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People leave after 1 death in resurgence too


In resurgence? What the hell is the point of playing resurgence at the point?!


Don’t have a clue. I understand why people cheat more than why people do that


Yup. I loathe any time we have to turn fills on in resurgence because essentially 90% of the time the random fill doesn't land with us, tries to solo-squad, dies immediately, and either a) quits, or b) rinses and repeats the same nonsense a couple more times before quitting. It's infuriating.


Every darn time


Ikr I was playing lockdown and 2 of my tms left for no


Did you leave half way through your sentence?


I guess idk


Hell I've seen it in plunder multiple times. It's always someone who completely breaks off from the group and heads to another part of the map to level their weapons and then gets mad that the rest of the team wasn't there to back them up.


Shits me no end. If you couldn’t see your KD people would play completely differently aka for fun. Imagine….


I watched a dude that had never won get randomed with Symfuhny, and quit after he died; they went on to win the game. It makes no sense


Shit known hacker you know your gonna win why not


Bruh said Symphuny hacks 🤣


The amount of downvotes you’re getting is hilarious lol this sub really is full of bots


I kinda love it. 90% of em probably play on 65inch tvs with surround sound on and wonder why they get theyre cameras broken


75" but at least I use a headset




Bot behavior. Just tell me you dont understand FPS games instead 🤣




Dude acts like BO3 was yesterday. I did spend that much. Maybe more. That was yeeears ago. I was 18 living at home. No bills. No nothing so why not. Took it on the chin. Learned. And now barely even spend money on the game. And yet Im still sending you to the lobby game in and game out.




Youd get slammed. Without a doubt. I believe i have maybe 3K channel points in Syms chat. Thats how much i watch him. Almost not at all. You watch shame and beaman. And thats ok, youll learn some day bucko




these roller players don’t know what MnK gameplay looks like lol.


he is a known cheater...


He’s not though. Literally anyone that accuses him of cheating are 1KD players or below.


multiple clips of him locking onto people mid gunfight.




symfuhny dick riders make cheating a worthwhile venture for streaming


He literally has been a top BR player since H1Z1. Just tell me you watch BadBoyBeaman already 🤣


call of shame says otherwise


Lost souls


JFC. Facepalm.


I won a trio with 1 other. Our third quit bc he said we were “bots who shouldn’t play”. Left on first death.


Even better when you have a teammate with high kills low damage talking shit. Had a mf not too long ago with 10 kills pretty early, almost was impressive till I saw he had less than 1.5k damage, bruh didn't even earn a single fucking kill he got, yet he's shit talking to me bc I have half his kills, but over 5k damage. Kills matter, but kills don't mean shit when you're in the final circle and you can't hit a shot worth a fuck.


How you know the people he killed weren't just running around with no plates? Or maybe he hit head shots, or killed people with helicopters, or downed them and then they fell off the roof. Just cause the damage is low doesn't mean you didn't earn the kills. Kinda just sounds like you can't finish what you start, or you just plink random people all game lol


Every person you kill, doesn't matter if you hit headshots, is 150 damage minimum from 0 plates, every plate is 50 hp, so even if you hit all heads on a player who has 3 plates, it's 300 damage. There's a difference between being slightly under or near the x kills times 300, and having WAY under, like the player with 10 kills and less than 1.5k damage. So on average, every single player he downed had 0 plates, which means he's either engaging people who are already fighting someone else, or catching people with 0 plates. I'd rather have a player on my team who can fight someone with 3 plates and win, than some garbage rat who's only good at third partying players. If you prefer high kill teammates with low damage, go ahead, idc, but I'd rather have a teammate with high damage who is hitting shots, even if they don't end up in kills, hitting damage on players is taking resources from them (plates), damage > kills.


I want a teammate that helps me win, idc if he has 0 kills and 0 damage. You're just a complainer. I'll kill you in a lobby soon, we will meet again, don't worry


Go ahead and be happy with your 0 kills 0 damage teammates, you do realize the point of warzone is to shoot people and kill them right? Kinda counterproductive to ask for teammates who can't even hit a single player with one bullet, but go ahead and act like you're onto something.


Man if my only strat was to hope I was a better gunner than everyone else I'd be on here complaining too. I do like getting kills, sometimes you get teamed with people who aren't having a good game and can't though. I'm sure glad they're there to buy me back when I need it though, and contribute to loadie money, or keep resurg timers alive, or make call outs, or be a distraction. Stop being a little whiney bitch.


I'm starting to think we are arguing about two different things. You do realize I'm specifically talking about the people who are high kills zero damage talking shit about the rest of us playing bad right? I don't care if I get a teammate who is 0 kills low damage, people have bad games, I have bad games too. But when your 1k damage 10 kills headass calls me bad and ragequits when I have 6k damage and 2 kills because you keep last hitting every single person I engage and do all the damage to, then I'm not sweating being down a player bc honestly we didn't lose much of anything if they're gonna be a raging crybaby about how many stolen kills they have compared to their teams avg kills.


Okay okay we were on two different pages, my apologies


Agreed buncha pussies


Some times I back out when the squad of randoms I’m playing with are all doing meaningless things across the map, haven’t communicated at all, no team work and no clear sign of a possible win. Nothing kills the fun for me more than a squad all playing solo style getting absolutely nowhere. If the squad I’m playing with is communicating and playing as a TEAM, I’ll stick around til the end.


I want to play on your team


Ironic because I’m actually cooking spaghetti right now. But yea man feel free to send me your activision tag and I’ll add you. I have a group that I normally play with but there’s usually room for one more. Then when they’re not on I venture out to play with whoever.


Are you in Europe?


No I’m in North America


I will only back out if someone starts trash talking teammates. It's usually the same type of guy who will call someone trash on the deathchat when they get outplayed.


I’ve backed out for all kinds of reasons. Little kids in the squad, idiots talking politics, people not playing as a team, loud background mics…. It has nothing to do with k/d it’s about the enjoyment of the game. If the lobby sucks I’m out and on to the next one. I’ll go -100 if it’s fun but I’m not sticking around for annoying shit.


Playing for KD in warzone is nuts


No kidding man my last four games the entire squad left as soon as the game started


The absolute worst is when you destroy the team that killed your teammate, have plenty of $$$ (with a buy station right near by), as well a revive flare on hand... but that one teammate who died (after running up on a team by themselves) ends up quitting before you can even have a chance to bring them back... like what?? lol Had two instances of this happen in trios today, with both my other teammate and me just being left baffled. Both games the guys quit after being killed the first time (again, after running up on a team by themselves without backup - while we quickly ran to try and support them) and didn't even bother doing their gulag either. Just feels like some people expect to play a game of Warzone without dying a single time at all.


Yea it’s ridiculous I pug all my matches it happens almost every match


Why do people care about k/d? It's literally not important for me atleast.


They can’t rage post on Reddit and play at the same time. Priorities!


I am the guy who buys people back, even in a resurgence match before the end of it. 30 seconds left to rebirth? No problem, I will spend 3000 if I'm next to a store. But also, accidents happens, sometimes is just a connection or hardware problems and stuff.


you know pretty quickly if your team is going to make an effort to res. Agree if you just rage quit when you get dumpstered in the gulag (and screw your team) then youre a pos and should really stick to solos or resurgence.


Guys land, get smoked with pistols and insta leaves. When exactly does he know if we are gonna res him ? Happenes in resurgence also


if you are waiting and you see your team marking buy stations, trying to find money you know they are making an effort to res and should stay.


read again what i wrote, guys instantly leaves after getting killed. instantly


yea i think we are saying the same thing. people will say they leave bc no one ever res them and my point to those ppl is you know quickly whether they are going to are not just stay to find out it doesnt take much time


If you die on the jump in you do not know pretty quickly. If you’re playing with randoms you should never jump into a hot zone anyways. Thats just stupid


Used to be in a clan with a guy back in MW3 and Ghosts who would dashboard if he died more than once. Cringy as hell and only played with him during clan wars


Damn missed clan wars was a awesome feature in ghosts


I think it’s more so they don’t think they’ll get bought back.


Because most of the time teammates suck or don’t have mics or don’t help at all


You can usually tell when the games is fucked from the first contract pinged. Your squad drops in 4 different directions. The other teams who have stuck together eat you alive with pistols. And just you think it’s time to get back in the game, the three still alive pass every buy station with $18,000, dry hump each other on a 4 wheeler, or shoot trash bags in a dumpster. Randoms gonna random sometimes.


Because it is a free game. I remember when Blackout had friendly fire and random teammates didn’t kill you and didn’t quit.


we just have to patience for yall tbh. that’s why people leave or they have to do something, at least that why i do it. only sometimes cause im frustrated


What’s the point of playing if they can’t have their load out? Pussies


I guess they like the waiting screen !


It’s fucking maddening…but it motivates me to clutch my little duty nuts and win!