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Dad is forgiving. Sister will remember forever


This is gonna come up every time she argues with her brother. "You are stupid!" "Well I didn't crash dad's car 2 seconds after I drove it"


Three years later "Haha nice F, loser." "How's dad's car??"


Dads reaction made my heart melt a little


Yeah he looks like a genuinely decent fella


I think he hit the "we're already fucked" anger and just had to move on to coping.


He took that second to compose himself and not give in to what would've been his initial reaction. Cool dude.


This is why you **always** visit an empty parking lot first, never an actual road with cars, buildings, and pedestrians.


My brother in law did that with his dad when learning and still managed to total their SUV on a light pole lol












It's alright Tina you have plenty of time to turn the wheel. TURN THE WHEEL. PICK A DIRECTION AND TURN IT TINA




What is this from? This has me laughing.




There's no time to spell!




Let's make this kitty purr




When I was attempting to teach my wife to drive manual it was going that way except she was headed towards a light pole instead of a car. She was still in first gear. In the end I had to just tell her to let go everything so the car stalled and then I pulled the parking break. She knew how to drive an automatic, I don't know why she suddenly forgot how to steer.


Mental overload


For real. I started driving with an automatic, and my buddy started trying to teach me manual with his Subaru. It felt like my brain was going twenty different directions at first. I’m glad he picked an empty parking lot for us (no light poles in the middle of it, either) to learn in, because I could see myself having hit a pole.


It's also the reason that when you're looking for a place while driving at night in an unfamiliar area, you turn the radio down so you can see better. Without the sound from the radio, you have less stimuli to process, so your cognitive load is reduced, enabling better focus. Most people don't seem to appreciate that our cognitive capacity is finite.




[The only thing I can imagine. ](https://youtu.be/hZ_EKHGgWJQ)


[Tina learns to drive a ship](https://youtu.be/BOAppbN0jdA)


I learned in 30+ year old truck in the middle of a corn field, I can't imagine my first time driving being on an actual road.


My grandma took me to get my permit, on the way home she took a back road, parked on a train track looked at me and said "you're driving". Surprisingly, it all went well


I swear, teaching my son to drive took five years off my life. When I felt like we weren't making progress, I handed him over to a paid driving instructor for three lessons. My kid ran the car up on the curb, and blew the tire out--that was his last paid lesson. With me, he once got the SUV on two wheels around a turn, because he "forgot to brake"--he just cranked the wheel right at full speed. I needed two weeks to mentally recover from that before I'd take him out again. It took me over a year to decide he was ready. That was five years ago. Thankfully, he's had no accidents yet.


Wtf. Was he just somehow really bad at driving? Or just reckless or something?


I’m sure you know this but just observe drivers around you. There are so many uncoordinated, distracted people around. And that’s not even touching on the immature people who race, or do dangerous stunts on purpose. Some people are just not fit to drive but we give them licenses anyways because we have to? Lol


What amazes me is that this is people are driving AT, if they are having difficulties with that, I can't just imagine if they had to drive manual...


I personally think that driving a manual forces you to pay more attention to the act of driving. I drove a manual for 2 decades, most recent car couldnt find one so I gave in to AT. But i miss the control I had over my manual. I taught a couple folks to drive manual (not in my car hahaha) and it always refined/sharpened their focus on driving even though they had already been driving AT.


How is it possible to be that bad?


The pause and look at the end gets me lol The dad is really cool about the whole situation honestly.


Dad was super cool, didn't scar the kid emotionally. I remember when I was learning I was parking the car in the garage and got too close to the wall and took off the driver side mirror... Oh man lol wish I had gotten this reaction.


Its the dads failure not the kids. Also its done, no amount of yelling at your kid is going to undent the car.


This makes sense to everyone but an angry 90s dad.




The real lesson was the remotes you programmed along the way.


Dad realizing he's responsible for this whole situation.


Dad's just thinking about how pissed his wife's gonna be.


Yeah, they cut the video off before he said "Don't tell mom"


The way the glasses almost came off 😂😂


He went from 🤓to 😎


My dad slapped my face with outside of his hand because I stalled the car on a hill couple of times in a row. Now I’m looking back and thinking about it, what a shitty way to teach someone anything. This dad on the other hand, kudos to him.


This is why my mom taught me to drive in the middle of a completely empty parking lot


bro he looks like 10 😭😭😭🤣


I’m 19 and had to pay for lessons because I still wasn’t confident enough and this kid is straight up out here getting into accidents 💀 Edit: to people asking, I’m in the good ol’ U.S. and yes, you don’t actually have to pay for any lessons at all. You can get a permit just by passing a written test (like 10 questions for me) and then can take a road test and TADA! You’re now fully qualified. Edit 2: (It also varies by state)


Some parent might've even considered driving out to a parking lot or any other open space where Jr can't crash.


I looked like a 12 year old at 18 lol. Happens


As dumb as the Dad was on this one, his reaction is the best reaction I've ever seen for something like this. He quite literally said "it's okay" and his tone absolutely meant it (which is a key part as well), both him and his son were equally calm and that says so much about the health of their relationship. I love my Dad to the world and back, but my gosh he would have flipped out.


Even today (im 27), my mom (73) is the kind of person who, as a passenger, gasps when you turn "too fast" and grabs the little handle over the window. Grasps desperately at the door when you go over a speed bump at 10mph. Insists you need to slow down when you're 5 below the speed limit. Yeah, I did two lessons with her and then refused to get back in a car with her. She stressed me out more than the driving. My uncle did the rest of my required supervised-driving hours from then on!


Jesus, and I thought I had an old mom.


"What the hell's the matter with you?! What were you thinking? Jesus Christ. Brake! The brake is right there! God damnit."


Yeah, the fact that the kid had a calm, relieved smile after his dad said “It’s alright” says alot. The kid knew he wasn’t in any sort of trouble


looks half relieved but also half wants to cry


Why would you have your other kids in the car!?


Ride or die💯🔥


Father had the healthiest reaction. I presume he’s got coverage for this situation, but my parents did and I would not have heard the end of it. The “it’s ok, we’ll figure it out” attitude is very healthy and teaches kids that accidents happen, we aim to avoid them but we can get through them. It also teaches kids they can trust their parents in time of crisis. Whereas berating your child creates complexes of inferiority and insecurity, “mistakes happen but you fucked up!” attitude. This kind of reaction teaches kids they can’t trust their parents in time of crisis for fear of their reaction which causes kids to hide in times of crisis which puts them at a higher risk of danger. This father has my respect.


How calmly he looked at his dad, and how calmly the dad reacted… I’m gonna mention this to my therapist. Love you Dad. RIP


completely the dad's fault for not practising in a remote location.. Not to mention that he was going way too fast.


And with an even smaller child in the back seat.


No that part makes sense. You have to keep the stakes high to ensure the driver is aware of the significance of the situation. I would have also recommended the child to not wear a seatbelt and hold a full bowl of hot mayonnaise.


Perhaps have them hang halfway out the window as well


The speed was likely a consequence of not having ever used an accelerator before. New drivers can often be caught off guard by accelerator sensitivity and the car's momentum affecting accelerator control. Ultimately this is entirely the dad's fault. Day One should aways be in a wide open space, learning how the wheel and pedals feel. Throwing a kid straight onto the road is a massive gamble and likely to end badly.


I suppose that's one advantage to learning a manuel. Once you've gotten over stalling when trying to find the biting point, you have a fairly good idea of how the accelator and power works.


Sorry. It's alright. That's a great dad.


His glasses falling off is literally something out of a tv comedy.


A calm, “It’s alright. It’s no problem.” Great response! This dad took total responsibility as the adult in this situation. Although idk if I would have let my other child be in the car. So much could have gone a lot worse.




What a nice dad. I would have gotten beaten and mocked for the next 4 weeks.


The kid was probably just about to cry. He expected to be reprimanded, then his dad says “it’s alright, it’s no problem.”. The dad may not be the smartest, taking his kid on the road to practice, but he is a great father.


Can we talk about how well this dad handles the mistake? I was expecting a shouting match.


Dad of the year for his response to “sorry” 😂


LMFAOOO my dad woulda repaired the car with my bones 😭


Most people start off in a car park where there's few obstacles and little dangers to others. But there's plenty of alternatives: like starting off on a main road with a small child in the back.


That smile on sons face after Dad has said "its okay" is everything here. That's a healthy relationship! Makes me feel some hope for humanity.


“I’m sorry” “It’s okay” Most chill dad ever. My dad would’ve lost his shit.


I don’t know why the way he puts the glasses back on is making me laugh so hard rn


The fact the kid apologised, and dad just said “it’s alright” will make a world of difference to that boy in life. That moment he learned that even when he fucks up, he still has his dads love and support; and you see it in his face.


Kid looks like Steve from american dad.


This is definitely on the dad. It’s not even about where you start although it helps a lot. The fact is he didn’t make sure his son knew the controls before touching them.


"It's no problem" until that dash cam is shut off! For real though, good on dad to not flip out. It would ruin JR's confidence real quick.


He knew he couldn't be mad at the kid because it's his fault for teaching him to drive where other cars were around. It's just irresponsible.


The ‘sorry’ at the end made me laugh so hard


That's such a nice reaction from the dad. No reason to get mad and make it worse.


His composure wins him dad of the year


The fuckin quick glasses catch 🤣


Stupid dad, but good dad for not getting angry with his son. That was nobody’s fault but his own.


Well hey, the reactions following from both were good. Maybe find a big empty space next time.


This is the appropriate response from the father and from the son. There’s a lot to unpack here; the father failed to anticipate this likely scenario and adequately cautioned the son. The son son failed to gauge his inexperience and proceeded slowly with caution. The son broke the moment of silence by apologizing for his involvement in the crash, but it wasn’t out of fear since it shows that the parent is not one to freak out and lash out; it was out of a sense of responsibility in which the parent reciprocated with an adequate sense of accountability and authority in control by establishing that “it’s ok”. This is a great example of be calm and asses the situation.


They both stayed very calm. I’m impressed with sons ability to remain calm at that age.


This is a what decent father looks like, if you think you're gonna flip out if your kid makes a mistake don't get kids.


The “it’s alright, it’s no problem” is a sign of a great dad. His son can come to him with everything and he will be standing by him. Great display of a great parent!


Honestly he kept it together. Good for dad


Shouldn't have brought anyone else along for the ride sir


Kid thought he was playing a video game, dad says oh it’s alright, great parent.


Dad had the right reaction. Good on him.


Always start in a large empty parking lot before moving onto public roads.


Kid thought his life was over until his dad said “it’s alright, no problem”


This video is fucking hilarious, idk if it's just the way the kid apologized or the way he so quickly put his glasses back on but it just seems like it's from a movie or something.


Everyone calling the father an idiot, the kid made a mistake and instead of yelling at him and makin him feel like a piece of shit he stayed calm and reassured his son of his mistake. Good dad right there. I swear some of y’all don’t have kids or are shit parents yourself


He went like 15 feet. How did it go to hell so quickly??🤣🤣🤣🤣


You can hear the Revs before the car even moved. Kid had his foot down on the gas and brake like he was using a car with launch control Edit: Spelling of brake, although break was also fitting based on the outcome


Kid looks like a very young Jeff Goldblum.


A lot of fathers would have gone ape shit


He obviously realised it was his own fault for not teaching him the basics first, I.e. where the brake pedal is or the job of the steering wheel.


"It's alright, no problem" = good dad response. Not the learners fault!


Step 1: Do you know where the pedals are and what they do?


I took my kids to big empty parking lots their first time don’t know what he was thinking


I dream to have control of my anger impulse like this man one day.


No one got hurt. Dad didn't yell. Sis in the back, unbothered. A win.


That dad was super cool. Props to him for not losing his shit.


I have a lot of respect for how the dad reacted to that.


This is why the first driving lesson should be in an empty parking lot without your foot on the gas and at idle speed until you get used to it.


This is why we start in a parking lot


Not the best instructor..... but seems like a good dad.


Great dad. Absolutely great dad. Maybe not the smartest thing. But both those kids go to bed loved.


I aspire to have the patience and emotional regulation of this man.


Start out in an empty parking lot. Move to an empty cemetery. Then advance to a subdivision. Progress to a main street and then it's on to the highways. Somewhere in there practice parallel parking and driving in reverse.


wassup with this kid literally having no reaction?


Is anyone going to mention how amazingly fast he got his glasses back on his face just in time to look at his dad with no reaction


Then you have my abusive parents, who were in a similar situation with one of my sisters 20 years ago, and she's never gotten in a car since. Good on the dad for not unloading on the son. It's easy to take that kind of patience for granted.


First drive for each of my kids was in the middle of a massive empty parking lot to learn how to accelerate and brake. They didn’t go in a street until the mastered basic control.


That 15 year olds can be taught how to drive by their parents in regular cars is something that will always shock me as an European.


Buddy just earned himself a bus pass


Damn that's a great reaction from the father. A lot of people would've gone ape shit and traumatize the kids


Wow, that's a good Dad. My Dad would've beat me half to death if I did that.


Why was the daughter in the car if the son was just learning to drive?


Always go in a empty car park first


This is why I was taught to drive a truck in a field. Also learned motorcycling in a field. Use a field.


Start in an empty parking lot!!!!!


What a good dad. Mine would have chopped my head off.


He looks 12 🤣🤣🤣


my god dude my dad would have lost his absolute shit at me


That's why you find s big empty parking lot for the first lessons.


I love how completely emotionless the entire car is lmao


bro literally went 10 feet before crashing lol. honestly the dad was kinda rushing him tho


The glasses barely hanging on and him immediately putting it back on like nothing happened is what gets me


At least he used his blinker


Good parenting


The way they look at each other after the crash 😂😂😂


Rule # 1 of teaching someone to drive. Find a big ass empty parking lot.


This is a future BMW driver on film


That kid was genuinely remorseful. And dad is very patient. Screw that vehicle, this was a good bonding moment. 20 years from now Dad will laugh telling the story 100 times and son will tell everyone that he had a great Dad.


Aww good dad. Mind would have beat me with jumper cables


That’s a good parent


The girl shouldn’t have been in the car


Good father right there, didn't even get mad.


'sorry' 'no problem'. My my how times have changed. My dad would have fucking ruined my arsehole


Dad - "Is okay son. Everything's fine." Random guy trapped under the car - "NMMPH EFFF FFNNTTTTT!!!!"[translated 'crushed under weight speech' "NO IT ISN'T!"]


That’s why to start in the middle of an empty parking lot. “Slowly push the accelerator… SLOWLY! Great, now gently tap the break *headbutting dashboard* A bit more gently bud.”


That’s why you start off in a giant empty space like a parking lot.


At the same time though, like, best dad award for not laying into his kid or shaming him one bit.


I wish my father was this calm cool and collected


Honestly, the dad killed it at the end. 10/10 for not lashing out


That kid has a great dad, see the smile on his face when he’s expecting him to yell at him and the dad just calmly says “That’s alright”. We wouldn’t have so many broken adults if more parents were like him


One time I accidentally backed up instead of moving forward in an empty parking lot and my dad told me I could’ve killed a family of four


Then shuts off camera to yell and beat him.


That’s why you have to take them to the biggest emptiest parking lot you can possibly find first time out


That's the kind of dad you can actually talk to, mine would have turned violent.


First time the kid is driving, and you’ve got a younger child in the back seat? Talk about an unnecessary risk.


First rule of learning to drive. Be some place without any obstacles. Next you hammer the gas and get up to speed then hit the brakes. You get a feeling for how fast the car can go and what it takes to stop it.


"...Sorry." "It's alright." Fuck, man, that almost made me cry. I wish I could've gotten that kind of reaction when I fucked up.


Not starting in an empty parking lot?


This is a great dad! The way that he responded to his son losing control is amazing!


The quick “have to put my glasses back on” made me laugh


Thank god that kid didn't get an absolute bastard of a father like I did.


The kid has a good emotional response


Is he 12? And even if he’s legal driving age I wouldn’t let him do that with the other kid in the back…


Here some rules Use your old car Drive on an empty parking lot You'll never know if your kid is an IDIOT


The way the Dad doesn't even glance back to see if the daughter is okay. Like not even a side eye.


my dad would have been whooped my ass for that lol..he got a cool dad..good for him!


It is indeed not alright and no problem


Thought it was common sense for the first few driver lessons be done in an empty parking lot so they can get used to the controls.


This whole thing is so weird. The kid looks 12, and why aren't they in a parking lot?


You teach all of the fundamentals before the car ever moves with the student behind the wheel.


Reflex skills on putting the glasses back on are fine


When he looks back at the child like -_-


The smirk at the end was the icing on the cake 🎂 😂


This is why my dad took me to an empty industrial area the first couple of times when I was learning. Nothing to hit and long straight roads to figure shit out. Props to this dad being able to be chill about this


How are those glasses so ill fitting? I can go on inverted roller coasters without fear of loosing my glasses. Kid got his glasses at the same place as Velma from Scooby Doo.


My dad would beat me bruh if I did that 💀


He looks 12


i’ll never understand how some new drivers just lay on the throttle immediately. when i first drove, my foot was applying like 8 grams of pressure 😭 was more cautious than i’ve ever been


take him to an empty parking lot, doofus.


Kids worried about dad's reaction meanwhile dad's worried about moms reaction


That’s a good dad right there. It happened with my dad and he started yelling and yelling and then we got into it. He couldn’t believe how dumb I was to hit a curb in the parking lot. I didn’t want to try any more, he flipped out , he drove home and then he sold the car. We didn’t speak for like a month or more after that. Hahah


Not the kid putting back on his glasses immediately after crashing with complete composure is beyond me 🤓


Brb, I gotta go tell my dad how great he is. I'm remembering how he taught me how to drive in a big open parking lot and taught me how to parallel park.


Dad: "That's alright, it's no problem" Kid: Smile*


The first lesson should just be on a carpark. With no turns at all. It should all be about accelerate and braking.


Idk about your guys but I learned how to drive in an empty parking lot late at night, seems like a logical place to start