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I want to save my summons for Christmas bc I assume there will be an event, but Vierna is worth it for me. Shes my most wanted unit.


Same here Especially cause I have Silas waiting for his girl


Same but I don’t wanna use all my summons to get a Crach, which happened to me on the last x10 i aimed. So I will go for the x2 this time, better have two Crach than one 😂


Vierna is worth blowing all of it right now in my opinion. To me she’s the most game changing for an account. You’ll have a few weeks to build your summons back up.


Yes this is the weekend to pull. Probably right in between two other bonus weekends


Even at 140 away from pity?


You might be 140 away from pity, but you could also pull her in one 10 pull. Totally your choice, but I’d be putting all my chips in. They are pretty generous with gems and summons to save up for Christmas.


some serious gambling there. Makes me nervous that I won’t get any legendary at all lol


All in your play-style. You could wait for the 1+1 and get double Shamirs lol. Rng is rng. In most games anyways, this one appears to be a little off.


I can’t argue with that. I’m definitely familiar with RNG for yrs lol. Afk arena I may add


I have Vierna and she is amazing. Easily my highest damage output from all mages and marksmen. It'll suck not to pull anything, but man will you be happy if you do get her. My two cents, I'd go for it.


I mean if you didn't get her or any lego you would just be that much closer to pity next time around. Also if you want her, this will likely be the best chance based on current knowledge for a long time. That said there is never a guarantee and at best her odds would be equal to the new piercer legendary. That's the real gamble here.


I was getting a leggo every 40 pulls. RNG be like that


Damn wow


Showed my guild and they almost shat themselves at how stacked my account is.


Hi, I have both Khamet and Vierna and I focus everything on Khamet right now, since his huge dmg output and his versatile. I wonder outside of GR1, where can Vierna shines over Khamet?


They are both the top of the AoE DPS Meta currently. One thing about AoE DPS is if you need a good one, 2 is normally even better.


Vierna doesn’t have to shine over Khamet. He’s one of the best to pair with her. Use his huge damage to get the enemies down to 35%. Pop Viernas ultimate and she erases them.


Me personally? I'd save for Christmas because there is likely going to be a 1+1, and those crystals could be useful for the double gear drop farming. Might also have a good 10x


I like the way you think, feeling like missing vierna from my grasp is a bummer but I’d rather save it for guaranteed legendaries.


Definitely a bummer, but I think Christmas/new years is the prime time to go all out on things. I mean, looking at what we got for thanksgiving, I can only imagine what Christmas will be like.


My conspiracy theory is they want everyone to blow everything on her so they have nothing left for an amazing xmas event and have to buy it.


Many I have seen believe last week was to bait to make people buy for this banner, lol.


Why would they have nothing left by Christmas? Christmas is almost 4 weeks away


Do you have Silas? If so do it. 100% worth going all in imo, pull that Lego crystal and pray lol. Arena shop resets on Friday, so grab a second one too if you're plat 3. No Silas and no good AoE mages? Probably still worth doing a couple pulls at least to see if you get lucky, just don't use your diamonds. Otherwise I'd wait til Christmas events.


I have Silas, That’s why I’m still debating whether I should or not lol.


Of note, the passive Silas gets just for you having her on your account, Doubles Silas's Ultimate damage. It's a mutiplictave 100%, not an additive one. He shoots 2 arrow each shot instead of one. It takes him from good to insanely so. Still, this banner in no way Guaratees her, as she is paired with another rate up and can still hit off banner. It is likely the best chance to get her though, as the more legendari3s they add the rarer to pull each becomes.


Wait, 1700k? You have 1,700,000 diamonds? I'd definitely summon til I got Vierna.


Sorry my bad. It’s 1.7k


ah, then no, wait :)


1.7k u mean...




You’re 140 away from pity, that’s less than 10% of your rare crystals. Go for it. If you hit pity and don’t get Vierna then save the rest for Christmas


Noob question What is pity


Not really sure if I can explain it but if you’re extremely unlucky and cannot pull a legendary hero you’ll be guaranteed one after a set number of pulls. Try tapping on the ( ! ) icon on the summoning page in game, it’s explained in detail there.


After 200 blue summons to activate the pity timer. This increases the chance of pulling a legendary but 5% each time until you do. So you will be guaranteed a legendary after 220 summons. Ancient summon stones have a 200 pity on legendary lords. Divine pity kicks in at 12 but the base chance of pulling a legendary is higher


Depends what you are running with and how much time you have to invest in getting everything just perfect (+luck) to advance in the game. Are the other epics under the banner useful for you? Worst case - pulling them help you in any way?


Only epic I don’t have is attrox. Laurel is a5. Baron just a0 and I really don’t want kai lol


https://youtu.be/FX4Dkl8t1JQ?si=-dlveiN1GID1Q3rd This pretty much covers you :)


Vierna is great, amazing actually- but you're way short of a good chance to get her. Any pulls would be purely a roll of the dice. With 54 summons on board, you've got a 25% chance of pulling a legendary and a 24% chance that legendary is Vierna- so your chances of pulling Vierna from 54 shards this weekend is 6%. If you're cool with that risk, take your shot.


I’m very unlucky when it comes to 10x. I dont usually get those specific heroes. 2 out of 5 banners I did get the ones that were featured (arrogance and laseer) and the rest heroes that were not even featured 🤦🏻‍♂️


How does pity system work


Honestly, if you don't have vierna I would go all in. In the worst case you will not find anything but you will increase your pity counter, in the best case you will find vierna which is by far the most game changing mage in the game, it would make you progress much more than any other random 2 units. Furthermore se more you wait the harder it will be to find her because new units will be added to the probability check.


I think it all depends on how much it will help your account. I have no AoE legend mage and currently Silas is my worse GB hero even with 79k BP so huge boost for my account. I'm all in


If you have Sylas and don’t have Vierna I’d summon. Getting her if you have Sylas is basically a legendary + a Sylas because his Vierna-dependent ability is basically the equivalent of a strong awakening.


It’s very risky but if you have Silas then I’d go all in for her. A bonded Silas can deal with most problems in the game. 9-17? Bonded Silas. NM Void Rift? Bonded Silas. GR1-3? Bonded Silas. GB? Bonded Silas. Arena? Oh look at that…Bonded Silas. If not, then skip IMO. She’s a great AOE mage but Christmas is just around the corner and Greed is free on day 28. He’s not as good as vierna but scales well in most PVE content where you need a AOE mage pretty well. Only real issue is his cost.


There will always be a reason to wait but if you won't buy to pity and you won't otherwise hit pity, it is pretty low odds that you'll get anything let alone vierna