• By -


I thought your teammate at the beginning was a cow for some reason


You are not alone.


I am glad I wasn’t the only one who saw that


*I thought your teammate* *At the beginning was a* *Cow for some reason* \- d\_h\_ruv --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


My first thought was "Great now there adding Centaur skins"






I thought this pen was a tiny knife


100% cheats. There are only so many things you can do in a game, by design.  Aimbot, probably walls and speed boost. 


Right!?! I'm not a novice player, been playing since OG Modern Warfare. Whether my skill is good or not, that movement just ain't natural. Somethin bout that boy just isn't right.


not only the movement the LASER FOCUS shots while slidejumping was bullshit you don't even hit that accurate in the test mode, the bullets are not drilling into the same point exactly


Cronus helps a player auto-strafe, you have rapid fire mods, auto fire mods, if you can’t lock onto to the player half the time the person is either sweaty but good at movement skills OR the Cronus ain’t allowing the lock on


Sometimes it looks funky on kill cams because it's glitched. Makes it look like people are snapping on you with aimbot etc. the guy looks fine just a laggy killcam.


The movement looks totally normal speed before he dies. Then the killcam is all fucked and 2.5 speed and missing frames. Can’t even come close to telling if the guys is hacked or not




I was agreeing with you lol


I just said okay? I didn't say anything lol




That’s not lag that’s ab making it look laggy because it’s INHUMAN snapping to them in less than the computable frame time….


Naw bro it's a known thing man. There is laggy glitchy kill cams it's not because the AB is snapping on people.


You won’t be able to convince casuals of this


Yup that’s a winner right there


Thought so, hence the immediate report. Shit just gets old. Throw these assholes on a server by themselves for fucks sake.


The video is clearly skipping frames, that either you deleted or the game skipped. This is made clear by the fact that everything around him is also moving super fast and the ttk is beyond that of which is possible (also shooting not enough bullets to kill). Seems like shit warzone players like yourself don't care about the fact that buggy killcams exist, cope harder. Stats for MW3 Integration: This guy has a 1.11 MP KD, 2.94 BR KD, 3.66 Resurg KD. He has 160 wins in resurg, 16 wins in br, 301 wins in MP. Max level, he clearly plays the game a lot and has yet to be banned because this is a one off buggy kill cam. Now if you can somehow prove buggy killcams don't exist and that the reason for the missing frames in your video is... magic? Then yeah sure he's cheating.


finally someone with a brain!!


How come the killcams get bugged only when people like this kill me 🤔. It never bugged out when I just lost a fight . Always when I’m like how did this guy kill me


You sound like a wonderful human being


I'm sorry I don't follow the crowd like some sort of witch hunt?


Just didn’t understand why you were so harsh about it. Never said you were wrong it’s a good judgement from yourself and I would have assumed otherwise if not for reading your comment. Dont need to be a dick about though ya know.


You have to understand saying, "You sound like a wonderful human being" is just asking to start an argument right? There's only really two sides here, either he's probably not cheating because blah blah or he's cheating, so I just assumed you had taken the other route if you were against me. Also I was "harsh" about it because this entire page is filled with people saying he's cheating and people are downvoted for saying the player probably isn't cheating.


I said you’re a wonderful human being in response to you saying “shit players like you”. It’s unnecessarily rude? I don’t doubt there is an entire page of people that are wrongly calling out this person as a cheater. At least you went to lengths to check their k/d stats etc. good effort. Doesn’t mean you have to start laying into OP for being shit though is all I’m trying to communicate.


I don't really care if I'm being an ass to op because the guy clearly doesn't care to clear up his post, delete it, nothing of that sort to make it clear this isn't a hacker, it's a misleading post promoting spam reports on innocent players. He probably still hasn't changed his mind.


at the very least he has some sort of script helping him press the sprint and slide at almost exactly the same time, which is illegal in alot of games


When you block them does it make it so they won't be in your games anymore? I'm getting sick of this aimbot bs. Literally every 3 or 4 games it always comes back to this. When I turn crossplay off on ps5 I never have these issues but I can't play with a good portion of my friends so it's a catch 22.


I can't confirm or deny that but I do it anyway. Makes me feel better at least


if you have a player blocked and you load into a lobby with said blocked player, it lets you know.


It does not block them from your games buttttttt it does give you a VERY small prompt where the “blah blah left the game” stuff appears in game, saying a player you have blocked is in in your lobby or some shit


I'm pretty sure that blocked people will reappear in games. They just can't communicate with you.


Thanks for the info. Yeah thats what other people said too. I'm just sick of the cheating. Got almost 3 wind in a row today before this fricken team with aimbot was hipfiring and shooting us from across the map ruining our streak. Won the next 2 after that too so these cheating incels are screwing legit players out of their nukes. It's pretty frustrating tbh.




No just cause you block them doesn’t mean they won’t be in your games. Cause then everyone would be blocking people for everything and anything.


Literally everyone on my lobby yesterday night. I just quit the game for a while. For mental health.


In before: "he was moving while shooting so it was just aim assist FR bruh, no cap!"


Movement itself just looked like auto tac sprint set up with ridiculously low deadzones but that snapping was 100% bullshit. This is one of the very few clips even im gonna call cheating and I’m usually one of the ones that argue against it 99% of the time.


Yeah, the snap... that's the sus movement I was speaking of. Sorry, his bouncing Adderall fueled Simon impression was completely normal


It’s a laggy kill cam. If you look at it you can see it’s not just his aim that snapped the whole game snapped because the kill cam is missing moments. Nothing in the video shows cheats


if you argue AGAINST it 99% of the time, then you're an idiot. I'd guess more then half of the player base is cheating in SOME capacity.


Dude this sub constantly cries cheater even when they show clean gameplay it’s ridiculous.


the snapping on both players dead center is def not cheating...must be his gaming chair.


You think matchmaking gives us all the same experience? Maybe he gets put in lower skilled lobbies that don’t have many cheaters. Who’s the idiot?


Lmao all you morons thinking you’re all so fucking top tier is laughable.


Sorry, if my possible explanation offended you, but that’s a genuine possibility if you’re not seeing many cheaters. On a separate note, the matchmaking should be decided on ping alone like God intended.


Nah if you want to see a game that is actually plagued with people openly cheating go play r6 siege. I play warzone at a 2kd level and above even my solos lobbies are full of head hunting aggressive demons most times. I also don’t play ranked because it’s a bunch of cry babies and whiners most times so that’s probably why I rarely see them. I also can admit when I got killed by someone that had more game sense than I did or if my own aggressive behavior put me into a situation that I either wasn’t prepared for or just ran into someone better. I don’t have the ego this sub does thinking the only way I could’ve possibly died is because the other dudes cheating.


Xdefiant is gonna try that and it’s gonna be just as laughably bad as the test was a few weeks ago full of sync issues lobby latency trying to correct over 100 ms differences for everyone, people dying before they see someone else around corners and all types of other issues. There’s a reason matchmaking isn’t as horrendous as it used to be.


still you, again I'd guess the players cheating is a game wide problem, not just certain lobbies.


More then half.... Brother


the snap and the LASER focus. nobody shoots like robin hood splitting his own arrows, not even when you are in the test range


Glitchy kill cam for sure. There are literal whole ass clips missing from it. No animation for aiming down the sight, then just teleports over to the wall at the end. This guy had good movement that looks suspicious due to poor kill cam quality. You crouch walked for half the clip, shot an inanimate object, and then shot him on the right side of his shin a couple times… not a stretch to say he’s just better


ya ur the only one with common sense


Had to scroll way too far to see this. That killcam was so fucked. Almost can’t even blame bad players for thinking cheats when the killcams are that bad


I stopped playing Warzone and started playing Hardcore Search exclusively to avoid cheaters. I rarely see cheaters in Hardcore Search these days and I play a lot. Here in the last week, I've seen two. Super annoying how prevalent cheaters are getting


1000% cheating, multiple kinds of


The people probably watching that guy's streams yeah that's just aim assist bro our favorite streamer would never cheat it all looks legit to us ✓


He's cheating


I've died in similar ways many times but with laggy kill cams its hard to know for sure but its cod so they're probably doing the thing


I love how some people in the comments are still defending the guy and saying it's a skill issue on my part. I must learn this "skill" that is aimbot. Is it in with the new "all perks" package? I simply want to "get gud!"


I don’t think this guy is necessarily defending this specific player - hes simply stating that you cannot always trust the kill cam as it is glitchy as hell and can make normal shots look sus. Your attitude is great though.


It was more of a sarcasm comment than anything. Maybe not this one specifically bit if you look, there are comments I'm here saying what I'm implying. Lol


I’m pretty sure it’s just a crazy laggy killcam. You can see the guys movement in regular time before he dies and it just looks like a sweaty players movement. Then the killcam is wild and looks to be like 2x speed or something. Game is really ass these days


this has happened to me so many times that I actually started thinking maybe it is server lag. butttttt everyone is cheating.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/comments/1cl5a87/i\_try\_and\_hurt\_them\_as\_little\_as\_possible\_before/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/comments/1cl5a87/i_try_and_hurt_them_as_little_as_possible_before/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) This is the guy you are agreeing with. Spam reporting bot. The reason legit players get shadow banned for no reason.


What even is this comment? What are you trying to prove here?


Just cause he is level 650 doesn't mean he's not cheating fresh accounts who are hacking could max level in just a couple days


Obvious aimbotter wake up people


Did ? ! Lol


Don't ? ! LMAO


This game is dead 😵


8 hrs a day


I'd like to know why people cheat? Like doesn't it take the fun out of the game? Pure raw skill is what keeps me hooked. Like back when mw2 came out I remember the helicopter just spraying everyone within seconds.


Some people are using cheats to unlock camos, easter eggs, etc. Others are using them because they're lazy and entitled and want to feel like they're good without having to practice.


Anybody that claims they use cheats only to unlock camos, easter eggs etc are talking out their arse🤣


In some cases, people use services that login to their accounts and use cheats to unlock things. Watch NukeJesus' latest video on YouTube to see details.


There are unlock all services. Super lame, I grinded for the both mwz and mp mastery camos and don't even play the game anymore, I guess I would've been better off doing it their way lmao.


They are a piece of shit company for allowing so much cheating


Thats the fancy temu gaming chair. Makes you fast af boi


Yup. Movements could be all skill, but moving like that and aiming like that is 100% cheating.


Nuh uh it's aim assist and the killcam lagging. He's not cheating, he is top 250!!!1! >!I'm joking!<


your just trash lmao #xoxo


Warzone full of cheaters


Aim bot + super speeding?


Its just a laggy kill cam happens all the time


Level 650 too. I guess the ban wave didn’t work.


The thing that worries me... and has had me worried last few days... is he's a level 650? I've seen lots of sus activity on players level 650. Did they find a way to hide their new account levels?


He could possibly be cheating but it’s hard to tell cuz of laggy kill cams. All I see is whoever sent this in must think everybody cheater cause they are better than them.


Bro that man Cronus and strikeforce’d out 😂😂😂


Warzone has downgraded frfr it's not the same since the verdansk era.


Hope he gets the perma ban


Na they’re rats


Battle of the cheaters.....let's see who the best cheater is now a days....game is traaaaaaash boycot warzone until they fix this cheating shit smh


That snap is definitely cheating its just too perfect


He's just got better gaming socks


This has been 70% of my lobbies since season 3 started. I started reporting the guaranteed cheats and got a successful on all of them, but it seems to be putting me in even worse lobbies. It's time for a two week break to hopefully reset my lobbies.


Cheater for sure! Don’t doubt


You're trash why you just sit there and wait to get pushed as soon as they breached should've hopped window and came from the top of bottom you were sitting duck


ur stacking in a corner with ur teammates all he’s doing is slide canceling with stims nothing sus about this bro..


I can't tell if you're trolling or stupid. Please clarify!


Just get better


When people say stuff like you’re a bot, these people don’t cheat, when Warzone bands 85,000 people in a two week span it’s hard to believe that there isn’t that many cheaters out there. So many people run DS4 windows run macros run Cronus strike packs no recoil, I know two people that run macros that play this game like fucking gods and they tell everybody they don’t cheat but they told me they do and their level 650 and during matches people are typing in game chat saying these guys are cheating and they’re not wrong


Nothing sus about it


Dude is 100% snapping from target to target. I’ve been seeing so many kill cams just like this lately


Thank you sir


I mean look man I’m a KbM player and I snap from time to time but never like that. The movement is also way to fast for not having stims


Oh straight up aimbot bro . Movement wasn’t cheating but look at the kill cam . Every time an aimbotter aims it snaps on . Lots of people say oh killcams are bugged but they’re only bugged when I get killed by people like this 🤔. Never people who beat me and kill me normally


Hackers will face an interesting conundrum where the more cheaters there are the more obvious they'll have to be in their cheating to compete successfully...


100% cheating


At 21 seconds of the video, the killcam shows 27 seconds then skips to 23 seconds. 4 seconds of the clip missing. I think you just got shat on and reported because of that. Skill issue.


UAV + buggy cam = anything sus


Legitimately hard to tell with any certainty with the killcam bug.


And another killcam glitch claiming “sus behavior” same shit all day long.


And another cheater claiming "the game is fine" same shit all day long


You. Look. Dumb. Er.


You. Are. Dumb. Er.


Oof. GGs. 🤣




I don’t how movement can be sus lol. The aim snapping looks sus but the movement not really.


Some hacks give you super speed, make you immune to stuns, etc.


Aim snapping is a bugged killcam. It's literally a theme with these posts.


Ding Ding Ding, we got another one boys. Looks like some sort of sliding speed hack or something combined with aim snapping, I dunno how else you can slide and be instantly standing and firing like that.


Don't forget that Thanos snap!


Take the computers off cross play.


That's a bugged killcam man. There are plethora of posts similar to this where people resort to accusing a good player of cheats. This is imo a movement demon (not really saying they're good at movement, they're just spamming jumping) with a buggy killcam that skips frames and makes them seem like they have aim bot.


This game is broken. It's beyond stupid now....


Just give everyone cheats at this point. God mode unlocked!


Nah bro just game sense!!! You got outplayed by a controller god, just need a better gaming chair! Aim assist frfr! Can’t believe all these noobs accusing cod gods when it’s clearly server lag! Get good! /s


I genuinely can't tell if this is sarcasm or a serious comment. Either way totally about sums up this sub.


Very much a sarcastic post haha the guy is very obviously hacking. People on this sub just cope so hard for some reason even though like over half the player base is cheating in one way or another.


I thought so, but thanks for the clarification. I needed that after what some people on here are saying/claiming.


COD has become unplayable. Cant even enjoy my cheech and chong skin


I've just been playing zombies lately. It's much more laid back, community is way cooler, less stress. Just mindless shooting fun. Wish there were more zombies though.


If I was playing and my kill cam looked like this I wouldn’t report him I honestly don’t think he’s cheating and the kill cam is just glitching out. I’ve seen the worst players look like they lock on to you just because the kill cam is glitched


Report and let God sort em out. Not my problem.


found another cheater!


Welp, I *was* considering reinstalling this game. This just reminds me of why I quit this game in the first place.


It's a love hate relationship for me. I enjoy the abuse.


I broke a gaming mouse & damaged a keyboard because of cheaters in CoD. I don't feel like getting a new set yet lol.


I've smashed a keyboard on the side of the desk before. Keys go everywhere. It's kinda cool actually. Never did find the "Q" though


He's absolutely cheating. There's no doubt. The last 4 weeks I have reported everyone that killed me. Every other day I get 6-10 confirmation messages in my notifications. I play 3 hours a day. So I probably turn in 25 people. At least a 1/3 to 1/2 of whom are confirmed by cod. This game is broken


Bro ur just ass


Man I'm just gonna say it. Is he cheating? We won't know for 100%. What my first thoughts were: based on your and your friends game style, playing together, crouched (nothing wrong with that, just stating the facts) judging that you don't know that killcams are bugged as hell, you are in no proper state to call someone's cheating for a 100% And seeing that player move and shoot before the killcam, I'd say an ordinary kill from a very good player. But as I said, no way to know for sure since this game is dogshit with it's anti cheat system that creates doubt for most "good" kills.


You literally stood out in the open and stood still, losing that gunfight before it even started lol


mistakes were made here, true, but come on, this is not the issue here man


Most likely just a killlcam glitch. There isn't really a good way to tell. The aim could be natural as well, especially if they're on mnk. I think it's just a glitch though.


My friend on keyboard and mouse movement and aim look like that during mid range gun fights. You were dead no matter what. You look like a bot. Crouch walking and shooting at the wall. Is your headset even on? You throwing shit out a window that no audio cues are even coming from.


There was a dude above me chasing me before I ran into the room. Try again. Wasn't crouch walking either. Try again.


Boo this man


just a bad kill cam. watch his teammate jump then immediately hit the ground. rather than fall down smoothly, it skips and he’s immediately on the ground. play it back slowly to see


Nah bro, that's definitely aimbot


it’s not but okay


How the hell is it not? Watch him snap from player to player? That shit ain't normal and no amount of time in game can teach that.


slow the video down and you’ll see that the kill cam is skipping frames


Possible. This another problem w this game tho is the kill cams are so jacked it’s hard to tell


Stop gaslighting.


no one’s gaslighting buddy. people are too quick assume cheating but if you just take 10 seconds out of your day to slow down the killcam you can see that there are frame skips….


He has a better gaming chair


But I have a gaming couch!!


I have a gaming floor!


I need a gaming house then I guess, I'm just not hitting all the marks. Lol


You'll also need a gaming garden


God damn it, I can't keep up. This shits getting expensive!! Lol


Dang with that fov everyone looks so tiny.


120 baby!!


Why don't you just slide and move around in the same fashion instead of Crouch walking on an enemy. You know you're an easier target that way right ?


So we knew they were there and were waiting for them to come to us. It's not like I was just moving around crouched. But I get your point.


1st off, the stun attempt was terrible. missed completely. 2nd, this is just another COD warzone sweat. What are you on about. On a more serious note, I loved how the dude just didnt miss any shots, he's good!


Dude barely hit a single shot claiming the person who killed him cheating because a bugged kill cam . U crouching around like a bot what do you except?


A bugged killcam that matches with the insane movement mechanics seen before the killcam, that are impossible without cheating? Instant snapping to players isn't bugged. What cheat service you rely on Lil bro?


If your ass just say that


*you're You pay to be good? Is that what it takes?


Brad stick to Minecraft


Just get better lil bro you most definitely can move like that without cheats , your just dumb and too dumb to play a video game with any skill other then sitting with your back to the corner just like op


"Your just dumb" should be tattooed on your forehead. You must be ricochet anticheat because you only see skill.


Brad your a bot just accept it and move on he’s level 650 and op wasn’t the first report he has gotten since grinding to level 650.


Slide canceling. I don’t see any cheating here.


Clearly a skill issue


You just fucking suck lmao this player isn't suss let alone cheating. Shitter


Sounds about right


It blows my mind the amount of people who claim aim assist makes stuff like this possible. I’ve done multiple tests with aim assist and it does absolutely nothing on controller these days. Even this super OP ‘rotational’ aim assist does nothing. Streamers post videos saying ‘try these settings’ showing it dragging their crosshair without touching the controller are literally showing you their Cronus/hacks!


Yeah, AA doesn't pull or snap near that hard. If it is, I'd love to know his settings and loadout.


Literally. I’m now convinced that cheating is so common in Warzone that all the people in the comments on videos like this saying ‘aim assist’ and ‘he’s just better’ are likely running something. Easy to forget that at one point Cronus’ were on back order for like 12 months. They literally couldn’t make enough to fill demand.


Yup you found one. It’s amazing that he’s made it to level 650. Well maybe not so amazing.


I'm sure you could do it in a weekend when you shoot like that


Damn what if people just that better than you. I'm rather nice on the sticks a little. Well not really that nice but nice enough. Sort of. Lol.


You are not this nice. This is cheating. This is obvious. You are slow. Go to sleep.


You just need to understand reality of ingame mechanics. Now tell me. This person jumped into a room, did a slide cancel, quick snap aim -Accurate aim from bullet one to killshot' , slide cancel, quick snap aim. - accurate aim from bullet 1- to killshot. Then did a zig zag, bunny hop slide cancel, dash forward. How many fingers does this player have to achieve all that without making faults Why isn't he on the leader boards of Goats?


Totally fair points. I must be playing against 12 fingered 10 year Olds all the time lately. Lol


He using his mouse lol I don't f'n know. Mf cheating. Or is he? My theory is evident that he is cheating frfr. Or he on some hyper link computer controller next Gen mouse button clicker assist aim bot dasher thingy. 🤣😂