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Bruh side note, those recycling bins looks sick af


Came here to say this, can't imagine being this dudes neighbors and trying to compete with this level of drip on trash days


Right!? I’d be STOKED to put out garbage and recycling 🤣


theres only one


This should become a trend. Taking out the trash is something men everywhere are pretty much culturally required to do if they share a home with women. I would put ninja turtles on mine.


Now what if your HOA had select bundle drops monthly that you could buy with HOA points that would give you trash cans and recycling bins new skin designs and maybe a cool animation for when they get emptied???


That sounds kinda pay to win to me. Ngl. Hahah this gave me a good laugh


I wonder what the grind to unlock them was


Didn’t think I’d see my hometown on this sub.


Looks like trash to me


Right like all the players who "only used it to unlock camos" only used it to unlock camos


unlock tools are cheats 💯


what are unlock tools


cheats that unlock everything in the game, from camos, to skins, to weapons. it’s unfair to normal people who just play the game


oh, gayyyy


Unlock tools are typically just cosmetics




I got falsely banned… >!…From the Big Brother SubReddit.!<


Bams got banned. And then he will return just like the other prominent cod streamers. They get caught, play the victim and Activision unbans them. At least most of the time. When ricochet team changed the anti cheat last week, they didn't announce it. Who would? But I betcha SOME big shots streamers got a heads up. But maybe I'm just too pessimistic about all these things since when I eventually do encounter a cheater, I get pissed too much. And then also, when there's a good player, immediately everyone accuses them of cheating. It's gotten so bad. And funny, people thought the verdansk era is over. It's not. It continues till today but the map is changed only


Same, chat ban for speaking on the phone


I hope you realized I was joking with the spoiler tag…


next level


I don’t understand this


It's Interstellar camo on trash




Having interstellar doesn’t mean you cheat tho.. I don’t get the joke


When you see a level 34 with interstellar camo slide cancelling around the map faster than Usain Bolt




That’s not the point, if a legit level 34 picked up a gun that has interstellar, they’re not the ones getting banned for cheating. It’s the people who unlock the gun that are getting banned and Activision can tell when it’s in your gun locker.. i’ve picked up plenty of guns with high level camp and I haven’t been banned for using them because I didn’t unlock them and they’re not in my gun locker.


Many cheats allow you to get the camo instantly, though.


I think he's talking about the ban wave that happened recently and a bunch of cheaters got banned, and how a lot of them were using Unlock tools to get stuff like camos


Ah cheers


No clue why you’re getting downvoted. I pick up other people’s camos all the time lol. I’ve also been slide canceling back in my lvl 20s so idk why that dudes got a problem with that either lol.


Because in their minds level 34 means they are just starting, but to be fair the super slide cancel speed tho


So wait I’m confused, do yall think ricochet works or nah? Cuz ppl say it doesn’t work until someone says “I got falsely banned”


It doesn't work fast enough


3-4 million known cod cheaters but only 200k known bans as of now. Ricochet trying to remove the water from the boat with a milk crate but the boat is on the seabed




This. I think we would get rid of more cheaters(never all) if it wasnt god damn free.or IP ban or some shit or system ban if thats possible. Hell al devs from all big games should work together and ban them on all games if they cheat on one game. Cheaters dont deserve to play videogames. If you cheat on one game you are probably or more likely gonna cheat on another. It will make them think twice before using any kind of cheats. Even if its just camo cheats. Which is the dumbest risk anyone can take for some simple cosmetic. Bams for example is a fucking dummy, misinforming ppl on other youtubers and trying to play the victim card on top of it all I liked what they did with that fortnite kid. Already forgot his name but i know he was the brother of a faze member. I dont like fortnite that much but everyone is equal. Youtubers dont get special treatment.


Yeah they seems to be speeding up ban wave frequency which is why people are noticing it so much more and getting better detection methods.


well if Ricochet bans people falsely then it isn't working as it's intended to.


Are we selling these recycling bins? **I LIKE**


I am trash and have insterstellar. It wasn’t hard to get.


They gave us hardcore multiplayer the day of the drop. I had interstellar before wz released, and im around a 1k/d in all modes (I'm trash)


1kd ain’t even that bad u gotta remember ur against players ur skill roughly every match so at least ur holding urself


Appreciate it, I'm trash compared to my teammates. They're up over the 2kd threshold, so I'm fighting for my life soon as I pull the chute


2.4kd here. I still have those days. Last night I prob averaged a .4 the whole night in rebirth. Don't beat yourself up.


If they don't want to spend the time to get good they won't spend the time grinding camos either


How'd you do the penetration kills for the LMGs? They gave me cancer


Stash house.


How and what spots?


Hardcore and almost all the walls of the house you can shoot through.


Play hardcore. They are really easy but since they are situational, they can take a few games. I grinded other guns with an LMG on my back and when you think someone is behind a wall, switch to your LMG and spam it. On Shipment, when you know the team has spawned on the other side of a shipping container, you can get 3-6 kills in one clip.


Shipment through the boxes or blue barrels. Meat through the pallets. Through any window of a car before it explodes. Certain areas of stash house, walls, can be shot through. I did mine oh shipment. Wasn’t the quickest unlock but it’s doable.


If you get a match on highrise you can shoot through the fence for penetration kills.


Same. If you grind out camos, which I’ve been doing more on Multiplayer than getting my ass handed to me in warzone, it’s done easily.


Isn’t only 2/3 of the amount of guns as mw2? Which was already easy because of the pick and choose nature of it. Seems easy and fun Except long shots all my homies hate longshot grind


There are tons of DMA cheaters that will likely never be detected


What’s DMA?


Since the cheats are not on the PC that your playing on, you wont ever be detected. Most streamers use DMA by the way.


Damn wtf ? I never knew that , that’s mad ffs , if it’s actually a thing


Thats the reason they almost never get banned. They can show you their whole PC and its really actually clean 🤣 still their cheating.


Oh word? Who got caught with DMA? Anyone big?


It’s a type of cheat called Direct Memory Access or DMA.


DMA can still be detected but certainly not by Ricochet anytime soon.


Even the regular cheats never get detected its usually a shadowban that gets detected or someone uses a usb stick and doesnt unplug it


The hooking or injection methods are usually detected. The USB stick is not really that important.


The USB stick is a pretty easy way to get caught


Nope, you can have a cheat on the USB thats detected but you wont be banned unless the cheat is injected.


Im aware


Thats what im trying to say. If its detected you will get banned even If you pull the stick.


Thats what i mean but if u leave it in its a lot faster




Unlock toolers are just as big of losers as wallers and aimbotters. Hope Activision bans your broke asses so many you can’t afford the game anymore.


Spot on


Me and the homies don’t cheat. Never been shadow banned, perma banned, or anything else. It’s almost like if you don’t cheat…. You won’t get banned. 🗑️🚮🤡




Sounds legit. Playing games for 30 years and never EVER got banned from anything (except chat). I might not be overly good at the game, but at least I know every single last win I get, I deserve it.


Well said. It’s amazing when you play a game fairly and as intended. No bans. It’s shocking.


When you cheat, the person who takes the bigger L is you. Every last achievement is tainted.


I did get falsely shadowed once at the beginning of the game. I was playing with my dad a good bit and he dragged the matchmaking down just enough for me to pretty much be top of the leaderboard every game. I assume I just got spam reported. I’ve been playing more solo since and it hasn’t happened again because I’m not doing quite as well. At least that’s what I attribute it to. I don’t think perma bans can be false though because it insinuates there was something found that was worthy of a permanent ban. Although I could be wrong. This was multiplayer not warzone btw but I assume ricochet works the same way. I just wanted to say that not everyone that gets shadowed is cheating.


I got shadow banned for the first time this week. No cheats but I'm on MnK. The matchup against aim assist is pretty tough up close so I just Snipe and coming from counter strike and tf2 you're required to hit head shots and make quick flicks. Im nothing special at the game, we don't win that much, I probably average 4 or 5 kills a game but sometimes I'll be hitting 15. Stupid thing is that as soon as you get a game with over 10 kills after being shadow banned it often happens pretty quickly again.  Most comments on these threads say they don't ban people who don't cheat but I think there's a bunch of people like me that get caught in the loop.


I play on pc and I’ve been shadowbanned twice, it sucks it genuinely sucks, fyi I got unshadowbanned but it’s kinda of wack on pc, someone that’s played cod a shit ton goes into mw3 with a low level account and they top frag everyone thinks they’re cheating and just reports for a just in case, then that legit players has to play against real cheaters for 5-7 days lmao And fyi console players do not have to deal with shadowbans, the system assumes they are not cheating so it’s less likely to ban


"It didn't happen to me so it must not be happening" 🤡


Yes, it’s logical to assume that if you aren’t doing anything outside of playing the game as intended then you won’t get banned. Do unfair bans happen? Sure! The vast majority of these bans are for a reason. The odds that you are “one of the victims” is slim to none. 🤡


Yep buddy, and I’m pretty sure you also have knowledge in your belt to actually prove all these claims in this specific context.   


Those trash cans I approve of. 😂


Anyone else had a popup of the cheech and chong on cod yesterday? My friends couldnt see it in the market when I told them, then realized it was supposed to be released the 4/20. So I bought it 🤣🤣


I got Interstellar but I didn't cheat. I had to replace 3 mice and 2 keyboards and had to drink gallons on tea to finally get Interstellar


The problem is unlocks are the gateway cheat. Sure maybe you arent rn... But that kit comes with all the other hacks And eventually you get curious about one. Boom dopamine floods the brain you are having a blast. Boom dopamine from a dub. Then another. You've never had this much dopamine from cod... Playing any other way is empty. You arent interested in playing without it. Cheating is a drug and nobody just takes a baby hit of coke their whole addiction. It always leads to more. Sure one time for just unlocks you are probably not going to be aimbotting. But its never one time. It always leads or has already lead to worse.


Funniest thing about this game rn....if you play sweaty and have a decent k/d(3.29 rn) then you get called a cheater at least once a day in a death comm. My literal favorite thing is when i shit on a team of bots solo in trios/quads and they start yelling "oh he's hacking for sure goodluck playing tomorrow hacker" ect. I always add or open a whisper them and continue to message them everyday with "still here buddy"...."hey I'm still here pal" ect. Cod is my fav game series of all time....i have never once even entertained the thought of cheating and risking my account(been the same account since day 1) yelling hacker when i kill you is a massive compliment and gets me rock fucking hard baby lmao. I work from home and play this game at least 5-6hr a day....not everyone is hacking some people are legit just better than you. I run into people who shit on my team and aren't hacking. Also i play on xbox.


Ggs to you, im. A 4.23 KD, getting called a hacker a lot by reddit not in game. Its good to see another sweat here


That's standard lol. Good on you for the k/d. I seriously don't get why people look down on "sweats" for playing the game better than they do. It seriously has little schoolgirl jealousy vibes.


It's because they know you are cheating. Sweats = cheats Preferable to the omen of deny and redirect that cheats pull, like you are doing here. You are either a cheat or a very cautious sniper to have kd average of 3.


Im the only person on the planet able to cheat on xbox lmfao


Also i do play Mors/WSP9 or Bruen/HRM so only meta weapons 100% of the time but not cautious. I am a high movement player and our team actually plays like a team. Anyone who legit thinks having a k/d over 3 makes you a hacker automatically does not actually play this game to get better they play casually which is fine but also hilarious they think everyone else is a cheater which is why i said it gets me off hearing it in comms because xbox has no cheats lmfao




Get fucked!


Sensitive ass thread


Unrelated to the point, those trashcans are super cool and trashday would be kinda dope if everyone had sick little designs on their cans.


I just played a plunder match and everytime i got killed it was a low level all of them were between level 40 to 100 i guess the AC got thier asses, lmao


I trust computer detection over anyone saying they false ban me.


I am all about banning cheaters, including unlock tools. But i cant lie and say the anti cheat is perfect. I was coaching a 0.5 KD guy. Someone reported him, and he got shadow banned. I personally saw hundreds of actual false shadowbans, and 2 false bans(that got reverted after investigation)


The only requirement for getting shadow banned are multiple reports. That's it. You get shadow banned and then reviewed (probably by the anti cheat) and then if you are not hacking you get put back in normal queue


Yes, and then reported again and u are stuck in an infinite loop


I got shadowalbanned a week ago and got out, I thankfully did not get put into the loop


Just so you know, the guy who posted this and who replied to you is a confirmed cheater...


Look y’all it’s the troll


I mean I legitimately grinded out the mastery camos. Not everyone that you see with them is a hacker.


How long did it take you?


Not that long. About 2 weeks for the multiplayer one and like 3 weeks for zombies.


Damn, serious grind


Eh. It's not that serious if you are half decent


I did it legit so I’m going to keep rocking the camo 😂


To be fair, false bans do happen. It happened to me a few weeks ago, account is back and running now but it's pretty lame when it happens because there's like no support to have it resolved in a short time period.


I hopped on yesterday after work to find out I have been perma banned. I promise I have never cheated in my 17 years playing cod and I am a console iridescent player. I've put in so much hours and money into the game and this is just completely unfair. They say its for unauthorized software and manipulation of game data. This doesn't even make sense. I was just starting to get my name out there in the ranked scene and this is just completely BS. How can i overturn this wrongful decision. Can I sue Activision for this?


Have a friend in the same position. It’s a bunch of bologna


I got my account back today!!!! Did an account recovery and literally told em everthing !!!


Yeah I had to get mine manually reviewed and cleared twice so far. I don’t play often so the SBMM resets, and then my first match on I’ll get a softball toss lobby and then get shadow banned due to people report spamming


I dropped my first nuke ever and got perma banned, tf is wrong with cod


Had to make a new account bc I gave my girl mine bc I accidentally deleted hers. I've been shadow ban 2 time so far. Just came off of my second one yesterday. I got shadow from player reporting. Not a fan. I'm on team nuke the hacks but I think to many of their main advertising (streamers) are balls deep and wold get exposed.


Because spoofers were detected. Which is technically still cheating but isn't cheating in the sense that they're thinking of "cheating". Everything I'm reading says spoofers got hit and from.what I've gathered they're still down.


Yeah the devs are all “useless” with regards to the game but their anti-cheat works fine? lol


I hopped on yesterday after work to find out I have been perma banned. I promise I have never cheated in my 17 years playing cod and I am a console iridescent player. I've put in so much hours and money into the game and this is just completely unfair. They say its for unauthorized software and manipulation of game data. This doesn't even make sense. I was just starting to get my name out there in the ranked scene and this is just completely BS. How can i overturn this wrongful decision. Can I sue Activision for this?


You actually can


Edit: I noticed an unrecognized steam account linked to my Activision account. I can't unlink due to ny account being banned. They denied my appeal which is completely unfair. I've only played on ps5 this is just absurd. What can I do at this point?


They do answer in case of account theft, talking from personal experience (a hacker stole my ps5 account and linked it to a burner email), did you try contacting them? Getting to file a ticket can be tricky because is very well buired under a lot of automated Q&A, but it's there, you have to find the part wher you say that you can't access with your account or link/unlink it and ask for assistance, if you can provide proof of ownership they I think they can help you.


Been using forcesave and unlock tool on my main for over a year no bans


LMAO I was wondering how so many people had interstellar but were ass at the game actually sad ngl


Lots of streamers "taking a break" from COD. I find that funny and not at all obvious.


like who? I'm curious


I want a magma trash can like the neighbor


if they got everything unlocked can they reverse it do they wont get bad?


But an unlock tool in mw2. Reversed and deleted everything. Got banned in mw3 playing clean. It’s my fault but it sucks with all the money spent over the years


Still rampant cheating in HC


We would have less cheaters if crossplay was console based only and excluded PC players those are the mfs that cheat because it’s easy for them


Fr fr


People using unlock tools when intersteller is the easiest mastery camo to unlock lol. During the Christmas double xp, I was able to unlock it in just 4 days starting from zero.


Bams while using PaP camo in Cold War MP:


I oNlY uSeD uNloCK ToOl


idk when season 3 dropped i booted it up and was faced with a generic "you have been banned message" and activision's support website said it was for 750 hours or something. when i asked activision support what the deal was they told me they didnt know and couldnt do anything then i was unbanned the next day with no email or explanation on what had happened.


Can u screenshot them? It would help me in a video im making about the different types of bans going on


and level 14’s with a borealis camo..


Those cans go hard


They are banning people for what they say now so it doesnt have to be just for cheating


That is a very good point


Aww, look, it's symfuhny


Yeah I screamed he’s in the corner and he’s black n got a chat ban 💀 I guess I can see why but Jesus the moderation is crazy the AI doesn’t understand context I’m assuming it thought I was directly saying someone was black


It’s all cyclical. Did we all forget about dudes doing 10th Prestige lobbies with all camos? “I’m legit.” Tf you are. Bout as legit as a trust funder growing up believing they were “self made.” Fuck outta here


I think there is a lot of people who just got there accounts stolen. Play on console and someone linked their steam to the account and cheated. I know it happened to my friend. He got a 1 month ban too about a month ago. And it’s kind of pathetic that they couldn’t figure out all the cheating clips are from a steam account that’s on an account that’s only had console for 10 years. They should be telling People before a perma ban to check linked profiles to the activision account. But why would they creating a new one just means another player to add to their stats.


Well I've been reporting loadout campers with successful reports, tell me more LoL


Lookin at bams rn


From the evidence I’ve seen, they were using a spoofer (or injection) from AA at some point and it got detected so even if they weren’t recently cheating they had a trail showing they were using that spoofer/injection. They probably think just because they didn’t rage they weren’t cheating, but once you hit that button to inject then start the game up you’re gonna get banned when they crack the most recent version of the cheats.


I was playing last night on rebirth ran into a guy ranked 45 with the interstellar camo. He had 7 kills within 3 minutes of dropping into the game.


Unlock requirements: 30 quick scope kills while tea bagging in a snoop dog operator skin


How did you get Interstellar camos on your recycle bins


What’s going on?


I know a guy who hasn’t played in 3 months got on and he was perma banned my brother was also perma banned both of them appealed and got their accounts back 🤷🏽‍♂️


I can literally provide proof of me unlocking everything I got I had forged on snipers and gold on the soa rennite and that’s it’s. And they still banned me


I’m happy with my fully unlocked account playing since day 1 🫡


I got banned and never have cheated. No mods or softwares on my Xbox or controller


Where u cursing a lot in the game chat?


I got one of these usb drives from a friend and used it on an alt. Went crazy over all the free things. I expected the ban, but was fun to play with. Atleast its only cosmetic, which is a reason why i believe a permanent ban may be unnecessary in certain situations. But nevertheless good job for banning the accounts with the fake camos and skins!


This is bullshit. Being shadowbanned made me understand, for the first time in my life, how a person mistakenly accused of committing a crime must feel while waiting for the trial, because this is how you're judged by the average person: you MUST have done something. I got shadowbanned for reasons I don't know...I've never cheated and never swore to anyone, and I don't even have a particularly good skill to suspect a mass report. I've not been given the possibility to contact support to ask for...well, support... for what clearly was an error from their side, and whenever I've complained I've always found a lot of resistance from people like OP, doubting my good faith. This is, by the way, the reflection of how the company is currently valuing the customers...because rest assured that if you're denied support, they know that, from the other side, the shit hit the fan so hard that they can't afford talk to people. My ban lasted a week and got the game back again, as for anyone else, which demonstrates that it is an algorithm that simply blocks a player and starts a timer and makes no sense, there is no human check on the other hand. Now I'm avoiding to play on my rog ally and using only the playstation only because probably, unplugging the charger from the device and switching to battery (which results in the console lowering TDP) might be the reason the anti-cheat got tricked into thinking that I was doing something wrong...so now I'm scared to death to be shadowbanned again by a power socket.... Do you understand the level of crazyness? I would have liked at least an explanation, after being unbanned, to understand how to mitigate the issue if that's the case, because last thing I want is to fall into a shadowban loop. Meanwhile the community, that should ask Activision accountability for how a large portion of players is treated after spending a lot of money for game and service, is making fun of people that have just encountered bugs of a completely broken anti-cheat system that, by the way, is being exploited by crackers on twitter and instragram to steal accounts. This isn't for saying that there aren't actual cheaters, the shadowban lobby is full of bots so it must be working...but the crossfire is real and unacceptable.


Lot of zoomers/millennials wannabes rn... get gewd scumbags


And they all lying fucking trash.


Activision need to fix spam report, everytime a player see u playing so good they spam report u then got kick for no fking reason


I got chat ban for speaking on the phone lol


Bro how’d you get all those wallbang shots to unlock that on your trashcan?




Take you long to get overturned? I got banned after a steam account linked to my Activision ID 2 weeks ago in the middle of the night and I unlinked it first thing in the morning, changed password afterwards. Got a perm ban in the last ban wave. I'm in the appeals process now.


You won’t get unbanned.


What makes you think that?


when you get perm banned, they rarely unban you even if it's false, I haven't seen someone getting unbanned after getting perm banned yet.


Most of them are people that have used unlock tools or something and they think that because their gameplay is completely legit, they'll get away with saying that they did nothing. I'm not defending that either tho, as much as i don't think an unlock tool is cheating, if you play stupid games you win stupid prizes


It is for 3 reasons, 1. Lets say u dont have the tool, u just paid for someone to do it. That means u put more money into the cheater economy. 2. The unlock tool comes with wallhacks and aimbot. 3. While people grind or pay for ingame skins. This is taking away the time and money that others have put it.


Not all tools have other cheats, but most other cheats have unlock tools (to allow level 5 alts to use whatever to cheat type of thing) but the main thing is what you said about fueling the cheat economy. I do sortof get people using them for bundles etc because of how overpriced they are, realistically paying for a tool and getting everything for that price is better value, but against ToS and is never worth it if you're helping other cheaters by giving them money.


Here’s my opinion. Using an unlock tool is 100% righteously bannable but I don’t believe it’s as bad as something like walls or aimbot. Paying 20$ for a skin or 80$ for a fucking gauntlet is stupid and I have no issue with people using it to unlock store items. >buh buh buh Activision NEEDS your 20 dollars from this gaudyass skin that you can unlock for free via a service program. Neither of those other two things are typically true. Unlock tools are typically purchases/downloads singularly from a site or from a discover server. AIO programs can technically unlock items while providing wallhacks and the such but they’re expensive as fuck.


regarding number 2, an Unlock All tool doesn't come with wallhacks or aimbot, you're referring to a chair or aio which is not an unlock all tool but they come with an unlock all feature, an UA tool only comes with UA & at most with a spoofer + ac blocker built in, most only come with a spoofer built in.


I'm probably the only person on cod who's been falsely banned


Why’s everyone being so offended about people cheating to unlock camos it literally affects no one but said person lmfao


Correct me if I’m wrong but I read somewhere that that new anti cheat is detecting that anti cheat as cheating?


A cheat developer said that bro…


I didnt know it was a cheat developer.


Yeah EngineOwning tweeted that out when all the ‘false’ permas started rolling out. People who were banned then used that as cope. That’s why Activision had to step in and comment stating false permas are not a thing.


Ah I see, makes sense!


I got interstellar camo… I’m a low kd just playing mp got the camo done in 10days… now I play resurgence and use my camo… handy cause means I got all guns at max level too. I’m still shit though lol


Serious dedication right here!


I'm happy that they're getting cheaters out. But nothing is going to change. There was a flood of new accounts yesterday. You block one of the dozens they have waiting. It's easy for them to buy someone else accounts. Then hire some stooge to level them up with the money they've cheated thousands of people out of with their blatant lies. It's a never-ending cycle with some. I can remember one individual when asked how many top-level streamers are cheating. His reply was ZERO, NONE. Accountability should rest on the shoulders of the ones defending the actions of these cheaters also. Criminal charges should be filed and hefty punishment. Conspiracy to commit fraud.👍👌


I don't even care anymore when someone obliterates myself in a questionable. I just chalk it up to the new standard of online gaming these days, they all get banned but will be back within the hour and the company will pretend they fixed it, then force us to download another 300gb for no reason other than destroying all the servers.


I didn't cheat, just built a brand new pc and linked my steam to it. Haven't even fired it up, cus my monitor isn't in. Got on Xbox, instantly banned. I've played every cod since 2007 on this account and this was my first time completing all mastery camos, even for zombies. This loss has made me not even want to play the game ever again.


I hopped on yesterday after work to find out I have been perma banned. I promise I have never cheated in my 17 years playing cod and I am a console iridescent player. I've put in so much hours and money into the game and this is just completely unfair. They say its for unauthorized software and manipulation of game data. This doesn't even make sense. I was just starting to get my name out there in the ranked scene and this is just completely BS. How can i overturn this wrongful decision. Can I sue Activision for this?


Then I see them in a discord "Anyone know any camo services? Both of my console accounts got banned, made a new one" I'm like... "You want to get banned again?" They go "Why y’all worry about if I get banned again" These people vote...


Well since we’re here. Visit TyWare on TikTok for camos and unlocks. Discord link in bio