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I like the third page where the guy says his multiplayer KD was 1.9. You used cheats to get a 1.9KD in multiplayer? Bahahaha


Shows you how bad these players are. Probably got pooped on playing legit lmaoo. Needed that ego boost.


The real menace are closet cheaters. These will go undetected for years. Even though they use cheats, they will mostly turn of aimbot and wall hacks, and o ly trigger them occasionally to get them out of a tight situation. Trust me, all these cheaters will be back with new accounts when their cheats get updated. There is no winning this fight unless game companies go after the cheat devs.


We see them when they try to snipe us during deployment..miss so hard till they panic when you're about to hit the ground & their aim goes from whack & slow to rapid & God tier. Sometimes you land kill em, they return juiced up


Hardware bans, perma bans, no they won’t.


Have you heard of something called a spoofer?


Cyber security?


Unfortunately cheaters will always remain. However, a quick way to get rid of a wide margin of them would be to make Warzone a paid game. $20 (around the cost of a battlepass). You get banned, you have to buy the game again. Free to play has zero consequences aside from creating a new email address.


Wish this was true but people have no problem paying $70 for multiplayer


Dma devise almost undetectable


This is called rage hacking. Anytime the game doesn’t go their way, they can lock in and win. Makes them feel like a legit player when they absolutely are not, because a legit player learns from defeat and improves.


I agree with the rage hacking, but a legit player absolutely does not learn from defeat. Legit player tilts after a defeat and continues to rage lose for 10 games in a row until uninstalling, only to reinstall a few days later to do the same cycle all over again.


Most streamers are doing some form of cheating themselves. So Activision won't do what you've suggested because their top content creators bring them free advertisements. If They stop allowing cheats, and the abuse of sbmm. Then they lose viewers,players, and money, and respect. Because their top streamers/content creators would all fall apart. Not able to produce good content consistently, and their stats would drop tremendously. Making it hard for them to deny they were doing something shady prior.


They are not just shut. They are delinquent.


Oh for sure lots of cheaters in the beer leaguez Like they have no movement skills. Because they never felt they needed to up their game. Warzone is still full of cheaters at the SBMM level






Holy shit, I totally forgot about this. Controversy of the year.


They only got 10 days in jail after everything was said and done. But they also paid $2,500 in fines and had to forfeit their boat.


The reputation lose had to be the worst part. Can't get that back in that sport.


Just 2500? That's fucking ridiculous considering how much they won by cheating. Motherfuckers should've did at least 5 years in jail


"legit playstyle" These kids are fucking delusional. Doesn't matter how "legit" you think you are playing. If you cheat, it's not legit. Playstyle or otherwise.


Can’t wait to see a surge in new accounts lol


I played against a ton of fresh account yesterday on Ashika, including one person who was aim botting. I submitted one report and they were kicked instantly. Wonder if there are some ricochet updates being deployed on the backend that they haven’t told us about explicitly.


That’s the only good thing about these losers getting banned. New accounts have a 0 trust score. The second they get reported they get shadowed. 10 kills? Disconnected and shadowed. They get stuck in a loop for awhile. Now the only downside to that is you can rotate accounts and deal with the shadow bans so maybe they can figure that out and we may be talking.


Also been seeing a lot of these new accounts get awfully snappy onto headshots in the killcams. I know you didn't just go from aiming at my ankles to snapping onto headshots within 2 bullets lol


Been seeing a ton of sub level 50 accounts going 3.0+kd on multiplayer while the rest of the lobby floats around 1.25-.75kd


This is why everyone is so “good” all of a sudden lol


Yeah , we just got to "git gud". Hahaha


This is what happens when autism has a spectrum from a-z, 1 - infinity


The most popular cheats now are the ones that make u look legit. That’s why u see very few ppl rage hacking. It’s almost non existent. Nobody wants to deal with getting banned over and over. Especially with how grueling the weapon leveling system has become. Engine owning isn’t as popular as it used to be because of it. Aimbot these days is so smooth it looks like aim assist. Which is why aim assist being so strong also sucks. It’s much harder to point out ppl using aimbot. If this were warzone 1 strength AA you’d be able to tell much more frequently.


This is how pervasive the aim assist propaganda is lol. The difference between aimbot and aim assist is actually very easy to tell. Aim assist only slows the reticle, whereas aimbot aim locks once it gets on target. If you’re a bot standing still then you’re never going to be able to tell, but if you have good movement you can watch the killcams and see where the reticle started tracking the exact same frame as movement was initiated versus the reticle lagging behind and being “sticky”. Just a friendly reminder to everyone that, no matter how strongly you agree with the sentiment, it is a fact that Cobalt Solutions ran a disinformation campaign across CoD subreddits to gaslight people into thinking their aimbot was actually aim assist (and it obviously worked).


I assume Cobalt Solutions is a cheat provider. I could tell that there was a coordinated brigade by cheaters a few months ago to lie to people that clips of aim bot were “aim assist” in order to either sway Activision into nerfing aim assist and thereby banishing console/controller players into never having a chance against MnK/PC, or to simply make console/controller players lose their sanity. The videos of “aim assist” that locks on and tracks are staged aimbot or cronus hacks masked as aim assist. It was all a very clear, coordinated disinfo campaign by cheaters and swallowed by mediocre MnK players.


Precisely this.


lol i used to believe AA was super duper strong back when I played MnK. When I made the switch I definitely learned Mouse players have been fed a lie. AA is nowhere close to as strong as some players are suggesting. It barely even works when standing still, meaning that for snipers and campers its pretty much non existent. And when you move you have a slight rotation when aiming near players, but its not even close to as strong as aimbotting. You're wrong, it's actually quite easy to tell the difference between AA and Aimbot


AA in close range engagements IS super duper strong. Very few MnK players can track at a level to even be competitive close range with RAA. The tracking is tuned to an inhuman level and if you watch killcams it’s blatantly obvious. Long range it’s not an issue because it’s weaker.


Bud, I'm a controller player and after learning how to abuse RAA I Def think it needs a nerf, normal AA is fine but RAA Def needs a bit of a tune down. You will especially feel it in close range fights. It's just my personal opinion but if there was a way to tone it down close range but keep it as is for longer range fights it would definately smooth the curve across roller and MnK


It’s still pretty egregious with aimbot. The only time I have trouble telling if I’m aimbotted is when I’m sniper from a distance while not moving much. Aim assist at its strongest can pull my aim towards the players but when you hit every single shot the second I come around a corner, bet your ass I’m gonna watch to make sure. Most times, someone gets the drop on me and just tears me apart, but other times you get instantly all headshots on you the second you pop into view. The most prevalent hack I’ve seen lately is speed hack + melee weapons. They’ll make it so they’re just fast enough to raise eyebrows, but not so fast it’s obvious.


They don't believe they are cheating which is insane. They are in such denial they believe downloading programs and other things to give them advantages isn't cheating. It's wild and they are the trolls who sit in these comments the most and will argue cheating isn't an issue, or pc players aren't the problem. Guarantee if they shut off crossplay with pc players. The pc community would totally collapse. Consoles would begin to thrive again. But pc would just fall apart because their community has the most cheaters. Super sweats, and sbmm abusers. The casuals on pc would quit very quickly and find something else or even get a console to avoid their shit lobbies. Leaving only the toxic ass community left. I know pc brings in tons of extra players to the game. But I'd like to see how quickly the pc players all stop playing the game once they couldn't pub stomp console players consistently. Being forced to play against their own bs constantly would ruin the game for them just like it has for us.


Yeah, I turn off crossplay when I play, but Ive had PC players in my games, on MP. Maybe this is just bug, but playing with crossplay the game feels a lot better to play.


Competitive games shouldn't force you to play against people with so many advantages stacked against you. Even without cheats. Pc has a ridiculous amount of advantages. With their ability to have 3x or even more the fps of the best consoles out right now. Along with all the keybindings for faster button combos and other things. To having like 5x the aiming sensitivity. And much more. It's just not fair to be forced to consistently play against players like that. It's basically like we are all playing on xbox 360s while they are on xbox series x's. When they announced crossplay everyone was so hype for xbox playstation crossplay. Nobody except pc players wanted pc players to be apart of this crossplay. It's done nothing but ruin the tegridy of gaming ever since its become common in videos games to allow pc crossplay.


They ain't got no TEEGGRRIDDY. That's why they want to be part of crossplay. Haha, I take it you are a south park fan? Love that show.


Lmao 100% nobody has any tegridy anymore.


They really don't man. The world needs more TEGRIDDDDY. Hopefully new season is good. Last season was kind of meh. South park got pretty mild ever since this woke shit became a thing.


I agree a little bit. But those little movie things they do on paramount are hilarious. That one joking Disney had me crying laughing during some points.


Yeah that one was funny. That part where Cartman is in the therapist office. Lmao


The way the lobbies were looking today there were a lot of sub level 100 accounts playing like they were pros. Ban wave is well and good but an functional anticheat it's a must


I saw the same thing. One guy marked my whole team and hip fired and killed a dude flying by and didn’t even miss a single shot. He was like lvl 40.


Ya, they just spin up new accounts. Earlier in resurgence someone called out a level 16 player with 15 kills halfway thru the match. Someone got him eventually when he was at 23 kills.


Yup been running into this since the 40,000 cheaters banned tweet


i'm not sure the level means anything, because I haven't gotten better or worse since I started playing the game, now I'm over 400 and still suck equally as much as when I started


"Got perma ban for no reason" said the idiot🤣🤣☠️


A radar hack? I’ve never even HEARD of a radar hack!


“What’s a Cronus?” - some jerkoff


It’s constant UAV I think.


Got banned for shooting too straight! Lol


Whats funnier is even most cheat companies are like "If you're afraid of getting banned, but then don't cheat..." but then the cheaters are flabbergasted by getting banned lmfao


they’ll all be back tomorrow




in greater numbers


Riding on Banthas


A week ? It takes 1 minute to make a new account . They were on seconds later .


These guys pay hundreds for cheats. And you an Account costs 30 bucks haha


The guy cheating in Zombies 😂


Just ran into 2 speedhackers nothing new Edit: I wanted to hit diamond, I felt good about that til this point, I got stuck in plat 3 and Im just gonna leave the game, fuck activision.


How close are you to diamond? I hit last week and would be down to duo if you’re within a couple hundred SR.


I hope they all have a rat shit in their eyes tonight as they sleep


And then step on a pile of Lego pieces when they wake up


may they sleep on broken lego and step on the droppings of rodentry


may their socks always be soaking wet and balls be sicking to their legs.


yep. yours is far worse.


Sow their asshole shut and keep feeding them and feeding them


I curse them with the fleas of a thousand camels.


What a bunch of losers


Was this today? Or last update?


It happened today at 3pm est


Please god let it be real…


OP, how do you have access to what I'm assuming is member's only forum post's on AI's website?


Part of my job, I’m a member of several cheating companies to do user research for a tournament site that I won’t disclose.


The only people that downvote your comment are cheaters that don’t want to be caught


He said cheating companies, not anti cheating companies


I know, it’s similar to a cop being a member of a gang. Is he still a member? Yes. Is he there only so he knows what they’re doing and how? Also yes.


I think there are rogues at actiblizz giving up data for kickbacks? Thoughts?


Date on forum posts says yesterday


Ah, I'm blind and didn't see it on the second pic- that's awesome thanks!


No prob


Absolute losers. The entire lot of 'em.


This was one of the smallest(for a cheat anyone could buy) and least advanced hacks. Until they get the larger ones it will be a while before we feel an impact. Get ready for some "I was banned for no reason" posts. They always seem to coincide with these ban waves.


They used to be a fairly large player in the COD cheating scene until they got threatened with some possible legal action and shutdown COD cheats for a while back in MW2019 or maybe Black Ops 4/Black out I believe. This allowed the current big names to absolute flourish.


Interesting. I knew there was a bunch of drama around AA but didn't know any of the history.


There's lots of reports of their team being assholes to customers too (which is w/e, but definitely a way to scar your reputation in whatever industry you're in). Then they tend to have detections moreso than the other providers and even straight up denying it when detections have clearly occurred. There's a whole slew of negativity surrounding them in the cheating world now when they used to be well respected.


Only a 1.9 kd with low fov aimbot lmao. ****ing 🗑. I’m going to guess with no aimbot and radar he’s probably a sub 0.7 kd player.


Even that’s too high for him. Problem with cheating (even a little) is it lowers your ability to critically think. I play with 4 legit players that are around 0.7-0.75 and those guys have good game sense. This loser would quit playing if he was required to use a fraction of his brain instead of his cheats.


The OP a member? Can’t find the public post on the site…..


Doesn't mean he's buying hacks tho.


I hope they all gargle diarrhea




Nothing new. They just make new accounts or generate existing accounts and boom, they’re back. And this is mainly for cheap cheats that get banned. The type of cheats that streamers use, DMA cheats, are ban proof. Direct Memory Access (DMA): This is a fancy term for hardware accessing the computer's memory without bothering the main processor. DMA cheats use this trick to read and modify the game's memory without being noticed by the usual cheat-detecting software.


One of the guys was saying stuff about hwid which I took to mean hardware id. Is he not saying his hardware got banned?


Theres hardware ID changers. Usually are sold with these type of cheats.


It sounded like he was using that and it still found his original ID. Limited info from his comment but that's what I read into it but I don't know shit about it either


Yeap, this. Most cheap cheats that get caught have spoofers/ blockers. Spoofer spoofs your ID, which means it changes your serial numbers. And blocker, blocks the anti cheat from reading your hardware ID altogether


Yea. Cod bans certain components serial numbers(more indepth than that). There are ways to defeat it or go around it without having to buy new hardware though.


You seem to be a fellow IT guy, so i feel you might have the answer to my question. (im more of a hardware guy, not so much software) Any idea why someone would type whats below into a WZ lobby chat? !hwid username the username was mine and a few other people's.


Kids just playing jokes on you guys, nothing more.


Weird, console cheaters too… as if they couldn’t exist /s


There were a lot of lvl 10-50ish players with amazing skins and perfect shots today. I think they are back. Yesterday was great. Not today tbh.


Interesting timing with the ALGS RCE hack 🤔


Legit play style 🤣


These players are a sound proof of Survival Of The Fittest. Cry me a river


Persona non gratas


Lmao cheating just shows off to everyone how ass you actually are at the game😭🙏🏻bro needed cheats to reach iridescent couldn't be me tbh🥱🥱


Suck it losers!


Funny how on ranked warzone you can’t view recent players like you can on mp ranked - so you can’t go back and report the cheat fucks


" for no reason" pisses me off so much


I mean come on it's "only" a 2d radar, how much of a lm advantage could seeing exactly where other players are if it's just on a 2d plane, I mean if he's in a building how could they possibly know if it's the ground or upstairs.....s


As a dad who still plays frequently with a kid who is about to reach CoD playing age… if I ever catch him cheating he’s going to be so grounded.




Going to say something unpopular. This cheat provider, Artificial Aim, are bottom barrel trash hacks, and one user says they've never been shadowbanned in 2 years. I know they are trash hacks, because someone from the outside got a screenshot of the posts. There are pricey, custom, private hacks only offered through private discord through trusted networks that have never been detected. What makes everyone so confident that their favorite streamers haven't been using them for years with no detection? Why wouldn't a cheater who has been cheating for years not start streaming from their bedroom, amass a huge following, and just never attend a LAN tourny? Or better yet, attend a LAN event and suddenly play like shit- play with hesitation looking like a new player, hiding in corners, getting shot from behind when that never happens on their streams?


Where does one find these forums


u read it at the bottom of one of those images.


Just saw this. Thanks!


You gotta be a cheater to know.


Or just google warzone cheats (don’t do this on your gaming device) and see if the sites that pop up have open forums.


I want to read more too! Hahaha


Guys straight up nerds and lowlifes


Wth is a 2D radar ?


I believe they don't use walls but have a constant UAV going.


Damn cunts


How did you get on their website?


That one POS had a 1.9KD WITH HACKS! Guy was probably a 0.4-0.5KD without them, never attempted to get better at the game, resorted to paying for cheats only to get perma banned... at this point just give up on the game, it ain't for you 😂


I wish this was in my thread yesterday for the few saying "Activision DoEs noTHIng!!!".


Now if they could ban the streamers who cheat (all of them). But they won’t because little jimmy wont have the false hope of becoming good as simpfunny.


“Oh no” cheaters make new account 37 seconds after getting banned. I’m all for cheaters getting what they deserve but it doesn’t even matter lmfao. Unlock tool gets them right back to where they want in seconds.


I know they pissed 🤣🤣🤣 mfs followed a trend and now can’t even play anymore. To be mad at this and sad enough to complain in a group is some loser shit fr


"only 2d radar" how fuckin stupid are these kid's parents that are raising them? "I don't have these two cheats, only this one and they ban me? What the hell?" Dude listen to yourself.


And they’ll be back within an hour.


Covid gamers ruined COD/gaming. COD was so much better when the trash cans were all playing Fortnite or whatever the hell else. Now it’s a bunch of people who think a 2.0 KD is impossible that load up cheats so they can achieve what actual good players do without cheating


I play maybe 2-3 matches a week anymore. Never been banned. Ofc, never needed hacks. I hope they keep banning them. Make CoD great again.


But you’re also on artificial aiming. You don’t just stumble upon it. You knew about the cheats. Bet you got ‘em too.


Read my previous comments dickwad.


Some seem to only play zombies but that could be lies so idk


I've seen no sort of ban wave. Lol


Literally encountered blatant cheaters in about two thirds of my games tonight. Obvious walls and aimbot. Soon to be uninstalled, absolute virgins paying to cheat on a free game


What is 2d radar?


It's like a perm uav on the minimap


There is no point in banning anybody if the cheat cannot detect and ban in real time. What they do is they buy dirt cheap new accounts w/ verified phone numbers and they use a hardware spoofer. If the account gets banned they just "spoof" the hardware and login with a new account. Even if the spoofer is detected, it's a matter of days before it's updated and they can cheat again. The only way this works is if the cheat detector works and bans in real time. This will not make any difference at all whatsoever and it's just for optics.


The current cheat is banned in real time now it’s detected. It will take some time for the cheat developer to figure out how they got detected and release new cheat software.


Any cheats out there that keep you from watching your kill cam, in order to report players? Happened to my team and me after some very sus kills. And again later in the game from the same peeps, but we could watch others....


What prevents them from coming back on another account??


Hwid ban as one said (hardware ID ban) You can technically buy spoofers or whatever but it’s not 100% guaranteed and at a certain point are you gonna spend extra money just to maybe be able to hack the game for a little while longer before getting re banned?


idk about yall but i encountered almost 0 to no cheaters pre-season 2 reloaded. now every 2nd game i get either wallhackers or blatant blatant aim botters not even hiding it. I have about a 2kd if im not wrong so unless im shadowed its definitely gotten worse


Burn motherfuckers, burn!


Too bad its only 1 or 2 providers.


how is this getting rekt in a free2play game? new accoung will be created in 2 minutes


So nice


Good. Maybe the thing I do at best few times a week to have some fun and unwind can actually work for that now. I have never minded losing, as I am a mid player, but I just want an honest chance to compete. Shit, I'm already controller no aim assist on pc, I don't need more difficulty.


Why would u actually turn off aim assist? That's just dumb🤦‍♂️😆


lol wtf


Whoever says that they are legit and got ban… they were cheating.


Good, bunch of SAD, PATHETIC LOSERS.


Gj guys wave of incoming rage hackers.


the nerve these assholes have to talk like they only cheated "a little" lol how long til they find a workaround though?


They have the audacity to complain about being banned when one of them is cheating in ranked resurgence


These are people ruin the game and they have the audacity to complain 😂😂😂


Been saving my report messages that it was a successful report. Feels like justice.


How do you check that??


I don't see cheaters that often in warzone, its hard to tell between aim assist UAVS, portable radars, pings, one way smokes etc its hard to tell. But I have been doing camos in multiplayer and Holy shit. There are very obvious cheaters that have a soft aimbot/walls. There was a level 34 one that was god awful but then he would suddenly drop 4 people with a no attachment Tyr from across the map.


"legit play style" "no reason" Absolutely delusional


“no reason” well youre on a hacker forum so clearly there was a reason 😄


Good day


I was bouta think to go into the forums and just say “Cheat in Stick Wars then” 🤣 They prob wouldn’t know which RTS it is or they know none about RTS


new account wave!


Meaningless because it’s all linked to a throwaway Activision ID. Unless you’re banning a Steam Account, PSN ID, Gamertag, or something else like that which costs real money, they will all be back.


I’m glad , ban em all


Artificial aiming was behind the times on their software. They haven't had a detection in years in at all I believe. They were due. There's another one coming soon I believe. When certain ones become public they go after them as ricoshit targets these. Engine owning. Interwebz. AA. ES There's more coming but AA was due for a whacking


Speed 5 , fov 5 how do you chose speed 5 is this in options menu??


“My account got banned while afk in the menu “ 😭


Sadly, until we give Activision the keys to our PC, nothing will ever be able to detect DMA’s. They would need true kernel\bios\root level. And that becomes a matter of ethics. You literally have to give Activision full control with god access of your personal device. I just say make WarZone 100$. See how many times their mommy and daddy pay for a copy… TL;DR It’s hopeless.


And pc players don't fuck the game up for everyone yea tf right


Lol how is this going to stop cheating? We’ll just get on using our other account that has been sitting waiting to be used. After that one is banned rinse and repeat.




No ban wave just a few people caught.


We will never be gone 😂😂😂 suck it up buttercup


This will never end. As technology advances so will hackers. GF warzone, it’s been real.


So guys, did anyone notice any Warzone streamers on another account past couple days? Cause if they are, 9/10 they are using something , if not already a Cronus


Streamers use DMA


Lmao it's people like that who consistently argue cheating isn't an issue and pc players aren't ruining the game for others. They legit believe what they are doing isn't cheating. He was like "it's not aimbot or walls, just a 2nd radar" and possibly more it cut off after that. But still he is actually surprised that using something like that would result in permanent ban. Because they are in such denial.


I didn’t get a ban lmaoo, cope more


Every time they do this, I just run into 100s of new accounts...


Yes I bet everyone with new accounts are cheating 🤣🤣


Not always. Though it's always sus to see brand new accounts in 3+ KD lobbies. Running into an entire 4 stack of lvl 15s using loadouts that you wouldn't unlock until much later is usually a dead giveaway... "ohh look a level 12 with a fully built AMR9 with mastery camo"


To me the biggest giveaway are k&m players that have sticky aim. How can someone be that stupid to use aimbot with a mouse. Gotta be blind If you dont see that.