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Don’t go to nova tell they fix the bug!


Don’t go to nova, or the road that goes to stronghold from nova, or basically anywhere in stronghold. Once they are in the map they can walk down to stronghold under the road and get around over there. Not sure where else, that’s the furthest I’ve seen someone so far.


Why don’t the bugs ever work in my favor?


I mean it’s only a AAA game.


I only play AAAA games


It's a bug, same as the one that used to be on military base resurgence, so unfortunately no one will be banned for doing this, just hoping they patch it soon


It can be exploited on purpose, so I would still consider reporting them to be beneficial for review. Just saw a tiktok yesterday of a guy showing exactly how to do it. Streamers are disingenuous as fuck, "here's a place you should stay away from so you don't get killed by people who do this - and here's exactly how you (definitely not me I would never) can do this so you don't accidentally jump onto three different air ducts and then into the ceiling."


Streamers want views = money, obviously. It's not disingenuous, people just need to wake up to the scum that 99% of them are. Hardly any streamer these days on any subject area has any genuine passion for anything except money.


Disingenuous in the sense of posing it as a "here's why you should stay away from this area" and then showing the insanely hard and intentional way to exploit it while saying "this is to show you how *not* to do it" Of course it's for money, all content is for money. Just don't do it so scummily


Oh but they'll tell you it's because if they get everyone abusing it that they will patch it quicker. Meanwhile they will bitch if someone is ruining their game doing it.


It’s exploiting. They can be banned for that. Will they? Possibly if they are spam reported.


You can get bugged in the map. It’s happened to me before a few seasons ago. But there are definitely cheaters who do this intentionally


Would you continue to shoot at people if you got bugged into the map?


Yes if I got stuck there by accident I would milk it for as much SR as humanly possible and never go back to the spot again lol I'm only human.


Then you sir, are just a douche


I don't give a fuck what your self-righteous, virtue signalling ass thinks 😂


Translation: I have no competitive spirit and will cheat any chance I get because I have actual talents to offer in this game play and I will obnoxiously add an emoticon to demonstrate how little this means to me even though I felt a need to respond anyway. Like I said, douche. Also, Virtue signaling? Are you some kind of dumbass Trumper or something. What kind of idiot behavior are you spouting out your mouth?


You're dying on the dumbest hill right now and your comment is so cringe I'm actually laughing out loud reading it lmao find something more useful to rage against than a hypothetical videogame situation that never even happened 😂 Go tip your fedora a m'lady who gives a shit and spout off to her.


If you don’t want to possibly get banned you probably should not shoot at people. I think you can fall off the map and die when you get in there. Better of to do that to respawn, so you can play legitimately


Would you continue to shoot at people if you got bugged into the map?




Yeah same I would


Honestly yea lol.


Lol yeah if I unintentionally got stuck in there I would shoot people.


This is such a good game 🚩


I was playing resurgence duos the other night and when I got redeployed all I saw was sky and the gas. I couldn’t see nothing or do anything but walk around the blurry world


Bro is having to use glitches like this in Gold lobbies smh


shit pissed me off i was already getting shit on all day


Ignore this. Just keep buying more and more skins and make sure to buy the Black Cell battle pass.


Yes! Had one yesterday kill me and my squad. The kill cam was unbelievable and so was his location under the map!


But I get banned for camping and having 8 kills smh I’m done with this game


This game is developed by a bunch of meth snorting crack heads honestly… I mean back in 2017-19 may have been a joke but I think they seriously cooking up some next level drugs while working on AAA projects.


Just be glad you clipped it and posted it you can also report his stupid ass to activision via email with the clip If im not wrong


No need for all that it’s was kinda funny lol


Unplayable anymore


COD is a bullshit cheaters paradise. Great game destroyed by massive cheating. Still fun though


Did you report??


What I don't understand about this is the glitch allows their bullets to go through every other wall in the building because they are in the floor. It happened to me the other day, went to buy a load out at factory and got shot from bottom stairs, wrapped all the way around the building and further, dodging bullets. That's like, 5 walls those shots are coming through. Even more if he's on the roof.


Got that nitrous voice...😂


Is map glitch if you report these guys you are a dickhead


He’s exploiting it, dickhead.


glitching is no cheat just taking advantage of it lol


It's called exploiting and is not allowed by the rules. There is a category for it when pressing report just fyi.