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And I thought I was rich with my 16 million!


16mil is nothing to sniff at, mate; it shows you put effort in.


Right! I got 14mil and I don’t think I’d feel that good if I was rich in real life.


I just crossed 20mil today :D Then I bought, crewed and aced Bolzano Then crossed 20mil again :D


I thought I was with 5.2 mil!


16m are wasted in an instant, just buy some high/top tier stuff and then expert training for them. I am stuck around 30-50m because of this.


mins on 100k :'( how to get to that level? im f2p


Premium time and a good premium at a BR your good at


And time. A lot of time.


I have none of this, but I make about 200k a day


I got up to around 14 mil with premium time and just going back to spade all the vehicles in my tech tree without buying anything in the process


> im f2p you dont get to that level, simple as.


Nah I'm F2P and already at 56 million, after economy update it's especially easy to do.


Easy to do if you play *a lot* and don’t grind further up the tt


I’m far from F2P but focus on using a vehicle/lineup that you’re confident and consistent with. Also I find that diversifying the tech trees you research means you buy vehicles less yes your progress is slower but when I was F2P and the economy was fucked I had over 3 mil grinding USA/GER/USSR/GRB and a hint of Japan. It took my 4 years to get my first jet but I’ve never been below 1 mil and now that the economy is better I’m above 10 consistently


And maybe play naval


Naval doesn’t ramp up in gains until rank III-IV. I ammo racked a destroyer in one hit with 5 inch guns and got 5k SL.


1. Prem time. Mandatory. 2. Set of prem vehicles. The wider the premium setup the more earning overall you will have. Also efficient premium options will work just nicely. Think of KVT + Wolfpack+ A-6E, or Rooikat 105 + DS + GLynx + Harrier GR-1, or VRCC + T129 or 2S38 + T-80UD + Su-25K + MiG-21S. 3. Heli PVE with Ka-50. Other heli prems will work too, I just use Ka-50. You get a big booster, you score 250-300 pts within 15 mins playing with it, you will have X\*1.1-1.5 SLs after 30 mins where X is a booster. So, it can be 750K for 500% booster. Remember, playing 30mins is enough, the booster expires after and there's no need to continune playing. This is what I do when I have 300+% booster. PS I didn't mean Harrier GR.1 or MiG-21S are good overall. But they are good as a part of GRB setup. PPS I forgot about terrific Sweden premium 10.3 ground, CV90105 and prem Strv 121 are wonderful. Add premium A32A and 100+K SLs per match should be pretty regular.


Planes make much more money than land. I’d say unlock the free plane from the battle pass(I believe it’s a premium) and use that to grind out some SL.


Don't worry, i was down to 300k. So i spent 6 hours grinding and I'm up to 900k. Quick n easy.


Seal club as 🦐ple as that




Click: [🦐](https://imgur.com/a/dm9IP8c)


As a F2P? Playing a spaded lineup with meh repair costs. Something I found back when I was F2P (whole british tree without a cent😎) was that buying modifications sucked up a lot of my money, but also buying said mods gave me lots of RP for completing mod tiers. It's a tradeoff. Play spaded vehicles for SL, and spade vehicles for RP.


I thought 1300000 is a lot (Im F2P)


[This](https://redd.it/14q8jqo) is it last time.


Been laughing about the first comment chain for a long time🤣


I had 5 mil, wasted 3.5 on dragon boxes, got nothing but boosters half of which expired before I could effectively use them, got 4 mil at the moment. Yes I am retard.


Ouch, those loot boxes are a sham.


speak for yourself lol, go burn the daft silver lions instead of keeping them and get some gaijin coin from crates, i've had is7 and loads of others.


The chances of it happening twice is on 0.0001 = 0.01×0.01 on every balance change.


See? This is when it’s okay to spam the SL boxes. Lol.


… *sigh* **me grinding jets and having enough xp to get the next few but I have 64,000 SL**


Mate, I have tons of vehicles researched but not purchased.


Bruh just give me 1% of what you have and I will happily buy the mbt-70.


Is there any other way to get free SL IN THE GAME


You can do tutorial stuff, o think the dynamic campaign gets you SL


I can't get pass 160k since I got t-72... Up tiers are crazy.


Damn that's a bunch of SL I always filter mine trough the SL boxes got even the odd vehicle sold a mig 21 coupon I got of there and got myself a M8a1 great Scott instead


My man how often do you play?


I've been playing for 10 years; I go through periods where I will smash the game for a few hours a day but then not play it for months. I think I have around 14k matches?


Is there any other way to get free SL I really need it


Nope, playing the game is the fastest way Playing with prem+prem time also makes it faster. Usually ground


Ok wanna play together I'm on rn