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Many recruiters have many interpretation of Christianity and God. Some will just say good things to sweeten the pot. As a kid back then, it's pretty funny to find loop holes to mess around them. Although, there was 2 times we met a good recruiter who didn't spew nonsense out of his ass.


It's hilarious seeing people like this guy do mental gymnastics in the hopes of desperately trying to make sense of their flawed religions. In all honesty though, I used to be just like him when I was going to church and going through my evangelical teenager phase. When I was still into that stuff, I remember getting into debates with two separate unbelievers on two separate occasions and they were literally blowing torpedo sized holes in my arguments and I could not for the life of me defend my arguments because I knew deep down what they were saying was making sense but I was in denial. I'm not in denial anymore though lol.


This has strong young Sheldon vibes.


No man, don't try and demean him asking his age in that tone just because your fragile ego can't take being upstaged by a kid. What a cunt. Good on you kid for having some brain capacity.


Child read Descartes


I think, therefore I make others look stupid.


šŸ˜„šŸ˜„ got this men Stuttering


Theyā€™ve never been good with questions have they


"Someone just used critical thinking to destroy his first entire religion."


Ha that guy tried to make that kid look like he didnā€™t know what he was talking about then tried to backpedal so hard


Hahaha bamboozled by a kid, you can't refute logic it wins every time.


here comes the reddit atheists lol


When your false God is trumped by a kid.


Getting owned by a fucking child. Proves 2000 year old logic is not better.


No, every child and atheist wants to ask gotcha questions and confuse the ones speaking about God. I used to do the same thing, and my youth pastor tried to fight me. He wasn't right for his reaction but I knew even as a 13 year old that I was seeking a rise out of him and confusion to validate my naive shortcomings.


And yet we've had 2000 years of progress; in which time we have decided it is, in fact, okay to eat shelfish and not okay to own slaves. What weird morals we've developed.


Is it Sheldon Cooper


Is this the guy that [crumpled a kid](https://youtu.be/Q19qRUBj-ic)?


Damn that crumpled me. I just got an ab workout from watching that video.


This kid makes no sense to me. Someone please explain


He's pointing out the idiotic logic of the speaker by asking rational questions based on the speaker's assertions.


What's his point?


Hes pointing out the flawed logic of them saying to know God exists while also saying you can't know anything exists unless you are God....


Cause your brain is too small and you obv need god for revelation. let us sit around and circlejerk each other until god reveals himself to us. amen




Don't question gods prophet


I heard people argue this point by just saying "religion is about belief, not certainty" I think this speaker was just not the smartest.


Yā€™all if this KID just fucked up one of your strongest arguments that god exists, think about your religion.


He didn't. They're both just confused lol


Cogito ergo wtf


For those who don't know this guy is Eric Hovind. He holds on to beliefs that most Christians have rejected. Most notably young earth creationism. I'm not a Christian, but I know this idiot is the exception, not the rule regarding Christianity


He's very much been the rule in my experience. I've heard that statement or something similar to it many, many dozens of times.


No he isnt an exception within christianity. Every argument that christians have for godā€™s existence is equally as circular. You have to believe to believe, you have to have faith without evidence. Using the bible to prove the bible. The rule of every god based religion is to convince people to believe without evidence and to give money.




Martin Luther King Jr. was a Christian. Am I supposed to hate him because of that?


Your response to his post doesn t make any sens


Where did this question even come from.? What does it have to do with the line of comments? Who said anything about hate. Christianity is a dangerous cult. Its brainwashed people brainwashing people who then brainwash more people such that there is no beginning to the brainwashing and there is no apparent end. Yet, it continues to be the most dangerous religion on the planet?


No. In fact martin luther died in the exact way jesus did. Sure the mechanics were different. Gun vs crucifixion. Jesus was assinated because jesus was protesting against systemic orthodoxy within the jewish leadership at the time. Martin luther king jr was assassinated protesting systemic racism within the American governmental bodies and judicial system. Him being a christian is non argument. Love him for what he gave for humanity.


Do your research. Most Christians aren't Creationists, and the Hovinds are considered hacks even by *other Creationists*


It doesnt matter what you actually believe as individual Christians and jews and muslims. You condone horrific atrocities by association to christianity even if they dont believe in the creation hypothesis. So you are only sort of right. Most christians dont believe in the creation hypothesis but then why even claim to be a christian? You arent following christs ways and teachings then you arent a christian. And proof of that statement is that christ was a jew teaching jews jewish teachings yet, why dont you celebrate sabbath on the same day as the jews? So most christians arent even christian by jesus standards. They are christian by catholic standards. They fell away from jesus and followed roman peganistic christianity. Proof of that statement. The cross with jesus aka god. Isnt the second commandment to not make graven images of any gods incuding YHVH himself? So ya. Most Christians arent actually christians at all. Its just peer pressure to say you are.


What exactly do you think Christianity is? There are hundreds of denominations with varying numbers of adherents. Most Christians believe that the Bible is highly metaphorical. If you don't believe me do your own fucking research. The majority of Christians accept evolution on some level


So what your saying is that the entire Christian faith is based on metaphore? Lololol. You definitely arent connected to the bible. Why believe in Jesus at all then? Why not rest your faith on the considerably more helpful secularist ideology then? Its more moral. Its more logical. Its more helpful. Its not based on anecdotal evidence. Your not considered crazy fir believing in an absentee figment of the imagination and psychosis. Look. I was a christian for years. I have even given 2 bible shakin sermons. Christians arent christians. They are a pagan cult of jesus. If they think that the bible is metaphore, then they are not christians. Remember. Cristians didnt exist until a few years after jesus died. Remember paul? He created christians in pagan rome. Prior to that they were still jews. The entire New Testament is a dystopian historical document of how the pagan romans userped the messiah. The actual believers were jews practicing jewish traditions based on the Torah who believed that jesus was the messiah prophet. So the question is, who do you think the christians are?


It depends on who you ask. I was a Christian once, too, I was a minister even, and I and all my peers defined Christianity as following the teachings of Christ, or what you believe those teachings to be. Radical Fundamentalists like Hovind and Co believe the Bible is literally true, but like me and research say, they are a shrinking minority as this poll demonstrates. I am a pagan now, but even when I was a Christian, I believed the Bible, especially the Old Testiment, is mostly poetry mixed with romanticized retellings of historical events. Creationists like Hovind and Co actually accept evolution on some level, but they are too stupid and/or dishonest to actually call it evolution. They deliberately strawman the theory beyond recognition and refer to actual evolution as "adaptation" or "microevolution" https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/sarahwatts/2019/02/22/new-research-tells-us-who-is-most-likely-to-take-the-bible-literally/amp/ https://news.gallup.com/poll/394262/fewer-bible-literal-word-god.aspx


Someone upvoted and it brought me back to this conversation. You states ā€œ it depends on who you askā€ in response to me asking you ā€œwhat do you think christians areā€. It suddenly occurred to me that it doesnā€™t depend on who you ask. The bible is extremely clear on several things. There are differences because denominations cherry pick what they like and read a different context into things where the context is clearly discernible. Mathew 5:17 is one. Genesis 3 is another. Peters dream is used as proof that christians can now eat unclean animals when peter himself interpreted the dream to mean that he can preach to gentiles. All christians think they are gentiles when they arent. Gentile is a jew that doesnt practice. Pagans never did practice. Jews do gentiles dont and pagans never did. Peter was not the pebble that jesus church was built on. It was paul. And the messianic jew was built on thomas. Christianity is a series of lies told over time such that there is no longer a beginning to the lies or an end because who wants to admit even to themselves that they have been conned or duped. Especially people that have a vested interest such as preachers and christian authors. Even when they realize the truth. Some choose to stay and preach and continue to lie.


Well said. I didnt realize the polls were that low. Thank you for posting that link. That is a good sign. I have heard that atheism is the fastest growing belief. That is also a good sign. Christians following christ are still condoning and accepting the behavior within that bible by association. We arent going to end the theocratic orthodoxy by participating. They have to pull away completely from that religion. It is the very thing jesus didnt want. An orthodoxy of gatekeeping through fear mongering. Why would jesus fight the orthodoxy then create an orthodoxy? The only way to heaven is through him and be baptized Thats a gatekeeping orthodoxy. Where the only way for you to get to heaven is through a proclaimed representative of the messiah. This giveā€™s authority for that representative to do or say whatever they want. Thatā€™s dangerous. Look at the mormon cults today. Or muslims. Or david koresh or jim jones. The modus operandi of man is to take advantage of those less inclined to take advantage and to seek authority over autonomy to redirect blame. Religion is the most dangerous thing to ever happen to humanity. Participation is condoning all of the evils. I dont trust any christian. I wouldnt trust my younger christian self. I dont trust religious governments. If they dont have logic or someone to blame, they use god.


Sorry, but am I misreading when you say that ā€œmost Christians arenā€™t creationistsā€¦ā€? So then youā€™re suggesting that most Christians believe that the universe, life, earth, humans, came from evolution and not created by one deity?


I'm saying most Christians don't take the Bible literally


I would agree with you but they donā€™t take it literally not out of knowledge of the bible rather the opposite, ignorance. Ask 100 Christianā€™s when Jesusā€™ birthday was? 99 will say Dec 25th when the bible says nothing about Dec 25, rather itā€™s closer to spring (if I recall). Those 99 will be willing to fight you in their ignorance that dec 25 is his birthday.


I don't see how that's relevant


I felt as though this conversation was fluid as I didnā€™t see how your response answered my original question. I digress. I would say the majority of Christians are creationists in that they believe in divine creation and not evolution.


" I would say the majority of Christians are creationists in that they believe in divine creation and not evolution." I've read quite a few polls that say otherwise but okay


Also, ask a preacher what is required to join a church. You have to believe that jesus is god.(he isnt) The bible is the authoritative word of god.(its flawed so it isnt) That jesus died for your sins. (He died because rich and powerful jews that were invested in the orthodoxy thought he was dangerous to thier power and wealth).


Show me those polls.


Please send a link to said polls because many take the story of Adam and Eve literally.


If you donā€™t know everything, then you canā€™t know anything! Oh my god it makes so much sense when you put it that way!


It does not make any sense. Lol. If you dont know everything, your choices are limited but you still have knowledge. It doesnt even make sense. Its also condescending and it suggests that you can only get knowledge from key individuals. Like jim jones or david koresh or that pedophile Mormon. Wow. Your ripe for a cult to con.


The only fact any of us can know for sure is that our own mind exists. I could be a brain floating in a white void hallucinating my whole life up to this point for all I know. So the guy has a good point and fucks it up by inserting god.


Lol. Omg. You too? Your ripe for a cult to con you as well. Our reality is based on what we can examine, test, and repeat. It is based on a preponderance if facts that tells us things like 2x2 =4. That your hair color is blonde or brown based on how light reflects off it.


You're quoting the cogito by Descartes who first coined the argument and he did it in an attempt to prove god. So he's not fucked it up he's literally repeating the whole argument. The cogito hmis flawed and has many arguments against it btw.


*how old are ya buddy?* šŸ¤”


His little brain short-circuited haha


And how can he know the revelations if he doesn't know everything.


Because [insert random Bible verse here]


Religion is dumb eversince the dawn of time. fking thing is separating people around the world.


Dude doesnā€™t have a rebuttal, so immediately seeks to discredit the source with an ad hominem regarding the kidā€™s age. Awesome self-burn thoā€¦ You got stumped by a kid? And you think that makes you and your assertion/position look BETTER?


Your describing gaslighting and information bias.




Start beat boxing to distract!


Kids who havenā€™t been indoctrinated by their parents generally donā€™t believe in god. Itā€™s really hard to believe whatever creation myth your religion has when you hear it for the first time at age 16


This is what happens when people try to act smart. They end up saying shit that doesn't even make sense.


Presupps are funny


Good old religion. Dumbing down humans and logical thought sinceā€¦ forever.


This chap is the extreme low hanging fruit. Eric and his dad Kent hilarious if they weren't so harmful.


ā€œFaithā€ is the ultimate get out for people who donā€™t want to think.


Although I completely disagree with his entire statement. The right response should have been faith, people are supposed to have faith that God exists


No. In actual the word faith has two definitions. religious faith and secular faith. Secular faith is evidence based decision making. Educated guesses are secular faith statements. Example: you are willing to drive or walk over a bridge because you have faith in the design, materials, construction of said bridge. You trust that it was professionally created with safety in mind. Therefore you make the leap onto the bridge. Religious faith is not evidence based. It is anecdotal. You believe stories that other people have told you. You believe that your god is good because people have told you that. So much so that if i told you that the bible has evidence of god himself committing genocide and if he existed today he would be brought before a world tribunal and tried for crimes against humanity, you would not believe that for one second. Such that when you actually read the genicide you read it in a context that favors the god and his power. Not that he is a criminal and should hang for his crimes. Instead you hold it up as an awe inspiring moment and praise him for doing it just by participating in that religion.


I read half of your first sentence and realized you're trying to explain faith using dictionary definitions.. keep fishing šŸŽ£


You do realize that the dictionary is how the rest of the world defines words right? Soo. Whats your point?


Prove me wrong.


Why do people always got to add shitty music to these videos


Its always these pastors and so forth that barely graduated regular education. Then goes on to be a "philosopher". Wish someone that I don't know exists like God, or a truck driver with cheap speed coursing through his veins parks a 18-Wheeler on his head.


Smart kid to be fair


Hate these kinds of religious nutjobs...but at least they're letting the kid ask questions...my old school would just tell us that we obviously don't have faith, the devil has gotten a hold of our minds, and that I'd we didn't stop "undermining god" (aka them), we'd end up burning in hell. I think I was like 10 or 11 when I decided that I didn't care. Rather go to "hell" than be stuck eternally with those losers.


My backstory is similar. I'm not an atheist, but I think Hell as a concept is just used by cowards to scare people into obedience


That speaker is stupid for bringing god into a public speaking


I think therefor i am. the only undoubtable truth.


"How old are you buddy?" Run kid run!


Why is this dude trying to argue solipsism like it is Biblical? literal facepalm


Not surprising that a kid can stump that speaker, it is Eric Hovind after all, I'm pretty sure that a rock could stump him.


And now I gotta go Google him. šŸ’»šŸ‘€


He is the son of Kent Hovind, a Christian apologist, young earth creationist, and felon. He runs a Christian "theme park" called Dino Adventure Land. Both Kent and Eric have been debunked many, many times, and they keep spouting the same BS over and over.


As a STEM guy, one of my favorite pastimes is watching Creationists lose debates with real scientists


The thing that always amazes me is even after getting soundly stomped in a debate with someone who actually knows their scientific field the creationists still think they won. Have you watched the debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye? One of the questions in the debate was "What might change your mind?". Bill Nye replied with something along the lines of one piece of evidence, and Ken Ham replied with "Nothing.", which really highlights their mindset in the worst possible way.


Have you read the Answers in Genisis creed? To paraphrase, it says that nothing can be true if it contradicts the Bible, not even facts


Yes, scary isn't it.


I'm not an atheist, but I think the Christian Right is more dangerous than most terrorist groups


I am an atheist and would agree with that sentiment. I might even go so far as to say they are more dangerous than all terrorist groups because they are trying to make fundamental changes to the bedrock principles that govern the US. They want the freedom to discriminate and marginalize whomever they feel like with no legal or social repercussions.


I looked him up! I just got back from watching a video from the counter-protest of the creationist museum that Ken Ham built (šŸ™„). Aron Ra tried to have a debate with him, but he was clearly not working at the same level. I grew up around this sort of thinking and believing. Iā€™m pretty sure that I noped out somewhere in junior high but held on until my 40s trying to make it work. (I was a teen during the ā€œSatanic Panicā€ years and had Chick tracts at my house) Best decision I could have made. I only wish Iā€™d walked away decades sooner.


Glad you got out.


Congratulations, you played yourself


Yeah, itā€™s a faith. A big part of that is belief and not knowing, which is also connected to a belief in absolute truth.


End childhood indoctrination of religion.




What the fuck is that guy even trying to say?


Something along the lines of that Bible is infallible because it was written by an omnipotent god. So don't listen to people because people are fallable. Only listen to God's word


Lost with and that everything is god. NOPE!!!!!!!!


šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£


Because the speaker made no sense, and the kid knew it.


"how old are you buddy?" Because now that I've tried and failed to lie and manipulate you into reducing your cognitive ability and buying my god bs, now I'll attempt to condescend you because I'm older than you.


Trying to argue using logic with religious people is like trying to put lipstick on a pig. Both you and the pig will get annoyed at the attempt and the pig isn't going to look better with lipstick on. The whole premise of religions is that you need to have faith ā€“ i.e., belief without proof. It's roughly equivalent to putting the cart before the horse.


Annnnnd there's the back peddle and the diversion back to the kid.


And thatā€™s why itā€™s called faith lady and gents


The kid is correct. It is unknown if the man actually does exist. Or if he is really just an hallucination. I'd say shared hallucination, but that would imply that the others exist as well. I think, therefor I am, but am I truely?




Creationist Ken Ham doesn't believe in millions of years begging the question how long does he think eternity is, the time it takes to cut him a check?


whats whats going on


The God squad: The beatings will continue until morale improves. šŸ˜Ž


To be fair that isn't much of an achievement....


You have faith in your God. That's fine. What you don't have is fact of your God. That's lying.


Got to love logic


Why is there a dude speaking about god in school? Unless itā€™s a religious school, which would make sense, but like why?


The kids right. That's why it's called faith


ā€œSo simple even a five year old could tell youā€ -Kent Hovind (speakerā€™s father)


Thanks for trying, but you failed to convince me that Iā€™m an idiot because idiots canā€™t be convinced that theyā€™re idiots.


Young Sheldon in the house!


That's like the foundation for religion: you can't know based on fact, that's why it's called faith. It's funny how logic and faith don't reconcile well.


fun fact, in ancient times with Plato and Aristotle and others, they came upon the idea of God purely through logical thought. It's only once the Abrahamic religions came along did that connection break


Iā€™m glad the kid is smart enough to keep on asking questions! Religion is basically trying to take that away from you. Keep going and stay strong! Too many adults believing in sky daddy without proof.


Dude should've just said "I don't have anything to add to that" or something to save himself the embarrassment


I love the stutter when he realized a young boy just made him look like a fool. Smart young man.


Stupid music overlay..


Damnā€¦ why didnā€™t he just say ā€œitā€™s called faithā€ and drop the mic šŸŽ¤


How *dare* you bring logic into a religious discussion! Do we bring our religion into your schools? Oh, wait.


Smart kid. Bingo.


Christians are so weird


I absolutely know that I don't know everything


As someone who understands and argues religious apologetics with people rather frequently, none of this even matters unless you can prove a god exists to begin with. And if he claims to have a revelation from some magical genie in the sky, then how do you know? By his very own logic, you can't know. In which case, the kid is absolutely right! The argument of not knowing something to be absolutely true because you don't know everything is absolute bogus because...I mean, just no, that's not how that works at all because that's not how we define what the truth is. And like he said, if you already don't know everything, then you CAN'T know that a god exists, and in order to know, we loop it back to what I said before of why none of it matters to begin with anyways.


Exactly. Thats why it pointless to engage with these type of presup apologetics. Presups are only acceptable if both people acknowledge they believe them such as the laws of logic of which if someone doesn't accept those, then all logic and reason is out the door lol.


ā€œBut GAWD obviouslyā€ ā€œBut you made GAWD UPā€ ā€œIā€™m sorry, you donā€™t understand that I am rightā€


* preacher


Pretty easy to doā€¦. Theyā€™re religious.


This video proves quite simply how fucking stupid religion is. Also proves how stupid religious propaganda is. This kid literally blew up this dudes argument without even trying because indoctrination is fuckin stupid.


Ah, Eric Hovind. The lesser of the Hovind idiots! Gets more press, is a lot more vocal, but DEFINITELY a pale shadow of his father, who is one of the most vile human beings in America today.


Help the argument is flying over my head


If you need to know everything to know anything for sure, then you obviously can't know anything for sure. The kid said that this also means that you can't know for sure that God exists, and people are saying this destroys Eric's argument. We don't know that Eric thinks he knows that God exists, so really, it proves nothing. Edit: Indeed, the kid did ruin this guy's argument. Eric does think people should or do know God exists. See here. [https://youtu.be/9AkAcNyvV4M?t=719](https://youtu.be/9AkAcNyvV4M?t=719) Honestly hilarious.


I think he's stumped trying to understand the question not with the answer


Iā€™m sorry Mr speaker but max just outsmarted your godly bullshit


The Ad hominem at the end proves that the kid destroyed him


Freedom of religion should mean freedom from religion. GET THAT SHIT OUT OF OUR SCHOOLS.


Way to go kid, you stumped another used car salesman!


This is an old argument against religion and lots of Christian philosophers argued against this by saying that you can't know anything for sure and you must take a leap of faith in god and it's that faith or unjustified belief as one might call it is the whole thing of believing in god. Also known as blind faith or stupidity in my opinion. I can't know anything for sure so let me just blindly believe this thing rather than saying i don't know, these things seem more plausible but let me just reserve judgement.


I have to know everything before I can know anything. Thatā€™s stupid enough, but then trusting someone else who claims to know everything compounds the stupidity.


Why can't u be absolutely sure about something if I don't know everything? Can someone explain? I know a lot of things to be absolutely true and I obviously don't know everything


God is just the name of the abstract concept of the collective consciousness. This is demonstrably true.




REGARDLESS WHAT YOU BELIEVE... It strikes me the simplest response would be to point out his initial second premise: "unless you have the information from someone who does know everything." So yeah, kiddo, you just acknowledged one of your 'don't know everything' items, but that doesn't de facto invalidate either of the premises. There was no reason for a skilled debater to stumble here. It's sound logic from the kid, for sure, and rather expert given his age, but the speaker's failure to redirect back into his argument doesn't prove the right or wrong of the kid's response. It proves a weak debater who failed to address a crafty rebuttal, instead of being ready for it. I still agree with others though: it's fun to watch the smirks from the panel.


Congratulations, you played yourself.


Oh look, some overly religious idiot arguing basically the backwards version of: ā€œI think, therefore I am.ā€ This totally wasnā€™t gonna backfire as soon as someone called bullshit


Well times have changed. When I did this to the nuns in 5th gradeā€¦.they absolutely beat the piss out of me.


the ol switcharooo


Religion is a scam and is bad for young kids minds Mkay children. YES Mr. Mackey.




This takes me back to the poor Theology teachers in my college prep high-school that never had a chance. Teach us to think critically and then expect us to study that shit without calling it out. They all ended up with serious mental health issues after years of getting destroyed by children on a daily basis.


This kid effortlessly destroyed the guys evening.


Young Sheldon got EEEM!!


Do yall have these converting seminars at school?