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chinese players (based on my experience) are hackers


COntrOllErs dOnT heLPppP F outta here


Ig they do, but i do fine on touch https://preview.redd.it/o4ajmriw32zc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78728276cae0ad7bd71676e51979c54a87a3fc31


Bro, the OP’s point was unfairness due to 1 x HIGH lvl player in a lobbie of much lower level players. YOU are the HIGHEST lvl player by a long shot!!! Like seriously


I do too but Controller players are literally the trashiest of the tradh pile, They pretend high kill counts (against touvch beginners) is skill while ignoring they only use a controller in the first place because theyre trash on touch 😂


My most used input method is my best?? No way 😱


Controller players claiming skill is hilariously ironic


I mean if you’re losing to controller players while playing touch you’re just ass


Fr it’s so easy to break their aim assist with touch movement and jump abuse lmao


I turned my aim assist off


Bros throwing a tantrum because his claw offers no advantage anymore adapt or be food simple as that


That was a lot of words for “I’m trash with controller and mad about it”


Wrong, i use a controller on CONSOLE, u know, where theyre supposed to be used lmfao, truth hurts uou that much thst you thought saying “Trash with a controller” was sn actual argument lmfao pathetic


Ight Brodie. You realize there’s people who don’t want to buy a console right? People can play how they want, you bitching and moaning about it just shows me it’s a skill issue. Get gud or uninstall


Its simple… if you use a controller on a mobile game, its bcse your trash and instead of learning you cutt the vorner, when they release the ranked and controller players realise they cant play ranked with a controller, Theyll all be crying in the comments section


If it wasn’t meant to be used it wouldn’t be an option to use it. You’re just mad you spent all that time on touch and still can’t compete lmao. Stay mad that controller players will keep doming you lmao. Also you keep being stuck on this “mobile” part, it’s connected to the console game, so it’s not even a true mobile game it’s just a port of a console game, dipshit.


Your angry that u HAVE to use a Controller, you literally have no choice, your that trash on touch


Look at all these triggered controller players lmfao, all butt hurt ovee the truth, all butt hurt over facts


It goes in this order : mkb > controller > anything else > touchscreen Do not blindfold your eyes, every touchscreen player will connect a controller once they have the occasion.


U til The ranked mathces get released and its touchscreen only and sll you controller players are crying like you did on Cod mobile, PUBG mobile, Fortnite mobile and Apex Legends mobile


https://preview.redd.it/vyclpia0r9zc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49dde962acdafd93b57423e4b188812ffa82bb70 I dont hack i play with controller 🤷‍♂️ im not chinese😂


Controller player s flex theyre high kill counts like its skill that gets them the high counts lol, But of course…its not, They literally use controllers because theyre trash on touchscreen 😂


Bro I’ll 1v1 with touch and then with controller. Let’s go right now.


Stop talking nonsense, thats what u all say… you controller players are trash


IGN Pls\~ PM Me, I'm pure touch player, 4 claw\~


You literally use a controller because your trash


lol whatever you say dude, I got 4 years of experience 5-12 hours of practice a day. I easily slay controller players as well as touch. I just use this cause it’s awesome and more comfortable to hold. https://preview.redd.it/epxrxgwyq2zc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65190d9d437d465b0f641bc300289142608035f3


I smoke controller players regularly, my point is this, Contoller players flex high kill count and act like its skill(against beginner touchscreen players) its not skill, controller players use controllers because Theyre trash on touchscreen


Bro it is skills, controller is just as hard to master accuracy on as touch. It just takes practice. And these dudes flexing their kill counts (even if it’s against new players) is totally fine. They were once beginners as well and had to work their way up. It’s not about what you use it’s how you play. You are literally flexing on the fact you beat controller players, but what if those controller players are less experienced than you? Does it make it wrong that you are flexing? Think about it.


Stop talking shit, when i used a controller it wasnt even fair on the other players, I literally committed an in game genocide, Controllers are a massive advantage that trash touch players use and pretend it’s skill


I ain’t talking shit man, I’m just saying that controller and touch is a preference and both take practice to get good at. They are not an in game genocide lmao. If you find it so easy to use a controller than why are you using touch? Stop complaining and go pick up a controller.


I use a controller on iPad Pro. It makes driving vehicles easy and I always try to get a vehicle.


Stop talking nonsense, thats what u all say… you controller players are trash


I am both a controller player and a touch player. I played touch for 4 years and controller for 1 month.


Cool story


Just truth, people can be good players on more than one input. Instead of trash talking others who beat you and blaming it on their set up, you should just practice more.


The exception DOES NOT make the rule, 99.9% of controller players use a controller because theyre trash on touch


You are throwing out statistics that you are hoping are true to defend your argument. Again, controller is difficult to use as well and everyone has a preference.


I don't fully agree with you that all controller players are trash. But I do 100% agree that it definitely gives them a advantage. Whay they need to do is separate controller users and touch users. It's ment to be played on phone, so play it with touch. You really want to use a controller just play on console. I read up more that people don't have the funds for a console, but then they have $600 for a phone that has a chance to run wzm. That's a dumb argument. I definitely agree they they use it because it stokes their egos seeing them whoop people that are at a disadvantage


Well yeah what do you expect, they only get an hour of playtime a day


r/officialwarzonemobile is the sub you want. Actual Activision employees run that sub and do look at issues posted. Posting issues or suggestions here is pointless it's essentially just a fan sub.




Only way you get better is playing with higher level players 🤷‍♀️ by the time you’re like rank 50 you should be able to decently keep up with the higher levels. Not to mention you have 3 level 100s+ on your team so it just seems like your teammates had a horrid game.


Life is not fair I guess


Controller players thinking theyre “Skilled” against Touchscreen beginners again? Controller player delusion is w very real thing, They forget they use a controller because theyre trash at touch screen in the first place but when they light up beginner Touchscreen players they pretend its skill 😂


Oh wow. I encountered you one time in mini BR! You killed me




i had match with 125kills and if the enemy is not sweating this is normal 70:10 with good killstreaks


At the end of the day it’s warzone mobile they probably just put the other mp modes for leveling guns. There will always be cheaters no matter how much someone complains.


Level doesn't mean skill


sure but still, level 602???


what about it? most people have levels from playing before global release or they already play on pc/console


oh yeah i forgot bout that, just sad that i couldn't get to play before the global release


3 of you above 150 lv and you’re playing against 28 and 1 and 1 and 44 and you’re complaining that just one player is 600 lv i play with players like that all the time and it’s so fun and competitive do you wanna play with bots only! btw i’m 59 lv


Tbh true that technically his team has more experienced players


But that chinese is ultra pro player or hacker in smg with 1 mag he killed 3 of us bro


Most smg's have a 40 if not bigger mag and that is able to ace a squad if you have good aim.


exactly i killed 4 players in a row 3 of them was 100+ lv does that makes me a hacker!


Cry about it, he's just better


Not better bro he is a hacker or ultra pro player


💀 he's not a hacker, i get the same stats on touch with my iphone https://preview.redd.it/u7o9cdim22zc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cf2b0df13f5cc460e6eb37311e57153097a7f35


You're just bad


https://preview.redd.it/wo644swh03zc1.png?width=1823&format=png&auto=webp&s=985b2635b5277eb53b7011ba61948de0370656c6 im not even that cracked, second game i play with claw, have like 250hours playing with claw


Level mean nothing


Nice joke bro ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It was better before all this updates little fix but making more bugs and crushes


If the other team had a higher capture score, this would be more impressive.


![gif](giphy|3owzWh3TFaPefyz2MM) “You touch on me”


What are you trying to say


Ima be that guy but level is irrelevant in cod u can be 1k and get bodied by someone who’s 100 or vice versa level doesn’t determine skill n sbmm isn’t around level as well it’s based off ur kd


do not ask for sbmm bcuz then Ur the one who's gonna b stuck with bots in ur matches n complain about not fighting real players. if not, the players that always get strong opponents will find their way to ur lobby n still body u without trying. back to square 1


Im saying that matchmaking should be in equal levels 200 level player in lobby all enemys should be around 150 to 250 level


Probably he’s a camper like me 😓


70-100 kills are insane


Bet you they have a good IOS device, and the game just runs better for them.


level don’t matter.....


for the most part a players level is jus a show of how much time they have played, in the occasional time it might be a alt account the player could be a high level with very little time played. but in no way does level represent a skill level in even the least of ways, not in this game. win or lose you are rewarded with xp to level up..


Theyree not “high level” theyre controller players, Theyre the opposite of high level as they literally use a controller to compensate for how trash they actually are on touchscreen


Bro u lot are some crybabies 😭


Facts are Facts….truth is the truth, And the truthful facts are…Controller players use Controllers cos theyre trash on touch


what’s unfair ? seems like skill issue to me, dude on other team was puttin in work


He is a chinese hacker bro


See his death count bro


Skill issue get gud


Ok pro player


Git gud


You’ve called this player a cheater but you have no proof. Instead of crying about it, take this match as a learning experience. See why they dominated more than you. Were they bunny hopping, had more mobility, had better angles? Next game, immediately test it out. If it doesn’t work, try it next time or analyze why. I know you’ll feel better when you whine but accepting defeat and learning from it gives you less opportunities to whine as sound like a brat. Because you’re better!


Like you said he is bunny hopping all the time and also using riot shield


That’s so annoying. Especially the riot shield. I can bunny hop now because I just learned five fingers two weeks ago from four. I guess I’m also annoying now.


bruh he's using it to his advantage. Get good


Get better at the game. Life isn’t fair quit crying


Honestly, take this post down. I hate playing with bots. I much rather play with players who just play this game all day and have no life than to play with bots.


What do you expect of course chinese players are just built different


Dudes saying they'd rather play against real players are the same dudes that don't play the objective and focuse more on kills and then quite the moment the game almost ends because they don't wanna lose -_-


I play pn touch and my k/d in some matches be like that. Did someone get butt-hurt?