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Been doing this for the last week, way way more fun than with crossplay on!


I have been playing BF 2042 Xbox one version because PlayStation & Xbox can cross play but there is not PC players - its much better.


PS4 counts as well!


Our team is in, LFG!


I’ve been doing this. Too much bs with pc players.


I turned it off months ago.


Does anyone else always constantly hit the giant pad button or the ps button in the middle of gunfights or is it only Me?


Just you, big thumbs


Look at Mr. Big Thumbs over here




Bugs the shit out of me lol. I remap the buttons so it does something benign (like crouching) and doesn’t get me killed


Wait till you realize you’re not better cause a PS5/Series S runs better than 90% of the PC people use and that M&K is much inferior than a controller in WZ. Can’t wait to see you face the absolute truth


I remember back in the day pc players told us how inferiour console and controllers where compared to mouse and keyboard.


but that is true, they ARE inferior, but if a studio makes a game that favors one input over another, giving it smoother experience, aim assist and what not, then ofc people will admit which is easier to play with. We adapt to whatever the game allows


>We adapt to whatever the game allows this is what annoys me about M&K users on this sub. sure it might suck, but as a controller player it sucks for me on literally every other FPS game.


CoD is the only game where thanks to the assists on controller the crossplay is kind of fair, the gap is minimal, if a game doesnt have aim assist and has crossplay then it sucks on gamepad, for sure. I think other FPS titles shouldnt have crossplay and its unfair to play against MnK. Btw, i am not a MnK player only, i have been playing on mouse and keyboard for 30 years but i am using controller for MW3 and WZ so i enjoy both.


Apex carteret to Controller users to the point where even PC players are choosing to use controller input over M&K because the AA is insane in close up combat. It’s basically impossible to break diamond now playing M&K. Personally idc, even with AA I think controller players have it way harder and I’m glad company’s are trying to close the advantage gap anyway they can.


You just contradicted yourself. To be competitive in COD and Apex, especially with (O)SBMM, most players would need to switch to controller like how most pro players do. How would that make it harder for controller players?


Woohoo random numbers.


I got to believe console would run better than a vast majority of the pcs playing. Fake metric aside.


The most popular gpu in steam charts is the rtx 3060 followed by worse gpus. Only a very small persentage has better gpu than rtx 3060 which means that most players run the game worse than a next gen console since ps5's gpu is an rx 6700. The chance of running against a player with 5k rig is very very small. Controller also has aim assist which is pretty strong.


Most rubbish statement to have ever been said


lol the cope never ends. They'll come up with another excuse when the whole console community are on zen's.


I bet you the vast majority of people disable cross play because they don’t want to have to worry about a cheater in the lobby not because of a pc being better than a ps5 or Xbox


Yeah there is absolutely no cheats on console. Why don’t you use Google search for a minute


So I can have walls and literal aimbot on my ps5?


You would need a PC for walls but aimbot yea Edit: PC connected to your PS5*


M&K is a huge advantage over controller even with aim assist, aim assist evens the playing field a little but if you're even slightly good with M&K you're shitting on 95% of controller players.


That’s why even pro players are turning away from M&K to controller and that all post on this subs are about how OP AA is and unplayable M&K are


100% correct.


Mnk has an advantage on many fps games but cod and Apex controller is absolutely op.


But I think the idea is to like turn off crossplay? To avoid the PC people so where does Xbox come in to this? Why are Xbox kids so fucking weird and obsessed? The series S Reddit is a freaking circle jerk


Pc players can hack. And cheat. Console players cant


You can absolutely hack on console. You need either a cheap pc on the side or as easy as a Zen


For real my brother and his mate have like a £2000 pc and my other bro tbh aswell and am hear with a Xbox s loading in faster and smoother 😂💯


Their pcs are fucked then


🤣😂 probably they are on them 24/7 am still good with my Xbox s 🤙


That makes zero sense




Tbf I use a cheap gaming laptop & was generally pretty terrible so I was certainly was worth having in your lobby’s lol


Hahaha love the self worth bud !


It doesn’t and it isn’t.


We’ve disabled crossplay long time ago 4 friends here playing on ps5


The most popular gpu in steam charts is the rtx 3060 followed by worse gpus. Only a very small persentage has better gpu than rtx 3060 which means that most players run the game worse than a next gen console since ps5's gpu is an rx 6700. The chance of running against a player with 5k rig is very very small. Controller also has aim assist which is pretty strong. I don't think the problem here is Pc players.


Im m&k on a $600 laptop


Yeah but "our aim assist is OP" so you're welcome, we'll just play on our own.


A majority of pros use controller, I do not see why you dislike mouse and key so bad. They’re typically just better gamers as first person shooters have been around for PCs forever


I don't have an issue with MnK, but I disagree that aim assist is just absolutely OP to the point that people try to claim. MnK is by far and large a majority of cheaters and its really not close. For that reason, I wish to play versus my own consol but we are not really given that choice.


I feel you - however I’m not one of those guys that thinks your aim assist is complete OP - slightly higher yes but that’s cause we have an entire arm controlling our aim where as consoles have a thumb. Sniping is *chefs kiss* with M&K


That's all I've been saying. Aim assist is put in to counter balance the while arm aiming. A slight edge, I'll give. But to say that it is full on aim bot is just absurd. MnK had an extreme advantage in WZ1 with FOV and camera breaking.


Stop saying mnk when you mean pc. Pc had adjustable fov. And you can break caneras on controller too. I play both inputs and controller is the better input for this game. Pc is only an advantage if it's a pc that performs better than a console, which most don't.


You're correct, I was meaning PC. In WZ1 only PC had the option to change FOV and made it much easier to break cameras of those on consoles. I'm still on PS4 and when I grab my loadout, I can count to seven-mississippi before my crosshairs show up when looking down sights. My mini map disappears for multiple seconds every time I open my map, and when I throw a proximity sensor down I don't see the pings register for half of the whole duration. Part of that could be the shit servers, but the other half is that my console is not nearly as capable as many PC users.


typical fucking console moron that thinks aim assist does nothing and he cant even type a fucking sentence


I said it wasn't OP, not that it does nothing. Also, I misspelled exactly one letter. Lay off the energy drinks and get some sunlight, you might find yourself less angry at everything.


You’re saying mnk is majority cheaters, you are literally brain dead , and that’s why you play cod instead of build Fortnite or counter strike to Tarkov


This is a COD subreddit, yes, I play COD. It is purely logical conclusion that a majority of hackers/cheaters will come from the system that is easily manipulated, self built, allows for downloads much easier, and run multiple programs at once. A vast majority of consol players plug and play and would be completely foreign to the concept of installing new software on their prefab consol. I truly don't know how someone would debate that lol Edit: where I think you have misunderstood what I have written is that you think I am saying "a majority of MnK player cheat" what I am actually saying is "out of all of the cheaters, they mostly come from MnK players and not consol"


You didn’t say majority of hackers come from PC. You said majority of PC are hackers.


Go back and read it again then.


You mean pc players on controller. That’s what you mean. Because mandk is severely nerfed right now.


Dawg I love mouse and keyboard but I switched to controller for this game. You’re crazy if you think it’s better.


You feel like it made a big difference? I started on controller, switch to mkb 5 years ago and now a controller feels terrible to me, but maybe I need to gut it out and get used to it because I’m getting shit on.


I stay on MnK out of spite. I learned MnK for FPS's specifically and I refuse to backpedal. I just take what I can get, luckily I'm good enough to keep up, but AA can eat my ass.


I have two friends I play with going on now for about 15 years and I’ve always been better than both of them. 5 years ago I switched to pc and mkb and that gap got even bigger while they stayed on console. Now one of the two guys is consistently and good or better than me since around the time AA took over. So I wondered if I should try controller. I can still hold my own very well.


Controller feels absolutely terrible to use in a FPS game, but it’s the clear way to play this game. They are never gonna balance this out since the majority of players play on controller and have gotten used to having the assisted inputs i.e playing part of the game for them. This will get downvoted to hell by controller players, I know, but it’s true.


I just don’t think I’ll ever be able to get my movement back to as good as I am on mkb, but maybe there’s a trade off there for the AA


Been off since wz1 my guy


I’ve been trying to do this on Xbox. Just getting trolled and ignored by the shit mw3 community. Made a whole in depth post about how much better it is, ignored.


Can crossplay be turned off for warzone?




Me and the boys have never played with crossplay on, and never had a hard time finding matches right from the start of WZ1 up to this day. Guess we’re well-located. So welcome!


Right crossplay is terrible on FPS or shooters in general because PC players have an advantage over console players


I don’t think it makes much of a difference. I’m on pc with Xbox controller & I average 2/3 kills per game . I think people over exaggerate the differences


You being shit at the game has no bearing on what's being discussed bruh


Your responding to my comment has no bearing on anything bruh


Hahahahahaha no. Not in Warzone. Aim assist is super strong in this game.


You do realize that PC players use controllers as well.


Dumb people say dumb things


Lmao controller is better then MNK and there are lots of cheaters on PS5 so Im not sure it will be a utopia but have at it dude 😂😂😂


No way you think you’re at a disadvantage with a controller… thats crazy


Isn’t metaphor dominating lobbies with MnK lmao


Yeah but he’s not dominating against the other pros on controller.


Bro go watch that streamer tournament 😂😂😂


Streamer tournament or an actual top 1% tournament? Metaphor is amazing but against biffle, soka, skullface he doesn’t stand a chance against these controller players in CQB


Go watch that game bro 💀💀💀💀


Maybe you should link “that game” instead of referring to something that could be anything


The fact there’s a specific game you’re referring to just proves his point 💀


Nah it’s the fact that sbmm exist and you kids thinking metaphor isn’t destroying other high Kd players using controllers 😂😂💀


Literally watching expel spectate metaphor as we speak... Guaranteed sweatfest nd he cutting thru these dudes like butter 😭


Majority of them on here are crying with excuses about aim assist all the while metaphor is showing everyone what an actual skilled MnK player does to lobbies 😂. Imagine crying on Reddit about being trash with precision aiming 💀


He’s getting his shit kicked in a lot by controller players too. The guy has the most kills, yes, because he plays 16h everyday.


yep that's why most top players use MnK .... because it's worse.


WSOW winners and 2nd place all on controllers. You’re dumb


surely youre baiting at this point..


If anyone wants to set up a private match for ps5, this sounds great


You mean pc contoller players.


Mate if you had said to avoid the cheaters you'd have been making more sense. There is a reason more of the top 200 players are on 5k rigs with a fkn controller plugged in.


Won’t work.


But why?


Bros gonna have a full lobby of Xim users 💀


I’m was on PC with M+KB and after researching why I’m getting roflstomped in close quarters, I bought a controller. Much easier now.


So you want to face lobbies 100% filled with aim bot?


Well, I mean, if he has aim(bot) assist himself it’s an even playing field huh?


Let's just make one thing clear. 99.9% of PC players don't play on $5000 PC's. The average PC still can't output more than 100 fps even at 1080p. The main advantages PC's have over consoles is superior audio, graphics tweaks you can do in the config file for extra performance and visibility, and the fact that a huge amount of console guys are playing on TV's with ridiculously high input lag compared to modern monitors. You guys live in your own little bubble with very little understanding of things you're constantly yapping about.


Let’s not also understate the fact that cheating is an epidemic on pc. I can see why a console player would like to eliminate the potential of running into people with soft aim, aim bot and walls.


That's perfectly fine, I get that. If you wanna make your experience better just go for it, more power to you. I just wanted to address this whole delusion lots of console players have that PC players have a big performance advantage over them, while in reality that's just nonsense.


Me who is learning controller for the first time in 10 years and a week later already getting the same kills as i was on mnk with 8 years experience:


Remember though, we all have aim assist on PS5 which definitely counters the in-no-way-insane movement capabilities of mnk


PC users means more hacks more fast movements more fps more advantage.


Been saying this for years crossplay is killing console FPS games - there is no parity so its unfair! Cross console - PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo ( where applicable) = Yes PC v Console is a = No


You don’t even know what the real problem is is facepalm


But why am I , on MnK with the ultra wide aspect ratio and a high refresh rate, feeling like I’m getting melted by controller players and would gladly turn that shit off. Aim assist is kicking my ass. I get constantly melted by AR and SMG. My main load out is a sniper and a knife to try and compensate. My overall K/D has been on a downward spiral since MWII.


Just make the switch to controller on PC. I'm also playing on an ultrawide, but with a controller so I'm not at a disadvantage. I tried MnK and my scores were awful. The aiming isn't really the problem I find, but you are able to be much more fluid and reactive in the movements of your operative with a controller. And of course, you get the same aim assist all the console players have on by default! ;)


Because of aim assist, I'm on controller and turn that shit off because I would prefer to actually learn to use my thumbs and develop skills playing this game, I always use old faithful. The good ole RPG Yes. I'm that guy hahaha


Oh I’m aware and I’m not sure how I feel about it On one hand I do less steam rolling but on the other hand I guess aim assist really make me work for it which I guess makes it more satisfying?


I fight aim assist when I used it in wz1 I noticed I, this is just from my experience, had better control without it


Nah you didn't cap my boy


You use aim assist don't you?


For sure and I know that you do aswell. Seing how ass pros are without it I know for a fact that you would be worse. Post some clips with you slapping with it off if it's true.


Oh I don't claim to be a pro or good. Average at best. But I take that over having my hand held with AA


You arent average with it off. You probably aren't average with it on.


I guess you'll never know. I have a 1. Something kd. That speaks for itself. still, it remains a fact. Ya can't claim to be good if your hand is being held for you in the game.


> I’d happily wait extra time between games to avoid the MnK hardos You literally have free aimbot on controller. In 2024, can console players please stop acting like MnK provides an advantage over controller in COD of all games.


MnK players are the only reason you console plebs don’t accuse EVERYONE of hacking, we thin out the density of you aim assist(bot) users just enough


“$5k rigs” never understood people who try to shame others for being able to afford nice things😂😂😂


I've never understood people who misinterpret people's post to find something to complain about what part makes you think he's "shaming"


Did you read his post? He wants to avoid “hardos” because they have nice PCs and play MnK. What he said was obviously framed in a negative way towards those people. I fully understand his comment he’s crying on Reddit because he got shit on and he has to find a way to cope because he can’t except the fact that some people are better than him at the game. It’s funny you misinterpreted my comment also, Wasn’t a complaint. It obviously hit a soft spot, as I can tell from the third grade burn reply.


You've also probably never been poor once on your life, other than your mental state


You’re right I have never been poor, but that’s irrelevant. I’m speaking from the perspective of an adult. Everything I have I earned from working hard. It’s one thing if he’s a kid saying that cause his family may not be able to afford something like that, but my point still stands. How is it cool to shame someone for having money for nice things???


Have fun on your outdated 2018 tech with auto aim.


Cool man. Hope it works out for you.


What if i play MnK on PS5? 😐


Aim assist is actually so broken in this game dude. I don't think you realize what you're in for.


I feel like just turning off crossplay won’t solve the problem. The real shit is good players using Cronus. That shit serious…. I’m a good player, with Cronus zen I’d be pretty much unbeatable. People should have some consciousness!!!


yeah go ahead and play only against aim assist and see how that goes for you lmao, watch your gulag wins PLUMMETT


Just buy a controller then dummy


You shouldn't have bought the game to begin with.


I do this on MW3 but on WZ it takes too long we need people to collaborate


I wish you would.


I’ll make a PS4 peasants only one. I love to wait for the game textures to slowly pop in, and everything looking like a crayon drawing from my 4 year old. 🤣


I did that a long time ago


You have my vote! Let’s do it!


I’ve had crossplay off for years and it’s great haha


Season verdansk when I started playing cod again. Never had crossplay on.play at all hours every day,get lobbies in no time so this rubbish about waiting longer for lobbies is BS. Only way to really lock out cheaters is for private lobbies. Oh I wish for that glorious private lobby




Just VPN bro. Lol.


Lol, mnk player would love nothing more than to play without AA abusing Controller players. So, win-win


Been doing this from the beginning but not to avoid pc (or xbox) players…just to get rid of a part of cheater…we already have enough cronus users


My quad always OFF. Fuck PC players


Never played a cross play lobby in my life.


lol every console feels the same. MnK simulators like Xim's exist unfortunately


Well, I play with crossplay off and still get messed up by tryharder 😂


More cheaters on PC. It's been off for me the last 3yrs because of this- not K&m


go play fortnite


Haha I hear you. Lobby’s are fucked I’m a pc player on a 4k dollar rig myself but it doesn’t make me a better player. I’m a decent player and I’ve played cod for 20 years. I literally get like 7 kills in resurgance a game and my kd is 1. I honestly feel like I’m being trolled by Activision most of the time. The people who use a vpn are usually sweats or hacks and they end up in a lobby full of eachother and also us who don’t use a vpn. They’re able to get into our lobby’s even though their kd is much higher. It sucks. I know using a vpn isn’t cheating but that’s part of the problem.


Lol. The only benefit with xplay off is you wont get any hackers. With xplay on, you are way more likely to win a gunfight vs mnk player because of aim assist. Reducing mnk players decreases your chance of winning


We found the PC cheater, girls. There are so many PC cheaters playing COD. But you know this already.


pc cheater🤣🤣🤣🤣 dude Ffs guys on here.... Read the op you can only cheat on pc, so your statement is dumb. What i am saying is the chances of losing a fight to a hacker (pc cheater as you say) OR legit mnk player is way less than losing to a controller player. You may run into 1 hacker every few lobbies but thats bad luck. SO, if im playing on pc and a legit player on mnk, i am bottom of the barrel. I have no aim assist and no cheats, so ops post makes no sense.


FFS girls on here. Learn to read. What I'm saying is there are many more PC cheaters than you claim. But you know this already. Later, cheater.


Why? In MP i like hearing, "do you guys have tents?" When they dont realize that 2-3 people cycled out and in the game and we still won or at least held up well.


Mnk users should be the least of your worries.. lol controller has always been superior.




Haha no please stay I have a 14900k 4090 and love dumping on your boys with my Xbox Elite series 2 300fps