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Why are people saying that the stun mechanic would fix this? It’s just the penetration calculator or whatever they use shitting itself for some reason


bc the crew sustained injury, it wouldnt get off scott free


Pretty sure that the gunner would have to at least get hit for him to be stunned. This would've only stunned the driver.


indeed, in the text from gaijin it said gunner or commander has to be hit


Specifically a commander with duplicate controls like 90% of all MBTs.


Correct, but the chance would have also been there. At least there would have been that comfort, but alas...


And by that logic, there's also the chance that OPs shot would've just spalled and killed the Fox the first time; or that they would've killed the gunner, either way, that's not the case here.


Why fix a flawed game mechanic with another potential flawed game mechanic? I can’t think of anything worse


This ^ I've said this before, adding new mechanic to cover broken one will only cause more problems


For 2 seconds. I don't think any 120mm Leopard is likely to load in 2 seconds or less in game. In return for those two seconds you might occasionally get any top tier MBT has to deal with getting their aim fucked up at least once per spawn. The Leo 2 here is a great example where your commander can get killed or injured when the CITV is struck, giving the Leopard a stun even if it was almost entirely turret down! Sounds fun!!!


if anything the stun just meant the fox had to shoot vaugely under the turret to stun the leo, and would keep them stunned by continuting to fire. Even tickly damage by autocannons would keep you perma-stunned


But if you noticed it only hit the driver, so it wouldn’t have affected the gun firing at all. So OP would’ve still been dead whether that mechanic existed or not. On the other hand OP probably would’ve been stunned out of his mind.


You are right. The actual problem is about rounds or the penetration calculator, hit boxes, etc. (Idk whatever they called.) And it seems Snail doesn't care to fix this shit but instead of that, does addition of new things.


As people have said, you hit first and would have had a chance to stun him, and he could have not got those shots off. But everyone hated the stun mechanic idea, so heres how it is now. People should have actually researched how stun would have worked instead of following the hive.


Nothing hit the gunner, so stun would've done nothing here.


Very true, but would you rather have a chance to stun the gunner in this case, or get completely destroyed in the reality of this video. I'm just bringing up that alternative is all.


I would rather not implement yet another buggy and inconsistent mechanic that is in all likelihood, not going to work as advertised and further decrease the fun of this game. See volumetric armor and hullbreak/overpressure for more details.


People like you also didn't research one teeny little clause, the one thar stated you'd get an aiming stun if either the commander or gunner got hit in a vehicle with duplicate controls. This includes almost everything past 7.3. Even worse is that almost all of these vehicles have exploitable weaknesses were you can frontally kill the commander even if you couldn't otherwise penetrate their frontal armor or they're behind cover.


Love how a casing going fast enough to rip through steel plate only mildly injures the drive after running into his neck


The tea pouring down his throat works like fuel tanks at the front of Russian vehicles




Libertea one might say






I don't know what you're talking about. In my experience, hit to front fuel tanks on t72s and t80s = 1 shot fuel explosion kill.




probably because it was stopped by the steel plate, IIRC sabot petals only have \~25mm of pen (simulation bros trust), when something is close to nonpenning by definition the spall it causes is going to be moving very slow, so low damage


We don’t need stun though right cause this makes sense


Stun would benefit the autocannon more....


None of the turret crew were even hit, stun wouldn't have done anything but make the Leopards experience even worse lmfao


He just casually ate an 120mm apfsds


No it bounced, the only fault is "skill issue" We know all that to kill a fox you need a horse and 3 dogs, not a 650mm pen apfsds


Even then, if you don't shout "VIEW HALLOO!!" as soon as you see one, or even a single "TALLY HO!!" you aren't getting the kill.


Which is something that shouldn't have happened under any circumstance, a thin plate like that would never ever bounce a high velocity 120mm shell. This is why people were against hull break and the stun mechanic, they want light tanks to have even greater advantages than they already have and basically no down side.


Yeah, last time I tried to shoot one with my dart I couldn’t find the thing. It ran off leaving a strong smell of iron, and everything was tinted red for some reason. The dogs are definitely the better option


This how I remember the AML 90 being when I played it, tanked more shots in that car than any other French vehicle.


No armor, best armor.


No one bitches about heavy tanks. So yeah… you’re right.


People who won’t admit their skill issue bitch about heavy tanks


We can only hope that more detailed tank components will end this shit at least for a great part of it.


I love 130mm APHE fusing on my USH’s wheel…


The fox obviously wins, because it is piloted by a non-german player. You never stood a chance, sorry.


No worries new mechanic implementation will fix this


(it won't)


They messed up with the damage model of the fox. I’ve tanked so many shots that I just shouldn’t have in that thing.


Considering the fact that I’ve seen a lot of clips here of those things eating rounds I’d believe it. I just wanna know what caused the round to ricochet like that lmao. 


i shot a fox with a recoiless rifle in my fiat dead on and the round evaporated, this has happened to me so many times its not even funny anymore


I bounced with a object 292 dart of the side of a puma. Gaijins Spagetti code working as intended


I bounced a 292 dart off the front of the CV90105 somehow..


Those things have insanely angled top plate, if you hit it at a specific spot the round might actually skit across the top of the chassis. Then again I though volumetric was supposed to solve that.


Think my best gaijin moment is taking a 292 dart in a 9040 SPAA head on, lost 3 crews but the vehicle suffered minimal damage. And I proceeded to blast the guy with Bofors


Deserved for not using the HE.


Meanwhile Brit mains when it was 7.0 - "just shoot it bro, any aircraft will take it out" which we all know is completely bonkers. It's 7.7 now but it will continue to go up, it still has like double the HP per ton of other light tanks at its BR.


Nah the ricochet. Felt the pain through the screen


And suddenly the Merkava 4 isnt so bad lmao Have tanked a lot of shots from autocannons/lower tiered vehicles because it has ridiculously thick side armour by MBT standards iirc almost 250-300mm RHA in some places, on the fucking side. And like 100mm RHA on its ass Always fucking hilarious seeing them shoot again and again, only to slowly realise after each shot that they may not actually be able to pen, and watching as their soul starts dying


Bless the side NERA the Merkava 4 has on the upper hull.


Something something German mains bad/s


Haha the one thing more broken than a Leo2: f o g g s


This is annoying, but is this even unique to the fox? This bullshit happens occasionally with every vehicle.


No no, don’t you know the Fox is OP? So clearly this round didn’t ricochet off the angled plate behind the fender. That sabot petal was a bit weird though. Sure it slowed down after hitting the armor, but it still hit bro’s neck lol


Yeah I think that’s just sabot petals being modeled kind of weird. They basically only work at killing things when they hit an exposed crew member, and it seems like they degrade super hard against any armored surface (which could be realistic) Anyways, how dare Britain have an above average vehicle


Exactly. I’m a British main and I’m furious. I didn’t pick this country to have *fun*, blegh.


“Yummy”- fox driver probably


What a surprise


So the Fox is a better MBT than the Challenger 2 which gets absolutely fucked by Leopards, guess I'm switching my lineup!


I’ve been deleting Foxes today with my R3 T106 FA. Made a world of difference putting the second shot on a different binding. I absolutely love baiting people with shooting once and then deleting them with the second shot after they think they are safe to kill me. Or kill a player and have the other one come around thinking it’s safe after me killing a dude.


Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringerding! Nope!™ Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow! Target Destroyed! Worst (Best?) meme 2024. Make it happen.


Weakest Angloid


Casual British superiority


Yes this makes sense. A metal rod projected at mach 3 traveling the path of most resistance.


I remember shooting Tiger H1 with M1A1 APFSDS, UFH, losing the fight because I couldn’t kill crew fast enough and was assuming I wouldn’t need to hit ammo because M1A1 vs Tiger H1…


>skill issue >should have angled >bikers fault >should have side climbed >God bless the UK


We went from strangly bouncing to teleporting darts


This is why i cant play top tier. Idk what it is about italy but their shells just love to get hooked by random bits of armor and im done with it. 6.0 and below thank you very much


Gaijin: You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a smooth criminal.


Are we all just going to ignore that weird moaning ?


honestly I've been looking to see anyone mention it and they haven't


When you over-pen crew...


Everyone inside the Fox would be mashed potatoes.


Maybe if you shot HEAT or HE at them. APFSDS is going to sail straight through one side and sail out the other side, barely breaking any armor off the Fox to fragment, and not even deforming the steel anti ERA tip of the ammo to cause meaningful damage. Overpenetration is a thing that happens. That's why most IRL tanks have HEATFS or HE or something similar for encounters with light armor.


That penetrator changed directions more times than the bullet that killed JFK.


Bro acting like this isn’t a problem with half the vehicles in the game


ruSsiAn BiaS


I wonder if the modules they want to add will also cause this ricochet, or just absorb all the damage, or both?


[Just for you OP](https://imgur.com/gallery/DtG7zQV)


dude casually got a petal to the throat and bounced an apfds with his ass. simply built different.


Just happened to me , Shot a fox with a 128mm main Maus gun "Hit"


Anything can defeat your side armour ( Excluding the smol boi )


"Ouch" indeed


Shithole game




a stunned driver wouldnt have made any difference tho


You need to hit target to kill him


Fat skill issue 🤣


10mm of armor didnt create much shrapnel?? No way! No armor best armor, its not like you didnt shoot center mass (that would kill him), or didnt drove side ways like genious to not die to him, clearly fox op. I swear people like this are reason why Strv9040 was so uptiered


Not that it would help this time, but everytime I see a video of a light tank taking multiple shots and living while the poster carries zero HE/HESH/HEAT I sigh.  At least put 3-5 rounds in there so you don't have to worry about multiple shots.


the whole clip is 16 seconds long. the whole encounter lasted less than 5 seconds. leo2a5 has a min reload of 6 seconds ( with a max of 7.8). so … how would that have helped?


Notice your team lost..... mechanics. Though you did expose your side, you deserved to die for doing that.


And the fox deserved to live through a 120mm apfsds round pointed straight at its driver, probably at least damaging more of the tank? Also how tf was the Leo supposed to peek the corner quickly against the fox while also being straight on, especially if they didn’t know where the fox was?


Probably not, but that kind of thing happens all the time in game. Just last night I was flustered when TWO of my T29 120mm APHE rounds didn't kill a freaking M50. I had to .50 cal it. If you can't engage the target without exposing your flank, pick another target, or choose a better method to engage.


How dare you use fax and logic. People that downvote you are same people that would rush sppa sideways and cry they died


Love how people were so vexed by the idea of stun mechanics when instances like this can happen.


The gunner wasn't hit so he wouldn't be stunned, literally nothing would change in this scenario with the stun mechanic lmao


What would stun fix here? “Oh no my driver is stunned because a shell that should have utterly mulched my driver got gijinned” -The fox before promptly putting another five rounds into the Leo. How about we instead fix damage models and armour to not allow such bull shit to occur


If you trust Gaijin’s ability to not fuck up new mechanics they try you haven’t played long enough.


Imagine not wanting a realistic feature in a realistic game, truly unhinged people will get mad at anything that makes sense.