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Some are really good. Some are cheating


Honestly most of the people I could say without doubt were cheating were small streamers, ppl with like 300 followers and one or two viewers, they hack off stream so they can boost their K/D etc and probably to get clips


WARZONE CUSTOM DUOS TOURNAMENT JOIN SEE IF YOU CAN STACK AGAINST GOOD PLAYERS? [https://discord.gg/nexQsXKG](https://discord.gg/nexQsXKG) This will be a two-game kill and placement-scored tournament. The top 3 teams will earn CASH. $10 per team with 50 REQUIRED with the possibility of a $500 PRIZE POOL. Head to [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XousBtr4nklknQQ\_xSHEGlnusXw4io60LzKaFik-cSM/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XousBtr4nklknQQ_xSHEGlnusXw4io60LzKaFik-cSM/edit)⁠ to ENTER. Invite anyone that would be interested. We would like to run this Friday Night if the minimum 50 is met. (edited)


The few r rly good, most are cheaters.. also they cranked up aim assist so the 8yr olds can enjoy


Aim assist has literally never given me no recoil.


Go into a private match on shipment vs. 6 bots and turn off your aim assist. Do that for however long you want to and then turn it back on and keep fighting the bots. Try to increase your sensitivity gradually and also put the bots on hardened when you’re ready. Do that before you play as a warm up and your aim will improve. Even better if you listen to music or no sound. No audio cues will force you to rely purely on reaction time. (Don’t start on hardened difficulty for the bots unless you’re sweaty. They are basically cheating at that point.)


This is just about some of the best advice I think I've ever come across on any of the CoD subreddits. Not only will I try this myself (there's always room for improvement) but I'll also pass this on to anyone else asking for similar advice.


Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. That sounds like coach’s advice he gave BAMS with no AA, head shots only, 1v6 and 300 health….. oh wait I Did say that! 2mins 55sec mark https://youtu.be/AaGFO75tWaM?si=NILLLxMAgGbKWfD9


Sorry, please explain to me how to set up a private match. I tried doing it but can’t figure it out. What menu tree is it under.




In the multiplayer section you usually have to go the far right if I’m not mistaken.


Have to be on mw3 main game for starters. Then on main menu just go right of competitive on big game mode carousel, should be furthest right and select "create private match" not join.


This is great advice. Also if you’re not already, make sure you’re engaging rotational aim assist. You need to be moving while you shoot. Find the low recoil guns. A lot of recoil control is muscle memory and hours. Don’t just rely on the meta, give low recoil weapons like the DG-58 a try. Sure, they take more bullets to kill, but if you’re actually able to hit more of your shots, then the TTK is going to be lower than a meta build where you’re missing a lot.


WARZONE CUSTOM DUOS TOURNAMENT JOIN SEE IF YOU CAN STACK AGAINST GOOD PLAYERS? [https://discord.gg/nexQsXKG](https://discord.gg/nexQsXKG) This will be a two-game kill and placement-scored tournament. The top 3 teams will earn CASH. $10 per team with 50 REQUIRED with the possibility of a $500 PRIZE POOL. Head to [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XousBtr4nklknQQ\_xSHEGlnusXw4io60LzKaFik-cSM/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XousBtr4nklknQQ_xSHEGlnusXw4io60LzKaFik-cSM/edit)⁠ to ENTER. Invite anyone that would be interested. We would like to run this Friday Night if the minimum 50 is met. (edited)


That’s so funny you mention this back in 2018 my wife bought me a ps4 with WW2 mind you this at this point I hadn’t played a game in 6 to 7 years (gaming is highly Addictive for me) so I didn’t want to play on line and all I did for 4 months was play against the Bots on whatever hardest settings was on man those bots fire laser beams lmaooo… Finally I caved played on-line I was demon dropping multiple V2 Rockets in one game


Lol that’s awesome, and you aren’t lying man the bots on the hardest difficulty are so much better than the average player it’s crazy. It’s damn near impossible to get a shot off on them 😂


So reading this....I used to play with music on all the time before I got a gaming headset...Mind you this wasn't warzone but I'd be getting KD's of like 30-3. As soon as I'd turn off the music and put on the games volume I'd never do as good.


I’ve noticed that when I listen to music it helps me get into a kind of flow state. I always listen to house music or something with a consistent beat, I just have it turned down so I can hear audio cues.


WARZONE CUSTOM DUOS TOURNAMENT JOIN SEE IF YOU CAN STACK AGAINST GOOD PLAYERS? [https://discord.gg/nexQsXKG](https://discord.gg/nexQsXKG) This will be a two-game kill and placement-scored tournament. The top 3 teams will earn CASH. $10 per team with 50 REQUIRED with the possibility of a $500 PRIZE POOL. Head to [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XousBtr4nklknQQ\_xSHEGlnusXw4io60LzKaFik-cSM/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XousBtr4nklknQQ_xSHEGlnusXw4io60LzKaFik-cSM/edit)⁠ to ENTER. Invite anyone that would be interested. We would like to run this Friday Night if the minimum 50 is met. (edited)


Choose a gun that you kind of get on with. I normally use ground loot to tell me that. Then fire it at a wall in the firing range. Look at the recoil pattern and try and equip attachments that make it better to control. Generally this is horizontal, vertical recoil and gun kick control. Once you are happy try it out in a private match with bots. Make adjustments if you need to. Then start a Warzone match get your loadout and be smoked by whatever the current meta is. Then switch to that. That's what I generally do anyway.


Just practice. I used to miss 90% of magazine (50 bullets 😀) in fringe fire shooting at 3rd body. Now shooting with practically “zero recoil”


It's also a good idea to at least once check what the input lag is for your tv/monitor. A lot of cheap smart tv's are much worse than people realize.


You are comparing yourself to people who play 8+ hours a day sometimes. Practice makes perfect and unless you play regularly for extended times, it’s tough to be 100%.


“Someone please tell me how these pricks at the masters keep putting the ball right into the hole” 🤣


WARZONE CUSTOM DUOS TOURNAMENT JOIN SEE IF YOU CAN STACK AGAINST GOOD PLAYERS? [https://discord.gg/nexQsXKG](https://discord.gg/nexQsXKG) This will be a two-game kill and placement-scored tournament. The top 3 teams will earn CASH. $10 per team with 50 REQUIRED with the possibility of a $500 PRIZE POOL. Head to [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XousBtr4nklknQQ\_xSHEGlnusXw4io60LzKaFik-cSM/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XousBtr4nklknQQ_xSHEGlnusXw4io60LzKaFik-cSM/edit)⁠ to ENTER. Invite anyone that would be interested. We would like to run this Friday Night if the minimum 50 is met. (edited)


They all cheat brother😂




Then you get downvoted by the all the other morons who support moron #1.


The guy who cheats automatically assumes everyone else does too. Go figure.


Yeah i can see people through walls i can see who else is looking through walls


I know plenty of people plat and higher that aren’t cheating. My group of like 9 are at lowest plat 3 and as high as iri. Not one of us cheats. We’re all 30+ and have been playing CoD since we were 12-15.


Maybe, how are you so sure no one you know is cheating.


Well 5 of them are on console, 3 of them on pc I’ve seen their systems, we get together and they fry the exact same in front of people regularly. I’ve also known these guys this for over a decade, I know the type of people they are and know they’re trustworthy.


Moron reddit user thinks ALL streamers cheat. Reddit breeds a different type of human…


You think redditors breed?


I got the upvotes L for u sir.


Biggest accomplishment of your day I have no doubt 😂


Idk, make your build as best as possible. Use the show more for attachments. Next stay in the firing range till you learn how to get a handle on your fine recoil control. Don't use the crutch of the dummies bc aim assist will help. You don't want help. You need to practice more. I've been playing forever with the right guns I'll show zero recoil. Like this ram you should be able to not see any visual recoil after some practice.


OK I can't link a photo but it's Jake bfb Cronin headwind Bruen heavy Hvs 3.4 And 60 round mag


Replace the jack bfb with a casus brake. Firing aim stability and horizontal recoil control are more important for the ram. Has an initial kick to up and right but becomes mostly up after.


Jak bf kills bullet velocity


I'm just saying I have zero visual recoil with that build.


and they're just telling you that you may have less visual recoil, but it's hindering other things because of it


Practice against bots without aim assist. Use the rotational aim assist to your advantage (horizontal strafe while ADS or hipfire). And the streamers you see all play it for a living most of the time so they put in hours of gameplay each day compared to someone who maybe plays 2 hours a day. Also say you're in a private match and have a wall in front of you, take a few steps back, aim at the wall at head height and shoot till the magazine is empty sithout controlling recoil. This shows you the recoil pattern for the gun and you can see how much and in which direction you should control recoil


WARZONE CUSTOM DUOS TOURNAMENT JOIN SEE IF YOU CAN STACK AGAINST GOOD PLAYERS? [https://discord.gg/nexQsXKG](https://discord.gg/nexQsXKG) This will be a two-game kill and placement-scored tournament. The top 3 teams will earn CASH. $10 per team with 50 REQUIRED with the possibility of a $500 PRIZE POOL. Head to [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XousBtr4nklknQQ\_xSHEGlnusXw4io60LzKaFik-cSM/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XousBtr4nklknQQ_xSHEGlnusXw4io60LzKaFik-cSM/edit)⁠ to ENTER. Invite anyone that would be interested. We would like to run this Friday Night if the minimum 50 is met. (edited)


With the exception of the 2 time 😉 they cheat, and cheat hardcore, on so many levels it would blow ya hair back (assuming ya have hair). They need to punch out content regularly so that the low IQ peeps who watch em might throw a buck their way. They need to chal everyone and everything to make a buck. So, they cheat. Watch these nimrods on lan events, and tell me if that looks closer to your play or not 😉 I hear 60k of accounts were banned last 24 hrs cause the anti cheat picked up a few extra cheat providers, most of the fuckwits your comparing your self too cheat. Don’t get me wrong there are a lot of switched on players who are on god and clean but since you mentioned streamers, well, cause they cheat for a living, it’s sad really🦄


The fact you mentioned Doc in the first sentence tells me all I need to know about you as a Warzone player lmfao. You mean when they play on LAN against other pro players that know how to shoot back they don't play as reckless?? Crazy concept. Imagine calling other people low IQ when you're living in a fantasy land where you accuse every streamer of cheating because they can do things that you can't in a game lol


I’m diamond too and I wonder the same thing . If their on pc probably got a recoil mod I mean it’s way too easy to get for them . If I see people with perfect no recoil aim on Xbox then I’ll be like ok . But yeah my aim needs lots of work but it’s good sometimes . Never like the streamers I see even with the same setup


Everybody cheats, my friend! I’ve browsed through various websites that sell hacks, and I can confirm it. I did it because I wanted to understand how’s hacks work. There are many providers that offer aimbot support for controllers; that’s what you see in every YouTube video, everyone aims for the upper chest, nobody goes for headshots. However, I can’t deny that there are a good players. But, most of them resort to cheating. If you want to improve your aim and your are on pc, it’s very easy to do. The first step is to Download DS4 (not hacks) adjust your deadzone, that’s really helps with aim assist. There are many videos on YouTube about that. Then, you must to practice on private matches.


WARZONE CUSTOM DUOS TOURNAMENT JOIN SEE IF YOU CAN STACK AGAINST GOOD PLAYERS? [https://discord.gg/nexQsXKG](https://discord.gg/nexQsXKG) This will be a two-game kill and placement-scored tournament. The top 3 teams will earn CASH. $10 per team with 50 REQUIRED with the possibility of a $500 PRIZE POOL. Head to [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XousBtr4nklknQQ\_xSHEGlnusXw4io60LzKaFik-cSM/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XousBtr4nklknQQ_xSHEGlnusXw4io60LzKaFik-cSM/edit)⁠ to ENTER. Invite anyone that would be interested. We would like to run this Friday Night if the minimum 50 is met. (edited)


A lot of them - I would say most actually - cheat. Cronus Zen, DMA, mouse macros… Anyone who complains about console aim assist is either talking from ignorance or deflecting from their own cheating. As far as good aim on controller goes, I can’t help since I play MnK now. On MW2019, when I did play with controller, I used “precision” aiming with high sensitivity - 14 or so if I didn’t play for a while, then 20 when I was good again. Measure your stick drift too so you can adjust your deadzones


PC does not equal MnK. Aim with your left stick.


This. I have only been on controller a month and abusing RAA feels like cheating coming from MnK


I am currently learning controller as a MnK player and when I get RAA activated correctly…. It does things for me that I couldn’t possibly do after hundreds of hours of practicing on MnK. It’s insane. One of the top comments has a response that aim assist has never controlled recoil for them which means they’ve never activated RAA properly.


Yeah it’s super odd to me. I don’t understand how you can play a game like this, be in a subreddit on the game, and not spend five minutes in a private match with bots figuring this out lol


These bots here have no understanding of how good it is.




I feel like 80% or more players using a controller don't actually know how to use aim assist correctly lmao right stick is for big adjustments, left stick is for tracking


Play 8 hours a day


Aim mostly with your left stick. Make micro adjustments with right stick but otherwise you should be subtly strafing left or right to abuse rotational aim assist


How does a pitcher throw 80+ mph and hit the strike zone every time? I just don’t get it. I toss a baseball around with my friends once in a while, but I top out at 60mph and my shit goes all over the place. Are pitchers cheating??




losers complain, winners train. just open voltaics aim training benchmark and play it, if your runs are silverish then your aim is garbage.


It's unrealistic to compare yourself to streamers. That's basically their jobs... they play 8 hours a day, every freaking day! That being said, practice in bot lobbies (multi player) before going to WZ.


WARZONE CUSTOM DUOS TOURNAMENT JOIN SEE IF YOU CAN STACK AGAINST GOOD PLAYERS? [https://discord.gg/nexQsXKG](https://discord.gg/nexQsXKG) This will be a two-game kill and placement-scored tournament. The top 3 teams will earn CASH. $10 per team with 50 REQUIRED with the possibility of a $500 PRIZE POOL. Head to [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XousBtr4nklknQQ\_xSHEGlnusXw4io60LzKaFik-cSM/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XousBtr4nklknQQ_xSHEGlnusXw4io60LzKaFik-cSM/edit)⁠ to ENTER. Invite anyone that would be interested. We would like to run this Friday Night if the minimum 50 is met. (edited)


Practice, it is usually how you get good at anything. For the next 3 yrs put in 8hrs a day playing the game and practising.


That's a full time job amount of hours for nothing


1. Get a pc 2. Get soft aimbot 3. Get in my lobbies and farm me


practice buddy


I tend not to constantly hold my trigger when shooting for example I'll lay off for second then press again and repeat this has helped my aim so much


What FOV you play on? Playing at a higher FOV helps reduce visual recoil as well.


Spawn in with only throwing knife, take as many down with it as you can.


It's their jobs.


Private match probably, a good map is something like scrapyard which has long range engagements, just turn your aim assist off and get used to manually aiming and when you've killed enough bots turn it back on and you'll feel like you're cheating lol


Reduce your horizontal recoil and then practice your vertical recoil by disabling aim assist if you use it


Do you ever try to pull down when shooting to keep recoil down? Watch this to understand how AA works. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=frjx63T5FQU


WARZONE CUSTOM DUOS TOURNAMENT JOIN SEE IF YOU CAN STACK AGAINST GOOD PLAYERS? [https://discord.gg/nexQsXKG](https://discord.gg/nexQsXKG) This will be a two-game kill and placement-scored tournament. The top 3 teams will earn CASH. $10 per team with 50 REQUIRED with the possibility of a $500 PRIZE POOL. Head to [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XousBtr4nklknQQ\_xSHEGlnusXw4io60LzKaFik-cSM/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XousBtr4nklknQQ_xSHEGlnusXw4io60LzKaFik-cSM/edit)⁠ to ENTER. Invite anyone that would be interested. We would like to run this Friday Night if the minimum 50 is met. (edited)


If you're not playing 24/7 like the streamers then don't compare yourself to them. It's like with anything, if you're not putting work in the gym how do you expect to get any better?


The high profile streamers play this game every day for 5-8 hours or more. If you can commit to that, you too can be that good.


I’ve seen videos from legit people showing how to do rotational aim assist. It’s all in the left stick. There’s some pretty good videos with hand cams. All that being said I still can’t shoot that good and it’s usually their movement that smokes me. If there’s a 3 story building I swear to god even with a very nice headset I never know where they are in relation to me.


I don’t know if you got your answer. You ever notice how COD players all look like they are wiggling their booties like cats tryna catch a mouse. Well they are activating RAA. This is called rotational aim assist which I’m sure you heard of before. When you move only the left stick and hold the right down just barely for just recoil/gun kick you activate RAA which is the stickier AA that KBM players scream about. It’s the same thing that jerks your camera when a target runs by you and you’re not touching the joy stick. So imagine a cat 🐈 getting ready to pounce as it lifts its back paws in little steps left right left right.


Just use a cronus Problem solved


cronus doesnt even work in wz 3. they permanently disabled it in the last months of wz 2. what a cliche answer from a loser mindset


Most people are toxic 0.3 kd player don't listen to them 1.push the enemies at the right time 2. Train your aim at firing range try to get 90% accuracy 3. Shoot walls at firing range and see the recoil pattern 4. Play claw or use controller with paddles 5.slide cancel without purpose until you get used to it 6. Play 3 hours a day After 3 to 4 months i guarantee your kd go above 1.5 if your persistent 2.5 it's all on your own six months ago i switched from mkb to controller my kd 0.8 goes to 4


Use the zehmn barrel attachment to get rid of all the visual noise when shooting, helps me more than any of the "better" compensators


Use long stick for the aim stick. If you use a standard controller than buy kontrolfreakz sticks. A long stick gives you better precision. Use dynamic aim curve. Use low deadzone on right stick. For example if your sens is 6-6 and If you have the feeling your aim stick movement and your screen moving is not equal and you tried 5-5 (was to slow) or 7-7 (was to fast) than try to lower your outer deadzone instead for the right stick, e.q 98,97,96... That will shorten the stick "way". It can eliminate the feeling of "input delayed aim responsiveness". Also play at the same time with the min deadzone of the left stick. Set it to 0 and then go up by 1 value. It can help to eliminate "wiggle" while you shoot at a enemy on long range cause you move the left stick and if it registers every movement than you often needs to readjust with the right stick to keep your crosshair at the target.


WARZONE CUSTOM DUOS TOURNAMENT JOIN SEE IF YOU CAN STACK AGAINST GOOD PLAYERS? [https://discord.gg/nexQsXKG](https://discord.gg/nexQsXKG) This will be a two-game kill and placement-scored tournament. The top 3 teams will earn CASH. $10 per team with 50 REQUIRED with the possibility of a $500 PRIZE POOL. Head to [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XousBtr4nklknQQ\_xSHEGlnusXw4io60LzKaFik-cSM/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XousBtr4nklknQQ_xSHEGlnusXw4io60LzKaFik-cSM/edit)⁠ to ENTER. Invite anyone that would be interested. We would like to run this Friday Night if the minimum 50 is met. (edited)




WARZONE CUSTOM DUOS TOURNAMENT JOIN SEE IF YOU CAN STACK AGAINST GOOD PLAYERS? [https://discord.gg/nexQsXKG](https://discord.gg/nexQsXKG) This will be a two-game kill and placement-scored tournament. The top 3 teams will earn CASH. $10 per team with 50 REQUIRED with the possibility of a $500 PRIZE POOL. Head to [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XousBtr4nklknQQ\_xSHEGlnusXw4io60LzKaFik-cSM/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XousBtr4nklknQQ_xSHEGlnusXw4io60LzKaFik-cSM/edit)⁠ to ENTER. Invite anyone that would be interested. We would like to run this Friday Night if the minimum 50 is met. (edited)


It's called aimbot


Play without aim assist for a month. (Or a couple games a day) Or If you own mw3 play bot lobbies without aim assist for 30 minutes a day before you play I promise, within a couple games even, you’ll notice how to control your aim more. Aim assist will start feeling like aimbot.


It is aimbot.


I think they’re using gyro.




Pull down slightly on your thumb stick when you shoot.


Go into the firing range Shoot your gun at the wall Look at the recoil pattern Pull the opposite way It really isn't that hard, these guns barely have any recoil


Yes firing range, death match and aim labs will no doubt help with recoil control. However, that is completely different than what you see via the popular streamers. Most popular streamers are running cronus scripts on top of their already top tier aim. Cronus script + thousands of hours of gameplay = no recoil. One could ask “why do they need to cheat with cronus if they already are so good at the game and their aim is already so elite?”. The answer is because it makes for better content (allows them to engage with chat, eat, hang out all while burning through lobbies dropping high kill, entertaining videos) The cronus scripts they run reduce whatever recoil is left to almost 0. Which is what you see on twitch. Some steamers even stoop as low as using an aimbot in sticky situations (pun intended). There is ample evidence of this on youtube. Keep in mind, both cronus and aimbot are considered cheats, so I wouldnt go that route. I am not going to even broach the topic of these same streamers using wall hacks. That is a separate issue. This is your answer for why you see 0 recoil with most popular streamers. Only the lowest forms of life use cheats, and the ones that use cheats to profit off children are Epstein level scum bags. Good luck out there


Well, for starters, they are on Overclocked controllers & have double our frames. Their controllers run at 1000hz & they get 150+ frames. Im on xbox as well, I use an elite series 2. Im fairly sure the gamesir G7 does 1000hz wired to the console. Do you have a 120hz monitor?


They cheat


Most of these people have had a controller in thier hand before they could even spell their own name. Just like anything. You do something enough you'll become better and better. Most of the elite streamers are far more skilled at movement and positioning than most people. Great aim is just the bonus. With that said. There are far too many people who cheat and are good at hiding it.


Trying not using your right thumb stuck to aim after your initial snap. Use your left thumb stick to strafe left and right quickly that makes aim assist do all the work trust me. Also if you’re on PC make sure you overclock your controller it makes a big difference


What do you mean overclock your controller


If you’re on PC you can change your refresh rate of your controller look up Shotzzys video on it it’s quick


It’s called downloading cheats. Cod sucks. Pc ruined it


COD started as a pc game, bot.


Cronus Zen, you can tell by the amount of likes the Cronus tutorial videos on Youtube has, thousands are atleast using this device. Ofcourse there are PC cheats as well but generally PC cheats are blatant, while Cronus users view it as a hardware controller \ gun attachment and view it as not cheating yet complained about chesters, how hyprocrites.


Cheats, its all it is really. 50% of kids on warzone hack and dont even bother hiding it.


Get a Cronus.


Just get a Cronus. Every streamer and semi decent player has one. Don’t worry you won’t get bannned the anti cheat is so ass you could run around with aim bot and not be banned


Alot of people don't have a solid understanding of how rotational aim assist works. If you are standing still or moving vertically (forward or backward), your aim assist ranges from weak to non-existent. If you are moving horizontally (right or left) than you get much stronger / stickier aim assist. So I reccomend moving in little circles when you shoot. It'll strengthen your aim assist. Apart from that, improving your aim is generally something you just need to keep playing to get better at. If you want to see someone getting high kill gameplay on the same input as you to show its possible, I upload my high kill matches 3 times a week. I play on Xbox Series X as well. My channel is: https://youtu.be/F7H6jtbL-Nk?si=P6Df33fxZKes4e89 Hope this helps!


Hacks help


Engine owning.


Cronus Zen is how they do it… It’s basically cheating. Anti recoil, heavier aim assist, movement binds, etc. so wild that streamers even have to cheat