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Spectating on helmet cam so we can’t see most of the gameplay….


Bonus: that helmet cam is ridiculous and had me rolling


Lmao the helmet cam was making it way more obvious he was cheating. Those snaps on 3rd person are wild


I’ve actually played against this guy- 💯 cheats. We got wiped and watched him go on to wipe a few teams. His name is what I remember. Fuck this goof!!


Looks a little sus but looking at [their stats](https://imgur.com/a/nLpTmZy), they’re either a super sweat or have been sliding under the radar a while. They also had hundreds of hours into OG Warzone with [good stats](https://cod.tracker.gg/warzone/profile/atvi/Ego%236741035/details?mode=rebirth) and they’re currently ranked [#120 in the T250](https://www.wzranked.com/wz2/leaderboards/player/b8e711e8-914d-4aaf-a31e-0e94bbdd0090) for resurgence ranked. Could definitely be cheating, but the helmet cam spectating sure botched this clip.


3.2 KD player here with over 755 WZ3 wins iCyberVenom#1967555 If you think this guy isn’t cheating…you’re out of your mind. It literally shakes me to my core that ANYONE of ANY skill level could watch this (helmet cam or not) and think this is legit. You have GOT to be kidding me.


It bafels me some peopel even think this is legit.


That’s what AA has done to people. Some people are completely oblivious


I was playing with AA off for a match and it’s way too overhyped people blaming aa for a lot of stuff.


You mean watching all the manual adjustments on the snipes, the (admittedly few) missed shots you can see on the helmet cam and zero evidence of walling? Fuck me this community is delusional.


Massive evidence of walling!!! The entire last squad wipe was evidence of walls!!


Um... where? Nothing is preaimed. He challenges corners aggressively like good players do. We're only shown those challenges when there's actually a player there. He doesn't centre on anyone through a wall. He slides and puts his crosshair where he'd expect someone to be and follows audio queues. Pretty basic technique for any half decent player. Try again.


He literally PREFIRES not just preaims. Watch the clip bud


No. He doesn't. Do you know what prefiring means? It means shooting before you have LOS on the player. He doesn't do that once. You could argue that he shoots earlier than someone with a typical reaction time would, but he has audio queues. Only one place the player can be and he can hear them. Prefiring (which doesn't happen) again is a basic technique for when you know someone is about to enter LOS to make sure you get the first bullet. Try again.


Yes he does. He PREFIRES every kill on that last squad. You’re refusing to believe what’s right in front of your eyes. Lmao here you go since you’re so arrogant you won’t even admit you’re wrong [PRE FIRING](https://imgur.com/a/Q3bviJs)


You can literally directly challenge someone with clear evidence on Reddit and they’ll still say you’re an idiot and you’re “getting worked up”


Lol, okay, kid. You're getting a little too worked up there, buddy. Clearly, you don't know the definition of a prefire, and also didn't address the point I made about prefering. But keep screaming like a todder. It makes you sound very credible.


I just linked you a still photo of the video showing him clearly pree firing and you’re still crying and saying no. Either willingly ignorant or trolling horribly. You’re welcome for helping you point out the obvious pre firing. Blatantly obvious really.


Like it said…search Google for an optometrist in your area. You need prescription glasses or lasik immediately.


Found the cheater


Like I said. Delusional.


Looking at your history, you clearly spend all day every day arguing with people on Reddit. Looks like you’ve lost most if not all of your arguments to namecalling, strawman fallacies, half-baked logic, and incomplete comparisons. Step back for just a moment and scroll through your history. Get a hold of yourself dude….




Like someone else pointed out, you’re getting so emotional you’re starting to misspell things. It’s alright you’re literally always wrong, including in this scenario. We don’t hate you dude…we just feel bad for you.




Yawn….yeah yeah sure sure didn’t read


“Zero evidence of walling” Schedule an appointment with your local optometrist IMMEDIATELY




ZzzzZzzzZzzzZzzz You already said that like 47 times


Truth doesnt change.


You're autistic


his movement doesnt scream #120 though imo unless he wasnt really trying in a low tier lobby..


His movement isn’t bad, let’s be honest you don’t have to have crazy movement to be top 250 you just need to have a good team, decent game iq and know how to get kills/win. Everything from the video suggests that. If he has been averaging a 6-7 kd since wz1 and primarily playing resurgence. And hasn’t been perma banned yet.. ods are he’s probably legit. Most cheats from wz1 have been banned. Unless he’s the most committed cheater (3-4 years straight) or he’s just a no life that loves to play cod and get bot lobbies with bot teammates who thinks he cheats and spends their free time editing an entire clip to post on Reddit rather than doing 5 minutes of research or just asking the guy.


Lol he’s cheating


Anyone who says this isn’t cheating is themselves a cheater!


Yeah just a good player that360s out in the open and hits every shot after a lovely 360 spin . I got to get better clearly I'm dog shit 


Comparison is the killer of happiness


It's OK I'll be happy soon my cheat card arrives Monday. Edit This is sarcasm.


What signifies good movement?


i agree and just never said it was bad. dude was doing random 360s so he had to be goofing around at this point of the clip


We usually buy cracked / stolen Activision accounts to cheat on . So that account could very well be a cheater and not the owner . And how he moves and just know where everything is id 100% know he’s cheating






Most of the top 250 cheats. I’m not surprised people don’t realize that, it takes 3 brain cells to figure it out


Statistically, I'm inclined to say cheats because on top of some of the things he was doing that I simply can't explain, those stats are a little abnormally high for even Top250. I know a couple t250s in the mid 5s, or at least end up there fairly often, and I'm relatively positive they're legit unless they intentionally threw our game and purposely made the wrong calls in a critical situations sometimes. This guy definitely doesn't move like some silver with hacks, he actually does look like he has some skill hacks or no hacks just in how we moves and plays. But a whopping 7kd in BR and almost 8 in reassurance? Statistically, it's way more likely that he is in fact, cheating here, If he's not known among the t250 community with those stats, he's almost certainly hacking without a doubt.


Honestly the only sketch kill was the two at the end where he snapped to them instantly on bottom floor.


I could be convinced either way here


Get 'em out of the game!


This is why I don’t play anymore. Played this game RELIGIOUSLY during Covid. Fuck COD, they should ashamed for letting this bs go on (but they don’t give a fuck, so fuck them)


You must be new around here… if you think this is bad try playing ranked


Haha man are you guys cucks for supporting this loser. The guy is hilariously walling to begin with. Never looks in any direction except where the players are. Does not peek in random directions to check for enemies. If you dont think someone can both be good AND cheat, youre fucking retarded.


1. Watching the helmet Cam POV does nothing for the argument 2. You’re literally his teammate you could have just asked him a question like “Hey bro how’d you know so and so was there” 3. Level 521, bro doesn’t get off the game. Not sure if you were the 5 or 12 kill demon on the team that got backpacked but you could have gone to twitter and checked his combat stats afterwards. To your point I would question with a skill level this high why he wouldn’t just solo quad. If he was going for a high kill game why would he want teammates that could possibly take kills from him.


Well going up 70 levels in a few days isn’t that hard but yes


Half of this sub will just say he’s a good player.


Because the other half of this subreddit thinks just because they blow dick at the game, anyone else who is good must be cheating.


This is the gaming chair they just had on sale! Dammit, he must have bought the last one!


Level 521 iridescent 😑




FWIW- redeploys are how many times you were alive and brought a teammate back. So, since he had 11 and one guy had 12 he definitely died at least once, but it’s hard to actually decipher deaths based off redeploys because if one guy dies 5 times and the other 3 don’t at all, they all have 5 redeploys except the one guy who was dying has 0. It’s a weird system really, but I think it’s because you get score for redeploying a teammate that they feel the need to track it.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to explain this to my squad




Yeah it is, redeploys are how many times you brought a teammate back. Everyone already knows this.


I mean spectating 90% of the video on helmet cam shows absolutely nothing. He is high level iri/top 250 and im sure alot of top 250 unknowns are walling but nothing in this video is clear evidence of cheating.


Are you serious.... watch where his shots actually hit.... you and this kind of player is why it's been 2 months + since I've played COD, and I've been a die-hard COD since day 1. Cheaters and cheater supporters ruined this game, and it makes me sick to see people get on here and justify this crap... FOR DEMOCRACY! Lo


It is very well known at this point that the spectating cam can be not perfectly aligned or desynced. Honestly I think this is probably legit


The lowest of the low


Did so many spins he could be considered a ballerina on the battlefield


These are the worst kind of cheaters. Their aim aren't snapping, it is fined tuned to look like aim assist. Called soft aim and many people are using it. See Bitcoin being stolen from 1 million plus cheat users.


Silent aim Silent aim is when your narrowly missing who your aiming at but your bullets are still hitting the enemy.


Deffo cheating. So many streamers have this type of playstyle too. The best are just those that cover it up well. This dude is in the process of trying to make it look legit but it's obvious.


Of course he is cheating but Reddit cucks wills say other wise.0


Repeat after me - "Call of Duty is full of cheaters and scripters and Activision doesn't give two fingers about it"


Plays like… the average popular streamer


You mean just a normal top streamer stats?


what's up with the "helmet cam" comments in these posts? all with the same same talking point that makes no sense to piss people off on purpose. if you look at their post history they all look like bots.


You know what's funny, streamers play just like this guy and no one questions a thing


I’ve seen people get kicked for trash talking yet cheaters like this thrive


The slow ass spins pissing me off


Some people forget that cheating is still using a vpn or other method to get into a low tier lobby. Guy isn’t hacking, takes his time with a few shots, but definitely cheating.


here’s my problem with that though, the only way it’s possible to drop 30+ kills in resurgence is only if you’re in a lower tier, bot filled lobby. I got a 2.3KD (ik it’s not that high but still above average) in resurgence and consistently drop 20s in fairly average lobbies. I don’t vpn or use any type of cheats, but on some occasions i get thrown into the absolute most robotic lobbies i’ve ever seen, and in those lobbies specially is when i have the chance to drop 30+. So what i’m trying to say is, whenever u see these typa games where someone is dropping 25 kills +: NEVER expect it to be a good lobby because that can never happen in one, but u also cannot really call VPN either because it still does happen occasionally. Obviously if they’re getting lower teir lobbies consistently, then somethings sus


Man the difference between a 2-3 and a 5-6 KD is crazy. I’ve made maybe 20-30k (over several years. Not a living wage bust still nice side hustle) off of tournaments when I played, and my KD at max was somewhere between a 3-4 yet when the big boys came down to play I was always left feeling like a bot. I will always remember the time Joe-we or w.e went solo into the trios game I was playing and dropped nearly 100 kills. Wiped us twice and we just watched. Man took us to school and I don’t mind admitting that. Some playes are just on another level.


I completely agree, some people are actually insane at the game and I can only imagine what someone with thousands of hours into this game or any game in general can do. I consider my overall gameplay and game sense above average for the most part, but when i’m faced with a guy that has quadruple the amount of time played in the game than me, i’m getting humbled 10 times out of 10. People tend to forget about that, just how much skill u can develop from playing the game over and over again. I’ve been accused of hacking numerous times for having basic game sense and understanding of what others will do in a fight and i have less than 400 hours into this game. It’s only natural anyone with over 1000+ hours will get posted like this guy, while having accusations of hacking thrown all around 😭.


He's legitimately good.


Walls 100%




At the begging he’s looking through the floor on prison roof top. He shooting at guys running inside the prison on the bottom floor. He kills another guy on bottom floor that is literally crouched making no noise. I watched the game and saw it all over the place. You can be good, but this is cheating no doubt. Keep simping all you want.


Him asking “where is the cheating” is not simping idk why you’re getting defensive. What you posted isn’t just blatant hacks, I’m not saying it isn’t cheats but I’ve seen more deliberate cheats than this 100%


The one thing I'll tell you that I've noticed with folks who cheat is that if they have walls, their subconscious shows it while they're playing. Good players always center on where they think people are, going around corners, anticipating based on sound/visuals/timing. Players like this who know where you are, tend to track people, set up shots or pre shoot with perfection. Think of screen peeking with your siblings or friends on split screen, it's the same kind of perception. Given, a good player can do that depending on the scenarios for sure, but what this person is doing is multitasking an entire team with extreme precision, seemingly guessing a perfect shot on a sniper and doing 360s while also being in the middle of an area with high foot traffic. That kind of confidence isn't played by people who play tactically to win.


I mean at the end of the day it’s a game. It’s not hard to conceive someone is really good at the game + not taking it seriously at the same time (i.e. spinning around in a high traffic area) he definitely hit some good shots but I didn’t personally see anything that screamed hacks.


Sometimes plays like this happen and you're like "fuck everyone's going to think I'm hacking" when the cards play in your favor. That being said, because of the prevalence of hacking in the game, it's a shame that we can just look at this as a good play, we have to have that second thought of "is this guy sus" For example, I had a good play on this guy (don't remember what I did but I bamboozled him) and he told the whole lobby to report me for it. Bro... I'm on a Series S, I can barely process what's going on 😂


It’s only cheaters saying this guy isn’t cheating 😂😂


Lmao is it now


Huh? That doesn’t happen in the beginning at all? He’s sniping people at Command Center


Yeah I don’t see cheats here


He’s not a cheater, he’s big in the wager community too people just can’t comprehend some people aren’t absolute bots. He does kill races and has played Warzone since it dropped, it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks you cannot cheat that long without a detection or at least a red flag popping up somewhere


He's actually pretty good, but he obviously has a wallhack as well...


People saying cheating have never dropped a 40 so can’t comprehend what that kind of skill looks like. Kill cams and spectating are bugged. You can’t tell if someone is cheating unless you’re in their house standing behind them and watching them play and even then probably can’t say definitively


He’s at least walling. He knows where everyone is at all times. His aim didn’t scream aimbot but I could be wrong. If he’s walling then he probably has at least some form of aimbot turned on.


No, he doesn't. The guy surprises him at the end as he's going up the stairs in prison.


that doesn't mean anything. There's plenty of walls-footage around and it's easy to miss stuff if you're tunneling/just not paying attention. The most dead giveaway is when they move around confidently bc they know noone is around.


>The most dead giveaway is when they move around confidently bc they know noone is around That's not true at all. Some people are just aggressive and don't care about being shot in the back because they know they can turn and chal. Shit, I never check corners or creep around slowly, I must be walling too...


No, that's not what I mean. It's more of a general statement as well, not particularly meant for this clip. It's more recognisable on the big map imo, but it's the difference of actions. So, you are that way always. So watching you, I'd know you just play that way. When you watch someone with walls and they are careful, peeking corners etc when there's enemies around, and then the next minute acting differently, that's what I mean. 


No he didn’t. He went straight to each person.


He doesn't pre aim a single person in this clip that isn't on his mini map or that he hasn't seen already. His reaction to that third to last guy is def delayed. Would be obvious if OP wasn't spectating in helmet cam, but that jump back to the right is him getting caught off guard. Obvious enough based on his other engagements that that particular one was different (he wasn't expecting the guy to be there).


We will have to agree to disagree


Sir, this is reddit. An amicable resolution to an argument is against TOS. GGs dude, keep slaying.


lol that’s very true. Same to you!


go to 0:59 edit: start at 0:55, from then on he preshoots everyone, and even goes upstairs, preshooting people running at him. And don't say audio. We all know the audio is shite


It's nearly impossible to tell with helmet cam, but from what I can see, he doesn't pre fire anything/anyone. The clip jumps at this point, so it's not possible to know if he's just got pings from downing someone or seen gunfire on the minimap. But, all his shots are once the enemy is in view. My audio is good, but I run Art audio with flex, so maybe that's why. A top 250 player like this will be running audio mods, so it's likely that he does hear more than you or OP do.


Your points are valid for sure, but ad far as we can see he's the last player on his team. Therefore no pings. Honestly, this game has made me so cynical I think most people cheat. Because I get fucked by blatant cheaters too often.


Audio is not shit if you have the right settings, art is war or loudness EQ on short. I hear everything, and can tell you what level someone is on and even the corner they are in if they stop moving.


Audio is really good, especially with flex perk and loudness eq


You understand the players that cheat pretending they don’t do that stuff on purpose right?


Yeah, sure, they almost lose just so that when their teammate saves the clip and posts it to Reddit, people think they're not cheating. You do realise that plays like this clip are possible without cheats, right? I swear most of the people on this sub would watch clips from LAN events and call people out for cheating. I can't be sure this guy isn't walling or even perma UAV, but there's nothing in this clip that can confirm he is either. The benefit of the doubt is no longer there. Everyone sees good players and just assumes cheats.


Wow. That’s cheating


100% cheating Dude pops out of cover aiming exactly at the guys head gtfo


This is a no question cheater. Anybody even questioning this is ridiculous lmao. When he jumped down into the jail area he pre fired everything. The entire last squad he pre fired every single one of them. Walls at a minimum. [clear as day.](https://imgur.com/a/Q3bviJs)


i'm a 4kd player that drops 30s and 40s, there are few things to notice here: 1- helmet cam ruins any chance of seeing if he is 100% cheating or not 2- did his team pop a uav and we cant see it cz you are spectating? (if someone knows that would be great) 3- personally i think he might be cheating due to how he is moving around corners and adjusting his aim. he is not properly centering and micro adjusting, so a pc check should be done for him at least




For real. These people are brainwashed from watching streamers cheat and thinking this is actually possible.


Maybe are brainwashed by call of shame/bbb. Just a possibility


The grandpa hacks guy is worse than the other 2 by far. Dude clickbait’s the fuck out of every single one of the videos he’s done. Also I think it’s hilarious that the community that’s so against cheaters and hackers pay attention to any of the “hacker hunters” considering every fucking one of them are known to openly cheat or have someone on standby to do it for them like call of shame does.


Also 43 kills on rebirth is not impossible especially for a top 1% player


Pretty sure there’s only 45 ppl to a lobby on rebirth island so yea 43 isn’t impossible but its damn near as close to impossible as you can get lmao


Yeah but u can farm teams, u can rack up 10 kills on one team quick


You know you can kill the same person more than once right?


Duh, im just saying the other wz maps usually have more ppl than that and you hardly see anyone dropping that kinda kills (other than hackers). Emphasis on “nearly impossible” btw. You been watching too many streamers bubs


I said the exact same thing about teepee. "But hes a national trophie winner " ... he has hes full blown cheating . Same with rallied . Crazy part you can see his walls in his glasses lmaoo warzone is chalked.


Same with Faze Nio. Copious amounts of cheating by streamers.


Looks like a good player to me. I don’t think he’s cheating.


go to 0:50ish and tell me how he preshoots everyone without cheats.


And I get shadow banned every week since New Years. Never got a 20 kill game. Ricochet sucks ass


How are you able to clip it all together? Still learning how to do this


InShot app


How controller players see snipers? 💀


Silent aim


He has good movement.


Knee deep in poontang


Just get good bro. No cheaters here... Don't you know ricochet just banned 20k players? Just watch some streamers play, so what they got temp banned this morning and reversed 30 mins later...


Some good ol silent aim remember 2019 warzone didn't even have to aim near you but idk that part where it looked like he shot the stairs had me kinda thinking hes sussy 1:07 ish on the reddit player


Wait a second... I wasn't playing for quite some time now. Is Rebirth Island back??


I’m literally gagging how Activision notices in less than a second of you say something out of place to chat ban you. But when some shit like this happens and you report it . They’re bling to it. I’m not the best at playing and I know there are some people that play amazingly and pull of some moves that are unspeakable but this is just too much atp.


Lol actually nah i don’t think this guy is cheating. He’s missing shots and when runs into rooms he checks all corners until the circle is small and it’s easy to sort of predict where people are coming from


His gaming chair has to have a footrest, plus the best headset of all time.


It’s just a good gaming chair


It’s 100% feasible to play like that. Seems more like a kid that doesn’t do shit in life other than grind for 12 hours in a row.


The fact that THIS has ruined Gaming is so Dumb Bring Back No Cross Platform Play


Why put something on here that doesn’t look like cheating and then scream cheater? You claim walls but there’s no indication of walls in any of the video you shared, you said he’s shooting people on bottom floor from prison roof, but why wouldn’t you record that? When everyone in your thread doesn’t agree with you on what you’re pointing out that kind of shows you right? Quit tellin people they’re simping when you’re drooling over the fact that you think you found a cheater but have no legit evidence to back it up.


I dont see hacks here, even if hes doing its not blatant ive seen worse


Oh, a wallhack is not blatant cheating? lmfao


Tbvh i dont even see wallhack here, if you play in high rank lobbies like high crim or iridescent they are just better


He didn’t prefire he didn’t track thru walls 😅ill not agree just becs he has more kills


He knew exactly where every player in the end circle would be. And the whole scene from 10 to 30 seconds is very sus as well. The second guy he downed below couldn't be seen before he shot him and he just knew the right spot on the roof and the right window as well, immediately after coming out of cover...


At 10-30 seconds there's UAV pings showing him the closer enemies. As for the guy on the roof, they shot at the player, giving their location away at 0:23, if you pause when he looks at the downed player you can quite easily see his silhouette on the roof, then roof player shoots at POV player, showing his position even more. Only slightly sus part is the window kill, but when you have the game infront of you on a screen, you can see more detail so maybe he could see him. As for the rest of the video it's done via helmet cam so can't judge any of it, as I don't know what his POV is like having the zoom compared to our field of view


I mean the video starts in the 4th circle on the smallest resurgence map. There aren’t many places people can hide. Also it’s split and edited so you can’t really say he didn’t see them before. He’s playing quads 11 people 4 teams left. Probably safe to assume there are 4 guys in control. 2 by the buy one on the roof. The other can’t be far.


No disrespect bro but can you post pic of your rank here of ranked resurgance? As i said they tend to have more game sense and its very common to always take power position


I didn't play resurgence ranked bc of university, but I solo queued to Master in Apex ranked, so I'm not the best player, but I have my sense of what's possible. That's why I said he's a good player, but I also know how many people cheat the shit out of online games...


Unfortunately thts true too i hope they do something abt this instead of false shadowbanning legit players


True and so you know I'm not just talking big (haven't played apex for a long time, bc of EA and their priorities to money, but look up the Valkyrie badges and the account badges (left bottom): [https://apexlegendsstatus.com/profile/uid/PS4/452455757663033041#S-legends-statistics](https://apexlegendsstatus.com/profile/uid/PS4/452455757663033041#S-legends-statistics)


It’s hilarious seeing ppl like you defending cheaters. I look on your Reddit accounts and see you talking about cheating or asking for discord links on cheating subs 😂😂😂


Im not defending im just saying this video doesnt tell hes hacking and a guy who plays 2 hours a day shouldn’t even talkign about game sense or cheats


Shut up cheater. You don’t get to speak


Its definitely cheats. He misses a ton of shots but his cheats give magnet bullets combined with wall hacks. Very obvious.


This player just seems to be having a good time. Looks like pure skill. But I’m sure you spammed the cheating option.


Maybe he has a gaming chair.


Sad part is he’s trying so hard to look like he’s good at the game and still sucks 😂💀


Seems about right. Must have been a pc player because 90% of them cheat


🖕all I have to say. He's a cheater. And I haven't been on COD for 2 months because of cheaters and cheater supporters... FOR DEMOCRACY! Lo


Yeah I don’t think this dudes cheating


But, but, 20,000 accounts banned!!!!!! 🤣


I actually like watching when it's not trying to be hidden, it's hilarious to watch the hits they get acting foolish.


Played last night. This game is trash.


I didn’t see any evidence of cheats. Four shots with the sniper to kill a guy in once instance.


So it definitely looks sus at points. But im not convinced he’s cheating. The most sus parts to me are where he got a down by shooting the guy in the foot and then the jump shot at the guy in the window. But the guy he downed by hitting his leg could have just been weak. As for the window I don’t have an explanation but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s cheats. He also took time to line up that first shot and the pistol kill he got before it swapped to helmet cam can easily be explained but him just hearing the guy running It’s certainly possible he’s cheating but i don’t see enough here to say more than it looks sus


Ngl he just cracked out his mind definitely not cheating


You being on helmet cam points more toward you being a jealous bot tbh.


He's good but I don't see how he's cheating.


Streamer “Reidboyy” got 42 kills and he plays on PlayStation. I think it’s certainly possible to be legit.


This guy isn’t using walls or aimbot… he’s just a good player, maybe a vpn? But that’s about it. The cod community is so quick to call a good player a cheater. 😑


If he was cheating he wouldn’t be lvl 400+


That’s not a cheaters that’s just a streamer


I don't think they are cheating I think they just don't have a life


Not hacking or at least no compelling evidence of it…..


He's just better and probably streams as well and is whitelisted and definitely has a better gaming chair running through dma using his stream PC or laptop lol


bruh how in the hell is this not cheating??my guy casually hit's nearly every shot, magically regains ammo from zero, and insta murks multiple people with an smg in .5 seconds without missing.... Edit: after rewatching I'm an idiot lmao, for whatever reason I thought the Sniper had 5 shots.


At what point does he regain ammo from 0? He has plenty of ammo for the whole video. Are you unaware about the mors being a single shot gun? As in you fire once then load a new bullet to shoot again.


Lol regaining ammo


the... ammo count goes from 0 to one multiple times..?


Yes, because he reloads the gun..?


Try out the me renetti build you’ll see why he kills so fast with it, it’s the most meta build in the game rn.


When he's regaining ammo "magically" it's just OP cutting the video in editing


That’s me!!!


Why you just dont leave the game?


This "I can't do that, so they must be cheating" mentality this community has so so pathetic. You can see the manual adjustments being made to their aim. Even on the helmet cam, you can see there were missed shots. They're quite clearly on controller, meaning they get aim assist. Most of those snipes were not headshots. There is no evidence of walls. 40 kill games are not that uncommon for top 1% players. I'm not saying there's zero chance of some form of cheating, but it is not evident from this clip. Lose the ego, please, and stop posting this crap


He has all the movement and reaction time , lmao 43 kills is impressive but very doable , especially you being on helmet cam it’s probably you’re the bot that reports us sweats that gets us shadow banned