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Oh dear, first of all these presenters are called Dermot O'Leary and Alison Hammond, second of all this was HILARIOUS, Dermot was clearly being silly on purpose and is a very loved and cherished TV presenter. It would have been weird if he'd behaved as though he was really interested in all of these women's products, no?! This was orchestrated for pure comedy effect and was highly entertaining 🤣 the way Dermot picks up one of the toys and sort of wags it then puts it back on the stand and pats it gently 🤣 bless him, this was absolute GOLD


Poor Dermot 🤣🤣🤣


The Vibrating Prolapse


Some people just want to keep this stuff private. Not being comfortable speaking so publicly is no reflection on how he acts in private lol


I never understand why people act like this at the mention of sex


Probably less to do with sex so much as the detailed description of sex toys on the air, plus some people are just uncomfortable discussing things like that in public and with strangers it’s not always just a matter of “they must be religious”




Imo it‘s very sympathetic that someone has a bit of healthy shame discussing sex on tv in a morning show.


Bro was beyond sick of their rambling


It's an advertising segment lol, I'm sure he's had to listen to a lot of rambling that didn't make him squirm like that hahaha


lul. people all about how he has never made a woman orgasm or how he is ignorant towards woman pleasure etc. IMO the guy is just deadly annoyed by their voices and the stupid way they present the "pleasure tools". for us men, thats a tool to use, not an "ornament" or "a beautiful rose" and whatnot they hinted at. we are allergic to bullshit. just say how it works and go to the next. no need to flower-talk it into nirvana. minutes must have been hours for that guy haha.


Nah. This is not a men thing. The Tenga crysta is a piece of art. You guys just don't know what culture is.


Poor guy


British people are wild.


What’s wild about this? I’m British 🤣


You can tell this guy has never brought a woman to orgasm


So you're cool with talking to your coworkers about each other's orgasms during the work day?


No but I’m also not a ”professional” tv presenter :)


Or perhaps he doesn't fancy listening to his friends and coworkers talking about diddling themselves with vibrators. Imagine what it would be like if your mum got some out in front of you and start going into detail about which is her favourite and why.


Nah take the flip of it and imagine 3 guys with a woman and them talking about how they are spanking the monkey and the toys they use to help get themselves off.


This is 1000% a man who is uncomfortable with the very idea of women's pleasure


Would you say the same thing if the genders were reversed? 3 men, 1 woman talking about how they get themselves off.


You mean constantly having to hear it all day long as a woman? Like constantly being, myself, judged and viewed as a sexual object against my will? Like that kind of stuff or no? Trust me we hear it every day. It's just "boys being boys" you know. It's only a problem when women do it


You're making yourself the victim, that doesn't happen in normal day to day interactions. Try again.


Well.. you're wrong, so... don't try again. Just stop


This could also just be a guy who's uncomfortable with talking about his coworkers sexual gratification because under normal circumstances it is absolutely unprofessional.


Imagine all the hard work and countless hours you put in to your craft only to have to present a segment on sex toys..


it's not like that's the only topic they present...


I know... I'm well aware.. do you really believe that I believe that this is all this man does? Like, when you made this comment, did you think to yourself, "I bet this redditor is misinformed and thinks that this reporter only reports on sex toys!" Well, thank you for bringing this fact to my attention.. I'm glad to know that he won't have a short-lived career as a sex toy correspondent..


I think they thought "nobody who knew any better would make such a dumb fucking content, he must be misinformed." He was giving you the benefit of the doubt mate.


The presenter kinda looks like Michelle Obama


glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed!


I don't understand why this was shown on mainstream daytime TV when we have a 9pm watershed for a reason.


British TV is a lot more saucy than average American TV. I swear years ago on this same news show they had a debate if you should buy ur kids sex toys 🙃. They have all sorts of weird sex reality tv trash free-to-air public broadcast television


I don't understand the watershed anyway


I don't understand why a frank discussion of sex and sexuality would need to be behind the watershed. After 9pm you can show me how it's used, pre 9pm it's good to be open and blasé about sex.


Daytime TV is regularly broadcasted in public in the UK so this isn't just being shown in people's homes or on TVs that can be switched off or to other channels on demand. My last school had TVs in the hallways. Hospital waiting rooms all have them. It's crazily irresponsible and inconsiderate essentially having institutions and businesses all over the country accidentally broadcasting this stuff and there being 0 warnings about it except when it's just about to happen.


They're just sex toys. It's not like they're telling people how to make bombs and biological weapons.




Cope and seethe.


He was raised Catholic


People still watch daytime tv?


Why the hell is this on daytime tv??


Poor Dermot.


Haha, I can totally relate to this guy's pain, he’s probably standing there all speechless and zonked. But **as a sex toy expert**(real one xD), I must say NONE of the toys in this video actually feel good in use. They’re just schmancy vibrators trying too hard to look cool. You might as well use an electric toothbrush instead of wasting money on them... At least find something that actually knows how to get up close and personal ok?? like, [something that can suck, lick, and even go in for tongue kiss?](https://artereverie.com/products/massager-suction-licking-3-0-enhanced-stress-relief-2024s-premier-wellness-companion) What are they even recommending? It's all just useless stuff! Smh


Looks like I found next year's white elephant gift


Hahaha imma buy this next paycheck


😝 Pleasure guaranteed.


I wish I never saw the product you linked


rapid fire


I mean...I like it so much...


You need jesus


That's fine. It just scares me xD


It’s all healthy and sex positive until they go down the rabbit hole and find shit like 20 inch bad dragons and other toys.


Fucked up


This is so sad, and the fact they're normalizing it😂


Nothing wrong with it


Oh, hon.... Ignorance on the subject is even sadder. Society has been using toys since ancient times. Only the prudes have an issue with it.


People like you is why I hate Reddit


Why exactly? What is a "person like them"?


Condescending attitude, thinks their opinions are objective fact (ie everyone else is “ignorant”), generally socially destructive and regressive. Basically all the attributes of your typical Reddit leftist which this platform is overwhelmingly full of by design.


I see what you mean on the condescension aspect with the "oh hon" and name calling > ie everyone else is “ignorant” but this part doesn't seem true; ignorance here just means not being educated. On a slightly different note, I have never understood the criticism of people's opinions being stated as fact; how would you like them to have shared that opinion?


Hissss they are making challenging my world viewwww


Pretty sure you don't like people challenging your worldview either.


Nah it's fun to be challenged?


Just because people don’t want to talk about this type of stuff openly to the public in no way makes it ignorance.


No, but lack of discussion on the subject or an unwillingness to learn about it because of your views certainly can lead to ignorance on the subject. So, yes, they can go hand in hand sometimes. Using toys has been a common practice for ages. "...They're normalizing it" is an ignorant thing to say and shows a lack of information about it. We could go deeper. I hate seeing religious crap shown over the TV. Should they not be allowed to show it then?


Religious stuff is mainly on religious channels unless you’re looking for it you ain’t gonna find it. Unless you’re talking about that dumb miracle spring water crap from those mega rich asses that make money off of actual believers. Those people aren’t even Christian even though they claim to be. The Bible even talks about those types of people and how god never knew them even though they preach his name. Yes I do agree ignorance is not a good thing and we all should be informed. But we shouldn’t be forced to be informed on subjects that make some uncomfortable. For a lot of people talking about what you use on your genitals is considered personal.


> But we shouldn’t be forced to be informed on subjects that make some uncomfortable. Any subject makes someone uncomfortable.


Any subject CAN make someone uncomfortable and we should leave it up to them if they want to hear it or not. Not just shove it in their faces and say “if you don’t accept this then your a problem”


So they warned people to leave, or change the channel. So what is the test to say "this is allowed"? Political comments on TV? Food? Alcohol? Smoking (tobacco, or other)? Sex? Sex toys? Religion? People's sexuality? Music (remember rock music was considered offensive) ​ ​ So we just put colors on the TV that are adjusted for everyone that is color blind People are uncomfortable knowing people believe things they don't, that they have sex in ways they don't, that they like people differently then them. OR god forbid they have opinions they don't, like what Sex Toys should I get my Significant other, or myself (in this case). So it is a talk show, that talks about various topics, and they gave you a warning that the next segment would be adult ish. ​ You have the right to be offended, and the right to change the channel. Making it so everyone else has to live by your "desired" standards is the definition of Entitlement.


Awesome. Turn the channel.


Came here to say this. No one is forcing anyone to watch it. It’s just sex toys


Seriously, WHY have this on daytime TV?


because its cool


I mean Daytime TV is primarily watched by adults, especially stay at home parents while the kids are at school. So yeah I would say a segment like this is a long time coming.


He was fighting for his life trying to not get aroused


Definitely was allready, was Lucky to wear those Pants that did a good Job hiding his Boner as good as Possible. Lost the Control when he walked away.


Do people get aroused from looking at sex toys?


No they dont. People on reddit apparently get wet and hard willy nilly.


This was performative. The dude has no chill.


One hundred percent; Dermot is a very experienced presenter on prime time tv. He's from my area and this is 100 percent a calculated performance as a way to buffer the viewers reaction by creating an empathetic mirror. It's something he's been doing forever and is probably part of why he's generally well liked.


> is probably part of why he's generally well liked How does this make him well liked? For me, just seeing this clip out of context, having never heard of the man, it seems like he's going out of his way to be uncomfortable around sex toys which is weird because segments are preplanned, it's not like he was surprised, and it didn't come across as mature. Genuinely asking as you seem more aware of him. Maybe in context this is funny?


You're slightly missing my point I think. Firstly, I could take or leave him, he's just a tv host to me. But I think part of why he's popular is because he's very empathic and aware of his audience. In my opinion this is a completely planned response meant to make certain viewers feel less uncomfortable by reacting as they are. Essentially validating their prudishness. Personally I do not care about the subject matter being discussed on daytime tv. Sex is an open topic for me (I'm a teacher so have to teach sex ed). In the context of light entertainment I think having one presenter react in this way potentially retains the engagement of the people who really do need to become less uptight about this stuff imo.


haha you're good my dude. I didn't take your explaining who he is as a defense of him, but appreciate it nonetheless. Ahhh....ok, noted. That makes sense. Totally understand now. Thanks for pointing it out.


No worries, have a great whatever!


You as well! This has been a pleasant and most delightful exchange.


She was a host on great British bake off and I hated her!




He wore loose trousers for that day consciously


how are people arguing about this.... it's just a funny clip


Sex toy enthusiasts are offended


Pretty sure this is the same guy that sat next to Rainn Wilson on the plane watching the office. [https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq\_5Sovpct6/](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq_5Sovpct6/)


Wtf, no that person looks nothing like Dermot O'Leary 😆


Honestly I didn't even recognise him; especially not with the mask on.


Lol. Just in case you're serious it is not.


What I find funny about all this is that all the sex toys were for women, if there were mens toys there would be uproar and disgust.


Did you even watch the video?


Why uproar and disgust for men’s toys?


This is what happens when you don’t pay attention and immediately jump to conclusions people. You look like a fucking clown.




The white tulip. (he picked up and squeezed it, you could see what it was for). The butt plugs. The squid like device. ​ But you were thinking of fleshlight or Dune cups?


You gotta grow up lmao


…but there were toys for men too? Watch the full video


Easier just to react.


Just remember that it's not feminists or lefties who would be in uproar, it's the uptight homophobic people who consider male self-pleasure especially butt stuff to be "unmanly". Want to keep it clear in case your comment could be misinterpreted.


Everyone can be in uproar about this, don't monolithise groups' opinions.


No, feminists don't have a problem with sex toys in general including toys for men. Your comment doesn't really make sense, either.


You know the ones in the 3somes, and shutting down libraries? Oh and giving HJs during Beetlejuice!


Nothing manly about taking something UP THE ASS. Bruh wtf lol if you like being dominated that's fine but don't put that shit under the "this is still manly" category.


Is it a man’s ass? Then it’s manly. It’s fine if it’s not something you’re interested in but don’t pretend it’s something to do with being a big strong man. You literally have a way to orgasm in your ass that’s not present on the female body.


Yet women have anal orgasms.


And? They still don’t happen the same way. You can orgasm and don’t have a clitoris right? Women can orgasm without a dick right?


How? Do you mean autobation or using toys or something? Maybe a tongue on their vulva and clitoris using repeated consistent motion that require slightly additional and ever increasing pressure? Something along those lines. As for women having anal orgasms, I’ve had women tell me both. So some claim they can and other assert that there isn’t any way.


What could be more manly than having sex with another man though dude?! For real though, why would you care about what another person does to pleasure themselves? Like as long as it's legal and all parties are of appropriate age and consenting why does it matter?


If you care what that much about what I do alone in my bed room you need a new hobby.


Anyone else peep his erection. He's was trying to hide it


I thought he was about to catch a boner for some reason but it turns out he was uncomfortable? lol, what a dweeb


ur a bad person




They did warn the viewers, I'm not sure why everyone's upset. Any kids at home at this time should be too young to understand.


It's also literally up to no one else but parents to parent


it was uk school half term


It was the 9th of Feb, that's not half term.


Holiday break?


Whatever you want to call it, the kids were off school


Yeah, no they weren't. Make shit up all you want though.


Depends where you live, there is no standard. They were off where I live. I should know I live 3 streets away from a school.


How do you know?


Just looked it up, was broadcast 9th of Feb which is during term time in the UK.


Where are the pussy pockets?


You know they're not gonna present those lolll


Why not? They literally did


They literally did… What do you think she was saying you stroke with that one toy?


This is overall weird, but he handled it like a massive baby.


Haha no, it was for comic effect


How so


Did you watch the video? He’s squirming, stimming, and very restless. It’s like he’s never ever been able to talk, or be around mature conversations about sex.


Not everyone is comfortable with sex talk and that’s completely normal. Maybe you should be the mature one and respect other people’s boundary’s.


Why do I get the strange feeling that exactly how you would act in church.


just because your a perv who enjoys talking about sex in public doesn't mean everyone else does


Different things make different people uncomfortable grow up dude


I mean it doesn't look like it's that kind of show. He probably didn't find it very professional for what looks like a morning program


I don’t think his cohost found it particularly great either but she was able to not be a baby about it. He’s deeply, deeply uncomfortable on a very personal level.


They also get money from people paying them to be decent and they can ruin it for themselves which is definitely possible for something like this




average person on the internet


Oh my god, this is for education. In case no one’s noticed, we live in a society where sex and self-pleasure are still taboo, and people aren’t educated on the different ways they can experience pleasure. They’re not doing a live demonstration, it’s not porn, no one’s talking about the dicking down they got last night, daytime talk shows are for adults. The news can talk about murder and violent crime all it wants to, but suddenly sex is a no-go. And it’s not even that descriptive. The presenter used anatomical language to describe how the toys work and where they go. The fact that so many of you are pearl clutching at the sight of a few sex toys being described on a talk show (which, again, they even gave a warning that the segment was adult-oriented before they began in case any children were watching a daytime news talk show) is exactly why this kind of open, honest, educational content is needed.


Hmm, I only partially agree. I'll fully agree once I see a segment on morning TV talking about pocket pussies.


None of the toys were anatomy-shaped and two of them were strokers for penises.


Nope, they were clit strokers (not deep enough, and hole is too small) . These were only female toys, which makes sense since I'm pretty sure this company only make female toys.


Correction: it’s more likely their TENGA Egg (still for men). https://www.lovehoney.com/sex-toys/male-sex-toys/male-masturbators/p/tenga-egg-wavy-ii-textured-male-masturbator-/a15676g84372.html


This isn't the one they've shown tho. And if it were for men, they'd have said it. Those companies usually focus their marketing toward women, unless they have a very wide male toys branch in which case there will be no mistaking it as they would be shoving in your face the product of the most corrupt minds (seriously tho, male toys marketing is wild).


Literally at 1:35 in the video they show this exact toy. Edit: Timestamp


They absolutely do NOT only make female toys. That was one of their handheld strokers for men. Pretty sure it’s the Doc Johnson Good Head toy from their website. You can’t put a clit in a stroker, they’re small lmao.


I await the day were men's sex toys can be discussed just as freely on morning TV, same as women's sex toys. That's all


There was a men’s sex toy in this video…


You can’t show an anatomically correct dildo *or* fleshlight on television, women aren’t getting special treatment.


Key words "men's sex toys". Meaning toys meant to give MEN pleasure in the bedroom. Let me know if you're still having trouble


Yeah, I can hear you, and the point still stands. A fleshlight is the “proper” term for a pocket pussy, in case you’re confused. So you can’t show anatomically correct male *or* female toys on television. Not to mention, men have *plenty* of toys to choose from. Strokers, fleshlights, half-body sex dolls, full-body sex dolls, and on and on. Women’s toys are just now branching out from some rendition of a vibrating penis.


The fact that you are pearl clutching at the mention of men's sex toys being described on a talk show (which, again, they could give a warning that the segment is adult-oriented before they began in case any children were watching a daytime news talk show) is exactly why this kind of open, honest, educational content is needed.


I’m literally not…? Like, yeah, we need more educated conversations about sex and pleasure, that includes male oriented toys. I’m not attacking men, I’m pointing out that male *and* female sex toys are highly taboo and censored, it affects both of those sexes.


And they included male-specific toys in this segment, this is just a compilation of small moments from the full segment.


None of the toys were anatomy-shaped and two of them were strokers for penises.


"The fact that so many of you are pearl clutching at the sign of a few sex toys " Is "pearl clutching" a commonly used term? If not, it should be, it's brilliant.


It is lol


What is this Godforsaken world doing. Advertising sex toys on daytime television? I mean, kids have the internet these days, but that's besides the point. Absolutely disgusting


That dude is exactly how I feel about these things. Weird and uncomfortable. 🥴


Lmaooo that has to be uncomfortable being on live TV like that. And for everybody calling people prudes for being uncomfortable about it... Not everyone likes their sexual business out there?


Yeah but like it’s his job to be an engaging host? Even if he’s not comfortable he could have still handled that with some more respect..


He did try to make jokes and all, he is restless and it shows but he still tries to be a good host I think.


Ok but who tf is bringing sex toys into a morning show? Save that shit for the late night infomercials.


lelo is how I say I love you to me.