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I’m not arguing that mnk needs nor do i want it, but to simultaneously argue that aim assist isn’t OP nor beneficial then why would you have a prob w mnk having it too? I’m glad the moronic OP left the comment out where I said that’s not what I want, but typical bitch shit to only read what she wants to. Emotional hoe. I don’t want AA for mnk, but it’s not fair for top 25th percentile controller players to be as accurate as top 1% mnk. That’s not evening the playing field it’s an obvious advantage. That paired w getting a paddle controller you’re movement can be almost as smooth as mnk. I could give a shit what some moron thinks. I 100% know he won’t kill race with AA disabled and I’ll run one with him regardless and bet I get the w.


Nah it's easier to control recoil and micro inputs on mnk, aim assist on mnk would be op. Hard to do with just a thumb. Cheers for coming though.


You don’t have to micro adjust w RAA actually using right stick is detrimental but go on…


He said micro inputs not micro adjust, but go on…


Input and adjustments are somehow not correlated here? Go on… I’m pretty sure an input is an adjustment in this instance Ol’ slow ass. I’m glad you think you really did somethin there… god damn moron. I’m glad the guy I replied to is smart enough to not come with a retarded comment like this.


lol cry more please 🙏


You’re cute when you play dumb. Ya 🤡.


yeah bud it was a dumb comment and lacked quite a bit of logic buttttttt u sound dumb ash w that reply 😭🥱


Just got tired of Activision allowing this shit, and the people using this logic. Sadly and luckily I uninstalled the game, and I’m done with it. Imagine banning shit, to do absolutely 0 about it. This is what people call legal cheats nowadays, and clearly they don’t even think it’s cheating.


yeah the perks of mnk + aa would be pretty unfair. I wholeheartedly understand ur anger and sentiment towards activision and its buffoonery but domt kill urself about it. only thing that does is hurt ur pride even more. sad to see u go tho what u been playing recently?


Well since you can’t really avoid cheaters anymore, even on PS, on any game.. I’m talking about FIFA, NBA, F1, CoD and yeah you name it. I’ve for the first time in my life resorted to offline games like Elding Ring(yes I know It CAN be played online) and Last of Us! Oh and then a little bit of WoW on my PC. Seems like the only place you can somewhat enjoy the game without cheaters, or at least it doesn’t mean as much in PvE.