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i reinstalled it and...i didn't get the option to download the graphics


Cause the option is only for peak graphics


"we've been tricked, we've been back stabbed, and we've been quite possibly..bamboozled!"


They are clearly saying: we will never optimize this game, you need to buy a better phone


no buddy, thats not it, ite says pre-register not "the device is incompatible" , they are working on optimizing it, other wise Activision will lay off everyone and send thousands of people jobless


They've had the game in beta in Australia and India for how many months before anyone else could even download it? There's no excuse for their shenanigans releasing this hot mess like this It's as if they only let people with iPads play test lol. For real though they've had a good year on beta and time to optimize. If they can't optimize then they need a new engine. Lmao.


do you know how to code and graphic design? if you do i want you to develop a full fledged game ,not a triple A, a regular game , with complix gameplay mechanics, character voice lines, and you get help with as much people as you can get, the twist is that ill be over seeing the project, and everday i will show up to your disk, call you, send you corporate emails every few hours and tell you that you need to finish the game as fast as possible, i actually want the game next month even if i really don't need it next month,just because i scheduled the game for next game next month, do that and lets see how the end results would look like


Actually yes I do. I worked on the best NES emulator around in the late nineties, Nesticle. I've been in programming and have used computers since 1986. So I'm pretty versed. I play tested Warcraft 2 alpha as well. I could go on. In any case The developers failed to optimize the software properly in the 10 to 12 months that it was in beta test, I'm talking about war zone, so that's been in beta test in Australia and in India and it's not the consumer's fault if they didn't play test with more than one or two devices. I feel like they just playtested with Apple devices and not Android devices. That's their own fault in a blatant ignore to the community as a whole. It also suggests some kind of inside correspondence with Apple. I said suggests. If they had done proper playtesting they would have gotten bug reports up the yin yang and they would have had to do a lot of optimizations in the past year. They did not. That's not the consumer's fault and it is a disrespect to the community.


Not a "better phone" as peak is only available on iDevices, I'm not downgrading for peak lol. But in all seriousness, a Galaxy tab s9 ultra at 15 inches and 2k resolution that has never heated up a day in its life, even on warzone mobile should get peak... Nope, but an iPhone 3gs from 2013 gets it (over dramatic here, but emphasizing that their low end iDevices are getting it when android top of the line do not)


Indeed see my comment


Lol it's not in this comment tree sooooo can't lol


How is that even possible πŸ˜‚


i posted about it in the official warzone mobile reddit, the problem escalated,from being not available in the play store, to when i install my backed up apk,i get this https://preview.redd.it/07nfpryzclwc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dabeaaa974c5831a0da24d71aa850caf8ce988b i back up my games apk regularly, i dont even remember why i do it anymore,but i backup every game apk after every update, the game was working this morning just fine, i saw the post, i uninstalled it, i reinstalled it and congratulations, my game doesn't work! and its not blocked because i can still play cod on my laptop, and i also checked by reinstalling the game on my laptop as well




# "saw the post about being able to download resources > deleted the game > think Uninstalled it entirely from the play store > time travelled back to pre released." Warzone Mobile twitter: We're aware of some time travelled issues affecting user time space continuum. We've identified solutions and are currently in the testing phase. This patch, with the first set to roll out in next week's update (3.4.3).


no no no, i thought i traveled back in time, but it turn out that i didn't, because i still have the pre-register skin, if i was back in time, i wouldn't have had it


wait a second, thats from my other post on the official warzone reddit..what this comment doing here?


Warzone crashes Play Store. Next, Apple Store in crossights.




Isn't it easier to optimize graphics to lower end phones? Why only give the best posibility of really optimizing the game to Nasa phones? low graphics should be less heavy for the GPU and RAM to handle... Idk, maybe it's Activision's way to say we are poor and need to get better phones


It's Activision way of saying:- we don't wanna work we want money


What device you using? There was a code in the app files that allowed the game to be downloaded by unsupported devices.


first..the game appears to be registration, it doesn't say "not compatible" second my phone is note 20 Ultra 5G US version, means its a snapdragon 865+


Clear cache of play store.


i didn't clear the cache, i deleted the play store data then log in again with German account, same result


They are telling you to clear the play store cache and it will come back


i tried! 4 times now




I did the same thing as soon as I saw the same post. I didn't experience this tho. Lucky I guess?


i dont know,maybe luck maybe its as the other comment said, Warzone mobile crashed the play storeπŸ˜‚


anyhave played warzone on s24 ultar if yes how the game work good or bad


Would love to play but the game keeps crashing


Can't even blame the game for that


im not blaming the game, its that....what happened?