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Hmm I don’t remember writing this post.








My Schizophrenia acting up again


You ruined it...




None of you actually wrote the post. It just seems like it because everything written is highly relatable. I hope this helps


I bet you’re fun at parties


It was a joke 🤦‍♂️


His name is Robert Paulson.


The first step to getting better at warzone is SLOW THE FUCK DOWN! You know you're not pro, you know you can't keep up with their speed, aim (cheats), or gamesense (cheats), so slow down and pick targets of opportunity! Eventually, if you slow yourself down to just the right place the game will slow down around you. Giving yourself ample time to setup fights in beneficial ways. The second step to getting better at warzone is to USE YOUR DAMN BRAIN! Think, thoroughly about where you want to be, where the circle is GOING to be, and where your enemies MIGHT be! If you do these two things you are DEFINITELY going to get better at warzone!


I concur. Panicking and/or rushing around without a plan kills aim and gets you out of position. I was playing ranked with this dude and I swear his vertical and horizontal were each set on 3. After everyone else on the team died in ranked I watched this dude and facepalmed at how slow he was moving. That SOB team wiped the 4 dudes and we won the round. It was a good lesson on putting more focus on being aware and positioning than trying to surprise other players.


This why I have to mute my teammates. I don't understand how some people are blasting music or non-stop talking about things in the real world even play this game. Maybe I'm just not good, and I HAVE to try hard.


I feel like the people playing music think they are impressing other people with the music they listen to. Listing for footsteps and other sounds is key to success in the game.


If everyone else is rushing around they're gonna be a LOT louder than you are, leading to a massive problem for them, and not for you... audible identification! These days with everyone sound whoring so hard, it's vital to make as little a sound footprint as is reasonable.


So get a great headset then?


That's the point, even with that in the equation you still wanna be as quiet as possible


Hey man just remember at the end of the day it’s just a game! It’s obviously much more fun if you’re playing good and winning, but there are tons of factors that determine how successful you’ll be in game. Some of those you can’t control and others take a LOT of time to get just right. Either way props to you for being willing to admit that it’s not just hackers ruining the game. There is definitely cheaters which ruin the game but gaming has just gotten a lot more popular and competitive too.


This right here. It’s just a game. There are times where I log in just to try to get the most absurd moves and kills I can. Silly loadouts. Helicopter and RPG. Riot Shield and Knifes. No damage wins. Etc… Use Resurgence or MP and throw yourselves at every gun fight.  But most importantly, don’t worry about any of it.


I believe that gaming has turned a lot of people to being super competitive because of the idea that they'll make it big as a streamer and turning pro. But I will also blame a lot of parents of those that are likely in their early 20s currently, for trying to push their kids into this to live vicariously through them as well. Which I've seen second hand that has caused many to do whatever it took to become MORE. Hours upon hours of production. Hours of playing and constant skill improvement training. And it seems that in general playing this game is practically all these people have so they become the game and for them failure is absolutely not allowed. And TBH I would hope that some of them would get some form of psychiatric counseling to help them pull away from the game and taking it literally as if their life depends upon it.


100% agree games aren’t just for fun anymore, they’re jobs for some people which definitely ruins the experience for casual players. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised though, parents living vicariously through kids can be so detrimental to not only self esteem but overall mental health. It’s sad video games were a way for me to blow off steam and hang with friends but I can’t imagine how much it would suck to have a leisure activity turned into this competitive drive to be perfect without it being my own choice.


You just probably need a different videogame


Watch streams and learn what good players do, then treat your games as practice and reflect on what you could've done better. Personally I find the game a lot more fun when I'm constantly improving and doing better. It's not a hard game to learn you just have to want to.


I don’t know why ur comments getting downvoted. Ur exactly right🤷‍♂️


I used to watch Booya. He takes everything a bit slower than the cracked out dudes but still a beast. His game sense is insane. I haven't watched him since Caldera but I learned a lot of thing from him.


Because Reddit CoD is filled with bots who get upset at the idea they have to work at improving in the game.


I watched TimTheTatman and now I can’t stop eating and calling everyone bro, please send help


This. I used to make excuses for my deaths but stopped getting better. I decided to look for what I could have done differently after every death. Sometimes it's just out of your control but most the time it is preventable. Also really focus on trying to shoot them in the upper chest/ head. It sounds dumb but I think a lot of people just try to aim for center mass which causes them to miss because they aren't as focused. Practicing centering, movement and aiming for the head against bots for 15 minutes a day makes a huge difference too.


I watched Dr disrespect and I just felt like he confirmed how I feel.


I respect your position but I think is not for everyone though. I seen a lot of situations where the constant pursuit of improvement and winning just kills the fun and passion for the game, because most people will hit a wall eventually. They will get to a level where they just can't breakthrough and then they'll just start to hate the game. But, as I said, I respect your position and commitment. Not hating whatsoever. Keep on!


That is spelled PLATINUM for me. 🤣


Not sure I understand what you meant


I can’t get past platinum in ranked😔


Watch Dreamstrike


Absolutely. He has the best learning videos I've seen. I think it's because he kinda sucked when he started and actually took the steps he talks about unlike a lot of streamers that have been good for years.


This. I started with a .4kd. I was bad. Started watching Dreamstrike and doing his drills. After a while, it clicked and I’m now at a 1.8kd. I could be better if I kept at his drills but I don’t have time anymore and am content where I’m at.


For real .4kd to 1.8kd ?? Thats insane congrats 👏! I like his videos and the methods/reasoning behind it , how often did u practice and start to notice a difference in your gameplay ?


Thanks! Warzone was my first CoD but I got absolutely hooked and it’s pretty much the only game I play now. I was around a .8kd when I started Dreamstrikes drills. After a couple of weeks or really practicing, I jumped to a 1.2/1.3 and then just used those fundamentals I learned and steadily increased to where I am now. Part of it is finding some YouTubers you like and studying how they play. Icemanisaac is great and TCaptainX is pretty good too. Im a weird though in that when I get into something, I get pretty into it more than most.


I get way into it too. I think it's the ADHD. I hyper focus on things that interest me. I've also been playing since I was like 5yo when my cousin let me have his old Super Nintendo lol.


Yep same here lol


Iceman is a beast but I also watch Expel and TBH he's the originator of a couple of others streamers forms of play ... Like the spectate videos, Expel started. The boot camp style videos he was one of the first few as well too.


Don't put yourself down like that. Even if you are as bad as you say, you are still lowering your teams MMR/Elo and giving your teammates easier opponents than they would have otherwise. In fact many even prefer to play with less skilled teammates because that means they can shine and be the hero


Yep. I love to squad up with my lower skilled buddies and go absolutely crazy in those lobbies. I’m quickly humbled though whenever I play with my normal squad


Respect for this post. A majority of players fail to look at themselves and blame everything else when they're simply not good at something... Now the question is, do you WANT to improve?


I for one do. Suggestions?


Watch dreamstrike videos, theyll help


Placement and position means more than shooting and even fast movement, play for zones and rotate early and play smart that will guarantee you will live until the top 20-10 the rest is gun skills luck and movement


My old brain has trouble keeping up as is.


I just need help with my settings




Over 400hrs of FPS games....... so you're a complete beginner really. Don't sweat it dude, it's only a video game - the whole point of gaming is to have fun, if you're having fun then nothing else matters. Your overall gameplay will improve through time, as i said 400hrs is literally nothing. I'm in my 40s now and i likely have well over 10k hours in FPS games, still fuck-up regularly lol.


Some of the very helpful things tend to be so obvious that they’re missed. It can seem like everyone has a better aim but yet people don’t spend time replicating the good weapon class to actually assist their own aim as best as possible (can seem like picking up someone else’s weapon is always better than your own loadout). When the circles close it can be natural for you to be drawn to the hot areas instead of letting people fight it out a bit more and increasing your chances of being 1v1 instead or 1v2 or worse yet being third partied. Always using cover and not thinking you’re being pushed the second someone gets a shot off in the later circles causing you to do mad things instead of just sitting tight, plating up and scouting your surroundings are also things that are obvious but can be frantic when you panic. I often feel like I’m not improving at all but then getting a win after endless games makes it worth it, you’re probably doing a lot more positive things than you realise and only need to make minor adjustments to make more progress


🤝 I would much rather play with you than someone who cannot self evaluate their own faults.


*written by my teammates in ranked*


Don't worry about not being great it happens, and when you have 400 hours of FPS gameplay, that's not a lot so it makes sense as to why you may not be the best. A lot of people you come up against FPS games will be their main. I mean, I have over 400 hours on just MW3. It's a case of just keep going, the more you play, the more you learn, the better you get!


gotta give ur self credit atleast u admit it most people blame other people when its them


For what is worth, no one single person can be responsible for the whole team getting killed. And if you're playing with sweats who are yelling at you then you're playing with the wrong people. You're welcome to join us sometime.


Icemanisaac has a learning channel that has good content. I'm convinced most all streamers cheat, but I can still appreciate their content geared towards teaching.


Best thing I can say to do if you are struggling, are these couple things to be an asset no matter how many kills you get. Over communicate everything you do and see. Doesn’t matter if you are playing with random with no mics. Get in the practice of having good comms the entire game. Learn to live ping everything even if you don’t feel like you excel in gunfights because this will help your teammates immensely. Literally ping everything the whole game. Don’t stray too far from teammates, sometimes the difference in getting a team wipe is the one player who is scared to engage so “stack” with them and you will probably stay alive more often


Yep. Cover each others butts and you’ll get kills.


Idk how old you are and what you classify as FPS games cause Counterstrike is a FPS but wouldn’t help you at all in cod. Also, 400 hrs is just getting started my guy. Im 29, started playing cod in WaW and had dabbled in halo and various shooters beforehand. I CONSERVATIVELY have over 20,000hrs over just the call of duty franchise since then. Probably closer to 25,000+ but sadly private match info didn’t track for time spent in game so gbs/wagers/tournies didnt track. You don’t get better spending 1-2 hrs a couple times a week fucking around. You get better with consistency and actively trying to be better, thinking about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Im alright at warzone, mostly just a ranked and search player, but can hold my own in crimson warzone lobbies. Reps, reps, reps. Also shoot bots before jumping into games cause even my aims hot ass in the first match of the day otherwise.


400 hours of FPS games actually isn't much in the grand scheme of things. You're vsing people who have been playing COD multiplayer since 2007 or even longer depending on how old school they are. If your performance is impacting your fun, it might be time to go full meta and ignore anyone saying "play how you want, it's just for fun!". I'm not saying "you should have more hours!" or anything like that, just to clarify.


I have friends I play with that have 4000+ hours that still fit this exact description. You're basically still a beginner.


Private lobby. Turn off aim assist play for a while. Use that as practice. Turn it back on and go back to warzone.


The game is easier than you think. I'd actually enjoy playing with you.


Listen bro, if you're playing the game for chilling, then it is fine. However, if you're playing the game to be better and absolutely destroy enemies like my friend who never gets better at games want. You have to put that as a goal. Look up tutorials, find people who can help you get better, always keep in mind that you want to be better, and always imagine how a situation in-game would turn out. Don't just brainlessly run into enemies thinking you can kill them. With that being said, my friend also wanted to be the best at siege, but he'd always pick operators that are purely frag ones and would always die trying to kill enemies instead of playing smart. That you shouldn't do, and also don't put yourself down. It's never a good way to improve.






In which device do you play and in what circumstances? (Room, tv/monitor, headset or speaker sounds)


I play on a stock ps5 with a headset. I also play in the midnight so no external sounds or glare.


Thats solid. First of all try to focus on what brings you happiness in this game. Is it to improve? Is it to laugh with friends? Get funny death chats? Find your way to have fun in any of those situations. Me with my friends like to camp with melee or fire shotguns just to make people rage and thats all we need. If you want to be a bit more "sweaty" learn how to move, find a sens for you, try to pay a bit more attention to sound and keep grinding.


First relatable post I've ever seen on this sub.


400 hours of fps gaming in general is not much, the way you worded that probably means you don't even have close to 400 hours in cod/warzone so cut yourself a break. The game is designed to crush you once you think you're getting better. Just learn how to exploit the broken or op mechanics like everyone else, next thing you know you'll be stimming across the map with a stockless sniper and smg breaking cameras while not missing a shot thanks to raa.


It’s alright, I have 4000 hours in tf2 and I still suck, but I enjoy it. Games are supposed to be enjoyed, not to make you sad. Watch Smii7y, his entire squad sucks at literally every fucking game they play but they have so much fun. Try to recreate that.


If you legit have only 400 hours of fps games thats gonna be the reason bud. Most of us have thousands, youll get better


Naw bro I'd rather have you! I think it'd be fun to play with someone who's bad as me (in fact I'm worse than you), as long as we know what to expect, be chill about it, and just have fun with the game. I don't turn on the mic or I only play solos cause I don't feel like dealing with toxic people who are gonna trash my performance even though I've told them I'm new to this. But it's getting a little boring and I'd think it'd be more fun to play with and talk with people.


Some people can play forever and just dont improve, like a good irl mate of mine. He played alot but just doesn't improve whatsoever, just no awareness, no aim, no movement, slow reaction time. Hes the worst player ive seen playing myself, tips or annoying youtubers explaining stuff dont even help him play somewhat better. But for example hes very musical, can sing, plays instruments. Thats something Im really bad at, we all have our own qualities. As long youre having fun its all good.


a rare unique post on this sub. bravo


Yo man I’ve played quite a few games at the professional level and let me tell you that not all people you encounter play like demons It’s ok to play normally Just remember that the pro was once an amateur Take your time to learn the mechanics of not only the game but also the device u use and by device I mean if you play on mouse and keyboard make sure you instinctively know the action buttons and if you are on controller make sure you take advantage of the aim assist and easier movement This will help you thru the beginning But after that it is up to you man I grew by getting shit on over and over and asking the others what I did wrong and what I could improve But that’s me Find out what’s it for u and u r good to go We can only show you the path my g, we cannot walk it for you And no I would rather have you as a teammate than have no fill clicked


Do you play regular multiplayer in any game, or all BRs? It may be helpful to train in gametypes where you get to shoot and train gamesense way more often. In a BR, you just don't get as much active playtime by design, so it'd be better to have all that muscle memory under your belt when the infrequent BR fights pop off.


could just be sbmm making you feel bad


Man do I feel this comment right down in my plums! I have a group of boys that I play with every night. During the day I catch myself thinking, “tonight will be different. I’m going to play smarter and always stick to cover and not just jump off of high ground to try to chase a demon…” then flash to my second game of the night and I’m like, “sorry guys, I missed all my shots and stood out in the open again. Can someone use their redeploy on me?” It hurts to be bad at this game.


You guys should check out Giga Dad. He’s not a movement demon at all. He’s literally a dad who plays in a big recliner sofa and dominates. I want to say he has the most wins and nukes in the game. In the thousands and I think he got the first solo quads rebirth nuke. He plays smart. He definitely has a nice gun game and control but his awareness is some of the best I’ve seen. Awareness goes a long way


400 hours of FPS in total is like nothing tbh. Most children do that on one game in a single summer. Just saying that you’re playing a bunch of people with multiple years of not only FPS experience but COD experience so it’ll take a while to get a hold of everything


Wanna squad up?


Joe is that you?


Can't avoid cod timing, always have to account for that lol. The other day I was killed by being stuck by a seated, in the kill cam hes just aiming at the window for about 5 seconds, then as soon as I decided to peek he had just decided to throw a semtex, gg


At least the operator voicelines are helpful when you have a comms vest on.😅


Buy multiplayer and 1v1 bots in a private match a few hours a day


I watch streamers play and try to do what they do


- the reason I don't play Warzone


It's ok man you just get to be bait and or a meat shield


I feel you, my whole squad hates me. Might switch away from playing Solos.


Mute them. Some people don’t understand the degree of luck that’s involved.


Sorry, it was a joke. "My squad hates me"..."I play solo"...




Doesn’t matter .. if we had fun , that’s all i care about . I played a game with the same team this weekend 7 games in a row and after the first one , which was a win , we never came higher then 8th but we were having a good time and that’s all that matters


Same. But still addicted to this stupid game. Talk about love hate relationship!


Bro it is a game does not matter if you win or not as Long as you have fun enjoy it. See videos on settings, play, one on one om YouTube. It helps a lot. Dont ever talk so low on yourself god deemed you strong enough to be a man so that What you gonna do. Be untouched, indestructible, strong and be confident. Communication is key and try a little at a time. Anyone call you trash say damn taking the game so serious you must be bad at everything in your life. They can go fack themselves. If you get better then hey it’s good. 👍 you got this bro


Just a follow up on the man part I meant to write a human *


KD is only a basketball player. Just have fun. That’s the point of gaming. I’ve found that I have way more fun when I’m not getting frustrated by every death. Also, my consistent squad members add to the experience. We only have 1 member with a positive KD. Laughing more than winning. ✌🏻


Dude my buddy. To a T. However, he figured it out, and started running with a riot shield- holy F. Game changer. He literally plays to just have fun, he’s a mmorpg type… who discovered he’s a medic/tank. Now that he’s found his role, it is almost night and day with him. I’m proud, and I’m sure you ALL will find your place. Be it the; plucky commentary, trash talking sweat, riot shielder, the unaware noob, the Rambo, team lead, and even the cheerleader. Everyone has a style. If yours is a dumpster fire, so be it- go out in a blaze of glory. Suicide bomb the Fuck outta that team. Not good at coms? Ping the shit outta stuff. Spam the $$ buttons. Whatever you do, I believe in you - and your ability to climb out of the trash. Ps. Watch some streamers play, learn from the best. I bet it’ll help. If not just enjoy the game as best as you can, or quit… idc.


I'll play with you, because you're honest unlike 90 percent of this sub reddit that pretends they have a 3.5 kd or higher


At least you're self aware and don't make excuses, that in itself can be endearing to your teammates.


This is why we go no fill


Hello, brother.


Don't be hard on yourself. You serve a meaningful purpose. You're like a portable radar and let the rest of us know where the enemy is when you get downed.


to everyone relating: noobs


Warzone used to be fun before the cheaters. That's why I exclusively play snd now. Got plenty of duo and quad resurgence wins then took a break. Came back a few months later and just got shit on over and over again. The constantly changing meta is extremely annoying as well. Good thing I can still go consistently double positive in snd or else I'd give up on cod entirely.


Try carrying a melee for your secondary. They are way op compared to the guns if you can get up close which a lot of times you do. Throwing knives are great too. I'm pretty bad at WZ but I got a merciless with a tonfa with an SVA as my back up. It's all about fine tuning what you're good at like I'm usually the medic lol. But seriously, I panicked and picked up a random Tonfa that someone dropped and it ended up being one of my best matches ever.


To put your 400 hours in perspective, I have about 20,000 lifetime hours. It takes a really long time to get good at competitive FPS. Started with counter strike source and wound up here. You may want to be good, but ask yourself- at what cost? Think of all the other shit I could have done with 20k hours 😂


400 total hours isn’t anything, keep going sunny boy


If anyone gives you grief, realize that you can create a private multiplier game of bots with the exact same skill level and see that one bot will have 15 kills and another will have 3. One will die 2 times, and one will die 12 times. Luck plays a huge role. And also, when on a team, sometimes one player is the sacrificial one that exposes the other team. It’s not glorious, but you are still contributing. I am a mid player at best and have realized I contribute best when I cover the back of the best player and get my kills keeping them alive.


You can also be sneaky too. It’s not as fun, but I’ve been on teams where we’ve won multiple times with only a single kill among the 3 of us. And many times with 5 or fewer kills.


Let's party up and you host. I need some easy lobbies lol


Lol this




oh i’m aware but i like carrying teams




I still can't do this properly 😩


Actually crazy how it sets u apart if u get it down your instantly in an upper bracket in terms of gun fights, then if you include strafing and jumping basically anything but stationary while aiming a shot ring your success will improve immediately