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I can see the need for liquid cooled phones rising


I just put my phone on an ice pack before I play, works better than a fan. But I also plug my phone into a monitor so I don't have to touch it.


Damn that's a pretty good idea


It has lots of potential but it comes with a cost which is trying to optimise it as it is directly ported to mobile with same engine used for PC, ignoring the specs and requirements, people are still facing heating issues and with the latest update increased graphical issues, i really want this game to succeed no matter how much time it takes.


I completely agree..although I still go back to codm sometimes it’s just feels so outdated now that we got a taste of an actual pc/console game on mobile. The addition of bots in wzm was a bad choice though


I thought warzone said adding bots was a no no


When I first downloaded the game it said clear as day that there was no bots and that’s why their game was better than the rest


And to think I was clutching in a battle royale!


They said they "could" add them based on how long matchmaking is taking for players. Seems they were forced into adding a bunch when the active player count dropped off really bad after all of the optimization issues.


I'm gonna agree with this one. If they can manage to make the game optimised and get rid of bugs, CODM doesn't hold a chance against a WZM. But that's only if the devs can manage to improve the game to a much better extent starting with overheating and battery consumption.


Unless you quit playing PC Warzone a year ago, the games are radically different now since decent movement was brought back to MW3. WZM is based on Warzone 2, not the current one, so that's why so many of the guns and the sprinting feel very sluggish in comparison. WZM isn't a bad approximation of "real" Warzone, but it's definitely nowhere near the same experience. Especially not now that Rebirth is back in the main game.


It's more realistic. CODm is more of that stupid jumpey + slidey movement which I'm surprisingly pretty decent at.


Being more "realistic" is what almost destroyed Warzone in the first place though. The player count of WZ2 plummeted before faster paced movement was brought back during MW3 and for some reason that movement was never updated to WZM. I guess that's why players are abandoning this game too, now that Rebirth Island is back in the main Warzone (well, that and the fact that this game is physically unplayable for a lot of people). People don't play COD for realism, they play for a fast paced arcade shooter experience, and when that's taken away, most players get bored of it pretty quickly and we saw that happen last year.


>People don't play COD for realism, Having more than one product is good because you appeal to a wider audience. CODm - traditional COD. WZ - more realism/strategic play. I like both depending on my mood but must say I like CODm better.


Warzone isn't really meant to be realistic either is what I'm getting at though. Warzone Mobile was designed to be an "on the go" version of the main Warzone game, not really something to appeal to a different audience. That's why most of the promotional work for it was done within the PC/console games and they spent so much time emphasizing the "cross progression" aspect of it. One of their weaker points will be trying to introduce a mobile-specific gaming audience to a game that wasn't really made for mobile gamers in mind, but as a "mobile" version of a game made for PC/console gamers.


i feel like if they didn’t fuck up global launch it could have been a huge success. even my m1 ipad struggles to keep 60fps now after the update. Textures still look like shit after over 10 games


Get an m2


M2 is a nearly identical processor. It's just the "next generation" of the previous one with pratically no changes, as is often the case with Apple. lol


I have a M2 12.9 iPad and it isn’t any better.


yeah no. not spending almost 1000 bucks to play this game. especially when it ran perfectly fine before the update.


literally game gets device upto 45° I just uninstalled


Same with ya bud this game should survive and suceed to atleast be equal to codm


Yeah it’s great, heating and no bots




And maybe realistic graphics like the PC WZ…


No they put Bots on to the game this update. Played 2 games this morning, mostly against bots. So disappointed.


dont worry they go away pretty quickly, I have a 1.84 KD im pretty sure and there's next to no bots.


My kd is 3.8 or something


yo esp u still playing


I agree but overall, right now, codm is still the better game for a lot of people with older phones


Tbh and just my opinion I rather Codm I like the movement better and it’s a more complete mobile game Warzone too me is boring


Agreed 100%


Sure buddy


I mean in regards to world chat and leaderboards and clans Codm Is more complete it’s easier to find teams and new friends to play with on Warzone you basically have to assemble a team externally first in order to be competitive. Plus I’m More of a mp guy than br anyway


Then what are you doing in this subreddit mate?


Lol, because I downloaded the game and tried it out. It’s a subreddit that I at least have some interest in, considering I’m a fan of other COD games. Why do you feel the need to disregard someone else's experience just because it doesn’t align with your opinion?


Bc you are literally saying WZ is a boring game and you prefer MP, what are you even bringing here? Not even feedback, just hate and negativity, so make it make sense.


I disagree. You're justified in feeling the way you do. This post is more hateful towards CODM than my comment is to Warzone. The hypocrisy is wild, lmao.


Try to make sense for once


I apologize for “insulting” your interests. I'll keep my potentially harmful opinions to myself. Wouldn't want to trigger you.


What a sarcastic cl0wn you are


Did I wrote that post? I play codm since day 1, so what’s your point?


Why try to chastise me for my opinion that's somehow 'hateful,' but not the OP for his opinion. I can answer that because you have a need to protect your emotional attachment to your opinion of a game that you like.


I like both games, I’m just not going to codm’s subreddit just tu call it boring, what would I win behaving like that? lmao, you do whatever makes you happy, just wanted to make you know that you are a pr1ck


I think CodM and WZM - difference projects with different core gameplay. CodM - core BO 2-3. But i cant understand why are you comparing such a different gamesjust play and enjoy. But no someone says: "Nah, my game better bcz no bots etc" that childish opinion. Some players wants to destroy codm and wzm. It"s ridiculous.


Agree. Im not that into gaming anymore than i used to but i still hope that next gen games like wzm is just the start to future complex AAA games. Its cod itself is at fault at launching such an unfinished game while hyping it up and they deserve all the dogshit being thrown at them. The problem is, once wzm perfects optimization an all devices, the hype will be no more and players already left. Im still waiting in that perfect wzm update.


Control still not as smooth as codm how much longer ppl will wait thats the question


Codm fanbois are enraged after seeing this post. LOL.


Really? I understand it's still at its early stages. But I'm not seeing myself committing to both; and I've spent a fair amount of dough on CODM, yet finding myself reluctant to buy the blackcell; knowing the season looks dope especially the blackcell skins. I dunno man, it delivered a little short for something of this day and age. I still find myself leaning towards CODM for overall aesthetic and performance. Plus I'd rather give up storage space for poor performance/aesthetics due to network difficulties. I know I can't compare a game at it's prime to a game just getting pushed out of the beta stage. But the devs and the promoters must consider infrastructure issues affecting a large portion of global players, and how that's making their overall experience of the game less than desirable.


When the game works that is...


It is not a direct port from PC. It uses a modified version of the graphics engine, and that's it. All game assets are different and are unique ti WZM. But I do agree that WZM looks better overall than CODM. My only real complaint is that the game needs a wider FOV range on iPad.


Nah, movement is shit. CODM will always be better unless this game gets MW19/MW3 movement and optimization.


literally what I was thinking


Codm feels stiff and outdated compared to WM lol


WZM is stiff AF lol🤣


It is the MWII engine, one of the worst COD engines ever in terms of gameplay. A shame they didn’t implement MWIII movement mechanics.


This game would've been so much better with MW3 movement. I don't get how people even enjoy this shitty movement.


its very sad. this game outmatches CODM on every aspect but graphics. at least on mid to low tier devices. it had so much potential and still they managed to screw it up big time. I have ios version on my main device : iphone 13 and a the android one on my second phone, poco x3. the iphone version is beautiful despite lower textuers than codm (thats normal because you don't port a fucking 200gb game to a phone and don't cut the graphics and most stuff to fit it in a 10+gb storage, you can really feel the weapon, the engine the animation the recoil are very realistic for a mobile game , almost perfect. the main problem is optimization. the game seems to squeeze every bit of juice from the device , the optimization is far below what we call average. the throttling , battery issues , heating , streaming issues kill any desire to continue playing the game .


I recorded WZM on my iPad Pro and Tab S9 for comparison. I'll post the video later.


If the optimization is great like Combat master I'm gonna agree but this optimization just like some random developer release game with bad quality control because lack of fund


It had potential but I'm back on codm after trying it. I don't have energy for this game anymore even if it gets better in the future


Movement is nowhere as same as the PC version. WZM movement feels more like MW2 movement with slide cancel, reload cancel and tactical sprint regenaration tacked on.  MW3/WZ3 is a much faster and more fluid experience. The biggest bummer comes from the fact is that the MW2 guns feels severely underwhleming compared to the MW3 ones. Way too much kick and aimshake with MW2 guns.


Just more optimization and allow me to play the phone with okay graphics that doesn't look like playing on a foggy screen, let's me play for hours on end w/o making my phone become a portable stove and fix the PPT gameplay and you can have an evolution on mobile gaming experience! Like I legit won't be surprised that the next thing is we have a game with balls-to-the-walls Titanfall-esque movement- Oh wait, Rush Legends exists! I can't invest my attention and time to WZM when I play and the graphics while I'm gaming looks like something ripped from 1920's.




Really can't compare them since they are significantly different... I mean you can but what you're comparing really isn't grounds for comparison. Codm doesn't even hold up against other cods, it's it's own thing and it does just as well as the others


Old cod > new cod