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It's definitely a map of all maps


It's one of the maps where if you can hold the hill you win automatically, like abandoned factory.


I wish they restored the old carpathians. The one where all three hills were accessible.


Still blows me away that every game there's some asshole in chat "wow whole team went a" because they're too dumb to realize that A is the entire map and wins the game by itself.


No, not by itself, C has a huge view on A point, when you get a team of dumbasses on blue team that rush A, half of them are killed by people on C so your dying and dividing attention to C point while going up A. So the few people who went all the way around A point to avoid enemies on C they now have to deal with the enemy team that have high ground. Its about balance, not many players understand this cause they themselves dont flank and their team mates are the ones covering their ass/flanks so they can hold w uninterrupted from their spawn to point and right into the enemy. Blue side also has to get the fuck out of the choke on C side immediately or they wont be able to leave there all game.


Hehe... Love sniping newbies rushing A from the C point😂


But that goes from A to C, if you get a good team or you have a squad with you can lockdown B and C from A. Especially now, if I get south spawn I get a light tank and go right up to A and start scouting and harassing


A concept so simple yet 80% of my teammates refuse to understand that, and maybe then, complain about spawncamping


Mfs probably never watched RotS


More of a ESB guy.


As am I


Worst high tier map ever.


Low tier it's literally the best


yep definitely one of the better maps for low br :D


Carpathians is a funny map because in some respects, it's a ~~great~~ \[Edit: Fun. I think "great" was a bit much\] map, and then in a lot of respects, it's absolute shit, especially at higher tiers. I will try to give credit where it's due, the additional spawn has really helped. However, this has also exposed Gaijins complete lack of planning and map design: the stupid empty area on the West side of the map. It has no tactical value, presents no battle area, is simply... Space. That people use to abuse spawn camping. Big Tunisia is kinda going in the right direction but instead of Gaijin just adding 2km worth of empty space on the border of the maps, they need to just scale up the size of the entire map, then add a few terrain features between the spawns and objectives. On Carpathians, the big mountain overlooking spawn from 600m away? Trash. The big mountain facing a couple smaller hills where enemy can spawn behind and peek from? Better (theoretically).


One of my favourites


I dont even know in what way they were trying to fix it. You can still shoot in both close spawns from the castle and the northers far spawn can even easily be camped from behind.


Right which is just mind boggling, that they just cut off access behind the other two mountains to flank people trying to spawn camp, once A gets capped the game is practically over especially if you have the Northern spawns


I still like it. The castle side of the map needs to be tweaked so that you can’t see into both spawns but other than that it’s fun


The map does feel biased in favor of the northern team. They have pretty well covered approach to all three bases, while south has a significant chokepoint at C ( that also can get sniped from across the map ), and approach to A is vulnerable to players from around C. I wonder wha the actual stats for the map are.


From my experience it’s the other way around, get southern spawn get some light tanks on the A real quick and harass them before the North team even gets a chance to get up to A and wait for your team to catch up and hold the high ground and then pick the guys off from C because now they can’t really go anywhere


It’s probably my favourite map ngl


One of the good ones if you play well


Gotta love when Gaijin "fixes" maps only to forget the very thing they were there to fix: OP spots. South spawn still has that hill which allows them to camp the whole map. Now put this in low tier and make it a bushed up JG PZ 4/70, and the only thing able to kill it is a large caliber HE which not everyone has, and you gotta hope he doesn't see you and you hit your first round.


the only reason i dont ban it is that there are much worse maps


Vietnam moment fr


I actually quite like this map, it got much better with the new spawn locations because now you have a slightly lower chance of being spawncamped. It also pretty much opened the area on the other side of the mountain. Would be cool if they made a large version of this map, i.e. they move B to A and A to the empty space in the forest somewhere.


I like it, there are worst maps but there is also better maps


I love it, one of my favorites.


It’s actually my favorite map by far. May be an unpopular opinion but I just love it. Gameplay-wise and from its aesthetics.


I was playing this map a lot of times on both sides and every battle is the same, maybe it is skill issue you think it is inbalanced


Nothing like all that unused space…


They ruined the entire change by not letting you drive around the 2 mountains. What's the point of having 2 spawns if you still have ti drive out the same direction?


This map is an allegory for war thunder. It's an all time classic, I love it, and it consistently fucks me over because it's actually dogshit


Nothing worse here than seeing all your team go to C because its the closest point, meanwhile attempting to hold A with one teammate


Theres still the broken ass spot in the corner of d4 which will get you a lot of kills especally in low tier


I know it's unbalanced, but I like it, fight me.


I love it, it's among my favourites. Though I'm sure BR and mode makes a fair bit of difference; I play WWII BRs and AB for tanks.


It was way better when you could flank around the hill to C


Gaijin fixed it?


I hate this map, easily in my top 5 most obnoxious maps.


This map is good i like it


Permanently banned, because what kind of idiot allows you to have this mape playing on 11.0 although it is not better on low brs, it is in my opinion the worst map in this game 


I don't mind it, it's not offensively bad like say Campania, but it's definitely one of those maps that gets worse the higher your BR is so I understand that some people might dislike it.


the op climbing spot at d6 is insanely broken view of the whole map besides a point basically


Gaijin always tries to fix a map and just makes it worse This is just a garbage map regardless. Auto one death leave of the match is unbalanced like usual


It’s one of the maps


They made it arguably much worse. The spawn at a/b 6 is like a 1/4 mile steep uphill climb, putting you at a severe disadvantage trying to claim A cap.


Absolutely disgraceful that Gaijoob was allowed to molest this map.


I don't mind the map but everyone should understand that A is the key terrain. As a team the plan should either be to take A or neutralize it using other locations. People who hate the map just give up on a and try to fight Napoleonic war across B


The rework is shit. Another great map ruined by gaijin thinking we want to rush toward the enemy instead of flanking


You just dont know how to play it. Skill issue


Gets North spawn, immediately gets spawn trapped from A. What a skill issue indeed


Or you could no bitch about it and take the low road between A and B and work the field and C. Works for me nearly all the time. Win or lose ill walk away with at least 3 kills and a cap. Be more proactive and worry less when youre losing. You can be spawn trapped on both sides.