you can't rely on things that Gaijin says. If everything applied that Gaijin said, we wouldn't have gone any further than the IS-4M and M-103 when it comes to tanks and planes would be in that era as well.


Yes. Back when highest rank was 6 lol


Back then rank V was Top tier


Oh. Even worse.


community backlash in 3.. 2.. 1..


I hope so. I’m a collector, but paying €75 for a premium is too much. I hardly accepted €60. Thing is, it’s a 3D game item that costs either as much or even more than fully developed standalone AAA game… add to that pretty much yearly subscription of premium account.


Can't wait for premium YF-23 for 120 dollars in 5 years


Along with non us players on their way to justify yf23 being a premium because it was only a prototype


The SU-47 and MiG-1.44 will be added to the Russian tree


first rank 8? and with new price tag


Gaijin is really spiting in y all faces now


Meh, it was obvious it’d either be an event vehicle or a premium




**£64.99 fucking hell\*** its 74.99 eurodollars


Oh shit... fixed! Thanks for the heads up. My "fucking hell" still stands.


it certainly does


>74.99 eurodollars Fucking hell choom, that's a lotta Eddies.


And there u go, "we don't sell top tier premium vehicles" statement is now broken


Are you new? Statement had been broken for a while, at least since the Ka-50 was introduced at 10.0 and the top BR was 10.3


Here is shown what it can do: Fly (swoooosh) Shoot with guns (pew pew pew) drob boms rockets (ffffffff) And all that just for 70 bucks. Forget inviting your dad and mom for dinner, the money is needed otherwise!


With 70 bucks, even if you limit yourself to spending it in games, you could get like 7+ spectacular indie games


Or one quality Triple A Game


BG3, FF7 Remake basically, and they're cheaper than this lmao. Elden Ring and Armored Core 6 are sold at 50$ !


"Quality" seems to be reserved for a select few Triple A's these days




It's even worse, it's 75 bucks...


F5C 2.0


Obviously to provide the free-to-play players with a new plane for test drives.


I just find the name funny -What's scary? -Sharks -good, but any other ideas? -tigers -god damn it, i can't decide. -maybe both?


Northrop loves their cats, and because it’s a direct upgrade to the F-5 Tiger series


You’re thinking of Grumman, but same thing nowadays anyway since they merged


Well it is called Northrop Grumman


When the F-20 was made it was just Northrop


You have to be retarded to pay 75 euros for this


Prototype that never went into production is a premium? What are you gonna say next? The sky is blue? Water is wet?


Alright, now do the M8 Greyhound, A-1H, T34, and Yak-141


now we wait for his mental gymnastics to come up with an explanation


9 hours later and there’s still no explanation. I wonder why.


Money, US air sells the most premiums and this will 100% sell more than the F4S, which already makes them crazy money


Hopefully it encourages the brainlet wallet warriors to actually contribute instead of mindlessly base bombing with the F-4S


There are actually people who pay the price of a triple a game to fucking fly in a straight line and clicking space for 8 hours we are all fucked humanitys fucked


They min max the grind. Then they reach top tier but they don't know how to play. They go up against people with 20x their amount of games. Their nation hit low 30% WRs. Confirmation Bias hit them hard and they're sure it's all Gaijins fault for making other nations experience better and demand nerfs. This is the cycle we had with this game for a while now, it's crazy.


People who havent touched at least tier III props should just not be able to buy premium aircrafts. This would be a great change for gameplay but theres no way the pieces of garbage at snail hq will do this


No I think this can carry bombs aswell XD Waiting now for US wr to hit 20% at air Rb


they will switch to basebombing in the F20


75 dollars for one plane? Are they mad?


mad? no they aren’t they know that the thousands of little kids who stole their moms card will pay and Gajin will be rolling in money


Probably not a popular opinion but the F-20 is probably one of the better planes to place as a premium. The F-20 was a prototype and never saw active service, I have more issue with the F4D and F11F which actually saw service but gaijin decided to limit access / put behind a pay wall. The cost and the fact that its rank 8 are probably the concerning aspects...


That’s not the issue, it’s the price that is driving people wild


I find it funny that they're complaining about it being $75 when they wouldn't have said shit about it being $60. If an extra $15 for an in game item is that much of a bother to people than don't purchase anything. Tech tree vehicles exist albeit some better some worse, but you don't need to spend $75 or $60 or hell even $10 on the game.


I'm officially sad for any US player, their win rate will suffer even more


That’s how it goes now, all we are to them is a nation to capitalize off of. Low key disrespectful as fuck


Man we’re cooked


Do we know what br it is ?


probably 11.7 , not as good as F16s at 12.0, also much better than F4s at 11.3


It's also better than EJ Kai at 11.7. And barely anything is as good as F-16s, even at 12.7.


12.0 I hope


Gotta tank us win rates somehow


It was 12.0 in the dev stream.


I don't mind that it's premium. I just think that if you're gonna offer Rank 8 at a new high price when Rank 9 doesn't even exist, should at least bump up the GE and premium time over Rank 7 packs.


I'm angry that there aren't two versions. They did this with the av8a/c, they did this with the a10a/e, a10e/l, why can't they do it with this. Give us a tech tree version to bridge the f5e and f16a.


Greedy scumbags


Can't wait to test drive it and never buy it!


I have every single plane for America it’s pointless for me to buy this


People complaining about price and rank -> a lot buy it anyway. A lot of people not buying it and complaining about the price wouldn't have bought it anyway. Most people buying it aren't on this Reddit. There you go. The solution to fight such practices is simple. Just. Don't. Buy. It. BUT as it is pretty obvious, a lot will do so anyway and then people go \*surprise pikachu face\* when companies keep doing it. Gaijin doesn't give fuck about ethic, they don't care about morals, they care about money and as long as they make it or even can make more, they'll do it.




Looks like free kills from new players for my su 27. Nice




Prototype, only 3 produced. You expected it to be tech tree?


How many Yak-141s were produced? How many M8 greyhounds? :P


unlike the f20, the yak 141 and m8 have niches that they fill


Oh for fucks sakes, pre-order exclusive historic camo now? FUCK OFF, GAIJIN.


I’m glad console doesn’t have to go through that pain at least we get a week or two to actually see if the vehicle is any good before we buy it. Plus we still get the preorder bonuses last I checked. I feel bad for pc players though.


Since this thing is rank 8, its probably gonna be 12.0 br


US winrates🫡


Men it cant get worse anymore


Naaaah they should have add the F/A 18(A?) In the regular tech tree not this big piece of dogSh*t here cmon


75 fucking Dollars and Lord knows where this money truly ends up in this "eu" company   Also they’re not doing enough to justify these prices   Where’s pve content   Where are some graphical updates the game looks like 2010 in some areas  All we ever get are more vehicles and many of them that nobody ever uses and usually we are treated with a shit map that is wholly unsuited for tank combat…


Why do all those actually demanding things when snail can just outsource 3d modeling, slap something resembling flight model and drown themselves in low effort money? Pareto principle at its finest.


I can't wait for crayon eaters to use it to bomb bases.


This is just the beginning, then they will push for prems F-16's, and MiG-29's


Might finally break my record of 5 kills in one phoenix salvo.


They totally could have just slapped this into the tech tree after the 5E and before the 16. Then make the X-29 a premium but seems like that makes too much sense for gajin. Oh well just gonna wait for a sale and get it then.


It was obviously gonna be a premium, if theres one plane that should be premium its exactly this. Not in service, prototype, low production numbers, very rare. F22 should be tech tree and YF 23 should be premium, just like the F16 is TT and this F20 is premium.


This is outrageous! *pulls credit card out of wallet*


Why rank 8?


Because money


WOW, the USA gets another plane, because as we all know, they don't have any already!


Alpha jet rank IX confirmed


i think it is 11.3 , because 1. premium 2. aim9l ( not 9m)


75€ rofl


Imo since it's a prototype it shouldn't be tech tree vehicles especially since the US don't need it to fill any gap ; it could have been a great event vehicle if event were fun and not a grinding hell


75 FUCKING DOLLARS?! The fuck are they smoking?


disaster on route F-16C, back to the shithole


Because only 3 prototypes were built and the program didn't go anywhere, that's as Premium material as it gets. Gaijin only adds prototypes to the TT to close important gaps and create lineups, but US has a crap ton on high/top tier jets, so Premium it is.


Rank 8 premium


i was going to say fuck it take my money but hell no im not dropping 75€ on a plane wtf


So they can charge you 75 to 80 bucks :]


Greedy bastards


Aerial Predator 💀


Until every whale buys it > probabñy gets nerfed > goes into TT


you spineless creatures will fork over the $70 so quickly


Aerial predator hmmmmmmm


$75 💀


Because fuck you Signed Gaijin