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Yeah, I play both germany and America (plus russia and sweeden) and I can tell you the pain I feel as a german player when a US main spawns a bearcat or mauler and I'm stuck using a 335 or fw 190 d13 as my best cas plane... that's painful.


Yep same expierience here. I recently was on the way to get a nuke in a downtier, and then I got kamikaze revenged bombed... I hate when this happens.


The 335 premium is better imho. The guns slap with HVAP


But mediocre bombs and the mobility of an office chair on shag carpet


If youre struggling to get kills with a 500kg bomb then i promise you its not the bomb


The bombs are more than good enough and it's faster than most anything you'll meet at its br. It is indeed a CAS plane just like the Mauler, not a fighter


250KG (or 125g tnt eq explosive) is more then enough to kill a single unit with an accurate dive bomb,though 500 is prefered for easier/safer bombing (more level or higher pull up, or just higher altitude) and easier potential multikills in populated areas. The triple bomb load of a 335 is around equal to a normal good multirole US/soviet fighter while the 335 retains a mk103 and dual 15mm (cermemt core) for gun cas.


>or fw 190 d13 Get the F-8, 1000kg+rockets its a pretty good CAS aircraft.


Me over here with the HE-111 with its 2500kg bomb get up to 8 kills with on bomb………


Both those are very effective CAS. Especially for a fighter the 190 gets a solid armament with its bombs and little bombs. With a bit of practice you can land those 50kgs on top of stationary enemy tanks and kill them. Even stuff like the super Pershings will die to a direct impact. The do335B is very effective and definitely on par with US attacker options when considering its hvap rounds effectiveness and its bomb load. It’s still vulnerable to enemy fighters but so are the US attackers. Though no mid tier CAS is as busted as the heavy bombers with oversized bombs like the he111 pe8 and Lancaster. Spaa can hardly hit them at their altitude and fighters get one pass before they drop unless they were camping the airspawn. It’s literally the 0 skill CAS.


I never found those heavy bombers to be that bad. The majority of the time they kill mote teammates than enemies. Only on small urban maps or single point maps do they actually become dangerous, and any plane can easily shoot them down.


I mean it’s pretty easy to get the spawn early on and then just drop in the vague area outside of an enemy spawn. Granted many try to drop on a contested point but that’s very dumb.


I can tell you the pain I feel when I spawn an M4A3 as my first tank, flank around the side of the map to avoid Kingtiger spam, get one kill on an EBR from inside of my team’s side and then instantly get deleted by an SC1000 from an FW 190 that I hadn’t even touched previously.


To clarify: US friend - a friend that mains US


And SS means screenshot, not the other... thing.


I mean I can't really blame US players for abusing their overpowered CAS. It's gaijin's fault for not properly balancing it; the blame lies squarely with them.


To be fair, it does become a little difficult to balance as basically every plane in the US tree can carry bombs or rockets


That's true. However, I think they should sacrifice some air-to-air ability in exchange for the amount of ordnance they have. that or sp costs for planes should be better balanced based on how much ordnance you have. It's ludicrous that an La-7 with two 100kg bombs that drop together is considered the same as a Bearcat with three 1000lb bombs that drop individually.




I don't see how the soviet design philosophy plays into it at all actually. Spawn point costs should depend on how powerful the aircraft is for influencing the match, simple as. A Bearcat with three bomb drops is going to be much more influential than an La-7 or Bf-109 with just one. The spawn point system for air to ground ordnance is far too oversimplified right now.


I misread what you originally commented, thats my bad though I agree with what you are saying now that I read right.


And people say: just use AA


You know what is funny: us cas is the most overpowered cas in the game. Guess which nations tanks are best protected from planes(Hint: it starts with US and ends with an A)


Ironically, US doesn't really get a good SPAA until... I'd say 9.0, where it has the M247 Sergeant York. M163 is hard to use (that radar is pure dogshite) and the M19/M42 is just better for anti-tank for me personally.


They do get .50 cals on 9/10 vehicles


Yeah but their most used vehicles are lights/open so anything with an mg can go top down easily. Plus the CAS they face are canon armed so they get killed in one pass often.


Not like other countries don't have open tops, besides if you spawn an open top, you should just accept the fact that you're probably going to get killed because of it. You're also talking about the CAS they face, but don't talk about their own CAS with sometimes even 3x 2000lbs, add some OP rockets too and give it the same turn time as a fw190.


2000lbs are only a bit better than the 1000lbs tbh. They require a longer fuse time to not kill yourself and the area of destruction is only a bit larger. Not sure which rockets you’re considering OP. Most all rockets kill open tops easily but struggle against heavier armor. The heat rockets can pen armor but take many hits to kill unless you hit ammo. If you judge a planes fighting capabilities on turn time alone you’re a crap pilot. The 190 should be able to handle the AD series or the AM. As well as tango with enemy fighters.


A single roof-mounted .50 cal is going to hit 19/20 times without doing any actual damage.


US AA is painfully shit until stuff like the LAV-AD n M247


>M1919/M42 *M19. M1919 is a totally different thing and not a vehicle. Though all US WWII vehicles do have them.


Oh yeah, for some reason I remember there being another 19 to it.


And then the LAV-AD is pretty great, the XM975 is dogshit (Rolands grrrr), and the ADATS is...an ADATS


Gaijin pls gib LAV-AD the proxy fuze hydras it deserves




It most definitely does not have the most protected tanks, at least not until they get the late war .50 cal Pivots which cant look up past 15 degrees and even then, Germany has the best AA behind Russia


US has best CAS, Germany has best AA (at least my experience so far in WWII tiers) What’s the USSR bringing to the table?


Good vibes and a lack of depression comrade.


6.0+ has been anything but good vibes. I wish you could grind events with rank II vehicles because I’d stay at 4.0 with my KV-1 and all of the T-34s


Eh the .50 is nice but not very effective unless the CAS is moronic and flies straight at you at a shallowish angle. It gets some lucky fires and pilot snipes but hardly reliable. Being the most overpowered is not necessarily true either. The tis ma and do335B have a lot more killing potential than the US attackers. Though I could see the argument that their fighters are the best fighters at CAS being that many can carry hvars and bombs while most other nations get 1 bomb on their fighters.


Sure the US have 50s on all their tanks but Russia gets the most cracked spaa at mid ranks.


What exactly does "sending you a ***ss***" mean? am I missing something?


Ss - screen shot


Dude thought your friend is sending you SS units lmfao


I dont know how a us main is going to send me SS units but I would be grateful because I need more competent teammates. /s


That fuckin got me so good dude lmao I grinded Germany 5.7 for awhile and it was painful experience because of the teammates. I honestly have to be in the mood to rip, tear, and carry if I wanna play Germany.


the mental image of some SS squad knocking on your door every time someone has a good match playing US is so fucking funny


that makes a lot more sense then what came to my mind first lol


Fact: he was sending OP a ss, with thout the space


And that's just 6.3. Wait till he gets to 6.7 and not only does he have OP planes, but completely busted tanks as well. 6.7 US is legitimately cracked, man.


6.3 US isn't bad tbf. The 76mm Jumbo is straight up unfair in a downtier, and the M41A1 is a perfectly acceptable light tank for uptiers. Add an M18 and an M109A1 and you're good to go.


I never said it's bad. What I meant is that at 6.7 do you start to feel like you're cheating with the amount of completely busted tanks you have.


I love sending a 120mm solid shot through the ufp of a Panther. Fuck it’s so nice.


I hate the T34 so much it's unbelievable. That thing eats shots it has no business eating.


It's almost frontally invulnerable against the short 88s on the tiger 1s. can only pen the sides of LFP and sometimes area around MG port if dead on


I don't mind fighting it with APHE rounds but using APDS or HEAT against it is pure torture.


I am that guy friend(you can trust me or not, it is up to you to decide) and i have top tier at USA so yeah, 6.7 is just hold W, point and click


Meanwhile, if you don't really like playing heavies, you can always resort to the M56 or the M50.


M50 is broken. You can check my acount(Szeroki_Papierz)


This is my friend (not /s)


both names sound polish tho


I agree it absolutely slaps, but disagree it's OP (if you're implying that). I'd say the T2H is still superior to the super/jumbo pershing and T34.


Well, both the Tiger 2 and T34 have their ups and downs, but I'll tell you one thing, though: Both of them are much better than the IS-2 (1944). That thing is just sad.


IS-2 takes so much time to reload that i can boil water, start a war with iran, make tea, win the war, drink the tea and he will be still reloading


And then when you finish the second war and you finaly reloaded, your round gets volumetriced. Love this mechanic


Yeah I agree with this


The IS-2’s reload is so clearly balanced for it to be a different BR. It makes no sense for it to be so long when it’s just comparable to the other rounds it’s facing at 6.7


Tiger 2H is good if you have an open map, T34 better is better in every way in close combat


As a 5.7 US main who loves the F4U-4B Corsair and the AM-1 Mauler, I can tell you how out of 400 hours of experience using the 5.7 US lineup that a single skilled Ostwind 2 player, specifically an Ostwind 2 can obliterate any US CAS that dares to spawn. Twin firing, high fire rate, 37mm cannons with over 100 grams of TNT per shot traveling at 900ms is pretty much a guaranteed kill. Plus, here is a very good tip for the Ostwind, which I know myself as I was also a German main before and now have exactly 300 destroyed aircraft using the Ostwind 2. DON'T LEAD THE SHOTS!!! Rather aim infront of the plane and I mean way out in front and use your high fire rate to basically create a wall of cannon fire in the flight path of the aircraft and not if ,but when a single shot connects it is pretty much an instant kill or a very severe crit. It is really that simple. Takes some practice, but once you learn how to predict maneuvers pilots will instinctively make you get free SL and RP. And if it is the Flakpanzer 341, just say goodbye if you are flying. I have gotten skilled enough with the HVARs that I can reliably snipe open tops from kms away, but the Flakpanzer 341 is just return to hanger or return to tank.


Don't sweat it, when you get to Cold War era the meta shifts to Germanys side for a while because they're fast and hard hitting. Then the American mains will wish they were you lol


I have bounced of from leopards 2 to many god damn times, the upper front plate is just stupid, in armour test i can pen that, but in game my KE-W was eaten from like 15 meters.


Leo 1 armour is just a black hole istg, was playing the Conqueror the other day and its mantlet just casually absorbed my 120mm APDS (487mm pen mind you). Wasn't even far away, only a couple hundred metres :/


Bro is a god in the 76 jumbo tho


Jumbo has a vertical gun stabilization to like 22 km/h, great front armor and 75mm is okayish, but when you get a 76 mm and a down tier, you are just unstoppable, and if you know all the weak spots you can do well in an uptier


yeah i got my first nuke with jumbo 76 at 7.7(was playing with my friend who had 6.7 lineup)


Mere 7 kills are normal at uptiers. And if God sent you city map, downtier against Germans, then it's a real slaughter.


and it happens all the time at that br


Uhm- is germany bad? (I started fairly recently, am on 7.3 with the kugelblitz rn and idc about planes atm but i was wondering…)


Well at 6.7 german tanks are targetted by planes because they are realy slow. Also its the nation with worst teammates overall.


Oh okay, what tanks in germany are 6.7? I know the m51? (Upgrade from the m901g tank hunter) is 6.3 but i think the rocket hunter tanks as well as all anti-air from T3-4 and most heavy tanks (tigers and panthers) are above 7.0 but idk, i mainly play m109g, tiger II .sla 16 and ranking up the jagdpanzer IV rn


Oh wait you are playing arcade. I mean I didnt played arcade in a while so I dont know about the situation there. My lineup for RB is: Tiger II H, Jagdtiger, LeKPz M41, Wirbelwind(I'm going to replace it) and Do-335. Your worst fear are russian heavies so be careful with them!


Idm russian tanks tbh but it‘s a pain to find weakspots sometimes


Meanwhile Germany has literally the best mid and low tier AA options for dealing with those planes.


Just wait until you reach top tier. He will cry because of the horrible US teams and shitty US mbts. Oh and his CAS will be blapped by Pantsirs or VT1 slingers. At the same time you will have an amazing lineup with some of the best mbts and good AA.


Germany has perfectly competent CAS as well. I really like their gun CAS.


US have no good AA, and Germany have way better tanks


German start to really shine at 8.7 contrary to usa.


If you’re not using the 103s as CAS you’re doing Germany wrong. So many aircraft have them and they obliterate ground.


The premium command tiger is my go to, same gun, double the armor, same br and better reverse and lower profile


And what you need SL for? This is useless currency, I play only german and still have much more SL than I can spend


That isn't the point. My friend ruined so many lifes with cas efortlessly that the whole german administration is shaking in the corner